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Publications ~ A. Kallel Thursday, October 24th 2024, 12:09

Publications of A. Kallel

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1 - ant colony optimization for image regularization based on a non-stationary Markov modeling.
S. Le Hegarat-Mascle and A. Kallel and X. Descombes. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 16(3): pages 865-878, March 2007.
Keywords : Markov Random Fields, Ants colonization.

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2 Conference articles
1 - Use of ant colony optimization for finding neighbourhoods in non-stationary Markov random field models.
S. Le Hegarat-Mascle and A. Kallel and X. Descombes. In Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI'07), 2007.
Keywords : Ants colonization, Markov Random Fields.
2 - Application of ant colony optimization to image classification using a Markov model withnonstationary neighborhoods.
S. Le Hegarat-Mascle and A. Kallel and X. Descombes. In Proc. SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing, Vol. 5982, Bruges, Belgium, September 2005.

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