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Iterated Extended Kalman Filter


  The Iterated Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF) could be applied either globally or locally.

The global IEKF is applied to the whole observed data. Given a set of n observations tex2html_wrap_inline3383 . The initial state estimate is tex2html_wrap_inline3385 with covariance matrix tex2html_wrap_inline3387 . After applying the EKF to the set tex2html_wrap_inline3389 , we get an estimate tex2html_wrap_inline3391 with covariance matrix tex2html_wrap_inline3393 (the superscript, 1 here, denotes the number of iteration). Before performing the next iteration, we must back propagate tex2html_wrap_inline3391 to time tex2html_wrap_inline3397 , denoted by tex2html_wrap_inline3399 . At iteration 2, tex2html_wrap_inline3399 is used as the initial state estimate, but the original initial covariance matrix tex2html_wrap_inline3387 is again used as the initial covariance matrix at this iteration. This is because if we use the new covariance matrix, it would mean we have two identical sets of measurements. Due to the requirement of the back propagation of the state estimate, the application of the global IEKF is very limited. Maybe it is interesting only when the state does not evolve over time [1]. In that case, no back propagation is required. In the problem of estimating 3D motion between two frames, the EKF is applied spatially, i.e., it is applied to a number of matches. The 3D motion (the state) does not change from one match to another, thus the global IEKF can be applied.

The local IEKF [8, 15] is applied to a single sample data by redefining the nominal trajectory and relinearizing the measurement equation. It is capable of providing better performance than the basic EKF, especially in the case of significant nonlinearity in the measurement function tex2html_wrap_inline3405 . This is because when tex2html_wrap_inline3254 is generated after measurement incorporation, this value can serve as a better state estimate than tex2html_wrap_inline3226 for evaluating tex2html_wrap_inline3411 and tex2html_wrap_inline3336 in the measurement update relations. Then the state estimate after measurement incorporation could be recomputed, iteratively if desired. Thus, in IEKF, the measurement update relations are replaced by setting tex2html_wrap_inline3415 (here, the superscript denotes again the number of iteration) and doing iteration on


for iteration number tex2html_wrap_inline3417 and then setting tex2html_wrap_inline3419 . The iteration could be stopped when consecutive values tex2html_wrap_inline3421 and tex2html_wrap_inline3423 differ by less than a preselected threshold. The covariance matrix is then updated based on tex2html_wrap_inline3425 .

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Zhengyou Zhang
Thu Feb 8 11:42:20 MET 1996