368 références sur: Applications
- 1
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Optimal design of a parallel assembling robot with large
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Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 80,
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Keywords: 6 dof robot,machine-tool,applications.
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The analysis of a six degrees of freedom work station for mechanized
In 5th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 611–616, Montréal, Juillet 1979
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof
- 3
Machida K. and others .
New robotic mechanism using a parallel moving platform.
In IMACS/SICE Int. Symp. on Robotics, Mechatronics, and
Manufacturing Systems, pages 425–430, Kobe,
16-20 Septembre 1992
Keywords: applications,mechanical architecture,3 dof robot.
- 4
Machida K.
Space-borne smart end effector.
Advanced Robotics, 8(6):605, Décembre 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications,3 dof robot.
- 5
Madsen A.L. and Kristensen S.G.
Design of Stewart platform for wave compensation.
Master's thesis, Aalborg University, Aalborg, 2012.
Keywords: applications,marine.
- 6
Manubens M. and others .
Motion planning for 6-D manipulation with aerial towed-cable
In Robotics: Science and Systems, Berlin,
Juin 2013
Keywords: wire robot,applications,aerial.
- 7
Mao Y. and Agrawal S.K.
A cable driven upper arm exoskeleton for upper extremity
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Shangai,
9-13 Mai 2011
Keywords: hybrid robot,mechanical architecture,wire
- 8
Mao Y. and Agrawal S.K.
Design of a cable-driven arm exoskeleton (CAREX) for neural
IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 28(4):922–931,
Août 2012
Keywords: wire robot,medical,applications,control.
- 9
Mao Y. and others .
Human movement training with a cable driven ARm EXsokeleton
IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering,
23(1):84–92, 2015.
Keywords: wire robot,mechanical
- 10
Marchal-Crespo L. and others .
The effect of haptic guidance and visual feedback on learning a
complex tennis task.
Experimental Brain Research, 3:277–291, 2013.
Keywords: wire robot,mechanical
- 11
Marconi .
The Gadfly manipulator.
Research Report 732, Marconi Research Centre, 1985.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications.
- 12
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Development of the Tetrabot robotic manipulator.
Research report, Marconi Research Centre, 1986.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications.
- 13
Martin ., Th and others .
Silicon linkage with novel compliant mechanism for piezoelectric
actuation of an intraocular implant.
Sensors and Actuators A, 188:335–341, 2012.
Keywords: applications,medical,piezo-electric,2 dof robot,micro
- 14
Martin Y.S. and others .
VERNE, a new 5-axes hybrid architecture machining center.
In 5th Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 657–676,
Chemnitz, 25-26 Avril 2006
Keywords: applications,machine-tool,5 dof robot,3 dof
robot,hybrid robot,calibration.
- 15
Masone C., Bülthoff H.H., and Stegagno P.
Cooperative transportation of a payload using quadrotors: a
reconfigurable cable-driven parallel robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Daejeon, 9-14 Octobre 2016
Keywords: wire robot,applications,modular
- 16
Masory O. and others .
Design and construction of a Space Emulator.
In American Control Conf., pages 1825–1829, San Francisco,
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- 17
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Les simulateurs d'entrainement.
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Keywords: applications.
- 18
Matich S. and others .
A new single-port robotic system based on a parallel kinematic
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Hamburg, Germany, 28 Septembre-2 Octobre, 2015
Keywords: 5 dof robot,applications,medical.
- 19
Mattiazzo G. and others .
A pneumatically actuated motion simulator.
In 12th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, Besancon, 18-21 Juin 2007
Keywords: 3 dof robot,applications,pneumatic,simulator.
- 20
Maurin B. and others .
A parallel robotic system with force sensors for percutaneous
procedures under CT guidance.
In MICCAI, pages 176–183, St Malo,
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Keywords: applications,medical,5 dof robot.
- 21
Mayhew D. and others .
Development of the MACARM- a novel cable-robot for upper-link
In Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics, pages 299–302,
Chicago, 28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2005
Keywords: wire robot,medical,applications.
- 22
Maza M., Fontaine J-G., and Baselga S.
Motion transmission in VR systems: the spherical platform concept.
In ISMCR Topical Workshop on VR and Advanced Human-robot
Systems, pages 299–305, Budapest, 1999.
Keywords: applications.
- 23
Mbarek T., Nefzi M., and Corves B.
Kinematics and kinetics of a high-dynamic sewing plant for FRC
materials based on parallel manipulator.
In 2nd Int. Congress, Design and Modelling of mechanical
systems, Monastir, 19-21 Mars 2007
Keywords: applications.
- 24
McCann C.M. and Dollar A.M.
Design of a Stewart platform-inspired dexterous hand for 6-dof
within-hand manipulation.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Vancouver, 24-28 Septembre 2017
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications.
- 25
Merlet J-P.
Manipulateurs parallèles, 3eme partie : applications.
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Keywords: applications.
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- 29
Merlet J-P.
First experiments with MIPS 1 (Mini In-Parallel Positionning
In ISER, pages 372–379, Barcelone,
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications,micro robot,3 dof
- 30
Merlet J-P.
Miniature in-parallel positionning system MIPS for minimally
invasive surgery.
In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical
Engineering, Nice, 14-19 Septembre 1997
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications,micro robot,3 dof
- 31
Merlet J-P. and Dahan M.
Un micro-robot parallèle pour l'inspection industrielle et
l'endoscopie médicale.
In Troisième Journées du Pôle Micro-robotique, Cachan,
27-28 Juin 2000
Keywords: applications,micro robot,design,medical.
- 32
Merlet J-P. and Dahan M.
Le micro-robot parallèle MIPS.
In Quatrième Journées du Pôle Micro-robotique, Lyon,
4-5 Juillet 2001
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 33
Merlet J-P.
Micro parallel robot MIPS for medical applications.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory
Automation, Antibes, 15-18 Octobre 2001
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 34
Merlet J-P.
Micro-robot parallèle pour la chirurgie minimalement invasive.
In MS4CMS'02, Rocquencourt,
12-15 Novembre 2002
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 35
Merlet J-P. and Daney D.
A portable, modular parallel wire crane for rescue operations.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2834–2839, Anchorage, 3-8 Mai 2010
Keywords: wire robot,crane,applications.
- 36
Merlet J-P., Papegay Y., and Gasc A-V.
The Prince’s tears, a large cable-driven parallel robot for an
artistic exhibition.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Paris,
31 Mai-31 Août, 2020
Keywords: wire robot,applications,control.
- 37
Merlet J-P.
The new exhibition Blind Machines, a large 3d printing machine.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, London,
29 Mai-2 Juin, 2023
Keywords: wire robot,applications,control.
- 38
Michael N., Fink J., and Kumar V.
Cooperative manipulation and transportation with aerial robots.
In Robotics: Science and Systems, Seattle,
Juin 2009
Keywords: wire robot,3 dof
- 39
Miermeister P. and others .
The CableRobot simulator large scale motion platform based on cable
robot technology.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Daejeon, 9-14 Octobre 2016
Keywords: wire robot,mechanical architecture,simulator.
- 40
Miller K.
Design and applications of parallel robots.
In ISRR, pages 161–173, Lorne,
9-12 Novembre 2001
Keywords: design,applications,medical.
- 41
Millman P.A. and Colgate J.E.
Design of a four d.o.f. force reflecting manipulandum with a
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In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
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Keywords: applications.
- 42
Mimura N. and Y. Funahashi.
A new analytical system applying 6 dof parallel link manipulator for
evaluating motion sensation.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 227–233,
Nagoya, 25-27 Mai 1995
Keywords: forward kinematics with redundant sensors,mechanical
architecture,hardware,orientation workspace,simulator,medical.
- 43
Ming A. and Higuchi T.
Study on multiple degree of freedom positioning mechanisms using
wires, Part 2, Development of a planar completely restrained positioning
Int. J. Japan Soc. Prec. Eng., 28(3):235–242,
Septembre 1994
Keywords: wire robot,mechanical architecture,control,planar
robot,applications,hardware,redundant robot,inverse kinematics,workspace.
- 44
Miyoshi T., Suzuki K., and Terashima K.
Development of five-degree-of-freedom wire suspension power-assisted
system using linear cylinders.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Shangai,
9-13 Mai 2011
Keywords: hybrid robot,mechanical architecture,wire
- 45
Molinari-Tosatti L. and Fassi I.
Parallel kinematic machines for an application in shoes
manufacturing: from the conceptual design to the fvst experimental campaign.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Maui, Hawaii, 29 Octobre-3 Novembre, 2001
Keywords: applications.
- 46
Monckton S.P. and Chrystall K.
Design and development of an automated footwear testing system.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3684–3689, Washington, 11-15 Mai 2002
Keywords: applications.
- 47
Moosavian S.A.A., Pourreza A., and Alipour K.
Kinematics and dynamics of a hybrid serial-parallel mobile robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1358–1363, Kobe, 14-16 Mai 2009
Keywords: hybrid robot,dynamics,applications.
- 48
Moreilra E. and others .
Cable robot for non-standard architecture and construction: A dynamic
positioning system.
In IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
(ICIT), 2015.
Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 49
Morgan J., Miller J., and Wynn D.A.
Simulation of airborne satellite communications using a platform
motion emulator.
In IEE Conf. Simulation and Modelling of satellite systems,
pages 7/1–4, London, 23 Avril 2002
Keywords: applications.
- 50
Morizono T., Kurahashi K., and Kawamura S.
Realization of a virtual sports training system with parallel wire
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
3025–3030, Albuquerque, 21-28 Avril 1997
Keywords: applications,hardware,wire robot,control,medical.
- 51
Morizono T., Kurahashi K., and Kawamura S.
Analysis and control of a force display system driven by parallel
wire mechanism.
Robotica, 16(5):551–563, Septembre 1998
Keywords: applications,hardware,wire robot,control,medical.
- 52
Morizono T., Yamada Y., and Umetani Y.
Design of a new exoskeletal mechanism for a shoulder joint of a
wearable robots: the wearable HEXA mechanism.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2323–2329, Taipei, 14-19 Septembre 2003
Keywords: applications,design.
- 53
Morozovsky N. and Bewley T.
Skysweeper: A low dof, dynamic high wire robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Tokyo, 3-7 Novembre 2013
Keywords: 2 dof robot,hybrid robot,applications.
- 54
Morris D.M.
Force guided assemblies using a novel parallel manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 325–330,
Seoul, 23-25 Mai 2001
Keywords: force feedback,applications,asssembly,control.
- 55
Mouly N.
Développement d'une famille de robots parallèles à
motorisation électrique.
Ph.D. Thesis, École des Mines de Paris, Sophia,
11 Mai 1993
Keywords: kinematics,workspace,mechanical architecture,6 dof
- 56
Mu Z. and others .
Dynamic feedforward control of spatial cable-driven hyper-redundant
manipulators for on-orbit servicing.
Robotica, 37:18–38, 2019.
Keywords: wire robot,applications,mechanical architecture.
- 57
Mustafa S. K. and others .
A biologically-inspired anthropocentric shoulder joint rehabilitator:
Workspace analysis & optimization.
In International Conference on Mechatronics & Automation,
Niagara Falls, 2005.
Keywords: wire robot,hybrid
robot,medical,applications,workspace,optimal design.
- 58
Mustafa S. K. and others .
Self-identification of the joint centre of a cable-driven shoulder
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Roma,
10-14 Avril 2007
Keywords: wire robot,hybrid
- 59
Nakano T. and others .
A parallel robot to assist vitreoretinal surgery.
Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 4(6),
Novembre 2009
Keywords: 6 dof robot,applications,medical.
- 60
Nakashima K. and others .
Development of the parallel manipulator.
In IMACS/SICE Int. Symp. on Robotics, Mechatronics, and
Manufacturing Systems, pages 419–424, Kobe,
16-20 Septembre 1992
Keywords: mechanical architecture,applications.
- 61
Nakashima K.
A six-axis motion base and a study of a parallel manipulator.
Advanced Robotics, 8(6):609, Décembre 1994
Keywords: mechanical architecture,6 dof robot,applications.
- 62
Narayanan T. and others .
A cable driven parallel robot for coconut farm.
In Int. Conf. on Advances in Computing, Communications and
Informatics (ICACCI), 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 63
Navarro J.S and others .
Kinematics of a robotic 3UPS1S spherical wrist designed for
laparoscopic applications.
Int. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 6, 2010.
Keywords: 3 dof robot,wrist,applications,medical.
- 64
Neugebauer R. and others .
Hexapod werkzeug-machine für die hochgeschwindigkeit bearbeitung.
ZWF, 92(9):447–449, 1997.
Keywords: applications,machine-tool,hardware.
- 65
Neugebauer R. and others .
Parallel kinematic structures in manufacturing.
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 17–47,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: applications,machine-tool,state of the art.
- 66
Neugebauer R. and others .
Application of the parallel kinematic machine principle in a new
hydraulic powered, flexible bending machine for tubes and profiles.
In 3rd Chemnitzer Parallelkinematik Seminar, pages 629–638,
Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: machine-tool,applications,hydraulics,actuators.
- 67
Neugebauer R. and others .
Interaction between machine-tool and process: modelling, simulation
of miling operations on hexapod 6X Hexa.
In 2nd NCG Application Conf. on Parallel Kinematics Machine,
pages 833–841, Chemnitz, 23-25 Avril 2002
Keywords: applications,machine-tool.
- 68
Neugebauer R. and others .
Parallel kinematics as a potential for boosting efficiency for
handling equipement in forming machines.
In 2nd Int. Colloquium, Collaborative Research Centre 562,
pages 269–284, Braunschweig, 10-11 Mai 2005
Keywords: applications.
- 69
Newman M., Zygielbaum A., and Terry B.
Static analysis and dimensional optimization of a cable-driven
parallel robot.
In 3rd Int. Conf. on cable-driven parallel robots (CableCon),
Québec, 2017.
Keywords: wire robot,applications,4 dof robot,inverse
- 70
Nguyen C.C. and others .
Experimental study of motion control and trajectory planning for a
Stewart platform robot manipulator.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
1873–1878, Sacramento, 11-14 Avril 1991
Keywords: control,applications.
- 71
Nguyen C.C. and others .
Analysis and implementation of a 6 d.o.f Stewart platform-based
robotic wrist.
Computers Elec. Eng., 17(3):191–203, 1991.
Keywords: kinematics,hardware,applications.
- 72
Nguyen C.C. and others .
Adaptive control of a Stewart platform-based manipulator.
J. of Robotic Systems, 10(5):657–687,
Juillet 1993
Keywords: control,applications,simulator,kinematics,hybrid
- 73
Nierenberger M. and others .
Multiaxial testing of materials using a Stewart platform: case
study of the Nooru-Mohamed test.
Experimental Techniques, 38:74–83, 2014.
Keywords: applications.
- 74
Nishiwaki K. and others .
A six axis force sensor with parallel support mechanism to measure
the ground reaction force of huamnoid robot.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2277–2282, Washington, 11-15 Mai 2002
Keywords: applications,force sensor.
- 75
Nurahmi L., Caro S., and Solichin M.
A novel ankle rehabilitation device based on a reconfigurable 3-RPS
parallel manipulator.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 134:135–150, 2019.
Keywords: mechanical architecture,medical,applications.
- 76
Ogawa H. and Simojo M.
Development of 2-dof haptic device driven directly by shaft motors.
J. of Robotics and Mechatronics, 18(4):392–399,
Août 2006
Keywords: 2 dof robot,haptic device,applications.
- 77
Oh S-R. and others .
A dual stage planar cable robot: dynamic modeling and design of a
robust controller with positive inputs.
ASME J. of Mechanical Design, 127(4):612–620,
Juillet 2005
Keywords: planar robot,wire robot,crane,redundant
- 78
Oh S-R. and others .
Dynamic modeling and robust controller design of a two-stage parallel
cable robot.
Multibody System Dynamics, 13:385–399, 2005.
Keywords: wire robot,crane,redundant robot,control,dynamics.
- 79
Olarra A. and others .
Machine with the WalkingHex: a walking parallel kinematic
machine-tool for in situ operation.
Annals of the CIRP, 66:361–364, 2017.
Keywords: machine-tool,applications.
- 80
Olea G., Takamasu K., and Hirose K.
Development of parallel positioning systems for precise micro/mini
In Int. Precision Assembly Seminar IPAS'2003, pages 95–101,
Bad Hofgastein, 17-19 Mars 2003
Keywords: planar robot,applications,2 dof robot,3 dof robot.
- 81
Ota Y. and others .
Reseairch on a six-legged walking robot with parallel mechanism.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Victoria, Octobre 1998
Keywords: applications.
- 82
Otis M.J.D. and others .
Cable tension control and analysis of reel transparancy for 6-dof
haptic foot platform on a cable-driven locomotion interface.
J. of Electrical, Computer & Systems Eng, pages 16–29, 2009.
Keywords: wire robot,statics,applications,medical,control.
- 83
Otis M.J.D. and others .
Determination and management of cable interferences between two 6-dof
foot platforms in a cable-driven locomotion interface.
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: systems and
Humans, 39(3), Mai 2009
Keywords: wire robot,applications,medical,statics.
- 84
Ottaviano E., Ceccarelli M., and Palmucci F.
Experimental identification of kinematic parameters and joint
mobility of human limbs.
In 2nd Int. Congress, Design and Modelling of mechanical
systems, Monastir, 19-21 Mars 2007
Keywords: applications,medical,wire robot.
- 85
Ottaviano E., Ceccarelli M., and De Ciantis M.
A 4-4 cable-based parallel manipulator for an application in hospital
In 15th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation, Athens,
27-29 Juillet 2007
Keywords: wire robot,applications.
- 86
Ottaviano E.
Design issues and application of cable-based parallel manipulators
for rehabilitation therapy.
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 5(2):65–75,
Juin 2008
Keywords: wire robot,medical,applications.
- 87
Ottaviano E., Ceccarelli M., and Plamucci F.
An application of CaTraSys, a cable-based parallel measuring system
for an experimental characterization of human walking.
Robotica, 28(1):119–133, Janvier 2010
Keywords: wire robot,medical,applications.
- 88
Ottoboni A. and others .
Equivalent spatial mechanisms for modelling passive motion of the
human knee.
J. of Biomechanics, 40(0):S144–S144, 2007.
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 89
Pan Y. and Gao F.
Mechanism topology design for novel parallel- parallel hexapod robot.
In UKACC International Conference on Control, Loughborough,
9-11 Juillet 2014
Keywords: ,applications,mechanical architecture.
- 90
Parenti-Castelli V. and Di Gregorio R.
Parallel mechanisms applied to the human knee passive motion
In ARK, pages 333–344, Piran, 25-29 Juin 2000
Keywords: applications,kinematics,medical.
- 91
Parenti-Castelli V. and others .
On the modeling of passive motion of the human knee joint by means of
equivalent planar and spatial parallel mechanisms.
Autonomous Robots, 16(2):219–232, 2004.
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 92
Park J-H., Stegall P., and Agrawal S.K.
Dynamic brace for correction of abnormal postures of the human spine.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
5922–5927, Seattle, 26-30 Mai 2015
Keywords: applications,medical.
- 93
Park M.K. and others .
Development of the PNU vehicle driving simulator and its
performance evaluation.
In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages
2325–2330, Seoul, 23-25 Mai 2001
Keywords: applications,simulator.
- 94
Parrish R.V. and others .
Motion software for a synergistic six-degree-of-freedom motion base.
Research Report D-7350, NASA, Décembre 1973
Keywords: simulator.
- 95
Pazmño R.S. and others .
Experiences and results from designing and developing a 6 dof
underwater parallel robot.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 59(2):101–112,
Février 2011
Keywords: applications.
- 96
Peng S. and others .
Kinematic performance analysis of a parallel mechanism for loading
test of hydraulic support.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 168, Février 2022
Keywords: applications,performance
- 97
Perju D. and Dolga L.
An optimizing study of a 6 components force transducer.
In 9th IFToMM World Congress on the Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, pages 2925–2929, Milan,
30 Août-2 Septembre, 1995
Keywords: applications,force sensor.
- 98
Pernechele C., Bortoletto F., and Reif K.
Position-control for active secondary mirror of a two-mirror
Proc. of the SPIE, 3112:172–180, 1997.
Keywords: applications.
- 99
Pessi P. and others .
A mobile robot with parallel kinematics to meet the requirements for
assembling and machining the ITER vacuum vessel.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 82(15-24):2047–2054,
Octobre 2007
Keywords: applications,hydraulics.
- 100
Peters C. and others .
Design and construction of the 3.2 Mev cathode assembly for DARHT
In XX Int. Linac Conf., pages 437–439, Monterey,
21-25 Août 2000
Keywords: applications,hardware,hydraulics.
- 101
Peterson R. and Hobson J.C.
High frequency motion simulator.
In SPIE, Aerosense 2001, pages 225–237, Orlando,
16-20 Avril 2001
Keywords: applications,simulator,hardware.
- 102
Peterson R. and others .
6 dof high-frequency motion simulator phaseII.
In SPIE, Aerosense 2002, pages 56–66, Orlando,
1-5 Avril 2002
Keywords: applications,simulator,hardware.
- 103
Piccin O. and others .
Kinematic modeling of a 5-dof parallel mechanism for semi-spherical
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 44(8):1485–1496,
Août 2009
Keywords: mechanical architecture,kinematics,5 dof
- 104
Pierrot F.
Robots Pleinement Parallèles Légers : Conception
Modélisation et Commande.
Ph.D. Thesis, Université Montpellier II, Montpellier,
24 Avril 1991
Keywords: mechanical architecture,control,applications.
- 105
Pile J. and Simaan N.
Modeling, design, and evaluation of a parallel robot for cochlear
implant surgery.
IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 19(6):1746–1755,
Décembre 2014
Keywords: applications,medical,planar robot.
- 106
Ping-Lang Y. and Hung S.S.
Cooperative force control of a hybrid cartesian parallel manipulator
for bone slicing.
Robotica, 31(2):183–191, Mars 2013
Keywords: medical,applications,hybrid robot,force feedback,3
dof robot.
- 107
Pisla D., Plitea N., and Vaida C.
Kinematic modeling and workspace generation for a new parallel robot
used in minimally invasive surgery.
In ARK, pages 459–467, Batz/mer,
23-26 Juin 2008
Keywords: mechanical architecture,3 dof
- 108
Pisla D. and others .
Kinematical analysis and design of a new surgical parallel robot.
In Computational Kinematics, Duisburg,
6-8 Mai 2009
Keywords: mechanical
architecture,medical,applications,kinematics,3 dof robot.
- 109
Pisla D. and others .
Kinematic design of a 5-dof parallel robot used in a minimally
invasive surgery.
In ARK, pages 99–106, Piran,
28 Juin-1 Juillet, 2010
Keywords: 5 dof robot,hybrid robot,applications,medical.
- 110
Pisla D. and others .
On the dynamics of a 5 dof parallel hybrid robot used in minimally
invasive surgery.
In 3rd European Conf. on Mechanism Science (Eucomes), pages
691–699, Cluj-Napoca, 14-17 Septembre 2010
Keywords: 5 dof robot,applications,medical,hybrid robot.
- 111
Pisla D. and others .
Kinematic modelling of a 5-dof hybrid parallel robot for laparoscopic
Robotica, 30(7):1085–1107, Décembre 2012
Keywords: 5 dof robot,applications,medical,hybrid robot.
- 112
Pisla D. and others .
An active hybrid parallel robot for minimally invasive surgery.
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- 225
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- 226
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Keywords: wire robot,applications,aerial.
- 227
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- 228
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- 229
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- 230
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- 231
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- 232
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- 233
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- 234
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- 235
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- 236
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robot,applications,3 dof robot.
- 237
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- 238
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- 239
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- 240
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- 241
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- 242
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- 243
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- 244
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- 245
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Keywords: mechanical architecture,5 dof
- 246
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- 247
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- 248
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- 249
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- 250
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- 251
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- 252
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- 253
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Keywords: applications,machine-tool.
- 254
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- 255
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- 257
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- 258
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- 259
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- 261
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- 263
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- 264
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- 267
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- 274
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- 275
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- 276
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- 283
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- 291
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- 292
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- 293
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- 294
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- 295
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- 296
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- 298
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- 302
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- 303
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- 304
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- 305
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- 306
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- 307
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- 308
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- 309
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- 311
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- 312
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- 315
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- 317
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- 318
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- 323
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- 324
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- 325
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- 326
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- 327
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- 328
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- 329
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- 330
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- 331
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J-P. Merlet