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Publications ~ Andre Jalobeanu Saturday, July 27th 2024, 01:53

Publications of Andre Jalobeanu

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4 Collection articles or Books chapters
2 - Deconvolution aveugle d'une image.
L. Blanc-Féraud and Mugnier L. and A. Jalobeanu. In Problemes inverses en imagerie et en vision, pages 107-132, series Tr. IC2, Ed. Ali Mohammad-Djafari, Publ. Ed. Hermes, 2009.
Copyright : Ed. Hermes
3 - Bayesian estimation of blur and noise in remote sensing imaging.
A. Jalobeanu and J. Zerubia and L. Blanc-Féraud. In Blind image deconvolution: theory and applications, Ed. P. Campisi and K. Egiazarian, Publ. CRC Press, 2007.
4 - Markov random fields in image processing, application to remote sensing and astrophysics.
J. Zerubia and A. Jalobeanu and Z. Kato. In Journal de Physique, EDP Sciences, Vol. IV (12), 2002.
Keywords : Markov Fields, Satellite images, Astrophysics.

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