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Publications ~ year 2003 Saturday, July 27th 2024, 01:59

Publications of 2003

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13 Technical and Research Reports
9 - Improved RJMCMC Point Process Sampler for Object Detection by Simulated Annealing.
M. Ortner and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Research Report 4900, INRIA, France, August 2003.
Keywords : Buildings, Object extraction, RJMCMC, Marked point process.
10 - Modeling very Oscillating Signals : Application to Image Processing.
G. Aubert and J.F. Aujol. Research Report 4878, INRIA, France, July 2003.
Keywords : Bounded Variation Space, Sobolev space, Image decomposition, Optimization, Partial differential equation.
11 - Image Denoising using Stochastic Differential Equations.
X. Descombes and E. Zhizhina. Research Report 4814, INRIA, France, May 2003.
Keywords : Denoising.
12 - The Methodology and Practice of the Evaluation of Image Retrieval Systems and Segmentation Methods.
I. H. Jermyn and C. Shaffrey and N. Kingsbury. Research Report 4761, INRIA, France, March 2003.
Keywords : Image database, Segmentation, Semantic.
13 - Image Decomposition : Application to Textured Images and SAR Images.
J.F. Aujol and G. Aubert and L. Blanc-Féraud and A. Chambolle. Research Report 4704, INRIA, France, January 2003.
Keywords : Total variation, Bounded Variation Space, Texture, Classification, Restoration, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).

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1 - Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
A. Rangarajan and M. Figueiredo and J. Zerubia. Publ. Springer Verlag, (LNCS 2683), July 2003.

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