All commands, alphabetic order; letter Y

This page contains the description of \year, \yearcite, \yscale, \yscalex, \y@tag, \@ytag.

\year (internal integer)

The \year counter is initially set to the current year and can be changed by saying \year=906. The built-in command \today produces a string like 2008/10/29 18:28:46, that corresponds to the start of the compilation, while the LaTeX command uses current values of \year, \month and \day. (See scanint for details of argument scanning). (See \time for an example.)

\yearcite (Tralics command)

This is an extension of the \cite command, explained in section 2.8 Bibliography of the raweb. The commands \yearcite{foo} and \yearcite[bar]{foo} are equivalent to \cite[year][]{foo} and \cite[year][bar]{foo}. They are also equivalent to \cite[][]{foo} and \cite[][bar]{foo}.


The \yscale command is defined by the curves package. The value is 1.0. See \arc.


The \yscalex command is defined by the curves package. The value is 0.0. See \arc.

\y@tag, \@ytag (Tralics commands)

Internal commands used for equation numbering, see \tag.

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