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Publications ~ year 2003 Thursday, October 24th 2024, 12:09

Publications of 2003

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22 Conference articles
21 - Classification d'images par approche variationnelle.
L. Blanc-Féraud. In Workshop on Vision, Image, and Agriculture, Dijon, January 2003.
Note : Invited talk.
22 - Building Extraction from Digital Elevation Model..
M. Ortner and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Honk Kong, 2003.

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13 Technical and Research Reports
1 - Contours Actifs d'Ordre Supérieur Appliqués à la Détection de Linéiques dans des Images de Télédétection.
M. Rochery and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. Research Report 5063, INRIA, France, December 2003.
Keywords : Line networks, Active contour, Deformable models, Object extraction.
2 - A Multiresolution Approach for Shape from Shading Coupling Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization.
A. Crouzil and X. Descombes and J.D. Durou. Research Report 5006, INRIA, France, December 2003.
Keywords : Shape from shading, Simulated Annealing, Optimization, Multiresolution.
3 - A Binary Tree-Structured MRF Model for Multispectral Satellite Image Segmentation.
G. Scarpa and G. Poggi and J. Zerubia. Research Report 5062, INRIA, France, December 2003.
Keywords : Bayesian estimation, Classification, Markov Fields, Hierarchical models.
4 - Flattening of 3D Data.
R. Acar and B.W. Seales. Research Report 5048, INRIA, France, December 2003.
Keywords : Digital conservation, Document analysis, Restoration.
5 - Extraction de Houppiers par Processus Objet.
G. Perrin and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Research Report 5037, INRIA, France, December 2003.
Keywords : Object extraction, Tree Crown Extraction, Stochastic geometry, Marked point process, RJMCMC.
6 - Texture-adaptive mother wavelet selection for texture analysis.
G.C.K. Abhayaratne and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. Research Report, INRIA, France, December 2003.
7 - A Probabilistic Framework for Adaptive Texture Description.
K. Brady and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. Research Report 4920, INRIA, France, September 2003.
Keywords : Segmentation, Texture, Wavelet packet.
8 - Automatic 3D Land Register Extraction from Altimetric Data in Dense Urban Areas.
M. Ortner and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia. Research Report 4919, INRIA, France, September 2003.
Keywords : Object extraction, Buildings, RJMCMC, Stochastic geometry, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Marked point process.

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