class Height

why do we have Height defined here? seems like there oughta be a better place. -dam 9/30/98

Public Fields

int delta
Value used in propagation of a ref level
nsaddr_t id
Unique id of the router
nsaddr_t oid
id of the router that created the ref level
int r
Flag indicating a reflected ref level
double tau
Time the reference level was created

Public Methods

inline int compare(Height *h)
Height(int ID)
inline int isNull()
inline int isZero()
Status Functions
inline void Null()
void update(Height *h)
inline void Zero()
Update Functions


why do we have Height defined here? seems like there oughta be a better place. -dam 9/30/98
Height(int ID)

inline int isZero()
Status Functions

inline int isNull()

inline int compare(Height *h)

inline void Zero()
Update Functions

inline void Null()

void update(Height *h)

double tau
Time the reference level was created

nsaddr_t oid
id of the router that created the ref level

int r
Flag indicating a reflected ref level

int delta
Value used in propagation of a ref level

nsaddr_t id
Unique id of the router

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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Adapted for the NS documentation page

(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling