Franz Leberl
Former Visitor, Graz Univ. of Technology
Keywords : Object extraction, Building / Urban areas, 3D Reconstruction
Contact :
Mail : | | Leberlaticgdottugrazdotat | Phone : | | (43)664-390-6995 | Fax : | | (33)4-92-38-76-43 | Postal adress : | | INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004, route des Lucioles
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
France | Webpage : | | visit ! |

| Abstract :
Aerial and satellite images have dominated my entire professional life, and recently these have been augmented by images taken by hand from the street level and indoors. My interest has always been to reconstruct the shape of objects from overlapping digital images, be they created by radar signals, by medical scanners or by optical cameras looking at the real world or at documents of that real world. Computer vision has made it possible to abandon the paradigm of the stereo image pair and replace it with the multi-view paradigm. While initially this has been widely accepted, as an idea, for a geometric reconstruction, it has yet to come to life in real-life implementations, and it also has to become a standard in the interpretation, thus semantic analysis of image stacks.
The “Exabyte 3D world model” is my new ambition, but not in the form of a colored point cloud of the 3D Earth surface, but as a semantically interpreted computer model of the human habitat. To create such an enormous Exabyte data set and subsequently keep that data set current, highly automated, reliable, robust algorithms are needed that can be applied to vast stacks of highly redundant, thus multi-view assemblies of aerial, street-side and indoor imagery.
Short Bio :
Since 1992: Professor of Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz Univ. of Technology, Founder and Director of the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision.
2008: Dean of Computer Science, Graz Univ. of Technology.
2006-2007: Director and Evangelist of the Virtual Earth Business Unit at Microsoft Corporation (USA)
1985-2006: Founder and shareholder of Vexcel Corporation (USA) and of Vexcel Imaging GmbH (Austria). Exit in 2006 by a sale of the companies to Microsoft.
1996-1998: CEO of the Austrian Research Centers, Vienna.
1974-1985: Fulltime and later part-time employee, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena California.
1976-1984: Professor of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Graz University of Technology
1976: Habilitation, Graz University of Technology.
1972: Dr. Applied Science, Vienna Univ. of Technology.
1969-1974: Staff at International Institute for Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation (Netherlands).
1963-1967: Diploma in Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Vienna Univ. of Technology. |