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Th. Despeyroux and B. Trousse. Maintaining Web Sites. In Proceedings of WebNet '01, Orlando, USA, October, 2001. (Published by the AACE) [slides]

D. Tanasa and B. Trousse. Web Access pattern Discovery and Analysis based on Page Classification and on Indexing Sessions with a Generalised Index Tree In Proceedings of SYNASC'01, Timisoara, Romania, October, 2001.

P. Carrique, S. Gaieb and B. Trousse. Project e-Behaviour: spécifications de la platforme de l'expérimentation, Technical Repport Colors/e-Behaviour Version 1 , September 2001

Th. Despeyroux and B. Trousse. Web Sites and Semantics. In Proceedings of HYPERTEXT '01, The twelfth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, pages 239-240, Aarhus, Danemark, August, 2001. (Will be available under ACM copyright in the ACM Digital Library)

M. S. Gaieb. Modèle et langage pour la spécification d'architectures basées sur les bus logiciels à messages. Doctorat Thesis of the University of Sophia-Antipolis (in french), July, 2001. [ps.gz]

D. Tanasa. Analyse et réutilisations de séquences temporelles. Application aux comportements d'internautes. Internship report,  ESSI and INRIA project, 24 pages, July 2001

F. Dosser and L. Perrimond. Aide à la navigation sur le Web pour un groupe d'utilisateurs. Internship report,  ESSI and INRIA project, 25 pages, April 2001

G. Dodinet and C. Sempé. Analyse de l'usage d'un site Web en termes de sessions et de rubriques. Internship report, ESSI and INRIA project, 22 pages, April 2001


A. Benedek. Analysis of Different Memory Indexing Models for Case-Based Reasoning, particularly the Artificial Neural Network-based Approach. Master thesis in AI, West University of Timisoara (Romania), University of Nice and Action AID - Inria sophia Antipolis, 61 pages, november 2000.

M.S. Gaieb. Reactive Object language. In Actes des Journées des jeunes Chercheurs en Système (JCS 2000), Juin 2000. [ ps]

T. Despeyroux and B. Trousse. Semantic Verification of Web Sites Using Natural Semantics. In RIAO 2000, 6th Conference on "Content-Based Multimedia Information Access", College de France, Paris, France, April 12-14, 2000. [ps]

A. Rai. A Study of software Engineering Approaches for Semantic Analysis and verification of Web Sites. Internship Report, Action AID, 63 pages, november 2000.

L. Rineau. Etude des aspects dynamiques des sites Web du point de vue genie logiciel. Memoire de stage 2 eme annee, ENS rue Ulm, Paris et Action AID (INRIA-Sophia Antipolis), 65 pages, septembre 2000.

B. Trousse & A. Giboin. Supporting Viewpoint-Based Argumentation in Cooperative Design. In Cooperative Models Based on Argumentation in problem Solving workshop of the 4th Int. Conf. on the Design of Coop. Syst. (COOP'2000), Sophia-Antipolis, France, May 23-26, 2000.

B. Trousse. Evaluation of the Prediction Capability of a User behaviour Mining Approach for Adapative Web Sites. In RIAO 2000, 6th Conference on "Content-Based Multimedia Information Access", College de France, Paris, France, April 12-14, 2000. [ps]

P. Bertrand. Set systems and dissimilarities. European Journal Combinatorics, 21:727-743, 2000.

G. Hébrail and Y. Lechevallier. Db2so : A software for building symbolic objects from databases. In H.A.L. Kiers, J-P. Rasson, P.J.F. Groenen, and M. Schader, editors, Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods, pages 395-400, Namur, july 2000. Springer

R. Verde, F. A. T. De Carvalho, and Y. Lechevallier. A dynamical clustering for multi-nominal data. In H.A.L. Kiers, J-P. Rasson, P.J.F. Groenen, and M. Schader, editors, Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods, pages 387-394, Namur, juillet 2000. Springer.


H. Cherfi, Analyse et représentation des aspects sémantiques pour l'aide à la conception et la vérification de sites web, Mémoire de DEA Intelligence artificielle commun à l'Université de Paris-8 Vincennes-St Denis et l'Université de Paris XIII (LIPN) et Action AID (INRIA-Sophia Antipolis), 60 pages, 1999.

M. Jaczynski, B. Trousse, Design Patterns for an Object-Oriented Framework for Case-Based Reasoning. L'Objet, special issue on design pattern, 25 pages, Hermes, 1999. In French.

R. Kanawati, M. Jaczynski, B. Trousse, J-M. Andreoli, Applying the Broadway Recommandation Computation Approach for Implementing a Query Refinement Service in the CBKB Meta-search Engine Conférence française sur le raisonnement à partir de cas (RàPC'99), Palaiseau, France, juin, 1999.

F. Martineau, Evaluation de l'approche Broadway, pour la prédiction des comportements Utilisateur sur le Web. Application au site MusicMachine, Mémoire de stage de DESS Compétence Complémentaire en informatique de l'université Aix-marseille II, Luminy et Action AID (INRIA-Sophia Antipolis), 52 pages,1999.

B. Trousse, Similarité de comportements utilisateurs pour le calcul de recommandations personnalisées. Illustrations pour l'aide a la recherche d'informations sur le web, Poster [abstract] présenté à l'Atelier Internet (ENS rue d'Ulm), 3-4 decembre, 1999.

B. Trousse, M. Jaczynski, R. Kanawati, Une approche fondée sur le raisonnement à partir de cas pour l'aide à la navigation dans un hypermédia, In proceedings of Hypertexte & Hypermedia : Products, Tools and Methods (H2PTM'99), Paris, 1999.

B. Trousse, M. Jaczynski, R. Kanawati, Using User Behavior Similarity for Recommandation Computation : The Broadway Approach, In proceedings of 8th international conference on human computer interaction (HCI'99), Munich, August, 1999. [slides]

B. Trousse, R. Kanawati, Broadway : a recommendation computation approach based on user behaviour similarity Presentation (abstract) during the meeting on Advanced Web-based Services (ACM/SIGOPS + CNAM), Paris, 7 may 1999. [slides]

S. VanDerHoeven, Implementation of the LxS algorithm from the article "Predicting Event sequences data Mining For prefetching Web-Pages" T. Aumann, O. Etzioni, R. Feldman, M. Perkowitz and T. Shmiel}, Document Action AID (INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, 14 pages, 1999.

B. Trousse. Présentation des travaux de recherche relatifs à l'IA et Internet de l'action AID, juillet 1999. In Dossier IA et Internet - S. Stinckich - Bulletin de l'AFIA - numero 38.

B. Trousse. Similarité de comportements utilisateurs pour le calcul de recommandations personnalisées. Illustrations pour l'aide à la recherche d'informations sur le web, 1999. Poster à l'Atelier Internet (ENS rue d'Ulm), 3-4 décembre.


M. Jaczynski. Scheme and Object-Oriented Framework for case Indexing By Behavioural Situations : Application in Assisted Web Browsing. Doctorat Thesis of the University of Sophia-Antipolis (in french),december, 1998.

C. Branki, N. Karacapilidis (guest editors) and B. Trousse. Special issue on Computer-Supported Cooperative Design, International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology, T. Orel and T. Trousse (editors), 6(2), 127 pages, 1998,

D. Galarreta, P-J. Charrel, T. Orel. B. Orel, R. Rothenburger, B. Trousse et C. Vogel. Study of Dynamic Viewpoints in Satellite Design. In Proceedings of 9th Symposium on Information control in Manufacturing (INFAC-INCOM'98), 24-26 juin, nancy-Metz (france), volume 3 pages 204-208. [slides]

M. Jaczynski and B. Trousse. Broadway, a Case-Based Browsing Advisor for the Web or How to Support Browsing on the Web by Reusing Past Navigations of a Group of Users. In Research and Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries, Second European Conference on Digital Libraries 98 , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1513, pages 697-698, 1998.

M. Jaczynski and B. Trousse. WWW Assisted Browsing by Reusing Past Navigations of a Group of Users. In Advanced in Case-based Reaosning, 4th European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning , Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1488, pages 160-171, 1998. [pdf] [ps.Z] [slides]

R. Kanawati, COLT, Yet Another Collaborative Environment, In proceedings of the 3ed international conference on the design of cooperative systems (Coop'98), Cannes, Mai, 1998. (Short paper).

M. Jaczynski and B. Trousse. An Object-Oriented Framework for the Design and the Implementation of Case-Based Reasoners. In Proceedings of the 6th German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning , Berlin, Mars 6-7, 1998. [] [ps.Z] [html] [slides]

M. Oussalah and B. Trousse (geust editors). Special issue Les representations par objets en conception, Revue L'Objet, B. Meyer, J-M Nerson and J-C Royer (editors), 226 pages, 4(2), juin 1998, Hermes.

B. Trousse and K. Zreik (guest editor). Objets en conception, Journal of Design Sciences and Technology, T. Orel and T. Trousse (editors), 6(1), 115 pages, 1998,

B. Trousse, M. Jaczynski and R. Kanawati. Towards a Framework for Building Collaborative Information Searching Systems. In Research and Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries, Second European Conference on Digital Libraries 98 , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1513, pages 659-660, 1998.

B. Trousse. Viewpoint Management for Cooperative design. In Proceedings of the the IEEE Computational Engineering in Systems Applications (CESA'98), Nabeul-Hammamet, Tunisia, April 1998, to appear. [ps]

A. Chouakria. Extension des méthodes d'analyse factorielle à des données de type intervalle. PhD thesis, Université Paris IX-Dauphine, septembre 1998.

G. Bel Mufti. Validation d'une classe par estimation de sa stabilité. PhD thesis, Université Paris IX-Dauphine, octobre 1998.

V. Stephan. Construction d'objets symboliques par synthése des résultats de requêtes SQL. PhD thesis, Université Paris IX-Dauphine, janvier 1998.

M. Jaczynski. A Framework for the Management of Past Experiences with Time-Extended Situations. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'97), pp. 32-39, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, November 10-14, 1997. [] [ps.Z]

M. Jaczynski and B. Trousse. BROADWAY : A World Wide Web Browsing Advisor Reusing Past Navigations from a Group of Users. In Proceedings of the Third UK Case-Based Reasoning Workshop (UKCBR3), Manchester, UK, September 9, 1997. [] [ps.Z] [html] [Slides]

M. Jaczynski and B. Trousse, CBR*Tools : An Object Oriented Library For Indexing Cases with Behavioural Situation, INRIA Research Report 3215, July 1997 (in French) [] [ps.Z]

N.I. Karacapilidis, B. Trousse and D. Papadias, Using Case-Based Reasoning for Argumentation with Multiple Viewpoints, in D. Leake & E. Plaza (eds.) Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR-97), Providence, Rhode Island, July 25-27, 1997, Lecture Notes in AI 1266, pp. 541-552, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

N.I. Karacapilidis and D. Papadias, A Group Decision and Negotiation Support System for Argumentation Based Reasoning, in Gr. Antoniou & M. Truszczynski (eds) Learning and Reasoning with Complex Representations, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Lecture Notes in AI, to appear.

N.I. Karacapilidis and B. Trousse, Computer-Supported Argumentation for Cooperative Design on the World-Wide Web, in P. Siriruchatapong, Z. Lin & J.P. barthes (eds), Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on CSCW in Design (CSCWD'97), Bangkok, Thailand, November 26-28, 1997, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, pp 96-103.

B. Trousse, Vers des outils d'aide à la conception coopérative: " Design Groupware", in "Connaissances et savoir-faire en entreprise - Intégration et capitalisation", JM Fouet (ed), Hermes, Paris, Chapter 17, pp. 317-341. (in french)

B. Trousse, Objets et CAO, in Ingénierie objet, Concepts et techniques, Chabane Oussalah et al. (eds), InterEditions, Masson, Paris, Chapter 9, pp. 315-338. (in french)

J. Quinqueton, MC Thomas, B. Trousse (coordonnateurs), 5 emes Actes des journées francophones en Intelligence Artificielle et systèmes Multi-Agents, JFIADSMA97, 2-4 Avril, La Colle sur Loup, Hermès, 1997. (in french)

M. Chavent, Analyse des données symboliques. Une méthode divisive de classification. Doctorat Thesis of the University of Paris Dauphine, Paris IX, 1997. (in french)

A. Ciampi and Y. Lechevallier. Neural networks and statistical models. Communications in statistics, Theory and Methods, 1997

A. Ciampi and Y. Lechevallier. Clustering large, multi-level data sets : An approach based on Kohonen self organizing maps. In D.A. Zighed, J. Komorowski, and J. Zytkow, editors, Principles of data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, pages 223-228, Lyon, septembre 2000. Springer

O. Gascuel, B. Bochon-Meunier, G. Caraux, Y. Lechevallier, and al.  Supervised classification, a comparison of twelve numerical, symbolic and hybrid methods. International Joural of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 1997.

S. Thiria, Y. Lechevallier, O. Gascuel, and S. Canu, editors.  Statistique et méthodes neuronales. Dunod, 1997.

A. Napoli, A. Mille, M. Jaczynski, B. Trousse, and al.  Aspects du raisonnement à partir de cas. In S. Pesty and P. Siegel, editors, Actes des 6 émes journées nationales PRC-GDR Intelligence Artificielle, pages 261-288. Hermes, Paris, mars, Grenoble 1997


B. Trousse and H.C. Christiaans, Design as a Topos-based Argumentative Activity: a Protocol Analysis Study, Analysing Design Activity, Cross, N. and Christiaans, H. and Dorst, K. (eds), Chapter 17, John Wiley & Sons publishers, pp. 365-387, 1996.

B. Trousse, Le rôle des modèles et des outils pour l'aide à la coopération en conception, Coopération et conception, G. de Terssac and E. Friedberg (eds), Octares Editions, Chapter 13, pp. 229-242, 1996.


T. Orel and B. Trousse, A View on the 'Philosophical' meanings of the concept of Design, Journal of Design Sciences and Technology, 1995, 4(1).

D. Galarreta and B. Trousse, Place de l'argumentation dans la conception d'outils d'assistance à une activité de résolution de problème, Topoi et gestion des connaissances, P.Y. Raccah (ed.), Chapter 6, Masson, pp. 79-85, 1995.

B. Trousse and Christiaans, H., Design as a discursive activity, Proceedings of ICED'95, International Conference of Engineering Design (WDK 23), vol 2, pp. 436-443, V. Hubka & Programme Comitte (Eds), Prague, October, 1995.

D. Galarreta and B. Trousse, Coopération entre activités dans les organisations complexes, Dans l'organisation de la conception, Editions EUROPIA, pp. 83-99, 1994.

K. Khaldoun et B. Trousse (coordonnateurs), L'organisation de la conception, Editions EUROPIA, Décembre, 1994.

B. Trousse and K. Khaldoun, Introduction : l'organisation de la conception, Dans l'organisation de la conception, Editions EUROPIA, Décembre, pp. 3-13, 1994.

M. Jaczynski and B. Trousse, Fuzzy Logic for the Retrieval Step of a Case-Based Reasonner, In Second European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (EWCBR'94), Chantilly, pp. 313-320, 1994.

D. Galarreta and  B. Trousse, Cooperation between activities in complex organizations: study directions in the design of space systems, Journal of Design Sciences and Technology, Special Issue, 2(1), pp. 65-86, 1993.

B. Trousse. Using AI in complex system design: implications on building ICAD tools, Revue de CFAO et d'infographie - numéro spécial AI/CAD 2ème partie, Hermès, 8(3), 1993.

P. Berlandier and B. Trousse, Expression et interprétation de metacontraintes pour des problèmes de conception, in Proc. of the 13' International Conference Avignon '93, Décembre, Avignon, France, 1993, pp. 287-296.

P. Charman and B. Trousse, EAAS : Environnement d'Aide à l'Aménagment Spatial, in Proc. of the 13th International Conference Avignon '93, Avignon, France, 1993, pp. 613-624.

B. Trousse. Towards a multi-agent approach for building intelligent CAD systems, in M.R. Beheshti et K. Zreik (eds) Advanced technologies - architecture, planning, civil engineering, Deft, The Nederlands, 1993, Elsevier Sciences Publishers, pp. 451-460.

B. Trousse, Integration of constraint-based systems into design support tools, in Edition HEURISTA N.F.M. Roozenburg (ed.) Proceedings of ICED93, 9th International Conference on Engineering Design, WDK22, pp. 1448-1455, The Hague, The Nederlands, August 1993.

B. Trousse and W. Visser, Use of Case-Based Reasoning Techniques for Intelligent Computer-Aided-Design systems, In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Systems Engineering in the service of Humans, Le Touquet, France, 1993.

D. Galarreta and  B. Trousse, Cooperation between activities in complex organizations: study directions in the design of space systems, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-based Systems for Space, ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Nederlands, May 1993.

W. Visser and B. Trousse, Reuse of designs : desperately seeking an interdisciplinary cognitive approach, in Proc. of the IJCAI'93 workshop on Reuse of designs - an interdisciplinary approach, Chambery, France, 1993.

M. Jaczynski et B. Trousse. Utilisation des ensembles flous pour la reprisentation des problhmes de conception et pour la recherche des cas similaires - Séminaire "Raisonnement par cas" - Rapport LAFORIA 93/42 - Dec. 1993.

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