FORSIMS simulation tools for forestry [java & Matlab]
In the context of the INRIA Collaborative research initiatives MICR, two software tools have been developed. They do not pretend to simulate realistic forest ecosystems, they aim at illustrating the simulation of spatiotemporal Markovian models of very simple terrestrial population dynamics. link
simulation tools for nonlinear filtering [matlab]
SMC demos [Sequential Monte Carlo demos] (C) Fabien Campillo - version 1.0 - January 2009.
The zipped folder ( contains a set of demonstration matlab procedures for nonlinear filtering approximation via particle filtering (sequential Monte Carlo). It is freely distributed for educational, research and non-profit purposes. Permission to use it in commercial products may be obtained from the author.
Documentation: you can read the lecture notes "Modèles de Markov cachés et filtrage particulaire" (last chapter) of a course I gave at the Université du Sud
Toulon-Var. Sotty it is in French pdf-file
Installation: download and unzip it, then just run "demo". Some procedures are simple, other are rather difficult... Anyway enjoy it. download
simulation tools for stochastic processes [java]
This set of java applets developped by Fabien Campillo, Frédéric Cérou, David Miglior aims at illutrating some basic theorems of probability theory and some stochastic algorirthms link