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Publications ~ Xavier Descombes Monday, February 10th 2025, 00:13

Publications of Xavier Descombes

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44 Articles
21 - Automatic building 3D reconstruction from DEMs.
F. Lafarge and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia and M. Pierrot-Deseilligny. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (SFPT), 184: pages 48--53, 2006.
Keywords : 3D-reconstruction, Digital Elevation Model, Building extraction, dense urban areas.
22 - Point Processes for Unsupervised Line Network Extraction in Remote Sensing.
C. Lacoste and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(10): pages 1568-1579, October 2005.
23 - Modèle Paramétrique pour la Reconstruction Automatique en 3D de Zones Urbaines Denses à partir d'Images Satellitaires Haute Résolution.
F. Lafarge and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia and M. Pierrot-Deseilligny. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (SFPT), 180: pages 4--12, 2005.
Keywords : 3D reconstruction, Urban areas, Bayesian approach, MCMC, Satellite images.
Copyright : SFPT
24 - Applications of Gibbs fields methods to image processing problems.
X. Descombes and E. Zhizhina. Problems of Information Transmission, 40(3): pages 108--125, September 2004.
Note : in Russian
25 - Applications of Gibbs fields methods to image processing problems.
X. Descombes and E. Zhizhina. Problems of Information Transmission, 40(3): pages 279-295, September 2004.
Note : in English
26 - An object based approach for detecting smallbrain lesions: application to Virchow-Robin spaces.
X. Descombes and F. Kruggel and G. Wollny and H.J. Gertz. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 23(2): pages 246--255, February 2004.
27 - A Gibbs point process for road extraction in remotely sensed images.
R. Stoica and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. International Journal of Computer Vision, 57(2): pages 121--136, 2004.
28 - Texture Feature Analysis Using a Gauss-Markov Model in Hyperspectral Image Classification.
G. Rellier and X. Descombes and F. Falzon and J. Zerubia. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42(7): pages 1543--1551, 2004.
29 - Extraction automatique de caricatures de bâtiments a partir de modeles numeriques d'elevation par utilisation de processus ponctuels spatiaux.
M. Ortner and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Bulletin de la Société Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, 173-174: pages 83--92, 2004.
30 - A Multiresolution Approach for Shape from Shading Coupling Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization.
A. Crouzil and X. Descombes and J.D. Durou. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis ans Machine Intelligence, 25(11): pages 1416--1421, November 2003.
Note : Special section on `Energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition'

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