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Alexis Baudour

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Former PhD Student, ENS Cachan

motcle Keyword : Variational methods

plus Contact :

Mail :AlexisdotBaudouratinriadotfr
Phone :(33)4-92-38-78-68
Fax :(33)4-92-38-76-43
Postal adress :INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004, route des Lucioles
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex

plus Abstract :

My work currently deals with filament spotting in skeletons of cells. I inspire from Ginzburg-Landeau's models (used in physics) for detecting singularities which codimension is higher than two (or equal) in an image. The filaments are the 0 level set of a complex-valued function defined on the 3-D space which minimizes the energy derived from the Ginzburg-Landeau's model. I use variational methods to find this minimum.

plus Last publications in Ariana Research Group :
Detection and tracking of threats in aerial infrared images by a minimal path approach.
G. Aubert and A. Baudour and L. Blanc-Féraud and L. Guillot and Y. Le Guilloux. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, Texas, USA, March 2010.
Détection de Filaments dans des images 2D et 3D; modélisation, étude mathématique et algorithmes..
A. Baudour. PhD Thesis, Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, May 2009.
Keywords : imagerie 3D, Segmentation, filaments, Deconvolution, Variational methods, mocroscopie confocale.
Détection et Complétion de Filaments: une approche variationelle et vectorielle.
A. Baudour and G. Aubert and L. Blanc-Féraud. In Colloque Gretsi Troyes, 2007, 2007.
publis All publications in Ariana Research Group
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