Publications of Valentin Weber


Publications of Valentin Weber

Articles in journal or book's chapters
  1. Julio Araujo, Gregory Morel, Leonardo Sampaio, Ronan Soares, and Valentin Weber. Hull number: P5-free graphs and reduction rules. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 210:171 - 175, September 2016. [WWW ] [bibtex-entry]
Conference's articles
  1. Julien Bensmail, Valentin Garnero, Nicolas Nisse, Alexandre Salch, and Valentin Weber. Recovery of disrupted airline operations using k-Maximum Matching in graphs. In IX Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), volume 62 of Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (IX Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS)), Marseille, France, pages 3-8, September 2017. [WWW ] [PDF ]
    Keywords: Graph, Matching, Augmenting paths, Complexity, Trees. [bibtex-entry]
  2. Nicolas Nisse, Alexandre Salch, and Valentin Weber. Comment appliquer les chaînes augmentantes pour atterrir a l'heure ?. In ALGOTEL 2015 - 17èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Beaune, France, June 2015. [WWW ] [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
  3. J. Araujo, G. Morel, L. Sampaio, R. Soares, and V. Weber. Hull number: P5-free graphs and reduction rules. In VII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), Playa del Carmen, Mexico, March 2013. [WWW ] [PDF ] [bibtex-entry]
Internal reports
  1. Nicolas Nisse, Alexandre Salch, and Valentin Weber. Recovery of disrupted airline operations using k-Maximum Matching in Graphs. Research Report RR-8679, Inria Sophia Antipolis ; INRIA, February 2015. [WWW ] [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]
  2. J. Araujo, G. Morel, L. Sampaio, R. Soares, and V. Weber. Hull number: $P_5$-free graphs and reduction rules. Technical report RR-8045, INRIA, August 2012. [WWW ] [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]


Last modified: Sat Jan 29 19:00:47 2022