SIOC-Argumentation Extended Vocabulary
To provide a further semantic machine readable representation of our argumentative discussions, we decide to not introduce yet another argumentation vocabulary, but we reuse the SIOC Argumentation vocabulary [RDF] which is focused on the fine-grained representation of discussions and argumentations in online communities.
We extend the SIOC Argumentation vocabulary [RDF] with two new properties sioc_arg:challengesArg and sioc_arg:supportsArg whose range and domain are sioc_arg:Argument. These properties represent challenges and supports from arguments to arguments, as required in abstract bipolar argumentation theory.
The XML/RDF format adopted in NoDE relies on the SIOC-Argumentation extended vocabulary. Each argument is a sioc_arg:Argument, and the two relations of support and attack are respectively characterized by the properties sioc_arg:supportsArg and sioc_arg:challengesArg (respectively mapped on the entailment and non entailment relations).
An example from the Twelve Angry Men XML/RDF dataset is as follows:
Debatepedia / ProCon dataset
Debatepedia (test, training, extended) / ProCon RDF (Turtle syntax) dataset
[download (.zip)]
260 pairs (140 supports, 120 attacks, 22 bipolar argumentation graphs)
K = 0.7 (2 annotators, 100 pairs)
Twelve Angry Men dataset
Twelve Angry Men RDF (Turtle syntax) dataset
[download (.zip)]
80 pairs (25 supports, 55 attacks, 3 bipolar argumentation graphs)
K = 0.74 (2 annotators, 40 pairs)
Wikipedia dataset
Wikipedia revision history RDF (Turtle syntax) dataset
[download (.zip)]