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The team ~ Pierre Gernez Wednesday, February 12th 2025, 05:05

Pierre Gernez

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Former Master Student, CPE

motcle Keywords : Stochastic Geometry, MCMC, Object extraction, Filament network

plus Contact :

Mail :PierredotGernezatinriadotfr
Phone : (33)4-92-38-75-66
Fax :(33)4-92-38-76-43
Postal adress :INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004, route des Lucioles
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex

plus Abstract :

One can roughly picture the cosmos as a gas of galaxies, freely distributed and isotropically moving. Yet astronomical observations have shown that this repartition is not so homogeneous. Galaxies cluster in long structures, called filaments, and leave between those filaments huge voids. The filaments, which only represents 10% of the universe, are organized in a complicated three dimensional spider-like network. The goal of my internship is to extract this filament network from astronomical catalogues of galaxies. The extraction method relies on the Quality Candy model, previously developed by the Ariana team for the road extraction in remote sensed images. Here is a link to a presentation (in French) of the Quality Candy :

plus Last publications in Ariana Research Group :
Galaxy filament detection using the Quality candy model.
P. Gernez and X. Descombes and J. Zerubia and E. Slezak and A. Bijaoui. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2006.
Keywords : Marked point process, Quality Candy model, Galaxy Filaments.
publis All publications in Ariana Research Group
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