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Publications ~ year 2005 Thursday, October 24th 2024, 12:08

Publications of 2005

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9 Articles
1 - Detecting codimension-two objects in an image with Ginzburg-Landau models.
G. Aubert and J.F. Aujol and L. Blanc-Féraud. International Journal of Computer Vision, 65(1-2): pages 29-42, November 2005.
Keywords : Ginzburg-Landau model, Point Detection, Segmentation, PDE, Biological images, SAR Images.
2 - Point Processes for Unsupervised Line Network Extraction in Remote Sensing.
C. Lacoste and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 27(10): pages 1568-1579, October 2005.
3 - Supervised Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images Based on a Tree-Structure MRF Model.
G. Poggi and G. Scarpa and J. Zerubia. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(8): pages 1901-1911, August 2005.
Keywords : Classification, Segmentation, Markov Fields.
4 - Dual Norms and Image Decomposition Models.
J.F. Aujol and A. Chambolle. International Journal of Computer Vision, 63(1): pages 85-104, June 2005.
Keywords : Image decomposition.
5 - Invariant Bayesian estimation on manifolds.
I. H. Jermyn. Annals of Statistics, 33(2): pages 583--605, April 2005.
Keywords : Bayesian estimation, MAP, MMSE, Invariant, Metric, Jeffrey's.
6 - Modeling very Oscillating Signals. Application to Image Processing.
G. Aubert and J.F. Aujol. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 51(2): pages 163--182, March 2005.
7 - Optimal Partitions, Regularized Solutions, and Application to Image Classification.
G. Aubert and J.F. Aujol. Applicable Analysis, 84(1): pages 15--35, January 2005.
8 - Image Decomposition into a Bounded Variation Component and an Oscillating Component.
J.F. Aujol and G. Aubert and L. Blanc-Féraud and A. Chambolle. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 22(1): pages 71--88, January 2005.
9 - Modèle Paramétrique pour la Reconstruction Automatique en 3D de Zones Urbaines Denses à partir d'Images Satellitaires Haute Résolution.
F. Lafarge and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia and M. Pierrot-Deseilligny. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (SFPT), 180: pages 4--12, 2005.
Keywords : 3D reconstruction, Urban areas, Bayesian approach, MCMC, Satellite images.
Copyright : SFPT

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2 PhD Thesis and Habilitations
1 - Constance de largeur et désocclusion dans les images digitales.
E. Villéger. PhD Thesis, Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, December 2005.

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