Library ssete9
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Lemma if_simpl (p: bool): (if p then true else false) = p.
Proof. by case: p. Qed.
Lemma ltn_simpl1 n n': ((n' + n).+1 < n) = false.
Proof. by rewrite - addSn - {2} (add0n n) ltn_add2r. Qed.
Lemma eqn_simpl1 n n': ((n' + n).+1 == n) = false.
Proof. by rewrite - addSn - {2} (add0n n) eqn_add2r. Qed.
Lemma ltn_simpl2 n n' n'':
(n * n' + n + n' < n * n'' + n + n'') = (n' < n'').
Proof. by rewrite addnAC (addnAC _ _ n'') ltn_add2r - ! mulSnr ltn_mul2l. Qed.
Lemma eqn_simpl2 n n' n'':
(n * n' + n + n' == n * n'' + n + n'') = (n' == n'').
Proof. by rewrite addnAC (addnAC _ _ n'') eqn_add2r - ! mulSnr eqn_mul2l. Qed.
Lemma ltn_add_le m1 m2 n1 n2: m1 < n1 -> m2 <= n2 -> m1 + m2 < n1 + n2.
Proof. by move => pa pb; move: (leq_add pa pb); rewrite addSn. Qed.
Lemma ltn_add_el m1 m2 n1 n2: m1 <= n1 -> m2 < n2 -> m1 + m2 < n1 + n2.
Proof. by move => pa pb; move: (leq_add pa pb); rewrite addnS. Qed.
Lemma ltn_add_ll m1 m2 n1 n2: m1 < n1 -> m2 < n2 -> m1 + m2 < n1 + n2.
Proof. by move => pa pb; exact: (ltn_add_el (ltnW pa) pb). Qed.
The ssreflect comparison on nat is WF
Lemma lt_wf: well_founded (fun (a b:nat) => a < b).
move => n; split;elim: n; first by move => y ; rewrite ltn0.
move => n H y; rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt; case /orP; first by move => /eqP ->.
by apply: H.
Module Wf_ex.
Definition f_spec f n :=
if n is m.+2 then (f (f m.+1).+1 ).+1 else 0.
Lemma f_spec_simp f n: (forall n, f n = f_spec f n) -> f n = n.-1.
move => H; case: n; first by rewrite H.
elim; first by rewrite H.
by move => n Hr; rewrite H /f_spec Hr Hr /=.
Lemma f0 n p: p <= n -> p.+2 <= n.+2.
Proof. by rewrite ltnS ltnS. Qed.
Definition f1 :
forall x, (forall z, z < x -> {y:nat |y <= z.-1}) ->
{y:nat | y <= x.-1}.
case; [by exists 0 | case; first by exists 0 ].
move => n Hr.
move: (Hr _ (ltnSn n.+1)) => [y1 h1].
move: (Hr _ (f0 h1)) => [y2 h2].
exists y2.+1; apply: (leq_trans h2 h1).
Definition f2 := Fix lt_wf _ f1.
Definition f (x:nat): nat := sval (f2 x).
Lemma f_eqn x: f2 x = f1 (fun y _ => f2 y).
move: x; apply: (Fix_eq lt_wf).
case => //; case => //n p p' Hp.
rewrite /f1 Hp; case: (p' n.+1 (ltnSn n.+1)) => y Hy /=.
by rewrite Hp.
Lemma f_correct n: f n = f_spec f n.
case: n => //; case => // n.
rewrite /f_spec /f f_eqn /f1.
by case: (f2 n.+1) => y1 H1; case: (f2 y1.+1) => y2 H2.
End Wf_ex.
Definition f_spec f n :=
if n is m.+2 then (f (f m.+1).+1 ).+1 else 0.
Lemma f_spec_simp f n: (forall n, f n = f_spec f n) -> f n = n.-1.
move => H; case: n; first by rewrite H.
elim; first by rewrite H.
by move => n Hr; rewrite H /f_spec Hr Hr /=.
Lemma f0 n p: p <= n -> p.+2 <= n.+2.
Proof. by rewrite ltnS ltnS. Qed.
Definition f1 :
forall x, (forall z, z < x -> {y:nat |y <= z.-1}) ->
{y:nat | y <= x.-1}.
case; [by exists 0 | case; first by exists 0 ].
move => n Hr.
move: (Hr _ (ltnSn n.+1)) => [y1 h1].
move: (Hr _ (f0 h1)) => [y2 h2].
exists y2.+1; apply: (leq_trans h2 h1).
Definition f2 := Fix lt_wf _ f1.
Definition f (x:nat): nat := sval (f2 x).
Lemma f_eqn x: f2 x = f1 (fun y _ => f2 y).
move: x; apply: (Fix_eq lt_wf).
case => //; case => //n p p' Hp.
rewrite /f1 Hp; case: (p' n.+1 (ltnSn n.+1)) => y Hy /=.
by rewrite Hp.
Lemma f_correct n: f n = f_spec f n.
case: n => //; case => // n.
rewrite /f_spec /f f_eqn /f1.
by case: (f2 n.+1) => y1 H1; case: (f2 y1.+1) => y2 H2.
End Wf_ex.
Require Import fintype bigop.
Module Wfsum.
Definition psum (f: nat -> nat) n := \sum_(i< n) (f i).
Definition f_spec f:= forall n, f n = (psum f n).+1.
Lemma f_spec_simp f n: f_spec f -> f n = 2 ^ n.
move => fs.
elim: n; first by rewrite fs /f_spec /psum big_ord0.
move => n Hrec.
rewrite fs /f_spec /psum big_ord_recr /= addnC - addnS.
by rewrite -/(psum f n) - fs Hrec addnn expnS mul2n.
Lemma psum_exten n f g :
(forall k, k < n -> f k = g k) -> (psum f n).+1 = (psum g n).+1.
move => h; rewrite /psum; congr S; apply: eq_big => // [] [i lin] _ /=.
by apply: h.
Lemma lt_dec n m: {n <m} + {~~ (n < m) }.
Proof. by case: (n<m); [ left | right ]. Qed.
Definition extension (n : nat) (p : forall k : nat, k < n -> nat) k :=
match lt_dec k n with
| left x => p k x
| _ => 0 end.
Definition f1 (n : nat) (h : forall z : nat, z < n -> nat) :=
(psum (extension h) n).+1.
Definition f2 := Fix lt_wf _ f1.
Lemma f_eqn x: f2 x = f1 (n:=x) (fun y _ => f2 y).
move: x; apply: (Fix_eq lt_wf) => n A B Hp; apply: psum_exten.
move => k _; rewrite /extension;case: (lt_dec k n) => // a; apply: Hp.
Definition f (x:nat): nat := f2 x.
Lemma f_correct: f_spec f.
move => n; rewrite /f f_eqn /f1; apply: psum_exten => k kn.
by rewrite /extension; case: (lt_dec k n) => //; rewrite kn.
End Wfsum.
Example 3
Module Wf_ex3.
Definition lte n m := [&& ~~ odd n, ~~ odd m & n < m].
Lemma lte_wf: well_founded lte.
suff: forall n, Acc lte n /\ Acc lte n.+1.
by move => h n; move: (h n) => [].
by split; split => y; rewrite /lte /= ? ltn0 andbF.
move => n [sa sb]; split; first by exact.
split => y; rewrite /lte /=; move => /and3P[oy on].
rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt; case /orP; first by move => /eqP ->.
rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt; case /orP; first by move => /eqP ->.
by move => yn; case sa; apply; rewrite /lte /= oy yn (negbNE on).
Definition f_spec f n :=
if n is m.+4 then (f (f (m.+2)).*2.+2 ).+1 else 0.
Lemma f_spec_simp f n: ~~ odd n -> (forall n, ~~odd n -> f n = f_spec f n)
-> f n = (n.-1)./2.
move => on h1.
have h2: forall n, f (n.*2) = f_spec f (n.*2).
by move => h; apply: h1; rewrite odd_double.
move: (odd_double_half n); rewrite (negbTE on) add0n => <-.
set m := (n./2).
move: m; case; first by rewrite h2.
elim; first by rewrite h2 /=.
move => k hk.
rewrite h2 /f_spec doubleS doubleS - (doubleS k) hk.
by rewrite doubleS /= uphalf_double - (doubleS k) hk doubleS /= uphalf_double.
Lemma f_spec_simp1 f n: (forall n, ~~odd n -> f n = f_spec f n)
-> f (n.*2.+2) = n.
Proof. by move => h; rewrite f_spec_simp //= ?uphalf_double // odd_double. Qed.
Lemma f_spec_simp2 f n: (forall n, f n = f_spec f n) -> f(n.*2.+3) = n.
move => h.
have hh: forall n, f (n.*2.+2) = n.
move => m; apply: f_spec_simp1 => k _; apply: h.
by elim: n; [ by rewrite h | move => n Hr; rewrite h /= Hr hh].
Lemma f0a y n: odd n = false -> odd n.+2 \/ y <= (n.+2)./2.-1 ->
y <= n./2 /\ lte (y.*2).+2 n.+4.
rewrite /lte /=; move =>h; rewrite h /= odd_double; case => // eq.
split => //=.
move: eq. rewrite - ltnS - ltn_double ltnS ltnS.
rewrite - {2} (odd_double_half n) h add0n //.
Lemma f0b a b: odd a.*2.+2 \/ b <= (a.*2.+2)./2.-1 -> b <= a.
Proof. by rewrite /= odd_double doubleK; case. Qed.
Lemma f0c n: odd n = false -> lte n.+2 n.+4.
Proof. by move => h; rewrite /lte ltnS ltnS ltnS leqnSn /= h. Qed.
Lemma odd_dec n : {odd n} + {odd n = false}.
Proof. by case h: (odd n); [ left | right ]. Qed.
Definition f1 :
forall x, (forall z, lte z x -> {y:nat | odd z \/ y <= (z./2).-1}) ->
{y:nat | odd x \/ y <= (x./2).-1}.
case; first by exists 0; right.
case; first by exists 0; left.
case; first by exists 0; right.
case; first by exists 0; left.
move => n Hr.
case (odd_dec n) => on; first by exists 0; left; rewrite /= on.
move: (Hr _ (f0c on)) => [y1 h1].
move: (f0a on h1) => [sa sb].
move: (Hr _ sb) => [y2 h2].
exists y2.+1; right; apply: (leq_trans (f0b h2) sa).
Definition f2 := Fix lte_wf _ f1.
Definition f (x:nat): nat := sval (f2 x).
Lemma f_eqn x: f2 x = f1 (fun y _ => f2 y).
move: x; apply: (Fix_eq lte_wf).
case => //; case => //; case => //; case => //.
move => n p p' Hp; rewrite /f1; case: (odd_dec n) => // on.
rewrite Hp; case: (p' n.+2 (f0c on)) => y Hy /=.
by case: (f0a on Hy) => a b; rewrite Hp.
Lemma f_correct n: ~~odd n -> f n = f_spec f n.
case: n;first by rewrite /f /= f_eqn.
case => //; case; first by rewrite /f /= f_eqn.
case => // n; rewrite /f_spec /f f_eqn /f1 /=.
case: (odd_dec n) => a b.
by move: (negbNE (negbNE b)); move /negP; case.
by case:(f2 n.+2) => x p /=;case: (f0a a p) => y q; case:(f2 x.*2.+2).
End Wf_ex3.
Section Sequences.
Variable A : Set.
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.
Lemma acc_rec a b: R a b -> Acc R b -> Acc R a.
Proof. by move => rab arb;move: a rab; case: arb. Qed.
Hypothesis W : well_founded R.
Theorem not_decreasing :
~ (exists f : nat -> A, (forall i:nat, R (f i.+1) (f i))).
case => f dec.
pose p a := Acc R a -> ~ exists i, a = f i.
have H: forall a, p a.
move => a; apply: (well_founded_ind W p) => x Hx ax [i egi].
move: (dec i); rewrite - egi => H1; move: (Hx _ H1 (acc_rec H1 ax)).
by case; exists (i.+1).
move: (H _ (W (f 0))); case; by exists 0.
End Sequences.
Variable A : Set.
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.
Lemma acc_rec a b: R a b -> Acc R b -> Acc R a.
Proof. by move => rab arb;move: a rab; case: arb. Qed.
Hypothesis W : well_founded R.
Theorem not_decreasing :
~ (exists f : nat -> A, (forall i:nat, R (f i.+1) (f i))).
case => f dec.
pose p a := Acc R a -> ~ exists i, a = f i.
have H: forall a, p a.
move => a; apply: (well_founded_ind W p) => x Hx ax [i egi].
move: (dec i); rewrite - egi => H1; move: (Hx _ H1 (acc_rec H1 ax)).
by case; exists (i.+1).
move: (H _ (W (f 0))); case; by exists 0.
End Sequences.
We show here an induction principle; we could use it for ordinals in NF
Section restricted_recursion.
Variables (A:Type)(P:A->Prop)(R:A->A->Prop).
Definition restrict a b := [/\ P a, R a b & P b].
Definition well_founded_P := forall a, P a -> Acc restrict a.
Lemma P_well_founded_induction_type :
well_founded_P ->
forall Q : A -> Type,
(forall x : A, P x -> (forall y : A,P y-> R y x -> Q y) -> Q x) ->
forall a : A, P a -> Q a.
move => W Q Ha a.
have wfr: well_founded restrict by move => b; split => y [ra _ _]; apply: W.
apply: (well_founded_induction_type wfr (fun x => P x -> Q x)).
by move => x Hb px; apply: Ha => // y py ry; apply: Hb.
End restricted_recursion.
Module CantorOrdinal.
The type T1
Fixpoint T1eq x y {struct x} :=
match x, y with
| zero, zero => true
| cons a n b, cons a' n' b' => [&& T1eq a a', n== n' & T1eq b b' ]
| _, _ => false
Lemma T1eqP : Equality.axiom T1eq.
move=> n m; apply: (iffP idP) => [|<-].
elim: n m; first by case => [ // | a n b //].
move => a H1 n b H2 [] // a' n' b' /= /andP [/H1 -> /andP []].
by move => /eqP -> /H2 ->.
by elim: n => // t ct n a caa /=;rewrite ct caa eqxx.
Canonical T1_eqMixin := EqMixin T1eqP.
Canonical T1_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType T1 T1_eqMixin.
Implicit Arguments T1eqP [x y].
Prenex Implicits T1eqP.
Lemma T1eqE a n b a' n' b':
(cons a n b == cons a' n' b') = [&& a == a', n== n' & b == b' ].
Proof. by []. Qed.
Delimit Scope cantor_scope with ca.
Open Scope cantor_scope.
Some definitions
- φ0(x) is cons x 0 zero , it represents ω x
- one is φ0(0)
- omega is φ0(1)
- bad is an example of an ordinal not in normal form
- fun n := \F n is the canonical injection of nat into T1
- the log of cons a n b is a
- an ordinal is AP if it is in the image of φ0.
Definition phi0 a := cons a 0 zero.
Definition one := cons zero 0 zero.
Definition T1omega := phi0 (phi0 zero).
Definition T1bad := cons zero 0 T1omega.
Definition T1nat (n:nat) : T1 :=
if n is p.+1 then cons zero p zero else zero.
Definition T1log a := if a is cons a _ _ then a else zero.
Definition T1ap x := if x is cons a n b then ((n==0) && (b==zero)) else false.
Notation "\F n" := (T1nat n)(at level 29) : cantor_scope.
Lemma T1F_inj: injective T1nat.
case; first by case => //; discriminate.
move => n; case; [discriminate | by move => m; case => ->].
Lemma T1phi0_zero : phi0 zero = \F 1. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T1phi0_zero' : phi0 zero = one. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T1log_phi0 x : T1log (phi0 x) = x. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T1ap_phi0 x: T1ap (phi0 x). Proof. by []. Qed.
Order on T1
Fixpoint T1lt x y {struct x} :=
if x is cons a n b then
if y is cons a' n' b' then
if a < a' then true
else if a == a' then
if (n < n')%N then true
else if (n == n') then b < b' else false
else false
else false
else if y is cons a' n' b' then true else false
where "x < y" := (T1lt x y) : cantor_scope.
Definition T1le (x y :T1) := (x == y) || (x < y).
Notation "x <= y" := (T1le x y) : cantor_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y <= x) (only parsing) : cantor_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : cantor_scope.
Lemma T1lenn x: x <= x.
Proof. by rewrite /T1le eqxx. Qed.
Hint Resolve T1lenn.
Lemma T1ltnn x: (x < x) = false.
Proof. by elim:x => //= a -> n b ->; rewrite ltnn ! if_same. Qed.
Lemma T1lt_ne a b : a < b -> (a == b) = false.
Proof. by case h: (a== b) => //; rewrite (eqP h) T1ltnn. Qed.
Lemma T1lt_ne' a b : a < b -> (b == a) = false.
Proof. rewrite eq_sym; apply /T1lt_ne. Qed.
Lemma T1ltW a b : (a < b) -> (a <= b).
Proof. by rewrite /T1le => ->; rewrite orbT. Qed.
Lemma T1le_eqVlt a b : (a <= b) = (a == b) || (a < b).
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T1lt_neAle a b : (a < b) = (a != b) && (a <= b).
by rewrite T1le_eqVlt; case h: (a < b);[ rewrite (T1lt_ne h) | case(a==b) ].
Lemma T1ltn0 x: (x < zero) = false. Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T1le0n x: zero <= x. Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T1len0 x: (x <= zero) = (x == zero). Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T1lt0n x: (zero < x) = (x != zero). Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T1ge1 x: (one <= x) = (x != zero).
Proof. by case: x => // [] // [] // [] // []. Qed.
Lemma T1lt1 x: (x < one) = (x==zero).
Proof. by case: x => // [] // [] // [] // []. Qed.
Lemma T1nat_inc n p : (n < p)%N = (\F n < \F p).
case: p => //; first by rewrite T1ltn0 ltn0.
by case: n => // n p //=; rewrite ltnS if_same if_simpl.
This is an alternative version of less-or-equal
Lemma T1le_consE a n b a' n' b':
(cons a n b <= cons a' n' b') =
if a < a' then true
else if a == a' then
if (n < n')%N then true
else if (n == n') then b <= b' else false
else false.
rewrite /T1le T1eqE /=.
case pa: (a<a');first by rewrite orbT.
case pb: (a==a') => //; case pc: (n<n')%N;first by rewrite orbT.
by case pd: (n==n').
We have exactly one of: a is less than, greater than, or equal to b
Lemma T1lt_trichotomy a b: [|| (a< b), (a==b) | (b < a)].
elim: a b; first by case; [rewrite eqxx // | move => a n b].
move => a Ha n b Hb [] // a' n' b' /=.
case /or3P: (Ha a'); [by move => -> | | by move => ->; rewrite !orbT ].
move => h; rewrite h (eqP h) T1ltnn eqxx.
case : (ltngtP n n'); [done | by rewrite !orbT | move => -> ].
by rewrite T1eqE !eqxx /= Hb.
Lemma T1lt_anti b a: a < b -> (b < a) = false.
elim: a b; first by move => b; rewrite T1ltn0.
move => a Ha n b Hb [] // a' n' b' /=.
case pa: (a < a').
rewrite (Ha _ pa); case aa: (a' == a) => // _.
by move: pa; rewrite (eqP aa) T1ltnn.
case aa: (a== a') => //.
rewrite (eqP aa) eqxx T1ltnn; rewrite (eq_sym n'); case: (ltngtP n n') => //.
by move => _; apply:Hb.
Lemma T1leNgt a b: (a <= b) = ~~ (b < a).
case /or3P: (T1lt_trichotomy a b).
- by move => h; rewrite (T1lt_anti h) (T1ltW h).
- by move /eqP ->; rewrite T1ltnn T1lenn.
- by move => h; rewrite h /T1le (T1lt_anti h) (T1lt_ne' h).
Lemma T1ltNge a b: (a < b) = ~~ (b <= a).
Proof. by rewrite T1leNgt negbK. Qed.
Lemma T1eq_le m n : (m == n) = ((m <= n) && (n <= m)).
rewrite /T1le (eq_sym n m);case eqmn: (m == n) => //=.
by case lt1: (m < n) => //; rewrite (T1lt_anti lt1).
Lemma T1le_total m n : (m <= n) || (n <= m).
by rewrite /T1le;case /or3P: (T1lt_trichotomy m n) => -> //; rewrite !orbT.
The next three definitions are similar to to those defined in ssrnat.
we shall use T1ltgtP a lot.
CoInductive T1ltn_xor_geq m n : bool -> bool -> Set :=
| T1LtnNotGeq of m < n : T1ltn_xor_geq m n false true
| T1GeqNotLtn of n <= m : T1ltn_xor_geq m n true false.
CoInductive T1leq_xor_gtn m n : bool -> bool -> Set :=
| T1GeqNotGtn of m <= n : T1leq_xor_gtn m n true false
| T1GtnNotLeq of n < m : T1leq_xor_gtn m n false true.
CoInductive compare_T1 m n : bool -> bool -> bool -> Set :=
| CompareT1Lt of m < n : compare_T1 m n true false false
| CompareT1Gt of m > n : compare_T1 m n false true false
| CompareT1Eq of m = n : compare_T1 m n false false true.
Lemma T1leP x y : T1leq_xor_gtn x y (x <= y) (y < x).
by rewrite T1ltNge; case le_xy: (x <= y); constructor;rewrite // T1ltNge le_xy.
Lemma T1ltP m n : T1ltn_xor_geq m n (n <= m) (m < n).
Proof. by case T1leP; constructor. Qed.
Lemma T1ltgtP m n : compare_T1 m n (m < n) (n < m) (m == n).
rewrite T1lt_neAle T1eq_le;case: T1ltP; first by constructor.
by rewrite T1le_eqVlt orbC; case: T1leP; constructor; first exact /eqP.
We show here transitivity of comparison, using T1ltgtP .
Lemma T1lt_trans b a c: a < b -> b < c -> a < c.
elim: c a b => [a [] // | a'' Ha n'' c'' Hc a [] ]; rewrite ? T1ltn0 //.
move => a' n' b'; case: a => // a n b /=.
case: (T1ltgtP a a') => h1 //.
case: (T1ltgtP a' a'') => h2 //; first by rewrite (Ha _ _ h1 h2).
by rewrite - h2 h1.
rewrite h1; case: (T1ltgtP a' a'') => // _; case: (ltngtP n n')%N => // h2.
case: (ltngtP n' n'') => h3 //; first by rewrite (ltn_trans h2 h3).
by rewrite - h3 h2.
by rewrite h2; case: (ltngtP n' n'') => h3 //; apply: Hc.
Lemma T1lt_le_trans b a c: a < b -> b <= c -> a < c.
by move => lab; case /orP;[ move /eqP => <- | apply:T1lt_trans].
Lemma T1le_lt_trans b a c: a <= b -> b < c -> a < c.
Proof. by case /orP;[ move /eqP => <- |apply:T1lt_trans]. Qed.
Lemma T1le_trans b a c: a <= b -> b <= c -> a <= c.
case /orP; first by move /eqP => ->.
by move => l1 l2; rewrite /T1le (T1lt_le_trans l1 l2) orbT.
The following lemma implies
x < ω x, so all ordinals are less than
ε 0
Lemma head_lt_cons a n b: a < cons a n b.
Proof. by elim : a n b => // a Ha n b _ n' b' /=; rewrite (Ha n b). Qed.
Lemma T1lt_cons_le a n b a' n' b': (cons a n b < cons a' n' b') -> (a <= a').
Proof. by rewrite /T1le /=; case (T1ltgtP a a'). Qed.
Lemma T1le_cons_le a n b a' n' b': (cons a n b <= cons a' n' b') -> (a <= a').
case /orP; [ by case /eqP => -> | apply:T1lt_cons_le ].
Lemma phi0_lt a b: (phi0 a < phi0 b) = (a < b).
Proof. by rewrite /phi0 /= if_same if_simpl. Qed.
Lemma phi0_le a b: (phi0 a <= phi0 b) = (a <= b).
Proof. by rewrite /T1le phi0_lt /phi0 T1eqE eqxx andbT. Qed.
Lemma phi0_lt1 a n b a': (cons a n b < phi0 a') = (a < a').
Proof. by rewrite /phi0/= T1ltn0 !if_same if_simpl. Qed.
Normal form
Theorem lt_not_wf : ~ (well_founded T1lt).
set f := (fix f i := if i is n.+1 then cons zero 0 (f n) else T1omega).
by case/not_decreasing; exists f; elim.
We say that cons a n b is NF if
)b <φ0(a).
If b is cons a' n' b', this says that b is less than b'.
If a is zero, this says that b=0.
Fixpoint T1nf x :=
if x is cons a _ b then [&& T1nf a, T1nf b & b < phi0 a ]
else true.
Lemma T1nf_cons0 a n: T1nf a -> T1nf (cons a n zero).
Proof. by rewrite /= andbT. Qed.
Lemma T1nf_cons_cons a n a' n' b' : T1nf (cons a n (cons a' n' b')) -> a' < a.
Proof. by rewrite /= T1ltn0 !if_same if_simpl => /and3P [_ _]. Qed.
Lemma T1nf_consa a n b: T1nf (cons a n b) -> T1nf a.
Proof. by move /and3P => []. Qed.
Lemma T1nf_consb a n b: T1nf (cons a n b) -> T1nf b.
Proof. by move /and3P => []. Qed.
Lemma T1nf_finite1 n b: T1nf (cons zero n b) = (b == zero).
Proof. by case: b => // a n' b /=; rewrite !T1ltn0 !if_same andbF. Qed.
Lemma T1nf_finite n b: T1nf (cons zero n b) -> (b = zero).
Proof. by rewrite T1nf_finite1 => /eqP. Qed.
Lemma T1nfCE: ~~(T1nf T1bad). Proof. by []. Qed.
We show here that the restriction of T1lt to NF ordinals is well-founded,
then prove two induction principles. Note that nf_Wf' says every
NF x is accessible by the relation: u<v, u and v NF.
If x is not NF it is trivially accessible. The proof is a bit tricky
Lemma nf_Wf : well_founded (restrict T1nf T1lt).
have az: Acc (restrict T1nf T1lt) zero by split => y [_]; rewrite T1ltn0.
elim;[ exact az | move => a Ha n b _].
elim:{a} Ha n b => a Ha Hb n b.
case nx: (T1nf (cons a n b)); last by split => y [_ _]; rewrite nx.
move/and3P: (nx);rewrite -/T1nf; move => [na nb lba].
have aca: Acc (restrict T1nf T1lt) a by split.
have Hc: forall b, Acc (restrict T1nf T1lt) b ->
T1nf (cons a 0 b)-> Acc (restrict T1nf T1lt) (cons a 0 b).
move => c; elim => {c} c qa qb qc; split; case; first by move => _; apply: az.
move => a'' n'' b'' [] sa /= ua /and3P [_ nc _];move/and3P:(sa) => [ra rb _].
move: ua;case: (T1ltgtP a'' a) => ua ub.
- by apply: Hb.
- by case ub.
- by move: ub sa; case ee:(n''==0); [rewrite ua (eqP ee) => ub; apply: qb | ].
have Hd: forall b, T1nf b -> b < phi0 a -> Acc (restrict T1nf T1lt) b.
case; [by move => _ _ ; apply: az | move => a' n' b' nx'].
rewrite phi0_lt1 => aa'.
by apply: Hb; rewrite /restrict (T1nf_consa nx') na aa'.
elim: n b {nb lba} (Hd _ nb lba) nx => [ // | n He b]; elim.
move => c _ qb np; split; case; first by move => _; apply: az.
move => a'' n'' b'' [sa /= sb _];move /and3P: (sa) => [ra rb rc].
move: sb; case: (T1ltgtP a'' a) => sc sb; [ by apply: Hb | by case sb |].
move: sb; case: (ltngtP n'' n.+1); [rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt | done | move ->].
rewrite sc in rc; move => sb _; move: sa; case /orP: sb.
move => /eqP ->; rewrite sc; apply: (He b'' (Hd _ rb rc)).
move => qd qe.
have nc0: T1nf (cons a n zero) by rewrite /= andbT.
apply: (acc_rec (And3 qe _ nc0) (He _ az nc0)).
by rewrite /= qd sc eqxx T1ltnn.
move => sb; move/and3P: np => [pa pb pc].
rewrite sc;apply: (qb _ (And3 rb sb pb)); rewrite -sc //.
Lemma nf_Wf' : well_founded_P T1nf T1lt.
Proof. move => x /= nx; apply: nf_Wf. Qed.
Lemma T1transfinite_induction P:
(forall x, T1nf x -> (forall y, T1nf y -> y < x -> P y) -> P x) ->
forall a, T1nf a -> P a.
move => H; exact: (P_well_founded_induction_type nf_Wf' H).
Lemma T1transfinite_induction_Q (P: T1 -> Type) (Q: T1 -> Prop):
(forall x:T1, Q x -> T1nf x ->
(forall y:T1, Q y -> T1nf y -> y < x -> P y) -> P x) ->
forall a, T1nf a -> Q a -> P a.
pose q a:= T1nf a /\ Q a; pose lt x y := x < y.
move => H a pa pb; move: {pa pb} a (conj pa pb).
have wf1: well_founded_P q lt.
move => a qa; elim: (nf_Wf' (proj1 qa)).
by move => b _ h2; split => c [ [na _] la [nb _]]; apply: h2.
have H': forall x, q x -> (forall y, q y -> lt y x -> P y) -> P x.
by move => x [pa pb] ha; apply: H => // y ya yb; apply: ha.
exact: (P_well_founded_induction_type wf1 H').
Lemma T1nf_rect (P : T1 -> Type):
P zero ->
(forall n: nat, P (cons zero n zero)) ->
(forall a n b n' b', T1nf (cons a n b) ->
P (cons a n b) ->
b' < phi0 (cons a n b) ->
T1nf b' ->
P b' ->
P (cons (cons a n b) n' b')) ->
forall a, T1nf a -> P a.
move =>H0 Hfinite Hcons; elim => // a IH1 n t IH2;case: a IH1.
by rewrite T1nf_finite1; move => _ /eqP ->.
move => a' n' c pa =>/and3P [pc pd pe]; auto.
- limit if a is non-zero, b is limit or zero
- finite if a is zero
- a successor if a is zero or b is a successor
- successor as \F (n+2) or cons a n (succ b)
- predecessor as \F n or cons a n (pred b)
- split u,v as cons a n x, y if b split as x,y and a is non-zero; and as 0,n+1 if a is zero
Fixpoint T1limit x :=
if x is cons a n b then
if a==zero then false else (b== zero) || T1limit b
else false.
Definition T1finite x := if x is cons a n b then a == zero else true.
Fixpoint T1is_succ x :=
if x is cons a n b then (a==zero) || T1is_succ b else false.
Fixpoint T1succ (c:T1) : T1 :=
if c is cons a n b
then if a == zero then cons zero n.+1 zero else cons a n (T1succ b)
else one.
Fixpoint T1pred (c:T1) : T1 :=
if c is cons a n b then
if (a==zero) then \F n else (cons a n (T1pred b))
else zero.
Fixpoint T1split x:=
if x is cons a n b then
if a==zero then (zero, n.+1) else
let: (x, y) := T1split b in (cons a n x,y)
else (zero,0).
Lemma split_limit x: ((T1split x).2 == 0) = ((x==zero) || T1limit x).
elim: x => // a _ n b Hb /=.
case pa: (a==zero) => //; rewrite - Hb; by case: (T1split b).
Lemma split_is_succ x: ((T1split x).2 != 0) = (T1is_succ x).
elim: x => // a _ n b Hb /=.
case pa: (a==zero) => //; rewrite - Hb; by case: (T1split b).
Lemma split_finite x: ((T1split x).1 == zero) = T1finite x.
by case: x => // a n b /=; case pa: (a==zero) => //; case: (T1split b).
Lemma split_succ x: let:(y,n):= T1split x in T1split (T1succ x) = (y,n.+1).
elim: x => // a _ n b /=.
by case pa: (a==zero) => //=; rewrite pa /=; case: (T1split b) => u v ->.
Lemma split_pred x: let:(y,n):= T1split x in T1split (T1pred x) = (y,n.-1).
elim: x => // a _ n b /=.
case pa: (a==zero) => //=; first by case: n.
by rewrite pa /=; case:(T1split b) => // u v ->.
Lemma split_le x : (T1split x).1 <= x.
elim: x => // a _ n b Hb /=.
case pa: (a==zero) => //; move: Hb; case: (T1split b) => y m /=.
by rewrite T1le_consE !eqxx /= => ->; rewrite !if_same.
Lemma nf_split x : T1nf x -> T1nf (T1split x).1.
elim: x => // a _ n b Hb /=.
case pa: (a==zero) => // /and3P [sa /Hb sb sc] /=.
move: (T1le_lt_trans (split_le b) sc).
by move: sb; case (T1split b) => y m /= -> ->; rewrite sa.
Lemma T1finite1 n: T1finite (\F n).
Proof. by case:n. Qed.
Lemma T1finite2 x: T1finite x -> T1nf x -> x = \F ((T1split x).2).
Proof. by case: x => // a n b /eqP -> /T1nf_finite ->. Qed.
Lemma T1finite2CE: T1finite T1bad /\ forall n, T1bad <> \F n.
Proof. by split => //; case. Qed.
Lemma T1finite_succ x: T1finite x -> T1finite (T1succ x).
Proof. elim: x => // a Ha n b Hb; move /eqP => -> //. Qed.
Lemma T1succ_nat n: T1succ (\F n) = \F (n.+1).
Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma nf_omega : T1nf T1omega. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma nf_finite n: T1nf (\F n). Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma nf_phi0 a: T1nf (phi0 a) = T1nf a. Proof. by rewrite /= andbT. Qed.
Lemma nf_log a: T1nf a -> T1nf (T1log a).
Proof. by case: a => // a n b /T1nf_consa. Qed.
An ordinal is zero, limit or a successor, exclusively. When we split x
the first component is zero or limit, the second is a natural number
Lemma limit_pr1 x: (x == zero) (+) (T1limit x (+) T1is_succ x).
elim: x => //a _ n b Hb /=; case az: (a== zero) => //.
by case bz: (b == zero); [ rewrite (eqP bz) | move: Hb; rewrite bz].
Lemma split_limit1 x (y:= (T1split x).1): (y == zero) || (T1limit y).
rewrite /y;elim x => // a _ n b Hb /=.
by case pa: (a==zero) => //; move: Hb; case (T1split b) => u v /=; rewrite pa.
If x is limit, if y is less than x, so is the successor of y
Lemma limit_pr x y: T1limit x -> y < x -> T1succ y < x.
elim: x y; [ by [] |move => a _ n b Hb y /= H1].
case: y; [ by move => _; move: H1; case: a |move => a' n' b' /=].
have aux: b' < b -> T1succ b' < b.
case: (a==zero) H1 => // /orP []; first by move => /eqP ->; rewrite T1ltn0.
by apply: Hb.
case a'; first by rewrite /T1succ; move => _;move: H1; case: a.
move => a'' n'' b''; case: a H1; [ done | move => u v w _ ].
simpl; rewrite T1eqE;case: (a'' < u) => //; case: eqP => // _.
case:(n'' < v)%N => //; case e2: (n'' == v) => //; case: (b'' < w) => //.
by case: eqP => //= _; case: (n' <n)%N => //; case: eqP.
Lemma pred_le a: T1pred a <= a.
elim: a => // a _ n b Hb /=; case az: (a==zero).
by rewrite (eqP az); case: n => // m /=; rewrite T1le_consE /= ltnS leqnn.
by rewrite T1le_consE /= Hb !eqxx !if_same.
Lemma pred_lt a: T1is_succ a -> T1pred a < a.
elim: a => // a _ n b Hb /=; case az: (a==zero).
by rewrite (eqP az); case: n => // m /=; rewrite ltnS leqnn.
by move /Hb;rewrite /=T1ltnn ltnn !eqxx.
Lemma succ_lt a: a < T1succ a.
elim: a => // a asa n b bb;move: asa; case: a; first by rewrite /= ltnSn.
by move => u v w h /=; rewrite bb ! eqxx !ltnn if_same.
Lemma nf_succ a: T1nf a -> T1nf (T1succ a).
elim:a => // a _ n b Hb /and3P [pa /Hb pb pc] /=.
case az: (a== zero) => //; apply /and3P;split => //.
by apply:limit_pr => //=; rewrite az.
Lemma nf_pred a: T1nf a -> T1nf (T1pred a).
elim:a => // a _ n b Hb /and3P [pa /Hb pb pc] /=.
case az: (a== zero) => //; first by apply: nf_finite.
by rewrite /= (T1le_lt_trans (pred_le b) pc) pb !andbT.
Lemma succ_pred x: T1nf x -> T1is_succ x -> x = T1succ (T1pred x).
elim: x => // a _ n b Hb; case az: (a==zero).
by rewrite (eqP az) T1nf_finite1 => /eqP ->; case: n.
by move => /T1nf_consb /Hb h /=;rewrite /= az /= az => h'; rewrite - h.
Lemma succ_predCE: T1is_succ T1bad /\ forall y, T1bad <> T1succ y.
Proof. by split => //; case => //; case. Qed.
Lemma succ_p1 x: T1is_succ (T1succ x).
by elim: x => // a _ n b Hb /=; case pa: (a==zero) => //=; rewrite pa.
Lemma pred_succ x: T1nf x -> T1pred (T1succ x) = x.
elim: x => // a _ n b Hb nx /=; case az: (a==zero).
by move: nx; rewrite (eqP az) T1nf_finite1 => /eqP ->.
by rewrite /= az (Hb (T1nf_consb nx)).
Lemma pred_succ_CE: T1pred (T1succ T1bad) <> T1bad.
Proof. discriminate. Qed.
Lemma succ_inj x y: T1nf x -> T1nf y -> (T1succ x == T1succ y) = (x==y).
move => nx ny;case h: (T1succ x == T1succ y).
by rewrite - (pred_succ nx) (eqP h) (pred_succ ny) eqxx.
by case hh: (x==y) => //; rewrite -h (eqP hh) eqxx.
Lemma succ_injCE: one <> T1bad /\ (T1succ one = T1succ T1bad).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma lt_succ_succ x y: T1succ x < T1succ y -> x < y.
elim: x y; first by case; [ rewrite T1ltnn | move => a n b _ ].
move => a _ n b Hb; case; [ by case a | move => a' n' b'].
case a;case a' => //; first by rewrite /= ltnS if_same; case: (n < n')%N.
move => a'' n'' b'' a''' n''' b'''; rewrite /= T1eqE.
case (T1ltgtP a''' a'') => //;case (ltngtP n''' n'') => //.
case (T1ltgtP b''' b'') => //;case (ltngtP n n') => //= _ _ _ _; apply: Hb.
Lemma le_succ_succ x y: x <= y -> T1succ x <= T1succ y.
Proof. rewrite !T1leNgt; apply: contra; exact:lt_succ_succ. Qed.
Lemma lt_succ2CE: one < T1bad /\ T1bad < T1succ one.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma lt_succ_succE x y:
T1nf x -> T1nf y -> (T1succ x < T1succ y) = (x < y).
move => nx ny.
case (T1ltgtP (T1succ x) (T1succ y)).
+ by move/lt_succ_succ => ->.
+ by move /lt_succ_succ => /T1lt_anti.
+ by move /eqP; rewrite (succ_inj nx ny) => /eqP ->; rewrite T1ltnn.
Some properties of comparison and successor
Lemma le_succ_succE x y:
T1nf x -> T1nf y -> (T1succ x <= T1succ y) = (x <= y).
by move => na nb; rewrite /T1le (succ_inj na nb) (lt_succ_succE na nb).
Lemma lt_succ_le_1 a b : T1succ a <= b -> a < b.
Proof. apply: T1lt_le_trans (succ_lt a). Qed.
Lemma lt_succ_le_2 a b: T1nf a -> a < T1succ b -> a <= b.
elim: a b; first by move => b;rewrite T1le0n.
move => a' _ n' b' Hb; case; first by rewrite /= ! T1ltn0 ! if_same.
case a' => // n b; move /T1nf_finite ->.
rewrite /= if_same if_simpl ltnS T1le_consE T1le0n T1ltnn eqxx leq_eqVlt.
case: (ltngtP n' n) => //.
move => a'' n'' b'' n b /T1nf_consb H; rewrite T1le_consE /=.
case: (T1ltgtP a' (cons a'' n'' b'')) => //.
by case: (ltngtP n' n) => //= _ _; apply: Hb.
Lemma lt_succ_le_3 a b: T1nf a -> (a < T1succ b) = (a <= b).
move => na; case h:(a < T1succ b).
by rewrite (lt_succ_le_2 na h).
rewrite - h; case: (T1ltP b a) => // ab; exact: (T1le_lt_trans ab (succ_lt b)).
Lemma lt_succ_le_4 a b: T1nf b -> (a < b) = (T1succ a <= b).
move => nb.
case: (T1ltP a b).
rewrite T1leNgt T1ltNge; case h: (b < T1succ a) => //.
by rewrite(lt_succ_le_2 nb h).
by move /le_succ_succ => /(T1lt_le_trans (succ_lt b)); rewrite T1leNgt => ->.
Lemma phi0_log a: a < phi0 (T1succ (T1log a)).
Proof. by case: a => // a n b /=; rewrite succ_lt. Qed.
Lemma tail_lt_cons a n b: b < phi0 a -> b < cons a n b.
case b => // a' n' b' /=.
by case: (T1ltgtP a' a) => //; rewrite T1ltn0 if_same.
Fixpoint T1add x y :=
if x is cons a n b then
if y is cons a' n' b' then
if a < a' then cons a' n' b'
else if a' < a then (cons a n (b + (cons a' n' b')))
else (cons a (n+n').+1 b')
else x
else y
where "a + b" := (T1add a b) : cantor_scope.
Fixpoint T1sub x y :=
if x is cons a n b then
if y is cons a' n' b' then
if x < y then zero
else if a' < a then cons a n b
else if (n < n')%N then zero
else if (a==zero) then
if (n ==n') then zero else cons zero ((n-n').-1) zero
else if (n == n') then b - b' else cons a (n-n').-1 b
else x
else zero
where "x - y" := (T1sub x y):cantor_scope.
Easy properties
Lemma succ_is_add_one a: T1succ a = a + one.
by elim:a => // a _ n b Hb /=; rewrite T1ltn0 addn0 Hb; case a.
Lemma add1Nfin a: ~~ T1finite a -> one + a = a.
Proof. by case a => // u v w /=; case u. Qed.
Lemma sub1Nfin a: ~~ T1finite a -> a - one = a.
Proof. by case: a => // u v w /=; case:u. Qed.
Lemma sub1a x: x != zero -> T1nf x -> x = one + (x - one).
move => na nb;case fb:(T1finite x).
move: na fb nb ; case: x => // a' n' b' /= _ /eqP ->.
by rewrite T1lt1 => /and3P [_ _ /eqP ->]; case: n'.
rewrite sub1Nfin ?fb // add1Nfin // fb //.
Lemma sub1b x: T1nf x -> x = (one + x) - one.
case:x => // a n b; case: a => //; rewrite T1nf_finite1 => /eqP -> //.
Lemma sub_1aCE (a:= cons zero 0 T1bad) : one + (a - one) != a.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma sub_1bCE (a:= cons zero 0 T1bad) : (one + a - one) != a.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma T1add0n : left_id zero T1add. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T1addn0: right_id zero T1add. Proof. by case. Qed.
Lemma T1subn0 x: x - zero = x.
Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T1subnn x: x - x = zero.
by elim:x => // a _ n b Hb /=; rewrite !T1ltnn ltnn !eqxx Hb if_same.
Lemma add_int n m : \F n + \F m = \F (n +m)%N.
case: n m => // n; case; first by rewrite addn0 T1addn0.
by move => m /=; rewrite - addnS.
Lemma sub_int n m : \F n - \F m = \F (n -m)%N.
case: n m => // n [] // m /=.
rewrite subSS /T1nat; case (ltngtP n m) => pa.
- by rewrite (eqP (ltnW pa)).
- by rewrite -(subnSK pa).
- by rewrite pa subnn.
Lemma add_fin_omega n: \F n + T1omega = T1omega.
Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma fooCE (x:= T1bad):
~~T1limit x /\(forall u v, T1limit u -> x <> u + \F v.+1).
Proof. by split => // u v; case u => // a n b; case a. Qed.
Lemma split_add x: let: (y,n) :=T1split x in T1nf x ->
(x == y + \F n) && ((y==zero) || T1limit y ).
elim: x => //a _ n b Hb /=.
case pa: (a==zero).
by rewrite (eqP pa) T1lt1 => /and3P [_ _ /eqP ->]; rewrite !eqxx.
move: Hb; case: (T1split b) => y s h /and3P [_ /h/andP [/eqP -> sb] _].
rewrite orFb /T1limit pa sb andbT; case: {h} s => //=; first by rewrite T1addn0.
by move => m; move: pa; case: a.
Lemma add_to_cons a n b:
b < phi0 a -> cons a n zero + b = cons a n b.
by case: b => // u v w; rewrite phi0_lt1 /= => h; rewrite h (T1lt_anti h).
Lemma addC_CE (a := one) (b := T1omega):
[/\ T1nf a, T1nf b & a + b <> b + a].
Proof. by split. Qed.
We say that x is AP is the sum of two ordinals less than x is
less than x. This conditionq holds if x has the form
)φ0(a); the converse is true when x is non-zero.
We may also assume everything NF.
Lemma ap_pr0 a (x := phi0 a) b c:
b < x -> c < x -> b + c < x.
case: b c; [by move => c |move => a1 n b].
case; [by move => H _ | move => a' n' c'].
by rewrite ! (fun_if (fun z => z < x)) !phi0_lt1 if_same; case: (a1 < a').
Lemma ap_pr1 c:
(forall a b, a < c -> b < c -> a + b < c) ->
(c== zero) || T1ap c.
case: c => // a n b.
case: n b => [b H | n b H]; last first.
have l2: (cons a n b) < (cons a n.+1 b) by rewrite /= eqxx ltnS leqnn if_same.
move: (H _ _ l2 l2); rewrite /= !T1ltnn /= !T1ltnn eqxx if_same.
by rewrite ltnS -{3}(add0n n) ltn_add2r.
case bz: (b == zero) => //.
have pa: cons a 0 zero < cons a 0 b by move: bz;rewrite /= !T1ltnn eqxx; case b.
by move: (H _ _ pa pa); rewrite /= T1ltnn /= T1ltnn if_same.
Lemma ap_pr2 c:
T1nf c -> c <> zero ->
(forall a b, T1nf a -> T1nf b -> a < c -> b < c -> a + b < c) ->
T1ap c.
case: c => // a n b nc _ Hr.
have {Hr} H: forall u, T1nf u -> u < cons a n b -> u + u < cons a n b.
by move => u ua ub; apply: Hr.
case: n b H nc => [b H /T1nf_consa na | n b H nc].
have nc: T1nf (cons a 0 zero) by rewrite /= andbT.
move: (H _ nc); rewrite /= T1ltnn eqxx /= if_same T1ltnn.
by case b => // u v w; apply.
have l2: (cons a n b) < (cons a n.+1 b) by rewrite /= T1ltnn eqxx ltnSn.
move: (H (cons a n b) nc l2).
by rewrite /= T1ltnn /= !T1ltnn /= eqxx if_same ltnS -{3}(add0n n) ltn_add2r.
Lemma ap_pr2CE (c := cons T1bad 1 zero):
(forall a b, T1nf a -> T1nf b -> a < c -> b < c -> a + b < c).
move => a b na nb; rewrite /c.
move: na nb;case: a; first by rewrite T1add0n.
move => a' n' b' HA; case: b; first by rewrite T1addn0.
move => a'' n'' b'' HB.
have pa: (a' == T1bad) = false.
by apply /negP => /eqP ba; move: HA; rewrite ba /=.
have pb: (a'' == T1bad) = false.
by apply /negP => /eqP ba; move: HB; rewrite ba /=.
rewrite /= !(fun_if (fun z => z < cons T1bad 1 zero)) /= pa pb => sa sb.
by case (T1ltgtP a' a'').
Alternate definition of an AP: if a<x then a+x=x.
Lemma add_simpl1 a n b n' b': a != zero ->
cons a n b + cons zero n' b' = cons a n (b + cons zero n' b').
Proof. by case: a. Qed.
Lemma add_simpl2 n b a' n' b': a' != zero ->
cons zero n b + cons a' n' b' = cons a' n' b'.
Proof. by case: a'. Qed.
Lemma ap_pr3 a b (x := phi0 a): b < x -> b + x = x.
by rewrite /x /phi0; case: b => // a' n' b'; rewrite phi0_lt1 /= => ->.
Lemma ap_pr4 x: (forall b, b < x -> b + x = x) -> (x == zero) || T1ap x.
case: x => // a; case; [ case => // a' n' b' H | move => n b H].
have: cons a 0 zero < cons a 0 (cons a' n' b') by rewrite /= T1ltnn eqxx.
move /H;rewrite /= T1ltnn; discriminate.
have: cons a n zero < cons a n.+1 b by rewrite /= T1ltnn eqxx ltnSn.
by move /H; rewrite /= T1ltnn - {3} (addn0 n); case => /eqP; rewrite eqn_add2l.
It follows tthat the sum of two NF ordinals is NF
Lemma nf_add a b: T1nf a -> T1nf b -> T1nf (a + b).
elim: a b => // a Ha n b Hb [] // a' n' b' ha hb /=.
case (T1ltgtP a a') => //;last by move => ->; move: hb.
rewrite -(phi0_lt1 _ n' b') => pb.
by move: ha => /= /and3P [-> sb sc]; rewrite (Hb _ sb hb) ap_pr0.
Results anbout addition subtraction comparison
Lemma T1add_eq0 m n: (m + n == zero) = (m == zero) && (n == zero).
case: m; [by rewrite T1add0n | move => a' n' b'; rewrite andFb].
by case: n => // a n b /=; case (T1ltgtP a a').
Lemma add_le1 a b: a <= a + b.
elim:a b; first by rewrite /T1le /=; case;[ rewrite eqxx | ].
move => a' _ n' b' Hb [] // a n b /=.
case: (T1ltgtP a' a) => h;rewrite T1le_consE ?h // ? ltnn T1ltnn !eqxx //=.
by rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
Lemma add_le2 a b: b <= a + b.
case: a => // a' n' b'; case: b ; [done | move => a n b /=].
case: (T1ltgtP a' a) => // h;rewrite T1le_consE ?h // ltnS leq_addl /= eqxx.
by rewrite if_same.
Lemma minus_lt a b: a < b -> a - b = zero.
elim: a b => // a' _ n' b' Hb [] // a'' n'' b'' h.
by rewrite /T1sub h.
Lemma minus_le a b: a <= b -> a - b = zero.
rewrite T1le_eqVlt;case /orP; [move /eqP ->; apply: T1subnn| apply: minus_lt].
Lemma T1sub0 a: a - zero = a.
Proof. by case: a => // a n b; case: a. Qed.
Lemma nf_sub a b: T1nf a -> T1nf b -> T1nf (a - b).
elim: a b => // a' _ n' b' Hb []; [ by rewrite T1sub0 | move => a n b /= sa sb].
have sc: T1nf (b' - b).
by move/and3P: sa => [_ nb _]; move/and3P: sb => [_ nb' _]; apply: Hb.
by rewrite 11!fun_if /= sa sc !if_same.
Lemma sub_le1 a b : T1nf a -> (a - b) <= a.
elim: a b => [b // | a' _ n' b' Hb].
case; [by rewrite T1sub0 T1lenn | move => a n b /and3P [_ /Hb la lb] /=].
set u := if a' <a then _ else _; case: u => //.
case: (a < a') => //; case: (ltngtP n' n) => // nn.
have hh: ((n' - n).-1 < n')%N.
move: nn; by case: n' => // n' h; rewrite subSn // ltnS leq_subr.
rewrite (fun_if (fun z => (z <= _))) !T1le_consE T1ltnn hh eqxx (eq_sym _ a').
by case (T1ltgtP a' zero).
case :eqP => // _.
apply: (T1le_trans (la b));exact:(T1ltW (tail_lt_cons n' lb)).
Lemma sub_pr a b: T1nf b -> (a + b) - a = b.
elim: a b; first by move => b _; rewrite T1sub0.
move => a' _ n' b' Hb; case; first by rewrite T1addn0 T1subnn.
move => a n b nb /=.
case (T1ltgtP a' a) => pa.
by rewrite /= pa (T1lt_anti pa) (T1lt_ne' pa).
have hh: a' == zero = false by move: pa; case a' => //; rewrite T1ltn0.
by rewrite /= !T1ltnn ltnn !eqxx /= T1ltNge add_le1 hh /= Hb.
rewrite /= T1ltnn eqxx - addnS addKn addnC eqn_simpl1 ltn_simpl1 pa.
by move: nb; case: eqP => // -> nb; rewrite (T1nf_finite nb).
Lemma add_inj a b c : T1nf b -> T1nf c -> a + b = a + c -> b = c.
move => sb sc h.
by rewrite - (sub_pr a sb) - (sub_pr a sc) h.
Lemma sub_pr1 a b: T1nf b -> a <= b -> b = a + (b - a).
move => nb; rewrite /T1le.
case: (altP (a =P b)) => [-> | _ /=]; first by rewrite T1subnn T1addn0.
move: nb; elim: a b; first by move => b nb; rewrite T1sub0 //.
move => a' _ n' b' Hb; case; [by rewrite T1ltn0 | move => a n b].
case: a; [ move => hb hc | move => a'' n'' b''].
move: hb hc => /=;rewrite T1lt1 => /andP [_ /eqP ->].
case a'=> //; rewrite !T1ltn0 eqxx if_same if_simpl => le1.
by rewrite (ltnNge) (ltnW le1) (gtn_eqF le1) /= - addSn - subnS (subnKC le1).
move => /and3P [_ sb sc].
move: (Hb _ sb) (T1le_lt_trans (sub_le1 b' sb) sc) => ha hb /=.
case (T1ltgtP a' (cons a'' n'' b'')) => //.
case a' => // a3 n3 b3 /=; rewrite T1eqE (eq_sym a'' a3) (eq_sym n'' n3).
case (T1ltgtP a3 a'') => //= pa; first by rewrite pa.
case (ltngtP n3 n'') => //= pb; first by rewrite pa T1ltnn eqxx pb.
by move => h; rewrite (T1lt_anti h) (T1lt_ne' h) pa pb T1ltnn ltnn ! eqxx h.
move ->;rewrite !T1ltnn ltnn !eqxx (eq_sym n n');case (ltngtP n' n) => //.
by rewrite T1ltnn => le1; rewrite - addSn - subnS (subnKC le1).
move => -> hw; rewrite (T1lt_anti hw); move: (ha hw) hb; clear hw.
case (b - b'); first by rewrite T1addn0 => ->.
by move => u v w; rewrite phi0_lt1 => <- ua; rewrite ua (T1lt_anti ua).
Lemma sub_pr1CE: (one <= T1bad) && (T1bad != one + (T1bad - one)).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma sub_pr1r a b: T1nf a -> a - b = zero -> a <= b.
move => nn h; case /orP: (T1le_total a b) => // h1.
by move: (sub_pr1 nn h1); rewrite h T1addn0 => ->.
Lemma omega_minus_one : T1omega - one = T1omega.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma sub_nz a b: T1nf b -> a < b -> (b - a) != zero.
move => nb lab; apply/negP => h.
by move: (sub_pr1r nb (eqP h)); rewrite T1leNgt lab.
Lemma sub_nzCE (a := one) (b := (cons zero 0 one)):
(a < b) && (b-a == zero).
Proof. done. Qed.
Associativity of addition
Lemma T1addA c1 c2 c3: c1 + (c2 + c3) = (c1 + c2) + c3.
elim: c1 c2 c3 => // a1 _ n1 b1 H; case.
by move => c3;rewrite !T1add0n T1addn0.
move => a2 n2 b2; case;[ by rewrite ! T1addn0 | move => a3 n3 b3 /=].
case (T1ltgtP a2 a3).
+ case (T1ltgtP a1 a2) => pa pb /=.
- by rewrite (T1lt_trans pa pb) /= pb.
- by case (T1ltgtP a1 a3) => //; rewrite - H /= pb.
- by rewrite pa pb.
+ case (T1ltgtP a1 a2) => pa pb /=; move: (T1lt_anti pb) => pc.
- by rewrite pb pc.
- by move:(T1lt_trans pb pa) => h; rewrite h (T1lt_anti h) - H /= pb pc.
- by rewrite pa pb pc.
+ move => <-; case (T1ltgtP a1 a2) => pb /=.
- by rewrite !T1ltnn.
- by rewrite pb (T1lt_anti pb) - H /= !T1ltnn.
- by rewrite pb !T1ltnn addSn addnS addnA.
Lemma T1addS a b : (a + T1succ b) = T1succ (a+ b).
Proof. by rewrite ! succ_is_add_one T1addA. Qed.
Lemma T1le_add2l p m n : (p + m <= p + n) = (m <= n).
elim:p m n => // a Ha n b Hb.
case; first by move => n1; rewrite T1addn0 T1le0n add_le1.
move => a' n' b'; case.
rewrite T1addn0 /=; case (T1ltgtP a a').
move => h; rewrite T1le_consE (T1lt_ne' h) (T1lt_anti h) => //.
move: (Hb (cons a' n' b') zero).
by rewrite T1le_consE T1addn0 T1ltnn ltnn ! eqxx => ->.
by rewrite T1le_consE T1ltnn eqxx addnC ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1.
move => a'' n'' b'' /=.
case (T1ltgtP a a');case (T1ltgtP a a'') =>// pa pb;
rewrite ? pa -? pa !T1le_consE ? (T1lt_anti pb) ? eqxx ? T1ltnn.
- move: (T1lt_trans pa pb) => pc.
by rewrite (T1lt_ne' pb) (T1lt_ne' pc) (T1lt_anti pc).
- by rewrite (T1lt_ne' pb).
- by rewrite pa (T1lt_trans pb pa).
- by rewrite Hb ltnn T1le_consE.
- by rewrite pb ltnS leq_addr.
- by rewrite -pb pa.
- by rewrite -pb addnC ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1 (T1lt_anti pa) (T1lt_ne' pa).
- by rewrite pb eqxx T1ltnn /= ltnS ltn_add2l - !addSn eqn_add2l.
Lemma T1lt_add2l p m n : (p + m < p + n) = (m < n).
Proof. by rewrite !T1ltNge T1le_add2l. Qed.
Lemma T1lt_add2r p m n : (m + p < n + p ) -> (m < n).
elim: m p n.
by move => p n; rewrite T1add0n; case: n => //;rewrite T1add0n T1ltnn.
move => a Ha n b Hb; case; first by move => u; rewrite ! T1addn0.
move => a' n' b'; case.
simpl;case (T1ltgtP a a') => pa /=.
+ by rewrite !T1ltnn ltnn !if_same.
+ by rewrite (T1lt_anti pa) (T1lt_ne' pa).
+ by rewrite pa T1ltnn eqxx ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1.
move => a'' n'' b'' /=.
case (T1ltgtP a a'); case (T1ltgtP a a'') => pa pb //.
- by rewrite (T1lt_trans pa pb) T1ltnn.
- by rewrite -pa pb T1ltnn.
- case (T1ltgtP a'' a') => pc /=; rewrite ? pc.
+ by rewrite (T1lt_anti pb) (T1lt_ne' pb).
+ by rewrite (T1lt_anti pa) (T1lt_ne' pa).
+ by rewrite (T1lt_anti pb) (T1lt_ne' pb).
- rewrite - pa pb (T1lt_anti pb) /= T1ltnn eqxx.
by case (ltngtP n n'') => // _; apply: Hb.
- by rewrite - pb pa /= T1ltnn eqxx ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1.
- by rewrite -pa -pb /= !T1ltnn eqxx ltnS ltn_add2r if_same if_simpl=> ->.
Lemma T1le_add2r p m n : (m <=n) -> (m + p <= n + p).
Proof. rewrite !T1leNgt; apply: contra; apply: T1lt_add2r. Qed.
Lemma T1eq_add2l p m n : (p + m == p + n) = (m == n).
Proof. by rewrite ! T1eq_le ! T1le_add2l. Qed.
Lemma add_le3 a b: a = a + b -> b = zero.
Proof. move /eqP;rewrite -{1} (T1addn0 a) T1eq_add2l => /eqP -> //. Qed.
Lemma add_le4 a b: b != zero -> a < a + b.
move: (add_le1 a b); rewrite T1le_eqVlt.
by case: (a<a+b); rewrite ? orbT // orbF => /eqP /add_le3 ->.
Lemma sub_pr1rCE (a := T1bad) (b := one) : (a - b == zero) && (b < a).
Proof. done. Qed.
Fixpoint omega_tower (n:nat) : T1 :=
if n is p.+1 then phi0 (omega_tower p) else one.
Lemma omega_tower_nf n: T1nf (omega_tower n).
Proof. by elim: n ; [ | move => n H; rewrite /= andbT ]. Qed.
Lemma omega_tower_unbounded x: ~ (forall n, (omega_tower n) < x).
elim :x; first by move => h; move: (h 0); rewrite T1ltn0.
move => a Ha n b _ c; case Ha => m.
move: (c m.+2); move /T1lt_cons_le;apply: T1lt_le_trans;apply: head_lt_cons.
Definition ex_middle:=
forall (P: T1 -> Prop), let Q := exists x, (T1nf x /\ P x) in Q \/ ~Q.
Lemma ex_middle_pick (P: T1 -> Prop): ex_middle ->
(exists x, (T1nf x /\ P x)) \/ (forall x, T1nf x -> ~ (P x)).
move => h.
by case (h P); [left |move => nq; right => x nx px; case nq; exists x ].
Lemma min_exists (P: T1 -> Prop) x: ex_middle ->
T1nf x -> (P x) ->
exists y, T1nf y /\ P y /\ forall z, T1nf z -> P z -> y <= z.
move => EM;move: x; apply: T1transfinite_induction.
move => x nx H px.
case (ex_middle_pick (fun z => (P z /\ ~ (x <= z))) EM).
move => [z [pa [pb pc]]].
have zx: z < x by rewrite (T1ltNge z x); apply /negP.
exact: (H _ pa zx pb).
move => qf.
exists x; split => //; split => // z pa pb; case xz: (x <= z) => //.
by case (qf _ pa); rewrite xz.
Notation Tf := (nat -> T1).
Definition limit_v1 (f: Tf) x :=
(forall n, f n < x) /\ (forall y, y < x -> (exists n, y <= f n)).
Definition limit_v2 (f: Tf) x :=
(forall n, f n < x) /\ (forall y, T1nf y -> y < x -> (exists n, y <= f n)).
Lemma limit_unique1 (f: Tf) x x' :limit_v1 f x -> limit_v1 f x' ->
x = x'.
move => [pa pb] [pc pd]; case: (T1ltgtP x x') => //.
by move /pd => [n]; rewrite T1leNgt (pa n).
by move /pb => [n]; rewrite T1leNgt (pc n).
Lemma limit_unique2 (f: Tf) x x' : limit_v2 f x -> limit_v2 f x' ->
T1nf x -> T1nf x'-> x = x'.
move => [pa pb] [pc pd] nx nx'; case: (T1ltgtP x x') => //.
by move /(pd _ nx) => [n]; rewrite T1leNgt (pa n).
by move /(pb _ nx') => [n]; rewrite T1leNgt (pc n).
Definition omega_plus_n n := cons one 0 (cons zero n zero).
Lemma nf_omega_plus_n n : T1nf ( omega_plus_n n).
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma limit_CE1: limit_v1 omega_plus_n (cons one 0 T1omega).
split; first by move => n.
move => y ;case: y => //; first by exists 0; rewrite T1le0n.
move => a n b /=; case: (T1ltgtP a one) => //.
by rewrite T1lt1 => /eqP -> _; exists 0.
move => ->; case: eqP => // ->; case: b => //; first by exists 0.
move => a' n' b' /=; rewrite /phi0 T1lt1 T1ltn0 !if_same if_simpl.
move /eqP ->; exists (n'.+1); rewrite T1le_consE T1ltnn !eqxx ltnn.
by rewrite T1le_consE T1ltnn !eqxx ltnSn.
Lemma limit_CE2: limit_v2 omega_plus_n (cons one 1 zero).
split; first by move => n.
move => y;case: y => //; first by exists 0; rewrite T1le0n.
move => a n b /=; case: (T1ltgtP a one) => //.
by rewrite T1lt1 => /eqP -> _ _; exists 0.
move => ->; rewrite T1ltn0 if_same if_simpl; case n => // /and3P [_ nb ltb] _.
move:nb ltb; case b => //; first by move => _ _; exists 0.
move => a' n' b' /and3P [_ _ ltb] /=.
rewrite T1lt1 T1ltn0 !if_same if_simpl => /eqP az.
move: ltb; rewrite az /phi0 T1lt1 => /eqP ->.
by exists n'; rewrite T1le_consE T1ltnn ltnn ! eqxx T1lenn.
Lemma limit_CE3: limit_v2 omega_plus_n (cons one 0 T1omega).
Proof. by move: limit_CE1 => [sa sb]; split => // y _; apply: sb. Qed.
The normal form
To each ordinal, one can associate another ordinal that is NF. However, this is in general incompatible with other operationsFixpoint toNF x :=
if x is cons a n b then (cons (toNF a) n zero) + toNF b else zero.
Lemma nf_toNF x: T1nf (toNF x).
by elim:x => //a Ha n b Hb; apply: nf_add => //=; rewrite -/toNF Ha.
Lemma toNF_nz x : toNF x = zero -> x = zero.
case x => // a n b /=; case (toNF b) => // a' n' b'.
by case (T1ltgtP (toNF a) a').
Lemma toNF_nf x: T1nf x -> toNF x = x.
elim:x => //a Ha n b Hb /and3P [/Ha sa /Hb sb etc].
by rewrite /toNF -/toNF sa sb add_to_cons.
Lemma toNF_mon x : x <= toNF x.
elim:x => //.
move => a Ha n b Hb /=; rewrite -/toNF.
have aux: if a < toNF a then true else if a == toNF a then true else false.
by case /orP: Ha => -> //; rewrite if_same.
move: Hb; case: (toNF b) => //.
by move => sa; rewrite T1le_consE ltnn eqxx sa aux.
move => a' n' b' sa; case: (T1ltgtP (toNF a) a') => sb.
+ by rewrite T1le_consE (T1le_lt_trans Ha sb).
+ by rewrite T1le_consE ltnn eqxx sa aux.
+ by rewrite T1le_consE ltnS leq_addr aux.
Lemma toNF_ex1 x: toNF (cons zero 0 x) = one + toNF x.
Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma toNF_ex2: toNF (cons one 0 T1omega) = cons one 1 zero.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma toNF_succ (x := cons zero 0 one): toNF (T1succ x) != T1succ (toNF x).
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma toNF_pred (x := cons zero 0 one): toNF (T1pred x) != T1pred (toNF x).
Proof. by []. Qed.
Realizing the limit
This is a simplification of the code given for the type T3 below. We define a function F(x); so that for any limit ordinal x, if f= F(x), then f is stictly increasing (of type nat -> T1), and its limit is x.Lemma fincP (f: Tf) :
(forall n, f n < f n.+1) ->
(forall n m, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m).
move => h n; elim => //.
move => m Hm;rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt; case /orP;first by move => /eqP ->.
move /Hm => sa; exact: (T1lt_trans sa (h m)).
Definition limit_of (f: Tf) x :=
[/\ (forall n m, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m), limit_v2 f x & T1nf x].
Lemma limit_unique f x y: limit_of f x -> limit_of f y -> x = y.
Proof. by move => [_ pa pb] [_ pc pd]; apply: (limit_unique2 pa pc pb pd). Qed.
Lemma limit_lub f x y: limit_of f x -> (forall n, f n <= y) -> T1nf y ->
x <= y.
move => [pa [pb pc] pd ] hy; case (T1ltP y x) => // ha hb.
move: (pc _ hb ha) => [n ny].
by move: (T1le_lt_trans ny (pa _ _ (ltnSn n))); rewrite T1ltNge (hy n.+1).
Definition phi1 a (f:Tf) := fun n => a + f n.
Definition phi2 (f:Tf) := fun n => phi0 (f n).
Definition phi3 a:= fun n => cons a n zero.
Lemma limit1 a b f: T1nf a -> limit_of f b -> limit_of (phi1 a f) (a + b).
move => na [sa [sb sc] nb].
move: (nf_add na nb) => ns.
split => //; first by move => n m / sa => h; rewrite T1lt_add2l.
split; first by move => n; rewrite T1lt_add2l (sb n).
move => y ny hy.
case: (T1ltP a y) => cp; last first.
by exists 0; apply: (T1le_trans cp); rewrite add_le1.
move: (sub_pr1 ny (T1ltW cp)) => yv.
have ha: y - a < b by move: hy; rewrite {1} yv T1lt_add2l.
have [n nv] := (sc _ (nf_sub ny na) ha).
by exists n; rewrite yv T1le_add2l nv.
Lemma limit2 b f: limit_of f b -> limit_of (phi2 f) (phi0 b).
move => [sa [sb sc] nb]; rewrite /limit_of nf_phi0.
split => //; first by move => n m nm /=; rewrite (sa _ _ nm).
split => //; first by move => n; rewrite /= sb.
case => //; first by exists 0; rewrite T1le0n.
move => a' n' b' /and3P [na _ _] /=; rewrite T1ltn0 !if_same if_simpl => h.
move: (sc _ na h) => [n yn].
by exists n.+1; rewrite T1le_consE (T1le_lt_trans yn (sa _ _ (ltnSn n))).
Lemma limit3 a: T1nf a -> limit_of (phi3 a) (phi0 (T1succ a)).
move => na.
rewrite /limit_of nf_phi0 nf_succ //; split => //.
by move => n l nm /=; rewrite nm eqxx T1ltnn.
split; first by move => n; rewrite /= succ_lt.
case => //; first by exists 0; rewrite T1le0n.
move => a' n b /and3P [na' _ _] /=.
rewrite T1ltn0 !if_same if_simpl lt_succ_le_3 // T1le_eqVlt => aa.
by exists n.+1; move: aa; rewrite T1le_consE ltnSn; case (T1ltgtP a a').
Normal functions
We say that f:T2 -> T2 is a normal function if it is striclly increasing and the suppremum of all f(y), for y<x is f(x) whenever x is limit. Everything is assumed NF.Fixpoint limit_fct x :=
if x is cons a n b then
if (b==zero) then
if(a==zero) then phi3 a
else if (T1is_succ a)
then if (n==0) then phi3 (T1pred a) else
phi1 (cons a n.-1 zero) (phi3 (T1pred a))
else if(n==0) then (phi2 (limit_fct a))
else phi1 (cons a n.-1 zero) (phi2 (limit_fct a))
else phi1 (cons a n zero) (limit_fct b)
else phi3 zero.
Lemma limit_prop x: T1nf x -> T1limit x -> limit_of (limit_fct x) x.
elim:x => // a Ha n b Hb np /=.
move/and3P: np => [sa sb sc].
have nc: forall m, T1nf (cons a m zero) by move => m; rewrite /= andbT.
have Hc: forall m, (cons a m.+1 zero) = (cons a m zero) + phi0 a.
by move => m; rewrite /phi0 /= T1ltnn addn0.
case pa: (a==zero) => //; case bz: (b==zero); last first.
by move /(Hb sb) => sd; rewrite -(add_to_cons n sc); apply: limit1.
rewrite (eqP bz) => _.
case isa: (T1is_succ a).
have aux: (limit_of (phi3 (T1pred a)) (phi0 a)).
by rewrite {2} (succ_pred sa isa); apply: limit3; apply: nf_pred.
by case n => //= m; rewrite Hc; apply:limit1.
move: (limit_pr1 a); rewrite pa isa /= addbF => la.
have aux: (limit_of (phi2 (limit_fct a)) (phi0 a)) by apply: limit2; apply: Ha.
by case n => //= m; rewrite Hc; apply:limit1.
Definition sup (f: T1-> T1) x z :=
[/\ T1nf z,
(forall y, T1nf y -> y < x -> f y <= z) &
(forall z', T1nf z' -> z' < z -> exists y,
[&& T1nf y, y < x & z' < f y])].
Definition normal f:=
[/\ forall x, T1nf x -> T1nf (f x),
(forall x y, T1nf x -> T1nf y -> x < y -> f x < f y)&
(forall x, T1nf x -> T1limit x -> sup f x (f x)) ].
Lemma sup_unique f x z z': sup f x z -> sup f x z' -> z = z'.
move => [pa pb pc] [pa' pb' pc']; case (T1ltgtP z z') => //.
move/(pc' _ pa) => [y /and3P [qa qb qc]].
by move: (pb _ qa qb); rewrite T1leNgt qc.
move/(pc _ pa') => [y /and3P [qa qb qc]].
by move: (pb' _ qa qb); rewrite T1leNgt qc.
Lemma sup_Oalpha_zero: sup id zero zero.
by split; [ done | by move => y _; rewrite T1ltn0 | move => z; rewrite T1ltn0].
Lemma sup_Oalpha_succ x: T1nf x -> sup id (T1succ x) x.
move => nx;split.
- done.
- by move => y nf; rewrite lt_succ_le_3.
- by move => z nz zx; exists x => //; rewrite nx zx succ_lt.
Lemma sup_Oalpha_limit x: T1nf x -> T1limit x -> sup id x x.
move => nx lx ;split; [done | by move => y _ /T1ltW | ].
move => z nz zx; move: (limit_pr lx zx) => h.
by exists (T1succ z); rewrite h nf_succ // (succ_lt z).
Identity is normal, composition of normal functions is normal,
addition is normal when the firtst argument is fixed. A normal function maps limit ordinals to limit ordinls
Lemma normal_id: normal id.
Proof. split => //; apply: sup_Oalpha_limit. Qed.
Lemma normal_limit f x: normal f -> T1nf x -> T1limit x -> T1limit (f x).
move => [pa pb pc] nx lx.
move: (pc _ nx lx) => [sa sb sc].
move: (limit_pr1 (f x)); case fz: (f x == zero).
have zx: zero < x by move: lx; case x.
have nz: T1nf zero by [].
by move: (pb zero x nz nx zx); rewrite (eqP fz) T1ltn0.
case: (T1limit (f x)) => //= sf.
move:(succ_pred (pa _ nx) sf) => eq1.
move: (sc _ (nf_pred sa) (pred_lt sf)) => [y /and3P [ny yx]].
by rewrite T1ltNge - (lt_succ_le_3 _ (pa _ ny)) - eq1 (pb _ _ ny nx yx).
Lemma add_normal a: T1nf a -> normal (T1add a).
move => na;split.
by move => x nx; apply: nf_add.
by move => x y nx ny; rewrite T1lt_add2l.
move => x nx lx; split.
by apply: nf_add.
by move => y _ /T1ltW; rewrite T1le_add2l.
move => z nz zp; case: (T1ltP z a) => az.
by exists zero; move: lx;rewrite T1addn0 az T1lt0n; case x.
move: (sub_pr1 nz az) => sa.
move:zp; rewrite {1} sa T1lt_add2l => sb.
exists (T1succ (z - a)).
by rewrite (nf_succ (nf_sub nz na)) (limit_pr lx sb) {1} sa T1lt_add2l succ_lt.
Lemma normal_compose f g:
normal f -> normal g -> normal (f \o g).
move => [pa pb pc][pa' pb' pc']; split.
- by move => x nx; apply: pa; apply: pa'.
- by move => x y nx ny h; apply: pb; [ apply: pa' | apply: pa' | apply: pb'].
- move => x nx lx.
move: (pa' _ nx) => ny.
have lg: T1limit (g x) by apply:normal_limit.
move:(pc _ ny lg) => [qa qb qc]; split => //.
move => y nu yx /=; apply:T1ltW;apply: pb; auto.
move: (pc' _ nx lx) => [qa' qb' qc'].
move => z' nz' h /=; move: (qc _ nz' h) => [y /and3P[ya yb yc]].
move: (qc' _ ya yb) => [z /and3P[za zb zc]]; exists z.
by rewrite za zb /=; apply: (T1lt_trans yc); apply: pb => //; apply: pa'.
Fixpoint T1mul (c1 c2 : T1) {struct c2}:T1 :=
if c2 is cons a' n' b' then
if c1 is cons a n b then
if((a==zero) && (a' == zero)) then cons zero (n*n' + n + n')%N b'
else if(a'==zero) then cons a (n*n' + n + n')%N b
else cons (a + a') n' ((cons a n b) * b')
else zero
else zero
where "c1 * c2" := (T1mul c1 c2) : cantor_scope.
Lemma mul_na n b x: (cons zero n b) * x = (cons zero n zero) * x.
by elim: x => // a' _ n' b' Hb /=; rewrite Hb //;case pa: (a'==zero).
Lemma T1muln0 x: x * zero = zero.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma T1mul0n x: zero * x = zero.
Proof. by case:x. Qed.
Lemma mul_int n m : \F n * \F m = \F (n *m)%N.
case: n; first by rewrite T1mul0n.
move => n;case: m; first by rewrite T1muln0 muln0.
by move => m /=; rewrite - mulnE mulnSr addnC.
Lemma mul_phi0 a b: phi0 (a + b) = phi0 a * phi0 b.
simpl;case hb:(a== zero); case ha: (b==zero) => //=;rewrite (eqP ha) T1addn0 //.
rewrite (eqP hb) //.
Lemma T1mul_eq0 x y: (x * y == zero) = (x== zero) || (y == zero).
case: y x => [ [] |a n b] // [] // a' n' b' /=.
by case : (_ && _) => //; case: (a==zero).
Lemma T1mul_eq1 a b: T1nf a -> (a* b == one) = ((a == one) && (b == one)).
case: a => //; [ by rewrite T1mul0n | move => a' n' b'].
case: b => //; [ by rewrite T1muln0 andbF | move => a n b].
simpl; case pa: (a'== zero); last first.
case pb: (a==zero);rewrite !T1eqE pa // T1add_eq0 pa //.
case pb: (a== zero); last by rewrite andbF !T1eqE (T1add_eq0) pb ! andbF.
rewrite (eqP pa) T1lt1; move /and3P => [_ _ /eqP ->].
by rewrite /= !T1eqE pb /=; case n' => // m; case n => //=; rewrite muln0 addn0.
Lemma mul_distr: right_distributive T1mul T1add.
move => x y z; elim: y x z.
by move => x z; rewrite T1muln0 !T1add0n.
move => a _ n b Hb; case; first by move => z; rewrite ! T1mul0n.
move => a' n' b'; case; first by rewrite T1muln0 ! T1addn0.
move => a'' n'' b'' /=.
case ha: (a'==zero); [rewrite (eqP ha) !andTb | rewrite !andFb ].
case hb: (a==zero); first rewrite (eqP hb).
case hc: (a''==zero); last by move: hc; case a''.
by rewrite (eqP hc) /= - !addnS mulnDr mulnS - !addnA (addnCA n) (addnCA n).
case hc: (a'' == zero).
rewrite (eqP hc) T1add0n add_simpl1 ? hb // T1ltn0.
by rewrite T1lt0n hb /= hb Hb /=.
simpl;case pa: (a < a''); first by rewrite /= hc.
by case pb: (a'' < a); rewrite /= hb // Hb /= hc.
case: (altP (a=P zero)) => hb.
rewrite hb; case hc: (a''==zero).
rewrite (eqP hc) /= ha T1ltnn /= mulnS mulnDr addnS ! addnA (addnC n').
by set X := (n' * n + n') %N;rewrite (addnAC (X + _)%N) (addnAC X).
by rewrite T1ltn0 T1lt0n hc /negb /= ha hc add_le4 // hc.
case hc: (a'' == zero).
have h: a' < a' + a by apply: add_le4.
rewrite (eqP hc) T1ltn0 T1lt0n hb /= ha /= h (T1lt_anti h) Hb //.
by rewrite (negbTE hb) /= ha.
rewrite /= ! T1lt_add2l.
by case (T1ltgtP a a''); rewrite /=? ha ? hc ?(negbTE hb)//= Hb /= ha hc.
Lemma mulA: associative T1mul.
move => x y z; elim: z y x; first by move => a b; rewrite !T1muln0.
move => a _ n b Hb; case; first by move => x; rewrite T1muln0 T1mul0n.
move => a' n' b';case; [by rewrite !T1mul0n | move => a'' n'' b'' /=].
have aux: (n'' * (n' * n + n' + n) + n'' + (n' * n + n' + n))%N =
((n'' * n' + n'' + n') * n + (n'' * n' + n'' + n') + n)%N.
rewrite ! mulnDl ! mulnDr mulnA ! addnA; congr (_ + _ + _)%N.
rewrite - ! addnA; congr addn;rewrite addnCA; congr addn.
by rewrite addnA addnC.
case pa: (a'==zero); first rewrite (eqP pa).
case pb: (a''== zero); rewrite ?(eqP pb) !andTb /= ? pb ? andFb.
case pc: (a==zero) => /=;[ by rewrite aux | by rewrite pc Hb /=].
case pc: (a==zero) => /=; rewrite pb andFb ? aux // pc Hb /= pb //.
case pb: (a==zero); rewrite /= ? pa ! andbF T1add_eq0 pa !andbF !andFb //.
by rewrite T1addA Hb /= pa andbF.
Note that in some case the product of x and one is not x
Lemma T1muln1 x: T1nf x -> x * one = x.
case: x => // a n b /= /and3P[_ _]; rewrite muln0 add0n addn0.
by case (altP (a =P zero)) => // ->; rewrite T1lt1 eqxx => /eqP ->.
Lemma T1mul1n x: one * x = x.
by elim: x => // a _ n b /= ->; case (altP (a =P zero)) => // ->.
Lemma T1mul1nCE (x := T1bad): x * one <> x.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma T1muln1_CE x:
(x == x * one) =
(if x is cons a n b then ((a != zero) || (b== zero)) else true).
by case: x => // a n b /=; rewrite muln0 addn0 fun_if !T1eqE !eqxx; case a.
Lemma mul_succ x y: T1nf x -> x * (T1succ y) = x * y + x.
Proof. by move => h; rewrite succ_is_add_one mul_distr T1muln1. Qed.
Lemma T1lt_mul2l x y z: x != zero -> T1nf z -> ((x *y < x *z) = (y < z)).
case x => // a n b _; elim: y z.
case;rewrite T1muln0 => // u v w //=; case a => //; case u => //.
move => a' Ha n' b' Hb; case; first by rewrite T1muln0 ! T1ltn0.
move => a'' n'' b'' nc.
move/and3P:(nc) => [_ nb _] /=.
case pa: (a==zero).
case pb: (a'==zero).
rewrite !andTb (eqP pb) (eqP pa); case a'' => //=.
by rewrite ltn_simpl2 eqn_simpl2.
rewrite !andTb (eqP pa) T1add0n.
case pc: (a''==zero); first by rewrite /= pb (eqP pc) T1ltn0 pb.
simpl;case pd:(a' < a'') => //; case pe:( a' == a'') => //.
case pf:( n'< n'')%N => //; case pg:( n' == n'')%N => //.
by move: (Hb _ nb); rewrite (eqP pa).
case pb: (a'== zero).
case pc: (a'' == zero).
move: nc;rewrite (eqP pc) pb T1ltn0 T1nf_finite1=> /eqP ->.
by rewrite /= !T1ltnn T1ltn0 eqxx ltn_simpl2 eqn_simpl2 if_same if_simpl.
have: a < a + a'' by move: pc;rewrite -{1} (T1addn0 a) T1lt_add2l; case a''.
by rewrite (eqP pb) /= => ->; move: pc; case a''.
case pc: (a'' == zero).
by rewrite (eqP pc) /= -{2 4} (T1addn0 a) T1lt_add2l T1eq_add2l !T1ltn0 pb.
rewrite /= T1lt_add2l T1eq_add2l.
case: (a' < a'') => //; case: (a' == a'') => //; case: (n' < n'')%N => //.
by case: (n' == n'')%N => //; apply: Hb.
Lemma mulnf0 a n b: a != zero -> b < phi0 a -> (cons zero n zero) * b < phi0 a.
case: b => // a' n' b'; rewrite phi0_lt1 /=.
by case pa: (a'==zero); [case a | rewrite phi0_lt1].
Lemma nf_mul a b: T1nf a -> T1nf b -> T1nf (a * b).
elim: b a => // => a Ha n b Hb; case => // a' n' b' sa.
case pb: (a==zero).
move: sa; rewrite /= (eqP pb) fun_if /= andbT;case eqP => // _ _ /andP [_].
rewrite /= pb andbF /=; move =>/and3P [na nb].
rewrite (nf_add (T1nf_consa sa) na) Hb //=.
case b; [ by rewrite T1muln0 /phi0 |move => u v w ].
rewrite /= ! (fun_if (fun z => z < phi0 (a' + a))) ! phi0_lt1.
rewrite - {3} (T1addn0 a') !T1lt_add2l !T1lt0n T1ltn0 T1add_eq0 !if_same pb.
by rewrite if_simpl => ->; rewrite andbF !if_same.
Lemma T1lt_mul2r x y z: (y * x < z * x) -> (y < z).
elim: x y z => // a Ha n b Hb.
case => //; [ case => // | move => a' n' b'; case].
by rewrite ! (fun_if (fun z => z < zero)) ! T1ltn0 !if_same.
move => a'' n'' b'' /=.
case pa: (a'==zero).
case pb: (a==zero).
rewrite (eqP pa) !andbT (eq_sym zero a'') T1lt0n;case a'' => //=.
by rewrite T1ltnn if_same if_simpl - ! mulnSr ltn_add2r ltn_mul2r /= => ->.
by case a''; rewrite (eqP pa) // !andbF /= !T1ltnn ltnn ! eqxx; move /Hb.
case pb: (a==zero).
case pc: (a''==zero); rewrite ! andbT /= ?pa? T1ltn0 //.
case (T1ltgtP a' a'') => //.
by rewrite - ! mulnSr ltn_add2r ltn_mul2r eqn_add2r eqn_mul2r /=.
rewrite ! andbF /= ltnn eqxx.
case pc: (a' + a < a'' + a); first by rewrite (T1lt_add2r pc).
by case pd: (a' + a == a'' + a) => // /Hb.
Lemma T1le_mul2l x y z : x != zero -> T1nf y ->
(x *y <= x *z) = (y <= z).
Proof. by move => sa sn; rewrite !T1leNgt T1lt_mul2l. Qed.
Lemma T1le_mul2r x y z: (y <= z) -> (y * x <= z * x).
Proof. by rewrite !T1leNgt; apply: contra; apply: T1lt_mul2r. Qed.
Lemma T1eq_mul2l p m n : p != zero -> T1nf m -> T1nf n ->
(p * m == p * n) = (m == n).
Proof. move => sa sb sc; rewrite ! T1eq_le ! T1le_mul2l => //. Qed.
Lemma T1le_pmulr x a: T1nf a -> x != zero -> a <= a * x.
move => na xnz.
case az: (a==zero);first by rewrite (eqP az) T1mul0n.
by rewrite - {1} (T1muln1 na) T1le_mul2l ? az // T1ge1.
Lemma T1le_pmulrCE (x:= \F1 ) (a:=T1bad) : (a <= a * x) = false.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma T1le_pmulrl x a: x != zero -> a <= x * a.
move => xnz.
by rewrite - {1} (T1mul1n a); apply:T1le_mul2r; rewrite T1ge1.
Lemma T1le_mulCE (m1:= one) (m2:= T1bad) (n1 := \F1) (n2 := one) :
(m1 <= n1) && (m2 <= n2) && ( m1 * m2 <= n1 * n2) == false.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma T1le_mul m1 m2 n1 n2 : T1nf m2 -> m1 <= n1 -> m2 <= n2 ->
m1 * m2 <= n1 * n2.
move => nm2 s1 s2;apply (@T1le_trans (m1 * n2)).
case az: (m1==zero);first by rewrite (eqP az) ! T1mul0n.
by rewrite T1le_mul2l // az.
by apply:T1le_mul2r.
Preparation of the exponention
The prouct of an integer and omega is omega. This holds in fact for any limit ordinals. We give here a formula for the product of omega and x, and show that this is a limit ordinal. The converse holds.Lemma mul_fin_omega n: (\F n.+1) * T1omega = T1omega.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma mul_int_limit n y: T1limit y -> \F n.+1 * y = y.
elim y => // a _ m b Hb /=.
case pa: (a==zero) => //;case pb: (b==zero); last by move/Hb => ->.
by rewrite (eqP pb) T1muln0.
Lemma T1mul_omega a n b:
T1omega * (cons a n b) =
if (a== zero) then cons one n zero else cons (one + a) n (T1omega * b).
Proof. by rewrite /T1omega/phi0 /=; case pa: (a==zero). Qed.
Lemma mul_omega_limit x: x != zero -> T1limit (T1omega * x).
elim: x => // a _ n b Hb _.
rewrite T1mul_omega; case pa: (a==zero) => //.
rewrite /T1limit T1add_eq0 pa andbF -/T1limit.
case pb: (b== zero). by rewrite (eqP pb) T1muln0.
by rewrite (Hb (negbT pb)) orbT.
Fixpoint T1div_by_omega x :=
if x is cons a n b then cons (a - one) n (T1div_by_omega b) else zero.
Lemma div_by_omega_pr x: T1nf x -> ((x==zero) || T1limit x)
-> T1omega * (T1div_by_omega x) = x.
elim: x => // a _ n b Hb.
rewrite orFb /T1limit -/T1limit; case pa: (a==zero) => //.
move: (negbT pa); rewrite - T1ge1; case /orP.
move /eqP => <-.
rewrite /T1div_by_omega -/T1div_by_omega T1subnn T1mul_omega eqxx.
case b => // a' n' b' /=; move /andP => [_].
by rewrite T1lt1 T1ltn0 ! if_same if_simpl => ->.
move => lt1 /and3P [na /Hb h _] /h h'.
rewrite /T1div_by_omega -/T1div_by_omega T1mul_omega h'.
by rewrite - (sub1a (negbT pa) na) (negbTE (sub_nz na lt1)).
We show here every ordinal x is the product of omega and y,
to which an integer is added. We study the behaviour
of this decomposition and multiplication
Lemma nf_div_by_omega x: T1limit x -> T1nf x -> T1nf (T1div_by_omega x).
elim: x => // a _ n b Hb /= lx /and3P [sa sb sc]; apply /and3P; split => //.
+ by apply: nf_sub.
+ move: lx; case eqP => //_;case /orP; first by move /eqP -> .
by move => lb ; apply: Hb.
move: lx; case pa: (a==zero) => // h.
have oz: T1omega != zero by done.
have nz: T1nf (phi0 (a - cons zero 0 zero)) by rewrite nf_phi0 nf_sub //.
rewrite - (T1lt_mul2l (T1div_by_omega b) oz nz) div_by_omega_pr //.
by rewrite -[T1omega ]/(phi0 (one)) - mul_phi0 - sub1a // pa.
Lemma nf_revCE u v: T1bad <> T1omega * u + \F v.
case: (altP (u=Pzero)); first by move => ->; case v.
move/mul_omega_limit;set w:= (T1omega * u).
case: v; first by rewrite T1addn0 => sa sb; move: sa; rewrite - sb.
by move => v; case w => // a n b; case a.
Lemma add_simpl3 x y: y != zero ->
x + x * (T1omega * y) = x * (T1omega * y).
case: x => // a n b;case y => // a' n' b' _; rewrite T1mul_omega.
have e1: (one == zero) = false by done.
have e2: (one + a' == zero) = false by rewrite T1add_eq0 e1.
have e3: a < a + one by rewrite - succ_is_add_one succ_lt.
have e4: a < a + (one + a') by apply: add_le4; rewrite e2.
by case: eqP; rewrite /T1mul ? e1 ? e2 andbF -/T1mul {1}/T1add ? e3 ? e4.
Lemma plus_int_Ox n x: x != zero -> \F n + T1omega * x = T1omega * x.
case: n => // n xnz.
by move:(mul_omega_limit xnz); case (T1omega * x) => // a m b /=; case a.
Lemma nf_rev x (u := (T1div_by_omega (T1split x).1)) (v:= (T1split x).2):
T1nf x -> T1nf u /\ x = T1omega * u + \F v.
move => nx.
move: (split_add x) (nf_split nx).
rewrite /u /v.
case (T1split x) => y n h ny. move: (h nx) => /andP [/eqP ->].
case /orP; first by move => /eqP -> //.
move => hh; move:(nf_div_by_omega hh ny) => sa /=.
by rewrite (div_by_omega_pr ny) //=; rewrite hh orbT.
Lemma nf_rev_unique u v (x:= T1omega *u + \F v): T1nf u ->
u = T1div_by_omega (T1split x).1 /\ v = (T1split x).2.
suff H: forall u v u' v', T1nf u -> T1nf u' ->
T1omega * u + \F v = T1omega * u' + \F v' -> u = u' /\ v = v'.
move => nu.
have nx: T1nf x by rewrite nf_add // ? nf_finite // nf_mul.
move: (nf_rev nx) => []; by apply: H.
clear x u v.
move => u v u' v' nu nu' h.
have aux1: forall a b, T1omega * a + \F b < T1omega * (T1succ a).
by move => a b; rewrite mul_succ // T1lt_add2l; case b.
have aux2: forall a b, T1omega * a <= T1omega * a + \F b.
move => a b; apply: add_le1.
move: (aux1 u v) (aux2 u' v'); rewrite h => sa sb.
move: (T1le_lt_trans sb sa); rewrite T1lt_mul2l // ?nf_succ // lt_succ_le_3 //.
move: (aux1 u' v') (aux2 u v); rewrite h => ta tb.
move: (T1le_lt_trans tb ta); rewrite T1lt_mul2l // ?nf_succ // lt_succ_le_3 //.
move => sc sd.
have uu': u = u' by move: sc sd; rewrite /T1le (eq_sym u'); case (T1ltgtP u u').
by move: h; rewrite uu' => /eqP; rewrite T1eq_add2l => /T1eqP /T1F_inj ->.
Lemma nf_rev_sum x y
(u := T1div_by_omega (T1split x).1) (n:= (T1split x).2)
(v := T1div_by_omega (T1split y).1) (m:= (T1split y).2)
(w := T1div_by_omega (T1split (x+y)).1) (p:= (T1split (x+y)).2):
T1nf x -> T1nf y ->
if (v==zero) then (w = u /\ p = (n + m)%N) else (w = u+v /\ p = m).
move => nu nv.
move: (nf_rev nu)(nf_rev nv); rewrite -/u -/v -/n -/m; move => [sa sb][sc sd].
case pa: (v==zero).
have eq3: x + y = T1omega *u + \F (n + m).
by rewrite sb sd (eqP pa) T1muln0 T1add0n - T1addA add_int.
by move: (nf_rev_unique (n+m)%N sa); rewrite - eq3; move => [-> ->].
have eq3: x +y = T1omega * (u + v) + \F m.
by rewrite sb sd -T1addA (T1addA (\F n)) plus_int_Ox ?pa // T1addA mul_distr.
by move: (nf_rev_unique m (nf_add sa sc)); rewrite - eq3; move => [-> ->].
Lemma mul_sum_omega a n: a != zero ->
(T1omega * a + \F n) * T1omega = (T1omega * a) * T1omega.
case: n; [ by rewrite T1addn0 | move => n].
elim: a => // a _ m b Hb _.
rewrite T1mul_omega; case pa: (a== zero) => //.
rewrite /T1nat {1}/T1add -/T1add T1ltn0 T1lt0n T1add_eq0 andFb /negb.
rewrite {2 4} /T1omega /phi0 /T1mul -/T1mul andbF //.
Lemma nf_rev_prod x y
(u := T1div_by_omega (T1split x).1) (n:= (T1split x).2)
(v := T1div_by_omega (T1split y).1) (m:= (T1split y).2)
(w := T1div_by_omega (T1split (x*y)).1) (p:= (T1split (x*y)).2):
T1nf x -> T1nf y ->
if (u== zero)
then if (n == 0) then (w = zero /\ p = 0)
else (w = v /\ p = (n*m)%N)
else if (m==0) then (w = u * T1omega *v /\ p = 0)
else (w = u * T1omega *v + u * \F m /\ p = n).
move => nu nv.
set H := nf_rev_unique.
move: (nf_rev nu)(nf_rev nv); rewrite -/u -/v -/n -/m; move => [sa sb][sc sd].
case pa: (u== zero).
have : x * y = (\F n) * T1omega * v + \F (n * m)%N.
by rewrite sb sd (eqP pa) T1muln0 T1add0n mul_distr mul_int mulA.
case n; first by rewrite /w /p /= T1mul0n T1add0n => ->.
move => n'; rewrite mul_fin_omega /= => h.
by move: h (H _ (n'.+1 * m)%N sc) => <- [-> ->].
move: (erefl (x* y)); rewrite {2} sd mul_distr mulA.
rewrite {2} sb mul_sum_omega ? pa // - !mulA => h.
have se: T1nf (u * (T1omega * v)) by rewrite !nf_mul //.
have sf: T1nf (u * (T1omega * v) + u * \F m).
by rewrite nf_add // nf_mul // nf_finite.
have aux: T1nf (T1omega * u) by rewrite nf_mul.
case pb: (m==0).
by move: h (H _ 0 se); rewrite (eqP pb) T1muln0; move => <- [-> ->].
have e1: \F n + x = x by rewrite sb T1addA plus_int_Ox ? pa //.
have e2: x * \F m = T1omega * u * \F m + \F n.
move: pb;elim m => // k Hr _; case ba: (k== 0).
by rewrite (eqP ba) T1muln1 // T1muln1.
rewrite - (addn1) - add_int mul_distr Hr // T1muln1 // - T1addA e1 sb.
by rewrite T1addA mul_distr T1muln1.
by move: h (H _ n sf); rewrite e2 T1addA - mulA - mul_distr => <- [-> ->].
Normality of multiplication
If a is a non-zero ordinal, the multiplication by a is normal. This means, if b is limit, the supremum of all a *c for c<b is a*b. We show this for omega, and for some special cases. This is equivalent to existence of ordinal division.Lemma mul_omega_pr1 a: a != zero -> T1nf a ->
sup (T1mul a) T1omega (a * T1omega).
move => sa sb.
have sc: T1nf T1omega by [].
split; first by apply: nf_mul.
by move => y ny /T1ltW; rewrite (T1le_mul2l _ sa ny).
move => z nz zp.
move: sb sa zp; case: a => // a1 n1 b1 sb _; rewrite /= andbF.
move: nz; case z; first by exists one => //=; case: (_ && _).
move => a2 n2 b2 /= /and3P [ha hb hc].
rewrite T1ltn0 !if_same if_simpl - succ_is_add_one lt_succ_le_3 //.
case /orP => a12; last first.
exists one; simpl; move: a12; case az:(a1==zero); last by move => /= ->.
by rewrite (eqP az) T1ltn0.
rewrite (eqP a12).
exists (\F (n2.+2)); case az: (a1==zero).
by rewrite /= az /= T1ltn0 az addnS ltnS leq_addl.
by rewrite /= az /= T1ltnn eqxx addnS ltnS leq_addl.
Lemma mul_omega2_pr1 a (u:= cons one 1 zero): a != zero -> T1nf a ->
sup (T1mul a) u (a * u).
move => sa sb.
have sc: T1nf u by [].
by apply: nf_mul.
by move => y ny /T1ltW; rewrite (T1le_mul2l _ sa ny).
move => z nz zp.
have eq1: a * u = a* T1omega + a * T1omega by rewrite - mul_distr //.
case: (T1ltP z (a* T1omega)) => zo; first by exists T1omega => //.
move: (sub_pr1 nz zo) => sd.
move: (mul_omega_pr1 sa sb) => [se _ sf].
move: zp; rewrite sd eq1; rewrite T1lt_add2l => sg.
move: (sf _ (nf_sub nz se) sg) => [y1 /and3P [ya yb yc]].
exists (T1omega + y1);
by rewrite nf_add // -[u] /(T1omega +T1omega) mul_distr !T1lt_add2l yb yc.
Lemma mul_omega_pr3 a b c: a != zero -> c != zero ->
T1nf a -> T1nf b -> T1nf c ->
sup (T1mul a) c (a * c) ->
sup (T1mul a) (b+c) (a * (b + c)).
move => az cz na nb nc [pa _ pc]; split => //.
by apply: nf_mul => //; apply: nf_add.
by move => y ny ybc; rewrite T1le_mul2l // T1ltW.
move => z nz zle.
case: (T1ltP z (a* b)) => zo.
by exists b; rewrite nb zo add_le4.
move: (sub_pr1 nz zo) => sd.
move: zle; rewrite sd mul_distr T1lt_add2l => se.
move: (pc _ (nf_sub nz (nf_mul na nb)) se) => [y1 /and3P [ya yb yc]].
by exists (b + y1); rewrite nf_add // mul_distr !T1lt_add2l yb yc.
Fixpoint exp_F a n :=
if n is p.+1 then a * (exp_F a p) else one.
Definition exp_O a b :=
if (a==zero) then if (b== zero) then one else a
else if (a== one) then one
else if (T1finite a) then (phi0 b)
else phi0 ((T1log a) * T1omega * b).
Definition T1exp a b:=
(exp_O a (T1div_by_omega (T1split b).1)) * (exp_F a ( (T1split b).2)).
Notation "a ^ b" := (T1exp a b) : cantor_scope.
Properties of exp_O
Lemma expO_mul1 a b: (exp_O a b) * (one) = exp_O a b.
rewrite /exp_O; case: eqP; [by move => ->; case: eqP | case: eqP => //].
case:(T1finite a) => //=; rewrite andbT; case: eqP => // -> //.
Lemma nf_expO a b: T1nf a -> T1nf b -> T1nf (exp_O a b).
move => na nb; rewrite /exp_O; case: eqP => //; case: eqP => //.
by rewrite fun_if !nf_phi0 nf_mul ? nb // ?nf_mul // ? nf_log // if_same.
Lemma expO_n0 x: exp_O x zero = one.
Proof. by rewrite /exp_O eqxx T1muln0 /= !if_same. Qed.
Lemma expO_1n n: exp_O (one) n = one.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma expO_eq0 a b: (exp_O a b == zero) = ((a== zero) && (b != zero)).
rewrite /exp_O; case pa: (a==zero).
by rewrite (eqP pa); case pb: (b==zero).
by case: (a== one) => //; case :(T1finite a).
Lemma expO_eq1 a b: (exp_O a b == one) = ((a== one) || (b == zero)).
rewrite /exp_O.
case pb: (b==zero); first by rewrite (eqP pb) T1muln0 !if_same orbT.
rewrite orbF; case pa: (a==zero) => //;case pc: (a == one) => //.
rewrite (fun_if (fun z => z == one)) /phi0 /T1nat !T1eqE !andbT !T1mul_eq0 pb.
by case a => // a' n' b' /=; case (a'== zero).
Lemma expO_add z u v: exp_O z u * exp_O z v = exp_O z (u + v).
rewrite /exp_O; case: eqP.
move ->; case: eqP; first by move ->;rewrite T1mul1n //.
by move /eqP => uz;rewrite T1add_eq0 (negbTE uz) T1mul0n.
by case: eqP => //_ _;case (T1finite z); rewrite - mul_phi0 // mul_distr.
Properties of exp_F
Lemma nf_expF a n: T1nf a -> T1nf (exp_F a n).
Proof. by move => na;elim: n => // n /= h; apply: nf_mul. Qed.
Lemma expF_add a n m: (exp_F a n) * (exp_F a m) = exp_F a (n + m).
by elim: n; [ rewrite T1mul1n | move => n hr /=; rewrite - mulA hr].
Lemma expF_mul a n m: exp_F a (n * m) = exp_F (exp_F a n) m.
by elim: m; [ rewrite muln0 | move => m /= <-; rewrite expF_add mulnS ].
Lemma expF_1n n: exp_F (one) n = one.
Proof. elim: n => // n /= -> //. Qed.
Lemma expF_eq0 a n: (exp_F a n == zero) = ((a== zero) && (n != 0)).
elim: n => //; first by rewrite andbF.
by move => m /=; rewrite T1mul_eq0 => ->; rewrite andbC andKb andbT.
Lemma expF_eq1 a n: T1nf a -> (exp_F a n == one) = ((a== one) || (n == 0)).
move => na; elim: n => //; first by rewrite orbT.
by move => n h; rewrite /exp_F -/exp_F T1mul_eq1 // h ?orbF; case: eqP.
Proof. by move => na;elim: n => // n /= h; apply: nf_mul. Qed.
Lemma expF_add a n m: (exp_F a n) * (exp_F a m) = exp_F a (n + m).
by elim: n; [ rewrite T1mul1n | move => n hr /=; rewrite - mulA hr].
Lemma expF_mul a n m: exp_F a (n * m) = exp_F (exp_F a n) m.
by elim: m; [ rewrite muln0 | move => m /= <-; rewrite expF_add mulnS ].
Lemma expF_1n n: exp_F (one) n = one.
Proof. elim: n => // n /= -> //. Qed.
Lemma expF_eq0 a n: (exp_F a n == zero) = ((a== zero) && (n != 0)).
elim: n => //; first by rewrite andbF.
by move => m /=; rewrite T1mul_eq0 => ->; rewrite andbC andKb andbT.
Lemma expF_eq1 a n: T1nf a -> (exp_F a n == one) = ((a== one) || (n == 0)).
move => na; elim: n => //; first by rewrite orbT.
by move => n h; rewrite /exp_F -/exp_F T1mul_eq1 // h ?orbF; case: eqP.
Properties of exp
Lemma nf_exp a b: T1nf a -> T1nf b -> T1nf (a ^b).
move => na nb.
move: (nf_split nb) (proj1 (nf_rev nb)) => sa sb.
rewrite /T1exp nf_mul // ?nf_expF // nf_expO //.
Lemma exp00: zero ^zero = one.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma expx0 x: x ^zero = one.
Proof. by rewrite /T1exp expO_n0. Qed.
Lemma expx_pnat x n b: x ^ (cons zero n b) = exp_F x n.+1.
Proof. by rewrite /T1exp /T1split eqxx expO_n0 T1mul1n. Qed.
Lemma expx_nat x n: x ^ \F n = exp_F x n.
Proof. by case: n; [ rewrite expx0 | move => n; apply: expx_pnat]. Qed.
Lemma expx1 x: T1nf x -> x ^ one = x.
Proof. by move => h; rewrite /one expx_pnat /exp_F T1muln1. Qed.
Lemma expx1CE: T1bad ^ one = one.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma exp2omega n: (\F n.+2)^ T1omega = T1omega.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma exp1x x: one ^ x = one.
Proof. by rewrite /T1exp expO_1n expF_1n. Qed.
Lemma exp_eq0 x y: x^y == zero = ((x==zero) && (y != zero)).
rewrite /T1exp T1mul_eq0 expO_eq0 expF_eq0.
rewrite - andb_orr; case pa: (x==zero) => //; rewrite !andTb.
by case y => // a n b /=; case pb: (a== zero) => //;case: (T1split b) => u v.
Lemma exp0nz x: x != zero -> zero ^ x = zero.
by move => h; move:(exp_eq0 zero x); rewrite h /= => /eqP.
Lemma exp_eq1 x y: T1nf x -> T1nf y ->
(x^y == one) = ((x== one) || (y == zero)).
move => nx ny; rewrite /T1exp;move: (nf_rev ny) => [sa sb].
rewrite [in RHS] sb T1mul_eq1 ? nf_expO // expF_eq1 // expO_eq1 T1add_eq0.
by rewrite T1mul_eq0 orFb; case pa: (x== one) => //=; case ((T1split y).2).
Lemma exp_int a b: (\F a) ^ (\F b) = \F (a ^b%N).
Proof. by rewrite expx_nat; elim:b => // n h /=; rewrite h expnS mul_int. Qed.
Lemma exp_consCE1 (x := \F 2) (a := zero) (n := 0)(b := T1omega):
x ^(cons a n b) != x ^(cons a n zero) * x ^b.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma pow_omega x: T1nf x -> T1omega ^x = phi0 x.
move => nx; rewrite {2} (proj2 (nf_rev nx)) /T1exp mul_phi0;congr T1mul.
by elim (T1split x).2 => // n /= -> ;rewrite /T1omega - mul_phi0; case n.
Lemma cantor_exists a n b: T1nf (cons a n b) ->
cons a n b = (T1omega^a) * (\F n.+1) + b.
have eq : cons a n zero = phi0 a * \F n.+1 by case a => //.
move =>/and3P [na _ sc]; rewrite - add_to_cons // eq; congr (_ * _ + _).
move: (proj2 (nf_rev na));set u := T1div_by_omega _;set v := (T1split a).2 => h.
rewrite /T1exp -/u -/v h mul_phi0; congr T1mul.
by elim v => // w /= <-; rewrite /T1omega - mul_phi0; case w.
Lemma cantor_unique a n b a' n' b':
T1nf (cons a n b) -> T1nf (cons a' n' b') ->
(T1omega^a) * (\F n.+1) + b = (T1omega^a') * (\F n'.+1) + b' ->
(a=a' /\ n = n' /\ b = b').
Proof. by move => /cantor_exists <- /cantor_exists <-; case. Qed.
Lemma cantor_CE1 : T1omega ^ T1bad != phi0 T1bad.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma cantorCE2: cons zero 0 T1omega != (T1omega^ zero) * (one) + T1omega.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma cantorCE3: cons T1bad 0 zero != (T1omega^ T1bad) * (one) + zero.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma T1log_prod a b: a != zero -> b != zero ->
T1log(a * b) = T1log a + T1log b.
case: a b => // a1 n1 b1;case => // a2 n2 b2 _ _.
rewrite /=; case p1: (a1==zero); case p2: (a2==zero) => //=.
by rewrite (eqP p1) (eqP p2).
by rewrite (eqP p2) T1addn0.
Lemma T1log_exp0 x n: T1nf x -> T1log (exp_F x n) = (T1log x) * (\F n).
elim: n => // n h; rewrite /exp_F -/exp_F.
case xz: (x==zero); first by rewrite (eqP xz) T1mul0n //.
move => nx;rewrite T1log_prod ? expF_eq0 ? xz // h // -add1n -add_int mul_distr.
by rewrite T1muln1 // nf_log.
Lemma T1log_exp1 z x: T1nf z -> T1nf x -> ~~ T1finite z ->
T1log (z ^ x) = (T1log z) * x.
move => nz nx.
case zz: (z== zero); first by rewrite (eqP zz).
move: (nf_rev nx); rewrite /T1exp.
set u := T1div_by_omega (T1split x).1; set n := (T1split x).2.
move => [nu ->]; rewrite T1log_prod ?expO_eq0 ? expF_eq0 ? zz //.
rewrite T1log_exp0 // mul_distr mulA => h; congr T1add.
rewrite /exp_O zz (negbTE h) fun_if /phi0 ifF //.
move: h; case z => // a m b /=; case a => //.
Lemma T1log_exp2 z u v: (z == zero) = false -> (z == one) = false ->
T1finite z -> T1nf u -> T1log (z ^ (T1omega * u + \F v)) = u.
move => z0 z1 fz nu; rewrite /T1exp.
have aux: T1log (exp_F z v) = zero.
elim v => // n h; rewrite T1log_prod -/exp_F ? z0 ?expF_eq0 ?z0 // h.
move: fz; case z => // a m b =>/= /eqP => -> //.
move: (nf_rev_unique v nu) => [<- <-].
by rewrite T1log_prod ?/exp_O ?expO_eq0 ?expF_eq0 ?z0 ?z1 // aux T1addn0 fz.
Lemma exp_FO z n v: v != zero -> exp_F z n * exp_O z v = exp_O z v.
move /negbTE => vz.
elim: n => //; first by rewrite T1mul1n.
move => n; rewrite /exp_F -/exp_F - mulA; move => ->.
rewrite /exp_O vz; case: eqP;[ by move => -> | case: eqP; first by move ->].
case fz: (T1finite z).
move: fz; case z => // a' n'' b' /=;rewrite vz andbF => /eqP -> //.
move: fz;rewrite - mulA; case z => // a' n'' b'; rewrite /T1log.
rewrite /T1finite /phi0 {1} /T1mul T1mul_eq0 T1mul_eq0 vz => -> /=.
by rewrite add_simpl3 // vz.
Lemma exp_FO1 z v n m: T1nf z -> T1nf v -> v != zero -> n != 0 ->
exp_O z (v * \F n) * exp_F z m = exp_F (exp_O z v * exp_F z m) n.
move => nz nv vz; case: n => // n _.
elim: n => //; first by rewrite {2} /exp_F - mulA !T1muln1 // nf_expF //.
move => n; rewrite /exp_F -/exp_F => <-.
rewrite - mulA (mulA (exp_F z m )) exp_FO ? T1mul_eq0 //? (negbTE vz) //.
by rewrite mulA expO_add -(add1n) - add_int mul_distr T1muln1.
Lemma exp_FO2 z m u: T1nf z -> m != 0 -> exp_O (exp_F z m) u = exp_O z u.
move => nz; case: m => // n _.
rewrite /exp_O expF_eq0 andbT expF_eq1 /exp_F -/exp_F //.
case pu: (u==zero); first by rewrite (eqP pu) !T1muln0 !if_same.
case pa: (z== zero); first by rewrite (eqP pa) T1mul0n.
case pb: (z== one); first by rewrite (eqP pb) expF_1n /=.
have h: forall t, T1finite t = (T1log t == zero) by case.
rewrite h h (T1log_exp0 (n.+1) nz) T1mul_eq0 ! orbF //.
case pc: (T1log z == zero) => //.
by rewrite - 3!mulA (mulA (\F _)); rewrite mul_fin_omega.
Lemma exp_FO3 z x u (w := T1div_by_omega (T1split x).1):
T1nf z -> T1nf w -> (w == zero) = false -> (z == zero) = false ->
exp_O (z ^ x) u = phi0( T1log (z ^x) * T1omega * u).
move => nz nw xnz zz.
case zo: (z== one); first by rewrite (eqP zo) exp1x T1mul0n.
case uz: (u==zero); first by rewrite (eqP uz) T1muln0 expO_n0.
rewrite /T1exp /exp_O -/w; set m:= (T1split x).2.
set a := (if T1finite z then phi0 w else _).
have na: T1nf a by rewrite fun_if !nf_phi0 !nf_mul // ? nf_log // nw if_same.
have ifa: ~~ T1finite a.
rewrite /a; case fz:(T1finite z) => //; first by rewrite /= xnz.
move: fz; case z => // a' n' b' /=; case a' => // a'' n'' b'' _.
by rewrite andbF T1mul_eq0 xnz.
have ifp: T1finite (a * exp_F z m) = false.
have : exp_F z m != zero by rewrite expF_eq0 zz.
move: ifa; case a => // a' n' b' /=; case (exp_F z m)=> // a'' n'' b'' /=.
by move=> /negbTE h _;case sa:(a'' == zero); rewrite h andFb /= ?T1add_eq0 h.
case az: (a== zero); first by move: ifa; rewrite (eqP az).
case ao: (a== one); first by move: ifa; rewrite (eqP ao).
by rewrite zz zo uz T1mul_eq0 expF_eq0 zz andFb T1mul_eq1//az ao orbF andFb ifp.
Lemma exp_sum x y z: T1nf x -> T1nf y -> z ^(x+y) = z ^x * z ^y.
move => nx ny; rewrite /T1exp.
move: (nf_rev_sum nx ny); case: eqP; move => h [-> ->].
by rewrite h expO_n0 T1mul1n - mulA expF_add.
by rewrite -mulA (mulA (exp_F z _)) exp_FO ? mulA ? expO_add //; apply/eqP.
Lemma exp_prod x y z: T1nf z -> T1nf x -> T1nf y -> z ^(x *y) = (z ^x) ^y.
move => nz nx ny.
move:(nf_rev_prod nx ny). rewrite {1 2} /T1exp.
set u := T1div_by_omega (T1split y).1; set n := (T1split y).2.
set v := T1div_by_omega (T1split x).1; set m := (T1split x).2.
set w := T1div_by_omega (T1split (x*y)).1; set p := (T1split (x* y)).2.
move:(nf_rev nx); rewrite -/v -/m; move => [nv xv].
case z1: (z== one); first by rewrite (eqP z1) exp1x !expO_1n !expF_1n.
case vz: (v== zero).
have ->: x = \F m by move: xv; rewrite (eqP vz) T1muln0.
case mz: (m==0).
by move => [-> ->]; rewrite (eqP mz) expx0 expO_n0 expO_1n expF_1n.
by move => [-> ->]; rewrite expx_nat expF_mul exp_FO2 // mz.
move => H.
have ->: w = v * T1omega * u + v * \F n.
by move:H;case h: (n== 0); move => [-> _] //;rewrite (eqP h) T1muln0 T1addn0.
have ->: exp_F (z ^ x) n = (exp_O z (v * \F n) * exp_F z p).
move: H; case h: (n== 0); move => [_ ->].
by rewrite (eqP h) T1muln0 expO_n0.
rewrite /T1exp -/v -/m exp_FO1 ? vz ? h//.
case uz: (u== zero); first by rewrite (eqP uz) !T1muln0 expO_n0 T1mul1n.
have xnz: x != zero by rewrite xv T1add_eq0 T1mul_eq0 vz orFb andFb.
case z0: (z==zero).
rewrite (eqP z0) (exp0nz xnz) /exp_O eqxx uz T1mul0n T1add_eq0 !T1mul_eq0.
by rewrite uz vz T1mul0n.
rewrite mulA; congr T1mul; rewrite (exp_FO3 u nz nv vz z0).
case fz: (T1finite z).
by rewrite /exp_O z0 z1 fz xv T1log_exp2 //mul_phi0.
have ez: forall w, exp_O z w = phi0 (T1log z * T1omega * w).
by move => t ;rewrite /exp_O; move: fz;case z => // a k b; case a.
rewrite ez ez - mul_phi0 T1log_exp1 ? fz// - !mulA.
by rewrite -!mul_distr (mulA x) xv mul_sum_omega ? vz // -!mulA -!mul_distr.
Lemma pow_mon1 x y z: T1nf x -> T1nf y -> T1nf z -> x != zero ->
y <= z -> x ^y <= x ^z.
move => nx ny nz xnz yz.
rewrite (sub_pr1 nz yz) exp_sum // ? nf_sub // T1le_pmulr // ? nf_exp //.
by rewrite exp_eq0 (negbTE xnz).
Lemma pow_mon2 x y z: T1nf x -> T1nf y -> T1nf z -> x != zero -> x != one ->
y < z -> x ^y < x ^z.
move => nx ny nz xnz xn1 yz.
have na := (nf_exp nx (nf_sub nz ny)).
have nb: x ^ y != zero by rewrite exp_eq0 (negbTE xnz).
have nc: x ^ (z - y) != zero by rewrite exp_eq0 (negbTE xnz).
rewrite (sub_pr1 nz (T1ltW yz)) exp_sum // ? nf_sub //.
rewrite - {1}(T1muln1 (nf_exp nx ny)) T1lt_mul2l// T1lt_neAle eq_sym.
by rewrite exp_eq1 ? nf_sub // (negbTE xn1) (sub_nz nz yz) T1ge1 nc.
Lemma T1le_pmull x a: x != zero -> a <= x * a.
Proof. rewrite - {1} (T1mul1n a) - T1ge1; apply: T1le_mul2r. Qed.
Lemma pow_mon3 x y z: T1nf x -> x <= y -> x ^z <= y ^z.
move => nx xy.
have sa: forall n, T1nf (exp_F x n) by move => n;rewrite nf_expF.
rewrite /T1exp; apply: T1le_mul => //; last first.
elim (T1split z).2; first by rewrite T1lenn.
by move => n; rewrite /exp_F -/exp_F => h; apply:T1le_mul.
set w := (T1div_by_omega (T1split z).1).
rewrite /exp_O.
case xz: (x== zero).
case wz: (w== zero); first by rewrite (eqP wz) !T1muln0 !if_same T1lenn.
by rewrite (eqP xz) T1le0n.
case yz: (y== zero); first by move:xy; rewrite (eqP yz) T1len0 xz.
case xo: (x== one).
rewrite T1ge1; case (y== one) => //; case (T1finite y) => //.
case yo: (y== one).
by move: xy; rewrite (eqP yo); rewrite T1le_eqVlt xo T1lt1 xz.
case fx: (T1finite x).
case y => // a n b /=; case a => // a' n' b' /=.
by rewrite andbF phi0_le T1le_pmull.
case fy: (T1finite y).
move: xy fx fy; case x => // a n b; case a => // a' n' b' /=.
by case y => // a'' n'' b'' //; case a''.
rewrite phi0_le; apply: T1le_mul2r; apply: T1le_mul2r.
move: xy; case x => //; first by rewrite !T1le0n.
by move => a n b; case y => // a' n' b' /=; exact: T1le_cons_le.
End CantorOrdinal.
Export CantorOrdinal.
Inductive T2 : Set :=
zero : T2
| cons : T2 -> T2 -> nat -> T2 -> T2.
Delimit Scope g0_scope with g0.
Open Scope g0_scope.
Fixpoint T2eq x y {struct x} :=
match x, y with
| zero, zero => true
| cons a b n c, cons a' b' n' c' =>
[&& T2eq a a', T2eq b b', n== n' & T2eq c c' ]
| _, _ => false
Lemma T2eqP : Equality.axiom T2eq.
move=> x y; apply: (iffP idP) => [|<-].
elim: x y; first by case => [ // | a b n d//].
by move => a H1 b H2 n d H4;case => // a' b' n' d'
/= /andP [/H1 ->] /andP [/H2 ->] /andP [/eqP -> /H4 ->].
by elim: x => // a Ha b Hb n d Hd; rewrite /= Ha Hb Hd eqxx.
Canonical T2_eqMixin := EqMixin T2eqP.
Canonical T2_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType T2 T2_eqMixin.
Implicit Arguments T2eqP [x y].
Prenex Implicits T2eqP.
Lemma T2eqE a b n d a' b' n' d':
(cons a b n d == cons a' b' n' d') =
[&& a == a', b == b', n== n' & d == d' ].
Proof. by []. Qed.
We write psi a b instead of cons a b 0 0; we introduce omega and
epsilon0. We consider also the size, this is really the depth of the object
Notation "[ x , y ]" := (cons x y 0 zero) (at level 0) :g0_scope.
Definition T2nat p := if p is n.+1 then cons zero zero n zero else zero.
Notation "\F n" := (T2nat n)(at level 29) : g0_scope.
Definition psi a b := [a, b].
Definition one := [zero, zero].
Definition omega := [zero, one].
Definition epsilon0 := [one,zero].
Fixpoint T1T2 (c: T1) : T2 :=
if c is CantorOrdinal.cons a n b then cons zero (T1T2 a) n (T1T2 b)
else zero.
Fixpoint size x :=
if x is cons a b n c then
(maxn (size a) (maxn (size b) (size c))).+1
else 0.
Lemma size_prop1 a b n c (l:= size (cons a b n c)):
[/\ size a < l, size b < l, size c < l & size [a, b] <= l]%N.
rewrite /= !ltnS leq_maxl maxnCA leq_maxl maxnC - maxnA maxnC - maxnA leq_maxl.
by rewrite -/size maxn0 maxnC leq_maxr.
Lemma size_prop a b n c a' b' n' c'
(l := (size (cons a b n c) + size (cons a' b' n' c'))%N) :
(size c + size c' < l)%N /\ (size [a, b] + size b' < l)%N /\
(size a' + size a < l)%N /\ (size b + size b' < l)%N /\
(size b + size [a', b'] < l)%N /\ (size a + size a' < l)%N.
move: (size_prop1 a b n c) => [pa pb pc pd].
move: (size_prop1 a' b' n' c') => [pa' pb' pc' pd'].
rewrite (ltn_add_ll pc pc') (ltn_add_ll pb pb') (ltn_add_el pd pb').
by rewrite (ltn_add_le pb pd') (addnC (size a')) (ltn_add_ll pa pa').
Comparing ordinals is complicated. We are looking for the fixpoint of some complicated expression F(a,b), in which the psi-parts of a and b appear as arguments of F. Thus, a definition by induction is impossible. However if l is the some of the size if the arguments of F, then all calls of F have a smaller value. Thus, we use a definition by induction on l. All proofs will be by induction on l as well.Definition lt_rec f x y :=
if x is cons a b n c then
if y is cons a' b' n' c' then
if ( ((f a a') && (f b ([a', b'])))
|| ((a == a') && (f b b'))
|| ((f a' a) && (f ([a, b]) b'))
|| (((f a' a) && ([a, b] == b'))))
then true
else if ((a== a') && (b==b')) then
if (n < n')%N then true
else if (n == n') then (f c c') else false
else false
else false
else if y is cons a' b' n' c' then true else false.
Fixpoint T2lta k {struct k}:=
if k is k.+1 then lt_rec (T2lta k) else fun x y => false.
Definition T2lt a b := T2lta ((size a) + size b).+1 a b.
Definition T2le (x y :T2) := (x == y) || (T2lt x y).
Notation "x < y" := (T2lt x y) : g0_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (T2le x y) : g0_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y <= x) (only parsing) : g0_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : g0_scope.
Main result: Our comparison is a fix-point
Lemma T2ltE x y : x < y = lt_rec T2lt x y.
have aux: forall n x y,
((size x + size y) < n)%N -> T2lta n x y = (x < y).
clear x y;move => n; elim: n {1 3 4} n (leqnn n); first by case.
move => k0 Hrec; case => // k1; rewrite ltnS => k1k0.
case => // a b n c; case => // a' b' n' c'.
rewrite /T2lt; set l := addn _ _; rewrite ltnS => e3.
move: (leq_trans e3 k1k0) => e4.
move: (size_prop a b n c a' b' n' c').
rewrite -/l;move => [pa [pb [pc [pd [pe pf]]]]].
rewrite /T2lta /lt_rec -/lt_rec -/T2lta.
by rewrite ! Hrec //; apply:(leq_trans _ e3).
case x => // a b n c; case:y => // a' b' n' c'.
move: (size_prop a b n c a' b' n' c') => [pa [pb [pc [pd [pe pf]]]]].
by rewrite /lt_rec {1} /T2lt /T2lta -/T2lta {1} /lt_rec -/lt_rec !aux.
This is how we compare two psi-terms
Definition lt_psi a b a' b':=
((a < a') && (b < [a', b']))
|| ((a == a') && (b < b'))
|| ((a' < a) && ([a, b] < b'))
|| ((a' < a) && ([a, b] == b')).
Lemma T2lt_psi a b a' b': [a,b] < [a', b'] = lt_psi a b a' b'.
Proof. by rewrite {1} T2ltE /lt_rec ltnn if_same if_simpl. Qed.
Lemma T2lt_consE a b n c a' b' n' c' :
cons a b n c < cons a' b' n' c' =
if (lt_psi a b a' b') then true
else if ((a== a') && (b==b')) then
if (n < n')%N then true
else if (n == n') then (c < c') else false
else false.
Proof. by rewrite {1} T2ltE. Qed.
((a < a') && (b < [a', b']))
|| ((a == a') && (b < b'))
|| ((a' < a) && ([a, b] < b'))
|| ((a' < a) && ([a, b] == b')).
Lemma T2lt_psi a b a' b': [a,b] < [a', b'] = lt_psi a b a' b'.
Proof. by rewrite {1} T2ltE /lt_rec ltnn if_same if_simpl. Qed.
Lemma T2lt_consE a b n c a' b' n' c' :
cons a b n c < cons a' b' n' c' =
if (lt_psi a b a' b') then true
else if ((a== a') && (b==b')) then
if (n < n')%N then true
else if (n == n') then (c < c') else false
else false.
Proof. by rewrite {1} T2ltE. Qed.
Lemma T2le_consE a b n c a' b' n' c' :
cons a b n c <= cons a' b' n' c' =
if (lt_psi a b a' b') then true
else if ((a== a') && (b==b')) then
if (n < n')%N then true
else if (n == n') then (c <= c') else false
else false.
rewrite /T2le T2lt_consE.
case pa: (lt_psi a b a' b'); first by rewrite orbT.
rewrite T2eqE; case pb: (a==a') => //; case pc: (b==b') => //=.
case (ltngtP n n') => //.
Lemma T2ltn0 x: (x < zero) = false. Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T2lt0n x: (zero < x) = (x != zero). Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T2le0n x: zero <= x. Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T2len0 x: (x <= zero) = (x == zero). Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma omega_lt_epsilon0: omega < epsilon0. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T2ltnn x: (x < x) = false.
elim: x => // a Ha b Hb n c Hc.
by rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi Ha Hb Hc ltnn !if_same !andbF.
Lemma T2lt_ne a b : a < b -> (a == b) = false.
Proof. by case h: (a== b) => //; rewrite (eqP h) T2ltnn. Qed.
Lemma T2lt_ne' a b : a < b -> (b == a) = false.
Proof. rewrite eq_sym; apply /T2lt_ne. Qed.
Lemma T2ltW a b : (a < b) -> (a <= b).
Proof. by rewrite /T2le => ->; rewrite orbT. Qed.
Lemma T2le_eqVlt a b : (a <= b) = (a == b) || (a < b).
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T2lt_neAle a b : (a < b) = (a != b) && (a <= b).
by rewrite T2le_eqVlt; case h: (a < b);[ rewrite (T2lt_ne h) | case(a==b) ].
Lemma T2lenn x: x <= x.
Proof. by rewrite /T2le eqxx. Qed.
Hint Resolve T2lenn.
Lemma T2ge1 x: (one <= x) = (x != zero).
Proof. case: x => // [] // [] // [] // [] // [] //. Qed.
Lemma T2lt1 x: (x < one) = (x==zero).
Proof. by case: x => // [] // [] // [] // [] // [] . Qed.
Lemma T2nat_inc n p : (n < p)%N = (\F n < \F p).
case: p => //; first by rewrite T2ltn0 ltn0.
by case: n => // n p //=; rewrite ltnS T2lt_consE if_same if_simpl.
Lemma psi_lt1 a b c n a' b':
cons a b n c < [a', b'] = ([a, b] < [a', b']).
Proof. by rewrite T2lt_consE T2lt_psi T2ltn0 ! if_same if_simpl. Qed.
Lemma psi_lt2 a b n c n' c': cons a b n' c' < cons a b n c =
(if (n' < n)%N then true else if n' == n then c' < c else false).
Proof. by rewrite T2lt_consE -T2lt_psi T2ltnn !eqxx. Qed.
Lemma T1T2_inj n p : (n == p) = (T1T2 n == T1T2 p).
elim: n p => //; first by case.
move => a Ha n b Hb [] // a' n' b' /=.
by rewrite T1eqE T2eqE - Ha - Hb eqxx.
Lemma T1T2_inc n p : (n < p)%ca = (T1T2 n < T1T2 p)%g0.
elim: n p => // [ [] // | a Ha n b Hb [] // a' n' b' /=].
rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi eqxx T2ltnn /= Ha Hb - T1T2_inj.
by case pa: (T1T2 a < T1T2 a').
First two non-trivial results
Lemma T2lt_anti b a: a < b -> (b < a) = false.
set n := (size a + size b).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n => n.
elim: n a b; first by move => a b //;rewrite ltn0.
move => m Hrec a b; rewrite ltnS.
case: a b => [ [] // | a b n c [] // a' b' n' c'].
set l:= (size (cons a b n c) + size (cons a' b' n' c'))%N => lm.
have Hr : forall a b, (size a + size b < l)%N -> a < b -> (b < a) = false.
by move => u v ll; apply: Hrec; apply: (leq_trans ll lm).
move: (size_prop a b n c a' b' n' c'); rewrite -/l.
move => [pa [pb [pc [pd [pe pf]]]]].
rewrite !T2lt_consE /lt_psi.
case qa: (a < a').
rewrite (Hr a a' pf qa) (T2lt_ne qa) (T2lt_ne' qa) !andFb /= !orbF !if_simpl.
by move => qc;rewrite (T2lt_ne' qc) (Hr _ _ pe qc).
case qa': (a' < a).
rewrite (T2lt_ne qa') (T2lt_ne' qa') /= !orbF !if_simpl; case /orP.
exact/(Hr _ _ pb).
by move /eqP ->; rewrite T2ltnn.
rewrite /= !orbF (eq_sym a' a) (eq_sym b' b) (eq_sym n' n).
case: eqP => //= _.
case qb: (b < b'); first by rewrite (Hr b b' pd qb) (T2lt_ne qb).
case qb': (b' < b); first by rewrite (T2lt_ne' qb').
by case: eqP => //= _;case: (ltngtP n n') => // _; apply: Hr.
Lemma T2lt_trichotomy a b: [|| (a< b), (a==b) | (b < a)].
set n := (size a + size b).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n.
move => n; elim: n a b; first by move => a b //;rewrite ltn0.
move => m Hrec a b; rewrite ltnS.
case: a b => [ [] // | a b n c [] // a' b' n' c'].
set l:= (size (cons a b n c) + size (cons a' b' n' c'))%N => lm.
have Hr : forall a b , (size a + size b < l)%N ->
[|| (a< b), (a==b) | (b < a)]
by move => u v ll; apply: Hrec; apply: (leq_trans ll lm).
move: (size_prop a b n c a' b' n' c'); rewrite -/l.
move => [pa [pb [pc [pd [pe pf]]]]].
rewrite !T2lt_consE /lt_psi.
case /or3P:(Hr _ _ pf) => caa'; last 1 first.
+ rewrite caa' (T2lt_anti caa') (T2lt_ne caa') (T2lt_ne' caa') !orbF !if_simpl.
by case /or3P: (Hr _ _ pb) => -> //; rewrite !orbT //.
+ rewrite caa' (T2lt_anti caa') (T2lt_ne caa')(T2lt_ne' caa') !orbF !if_simpl.
by rewrite /= (eq_sym _ b); case /or3P: (Hr _ _ pe) => -> //; rewrite !orbT.
+ rewrite caa' (eqP caa') T2ltnn eqxx /= !orbF.
case /or3P:(Hr _ _ pd) => cbb'; last 1 first.
* by rewrite cbb' (T2lt_anti cbb') (T2lt_ne' cbb') ! orbT.
* by rewrite cbb'.
* rewrite (eqP cbb') T2ltnn eqxx; case: (ltngtP n n') => //; rewrite ?orbT //.
move => ->; case /or3P:(Hr _ _ pa) => cc; rewrite eqxx ? cc ?orbT //.
by rewrite (eqP cc) eqxx orbT.
what follows is the same as for T1
Lemma T2leNgt a b: (a <= b) = ~~ (b < a).
case /or3P: (T2lt_trichotomy a b).
- by move => h; rewrite (T2lt_anti h) (T2ltW h).
- by move /eqP ->; rewrite T2ltnn T2lenn.
- by move => h; rewrite h /T2le (T2lt_anti h) (T2lt_ne' h).
Lemma T2ltNge a b: (a < b) = ~~ (b <= a).
Proof. by rewrite T2leNgt negbK. Qed.
Lemma T2eq_le m n : (m == n) = ((m <= n) && (n <= m)).
rewrite /T2le (eq_sym n m);case eqmn: (m == n) => //=.
by case lt1: (m < n) => //; rewrite (T2lt_anti lt1).
Lemma T2le_total m n : (m <= n) || (n <= m).
by rewrite /T2le;case /or3P: (T2lt_trichotomy m n) => -> //; rewrite !orbT.
CoInductive T2ltn_xor_geq m n : bool -> bool -> Set :=
| T2LtnNotGeq of m < n : T2ltn_xor_geq m n false true
| T2GeqNotLtn of n <= m : T2ltn_xor_geq m n true false.
CoInductive T2leq_xor_gtn m n : bool -> bool -> Set :=
| T2GeqNotGtn of m <= n : T2leq_xor_gtn m n true false
| T2GtnNotLeq of n < m : T2leq_xor_gtn m n false true.
CoInductive compare_T2 m n : bool -> bool -> bool -> Set :=
| CompareT2Lt of m < n : compare_T2 m n true false false
| CompareT2Gt of m > n : compare_T2 m n false true false
| CompareT2Eq of m = n : compare_T2 m n false false true.
Lemma T2leP x y : T2leq_xor_gtn x y (x <= y) (y < x).
by rewrite T2ltNge; case le_xy: (x <= y); constructor;rewrite // T2ltNge le_xy.
Lemma T2ltP m n : T2ltn_xor_geq m n (n <= m) (m < n).
Proof. by case T2leP; constructor. Qed.
Lemma T2ltgtP m n : compare_T2 m n (m < n) (n < m) (m == n).
rewrite T2lt_neAle T2eq_le;case: T2ltP; first by constructor.
by rewrite T2le_eqVlt orbC; case: T2leP; constructor; first exact /eqP.
Lemma T2lt_psi_aux a b a' b': a < a' -> b < [a', b'] -> [a,b] < [a',b'].
Proof. by move => sa sb; rewrite T2ltE /lt_rec sa sb. Qed.
Lemma T2gt1 x: (one < x) = ((x != zero) && (x != one)).
case: (T2ltgtP x one); rewrite ? andbT ? andbF //; last by case: x.
by rewrite T2lt1 => ->.
Second non-trivial result
Theorem T2lt_trans b a c: a < b -> b < c -> a < c.
set n := (size a + size b + size c).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n.
move => n; elim: n a b c; first by move => a b c//;rewrite ltn0.
move => m Hrec []; first by case; [rewrite T2ltn0 | move => a' b' n' c'; case].
move => a b n c []; [ by rewrite T2ltn0 | move => a' b' n' c' ].
case; [ by rewrite T2ltn0 | move => a'' b'' n'' c'']; rewrite ltnS => la.
have Hr1: forall u v w, (size u < size (cons a b n c))%N ->
(size v <= size (cons a' b' n' c'))%N ->
(size w <= size (cons a'' b'' n'' c''))%N -> u < v -> v < w -> u < w.
move => u v w sa sb sc; apply: Hrec; apply: leq_trans la.
by rewrite ltn_add_le // ltn_add_le.
move: (size_prop1 a b n c) => [pa pb pc pd].
move: (size_prop1 a' b' n' c') => [pa' pb' pc' pd'].
move: (size_prop1 a'' b'' n'' c'') => [pa'' pb'' pc'' pd''].
rewrite !T2lt_consE /lt_psi.
case (T2ltgtP a a') => qa.
+ rewrite /= !orbF if_simpl => lx.
case (T2ltgtP a' a'') => qb.
- rewrite andTb !orbF if_simpl => qc.
rewrite (Hr1 _ _ _ pb pd' pd'' lx (T2lt_psi_aux qb qc)).
by rewrite (Hr1 a a' a'' pa (ltnW pa') (ltnW pa'') qa qb).
- case (T2ltgtP a a'') => qc.
* rewrite /= !orbF !if_simpl => qd; apply:(Hr1 _ _ _ pb pd' pd'' lx).
by rewrite T2lt_psi /lt_psi qb (T2lt_anti qb) (T2lt_ne' qb) /=.
* rewrite /= !if_simpl => qd.
move: (T2lt_psi_aux qa lx) => ha.
apply: ifT; case /orP: qd => h; last by rewrite - (eqP h).
apply: (Hrec [a, b] [a', b'] b'') => //;apply: leq_trans la.
by rewrite ltn_add_el // leq_add.
* rewrite /= !orbF if_simpl; case /orP; last by move/eqP <-; rewrite lx.
by move => qd; rewrite (Hr1 _ _ _ pb pd' (ltnW pb'') lx qd).
- rewrite - qb qa (T2lt_ne qa) (T2lt_anti qa) /= !orbF !if_simpl.
case (T2ltgtP b' b'') => h //=; [move => _; rewrite qb | by rewrite - h].
apply: (Hr1 _ _ _ pb pd' pd'' lx).
by rewrite T2lt_psi /lt_psi qb h eqxx orbT.
+ case (T2ltgtP a' a'') => qb.
- rewrite /= !orbF !if_simpl => sa sb; rewrite ifT//.
rewrite -/(lt_psi a b a'' b'') -(T2lt_psi a b a'' b'').
case/orP:sa => h; last by rewrite (eqP h).
apply: (Hrec [a,b] b' [a'',b'']) => //; apply: leq_trans la.
by rewrite ltn_add_le // ltn_add_el.
- have qc: (a'' < a).
apply: (Hrec a'' a' a) => //; apply: leq_trans la.
rewrite addnAC -addnA addnC ltn_add_ll// ltn_add_ll//.
rewrite /= qc (T2lt_anti qc) (T2lt_ne' qc) /= !if_simpl => r1 r2.
have sa:([a,b] < [a',b']) by rewrite T2lt_psi /lt_psi qa /= -!orbA r1 !orbT.
apply: ifT;case /orP: r2 => h; last by rewrite - (eqP h).
apply: (Hrec [a, b] [a', b'] b'') => //;apply: leq_trans la.
by rewrite ltn_add_el // leq_add.
- rewrite - qb qa (T2lt_anti qa) (T2lt_ne' qa) /= ? if_simpl.
case (T2ltgtP b' b'') => qc // sa sb; last by rewrite - qc.
apply: ifT; case /orP: sa => h; last by rewrite (eqP h).
apply: (Hrec [a,b] b' b'') => //; apply: leq_trans la.
by rewrite ltn_add_ll // ltn_add_el.
+ rewrite -qa /= !orbF; case (T2ltgtP b b') => qb //; last first.
- rewrite - qb; case (T2ltgtP a a'') => qc //=;case (T2ltgtP b b'') => //= _.
case: (ltngtP n n')=> //;case:(ltngtP n' n'') => //.
* by move => sa sb; rewrite (ltn_trans sb sa).
* by move => -> ->.
* by move => h ->; rewrite h.
* move => -> -> sa sb; rewrite (Hr1 _ _ _ pc (ltnW pc') (ltnW pc'') sa sb).
by rewrite ltnn eqxx.
- move => _; case (T2ltgtP a a'') => qc /=; rewrite ?orbF ? if_simpl.
* exact: (Hr1 _ _ _ pb (ltnW pb') pd'' qb).
* have h: [a, b] < [a, b'] by rewrite T2lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx qb !orbT.
move => h1;apply: ifT; case /orP: h1 => h2; last by rewrite - (eqP h2).
apply: (Hrec [a, b] [a, b'] b'') => //;apply: leq_trans la.
rewrite ltn_add_el // {2} qa leq_add //.
* case (T2ltgtP b b'') => // h.
have hh:(size b'' + size b + size b' < m)%N.
by apply: leq_trans la; rewrite -addnA addnC ltn_add_ll// ltn_add_ll//.
move: (Hrec b'' b b' hh h qb) => s.
by rewrite (T2lt_anti s) (T2lt_ne' s).
by rewrite -h (T2lt_anti qb) (T2lt_ne' qb).
Lemma T2lt_le_trans b a c: a < b -> b <= c -> a < c.
by move => lab; case /orP;[ move /eqP => <- | apply:T2lt_trans].
Lemma T2le_lt_trans b a c: a <= b -> b < c -> a < c.
Proof. by case /orP;[ move /eqP => <- |apply:T2lt_trans]. Qed.
Lemma T2le_trans b a c: a <= b -> b <= c -> a <= c.
case /orP; first by move /eqP => ->.
by move => l1 l2; rewrite /T2le (T2lt_le_trans l1 l2) orbT.
Lemma T2le_psi1 a b n c: [a, b] <= cons a b n c.
Proof. by rewrite T2le_consE /lt_psi ! T2ltnn !eqxx // T2le0n /=; case: n. Qed.
Lemma T2lt_psi_b a b: b < [a,b].
elim: b a => // a _ b Hb n c _ x.
have ha:= (T2le_psi1 a b n c).
have hb:= (T2lt_le_trans (Hb a) ha).
rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi; case: (T2ltgtP a x).
+ rewrite /= !orbF if_simpl => ax.
by apply: (T2lt_trans (Hb x)); rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi hb eqxx !orbT.
+ by move => _ /=; rewrite orbC -/(T2le _ _) ha.
+ by move => _ /=; rewrite hb.
Lemma T2lt_psi_a a b: a < [a,b].
elim: a b => //a Ha b Hb n c _ x.
have ha:= (T2lt_le_trans (Ha b) (T2le_psi1 a b n c)).
have hb:= (T2lt_le_trans (T2lt_psi_b a b)(T2le_psi1 a b n c)).
have hc :[b,x] < [cons a b n c, x] by rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi hb T2lt_psi_b.
by rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi ha (T2lt_trans (Hb x) hc).
Fixpoint T2nf x :=
if x is cons a b n c then [&& T2nf a, T2nf b, T2nf c & c < [a,b] ]
else true.
Lemma T2nf_cons_cons a b n a' b' n' c':
T2nf(cons a b n (cons a' b' n' c')) =
[&& [a', b'] < [a, b], T2nf a, T2nf b & T2nf(cons a' b' n' c') ].
simpl;case: (T2nf a);rewrite /= ?andbF //.
case: (T2nf b);rewrite /= ? andbF //.
rewrite T2lt_consE - T2lt_psi.
by case: ([a', b'] < [a, b]); rewrite /= ?andbT // T2ltn0 !if_same andbF.
Lemma nf_psi a b n: T2nf (cons a b n zero) = T2nf a && T2nf b.
Proof. by rewrite /= T2lt0n andbT. Qed.
Lemma T2nf_consE a b n c:
T2nf (cons a b n c) = [&& T2nf a, T2nf b, T2nf c & c < [a,b] ].
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma nf_omega : T2nf omega. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma nf_one : T2nf one. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma nf_finite n: T2nf (\F n). Proof. by case:n. Qed.
Lemma lt_tail a b n c: T2nf (cons a b n c) -> c < cons a b n c.
move /and4P => [_ _ _ h]; apply: (T2lt_le_trans h (T2le_psi1 a b n c)).
Lemma T1T2range1 x: T1T2 x < epsilon0.
Proof. by elim: x => // a Ha n b _ /=; rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi /= Ha. Qed.
Lemma T1T2range2 x: T2nf x -> x < epsilon0 -> {y: T1 | x = T1T2 y}.
elim: x => //; first by exists
move => a _ b Hb n c Hc /= /and4P [na nb nc nd].
rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi !T2ltn0 /= !if_same T2lt1 /= !andbF !orbF if_simpl.
move => h; move: h nd => /andP[/eqP -> /(Hb nb)] [y1 ->] hh.
have aux:[zero, T1T2 y1] < epsilon0 by rewrite T2lt_psi /lt_psi /= T1T2range1.
have [y2 -> ] := (Hc nc (T2lt_trans hh aux)).
by exists (CantorOrdinal.cons y1 n y2).
Definition T2finite x:=
if x is cons a b n c then ([a,b]==one) else true.
Fixpoint T2limit x :=
if x is cons a b n c then
if ([a,b]==one) then false else (c== zero) || T2limit c
else false.
Fixpoint T2split x:=
if x is cons a b n c then
if ([a,b]==one) then (zero, n.+1) else
let: (x, y) := T2split c in (cons a b n x,y)
else (zero,0).
Lemma T2nf_finite a b n c: [a,b]==one -> T2nf (cons a b n c) -> c = zero.
by move => /eqP [-> ->] /and4P [_ _ _]; rewrite T2lt1 => /eqP.
Lemma split_finite x: ((T2split x).1 == zero) = T2finite x.
case x => // a b n c //=.
by case pa: ([a, b] == one) => //;case: T2split x.
Lemma T2finite2 x: T2finite x -> T2nf x -> x = \F ((T2split x).2).
case: x => // a b n c; rewrite /T2finite => sa sb.
rewrite (T2nf_finite sa sb) /T2split -/T2split sa.
by move: sa => /eqP [] -> ->.
Lemma omega_least_inf1 x: T2finite x -> x < omega.
case: x => // a b n c /= /eqP [] -> ->.
by rewrite /omega T2lt_consE /lt_psi.
Lemma omega_least_inf2 x: ~~ T2finite x -> omega <= x.
case: x => // a b n c.
rewrite /omega T2le_consE /= /lt_psi !T2lt0n !T2ltn0 /= !T2gt1 => eq1.
rewrite eq1; move:eq1; rewrite T2eqE !orbF /= !andbT (eq_sym a zero).
case pa: (zero==a) => //= -> /=; rewrite (eq_sym b); case: (one==b) => //.
by rewrite T2le0n; case: n.
Lemma split_limit x: ((T2split x).2 == 0) = ((x==zero) || T2limit x).
elim: x => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=.
case: ([a, b] == one) => //; rewrite - Hc; by case: (T2split c).
Fixpoint T2is_succ x :=
if x is cons a b n c then ([a,b]==one) || T2is_succ c else false.
Fixpoint T2succ x :=
if x is cons a b n c
then if ([a,b]==one) then \F n.+2 else cons a b n (T2succ c)
else one.
Fixpoint T2pred x :=
if x is cons a b n c then
if ([a,b]==one) then \F n else (cons a b n (T2pred c))
else zero.
Lemma split_is_succ x: ((T2split x).2 != 0) = (T2is_succ x).
elim: x => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=.
case: ([a, b] == one); rewrite - Hc; by case: (T2split c).
Lemma split_succ x: let:(y,n):= T2split x in T2split (T2succ x) = (y,n.+1).
elim: x => // a _ b _ n c /=.
by case pa: ([a, b] == one) => //=; rewrite pa /=;case: (T2split c) => u v ->.
Lemma split_pred x: let:(y,n):= T2split x in T2split (T2pred x) = (y,n.-1).
elim: x => // a _ b _ n c /=.
case pa: ([a, b] == one) => //=; first by case: n.
by rewrite pa /=; case:(T2split c) => // u v ->.
Lemma split_le x : (T2split x).1 <= x.
elim: x => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=.
case pa:([a, b] == one) => //; move: Hc; case (T2split c) => y m /=.
by rewrite T2le_consE !eqxx ltnn => -> /=; rewrite if_same.
Lemma nf_split x : T2nf x -> T2nf (T2split x).1.
elim: x => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=.
case pa: ([a, b] == one) => // /and4P [sa sb /Hc sd se].
move: (T2le_lt_trans (split_le c) se).
by move: sd; case (T2split c) => y m /= -> ->; rewrite sa sb.
Lemma T2finite_succ x: T2finite x -> T2finite (T2succ x).
Proof. by elim: x => // a _ b _ n c Hc /= ->. Qed.
Lemma T1succ_nat n: T2succ (\F n) = \F (n.+1).
Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma limit_pr1 x: (x == zero) (+) (T2limit x (+) T2is_succ x).
elim: x => //a _ b _ n c Hc /=; case az: ([a, b] == one) => //=.
by case cz: (c == zero); [ rewrite (eqP cz) | move: Hc; rewrite cz].
Lemma limit_pr x y: T2limit x -> y < x -> T2succ y < x.
elim: x y; [ by [] |move => a _ b _ n c Hc y /=].
case: y.
rewrite T2gt1 andTb !T2eqE !andbT !andbA.
by case sa: ((a == zero) && (b == zero)).
move => a' b' n' c';rewrite /T2succ -/T2succ => hh.
case pa: ([a', b'] == one).
rewrite T2lt_consE /= T2lt_consE -!T2lt_psi (eqP pa).
have ->: ((zero == a) && (zero == b)) = (one == [a,b]).
by rewrite T2eqE !eqxx !andbT.
move: hh; rewrite (eq_sym _ one); case: (T2ltgtP one [a,b]) => //.
by rewrite T2lt1.
rewrite T2lt_consE T2lt_consE.
case ha:(lt_psi a' b' a b) => //; case hb: ((a' == a) && (b' == b)) => //.
case: (ltngtP n' n) => // _ hc;apply: Hc => //.
move: hh hc; move/andP:hb => [/eqP <- /eqP <-]; rewrite pa.
by case /orP => //; move /eqP ->; rewrite T2ltn0.
Lemma T2le_psi_b a b : T2succ b <= [a,b].
move: (T2lt_psi_b a b).
case b => //; first by rewrite T2ge1.
move => a1 b1 n1 c1 /= h; apply: T2ltW; move: h.
case eq1: ([a1, b1] == one).
rewrite !T2lt_consE T2ltn0 ltn0 /= andbF !if_same if_simpl.
by move /eqP: eq1 => [ -> ->] ->.
by rewrite !T2lt_consE T2ltn0 ltn0 !if_same if_simpl => ->.
Lemma pred_le a: T2pred a <= a.
elim: a => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=; case pa: ([a, b] == one).
by case: n => //= n; rewrite T2le_consE ltnSn; move: (eqP pa) => [-> ->].
by rewrite T2le_consE !eqxx Hc !if_same.
Lemma pred_lt a: T2is_succ a -> T2pred a < a.
elim: a => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=; case pa: ([a, b] == one).
by case: n => //= n; rewrite T2lt_consE ltnSn; move: (eqP pa) => [-> ->].
by move => /= h; rewrite T2lt_consE Hc // !eqxx !if_same.
Lemma succ_lt a: a < T2succ a.
elim: a => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=; case pa: ([a, b] == one).
by move: (eqP pa) => [-> ->]; rewrite T2lt_consE ltnSn.
by rewrite T2lt_consE !eqxx Hc !if_same.
Lemma nf_succ a: T2nf a -> T2nf (T2succ a).
elim:a => // a _ b _ n c Hc /= /and4P [pa pb /Hc pc pe].
case pf: ([a, b] == one) => //=; rewrite pa pb pc /=.
by apply:limit_pr => //=; rewrite pf.
Lemma nf_pred a: T2nf a -> T2nf (T2pred a).
elim:a => // a _ b _ n c Hc /= /and4P [pa pb /Hc pc pe].
case pf: ([a, b] == one); first by apply: nf_finite.
by rewrite /= pa pb pc (T2le_lt_trans (pred_le c) pe).
Lemma succ_pred x: T2nf x -> T2is_succ x -> x = T2succ (T2pred x).
elim:x => // a _ b _ n c Hc nf /=.
case az: ([a, b] == one) => /=.
rewrite (T2nf_finite az nf); move: (eqP az) => [-> ->]; case n => //.
by rewrite az => h; rewrite - Hc //; case/and4P: nf.
Lemma succ_p1 x: T2is_succ (T2succ x).
by elim: x => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=; case:([a, b] == one) => //=;rewrite Hc orbT.
Lemma pred_succ x: T2nf x -> T2pred (T2succ x) = x.
elim:x => // a _ b _ n c Hc nf /=; case az: ([a, b] == one).
by rewrite (T2nf_finite az nf); move: (eqP az) => [-> ->].
by rewrite /= az Hc //; case/and4P: nf.
Lemma succ_inj x y: T2nf x -> T2nf y -> (T2succ x == T2succ y) = (x==y).
move => nx ny;case h: (T2succ x == T2succ y).
by rewrite - (pred_succ nx) (eqP h) (pred_succ ny) eqxx.
by case hh: (x==y) => //; rewrite -h (eqP hh) eqxx.
Lemma lt_succ_succ x y: T2succ x < T2succ y -> x < y.
elim: x y; first by case; [ rewrite T2ltnn | move => a b n c _ ].
move => a _ b _ n c Hc /=; case.
rewrite {2}/T2succ T2lt1; case: ([a, b] == one) => //.
move => a' b' n' c'; case sa: ([a, b] == one) => /=.
case /eqP:sa => -> -> /=;case sb: ([a', b'] == one) => //.
rewrite {1} /T2lt /= if_same if_simpl ltnS.
by case /eqP:sb => -> ->; rewrite /T2lt /= => ->.
move => _; rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi !T2ltn0 !T2lt0n /=.
move: sb; rewrite T2eqE !eqxx !(eq_sym zero) !andbT.
by case az: (a' == zero) => //= ->.
case pa: ([a', b'] == one); rewrite !T2lt_consE.
by rewrite -T2lt_psi T2lt1 /=; move: sa; rewrite T2eqE !andbT => ->.
case: (lt_psi a b a' b') => //; case:((a == a') && (b == b')) => //.
case: (ltngtP n n') => // _;apply: Hc.
Lemma le_succ_succ x y: x <= y -> T2succ x <= T2succ y.
Proof. rewrite !T2leNgt; apply: contra; exact:lt_succ_succ. Qed.
Lemma lt_succ_succE x y:
T2nf x -> T2nf y -> (T2succ x < T2succ y) = (x < y).
move => nx ny.
case (T2ltgtP (T2succ x) (T2succ y)).
+ by move/lt_succ_succ => ->.
+ by move /lt_succ_succ => /T2lt_anti.
+ by move /eqP; rewrite (succ_inj nx ny) => /eqP ->; rewrite T2ltnn.
Lemma le_succ_succE x y:
T2nf x -> T2nf y -> (T2succ x <= T2succ y) = (x <= y).
by move => na nb; rewrite /T2le (succ_inj na nb) (lt_succ_succE na nb).
Lemma lt_succ_le_1 a b : T2succ a <= b -> a < b.
Proof. apply: T2lt_le_trans (succ_lt a). Qed.
Lemma lt_succ_le_2 a b: T2nf a -> a < T2succ b -> a <= b.
elim: a b; first by move => b;rewrite T2le0n.
move => a' _ b' _ n' c' Hc; case; first by rewrite T2lt1 => _ /eqP ->.
move => a b n c nx /=; case sa: ([a, b] == one).
case /eqP: sa => -> ->; rewrite T2lt_consE T2le_consE -T2lt_psi T2lt1 /=.
case sa: ((a' == zero) && (b' == zero)) => //.
have sa': ([a',b']==one) by rewrite T2eqE !andbT sa.
rewrite (T2nf_finite sa' nx) ltnS leq_eqVlt if_same T2le0n.
by case (ltngtP n' n).
rewrite T2lt_consE T2le_consE; case: (lt_psi _ _ _ _) => //.
case: (_ && _) => //; case: (ltngtP n' n) => // _.
by apply: Hc; move:nx => /and4P[].
Lemma lt_succ_le_3 a b: T2nf a -> (a < T2succ b) = (a <= b).
move => na; case h:(a < T2succ b).
by rewrite (lt_succ_le_2 na h).
rewrite - h; case (T2ltP b a) => // ab; exact: (T2le_lt_trans ab (succ_lt b)).
Lemma lt_succ_le_4 a b: T2nf b -> (a < b) = (T2succ a <= b).
move => nb.
case: (T2ltP a b).
rewrite T2leNgt T2ltNge;case h: (b < T2succ a) => //.
by rewrite(lt_succ_le_2 nb h).
by move /le_succ_succ => /(T2lt_le_trans (succ_lt b)); rewrite T2leNgt => ->.
Lemma succ_nz x: T2succ x != zero.
Proof. by move: (T2le_lt_trans (T2le0n x) (succ_lt x)); rewrite T2lt0n. Qed.
Lemma succ_psi a b: [a, b] != one -> T2succ [a,b] = cons a b 0 one.
Proof. by rewrite /= T2eqE !eqxx !andbT; case (_ && _). Qed.
Lemma succ_psi_lt x a b : [a, b] != one -> x < [a,b] -> T2succ x < [a,b].
move => yn1; case: x => //; first by rewrite /= T2gt1 yn1.
move => a' b' n d /=.
case: ([a', b'] == one);rewrite !T2lt_consE ltn0 T2ltn0 !if_same if_simpl.
move: yn1; rewrite - !T2lt_psi -/one eq_sym; case: (T2ltgtP one [a,b]) => //.
by rewrite T2lt1.
by move => ->.
Lemma succ_psi_lt2 a b x: [a, b] != one -> ([a, b] <= T2succ x) = ([a, b] <= x).
move => ha;symmetry.
case (T2leP [a, b] (T2succ x)).
by rewrite !T2leNgt; apply: contra; apply:succ_psi_lt.
by move => hb; move: (T2lt_trans (succ_lt x) hb);rewrite T2ltNge; move /negbTE.
Fixpoint T2add x y :=
if x is cons a b n c then
if y is cons a' b' n' c' then
if [a,b] < [a',b'] then y
else if [a',b'] < [a,b] then cons a b n (c + y)
else cons a b (n+n').+1 c'
else x
else y
where "x + y" := (T2add x y) : g0_scope.
Fixpoint T2sub x y :=
if x is cons a b n c then
if y is cons a' b' n' c' then
if (x < y) then zero
else if ([a',b'] < [a,b]) then x
else if (n<n')%N then zero
else if ([a,b]==one) then
if (n==n')%N then zero else cons zero zero ((n-n').-1) zero
else if(n==n') then c - c' else cons a b (n - n').-1 c
else x
else zero
where "a - b" := (T2sub a b) : g0_scope.
Lemma T2subn0 x: x - zero = x.
Proof. by case x. Qed.
Lemma T2sub0n x: zero - x = zero.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma minus_lt a b: a < b -> a - b = zero.
Proof. by case: a b => // a b n c // [] // a' b' n' v' /= ->. Qed.
Lemma T2subnn x: x - x = zero.
by elim: x => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=; rewrite !T2ltnn ltnn eqxx Hc if_same.
Lemma minus_le a b: a <= b -> a - b = zero.
rewrite T2le_eqVlt;case /orP; [move /eqP ->; apply: T2subnn| apply: minus_lt].
Lemma nf_sub a b: T2nf a -> T2nf b -> T2nf (a - b).
elim: a b => // a Ha b Hb n c Hc [] // a' b' n' c' na nb /=.
case: (_ < _) => //; case: (_ < _) => //; case: (ltngtP n n') => //.
by case:eqP.
move: na nb => /and4P[_ _ nc _] /and4P [_ _ nc' _].
by case:eqP => // _ _ ; apply: Hc.
Lemma sub_int n m : \F n - \F m = \F (n -m)%N.
case: n m => // n [] // m /=; rewrite /T2lt /= if_same subSS //.
case: (ltngtP n m) => pa;first by move: (ltnW pa)=> /eqP ->.
by rewrite -(subnSK pa).
by rewrite pa subnn.
Lemma succ_is_add_one a: T2succ a = a + one.
elim:a => // a _ b _ n c Hc /=; rewrite addn0 Hc.
case:(T2ltgtP [a, b] one) => //; first by rewrite T2lt1 //.
by case => -> ->.
Lemma add1Nfin a: ~~ T2finite a -> one + a = a.
Proof. by case:a => // a b n c /=; rewrite T2gt1 T2eqE andbT => -> //. Qed.
Lemma sub1Nfin a: ~~ T2finite a -> a - one = a.
Proof. by case:a => // a b n c /=; rewrite T2lt1 T2gt1 T2eqE andbT => ->. Qed.
Lemma sub1a x: x != zero -> T2nf x -> x = one + (x - one).
case fb:(T2finite x); last by rewrite sub1Nfin ?fb // add1Nfin // fb //.
move: fb;case x => // a' b' n' c' /=.
rewrite T2lt1 T2gt1 T2eqE andbT/= => /andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->] _.
by rewrite T2lt1 /= => /andP [_ /eqP ->];case n'.
Lemma sub1b x: T2nf x -> x = (one + x) - one.
case h: (T2finite x); last by rewrite add1Nfin ? h // sub1Nfin // h.
by move => nx; rewrite (T2finite2 h nx); case: (T2split x).2.
Lemma T2add0n: left_id zero T2add. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T2addn0: right_id zero T2add. Proof. by case. Qed.
Lemma add_int n m : \F n + \F m = \F (n +m)%N.
by case: n m => // n [ | m]; rewrite /= - ? addnS // - addnE addn0.
Lemma add_fin_omega n: \F n + omega = omega.
Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma split_add x: let: (y,n) :=T2split x in T2nf x ->
(x == y + \F n) && ((y==zero) || T2limit y ).
elim: x => //a _ b _ n c Hc /=; case h: ([a, b] == one).
move=> h1; rewrite (T2nf_finite h h1 (n:=0)); case: (eqP h) => -> ->.
by rewrite T2add0n !eqxx /=.
move: Hc; case (T2split c) => y s h1 /and4P [_ _ /h1/andP [/eqP -> sb] _].
rewrite /= h sb andbT; case s => //=; first by rewrite T2addn0.
by move => m; rewrite T2lt1 T2gt1 /= h.
Lemma add_to_cons a b n c:
c < [a,b] -> cons a b n zero + c = cons a b n c.
case: c => // u v m z /=; rewrite T2lt_consE - T2lt_psi T2ltn0 !if_same.
by rewrite if_simpl => h; rewrite h (T2lt_anti h).
Lemma nf_add a b: T2nf a -> T2nf b -> T2nf (a + b).
have psi1: forall a' b' n' c' a b,
cons a' b' n' c' < [a,b] = ([a', b'] < [a,b]).
move => a' b' n' c' a'' b''.
by rewrite T2lt_consE T2ltn0 ltn0 !if_same if_simpl T2lt_psi.
elim: a b => // a Ha b Hb n c Hc [] // a' b' n' c' ha hb /=.
case (T2ltgtP [a, b] [a', b']) => // h; last by move: hb; case:h => -> ->.
move: ha; rewrite /T2nf -/T2nf => /and4P [sa sb sc sd].
rewrite sa sb Hc //=; move: sd; case c => //=; first by rewrite psi1.
move => a1 b1 n1 c1; rewrite psi1.
by case: (T2ltgtP [a1, b1] [a', b']) => //;rewrite psi1.
Lemma T2add_eq0 m n: (m + n == zero) = (m == zero) && (n == zero).
case: m; [by rewrite T2add0n | move => a' b' n' c'; rewrite andFb].
by case: n => // a b n c /=; case: (T2ltgtP [a', b'] [a, b]).
Lemma add_le1 a b: a <= a + b.
elim:a b; first by rewrite /T2le /=; case;[ rewrite eqxx | ].
move => a' _ b' _ n' c' hc [] // a b n c /=.
case: (T2ltgtP [a', b'] [a, b]) => h; rewrite T2le_consE -T2lt_psi ?T2ltnn.
+ by rewrite h.
+ by rewrite !eqxx ltnn /=; apply: hc.
+ by rewrite !eqxx ltnS leq_addr.
Lemma add_le2 a b: b <= a + b.
case: a => // a' b' n' c'; case: b ; [done | move => a b n c /=].
case: (T2ltgtP [a', b'] [a, b]) => h; rewrite T2le_consE -T2lt_psi ?h => //.
+ by rewrite !eqxx /= ltnn T2lenn if_same.
+ by case: h => -> ->; rewrite T2ltnn ltnS leq_addl !eqxx.
Lemma sub_le1 a b : T2nf a -> (a - b) <= a.
elim: a b => [b // | a' _ b' _ n' c' H].
case; [by rewrite T2subn0 T2lenn | move => a b n c/and4P [_ _ /H la lb] /=].
have hh: (n < n')%N -> ((n' - n).-1 < n')%N.
by case: n' => // n' h; rewrite subSn // ltnS leq_subr.
rewrite T2lt_consE -T2lt_psi; case: (T2ltgtP [a', b'] [a, b]) => // eq1.
case sa: ((a' == a) && (b' == b)) => //.
by move: eq1; move/andP:sa => [/eqP -> /eqP ->]; rewrite T2ltnn.
case: eq1 => <- <- ; rewrite !eqxx /=.
case : (ltngtP n' n) => // eq2.
case x1: ([a', b'] == one);rewrite T2le_consE (hh eq2) ?eqxx.
by move: x1; rewrite T2eqE => /and4P [/eqP -> /eqP ->] /=.
by rewrite /= if_same.
case : (c' < c) => //; case: ([a', b'] ==one) => //.
apply: (T2le_trans (la c)); apply:T2ltW; apply: (T2lt_le_trans lb).
apply: T2le_psi1.
Lemma sub_pr a b: T2nf b -> (a + b) - a = b.
elim: a b; first by move => b _; rewrite T2subn0.
move => a' _ b' _ n' c' Hc; case; first by rewrite T2addn0 T2subnn.
move => a b n c nn /=.
case (T2ltgtP [a', b'] [a, b]) => pa; rewrite /= T2lt_consE -T2lt_psi.
+ rewrite pa /= (T2lt_anti pa); case h: (_ && _) => //.
by move: pa; move/andP: h => [/eqP -> /eqP ->]; rewrite T2ltnn.
+ rewrite !T2ltnn !eqxx /= ltnn (T2ltNge _ c') add_le1 /=.
by rewrite Hc // ifF //; case: eqP => h //; move: pa; rewrite h T2lt1.
+ rewrite !T2ltnn !eqxx addnC ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1 - addSn addnK /=.
move: pa nn; case => -> -> ; case: eqP => //; case => -> -> h.
by rewrite (T2nf_finite _ h).
Lemma add_inj a b c : T2nf b -> T2nf c -> a + b = a + c -> b = c.
move => sb sc h.
by rewrite - (sub_pr a sb) - (sub_pr a sc) h.
Lemma sub_pr1 a b: T2nf b -> a <= b -> b = a + (b - a).
move => nb; rewrite /T2le.
case: (altP (a =P b)) => [-> | _ /=]; first by rewrite T2ltnn T2subnn T2addn0.
move: nb; elim: a b; first by move => b nb; rewrite T2subn0 //.
move => a' _ b' _ n' c' Hc; case; [by rewrite T2ltn0 | move => a b n c].
have aux: (n' < n)%N ->n = (n' + (n - n').-1).+1.
by move => le1; rewrite - {1} (subnKC le1) subnS addSn.
move => sa sb;rewrite /= (T2lt_anti sb).
move: sb; rewrite T2lt_consE - T2lt_psi.
have ->:(a' == a) && (b' == b) = ( [a', b'] == [a, b]) by rewrite T2eqE !andbT.
case: (T2ltgtP [a', b'] [a, b]) => sb; rewrite ? sb //.
move: sa; case: sb => <- <- => sa.
have sb: [a', b'] = one -> c = zero.
by move => h;move: sa;case:h => -> -> /= /andP[_];rewrite T2lt1 => /eqP ->.
case: (ltngtP n' n) => sc; rewrite ? sc ?eqxx //.
move: sc (aux sc); case h: (n==n'); [ by rewrite (eqP h) ltnn | move => _ hh].
by case: eqP => h1 ; [ rewrite h1 T2ltnn - hh sb | rewrite !T2ltnn - hh ].
move => dd'; case: eqP; first by move => h; move: dd';rewrite (sb h) T2ltn0.
move: sa => /and4P [_ _ nd ne] _; move: (Hc c nd dd') => h.
have: c - c' < [a', b'] by move: (T2le_lt_trans (sub_le1 c' nd) ne).
rewrite - h; move: dd'; rewrite {1} h;case: (c - c').
by rewrite T2addn0 T2ltnn.
move => a1 b1 c1 n1 d1.
rewrite T2lt_consE T2ltn0 ltn0 !if_same if_simpl -T2lt_psi=> ha.
by rewrite ha (T2lt_anti ha).
Lemma omega_minus_one : omega - one = omega.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma sub_nz a b: T2nf b -> a < b -> (b - a) != zero.
move => nb lab; move: (sub_pr1 nb (T2ltW lab)).
case h: (b - a == zero) => //; rewrite (eqP h) T2addn0 => eq.
by move: lab; rewrite eq T2ltnn.
Lemma T2addA c1 c2 c3: c1 + (c2 + c3) = (c1 + c2) + c3.
elim: c1 c2 c3 => // a1 _ b1 _ n1 c1 H; case.
by move => c3;rewrite !T2add0n T2addn0.
move => a2 b2 n2 c2; case;[ by rewrite !T2addn0 | move => a3 b3 n3 c3 /=].
case: (T2ltgtP [a2, b2] [a3, b3]).
+ case: (T2ltgtP [a1, b1] [a2, b2]) => pa pb /=.
- by rewrite (T2lt_trans pa pb) /= pb.
- by case (T2ltgtP a1 a3) => //; rewrite - H /= pb.
- by rewrite pa pb.
+ case: (T2ltgtP [a1, b1] [a2, b2]) => pa pb /=;
move: (T2lt_anti pb) => pc.
- by rewrite pb pc.
- by move:(T2lt_trans pb pa) => h; rewrite h (T2lt_anti h) - H /= pb pc.
- by rewrite pa pb pc.
+ move => e1; case: (T2ltgtP [a1, b1] [a2, b2]) => pb /=; rewrite -e1.
- by rewrite !T2ltnn.
- by rewrite pb (T2lt_anti pb) - H /= -e1 !T2ltnn.
- by rewrite pb !T2ltnn addSn addnS addnA.
Lemma T2le_add2l p m n : (p + m <= p + n) = (m <= n).
elim:p m n => // a _ b _ n c Hc.
case; first by move => n1; rewrite T2addn0 T2le0n add_le1.
move => a' b' n' c'; case.
rewrite T2addn0 /=;case: (T2ltgtP [a, b] [a', b']) => h.
+ rewrite T2le_consE -T2lt_psi (T2lt_anti h) T2len0 ifF //.
case ha: ((a' == a) && (b' == b)) => //.
by move:h; case /andP: ha => /eqP -> /eqP ->; rewrite T2ltnn.
+ rewrite T2le_consE /lt_psi !T2ltnn !eqxx ltnn /=.
by rewrite -{2} (T2addn0 c) Hc.
+ rewrite !T2le_consE /lt_psi !T2ltnn !eqxx /= addnC ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1.
by rewrite T2len0.
move => a'' b'' n'' c'' /=.
have ha: (a' == a) && (b' == b) = ([a',b'] == [a,b]) by rewrite T2eqE !andbT.
have hb:(a' == a'') && (b' == b'') = ([a',b'] == [a'',b''])
by rewrite T2eqE !andbT.
case: (T2ltgtP [a, b] [a', b']);case:(T2ltgtP [a, b] [a'', b''])
=>// pa pb; rewrite T2le_consE [in RHS] T2le_consE - !T2lt_psi.
- move: (T2lt_trans pa pb) => pc.
by rewrite ha hb (T2lt_anti pb) (T2lt_ne' pb) (T2lt_ne' pc) (T2lt_anti pc).
- by rewrite ha hb -pa (T2lt_ne' pb) (T2lt_anti pb).
- by rewrite (T2lt_trans pb pa) pa.
- by rewrite !eqxx T2ltnn ltnn Hc T2le_consE -T2lt_psi /= hb.
- by rewrite T2ltnn -pa pb !eqxx ltnS leq_addr.
- by rewrite -pb pa.
- rewrite T2ltnn -pb addnC ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1 !eqxx hb - pb.
by rewrite (T2lt_anti pa) (T2lt_ne' pa).
- by rewrite hb - pa pb !eqxx T2ltnn /= ltnS ltn_add2l - !addSn eqn_add2l.
Lemma T2lt_add2l p m n : (p + m < p + n) = (m < n).
Proof. by rewrite !T2ltNge T2le_add2l. Qed.
Lemma T2lt_add2r p m n : (m + p < n + p ) -> (m < n).
elim: m p n.
by move => p n; rewrite T2add0n; case: n => //;rewrite T2add0n T2ltnn.
move => a _ b _ n c Hc; case; first by move => u; rewrite ! T2addn0.
move => a' b' n' c'; case.
simpl;case (T2ltgtP [a, b] [a', b']) => pa /=.
+ by rewrite !T2ltnn.
+ have h:(a == a') &&(b== b') = ([a,b] == [a',b']) by rewrite T2eqE !andbT.
by rewrite T2lt_consE -T2lt_psi h (T2lt_anti pa) (T2lt_ne' pa).
+ case: pa => -> ->.
by rewrite T2lt_consE -T2lt_psi T2ltnn !eqxx ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1.
move => a'' b'' n'' c'' /= h1; rewrite T2lt_consE; move: h1.
have ha:(a == a'') &&(b== b'') = ([a,b] == [a'',b'']) by rewrite T2eqE !andbT.
have hb:(a == a') &&(b== b') = ([a,b] == [a',b']) by rewrite T2eqE !andbT.
case (T2ltgtP [a,b] [a',b']);case (T2ltgtP [a',b'] [a'',b''])
=> pb pa /=; rewrite T2lt_consE - !T2lt_psi // ? ha ? hb.
- by rewrite (T2lt_trans pa pb).
- by rewrite ! T2ltnn ltnn !eqxx //.
- by rewrite -pb pa.
- case: (T2ltgtP [a,b] [a'',b'']) => //.
by case: (ltngtP n n'') => // _ _ ; apply: Hc.
- by rewrite (T2lt_anti pa) (T2lt_ne' pa).
- by rewrite - pb (T2lt_anti pa) (T2lt_ne' pa).
- by rewrite pa pb.
- by rewrite pa T2ltnn eqxx ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1.
- by rewrite pa pb !T2ltnn eqxx ltnS ltn_add2r if_same if_simpl => ->.
Lemma T2le_add2r p m n : (m <=n) -> (m + p <= n + p).
Proof. rewrite !T2leNgt; apply: contra; apply: T2lt_add2r. Qed.
Lemma T2eq_add2l p m n : (p + m == p + n) = (m == n).
Proof. by rewrite !T2eq_le !T2le_add2l. Qed.
Lemma add_le3 a b: a = a + b -> b = zero.
Proof. move /eqP;rewrite -{1} (T2addn0 a) T2eq_add2l => /eqP -> //. Qed.
Lemma add_le4 a b: b != zero -> a < a + b.
move: (add_le1 a b); rewrite T2le_eqVlt.
by case: (a<a+b); rewrite ? orbT // orbF => /eqP /add_le3 ->.
Lemma sub_pr1r a b: T2nf a -> a - b = zero -> a <= b.
move => nn h; case /orP: (T2le_total a b) => // h1.
by move: (sub_pr1 nn h1); rewrite h T2addn0 => ->.
Definition T2ap x :=
if x is cons a b n c then ((n==0) && (c==zero)) else false.
Lemma ap_pr0 a b (x := [a,b]) u v:
u < x -> v < x -> u + v < x.
case: u v; [by move => u |move => a1 b1 n1 c1].
case; [by move => H _ | move => a' b' n' c' l1 l2 /=].
have aux: forall n' d', cons a1 b1 n' d' < x.
by move => n'' d'';move: l1;rewrite psi_lt1 psi_lt1.
by case: (T2ltgtP [a1, b1] [a', b']).
Lemma ap_limit x: T2ap x -> (x == one) || (T2limit x).
case: x => // a b n f /= /andP[/eqP -> /eqP ->].
by rewrite eqxx orTb T2eqE !andbT; case: (_ && _).
Lemma ap_pr1 c:
(forall a b, a < c -> b < c -> a + b < c) ->
(c== zero) || T2ap c.
case: c => // a b n c /=.
case: n c => [d H | n c H]; last first.
have l2: (cons a b n c) < (cons a b n.+1 c) by rewrite psi_lt2 ltnS leqnn.
move: (H _ _ l2 l2). rewrite /= psi_lt2 /= psi_lt2 /= T2ltnn if_same ltnS.
by rewrite -{3}(add0n n) ltn_add2r.
case dz: (d == zero) => //.
have pa: [a,b] < cons a b 0 d by rewrite psi_lt2 /= T2lt0n dz.
by move: (H _ _ pa pa); rewrite /= psi_lt2 /= psi_lt2.
Lemma ap_pr2 c:
T2nf c -> c <> zero ->
(forall a b, T2nf a -> T2nf b -> a < c -> b < c -> a + b < c) ->
T2ap c.
case: c => // a b n c nc _ Hr.
have {Hr} H: forall u, T2nf u -> u < cons a b n c -> u + u < cons a b n c.
by move => u ua ub; apply: Hr.
case: n c H nc => [c H | n c H].
rewrite /T2nf -/T2nf => /and4P[na nb nc nd].
have np: T2nf [a,b] by rewrite nf_psi na nb.
move: (H _ np).
rewrite T2lt_consE ! eqxx /= T2ltnn T2lt_consE !eqxx /= if_simpl.
by rewrite -T2lt_psi T2ltnn T2lt0n; case: eqP => // _; apply.
have l2: (cons a b n c) < (cons a b n.+1 c) by rewrite psi_lt2 ltnS leqnn.
move=> pa; have pb: T2nf (cons a b n c) by move: pa; rewrite /T2nf -/T2nf.
move: (H _ pb l2); rewrite /= T2ltnn psi_lt2 T2ltnn ltnS if_same.
by rewrite -{3}(add0n n) ltn_add2r /=.
Lemma ap_pr3 a b y (x := [a,b]): y < x -> y + x = x.
by case: y => // a' b' n' c' /=; rewrite /x psi_lt1 => ->.
Lemma ap_pr4 x: (forall b, b < x -> b + x = x) -> (x == zero) || T2ap x.
case: x => // a b /=; case => [d H|].
move: (H [ a, b]).
rewrite /= T2ltnn psi_lt2 /= T2lt0n; case:eqP => //=.
by move => _ /(_ erefl).
move => n d H /=.
move: (H (cons a b n zero)).
rewrite /= T2lt_consE -T2lt_psi T2ltnn !eqxx ltnS leqnn.
by move => /(_ erefl); case => /eqP; rewrite - {3} (addn0 n) eqn_add2l.
Definition T2_pr1 x:= if x is cons a b n c then a else zero.
Definition T2_pr2 x:= if x is cons a b n c then b else zero.
Definition T2finite1 x:=
if x is cons a b n c then [&& a == zero, b== zero & c == zero] else false.
Definition phi a b :=
if b is cons u v n k then
if ((n==0) && (k==zero)) then
if (a < u) then b else [a,b]
else if ((n==0) && (T2finite1 k) && (a <u))
then [a, cons u v 0 (T2pred k) ]
else [a,b]
else [a,b].
Lemma phi_ap x y : (phi x y) = [T2_pr1 (phi x y), T2_pr2 (phi x y)].
case: y => // a b n c /=.
case h: (_ && _) => //; last by case: (_ && _).
by case (x < a) => /=; move/andP: h => [/eqP -> /eqP ->].
Lemma phi_le1 a b: a <= T2_pr1 (phi a b).
case:b; first by rewrite /= T2lenn.
move => a'' b'' n'' c'' /=; rewrite !fun_if /= eqxx if_same.
by case: (a < a''); rewrite !if_same.
Lemma phi_le2 a b: T2_pr2 (phi a b) <= b.
case:b; first by rewrite /= T2lenn.
move => a'' b'' n'' c'' /=.
case sa: (_ && _).
case aa: (a < a'') => //=.
apply: T2le_trans (T2le_psi1 a'' b'' n'' c'').
apply /T2ltW; apply:T2lt_psi_b.
case sb: (_ && _) => //=; rewrite T2le_consE pred_le !eqxx /=.
by case n'' => //=; rewrite if_same //.
Lemma phi_le3 a b: a < T2_pr1 (phi a b) -> (phi a b) = b.
case:b; first by rewrite /= T2ltnn.
move => a'' b'' n'' c'' /=.
case sa: (_ && _); first by case aa: (a < a'') => //=; rewrite T2ltnn.
by case sb: (_ && _) => //=; rewrite T2ltnn.
Lemma phi_fix1 a u v: a < u -> phi a [u,v] = [u, v].
Proof. by move => /= ->. Qed.
Lemma phi_fix2 a b (u:= T2_pr1 b) (v:= T2_pr2 b):
phi a b = b -> b = [u,v] /\ a < u.
move => h. split; first by rewrite -h phi_ap h.
move: (h). rewrite - h (phi_ap a b) h -/u -/v /=.
by case: (a <u) => // h1; move: (T2lt_psi_b a [u, v]); rewrite h1 T2ltnn.
Lemma phi_succ a u v n: a < u ->
phi a (cons u v 0 (\F n.+1)) = [a, cons u v 0 (\F n)].
Proof. by move => /= ->. Qed.
phi a b is either b, psi a b or psi a (b-1).
Lemma phi_cases a b:
{phi a b = b} + {phi a b = [a, b]} +
{ phi a b = [a, T2pred b] /\ b = T2succ (T2pred b) }.
case b; first by left; right.
move => a' b' n' c' /=.
case sa: (_ && _).
case sb: (a < a'); [ by left; left | by left; right].
case sb: (_ && _); [right | by left; right].
move /andP: sb sa=> [/andP [/eqP -> h1]].
case sb:([a', b'] == one); first by case:(eqP sb) => ->; rewrite T2ltn0.
simpl; rewrite sb => _; move: h1; case c' => //.
move => a1 b1 n1 c1 /= /and3P [/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP ->].
by split => //=;case n1 => //.
Lemma nf_phi x y : T2nf x -> T2nf y -> T2nf (phi x y).
move => nx ny.
case (phi_cases x y); first by case => -> //=; rewrite nx ny.
by move => [-> h]; rewrite /= nx T2lt0n /= nf_pred.
Lemma phi_principalR a b: { c:T2 | [a, b] = phi zero c}.
case az:(a==zero); last by exists [a,b]; rewrite /= T2lt0n az.
rewrite (eqP az); case: b; first by exists zero.
move => a' b' n' c'.
case az1: (a'==zero).
exists (cons a' b' n' c').
by rewrite /= (eqP az1) T2ltnn !andbF; case: (_ && _).
case h: ((n' == 0) && (c' == zero)).
move/andP:h => [/eqP -> /eqP ->].
by exists (cons a' b' 0 one); rewrite /phi !eqxx T2lt0n az1 /=.
case h':( (n' == 0) && T2finite1 c'); last first.
by exists (cons a' b' n' c');rewrite /= T2lt0n az1 h h' /=.
move/andP:h' => [/eqP ->]; case c' => //.
move => a1 b2 n2 c1 /= /and3P[/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP ->].
by exists (cons a' b' 0 (\F(n2.+2))); rewrite /= T2lt0n az1 /=.
Theorem phi_spec1 a b c: c < a -> phi c (phi a b) = phi a b.
move => ca; move: (phi_ap a b) (phi_le1 a b); case: (phi a b) => //.
by move => a' b' n' c' /= [ -> ->] /= aa; rewrite (T2lt_le_trans ca aa).
Lemma phi_spec2 a x:
T2nf a -> T2nf x -> (forall c, T2nf c -> c < a -> phi c x = x) ->
a <= T2_pr1 x.
move => na nx ha.
move: (limit_pr1 a).
case az: (a==zero); first by rewrite (eqP az) T2le0n.
have hb: phi zero x = x by apply: ha => //; rewrite T2lt0n az.
have eq1: x = [T2_pr1 x, T2_pr2 x] by move: (phi_ap zero x); rewrite hb.
case la: (T2limit a) => h.
case (T2ltP (T2_pr1 x) a) => // sa.
move: (limit_pr la sa) => /ha hc.
have aux: T2nf (T2succ (T2_pr1 x)).
by apply: nf_succ; move: nx; case x => // a' b' n' c' /= /and4P [].
by move: (phi_le1 (T2succ (T2_pr1 x)) x); rewrite hc // T2leNgt succ_lt.
move: (succ_pred na h) => nsa.
move: (succ_lt (T2pred a)); rewrite - nsa => /ha => eq.
have aux: T2nf (T2pred a).
by apply: nf_pred; move: na; case x => // a' b' n' c' /= /and4P [].
move: (eq aux); rewrite eq1 /=; case hc: (T2pred a < T2_pr1 x).
by rewrite nsa - lt_succ_le_4 //; move: nx; rewrite {1} eq1 /= =>/andP [].
case => _ hd.
by move: (T2lt_ne (T2lt_psi_b (T2_pr1 x) (T2_pr2 x))); rewrite hd eqxx.
Lemma phi_spec3 a x:
T2nf a -> T2nf x -> (forall c, T2nf c -> c < a -> phi c x = x) ->
a != zero -> {b : T2 | x = phi a b}.
move => sa sb sc anz.
move: (phi_spec2 sa sb sc) => h.
have hb: phi zero x = x by apply: sc => //; rewrite T2lt0n .
have eq1: x = [T2_pr1 x, T2_pr2 x] by move: (phi_ap zero x); rewrite hb.
move: h; rewrite T2le_eqVlt; case hc: (a == T2_pr1 x) => /= hd; last first.
by exists x; rewrite eq1 /phi !eqxx /= hd.
set u:= T2_pr2 x; move: sb.
have ->: x = [a, u] by rewrite eq1 (eqP hc).
simpl; move/and3P => [ _ nu _]; move: nu.
case: u; first by exists zero.
move => a1 b1 n1 c1 /= /and4P [_ _ nc _].
case he: ((n1 == 0) && (c1 == zero)).
move/andP: he => [/eqP -> /eqP ->]; case aa: (a < a1); last first.
by exists [a1,b1]; rewrite /= aa.
by exists (cons a1 b1 0 one) ;rewrite /= aa.
case hf: ((n1 == 0) && T2finite1 c1 && (a < a1)); last first.
by exists (cons a1 b1 n1 c1); rewrite /= he hf.
move: he;move/andP:hf => [/andP [/eqP sa' sb'] az1] _.
rewrite sa'; move: sb'; case c1 => //.
move => a2 b2 n2 c2 /= /and3P[/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP ->].
by exists (cons a1 b1 0 (\F(n2.+2))); rewrite /= az1.
Lemma phi_spec4a u v: u != zero -> phi zero [u,v] = [u, v].
Proof. by move => h; rewrite /= T2lt0n h. Qed.
Lemma phi_spec4b x: phi zero x = x ->
x = [T2_pr1 x, T2_pr2 x] /\ T2_pr1 x != zero.
Proof. by move /phi_fix2; rewrite T2lt0n. Qed.
Lemma phi_spec4c x: T2nf x -> phi zero x = x ->
{ b: T2 | x = phi one b }.
move => nx h.
move: (phi_fix2 h). set u := T2_pr1 x; set v := T2_pr2 x.
move => [-> uz].
case: (T2ltgtP one u) => h1; first by exists [u,v]; rewrite /= h1.
by move: h1 uz; rewrite T2lt0n T2lt1 => ->.
rewrite - h1.
case v => //; first by exists zero.
move => a1 b1 n1 c1.
case oa: (one < a1); last first.
by exists (cons a1 b1 n1 c1); rewrite /= oa fun_if fun_if andbF if_same.
case ha: (n1 == 0); last first.
by exists (cons a1 b1 n1 c1); rewrite /= ha /=.
case hc: (c1 == zero).
by exists (cons a1 b1 0 one); rewrite /= oa (eqP ha) (eqP hc).
case hb: (T2finite1 c1); last first.
by exists (cons a1 b1 n1 c1); rewrite /= ha hb hc oa /=.
move: hb hc; case: c1 => // a2 b2 n2 c2 /= /and3P [/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP ->] _.
by exists (cons a1 b1 n1 (\F n2.+2)); rewrite /= ha oa (eqP ha).
Lemma no_critical a: a < phi a zero.
Proof. by apply: T2lt_psi_a. Qed.
Lemma phi_ab_le1 a b: b <= phi a b.
case:(phi_cases a b).
case; move => -> //; apply: T2ltW; apply: T2lt_psi_b.
move => [sa sb];rewrite sa {1} sb. apply: T2le_psi_b.
Lemma phi_ab_le2 a b:a < phi a b.
case:(phi_cases a b).
case => h; last by rewrite h; apply: T2lt_psi_a.
move:(phi_fix2 h) => [sa sb].
by apply: (T2lt_trans sb); rewrite h {2} sa; apply: T2lt_psi_a.
move => [-> _]; apply: T2lt_psi_a.
Lemma phi_inv1 a b: phi a (T2succ b) = [a,b] ->
{ n: nat | (b = cons (T2_pr1 b) (T2_pr2 b) 0 (\F n) /\ a < T2_pr1 b) }.
case b => //; first by rewrite /= T2ltn0.
move => a1 b1 n1 c1 /=.
case ha: ([a1, b1] == one).
by simpl; case => _ _ s; move: (n_Sn n1); rewrite s.
simpl; rewrite (negbTE (succ_nz c1)) andbF.
case hb: ((n1 == 0) && T2finite1 (T2succ c1) && (a < a1)).
case/andP: hb => [/andP [nz hc] hd]; move: hc.
case c1 => //; first by rewrite (eqP nz); exists 0.
move => a2 b2 n2 c2 /=; case he:([a2, b2] == one) => /= hf.
by case => <- <- <- <-; exists (n2.+1).
by move: hf; rewrite (negbTE (succ_nz c2)) !andbF.
by case => h; move: (T2lt_ne (succ_lt c1)); rewrite h eqxx.
Monotonicity is non-trivial
Lemma phi_mono_a a b b': T2nf b -> b < b' -> phi a b < phi a b'.
move => nb bb'.
have aux: forall u v, u < v -> [a, u] < [a, v].
by move => u v h; rewrite T2lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx h orbT.
case:(phi_cases a b); last first.
move =>[sa sb]; rewrite sa;case:(phi_cases a b'); last first.
move => [ua ub]; rewrite ua; apply: aux.
rewrite {1} sb in sa; rewrite {1} ub in ua.
move: bb'; rewrite {1} sb {1} ub.
move: (phi_inv1 sa) => [n [xa xb]]; rewrite xa.
move: (phi_inv1 ua) => [m [ya yb]]; rewrite ya.
set u1 := (T2_pr1 (T2pred b)); set u2 := (T2_pr2 (T2pred b)).
set v1 := (T2_pr1 (T2pred b')); set v2 := (T2_pr2 (T2pred b')).
simpl; rewrite T2lt_consE -T2lt_psi ltnn eqxx.
case ta: ([u1,u2]==one).
case tb: ([v1,v2]==one); first by rewrite T2ltnn.
rewrite (eqP ta) T2gt1 tb //.
case tb: ([v1, v2] == one).
move: ta; rewrite T2lt_consE -T2lt_psi T2lt1 T2eqE !eqxx !andbT/=.
by move => ->.
rewrite T2lt_consE -T2lt_psi ltnn eqxx; case: ([u1, u2] < [v1, v2]) => //.
case: ((u1 == v1) && (u2 == v2)) => //.
case m => //;[ by case n | by move => m'; case n].
case => h; last first.
rewrite h; apply: (T2lt_trans _ (aux _ _ bb')).
by apply: aux; rewrite {2} sb; apply: succ_lt.
move: (phi_fix2 h) => [sc sd].
by rewrite h sc T2lt_psi /lt_psi sd - sc (T2le_lt_trans (pred_le b) bb').
case; first by move => ->; exact:(T2lt_le_trans bb' (phi_ab_le1 a b')).
move => sa; rewrite sa; case:(phi_cases a b').
case; last by move => ->; apply: aux.
move => h; move: (phi_fix2 h) => [sc sd]; rewrite h sc.
by rewrite T2lt_psi /lt_psi sd - sc bb'.
move=> [sb sc]; rewrite sb; apply: aux.
move: bb'; rewrite {1} sc lt_succ_le_3 //; case /orP => // /eqP h.
move: sa; rewrite h.
rewrite {1} sc in sb.
move: (phi_inv1 sb) => [n [xa xb]]; rewrite xa /= xb /=.
set u := (T2_pr1 (T2pred b')); set v := T2_pr2 (T2pred b').
simpl; case n => /=.
by move => h1; move: (T2lt_psi_b a [u,v]); rewrite - h1 T2ltnn.
by move => n1 []; case n1 => // n2 [] h2; move: (n_Sn n2); rewrite - h2.
Lemma phi_mono_b a b b': T2nf b -> b <= b' -> phi a b <= phi a b'.
move => sb.
by case /orP; [move => /eqP -> |move => sd;apply:T2ltW;apply:phi_mono_a].
Lemma phi_mono_c a b b': T2nf b -> T2nf b' -> (phi a b < phi a b') = (b < b').
move => sa sb; case: (T2ltP b b') => // h; first exact:(phi_mono_a a sa h).
by rewrite T2ltNge phi_mono_b.
Lemma phi_inj a b b': T2nf b -> T2nf b' -> phi a b = phi a b' -> b = b'.
move => pa pb pc; case: (T2ltgtP b b') => // h.
by move: (phi_mono_a a pa h); rewrite pc T2ltnn.
by move: (phi_mono_a a pb h); rewrite pc T2ltnn.
Lemma phi_inj1 a b b': T2nf b -> T2nf b' -> (phi a b == phi a b') = (b == b').
move => nb nb'; case bb:(b== b'); first by rewrite (eqP bb) eqxx.
by apply /negP => /eqP /(phi_inj nb nb') => /eqP; rewrite bb.
Two lemmas for equal or less-than
Lemma phi_eqE a b a' b': T2nf a -> T2nf a' -> T2nf b -> T2nf b' ->
(phi a b == phi a' b') =
(if a < a' then b == phi a' b'
else if a' < a then phi a b == b' else b== b').
move => na na' nb nb'.
case: (T2ltgtP a a') => h.
+ move: (T2lt_le_trans h (phi_le1 a' b')) => sa.
have sb: phi a (phi a' b') = phi a' b' by rewrite (phi_ap a' b') /= sa.
by rewrite - {1} sb; apply: phi_inj1 => //; apply: nf_phi.
+ move: (T2lt_le_trans h (phi_le1 a b)) => sa.
have sb: phi a' (phi a b) = phi a b by rewrite (phi_ap a b) /= sa.
by rewrite - {1} sb; apply: phi_inj1 => //; apply: nf_phi.
+ by rewrite h;apply: phi_inj1.
Lemma phi_ltE a b a' b': T2nf a -> T2nf a' -> T2nf b -> T2nf b' ->
(phi a b < phi a' b') =
(if a < a' then b < phi a' b'
else if a' < a then phi a b < b' else b < b').
move => na na' nb nb'.
case: (T2ltgtP a a') => h.
+ move: (T2lt_le_trans h (phi_le1 a' b')) => sa.
have sb: phi a (phi a' b') = phi a' b' by rewrite (phi_ap a' b') /= sa.
by rewrite - {1} sb phi_mono_c //; apply: nf_phi.
+ move: (T2lt_le_trans h (phi_le1 a b)) => sa.
have sb: phi a' (phi a b) = phi a b by rewrite (phi_ap a b) /= sa.
by rewrite - {1} sb phi_mono_c //; apply: nf_phi.
+ by rewrite h phi_mono_c.
Every x is uniquely a phi with some conditions
Lemma phi_inv0 a b a' b':
phi a b = phi a' b' -> b < phi a b -> b' < phi a' b' -> a = a'.
move => sa sb sc.
have ->: a = T2_pr1 (phi a b).
case: (phi_cases a b); last by move => [] ->.
case => h; [by move: sb; rewrite h T2ltnn | by rewrite h].
have ->: a' = T2_pr1 (phi a' b').
case: (phi_cases a' b'); last by move => [] ->.
case => h; [by move: sc; rewrite h T2ltnn | by rewrite h].
by rewrite sa.
Lemma phi_inv2 a b a' b':
phi a b = phi a' b' -> b < phi a b -> b' < phi a' b' -> b = b'.
move => sa sb sc.
move: (phi_inv0 sa sb sc) => aa.
have sd: phi a b = [a, b] \/ phi a b = [a, T2pred b] /\ b = T2succ (T2pred b).
case: (phi_cases a b); last by right.
case => h; [by move: sb; rewrite h T2ltnn | by left].
have se: phi a b = [a, b'] \/
phi a b = [a, T2pred b'] /\ b' = T2succ (T2pred b').
rewrite sa aa; case: (phi_cases a' b'); last by right.
case => h; [by move: sc; rewrite h T2ltnn | by left].
case sd; case se.
+ by move => ->; case => ->.
+ move => [ta tb] tc.
move: (ta); rewrite tc; case => td; rewrite - td in tb.
move: sa; rewrite tb - aa tc => h.
symmetry in h; move: (phi_inv1 h) => [n [pa pb]].
move: tc; rewrite pa /= pb; case n => //=.
move => hh.
by move: (T2lt_psi_b a [T2_pr1 b, T2_pr2 b]); rewrite - hh T2ltnn.
move => n' /=; case; case n' => //n'' /=; case => hb.
by move: (n_Sn n''); rewrite - hb.
+ move =>tc [ta tb].
move: (ta); rewrite tc; case => td; rewrite - td in tb.
have h:phi a (T2succ b') = [a, b'] by rewrite - tb.
move: (phi_inv1 h) => [n [pa pb]].
move: tc; rewrite sa - aa pa /= pb; case n => //=.
move => hh.
by move: (T2lt_psi_b a [T2_pr1 b', T2_pr2 b']); rewrite - hh T2ltnn.
move => n' /=; case; case n' => //n'' /=; case => hb.
by move: (n_Sn n''); rewrite - hb.
+ by move => [-> u1] [v1 ->]; rewrite u1; move: v1; case => ->.
Lemma phi_inv3 x:
T2ap x -> { a: T2 & { b: T2 |
[/\ x = phi a b, b < x, (size a < size x)%N & (size b < size x)%N ] }}.
case x => // a b n c /= /andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]; clear n c.
simpl; rewrite maxn0.
case b; first by exists a, zero; rewrite maxn0 //.
move => a1 b1 n1 c1 /=; set u := maxn _ _.
move: (size_prop1 a1 b1 n1 c1); set l := size (cons a1 b1 n1 c1).
move => [s1 s2 s3 s4].
have uv: u = maxn (size a) l by [].
have sa1: (size a < u.+1)%N by rewrite uv ltnS; apply: leq_maxl.
case pa: (a < a1); last first.
exists a,(cons a1 b1 n1 c1); rewrite /= pa !andbF if_same.
split => //; first by apply: T2lt_psi_b.
rewrite ltnS /u; set ww := maxn _ _; apply: leq_maxr.
have aux:((maxn (size a1)(maxn (size b1)(maxn 0 (maxn 0 0)).+1)).+1 < u.+1)%N.
rewrite !max0n ltnS /u maxnA maxnA; set w := (maxn (size a1) (size b1)).
apply: (@leq_trans (maxn w (size c1)).+1); last by apply: leq_maxr.
rewrite ltnS {1} /maxn ltnS leqn0; case wz: (w==0); last by apply:leq_maxl.
move: pa wz; rewrite /w /maxn; case wz1: (size a1 < size b1)%N.
by move => sa sb; move: wz1; rewrite (eqP sb) ltn0.
by case a1 => //; rewrite T2ltn0.
case pb:((n1 == 0) && (c1 == zero)); last first.
case pc: ((n1 == 0) && T2finite1 c1); last first.
exists a,(cons a1 b1 n1 c1); rewrite /= pa pb pc /=.
split => //; first by apply: T2lt_psi_b.
rewrite ltnS /u; set ww := maxn _ _; apply: leq_maxr.
move: pb; case /andP: pc => [/eqP n0 ]; rewrite n0 eqxx.
case c1 => // a2 b2 n2 c2 /and3P [/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP] -> _.
exists a, (cons a1 b1 0 (cons zero zero n2.+1 zero)).
rewrite /= pa; split => //.
rewrite T2lt_consE /lt_psi pa (T2lt_anti pa) (T2lt_ne' pa) /=.
rewrite T2lt_consE ltnn T2lt0n !eqxx /= if_same //.
move/andP: pb => [/eqP -> /eqP ->].
exists a, (cons a1 b1 0 one); rewrite /= pa; split => //.
by rewrite psi_lt1; apply: T2lt_psi_b.
Expression psi in terms of phi
Definition psi_phi_aux a b :=
let (b', n) := T2split b in if phi a b' == b' then (T2succ b) else b.
Definition psi_phi a b := phi a (psi_phi_aux a b).
Lemma psi_phi1 a b (c:= psi_phi_aux a b): c < phi a c.
move: (phi_ab_le1 a c); case /orP => // /eqP h.
symmetry in h;move: (phi_fix2 h).
case aux: (b == [T2_pr1 b, T2_pr2 b]).
case h1: ([T2_pr1 b, T2_pr2 b] == one).
rewrite /c /psi_phi_aux (eqP aux) /= h1 /=.
by move => /= [pa]; move: (eqP h1) => [->]; rewrite T2ltn0.
move: (erefl c); rewrite {2} /c /psi_phi_aux (eqP aux) /= h1 - (eqP aux).
case h2: (phi a b == b); first by move => ->; case.
by move => e1 _; move: h2; rewrite - e1 h eqxx.
rewrite /c /psi_phi_aux; case: (T2split b) => u _.
case h1: (phi a u == u); last by move => [h2 _]; move: aux; rewrite - h2 eqxx.
case; case b => //; first by rewrite T2ltn0.
move => a1 b1 n1 c1 /=.
case h2: ([a1, b1] == one) => /=; first by rewrite T2ltn0.
by case => _ h3; move: (succ_nz c1); rewrite h3.
End Gamma0.
let (b', n) := T2split b in if phi a b' == b' then (T2succ b) else b.
Definition psi_phi a b := phi a (psi_phi_aux a b).
Lemma psi_phi1 a b (c:= psi_phi_aux a b): c < phi a c.
move: (phi_ab_le1 a c); case /orP => // /eqP h.
symmetry in h;move: (phi_fix2 h).
case aux: (b == [T2_pr1 b, T2_pr2 b]).
case h1: ([T2_pr1 b, T2_pr2 b] == one).
rewrite /c /psi_phi_aux (eqP aux) /= h1 /=.
by move => /= [pa]; move: (eqP h1) => [->]; rewrite T2ltn0.
move: (erefl c); rewrite {2} /c /psi_phi_aux (eqP aux) /= h1 - (eqP aux).
case h2: (phi a b == b); first by move => ->; case.
by move => e1 _; move: h2; rewrite - e1 h eqxx.
rewrite /c /psi_phi_aux; case: (T2split b) => u _.
case h1: (phi a u == u); last by move => [h2 _]; move: aux; rewrite - h2 eqxx.
case; case b => //; first by rewrite T2ltn0.
move => a1 b1 n1 c1 /=.
case h2: ([a1, b1] == one) => /=; first by rewrite T2ltn0.
by case => _ h3; move: (succ_nz c1); rewrite h3.
End Gamma0.
Module Ackermann.
Delimit Scope ak_scope with ak.
Open Scope ak_scope.
Inductive T3 : Set :=
zero : T3
| cons : T3 -> T3 -> T3 -> nat -> T3 -> T3.
Fixpoint T3eq x y {struct x} :=
match x, y with
| zero, zero => true
| cons a b c n d, cons a' b' c' n' d' =>
[&& T3eq a a', T3eq b b', T3eq c c', n== n' & T3eq d d' ]
| _, _ => false
Lemma T3eqP : Equality.axiom T3eq.
move=> x y; apply: (iffP idP) => [|<-].
elim: x y; first by case => [ // | a b c n d//].
by move => a H1 b H2 c H3 n d H4;case => // a' b' c' n' d'
/= /andP [/H1 ->] /andP [/H2 ->] /andP [/H3 ->] /andP [/eqP -> /H4 ->].
by elim: x => // a Ha b Hb c Hc n d Hd; rewrite /= Ha Hb Hc Hd eqxx.
Canonical T3_eqMixin := EqMixin T3eqP.
Canonical T3_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType T3 T3_eqMixin.
Implicit Arguments T3eqP [x y].
Prenex Implicits T3eqP.
Lemma T3eqE a b c n d a' b' c' n' d':
(cons a b c n d == cons a' b' c' n' d') =
[&& a == a', b == b', c == c', n== n' & d == d' ].
Proof. by []. Qed.
Notation "[ x , y , z ]" := (cons x y z 0 zero) (at level 0) :ak_scope.
Definition T3nat p := if p is n.+1 then cons zero zero zero n zero else zero.
Notation "\F n" := (T3nat n)(at level 29) : ak_scope.
Fixpoint size x :=
if x is cons a b c n d then
(maxn (size a) (maxn (size b) (maxn (size c) (size d)))).+1
else 0.
Lemma size_a a b c n d: (size a < size (cons a b c n d))%N.
Proof. by rewrite /= ltnS leq_maxl. Qed.
Lemma size_b a b c n d: (size b < size (cons a b c n d))%N.
Proof. by rewrite /= ltnS maxnCA leq_maxl. Qed.
Lemma size_c a b c n d: (size c < size (cons a b c n d))%N.
Proof. by rewrite /= ltnS maxnC - maxnA maxnC - !maxnA leq_maxl. Qed.
Lemma size_d a b c n d: (size d < size (cons a b c n d))%N.
by rewrite /= ltnS maxnC - maxnA maxnC (maxnC (size c)) - !maxnA leq_maxl.
Lemma size_psi a b c n d: (size [a, b, c] <= size (cons a b c n d))%N.
Proof. by rewrite ltnS maxn0 !maxnA leq_maxl. Qed.
Lemma size_prop1 a b c n d (l:= size (cons a b c n d)):
[&& size a < l, size b < l, size c < l, size d < l
& size [a, b, c] <= l]%N.
Proof. by rewrite size_a size_b size_c size_d size_psi. Qed.
Lemma size_prop a b c n d a' b' c' n' d'
(l := ((size (cons a b c n d) + size (cons a' b' c' n' d')))%N) :
[&& (size a' + size a < l), (size b + size b' < l),
(size c + size c' < l), (size d + size d' < l),
(size a + size a' < l), (size b' + size b < l),
(size [a, b, c] + size b' < l),(size b + size [a', b', c'] < l),
(size [a, b, c] + size c' < l) &(size c + size [a', b', c'] < l)]%N.
have /and5P [pa pb pc pd pe] := (size_prop1 a b c n d).
have /and5P [pa' pb' pc' pd' pe'] := (size_prop1 a' b' c' n' d').
rewrite (addnC (size a')) (addnC (size b')).
rewrite (ltn_add_ll pa pa') (ltn_add_ll pc pc') (ltn_add_ll pb pb').
rewrite (ltn_add_ll pd pd') (ltn_add_el pe pb') (ltn_add_el pe pc').
by rewrite (ltn_add_le pb pe') (ltn_add_le pc pe').
Definition lt_psi_rec f a b c a' b' c' (x := [a,b,c])(x':= [a', b', c']):=
[|| [&& a==a', b==b' & f c c'],
[&& a==a', f b b' & f c x'],
[&& a==a', f b' b & f x c'],
[&& a==a', f b' b & x == c'],
[&& f a a', f b x' & f c x'],
((f a' a) && f x b'),
((f a' a) && (x == b')),
((f a' a) && f x c') |
((f a' a) && (x == c'))].
Definition lt_rec f x y :=
if x is cons a b c n d then
if y is cons a' b' c' n' d' then
if (lt_psi_rec f a b c a' b' c')
then true
else if ((a== a') && (b==b') && (c==c')) then
if (n < n')%N then true
else if (n == n') then (f d d') else false
else false
else false
else if y is cons a' b' c' n' d' then true else false.
Fixpoint T3lta k {struct k}:=
if k is k.+1 then lt_rec (T3lta k) else fun x y => false.
Definition T3lt a b := T3lta ((size a) + size b).+1 a b.
Definition T3le (x y :T3) := (x == y) || (T3lt x y).
Notation "x < y" := (T3lt x y) : ak_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (T3le x y) : ak_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y <= x) (only parsing) : ak_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : ak_scope.
Lemma T3ltE x y : x < y = lt_rec T3lt x y.
have aux: forall n x y,
((size x + size y) < n)%N -> T3lta n x y = (x < y).
clear x y;move => n; elim: n {1 3 4} n (leqnn n); first by case.
move => k0 Hrec [] // k1; rewrite ltnS => k1k0.
case => // a b c n d [] // a' b' c' n' d'.
rewrite /T3lt; set l := (_ + _)%N; rewrite ltnS => e3.
have e4 := (leq_trans e3 k1k0).
move: (size_prop a b c n d a' b' c' n' d'); rewrite -/l.
move/and5P=> [pa pb pc pd] /and5P [pe pf pg ph] /andP [pi pj].
rewrite /T3lta /lt_rec -/lt_rec -/T3lta /lt_psi_rec.
by rewrite ! Hrec //; apply:(leq_trans _ e3).
case x => // a b c n d; case:y => // a' b' c' n' d'.
move: (size_prop a b c n d a' b' c' n' d').
move/and5P=> [pa pb pc pd] /and5P [pe pf pg ph] /andP [pi pj].
rewrite /lt_rec {1} /T3lt /T3lta -/T3lta {1} /lt_rec -/lt_rec.
by rewrite /lt_psi_rec !aux.
Definition lt_psi (a b c a' b' c': T3):=
[|| [&& a==a', b==b' & c < c'],
[&& a==a', b < b' & c < [a',b',c']],
[&& a==a', b' < b & [a,b,c] < c'],
[&& a==a', b' < b & [a,b,c] == c'],
[&& a < a', b < [a',b',c'] & c < [a',b',c']],
((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] < b')),
((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] == b')),
((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] < c')) |
((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] == c'))].
Lemma T3lt_psi a b c a' b' c': [a,b,c] < [a', b',c'] = lt_psi a b c a' b' c'.
Proof. by rewrite {1} T3ltE /lt_rec ltnn if_same if_simpl. Qed.
Lemma T3lt_consE a b c n d a' b' c' n' d' :
cons a b c n d < cons a' b' c' n' d' =
if ([a, b, c] < [a', b', c']) then true
else if ([a, b, c] == [a', b', c']) then
if (n < n')%N then true
else if (n == n') then (d < d') else false
else false.
by rewrite {1} T3ltE T3lt_psi T3eqE eqxx !andbT andbA.
Lemma T3ltn0 x: (x < zero) = false. Proof. by case x. Qed.
Lemma T3lt0n x: (zero < x) = (x != zero). Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T3ltnn x: (x < x) = false.
elim:x => // a Ha b Hb c Hc n d Hd.
by rewrite T3lt_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi Ha Hb Hc Hd ltnn !andbF /= !if_same.
Lemma T3lt_ne a b : a < b -> (a == b) = false.
Proof. by case h: (a== b) => //; rewrite (eqP h) T3ltnn. Qed.
Lemma T3lt_ne' a b : a < b -> (b == a) = false.
Proof. rewrite eq_sym; apply /T3lt_ne. Qed.
Lemma T3ltW a b : (a < b) -> (a <= b).
Proof. by rewrite /T3le => ->; rewrite orbT. Qed.
Lemma T3le_eqVlt a b : (a <= b) = (a == b) || (a < b).
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T3lt_neAle a b : (a < b) = (a != b) && (a <= b).
by rewrite T3le_eqVlt; case h: (a < b);[ rewrite (T3lt_ne h) | case(a==b) ].
Definition one := [zero,zero,zero].
Definition omega := [zero,zero, one].
Definition epsilon0 := [zero, one, zero].
Definition T3bad := cons zero zero zero 0 one.
Lemma T3le0n x: zero <= x. Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T3len0 x: (x <= zero) = (x == zero). Proof. by case: x. Qed.
Lemma T3ge1 x: (one <= x) = (x != zero).
by case: x => //; case => //; case => //; case => //; case => //; case.
Lemma T3lt1 x: (x < one) = (x==zero).
by case x => //;case => //; case => //; case => //; case => //;case.
Lemma T3lcp0_pr x y: x < y -> (y==zero) = false.
by move => xy; apply /negP => yz; move: xy; rewrite (eqP yz) T3ltn0.
Lemma finite_ltP n p : (n < p)%N = (\F n < \F p).
case: p => //; first by rewrite T3ltn0 ltn0.
by case: n => // n p //=; rewrite T3lt_consE ltnS if_same if_simpl.
Lemma T3lt_anti b a: a < b -> (b < a) = false.
set n := (size a + size b).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n.
move => n; elim: n a b; first by move => a b //;rewrite ltn0.
move => m Hrec a b; rewrite ltnS.
case: a b; [ by case | move => a b c n d;case => // => a' b' c' n' d'].
set l:= (size (cons a b c n d) + size (cons a' b' c' n' d'))%N => lm.
have Hr : forall a b , (size a + size b < l)%N -> a < b -> (b < a) = false.
by move => u v ll; apply: Hrec; apply: (leq_trans ll lm).
move: (size_prop a b c n d a' b' c' n' d'); rewrite -/l.
move/and5P=> [pa pb pc pd] /and5P [pe pf pg ph] /andP [pi pj].
rewrite T3lt_consE T3lt_psi T3lt_consE T3lt_psi !T3eqE /lt_psi.
case qa: (a < a').
rewrite (Hr a a' pe qa) (T3lt_ne qa) (T3lt_ne' qa) !andFb /= !orbF if_simpl.
move => /andP [qc qd]; rewrite (T3lt_ne' qc) (T3lt_ne' qd).
by rewrite (Hr _ _ ph qc) (Hr _ _ pj qd).
case qa': (a' < a).
rewrite (T3lt_ne qa') (T3lt_ne' qa') /= !orbF !if_simpl; case /or4P.
+ by move /(Hr _ _ pg) ->.
+ by move /eqP ->; rewrite T3ltnn.
+ by move /(Hr _ _ pi) ->; rewrite andbF.
+ by move /eqP ->; rewrite T3ltnn andbF.
rewrite /= (eq_sym a' a) (eq_sym b' b) (eq_sym c' c) (eq_sym n' n).
case aa: (a== a') => //=.
case qb: (b < b').
rewrite (T3lt_ne qb) (Hr _ _ pb qb) /= !orbF !if_simpl => h.
by rewrite (Hr _ _ pj h) (T3lt_ne' h).
case qb': (b' < b).
rewrite (T3lt_ne' qb') /= orbF !if_simpl.
by case /orP => h; [rewrite (Hr _ _ pi h) | rewrite (eqP h) T3ltnn ].
case bb: (b== b') => //=.
case qc: (c < c'); first by rewrite (Hr c c' pc qc) (T3lt_ne qc).
case qc': (c' < c); first by rewrite (T3lt_ne' qc').
by case cc: (c== c') => //=;case: (ltngtP n n') => // _; apply: Hr.
Lemma T3lt_trichotomy a b: [|| (a< b), (a==b) | (b < a)].
set n := (size a + size b).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n.
move => n; elim: n a b; first by move => a b //;rewrite ltn0.
move => m Hrec a b; rewrite ltnS.
case: a b; [ by case | move => a b c n d;case => // => a' b' c' n' d'].
set l:= (size (cons a b c n d) + size (cons a' b' c' n' d'))%N => lm.
have Hr : forall a b , (size a + size b < l)%N ->
[|| (a< b), (a==b) | (b < a)]
by move => u v ll; apply: Hrec; apply: (leq_trans ll lm).
move: (size_prop a b c n d a' b' c' n' d'); rewrite -/l.
move/and5P=> [pa pb pc pd] /and5P [pe pf pg ph] /andP [pi pj].
rewrite T3lt_consE T3lt_psi T3lt_consE T3lt_psi !T3eqE /lt_psi.
case /or3P:(Hr _ _ pa) => caa'; last 1 first.
+ rewrite caa' (T3lt_anti caa') (T3lt_ne caa') (T3lt_ne' caa') !orbF !if_simpl.
rewrite /= (eq_sym _ c) (eq_sym _ b).
case /or3P: (Hr _ _ pj) => ->; rewrite ?orbT //=.
by case /or3P: (Hr _ _ ph) => -> //=; rewrite ?orbT.
+ rewrite caa' (T3lt_anti caa') (T3lt_ne caa')(T3lt_ne' caa') !orbF !if_simpl.
case /or3P: (Hr _ _ pg) => ->; rewrite ?orbT //=.
case /or3P: (Hr _ _ pi) => ->; rewrite ?orbT //=.
+ rewrite caa' (eqP caa') T3ltnn eqxx /= !orbF.
case /or3P:(Hr _ _ pb) => cbb'; last 1 first.
* rewrite cbb' (T3lt_anti cbb') (T3lt_ne' cbb'). simpl.
by case /or3P: (Hr _ _ pi) => h; rewrite h /= ? orbT.
* rewrite cbb' (T3lt_anti cbb') (T3lt_ne cbb') (T3lt_ne' cbb') (eq_sym _ c).
by rewrite -(eqP caa'); case /or3P:(Hr _ _ pj) => h; rewrite h ?orbT.
* rewrite (eqP cbb') T3ltnn !eqxx /=.
case /or3P: (Hr _ _ pc) => h; rewrite h // ?orbT //(eqP h) T3ltnn eqxx /=.
case (ltngtP n n') => // -> /=; rewrite eqxx Hr //.
Lemma T3lenn x: x <= x.
Proof. by rewrite /T3le eqxx. Qed.
Hint Resolve T3lenn.
Lemma T3leNgt a b: (a <= b) = ~~ (b < a).
case /or3P: (T3lt_trichotomy a b).
- by move => h; rewrite (T3lt_anti h) (T3ltW h).
- by move /eqP ->; rewrite T3ltnn T3lenn.
- by move => h; rewrite h /T3le (T3lt_anti h) (T3lt_ne' h).
Lemma T3ltNge a b: (a < b) = ~~ (b <= a).
Proof. by rewrite T3leNgt negbK. Qed.
Lemma T3eq_le m n : (m == n) = ((m <= n) && (n <= m)).
rewrite /T3le (eq_sym n m);case eqmn: (m == n) => //=.
by case lt1: (m < n) => //; rewrite (T3lt_anti lt1).
CoInductive T3ltn_xor_geq m n : bool -> bool -> Set :=
| T3LtnNotGeq of m < n : T3ltn_xor_geq m n false true
| T3GeqNotLtn of n <= m : T3ltn_xor_geq m n true false.
CoInductive T3leq_xor_gtn m n : bool -> bool -> Set :=
| T3GeqNotGtn of m <= n : T3leq_xor_gtn m n true false
| T3GtnNotLeq of n < m : T3leq_xor_gtn m n false true.
CoInductive compare_T3 m n : bool -> bool -> bool -> Set :=
| CompareT3Lt of m < n : compare_T3 m n true false false
| CompareT3Gt of m > n : compare_T3 m n false true false
| CompareT3Eq of m = n : compare_T3 m n false false true.
Lemma T3leP x y : T3leq_xor_gtn x y (x <= y) (y < x).
by rewrite T3ltNge; case le_xy: (x <= y); constructor;rewrite // T3ltNge le_xy.
Lemma T3ltP m n : T3ltn_xor_geq m n (n <= m) (m < n).
Proof. by case T3leP; constructor. Qed.
Lemma T3ltgtP m n : compare_T3 m n (m < n) (n < m) (m == n).
rewrite T3lt_neAle T3eq_le;case: T3ltP; first by constructor.
by rewrite T3le_eqVlt orbC; case: T3leP; constructor; first exact /eqP.
Lemma T3le_consE a b c n d a' b' c' n' d' :
cons a b c n d <= cons a' b' c' n' d' =
if ([a, b, c] < [a', b', c']) then true
else if ([a, b, c] == [a', b', c']) then
if (n < n')%N then true
else if (n == n') then (d <= d') else false
else false.
rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE; case: (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] [a', b', c']) => //.
+ by rewrite orbT.
+ move => h; rewrite orbF; apply /negP => /eqP h'.
by move: h; case : h' => -> -> ->; rewrite T3ltnn.
+ case => -> -> ->; case (ltngtP n n'); rewrite ?orbF ? orbT //.
move => nn; apply /negP => /eqP h'.
by move: nn; case : h' => ->; rewrite ltnn.
by move => ->; rewrite T3eqE !eqxx /=.
Lemma T3lt_psi' a b c a' b' c': [a, b, c] < [a', b', c' ] =
[|| [&& a==a', b==b' & c < c'],
[&& a==a', b < b' & c < [a', b', c'] ],
[&& a==a', b' <b & [a,b,c] <= c'],
[&& a < a', b < [a', b', c'] & c < [a', b', c']],
((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] <= b')) |
((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] <= c'))].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi; case: (T3ltgtP a a') => //=.
by rewrite orbA (orbC (_ < b')) -/(T3le _ _) (orbC (_ < c')) -/(T3le _ _).
case: (T3ltgtP b b') => //=.
by rewrite !orbF orbC.
Theorem T3lt_trans b a c: a < b -> b < c -> a < c.
set n := (size a + size b + size c).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n.
move => n; elim: n a b c; first by move => a b c//;rewrite ltn0.
move => m Hrec []; first by case; [rewrite T3ltn0 | move => a b c n d; case].
move => a b c n d []; [ by rewrite T3ltn0 | move => a' b' c' n' d'].
case; [ by rewrite T3ltn0 | move => a'' b'' c'' n'' d'']; rewrite ltnS => la.
have Hr1: forall v u w, (size u < size (cons a b c n d))%N ->
(size v <= size (cons a' b' c' n' d'))%N ->
(size w <= size (cons a'' b'' c'' n'' d''))%N -> u < v -> v < w -> u < w.
move => u v w sa sb sc; apply: Hrec; apply: leq_trans la.
by rewrite ltn_add_le // ltn_add_le.
have Hr2: forall v u w, (size u <= size (cons a b c n d))%N ->
(size v < size (cons a' b' c' n' d'))%N ->
(size w <= size (cons a'' b'' c'' n'' d''))%N -> u < v -> v < w -> u < w.
move => u v w sa sb sc; apply: Hrec; apply: leq_trans la.
by rewrite ltn_add_le// ltn_add_el.
have Hr3: forall v u w, (size u <= size (cons a b c n d))%N ->
(size v <= size (cons a' b' c' n' d'))%N ->
(size w < size (cons a'' b'' c'' n'' d''))%N -> u < v -> v < w -> u < w.
move => u v w sa sb sc; apply: Hrec; apply: leq_trans la.
by rewrite ltn_add_el // leq_add.
move: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => /and5P [pa pb pc pd pe].
move: (size_prop1 a' b' c' n' d') => /and5P [pa' pb' pc' pd' pe'].
move: (size_prop1 a'' b'' c'' n'' d'') => /and5P [pa'' pb'' pc'' pd'' pe''].
rewrite T3lt_consE (T3lt_consE a') (T3lt_consE a _ _ _ _ a'').
case (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] [a', b', c']) => //; last first.
move => <-; case (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] [a'', b'', c'']) => //.
move => _; case (ltngtP n n') => //.
move => nn'; case (ltngtP n' n'') =>//.
by move => nn''; rewrite (ltn_trans nn' nn'').
by move => <-; rewrite nn'.
by move => <- dd'; case (ltngtP n n'') => // _ dd''; rewrite (Hr1 d') // ltnW.
move => lta _; case (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a'', b'', c'']) => //; last first.
by move => <-; rewrite lta.
move => ltb _; apply: ifT.
move: (lta) (ltb); rewrite !T3lt_psi /lt_psi.
case (T3ltgtP a a') => qa.
+ rewrite /= !orbF => /andP [lx ly].
have ha: [a,b,c] < [a',b',c'] by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi qa lx ly !orbT.
case: (T3ltgtP a' a'') => qb.
- rewrite /= !orbF => /andP [lz lt].
rewrite (Hr1 a' a a'' pa (ltnW pa') (ltnW pa'') qa qb).
rewrite (Hr1 [a', b', c'] b [a'', b'', c''] pb pe' pe'' lx ltb).
by rewrite (Hr1 [a', b', c'] c [a'', b'', c'']) // !orbT.
- move => /= h; case: (T3ltgtP a'' a) => qc.
* rewrite (T3lt_ne' qc) /=; case/or4P:h => h.
+ by rewrite (Hr3 [a', b', c']).
+ by rewrite - (eqP h) ha.
+ by rewrite (Hr3 [a', b', c'] [a,b,c] c'') ?orbT.
+ by rewrite - (eqP h) ha !orbT.
* rewrite (T3lt_ne qc) /= orbF.
by rewrite (Hr1 _ _ _ pb pe' pe'' lx ltb) (Hr1 _ _ _ pc pe' pe'' ly ltb).
* rewrite qc eqxx /= -qc (Hr1 _ _ _ pc pe' pe'' ly ltb).
move: h; case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] b'') => h; last 1 first.
by rewrite - h lx !orbT.
by rewrite (Hr1 _ _ _ pb pe' (ltnW pb'') lx h) orbT.
rewrite /= qc => h1.
have [-> ->] : [a, b, c] < c'' /\ c < c''.
case /orP:h1 => h1; last by rewrite - (eqP h1).
rewrite (Hr1 _ _ _ pc pe' (ltnW pc'') ly h1).
by rewrite (Hr3 [a', b', c']).
by rewrite !andbT; case: (T3ltgtP b b'').
- have/andP [sa sb]: (b < [a'', b'', c'']) && (c < [a'', b'', c'']).
by rewrite (Hr1 [a', b', c']) // (Hr1 [a', b', c']) //.
by rewrite sa sb -qb qa /= !orbT.
+ move => /= lt1; case: (T3ltgtP a'' a') => qb.
- have qc: (a'' < a).
rewrite (Hrec a'' a' a) //; apply:leq_trans la.
by rewrite addnC (addnC (size a'')) addnA !ltn_add_ll.
rewrite qc (T3lt_anti qc) (T3lt_ne' qb) (T3lt_ne' qc) /=.
case /or4P => h.
* by rewrite (Hr3 [a', b', c']).
* by rewrite - (eqP h) lta.
* by rewrite (Hr3 [a', b', c'] [a,b,c] c'') // !orbT.
* by rewrite - (eqP h) lta !orbT.
- rewrite (T3lt_ne qb) /= orbF => /andP [sa sb].
rewrite -/(lt_psi a b c a'' b'' c'') -(T3lt_psi); case /or4P:lt1 => h.
* by apply: (Hr2 b').
* by rewrite (eqP h).
* by apply: (Hr2 c').
* by rewrite (eqP h).
- rewrite qb eqxx qa (T3lt_ne' qa) (T3lt_anti qa)/= -{1} qb.
case: (T3ltgtP b' b'') => qc.
* rewrite /= orbF => qd; case /or4P: lt1 => lt1.
+ by rewrite (Hr2 b') // ltnW.
+ by rewrite (eqP lt1) qc.
+ move: (Hr2 c' [a, b, c] [a'',b'',c''] pe pc' pe'' lt1 qd).
by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi qb qa (T3lt_ne' qa) (T3lt_anti qa).
+ move: qd; rewrite -(eqP lt1) T3lt_psi /lt_psi.
by rewrite qb qa (T3lt_ne' qa) (T3lt_anti qa).
* rewrite /= orbF;case /orP =>h; last by rewrite - (eqP h) lta ! orbT.
by rewrite (Hr3 [a', b', c'] _ c'') // !orbT.
* rewrite /= orbF - qc => qd; case /or4P: lt1 => h'; rewrite ?h' ?orbT //.
by rewrite (Hr2 c' _ c'') ? orbT // ltnW.
by rewrite (eqP h') qd ? orbT.
+ rewrite - qa [in [a, b', c']] qa /=; case: (T3ltgtP a a'') => qb.
- case: (T3ltgtP b b') => qc.
* rewrite /= !orbF => sa /andP [sb sc].
by rewrite (Hr1 b') // ?(ltnW pb') // (Hr1 [a', b', c']).
* rewrite /= !orbF => sa /andP [sb sc].
have: ([a, b, c] < [a'', b'', c'']).
by case /orP: sa => h; [rewrite (Hr2 c') | rewrite (eqP h)].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi qb (T3lt_ne qb) (T3lt_anti qb) orbF //.
* by rewrite /= !orbF => qd /andP [sa sb]; rewrite qc sa (Hr1 c') // ltnW.
- move => sa /=; case /or4P => sc.
* by rewrite (Hr3 [a',b',c']).
* by rewrite - (eqP sc) lta.
* by rewrite (Hr3 [a',b',c'] _ c'') // !orbT.
* by rewrite - (eqP sc) lta !orbT.
- case: (T3ltgtP b b') => qc /=; rewrite !orbF => qd.
* case: (T3ltgtP b' b'') => qe; rewrite /= ? orbF => qf.
+ rewrite (Hr1 b' b b'') // ?(ltnW pb') ?(ltnW pb'') //.
by rewrite (Hr1 [a', b', c'] _ [a'', b'', c'']) ? orbT.
+ case: (T3ltgtP b b'') => sa /=.
- by rewrite (Hr1 [a', b', c']).
- apply: ifT; case/orP: qf => qf; last by rewrite -(eqP qf).
by apply: (Hr3 [a', b', c']).
- case /orP: qf => qf; last by rewrite -(eqP qf) qd.
by rewrite (Hr1 [a', b', c']) ? (ltnW pc'').
+ by rewrite (Hr1 [a', b', c'] c [a'', b'', c'']) // - qe qc !orbT.
* case: (T3ltgtP b' b'') => qe; rewrite /= ? orbF => qf.
- have: [a,b,c] < [a'',b'',c''].
by case /orP: qd =>h; rewrite ? (eqP h) // (Hr2 c').
by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi qb eqxx T3ltnn /= orbF.
- have ->: (b'' < b).
rewrite (Hrec b'' b' b) //; apply:leq_trans la.
by rewrite addnC (addnC (size b'')) addnA !ltn_add_ll.
case /orP: qf => qf; last by rewrite - (eqP qf) lta !orbT.
by rewrite (Hr3 [a', b', c'] [a, b, c]) // !orbT.
- rewrite -qe qc /= (_: ([a, b, c] < c'')) ?orbT //.
by case /orP: qd => qd; rewrite ? (eqP qd) // (Hr2 c') // ltnW.
* case: (T3ltgtP b' b'') => qe /=; rewrite ? orbF => qf.
- by rewrite qc qe (Hr1 c' _ [a'', b'', c'']) ? orbT // ltnW.
- rewrite [in (b''< b)] qc qe /=.
case /orP: qf => qf; last by rewrite - (eqP qf) lta !orbT.
by rewrite (Hr3 [a', b', c'] [a, b, c]) // !orbT.
- by rewrite qc qe eqxx (Hr1 c') // ltnW.
Lemma T3lt_le_trans b a c: a < b -> b <= c -> a < c.
by move => lab; case /orP;[ move /eqP => <- |apply:T3lt_trans].
Lemma T3le_lt_trans b a c: a <= b -> b < c -> a < c.
Proof. by case /orP;[ move /eqP => <- |apply:T3lt_trans]. Qed.
Lemma T3le_trans b a c: a <= b -> b <= c -> a <= c.
case /orP; first by move /eqP => ->.
by move => l1 l2; rewrite /T3le (T3lt_le_trans l1 l2) orbT.
Lemma T3le_anti : antisymmetric T3le.
move=> m n /andP [/orP []]; first by move /eqP ->.
by move => mn /(T3lt_le_trans mn); rewrite T3ltnn.
Lemma T3le_total m n : (m <= n) || (n <= m).
by rewrite /T3le;case /or3P: (T3lt_trichotomy m n) => -> //; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma T3le_psi a b c n d: [a,b,c] <= cons a b c n d.
rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE T3ltnn T3eqE !eqxx T3lt0n (eq_sym 0) (eq_sym d) /=.
by case: (ltngtP n 0) => //=; case: eqP.
Lemma T3lt_psi_bc a b c: ((b < [a,b,c]) && (c < [a, b, c])).
move: a b c.
suff: forall x a b c, ((x <= b) || (x <= c)) -> x < [a,b,c].
by move => H a b c; apply/andP; split; apply:H; rewrite T3lenn // orbT.
move => x; set n := (size x).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n;move: n.
move => n; elim: n x; first by move => x //;rewrite ltn0.
move => m Hrec [] // a' b' c' n' d'; rewrite ltnS => ln.
move => a b c.
move: (size_prop1 a' b' c' n' d'); set x := (cons a' b' c' n' d').
move /and5P=> [pa pb pc pd pe].
move: (leq_trans pb ln) (leq_trans pc ln) => la lb.
have sa: (b' < [a',b',c']) by apply: (Hrec b' la); rewrite T3lenn.
have sb: (c' < [a',b',c']) by apply: (Hrec c' lb); rewrite T3lenn orbT.
case /orP => ha.
rewrite T3lt_consE; apply: ifT; rewrite /lt_psi.
have aux := (T3le_trans (T3le_psi a' b' c' n' d') ha).
move: (T3lt_le_trans sa aux) (T3lt_le_trans sb aux) => sa' sb'.
have sc: (b' < [a,b,c]) by apply:(Hrec b' la); rewrite (T3ltW sa').
have sd: (c' < [a,b,c]) by apply:(Hrec c' lb);rewrite (T3ltW sb').
move: aux; rewrite /T3le orbC => aux.
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi sa' sc sd /=.
by case: (T3ltgtP a' a) => //; rewrite ?orbT //= orbA aux.
rewrite T3lt_consE; apply: ifT; rewrite /lt_psi.
have aux:= (T3le_trans (T3le_psi a' b' c' n' d') ha).
move: (T3lt_le_trans sa aux) (T3lt_le_trans sb aux) => sa' sb'.
have sc: (b' < [a,b,c]) by apply:(Hrec b' la); rewrite (T3ltW sa') orbT.
have sd: (c' < [a,b,c]) by apply:(Hrec c' lb); rewrite (T3ltW sb') orbT.
move: aux; rewrite /T3le orbC => aux.
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi sb' sc sd /=.
case: (T3ltgtP a' a) => //=; first by rewrite aux !orbT.
by case: (T3ltgtP b' b) => //=; rewrite orbF aux.
Lemma psi_lt1 a b c d n a' b' c':
cons a b c n d < [a', b', c'] = ([a, b,c] < [a', b', c']).
Proof. by rewrite T3lt_consE T3lt_psi T3ltn0 ! if_same if_simpl. Qed.
Lemma psi_lt2 a b c n d n' d': cons a b c n' d' < cons a b c n d =
(if (n' < n)%N then true else if n' == n then d' < d else false).
Proof. by rewrite T3lt_consE T3ltnn eqxx. Qed.
Lemma T3lt_psi_b a b c: b < [a,b,c].
Proof. by move /andP: (T3lt_psi_bc a b c) => []. Qed.
Lemma T3lt_psi_c a b c: c < [a,b,c].
Proof. by move /andP: (T3lt_psi_bc a b c) => []. Qed.
Lemma T3lt_psi_a a b c: a < [a,b,c].
move: a b c.
suff: forall x a b c, (x <= a -> x < [a,b,c]).
by move => H a b c; apply:H; rewrite T3lenn.
move => x; set n := (size x).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n;move: n.
move => n; elim: n x; first by move => x //;rewrite ltn0.
move => m Hrec; case => // a' b' c' n' d'; rewrite ltnS => ln.
move => a b c.
move: (size_prop1 a' b' c' n' d'); set x := (cons a' b' c' n' d').
move /and5P=> [pa pb pc pd pe] ha.
move: (leq_trans pb ln) (leq_trans pc ln) => la lb.
move: (T3le_trans (T3le_psi a' b' c' n' d') ha) => aux.
have sc: (a' < [a',b',c']) by apply:(Hrec a' (leq_trans pa ln));rewrite T3lenn.
rewrite psi_lt1 T3lt_psi /lt_psi.
move: (T3lt_le_trans sc aux) => sc'.
rewrite sc' (T3lt_anti sc') (T3lt_ne sc') /=.
have sa: (b' < [a',b',c']) by apply: T3lt_psi_b.
have sb: (c' < [a',b',c']) by apply: T3lt_psi_c.
rewrite (Hrec b' la) ? (T3ltW (T3lt_le_trans sa aux))//.
rewrite (Hrec c' lb) ? (T3ltW (T3lt_le_trans sb aux))//.
Fixpoint T3nf x :=
if x is cons a b c _ d
then [&& T3nf a, T3nf b, T3nf c, T3nf d & d < [a,b,c] ]
else true.
Lemma nf_0: T3nf zero.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma nf_psi a b c: T3nf [a, b, c] = [&& T3nf a, T3nf b & T3nf c].
Proof. by rewrite /= T3lt0n andbT. Qed.
Lemma nf_int n: T3nf (\F n).
Proof. by case n. Qed.
Lemma nf_cons_cons a b c n a' b' c' n' d':
T3nf (cons a b c n (cons a' b' c' n' d')) =
[&& [a', b',c'] < [a, b,c], T3nf [a,b, c] &
T3nf (cons a' b' c' n' d') ].
case: (T3nf a);rewrite /= ?andbF //.
case: (T3nf b);rewrite /= ? andbF //.
case: (T3nf c);rewrite /= ? andbF //.
by rewrite psi_lt1 andbC.
Lemma nf_consE a b c n d:
T3nf (cons a b c n d) = [&& T3nf [a,b,c], T3nf d & d < [a,b,c] ].
Proof. by rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf T3lt0n /= andbT !andbA. Qed.
Lemma nf_Wf : well_founded_P T3nf T3lt.
have az: Acc (restrict T3nf T3lt) zero by split => y [_]; rewrite T3ltn0.
rewrite /well_founded_P.
set r:= (restrict (fun x : T3 => T3nf x) (fun a b : T3 => a < b)).
have TV: forall a b c n d,
T3nf (cons a b c n d) -> Acc r [a,b,c] -> Acc r (cons a b c n d).
move => a b c n d nx ay.
move: (nx); rewrite nf_consE => /and3P [ny nd dy].
have aux: forall a' b' c' n' d', [a', b', c'] < [a, b, c] ->
T3nf (cons a' b' c' n' d') -> Acc r (cons a' b' c' n' d').
move => a' b' c' n' d' h nx'; set x := (cons a' b' c' n' d').
have h': (x < [a, b, c]) by rewrite psi_lt1.
have h'': r x [a, b, c] by split.
exact: (acc_rec h'' ay).
suff h: forall n, Acc r (cons a b c n zero).
move: (h n.+1) => h1.
have h2: (cons a b c n d) < (cons a b c n.+1 zero).
by rewrite T3lt_consE !eqxx ltnS leqnn /= if_same.
have h3: r (cons a b c n d) (cons a b c n.+1 zero) by [].
exact: (acc_rec h3 h1).
clear nx dy nd d n.
elim => [// | n Hr]; split; case; first by move => _; apply:az.
move => a' b' c' n' d' []; rewrite T3lt_consE.
case(T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a, b, c]); first by move => h h' _ h''; apply: aux.
case; move => -> -> ->; rewrite T3ltn0 if_same if_simpl ltnS leq_eqVlt.
move => ta;case /orP => nn'; last first.
have h': r (cons a b c n' d') (cons a b c n zero).
by split => //;rewrite T3lt_consE !eqxx nn' /= if_same.
move => _; exact: (acc_rec h' Hr).
move: ta;rewrite (eqP nn') nf_consE => /and3P [_ nd dy].
have rd: r d' [a, b, c] by split.
elim: (acc_rec rd ay) => y Ha Hb.
split; case; first by move => _;apply: az.
move => a'' b'' c'' n'' d'' []; rewrite T3lt_consE.
case: (T3ltgtP [a'', b'', c''] [a, b, c]).
by move => sa sb sc _;apply: aux.
case => -> -> -> sa sb sc; move: sb;case: (ltngtP n'' n) => cnn dy'.
have h'': r (cons a b c n'' d'') (cons a b c n zero).
by split => //; rewrite T3lt_consE !eqxx T3ltnn cnn.
exact: (acc_rec h'' Hr).
by case dy'.
move: sa sc;move/and5P => [_ _ _ ny' _] /and5P [_ _ _ nd'' _].
by rewrite cnn; apply: Hb.
have TIX: forall a b c, T3nf [a,b,c] -> Acc r b -> Acc r c ->
(forall a' b' c', r a' a -> Acc r b' -> Acc r c' ->
T3nf b' -> T3nf c' -> Acc r [a', b', c'])->
(forall b' c', r b' b -> Acc r c'-> T3nf c' -> Acc r [a, b', c'])->
(forall c', r c' c -> Acc r [a, b, c'])-> Acc r [a,b,c].
move => a b c nanc ab ac Ha Hb Hc; split.
move => y; set n := (size y).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n => n.
elim: n y => [ // | n Hr]; case; first by move => _ _; apply: az.
move => a' b' c' n' d' ll [nu lta nv].
apply: TV; first by exact.
move: (nv); rewrite nf_psi => /and3P[na nb nc].
move: nu; rewrite nf_consE => /and3P [nu _ _].
move: (nu); rewrite nf_psi => /and3P[na' nb' nc'].
move: (size_prop1 a' b' c' n' d') => /and5P [_ lb lc _ _].
move:ll; rewrite ltnS => ll.
move: (leq_trans lb ll)(leq_trans lc ll) => lb' lc'{lb lc}.
move: lta; rewrite psi_lt1 T3lt_psi /lt_psi.
case /orP; first by move /and3P => [ /eqP -> /eqP -> cc]; apply Hc.
case /orP.
by move /and3P => [/eqP -> lb lc];apply: Hb; [ |apply: Hr |].
case /orP; first by move /and3P => [_ _ lc]; apply: (acc_rec _ ac).
case /orP; first by move /and3P => [_ _ /eqP ->].
case /orP.
by move /and3P => [la lb lc] ;apply: Ha; try apply: Hr.
case /orP; first by move => /andP [_ h]; exact: (acc_rec (And3 nu h nb) ab).
case /orP; first by move => /andP [_ /eqP ->].
case /orP; first by move => /andP [_ h]; exact: (acc_rec (And3 nu h nc) ac).
by move => /andP [_ /eqP ->].
have TX: forall a b c, T3nf [a,b,c] -> Acc r b -> Acc r c ->
(forall a' b' c', r a' a -> Acc r b' -> Acc r c' ->
T3nf b' -> T3nf c' -> Acc r [a', b', c']) ->
(forall b' c', r b' b -> Acc r c' -> T3nf c' -> Acc r [a, b', c']) ->
Acc r [a,b,c].
move => a b c nabc ab ac h1 h2.
apply: (TIX _ _ _ nabc ab ac h1 h2); elim: ac => x Ha Hb c' cx.
have np: T3nf [a, b, c'].
have [nc' _ _] := cx.
by move: nabc ; rewrite !nf_psi nc' => /and3P[-> -> _].
by apply: (TIX a b c' np ab (Ha _ cx) h1 h2)=> w rwc;apply: (Hb c' cx).
have TXI: forall a b c, T3nf [a,b,c] -> Acc r b -> Acc r c ->
(forall a' b' c', r a' a -> Acc r b' -> Acc r c' ->
T3nf b' -> T3nf c'-> Acc r [a', b', c']) ->
Acc r [a,b,c].
move => a b c nabc ab ac h1.
apply: (TX _ _ _ nabc ab ac h1); elim: ab => x Ha Hb b' c' bx ac' nc'.
have np: T3nf [a, b', c'].
move: (bx) => [nb' _ _].
by move: nabc ; rewrite !nf_psi nb' nc' => /and3P[-> _ _].
apply: (TX a b' c' np (Ha _ bx) ac' h1) => u v uv av nv.
exact: (Hb b' bx u v uv av nv).
have TXII: forall a b c, T3nf [a, b, c] -> Acc r a -> Acc r b -> Acc r c ->
Acc r [a, b, c].
move => a b c np aa ab ac; apply: (TXI _ _ _ np ab ac).
elim: aa => x Ha Hb a' b' c' lax ab' ac' nb' nc'.
have np': T3nf [a', b', c'].
by move: (lax) => [na' _ _];rewrite !nf_psi na' nb' nc'.
apply: (TXI a' b' c' np' ab' ac') => a'' b'' c'' r1 ab'' ac'' nb'' nc''.
exact: (Hb a' lax a'' b'' c'' r1 ab'' ac'' nb'' nc'').
move => a; set n := (size a).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n => n.
elim: n a => [ // | n Hr]; case; first by move => _ _; apply: az.
move => a' b' c' n' d' ll nx.
move: (nx); rewrite nf_consE =>/and3P [np _ _].
move:(np); rewrite nf_psi => /and3P[na nb nc].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a' b' c' n' d') => [la lb lc _ _].
move: (leq_trans la ll)(leq_trans lb ll)(leq_trans lc ll) => la' lb' lc'.
by apply:TV; [ exact | apply: TXII]; first (by exact); apply: Hr.
Theorem lt_not_wf : ~ (well_founded T3lt).
set f := (fix f i := if i is n.+1 then cons zero zero zero 0 (f n) else omega).
case/not_decreasing; exists f; elim => //.
by move => n fn; rewrite /f -/f T3lt_consE /= fn.
Fixpoint T1_T3 (c:CantorOrdinal.T1) : T3 :=
if c is CantorOrdinal.cons a n b then cons zero zero (T1_T3 a) n (T1_T3 b)
else zero.
Lemma lt_epsilon0 a b c n d :
cons a b c n d < epsilon0 = [&& a==zero, b == zero & c < epsilon0 ].
rewrite psi_lt1 T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n !T3lt1 /= !andbF !orbF.
by case pa: (a== zero) => /=; rewrite ? orbF // T3eqE pa /=.
Lemma T1T3_lt_epsilon0 x: T1_T3 x < epsilon0.
Proof. by elim x => // a Ha n b Hb /=;rewrite lt_epsilon0 Ha eqxx. Qed.
Delimit Scope cantor_scope with ca.
Notation "x < y" := (CantorOrdinal.T1lt x y) : cantor_scope.
Lemma T1T3_inc x y: (x <y)%ca-> (T1_T3 x) < (T1_T3 y).
elim: x y; [by case | move => a Ha n b Hb; case => // a' n' b'].
rewrite /= T3lt_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi T3ltnn /=.
case: (CantorOrdinal.T1ltgtP a a') => aa' //; first by rewrite Ha //.
rewrite aa' T3ltnn eqxx /=.
case: (CantorOrdinal.T1ltgtP b b') => bb'; first by rewrite Hb.
by rewrite if_same if_simpl => ->.
by rewrite if_same if_simpl => ->.
Lemma TT1T3_inj: injective T1_T3.
move => a b h.
by case:(CantorOrdinal.T1ltgtP a b) => lab //;
move: (T1T3_inc lab); rewrite h T3ltnn.
Lemma T1T3_surj x: T3nf x -> x < epsilon0 -> exists y, x = T1_T3 y.
set n := (size x).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n => n.
elim: n x => [ // | n Hr x].
case x; first by exists => //.
move => a' b' c' n' d'; rewrite ltnS => lu nc.
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a' b' c' n' d') => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite lt_epsilon0; move => /and3P [sa sb sc].
move: nc; rewrite nf_consE nf_psi => /and3P [/and3P [_ _ nc] nd ne].
rewrite (eqP sa) (eqP sb).
have [y yp]:= (Hr c' (leq_trans lc lu) nc sc).
have ww: [a', b', c'] < [zero, one, zero] by rewrite lt_epsilon0 /= sa sb sc.
have [y' yp'] := (Hr d' (leq_trans ld lu) nd (T3lt_trans ne ww)).
by exists (CantorOrdinal.cons y n' y') => /=; rewrite -yp - yp'.
Definition all_zero a b c :=[&& a==zero, b==zero & c== zero].
Fixpoint T3limit x :=
if x is cons a b c n d then
if (all_zero a b c) then false else (d== zero) || T3limit d
else false.
Definition T3finite x :=
if x is cons a b c n d then all_zero a b c else true.
Fixpoint T3split x:=
if x is cons a b c n d then
if all_zero a b c then (zero, n.+1) else
let: (x, y) := T3split d in (cons a b c n x,y)
else (zero,0).
Lemma all_zeroE a b c: all_zero a b c = ([a,b,c] == one).
Proof. by rewrite T3eqE !eqxx !andbT. Qed.
Lemma T3nf_finite a b c n d: all_zero a b c -> T3nf (cons a b c n d) ->
d = zero.
move => /and3P [/eqP -> /eqP ->] /eqP -> /and5P [_ _ _ _].
by rewrite T3lt1 => /eqP.
Lemma split_finite x: ((T3split x).1 == zero) = T3finite x.
case x => // a b c n d //=.
by case pa: (all_zero a b c) => //;case: T3split x.
Lemma T3finite1 n: T3finite (\F n).
Proof. by case:n. Qed.
Lemma T3finite2 x: T3finite x -> T3nf x -> x = \F ((T3split x).2).
case: x => // a b c n d; rewrite /T3finite => sa sb.
rewrite (T3nf_finite sa sb) /T3split -/T3split sa.
by move: sa => /and3P [/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP ->].
Lemma T3gt1 x: (one < x) = ((x != zero) && (x != one)).
case: (T3ltgtP x one); rewrite ? andbT ? andbF //; last by case x.
by rewrite T3lt1 => ->.
Lemma omega_least_inf1 x: T3finite x -> x < omega.
case: x => // a b c n d /=.
move => /and3P [/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP ->].
by rewrite /omega T3lt_consE /lt_psi.
Lemma omega_least_inf2 x: ~~ T3finite x -> omega <= x.
case: x => // a b c n d.
rewrite /T3finite /all_zero /T3le/omega T3lt_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi.
rewrite !T3lt0n !T3ltn0 /= (eq_sym a zero) (eq_sym b zero) !T3gt1 !andbF /=.
rewrite (eq_sym [a,b,c] one) (eq_sym c one) (eq_sym d zero) !T3eqE.
case: (zero == a) => //; case : (zero == b) => //= -> /=.
by case h2: (one == c) => //; case: (ltngtP 0 n) => //=; case: eqP.
Lemma lt_omega1 c n d a' b' c' n' d' :
cons zero zero c n d < cons a' b' c' n' d' =
if ((a'== zero) && (b'==zero)) then
((c < c') || ((c==c') && ((n < n')%N || ((n==n') && (d < d')))))
else (c < [a', b', c']).
rewrite T3lt_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n T3eqE eqxx !andbT /=.
rewrite (eq_sym zero a') (eq_sym zero b').
case pa: (a'==zero); last by rewrite orbF if_simpl.
case pb: (b'==zero); [by case: (c<c') | by rewrite /= orbF if_simpl].
Lemma lt_omega2 c a' b' c' :
([zero, zero, c] < [a', b', c']) =
if ((a'== zero) && (b'==zero)) then c < c' else (c < [a', b', c']).
Proof. by rewrite lt_omega1 ltnn T3ltnn !andbF orbF. Qed.
Lemma split_limit x: ((T3split x).2 == 0) = ((x==zero) || T3limit x).
elim: x => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hb /=.
case pa: (all_zero a b c) => //; rewrite - Hb; by case: (T3split d).
Fixpoint T3is_succ x :=
if x is cons a b c n d then (all_zero a b c) || T3is_succ d else false.
Fixpoint T3succ x :=
if x is cons a b c n d
then if all_zero a b c then \F n.+2 else cons a b c n (T3succ d)
else one.
Fixpoint T3pred x :=
if x is cons a b c n d then
if all_zero a b c then \F n else (cons a b c n (T3pred d))
else zero.
Lemma split_is_succ x: ((T3split x).2 != 0) = (T3is_succ x).
elim: x => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=.
case pa: (all_zero a b c) => //; rewrite - Hd; by case: (T3split d).
Lemma split_succ x: let:(y,n):= T3split x in T3split (T3succ x) = (y,n.+1).
elim: x => // a _ b _ c _ n d /=.
by case pa: (all_zero a b c) => //=; rewrite pa /=;case: (T3split d) => u v ->.
Lemma split_pred x: let:(y,n):= T3split x in T3split (T3pred x) = (y,n.-1).
elim: x => // a _ b _ c _ n d /=.
case pa: (all_zero a b c) => //=; first by case: n.
by rewrite pa /=; case:(T3split d) => // u v ->.
Lemma split_le x : (T3split x).1 <= x.
elim: x => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=.
case pa: (all_zero a b c) => //; move: Hd; case (T3split d) => y m /=.
rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE !eqxx ltnn T3eqE.
by case /orP => ->; rewrite ? eqxx // if_same orbT.
Lemma nf_split x : T3nf x -> T3nf (T3split x).1.
elim: x => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=.
case pa: (all_zero a b c) => // /and5P [sa sb sc /Hd sd se] /=.
move: (T3le_lt_trans (split_le d) se).
by move: sd; case (T3split d) => y m /= -> ->; rewrite sa sb sc.
Lemma T3finite_succ x: T3finite x -> T3finite (T3succ x).
Proof. by elim: x => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hb /= ->. Qed.
Lemma T1succ_nat n: T3succ (\F n) = \F (n.+1).
Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma nf_omega : T3nf omega. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma nf_finite n: T3nf (\F n). Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma limit_pr1 x: (x == zero) (+) (T3limit x (+) T3is_succ x).
elim: x => //a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=; case az: (all_zero a b c) => //.
by case dz: (d == zero); [ rewrite (eqP dz) | move: Hd; rewrite dz].
Lemma limit_pr x y: T3limit x -> y < x -> T3succ y < x.
elim: x y; [ by [] |move => a _ b _ c _ n d Hd y /=].
case: y.
rewrite /T3succ T3gt1 andTb T3eqE => H1 _.
apply /negP => /and5P [sa sb sc _ _]; move: H1; rewrite /all_zero sa sb sc//.
move => a' b' c' n' d';rewrite /T3succ -/T3succ !all_zeroE => hh.
case pa:([a', b', c'] == one); rewrite T3lt_consE => h; rewrite T3lt_consE.
move: h hh; rewrite (eqP pa).
by case: (T3ltgtP one [a, b, c]) => // ->; rewrite eqxx.
move: h;case:(T3ltgtP [a',b',c'] [a, b, c]) => // _.
move: hh; case: eqP => // _ hh;case: (ltngtP n' n) => //; case /orP: hh => hh.
by rewrite (eqP hh) T3ltn0.
by move => _; apply: Hd.
Lemma pred_le a: T3pred a <= a. Proof.
elim: a => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=;rewrite all_zeroE; case: eqP.
case => -> -> ->; case: n => // n; apply:T3ltW; rewrite T3lt_consE.
by rewrite T3ltnn eqxx ltnS leqnn.
move => _; rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE T3ltnn ! eqxx ltnn T3eqE.
by case /orP: Hd => ->; rewrite ?orbT // !eqxx.
Lemma pred_lt a: T3is_succ a -> T3pred a < a.
elim: a => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=; rewrite all_zeroE; case: eqP.
by move => h; case: n => // n _; rewrite T3lt_consE h T3ltnn eqxx ltnS leqnn.
by move => /= _ h; rewrite T3lt_consE Hd // !eqxx !if_same.
Lemma succ_lt a: a < T3succ a.
elim: a => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=; rewrite all_zeroE; case: eqP.
by rewrite T3lt_consE ltnS leqnn; move => ->; rewrite T3ltnn eqxx.
by rewrite T3lt_consE !eqxx Hd !if_same.
Lemma nf_succ a: T3nf a -> T3nf (T3succ a).
elim:a => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /= /and5P [pa pb pc /Hd pd pe].
case az: (all_zero a b c) => //=; rewrite pa pb pc pd /=.
by apply:limit_pr => //=; rewrite az.
Lemma nf_pred a: T3nf a -> T3nf (T3pred a).
elim:a => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /= /and5P [pa pb pc /Hd pd pe].
case az: (all_zero a b c); first by apply: nf_finite.
by rewrite /= pa pb pc pd /= (T3le_lt_trans (pred_le d) pe).
Lemma succ_pred x: T3nf x -> T3is_succ x -> x = T3succ (T3pred x).
elim:x => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /= /and5P [pa pb pc pd pe].
case az: (all_zero a b c) => /=; last by rewrite az => h; rewrite - Hd.
move: pe;move/and3P: az=> [/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP ->].
by rewrite T3lt1 => /eqP ->; case:n.
Lemma succ_p1 x: T3is_succ (T3succ x).
elim: x => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=.
by case: (all_zero a b c) => //=;rewrite Hd orbT.
Lemma pred_succ x: T3nf x -> T3pred (T3succ x) = x.
elim:x => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /= /and5P [pa pb pc pd pe].
case az: (all_zero a b c) => /=; last by rewrite az Hd.
move: pe;move/and3P: az=> [/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP ->].
by rewrite T3lt1 => /eqP ->.
Lemma succ_inj x y: T3nf x -> T3nf y -> (T3succ x == T3succ y) = (x==y).
move => nx ny;case h: (T3succ x == T3succ y).
by rewrite - (pred_succ nx) (eqP h) (pred_succ ny) eqxx.
by case hh: (x==y) => //; rewrite -h (eqP hh) eqxx.
Lemma lt_succ_succ x y: T3succ x < T3succ y -> x < y.
elim: x y; first by case; [ rewrite T3ltnn | move => a b c n d _ ].
move => a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=; case.
by rewrite {2}/T3succ T3lt1; case (all_zero a b c) => //.
move => a' b' c' n' d'; rewrite all_zeroE;case sa: ([a, b, c] == one).
rewrite /= all_zeroE; case sb: ([a', b', c'] == one).
rewrite {1} /T3lt /= if_same if_simpl ltnS T3lt_consE (eqP sb) sa => ->.
by rewrite if_same.
by move => _; rewrite T3lt_consE (eqP sa) T3gt1 sb.
rewrite /= all_zeroE;case: eqP => /=.
by move => sb; rewrite T3lt_consE T3lt1 /= sa.
move => _; rewrite T3lt_consE => h; rewrite T3lt_consE; move: h.
case: (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] [a', b', c']) => // _.
case (ltngtP n n') => // _; apply: Hd.
Lemma le_succ_succ x y: x <= y -> T3succ x <= T3succ y.
Proof. rewrite !T3leNgt; apply: contra; exact:lt_succ_succ. Qed.
Lemma lt_succ_succE x y:
T3nf x -> T3nf y -> (T3succ x < T3succ y) = (x < y).
move => nx ny.
case (T3ltgtP (T3succ x) (T3succ y)).
+ by move/lt_succ_succ => ->.
+ by move /lt_succ_succ => /T3lt_anti.
+ by move /eqP; rewrite (succ_inj nx ny) => /eqP ->; rewrite T3ltnn.
Lemma le_succ_succE x y:
T3nf x -> T3nf y -> (T3succ x <= T3succ y) = (x <= y).
by move => na nb; rewrite /T3le (succ_inj na nb) (lt_succ_succE na nb).
Lemma lt_succ_le_1 a b : T3succ a <= b -> a < b.
Proof. apply: T3lt_le_trans (succ_lt a). Qed.
Lemma lt_succ_le_2 a b: T3nf a -> a < T3succ b -> a <= b. Proof.
elim: a b; first by move => b;rewrite T3le0n.
move => a' _ b' _ c' _ n' d' Hd; case; first by rewrite T3lt1 => _ /eqP ->.
move => a b c n d nx /=; rewrite all_zeroE; case: eqP => sa.
rewrite T3lt_consE => h; rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE sa; move: h.
case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] one) => //; first by rewrite orbT.
move => h; move: nx;case: h => -> -> ->; rewrite /T3nf => /and5P [ _ _ _ _].
rewrite T3lt1 T3ltn0 if_same if_simpl ltnS leq_eqVlt.
move =>/eqP ->; case/orP => h'; rewrite h' ?orbT // (eqP h') ltnn T3eqE.
by move: sa; case => -> -> ->; rewrite /= eqxx /= T3lt0n eq_sym; case: eqP.
rewrite T3lt_consE => h; rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE; move: h.
case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a,b,c]) => //;first by rewrite orbT.
case => -> -> ->; case: (ltngtP n' n); rewrite ? orbT// => ->.
move:nx => /and5P[_ _ _ nd _] /(Hd _ nd) /orP [/eqP -> | ->] //.
by rewrite eqxx.
by rewrite orbT.
Lemma lt_succ_le_3 a b: T3nf a -> (a < T3succ b) = (a <= b).
move => na; case h:(a < T3succ b).
by rewrite (lt_succ_le_2 na h).
rewrite - h; case (T3ltP b a) => // ab; exact: (T3le_lt_trans ab (succ_lt b)).
Lemma lt_succ_le_4 a b: T3nf b -> (a < b) = (T3succ a <= b).
move => nb.
case: (T3ltP a b).
rewrite T3leNgt T3ltNge;case h: (b < T3succ a) => //.
by rewrite(lt_succ_le_2 nb h).
by move /le_succ_succ => /(T3lt_le_trans (succ_lt b)); rewrite T3leNgt => ->.
Lemma succ_nz x: T3succ x != zero.
Proof. by move: (T3le_lt_trans (T3le0n x) (succ_lt x)); rewrite T3lt0n. Qed.
Lemma succ_psi a b c: [a, b, c] != one -> T3succ [a,b,c] = cons a b c 0 one.
by simpl; rewrite - all_zeroE; move /negbTE => ->.
Lemma succ_psi_lt x a b c: [a, b, c] != one ->
x < [a,b,c] -> T3succ x < [a,b,c].
move => yn1; case: x => //; first by rewrite /= T3gt1 yn1.
move => a' b' c' n d /=; rewrite psi_lt1 all_zeroE; case: eqP.
by move => -> h; rewrite T3lt_consE h.
by move => sa sb; rewrite T3lt_consE sb.
Lemma succ_psi_lt2 a b c x: [a, b, c] != one ->
([a, b, c] <= T3succ x) = ([a, b, c] <= x).
move => ha;symmetry.
case (T3leP [a, b, c] (T3succ x)).
by rewrite !T3leNgt; apply: contra; apply:succ_psi_lt.
by move => hb; move: (T3lt_trans (succ_lt x) hb);rewrite T3ltNge; move /negbTE.
Fixpoint T3add x y :=
if x is cons a b c n d then
if y is cons a' b' c' n' d' then
if [a,b,c] < [a',b',c'] then y
else if [a',b',c'] < [a,b,c] then cons a b c n (d + y)
else cons a b c (n+n').+1 d'
else x
else y
where "x + y" := (T3add x y) : ak_scope.
Fixpoint T3sub x y :=
if x is cons a b c n d then
if y is cons a' b' c' n' d' then
if (x < y) then zero
else if ([a',b',c'] < [a,b,c]) then x
else if (n<n')%N then zero
else if ([a,b,c] == one) then
if (n==n')%N then zero else cons zero zero zero ((n-n').-1) zero
else if(n==n') then d - d' else cons a b c (n - n').-1 d
else x
else zero
where "a - b" := (T3sub a b) : ak_scope.
Lemma T3subn0 x: x - zero = x.
Proof. by case x. Qed.
Lemma T3sub0n x: zero - x = zero.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma minus_lt a b: a < b -> a - b = zero.
Proof. by case: a b => // a b c n d // [] // a' b' c' n' d' /= ->. Qed.
Lemma T3subnn x: x - x = zero.
by elim: x => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hr /=; rewrite !T3ltnn ltnn eqxx Hr if_same.
Lemma minus_le a b: a <= b -> a - b = zero.
rewrite T3le_eqVlt;case /orP; [move /eqP ->; apply: T3subnn| apply: minus_lt].
Lemma nf_sub a b: T3nf a -> T3nf b -> T3nf (a - b).
elim: a b => // a Ha b Hb c Hc n d Hd [] // a' b' c' n' d' na nb /=.
case: (_ < _) => //; case: (_ < _) => //; case: (ltngtP n n') => //.
by case: eqP.
move: na nb => /and5P[_ _ _ nd _] /and5P [_ _ _ nd' _].
by case: eqP => // _ _; apply: Hd.
Lemma sub_int n m : \F n - \F m = \F (n -m)%N.
case: n m => // n [] // m /=; rewrite /T3lt /= if_same subSS //.
case: (ltngtP n m) => pa;first by move: (ltnW pa)=> /eqP ->.
by rewrite -(subnSK pa).
by rewrite pa subnn.
Lemma succ_is_add_one a: T3succ a = a + one.
elim:a => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=; rewrite addn0 Hd all_zeroE.
case:(T3ltgtP [a, b, c] one) => //; first by rewrite T3lt1 //.
by case => -> -> ->.
Lemma add1Nfin a: ~~ T3finite a -> one + a = a.
Proof. by case:a => // a b c n d /=; rewrite all_zeroE T3gt1 /= => ->.
Lemma sub1Nfin a: ~~ T3finite a -> a - one = a.
Proof. by case:a => // a b c n d /=; rewrite all_zeroE T3lt1 T3gt1 => ->. Qed.
Lemma sub1a x: x != zero -> T3nf x -> x = one + (x - one).
case fb:(T3finite x); last by rewrite sub1Nfin ?fb // add1Nfin // fb //.
move: fb;case x => // a' b' c' n' d' /=.
rewrite all_zeroE T3lt1 T3gt1 /= => h _; rewrite h (eqP h) T3lt1 /=.
by move: (eqP h); case => -> -> ->; move /and5P=> [_ _ _ _ /eqP -> ];case n'.
Lemma sub1b x: T3nf x -> x = (one + x) - one.
case hh: (T3finite x); last by rewrite add1Nfin ? hh // sub1Nfin // hh.
move: hh;case:x => // a b c n d /=.
rewrite all_zeroE T3lt1 T3gt1 => h; rewrite h (eqP h) T3lt1 andbF /=.
by move: (eqP h); case => -> -> ->; move /and5P=> [_ _ _ _ /eqP -> ].
Lemma sub_1aCE (a:= T3bad) : one + (a - one) != a.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma sub_1bCE (a:= T3bad) : (one + a - one) != a.
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma T3add0n : left_id zero T3add. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma T3addn0: right_id zero T3add. Proof. by case. Qed.
Lemma add_int n m : \F n + \F m = \F (n +m)%N.
case: n m => // n; case; first by rewrite addn0 T3addn0.
by move => m /=; rewrite - addnS.
Lemma add_fin_omega n: \F n + omega = omega.
Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma fooCE (x:= T3bad):
~~T3limit x /\(forall u v, T3limit u -> x <> u + \F v.+1).
split => // u v; case: u => // a b c n d /=.
rewrite all_zeroE T3lt1 T3gt1.
by case x1: ([a, b, c] == one) => // h /= xa; move: x1; case: xa=> <- <- <-.
Lemma split_add x: let: (y,n) :=T3split x in T3nf x ->
(x == y + \F n) && ((y==zero) || T3limit y ).
elim: x => //a _ b _ c _ n d Hd /=;case h: (all_zero a b c).
move /and3P: h => [/eqP -> /eqP -> /eqP ->].
by rewrite T3lt1 /= !andbT => /andP [_ /eqP ->].
move: Hd; case (T3split d) => y s h1 /and5P [_ _ _ /h1/andP [/eqP -> sb] _].
rewrite /= h sb andbT; case s => //=; first by rewrite T3addn0.
by move => m; rewrite T3lt1 T3gt1 /= - all_zeroE h.
Lemma add_to_cons a b c n d:
d < [ a,b,c] -> cons a b c n zero + d = cons a b c n d.
by case d => // u v w m z /=; rewrite psi_lt1 => h; rewrite h // (T3lt_anti h).
Lemma addC_CE (a := one) (b := omega):
[&& T3nf a, T3nf b & a + b != b + a].
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma nf_add a b: T3nf a -> T3nf b -> T3nf (a + b).
elim: a b => // a Ha b Hb c Hc n d Hd [] // a' b' c' n' d' ha hb /=.
case (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] [a', b', c']) => // h.
move: ha; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [sa sb sc sd se].
rewrite sa sb sc Hd //=; move: se; case d => //=; first by rewrite psi_lt1.
move => a1 b1 c1 n1 d1; rewrite psi_lt1 => ha.
case: (T3ltgtP [a1, b1, c1] [a', b', c']); rewrite psi_lt1 //.
by move: hb; case:h => -> -> ->.
Lemma T3add_eq0 m n: (m + n == zero) = (m == zero) && (n == zero).
case: m; [by rewrite T3add0n | move => a' b' c' n' d'; rewrite andFb].
by case: n => // a b c n d /=; case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a, b, c]).
Lemma add_le1 a b: a <= a + b.
elim:a b; first by rewrite /T3le /=; case;[ rewrite eqxx | ].
move => a' _ b' _ c' _ n' d' hd [] // a b c n d/=.
case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a, b, c]) => h; rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE.
+ by rewrite h orbT.
+ by rewrite T3ltnn ltnn T3eqE !eqxx /=; apply: hd.
+ by rewrite T3ltnn ltnS leq_addr eqxx orbT.
Lemma add_le2 a b: b <= a + b.
case: a => // a' b' c' n' d'; case: b ; [done | move => a b c n d /=].
case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a, b, c]) => h; rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE ?h.
+ by rewrite eqxx.
+ by rewrite orbT.
+ by rewrite T3ltnn eqxx ltnS leq_addl orbT.
Lemma sub_le1 a b : T3nf a -> (a - b) <= a.
elim: a b => [b // | a' _ b' _ c' _ n' d' H].
case; [by rewrite T3subn0 T3lenn | move => a b c n d/and5P [_ _ _ /H la lb] /=].
have hh: (n < n')%N -> ((n' - n).-1 < n')%N.
by case: n' => // n' h; rewrite subSn // ltnS leq_subr.
rewrite T3lt_consE;case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a, b, c]) => // eq1.
case : (ltngtP n' n) => // eq2.
case x1: ([a', b', c'] == one) => //.
by rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE (eqP x1) T3ltnn eqxx hh // orbT.
by rewrite /T3le T3lt_consE T3ltnn eqxx hh // orbT.
case : (d' < d) => //; case: ([a', b', c'] ==one) => //.
apply: (T3le_trans (la d)); apply:T3ltW; apply: (T3lt_le_trans lb).
apply: T3le_psi.
Lemma sub_pr a b: T3nf b -> (a + b) - a = b.
elim: a b; first by move => b _; rewrite T3subn0.
move => a' _ b' _ c' _ n' d' Hd; case; first by rewrite T3addn0 T3subnn.
move => a b c n d nn /=.
case (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a, b, c]) => pa; rewrite /= T3lt_consE.
by rewrite pa /= (T3lt_anti pa) (T3lt_ne' pa).
rewrite !T3ltnn ltnn !eqxx (T3ltNge _ d') add_le1 /=.
by rewrite Hd // ifF //; case: eqP => h //; move: pa; rewrite h T3lt1.
rewrite !T3ltnn !eqxx addnC ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1 - addSn addnK /=.
move: pa nn; case => -> -> ->; case: eqP => //; case => -> -> ->.
by rewrite /T3nf T3lt1 /= => /andP[_ /eqP ->].
Lemma add_inj a b c : T3nf b -> T3nf c -> a + b = a + c -> b = c.
move => sb sc h.
by rewrite - (sub_pr a sb) - (sub_pr a sc) h.
Lemma sub_pr1 a b: T3nf b -> a <= b -> b = a + (b - a).
move => nb; rewrite /T3le.
case: (altP (a =P b)) => [-> | _ /=]; first by rewrite T3ltnn T3subnn T3addn0.
move: nb; elim: a b; first by move => b nb; rewrite T3subn0 //.
move => a' _ b' _ c' _ n' d' Hd; case; [by rewrite T3ltn0 | move => a b c n d].
have aux: (n' < n)%N ->n = (n' + (n - n').-1).+1.
by move => le1; rewrite - {1} (subnKC le1) subnS addSn.
move => sa sb;rewrite /= (T3lt_anti sb).
move: sb; rewrite T3lt_consE.
case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a, b, c]) => sb; rewrite ? sb //.
move: sa; case: sb => <- <- <- => sa.
have sb: [a', b', c'] = one -> d = zero.
by move => h;move: sa;case:h => -> -> -> /= /andP[_];rewrite T3lt1 => /eqP ->.
case: (ltngtP n' n) => sc; rewrite ? sc ?eqxx //.
move: sc (aux sc); case h: (n==n'); [ by rewrite (eqP h) ltnn | move => _ hh].
by case: eqP => h1 ; [ rewrite h1 T3ltnn - hh sb | rewrite !T3ltnn - hh ].
move => dd'; case: eqP; first by move => h; move: dd';rewrite (sb h) T3ltn0.
move: sa => /and5P [_ _ _ nd ne] _; move: (Hd d nd dd') => h.
have: d - d' < [a', b', c'] by move: (T3le_lt_trans (sub_le1 d' nd) ne).
rewrite - h; move: dd'; rewrite {1} h;case: (d - d').
by rewrite T3addn0 T3ltnn.
move => a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 _; rewrite psi_lt1 => ha.
by rewrite ha (T3lt_anti ha).
Lemma omega_minus_one : omega - one = omega.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma sub_nz a b: T3nf b -> a < b -> (b - a) != zero.
move => nb lab; move: (sub_pr1 nb (T3ltW lab)).
case h: (b - a == zero) => //; rewrite (eqP h) T3addn0 => eq.
by move: lab; rewrite eq T3ltnn.
Lemma T3addA c1 c2 c3: c1 + (c2 + c3) = (c1 + c2) + c3.
elim: c1 c2 c3 => // a1 _ b1 _ c1 _ n1 d1 H; case.
by move => c3;rewrite !T3add0n T3addn0.
move => a2 b2 c2 n2 s2; case;[ by rewrite !T3addn0 | move => a3 b3 c3 n3 d3 /=].
case: (T3ltgtP [a2, b2, c2] [a3, b3, c3]).
+ case: (T3ltgtP [a1, b1, c1] [a2, b2, c2]) => pa pb /=.
- by rewrite (T3lt_trans pa pb) /= pb.
- by case (T3ltgtP a1 a3) => //; rewrite - H /= pb.
- by rewrite pa pb.
+ case: (T3ltgtP [a1, b1, c1] [a2, b2, c2]) => pa pb /=;
move: (T3lt_anti pb) => pc.
- by rewrite pb pc.
- by move:(T3lt_trans pb pa) => h; rewrite h (T3lt_anti h) - H /= pb pc.
- by rewrite pa pb pc.
+ move => e1; case: (T3ltgtP [a1, b1, c1] [a2, b2, c2]) => pb /=; rewrite -e1.
- by rewrite !T3ltnn.
- by rewrite pb (T3lt_anti pb) - H /= -e1 !T3ltnn.
- by rewrite pb !T3ltnn addSn addnS addnA.
Lemma T3le_add2l p m n : (p + m <= p + n) = (m <= n).
elim:p m n => // a _ b _ c _ n d Hd.
case; first by move => n1; rewrite T3addn0 T3le0n add_le1.
move => a' b' c' n' d'; case.
rewrite T3addn0 /=; case: (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] [a', b', c']) => h.
by rewrite T3le_consE (T3lt_ne' h) (T3lt_anti h) T3len0.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3ltnn ltnn !eqxx - (Hd _ zero) T3addn0.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3ltnn eqxx addnC ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1 T3len0.
move => a'' b'' c'' n'' d'' /=.
case: (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] [a', b', c']);case:(T3ltgtP [a, b, c] [a'', b'', c''])
=>// pa pb; rewrite T3le_consE [in RHS] T3le_consE.
- move: (T3lt_trans pa pb) => pc.
by rewrite (T3lt_anti pb) (T3lt_ne' pb) (T3lt_ne' pc) (T3lt_anti pc).
- by rewrite -pa (T3lt_ne' pb) (T3lt_anti pb).
- by rewrite (T3lt_trans pb pa) pa.
- by rewrite !eqxx T3ltnn ltnn Hd T3le_consE.
- by rewrite T3ltnn -pa pb eqxx ltnS leq_addr.
- by rewrite -pb pa.
- rewrite T3ltnn -pb addnC ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1 eqxx.
by rewrite (T3lt_anti pa) (T3lt_ne' pa).
- by rewrite - pa pb eqxx T3ltnn /= ltnS ltn_add2l - !addSn eqn_add2l.
Lemma T3lt_add2l p m n : (p + m < p + n) = (m < n).
Proof. by rewrite !T3ltNge T3le_add2l. Qed.
Lemma T3lt_add2r p m n : (m + p < n + p ) -> (m < n).
elim: m p n.
by move => p n; rewrite T3add0n; case: n => //;rewrite T3add0n T3ltnn.
move => a _ b _ c _ n d Hd; case; first by move => u; rewrite ! T3addn0.
move => a' b' c' n' d'; case.
simpl;case (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] [a', b', c']) => pa /=.
+ by rewrite !T3ltnn.
+ by rewrite T3lt_consE (T3lt_anti pa) (T3lt_ne' pa).
+ by rewrite T3lt_consE pa T3ltnn eqxx ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1.
move => a'' b'' c'' n'' d'' /= h1; rewrite T3lt_consE; move: h1.
case (T3ltgtP [a,b,c] [a',b',c']);case (T3ltgtP [a',b',c'] [a'',b'',c''])
=> pb pa /=; rewrite T3lt_consE.
- by rewrite (T3lt_trans pa pb).
- by rewrite ! T3ltnn ltnn eqxx if_same.
- by rewrite -pb pa.
- case: (T3ltgtP [a,b,c] [a'',b'',c'']) => //.
by case: (ltngtP n n'') => // _ _; apply: Hd.
- by rewrite (T3lt_anti pa) (T3lt_ne' pa).
- by rewrite - pb (T3lt_anti pa) (T3lt_ne' pa).
- by rewrite pa pb.
- by rewrite pa T3ltnn eqxx ltn_simpl1 eqn_simpl1.
- by rewrite pa pb !T3ltnn eqxx ltnS ltn_add2r if_same if_simpl => ->.
Lemma T3le_add2r p m n : (m <=n) -> (m + p <= n + p).
Proof. rewrite !T3leNgt; apply: contra; apply: T3lt_add2r. Qed.
Lemma T3eq_add2l p m n : (p + m == p + n) = (m == n).
Proof. by rewrite ! T3eq_le ! T3le_add2l. Qed.
Lemma add_le3 a b: a = a + b -> b = zero.
Proof. move /eqP;rewrite -{1} (T3addn0 a) T3eq_add2l => /eqP -> //. Qed.
Lemma add_le4 a b: b != zero -> a < a + b.
move: (add_le1 a b); rewrite T3le_eqVlt.
by case: (a<a+b); rewrite ? orbT // orbF => /eqP /add_le3 ->.
Lemma sub_pr1r a b: T3nf a -> a - b = zero -> a <= b.
move => nn h; case /orP: (T3le_total a b) => // h1.
by move: (sub_pr1 nn h1); rewrite h T3addn0 => ->.
Lemma sub_pr1rCE (a := T3bad) (b := one) : (a - b == zero) && (b < a).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma T3addS a b : (a + T3succ b) = T3succ (a+ b).
Proof. by rewrite ! succ_is_add_one T3addA. Qed.
Notation Tf := (nat -> T3).
Definition limit_of (f: Tf) x :=
[/\ (forall n m, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m),
(forall n, f n < x) &
(forall y, T3nf y -> y < x -> (exists n, y <= f n))].
Lemma fincP (f: Tf) :
(forall n, f n < f n.+1) ->
(forall n m, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m).
move => h n; elim => //.
move => m Hm;rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt; case /orP;first by move => /eqP ->.
move /Hm => sa; exact: (T3lt_trans sa (h m)).
Definition limit12_hyp a b c:=
if c is cons a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 then
(n1 == 0) && (d1 == zero) &&
( ((a == a1) && (b < b1)) || ((a < a1) && (b < c)))
else false.
Definition phi0:= fun _ :nat => zero.
Definition phi1 a (f:Tf) := fun n => a + f n.
Definition phi5 (f:Tf) := fun n => [f n, zero,zero].
Definition phi12a a b (f:Tf) := fun n => [a,b,f n].
Lemma limit1 a b f:
T3nf a -> (limit_of f b) -> (limit_of (phi1 a f) (a + b)).
move => na [sa sb sc].
+ by move => n m / sa => h; rewrite T3lt_add2l.
+ by move => n; rewrite T3lt_add2l (sb n).
+ move => y ny hy.
case: (T3ltP a y) => cp; last first.
by exists 0; apply: (T3le_trans cp); rewrite add_le1.
move: (sub_pr1 ny (T3ltW cp)) => yv.
have ha: y - a < b by move: hy; rewrite {1} yv T3lt_add2l.
have [n nv] := (sc _ (nf_sub ny na) ha).
by exists n; rewrite yv T3le_add2l nv.
Lemma limit5 f x: (limit_of f x) -> (limit_of (phi5 f) [x,zero,zero]).
move => [sa sb sc].
have gi:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> (phi5 f) n < (phi5 f) m.
by move => n m /sa ha; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx T3ltnn ha /= !orbT.
split => //.
by move => n; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx T3ltnn (sb n) /= !orbT.
move => y.
move:{2} (size y).+1 (leqnn (size y).+1) => n; elim: n y=> //.
move => m Hrec y; rewrite ltnS.
case: y => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
have /and5P [_ lb lc _ _] := (size_prop1 a b c n d).
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !andbF !orbF /=.
move/and3P => [ ax bx cx].
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
have [n1 bp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bx).
have [n2 cp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cx).
have [n3 ap1] := (sc a na ax).
set k := (n1 + n2 + n3).+1.
have ha: (a < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans ap1) /sa;rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have hb: (b < (phi5 f) k).
by apply /(T3le_lt_trans bp1) /gi;rewrite /k ltnS -addnA leq_addr.
have hc: (c < (phi5 f) k).
by apply /(T3le_lt_trans cp1) /gi;rewrite /k ltnS addnAC leq_addl.
exists k.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !andbF !orbF /= ha hb hc.
Lemma limit12a f a b c: ~~ (limit12_hyp a b c) ->
(limit_of f c) -> (limit_of (phi12a a b f)[a, b, c]).
move => H [sa sb sc].
have gi:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> (phi12a a b f) n < (phi12a a b f) m.
by move => n m /sa ha; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !eqxx ha.
split => //.
by move => n; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !eqxx (sb n).
move => y.
move:{2} (size y).+1 (leqnn (size y).+1) => n; elim: n y=> //.
move => m Hrec y; rewrite ltnS.
rename a into a1;rename b into b1; rename c into c1.
case: y => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
case: c1 H sb sc Hrec.
by move => _ H; move: (H 0); rewrite T3ltn0.
move => a2 b2 c2 n2 d2 /=.
rewrite !negb_and negb_or !negb_and - !T3leNgt; set c1 := cons _ _ _ _ _.
move => H sb sc Hrec a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
have /and5P [_ lb lc _ _]:= (size_prop1 a b c n d).
have/and5P [na nb nc nd ne] := ny.
have nabc: T3nf [a,b,c] by rewrite nf_psi na nb nc.
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi.
case /orP.
move => /and3P[ha hb hc].
have [k kp] := (sc c nc hc).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (sa _ _ (ltnSn k))).
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb ck1.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ha hb hc].
have [k kp] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc hc).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (gi _ _ (ltnSn k))).
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb ck1 !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ha hb hc].
have [k kp] := (sc _ nabc hc).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (sa _ _ (ltnSn k))).
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb ck1 !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ha hb/eqP hc].
by move: H; case: hc => <- <- cc <- <- /=; rewrite T3leNgt eq_sym ha hb.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ha hb hc].
have [k1 k1p] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb hb).
have [k2 k2p] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc hc).
set k := (k1+k2).+1.
have hd: b < (phi12a a1 b1 f) k.
by apply /(T3le_lt_trans k1p) /gi; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
have he: c < (phi12a a1 b1 f) k.
by apply /(T3le_lt_trans k2p) /gi; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hd he !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /andP [ha hb]; exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha (T3lt_ne' ha) (T3lt_anti ha) hb.
case /orP.
move => /andP [ha hb]; exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /andP [ha hc].
have [k kp] := (sc _ nabc hc).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (sa _ _ (ltnSn k))).
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha ck1 !orbT.
move => /andP [ha /eqP hc]; exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha (T3lt_ne' ha) (T3lt_anti ha) hc.
move: H; case: (hc) => <- <- cc <- <- /=.
by rewrite (T3leNgt a) ha (T3lt_ne ha) /=;case /orP => -> //; rewrite orbT.
Fixpoint phi3 x n := if n is n.+1 then phi3 x n + x else x.
Lemma phi3v a b c k: phi3 [a,b,c] k = cons a b c k zero.
Proof. by elim k => // n H /=; rewrite H /= T3ltnn addn0. Qed.
Lemma limit3 x: limit_of (phi3 [zero,zero,x]) [zero, zero, T3succ x].
by move => n m; rewrite !phi3v T3lt_consE T3ltnn eqxx => ->.
by move => n; rewrite phi3v T3lt_consE lt_omega1 eqxx /= succ_lt.
case => //; first by move => _ h; exists 0.
move => a b c n d /and5P[_ _ nc _ _]; rewrite -/T3nf in nc.
rewrite psi_lt1 T3lt_psi' !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n !andbF /= => h.
exists (n.+1); rewrite phi3v T3le_consE ltnS leqnn if_simpl -/(orb _ _).
move: h; rewrite lt_succ_le_3 //;case/orP.
move => /and3P [sa sb sc]; rewrite (eqP sa) (eqP sb).
by move: sc; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx T3ltnn /T3le /=;case:(T3ltgtP x c).
case xz: (x==zero).
rewrite (eqP xz) /= /T3le -/one; case (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] one) => //.
by rewrite !andbF.
case ha: ([a,b,c] == one) => hh.
by rewrite (eqP ha) T3lt_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx T3lt0n xz.
rewrite orbC; apply: (T3le_trans _ (T3ltW (T3lt_psi_c zero zero x))).
by move: hh; rewrite (succ_psi_lt2 _ (negbT ha)) andbA; case /orP => /andP [].
Lemma limit2: limit_of (phi3 one) omega.
Proof. by apply: limit3. Qed.
Lemma limit12b1 x: (limit12_hyp zero zero x) ->
limit_of (phi3 x) [zero, zero, x].
case x => // [a1 b1 c1 n1 d1] /=.
rewrite !T3lt0n /= andbT => /andP[/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]].
have ->: (zero == a1) && (b1 != zero) || (a1 != zero) =
(a1 != zero) || (b1 != zero).
by rewrite eq_sym; case:eqP => //=; rewrite orbF.
move => sa; clear n1 d1.
by apply: fincP => n; rewrite !phi3v T3lt_consE !T3ltnn eqxx ltnS leqnn.
by move => n; rewrite phi3v T3lt_consE T3lt_psi_c.
case => //; first by move => _ h; exists 0.
move => a b c n d /and5P[_ _ nc _ _]; rewrite -/T3nf in nc.
rewrite psi_lt1 T3lt_psi' !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n !andbF /= => h.
exists (n.+1); rewrite phi3v T3le_consE ltnS leqnn if_simpl -/(orb _ _) orbC.
case/orP:h; last by rewrite andbA;case /orP => /andP [_].
move => /and3P[/eqP -> /eqP -> cc]; rewrite /T3le T3lt_psi' cc !T3lt0n.
move: sa; case a1z: (a1==zero); rewrite ?orbT //= (eq_sym _ a1) a1z.
by move => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Fixpoint phi4 x n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, phi4 x n, phi4 x n] else [x,zero,zero].
Lemma limit4 x: limit_of (phi4 x) [T3succ x, zero, zero].
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> phi4 x n < phi4 x m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_b.
split => //.
elim =>//.
by rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3lt0n /= succ_lt !orbT.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt !orbT.
move => y.
move:{2} (size y).+1 (leqnn (size y).+1) => n; elim: n y=> //.
move => m Hrec y; rewrite ltnS.
case: y => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm.
rewrite psi_lt1 /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 /= !andbF !orbF /=.
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ na) => /and3P [asx bx cx].
have /and5P [la lb lc ld _] := (size_prop1 a b c n d).
have [n1 bp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bx).
have [n2 cp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cx).
set k := (n1 + n2).+1.
have ha: (b < phi4 x k)
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans bp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
have hb: (b < phi4 x k.+1) by apply: (T3lt_trans ha); apply:ff.
have hc: (c < phi4 x k.+1).
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans cp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS /k -addSn leq_addl.
exists k.+1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE ltn0 T3len0 T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb hc.
by case/orP: asx => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Fixpoint phi8 x y n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, phi8 x y n, phi8 x y n] else [T3succ x,zero,y].
Lemma limit8 x y: limit_of (phi8 x y) [T3succ x, zero, T3succ y].
set f := phi8 x y.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_b.
split => //.
elim =>//.
by rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3lt0n /= succ_lt !eqxx.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt !orbT.
move => z.
move:{2} (size z).+1 (leqnn (size z).+1) => n; elim: n z=> //.
move => m Hrec z; rewrite ltnS.
case: z => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n!andbF /=.
case: (T3ltgtP a (T3succ x)).
+ rewrite /= orbF (lt_succ_le_3 _ na) => ax /andP [bx cx].
have [n1 bp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bx).
have [n2 cp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cx).
set k := (n1 + n2).+1.
have ha: (b < f k)
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans bp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
have hb: (b < f k.+1) by apply: (T3lt_trans ha); apply:ff.
have hc: (c < f k.+1).
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans cp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS /k -addSn leq_addl.
exists k.+1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE ltn0 T3len0 T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb hc.
by case/orP: ax => ->; rewrite !orbT.
+ rewrite /= orbC -/(T3le _ _) => sa; rewrite succ_psi_lt2.
by move => sb;exists 0; rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi' sa sb !orbT.
apply /eqP => h; by move: sa; case: h => ->; rewrite T3ltn0.
+ case bz: (b==zero).
* rewrite /= orbF (lt_succ_le_3 _ nc) => ax; case /orP.
move => cy; move: (succ_lt x) => h.
exists 1; rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax h (T3lt_anti h).
by rewrite (T3lt_ne' h) /= (eqP bz) (eqP cy) eqxx !orbT.
by exists 0; rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax bz T3ltnn eqxx b0.
* rewrite /= orbF orbC -/(T3le _ _) => sa sb.
exists 0.
rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi T3ltn0 T3lt0n sa bz eqxx T3ltnn.
by rewrite /= -sa orbF orbC -/(T3le _ _) -succ_psi_lt2 ? sb // T3eqE bz andbF.
Fixpoint phi12b2 x y n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, phi12b2 x y n, phi12b2 x y n] else y.
Lemma limit12b2 x y: (limit12_hyp (T3succ x) zero y) ->
limit_of (phi12b2 x y) [T3succ x, zero, y].
move => l12h.
set f := phi12b2 x y.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=;apply: T3lt_psi_b.
split => //.
elim =>//; first by apply: T3lt_psi_c.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt !orbT.
move => z.
move:{2} (size z).+1 (leqnn (size z).+1) => n; elim: n z=> //.
move => m Hrec z; rewrite ltnS.
case: z => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n!andbF /=.
case: (T3ltgtP a (T3succ x)).
* rewrite /= orbF (lt_succ_le_3 _ na) => ax /andP [bx cx].
have [n1 bp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bx).
have [n2 cp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cx).
set k := (n1 + n2).+1.
have ha: (b < f k)
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans bp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
have hb: (b < f k.+1) by apply: (T3lt_trans ha); apply:ff.
have hc: (c < f k.+1).
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans cp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS /k -addSn leq_addl.
exists k.+1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE ltn0 T3len0 T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb hc.
by case/orP: ax => ->; rewrite !orbT.
* rewrite /= orbC -/(T3le _ _) => sa sb.
move: (T3lt_trans (succ_lt x) sa) => sc.
exists 1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi sc (T3lt_anti sc) (T3lt_ne' sc) /=.
by case /orP: sb => ->; rewrite !orbT.
* case bz: (b==zero); last first.
rewrite /= orbF => sa sb; move:(succ_lt x) => sc; exists 1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi sa sc (T3lt_anti sc) (T3lt_ne' sc).
by rewrite - sa /=; case /orP: sb => ->; rewrite !orbT.
rewrite /= orbF => sa sb.
move:(succ_lt x) => sc; case: (T3leP [a, b, c] y) => sd.
exists 1; case /orP: sd => xx;
by rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xx sa sc !orbT.
move: sb sd l12h; case y => //.
move => a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /= ha hb /andP [/andP [/eqP nz /eqP dz]].
move: ha hb; rewrite nz dz => ha.
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi (eqP bz) (T3lt_anti ha) (T3lt_ne' ha) - sa.
rewrite T3ltn0 !andbF !orbF !T3lt0n /= (eq_sym a).
by case: (T3ltgtP a1 a) => //; case: (b1 == zero).
Fixpoint phi6 x y n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, y, phi6 x y n] else [x,y,zero].
Fixpoint phi10 x y z n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, y, phi10 x y z n] else [x,T3succ y,z].
Fixpoint phi12b4 x y z n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, y, phi12b4 x y z n] else z.
Lemma limit6 x y:
limit_of (phi6 x y) [x,T3succ y, zero].
set f := phi6 x y.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=;apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx !T3lt0n succ_lt /= orbT.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt eqxx !orbT.
move => z.
move:{2} (size z).+1 (leqnn (size z).+1) => n; elim: n z=> //.
move => m Hrec z; rewrite ltnS.
case: z => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !andbF !orbF /=.
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nb).
case /orP.
move /and3P =>[ax lby cz].
have [k kp] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (ff _ _ (ltnSn k))).
have ck2 := (T3lt_trans ck1 (ff _ _ (ltnSn k.+1))).
exists k.+2; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ck1 ck2.
by case /orP:lby => -> //; rewrite orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P =>[ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have ha: (b < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have hb: (c < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ha hb !orbT.
rewrite - andb_orr orbC => /andP[xa xb].
case abc1: ([a,b,c]== one).
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xa.
rewrite (eqP abc1) (eq_sym one y); case: (T3ltgtP y one); rewrite ?orbT //.
rewrite (T3lt_ne' xa) (T3lt_anti xa) /= T3lt1 => /eqP ->.
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3lt0n T3eqE /= (eq_sym x).
by case: (zero ==x) => //; rewrite eqxx !orbT.
move: xb; rewrite -/(T3le _ _) succ_psi_lt2 ? abc1 // => xc.
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xa; case /orP: xc => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit10 x y z:
limit_of (phi10 x y z) [x,T3succ y, T3succ z].
set f := phi10 x y z.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=;apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !eqxx succ_lt.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt eqxx !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi.
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nb) (lt_succ_le_3 _ nc).
have ha:= (T3lt_psi_c x (T3succ y) z).
case abc1: ([a,b,c] == one).
case: (eqP abc1) => -> -> ->; exists 0.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3gt1 /= /one T3eqE /= (negbTE(succ_nz y)) andbF.
rewrite succ_psi_lt2 ? abc1 // succ_psi_lt2 ? abc1 //.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax lby cz].
exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax (eqP ax) (eqP lby) succ_lt.
case /orP: cz; first by move /eqP => ->; rewrite eqxx !orbT.
by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !eqxx => ->; rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax lby cz].
have [k kp] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (ff _ _ (ltnSn k))).
have ck2 := (T3lt_trans ck1 (ff _ _ (ltnSn k.+1))).
exists k.+2; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ck1 ck2.
by case /orP: lby => -> //;rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax lby cz].
exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax.
by rewrite (T3le_lt_trans cz ha) (T3lt_trans (succ_lt y) lby) !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have hc: (b < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have hb: (c < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax hc hb !orbT.
rewrite - andb_orr orbC => /andP[xa xb].
exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xa (T3lt_anti xa) (T3lt_ne' xa)/=.
case /orP: xb.
by move => sa; rewrite (T3le_lt_trans sa ha) !orbT.
by case /orP => -> //; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit12b4 x y z: (limit12_hyp x (T3succ y) z) ->
limit_of (phi12b4 x y z) [x,T3succ y,z].
move => H0.
set f := phi12b4 x y z.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=;apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by apply: T3lt_psi_c.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt eqxx !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi.
case /orP.
move => /and3P[ax yb cz].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax {3} (eqP yb) succ_lt.
suff: ([a, b, c] < z) by move => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move: H0 cz; case z => // a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /=.
move => /andP [/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]]; rewrite - (eqP yb) - (eqP ax).
by case /orP => /andP[pa pb] pc; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi pa pb pc !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax yb cz].
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nb) in yb.
have [k kp] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (ff _ _ (ltnSn k))).
have ck2 := (T3lt_trans ck1 (ff _ _ (ltnSn k.+1))).
exists k.+2; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ck1 ck2.
by case /orP: yb => -> //;rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax bz cz].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax (T3lt_trans (succ_lt y) bz).
by case /orP: cz => ->; rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have ha: (b < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have hb: (c < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ha hb !orbT.
rewrite - andb_orr orbC => /andP[xa xb].
exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xa (T3lt_anti xa) (T3lt_ne' xa)/=.
case /orP: xb.
by case/orP => ->; rewrite !orbT.
rewrite succ_psi_lt2; first by case/orP => -> //;rewrite !orbT.
by apply/negP;move /eqP => h; move: xa; case: h => ->; rewrite T3ltn0.
Fixpoint phi7 x y f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, f n, phi7 x y f n] else y.
Fixpoint phi9 x y f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [f n, phi9 x y f n, phi9 x y f n] else [x, zero,y].
Fixpoint phi11 x y z f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x,f n, phi11 x y z f n ] else [x, y,z].
Fixpoint phi12b3 y f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [f n, phi12b3 y f n , phi12b3 y f n] else y.
Fixpoint phi12b5 x z f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x,f n, phi12b5 x z f n ] else z.
Lemma limit7 x y f: (limit_of f y) ->
(limit_of ( phi7 x y f) [x,y,zero]).
move => [sa sb sc].
set g := (phi7 x y f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by apply: T3lt_psi_b.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H eqxx sb /= !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi T3ltn0 T3len0 !andbF /=.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cz].
have [k2 kp2] := (sc _ nb lby).
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < f k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb: (c < g k.+1)
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS -addnS leq_addr.
by exists (k.+1); rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
rewrite orbF => /andP [ha hb].
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ha; case/orP: hb => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit9 x y f: (limit_of f x) ->
(limit_of (phi9 x y f) [x,zero, T3succ y]).
move => [sa sb sc].
set g := (phi9 x y f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by rewrite T3lt_psi/lt_psi eqxx succ_lt.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H /= -/phi9 sb !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi T3ltn0 T3len0 !andbF /=.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nc) in cy.
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (eqP ax) (sb 0) (eqP lby).
case /orP: cy; first by move /eqP ->; rewrite eqxx !orbT.
by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi => ->; rewrite !eqxx /= !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy]; rewrite T3lt0n in lby.
have ha: ([a, b, c] < [a, zero, y]).
apply:(T3le_lt_trans _ (T3lt_psi_c a zero y)).
by rewrite - succ_psi_lt2 ?cy // T3eqE (negbTE lby) !andbF.
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi -(eqP ax) ha (eqP ax) (sb 0) !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
have [k3 kp3] := (sc _ na ax).
set k := (k1 + k2+k3).+1.
have pa:(b < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS - addnS addnAC leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS - addnS - addnA leq_addr.
have pc:(a < f k).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp3) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi pa pb pc !orbT.
move /andP => [ha hb].
have hc: ([a, b, c] < [x, zero, y]).
apply:(T3le_lt_trans _ (T3lt_psi_c x zero y)).
rewrite - succ_psi_lt2 ?cy //; apply /negP => h.
by move: ha; case: (eqP h) => ->; rewrite T3ltn0.
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (T3lt_trans (sb 0) ha) hc !orbT.
Lemma limit11 x y z f: (limit_of f y) ->
(limit_of (phi11 x y z f) [x, y, T3succ z]).
move => [sa sb sc].
set g := (phi11 x y z f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by rewrite T3lt_psi/lt_psi !eqxx succ_lt.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H /= -/phi11 sb eqxx !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nc) in cy.
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (eqP ax) (eqP lby) (sb 0).
case /orP: cy; first by move /eqP ->; rewrite !eqxx !orbT.
by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi => ->; rewrite !eqxx /= !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (sc _ nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < f k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS -addnS leq_addr.
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz]; rewrite succ_psi_lt2 ?T3eqE ?(T3lcp0_pr bz) ?andbF //.
by case/orP => h;exists 0; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax bz h !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case /orP; move => /andP [xa yb].
exists 0.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi xa; case/orP: yb => ->;rewrite !orbT.
exists 0; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi xa.
move: yb; rewrite succ_psi_lt2 ?T3eqE ?(T3lcp0_pr xa) ?andbF //.
by case /orP => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit12b3 x y f: (limit_of f x) -> (limit12_hyp x zero y) ->
(limit_of (phi12b3 y f) [x, zero, y]).
move => [sa sb sc] H0.
set g := (phi12b3 y f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by apply:T3lt_psi_c.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H /= -/phi11 sb !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi T3ltn0 !andbF !orFb.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (eqP ax) (eqP lby)(sb 0).
suff: ([x, zero, c] < y) by move => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move: H0 cy; case y => // a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /=.
move => /andP [/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]] h; rewrite T3lt_psi' => ->.
by case /orP:h => /andP[pa pb]; rewrite pa ? pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (eqP ax) (sb 0) - (eqP ax).
by case /orP: cy => ->; rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cy).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb lby).
have [k3 kp3] := (sc _ na ax).
set k := (k1 + k2+k3).+1.
have pa:(b < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS - addnS addnAC leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS - addnS - addnA leq_addr.
have pc:(a < f k).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp3) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi pa pb pc !orbT.
move /andP => [ax bx].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (T3lt_trans (sb 0) ax).
by case /orP: bx => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit12b5 x y z f: (limit_of f y) -> (limit12_hyp x y z) ->
(limit_of (phi12b5 x z f) [x,y,z]).
move => [sa sb sc] H0.
set g := (phi12b5 x z f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by apply:T3lt_psi_c.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H eqxx /= -/phi11 sb !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax (eqP lby)(sb 0) cy.
suff: ([a, y, c] < z) by move => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move: H0 cy; case z => // a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /=.
move => /andP [/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]] h; rewrite T3lt_psi' => ->.
by case /orP:h => /andP[pa pb]; rewrite (eqP ax) pa ? pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cy).
have [k2 kp2] := (sc _ nb lby).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < f k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS -addnS leq_addr.
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax (T3lt_trans (sb 0) lby).
by case/orP: cy => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cy).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb lby).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case/orP;move /andP => [ax bx].
case (T3ltP z y) => yz; last first.
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax.
by case/orP: (T3le_trans bx yz) => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move: H0 yz; case z => // a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /=.
move => /andP [/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]] pv pw; move: pv.
rewrite (T3lt_anti (T3lt_trans (T3lt_psi_b a1 b1 c1) pw)).
by rewrite (T3lt_anti pw) !andbF.
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax; case/orP: bx => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Definition phi_rec_psi f a b c :=
if (c==zero) then
if(b==zero) then
if(a==zero) then phi0
else if(T3is_succ a) then phi4 (T3pred a)
else phi5 (f a)
else if(T3is_succ b) then phi6 a (T3pred b)
else phi7 a b (f b)
else if(T3is_succ c) then
if(b==zero) then
if(a==zero) then phi3 [zero,zero, T3pred c]
else if (T3is_succ a) then phi8 (T3pred a) (T3pred c)
else phi9 a (T3pred c) (f a)
else if(T3is_succ b) then phi10 a (T3pred b) (T3pred c)
else phi11 a b (T3pred c) (f b)
else if (limit12_hyp a b c) then
if(b==zero) then
if(a==zero) then phi3 c
else if(T3is_succ a) then phi12b2 (T3pred a) c
else phi12b3 c (f a)
else if (T3is_succ b) then phi12b4 a (T3pred b) c
else phi12b5 a c (f b)
else phi12a a b (f c).
Definition phi_rec f (x: T3) :=
if x is cons a b c n d then
if (d==zero) then
if n is n.+1 then phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (phi_rec_psi f a b c)
else phi_rec_psi f a b c
else phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (f d)
else phi0.
Fixpoint phia k := if k is k.+1 then phi_rec (phia k) else (fun x =>phi0).
Definition phi x := phia (size x).+1 x.
Lemma phiE x : phi x = phi_rec phi x.
have aux: forall n x,
(size x < n)%N -> phia n x = (phi x).
clear x; move => n; elim: n {1 3 4} n (leqnn n); first by case.
move => k0 Hrec [] // k1; rewrite ltnS => k1k0.
case => // a b c n d; rewrite ltnS => e3.
move /and5P:(size_prop1 a b c n d) => [pa pb pc pd pe].
have la:= (leq_trans pa e3).
have lb:= (leq_trans pb e3).
have lc:= (leq_trans pc e3).
have ld:= (leq_trans pd e3).
have le: (size (cons a b c 0 d) <= k0)%N.
by move:(leq_trans e3 k1k0).
rewrite /phi /phia -/phia /phi_rec -/phi -/(phi_rec _ d).
case dz: (d==zero).
case n; first by rewrite /phi_rec_psi !Hrec //.
by move => m; congr (phi1 _ _);rewrite /phi_rec_psi !Hrec.
by congr phi1; rewrite !Hrec.
case x => // a b c n d.
move: (size_prop1 a b c n d).
move/and5P=> [pa pb pc pd pe].
rewrite /phi /phia -/phia /phi_rec -/phi -/(phi_rec _ d).
case dz: (d==zero).
case n; first by rewrite /phi_rec_psi !aux.
by move => m; congr (phi1 _ _);rewrite /phi_rec_psi !aux.
by congr phi1; rewrite aux.
Lemma phiE_1 a b c n:
phi (cons a b c n.+1 zero) = phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (phi [a, b, c]).
Proof. by rewrite phiE /=; congr phi1; rewrite phiE /phi_rec eqxx. Qed.
Lemma phiE_2 a b c n d: d != zero ->
phi (cons a b c n d) = phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (phi d).
Proof. by move => dz; rewrite phiE /phi_rec (negbTE dz). Qed.
Lemma phiE_3 a b c: phi ([a,b,c]) = phi_rec_psi phi a b c.
Proof. by rewrite phiE /phi_rec. Qed.
Lemma phiL x: T3nf x -> T3limit x -> limit_of (phi x) x.
set n := (size x).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n => n.
elim: n x => [ // | k Hr]; case => //.
move => a b c n d; rewrite ltnS => sa nx.
move: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => /and5P[la lb lc ld le].
move: (nx); rewrite nf_consE => /and3P [nabc nd ne] lx.
case dz: (d==zero); last first.
move: lx => /=; rewrite dz /=; case:(all_zero a b c) => // ly.
have py: limit_of (phi d) d by apply: Hr => //; apply: (leq_trans ld sa).
have pd: T3nf(cons a b c n zero) by rewrite nf_consE nabc.
rewrite phiE_2 ? dz // - (add_to_cons n ne); exact: (limit1 pd py).
suff: limit_of (phi [a, b, c]) [a, b, c].
rewrite (eqP dz); case n => // m ha.
have ny: T3nf (cons a b c m zero) by rewrite nf_consE nabc.
by move: (limit1 ny ha); rewrite phiE_1 /T3add T3ltnn addn0.
have la':= (leq_trans la sa).
have lb':= (leq_trans lb sa).
have lc':= (leq_trans lc sa).
move: lx; rewrite /T3limit dz /= => lx.
clear d la lb lc ld le sa nx nd dz ne.
rewrite phiE_3 /phi_rec_psi.
move: nabc; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf =>/and5P[na nb nc _ _].
move: (limit_pr1 c).
case cz: (c==zero).
move: (limit_pr1 b).
case bz: (b==zero).
rewrite (eqP bz) (eqP cz).
move: lx (limit_pr1 a); rewrite /all_zero bz cz.
case az: (a==zero) => //=.
case la: (T3is_succ a).
move => _ _ _ _; rewrite {2} (succ_pred na la); apply: limit4.
by rewrite addbF => _ lla _ _; apply: limit5; apply: Hr.
case lb: (T3is_succ b).
rewrite {3} (succ_pred nb lb) (eqP cz) => _ _; apply: limit6.
by rewrite addbF => /= llb _; rewrite (eqP cz); apply: limit7;apply: Hr.
case lc: (T3is_succ c).
move: (limit_pr1 b).
case bz: (b==zero).
move: (limit_pr1 a).
case az: (a==zero).
rewrite (eqP az) (eqP bz) {3} (succ_pred nc lc) => _ _ _; apply: limit3.
case la: (T3is_succ a).
move => _ _ _; rewrite {2}(succ_pred na la) {2}(succ_pred nc lc)(eqP bz).
apply: limit8.
rewrite /= addbF (eqP bz) {3}(succ_pred nc lc)=> lla _ _.
by apply: limit9; apply: Hr.
case lb: (T3is_succ b).
move => _ _. rewrite {2}(succ_pred nb lb) {2}(succ_pred nc lc).
apply: limit10.
rewrite /= addbF {3}(succ_pred nc lc) => lbb _; apply: limit11.
by apply: Hr.
rewrite /= addbF => lcc; move: (Hr _ lc' nc lcc) => hc.
case h12: (limit12_hyp a b c); last by apply: limit12a => //; rewrite h12.
move: (limit_pr1 b).
case bz: (b==zero).
move: (limit_pr1 a); move: h12.
case az: (a==zero).
by rewrite (eqP az) (eqP bz) => h12 _ _; apply:limit12b1.
case la: (T3is_succ a).
rewrite {1 4}(succ_pred na la) (eqP bz) => h12 _ _.
by apply: limit12b2.
rewrite /= addbF (eqP bz)=> h12 lla _.
by apply: limit12b3 => //; apply: Hr.
case lb: (T3is_succ b).
by move: h12;rewrite {1 4}(succ_pred nb lb) => h12 _; apply: limit12b4.
by rewrite /= addbF => llb; apply: limit12b5 => //; apply: Hr.
Lemma conc1 (x:= [zero,zero, epsilon0]): limit_of (phi3 epsilon0) x.
have ->: (phi3 epsilon0) = phi x.
by rewrite /x phiE_3 /= /phi_rec_psi -/phi_rec_psi eqxx /=.
by apply: phiL.
Definition limit_of (f: Tf) x :=
[/\ (forall n m, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m),
(forall n, f n < x) &
(forall y, T3nf y -> y < x -> (exists n, y <= f n))].
Lemma fincP (f: Tf) :
(forall n, f n < f n.+1) ->
(forall n m, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m).
move => h n; elim => //.
move => m Hm;rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt; case /orP;first by move => /eqP ->.
move /Hm => sa; exact: (T3lt_trans sa (h m)).
Definition limit12_hyp a b c:=
if c is cons a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 then
(n1 == 0) && (d1 == zero) &&
( ((a == a1) && (b < b1)) || ((a < a1) && (b < c)))
else false.
Definition phi0:= fun _ :nat => zero.
Definition phi1 a (f:Tf) := fun n => a + f n.
Definition phi5 (f:Tf) := fun n => [f n, zero,zero].
Definition phi12a a b (f:Tf) := fun n => [a,b,f n].
Lemma limit1 a b f:
T3nf a -> (limit_of f b) -> (limit_of (phi1 a f) (a + b)).
move => na [sa sb sc].
+ by move => n m / sa => h; rewrite T3lt_add2l.
+ by move => n; rewrite T3lt_add2l (sb n).
+ move => y ny hy.
case: (T3ltP a y) => cp; last first.
by exists 0; apply: (T3le_trans cp); rewrite add_le1.
move: (sub_pr1 ny (T3ltW cp)) => yv.
have ha: y - a < b by move: hy; rewrite {1} yv T3lt_add2l.
have [n nv] := (sc _ (nf_sub ny na) ha).
by exists n; rewrite yv T3le_add2l nv.
Lemma limit5 f x: (limit_of f x) -> (limit_of (phi5 f) [x,zero,zero]).
move => [sa sb sc].
have gi:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> (phi5 f) n < (phi5 f) m.
by move => n m /sa ha; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx T3ltnn ha /= !orbT.
split => //.
by move => n; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx T3ltnn (sb n) /= !orbT.
move => y.
move:{2} (size y).+1 (leqnn (size y).+1) => n; elim: n y=> //.
move => m Hrec y; rewrite ltnS.
case: y => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
have /and5P [_ lb lc _ _] := (size_prop1 a b c n d).
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !andbF !orbF /=.
move/and3P => [ ax bx cx].
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
have [n1 bp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bx).
have [n2 cp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cx).
have [n3 ap1] := (sc a na ax).
set k := (n1 + n2 + n3).+1.
have ha: (a < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans ap1) /sa;rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have hb: (b < (phi5 f) k).
by apply /(T3le_lt_trans bp1) /gi;rewrite /k ltnS -addnA leq_addr.
have hc: (c < (phi5 f) k).
by apply /(T3le_lt_trans cp1) /gi;rewrite /k ltnS addnAC leq_addl.
exists k.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !andbF !orbF /= ha hb hc.
Lemma limit12a f a b c: ~~ (limit12_hyp a b c) ->
(limit_of f c) -> (limit_of (phi12a a b f)[a, b, c]).
move => H [sa sb sc].
have gi:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> (phi12a a b f) n < (phi12a a b f) m.
by move => n m /sa ha; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !eqxx ha.
split => //.
by move => n; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !eqxx (sb n).
move => y.
move:{2} (size y).+1 (leqnn (size y).+1) => n; elim: n y=> //.
move => m Hrec y; rewrite ltnS.
rename a into a1;rename b into b1; rename c into c1.
case: y => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
case: c1 H sb sc Hrec.
by move => _ H; move: (H 0); rewrite T3ltn0.
move => a2 b2 c2 n2 d2 /=.
rewrite !negb_and negb_or !negb_and - !T3leNgt; set c1 := cons _ _ _ _ _.
move => H sb sc Hrec a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
have /and5P [_ lb lc _ _]:= (size_prop1 a b c n d).
have/and5P [na nb nc nd ne] := ny.
have nabc: T3nf [a,b,c] by rewrite nf_psi na nb nc.
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi.
case /orP.
move => /and3P[ha hb hc].
have [k kp] := (sc c nc hc).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (sa _ _ (ltnSn k))).
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb ck1.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ha hb hc].
have [k kp] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc hc).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (gi _ _ (ltnSn k))).
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb ck1 !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ha hb hc].
have [k kp] := (sc _ nabc hc).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (sa _ _ (ltnSn k))).
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb ck1 !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ha hb/eqP hc].
by move: H; case: hc => <- <- cc <- <- /=; rewrite T3leNgt eq_sym ha hb.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ha hb hc].
have [k1 k1p] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb hb).
have [k2 k2p] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc hc).
set k := (k1+k2).+1.
have hd: b < (phi12a a1 b1 f) k.
by apply /(T3le_lt_trans k1p) /gi; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
have he: c < (phi12a a1 b1 f) k.
by apply /(T3le_lt_trans k2p) /gi; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hd he !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /andP [ha hb]; exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha (T3lt_ne' ha) (T3lt_anti ha) hb.
case /orP.
move => /andP [ha hb]; exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /andP [ha hc].
have [k kp] := (sc _ nabc hc).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (sa _ _ (ltnSn k))).
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha ck1 !orbT.
move => /andP [ha /eqP hc]; exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha (T3lt_ne' ha) (T3lt_anti ha) hc.
move: H; case: (hc) => <- <- cc <- <- /=.
by rewrite (T3leNgt a) ha (T3lt_ne ha) /=;case /orP => -> //; rewrite orbT.
Fixpoint phi3 x n := if n is n.+1 then phi3 x n + x else x.
Lemma phi3v a b c k: phi3 [a,b,c] k = cons a b c k zero.
Proof. by elim k => // n H /=; rewrite H /= T3ltnn addn0. Qed.
Lemma limit3 x: limit_of (phi3 [zero,zero,x]) [zero, zero, T3succ x].
by move => n m; rewrite !phi3v T3lt_consE T3ltnn eqxx => ->.
by move => n; rewrite phi3v T3lt_consE lt_omega1 eqxx /= succ_lt.
case => //; first by move => _ h; exists 0.
move => a b c n d /and5P[_ _ nc _ _]; rewrite -/T3nf in nc.
rewrite psi_lt1 T3lt_psi' !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n !andbF /= => h.
exists (n.+1); rewrite phi3v T3le_consE ltnS leqnn if_simpl -/(orb _ _).
move: h; rewrite lt_succ_le_3 //;case/orP.
move => /and3P [sa sb sc]; rewrite (eqP sa) (eqP sb).
by move: sc; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx T3ltnn /T3le /=;case:(T3ltgtP x c).
case xz: (x==zero).
rewrite (eqP xz) /= /T3le -/one; case (T3ltgtP [a, b, c] one) => //.
by rewrite !andbF.
case ha: ([a,b,c] == one) => hh.
by rewrite (eqP ha) T3lt_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx T3lt0n xz.
rewrite orbC; apply: (T3le_trans _ (T3ltW (T3lt_psi_c zero zero x))).
by move: hh; rewrite (succ_psi_lt2 _ (negbT ha)) andbA; case /orP => /andP [].
Lemma limit2: limit_of (phi3 one) omega.
Proof. by apply: limit3. Qed.
Lemma limit12b1 x: (limit12_hyp zero zero x) ->
limit_of (phi3 x) [zero, zero, x].
case x => // [a1 b1 c1 n1 d1] /=.
rewrite !T3lt0n /= andbT => /andP[/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]].
have ->: (zero == a1) && (b1 != zero) || (a1 != zero) =
(a1 != zero) || (b1 != zero).
by rewrite eq_sym; case:eqP => //=; rewrite orbF.
move => sa; clear n1 d1.
by apply: fincP => n; rewrite !phi3v T3lt_consE !T3ltnn eqxx ltnS leqnn.
by move => n; rewrite phi3v T3lt_consE T3lt_psi_c.
case => //; first by move => _ h; exists 0.
move => a b c n d /and5P[_ _ nc _ _]; rewrite -/T3nf in nc.
rewrite psi_lt1 T3lt_psi' !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n !andbF /= => h.
exists (n.+1); rewrite phi3v T3le_consE ltnS leqnn if_simpl -/(orb _ _) orbC.
case/orP:h; last by rewrite andbA;case /orP => /andP [_].
move => /and3P[/eqP -> /eqP -> cc]; rewrite /T3le T3lt_psi' cc !T3lt0n.
move: sa; case a1z: (a1==zero); rewrite ?orbT //= (eq_sym _ a1) a1z.
by move => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Fixpoint phi4 x n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, phi4 x n, phi4 x n] else [x,zero,zero].
Lemma limit4 x: limit_of (phi4 x) [T3succ x, zero, zero].
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> phi4 x n < phi4 x m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_b.
split => //.
elim =>//.
by rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3lt0n /= succ_lt !orbT.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt !orbT.
move => y.
move:{2} (size y).+1 (leqnn (size y).+1) => n; elim: n y=> //.
move => m Hrec y; rewrite ltnS.
case: y => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm.
rewrite psi_lt1 /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 /= !andbF !orbF /=.
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ na) => /and3P [asx bx cx].
have /and5P [la lb lc ld _] := (size_prop1 a b c n d).
have [n1 bp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bx).
have [n2 cp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cx).
set k := (n1 + n2).+1.
have ha: (b < phi4 x k)
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans bp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
have hb: (b < phi4 x k.+1) by apply: (T3lt_trans ha); apply:ff.
have hc: (c < phi4 x k.+1).
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans cp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS /k -addSn leq_addl.
exists k.+1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE ltn0 T3len0 T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb hc.
by case/orP: asx => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Fixpoint phi8 x y n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, phi8 x y n, phi8 x y n] else [T3succ x,zero,y].
Lemma limit8 x y: limit_of (phi8 x y) [T3succ x, zero, T3succ y].
set f := phi8 x y.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_b.
split => //.
elim =>//.
by rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3lt0n /= succ_lt !eqxx.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt !orbT.
move => z.
move:{2} (size z).+1 (leqnn (size z).+1) => n; elim: n z=> //.
move => m Hrec z; rewrite ltnS.
case: z => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n!andbF /=.
case: (T3ltgtP a (T3succ x)).
+ rewrite /= orbF (lt_succ_le_3 _ na) => ax /andP [bx cx].
have [n1 bp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bx).
have [n2 cp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cx).
set k := (n1 + n2).+1.
have ha: (b < f k)
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans bp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
have hb: (b < f k.+1) by apply: (T3lt_trans ha); apply:ff.
have hc: (c < f k.+1).
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans cp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS /k -addSn leq_addl.
exists k.+1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE ltn0 T3len0 T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb hc.
by case/orP: ax => ->; rewrite !orbT.
+ rewrite /= orbC -/(T3le _ _) => sa; rewrite succ_psi_lt2.
by move => sb;exists 0; rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi' sa sb !orbT.
apply /eqP => h; by move: sa; case: h => ->; rewrite T3ltn0.
+ case bz: (b==zero).
* rewrite /= orbF (lt_succ_le_3 _ nc) => ax; case /orP.
move => cy; move: (succ_lt x) => h.
exists 1; rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax h (T3lt_anti h).
by rewrite (T3lt_ne' h) /= (eqP bz) (eqP cy) eqxx !orbT.
by exists 0; rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax bz T3ltnn eqxx b0.
* rewrite /= orbF orbC -/(T3le _ _) => sa sb.
exists 0.
rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi T3ltn0 T3lt0n sa bz eqxx T3ltnn.
by rewrite /= -sa orbF orbC -/(T3le _ _) -succ_psi_lt2 ? sb // T3eqE bz andbF.
Fixpoint phi12b2 x y n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, phi12b2 x y n, phi12b2 x y n] else y.
Lemma limit12b2 x y: (limit12_hyp (T3succ x) zero y) ->
limit_of (phi12b2 x y) [T3succ x, zero, y].
move => l12h.
set f := phi12b2 x y.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=;apply: T3lt_psi_b.
split => //.
elim =>//; first by apply: T3lt_psi_c.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt !orbT.
move => z.
move:{2} (size z).+1 (leqnn (size z).+1) => n; elim: n z=> //.
move => m Hrec z; rewrite ltnS.
case: z => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n!andbF /=.
case: (T3ltgtP a (T3succ x)).
* rewrite /= orbF (lt_succ_le_3 _ na) => ax /andP [bx cx].
have [n1 bp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bx).
have [n2 cp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cx).
set k := (n1 + n2).+1.
have ha: (b < f k)
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans bp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
have hb: (b < f k.+1) by apply: (T3lt_trans ha); apply:ff.
have hc: (c < f k.+1).
by apply:(T3le_lt_trans cp1); apply: ff; rewrite ltnS /k -addSn leq_addl.
exists k.+1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE ltn0 T3len0 T3lt_psi /lt_psi ha hb hc.
by case/orP: ax => ->; rewrite !orbT.
* rewrite /= orbC -/(T3le _ _) => sa sb.
move: (T3lt_trans (succ_lt x) sa) => sc.
exists 1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi sc (T3lt_anti sc) (T3lt_ne' sc) /=.
by case /orP: sb => ->; rewrite !orbT.
* case bz: (b==zero); last first.
rewrite /= orbF => sa sb; move:(succ_lt x) => sc; exists 1.
rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi sa sc (T3lt_anti sc) (T3lt_ne' sc).
by rewrite - sa /=; case /orP: sb => ->; rewrite !orbT.
rewrite /= orbF => sa sb.
move:(succ_lt x) => sc; case: (T3leP [a, b, c] y) => sd.
exists 1; case /orP: sd => xx;
by rewrite /= T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xx sa sc !orbT.
move: sb sd l12h; case y => //.
move => a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /= ha hb /andP [/andP [/eqP nz /eqP dz]].
move: ha hb; rewrite nz dz => ha.
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi (eqP bz) (T3lt_anti ha) (T3lt_ne' ha) - sa.
rewrite T3ltn0 !andbF !orbF !T3lt0n /= (eq_sym a).
by case: (T3ltgtP a1 a) => //; case: (b1 == zero).
Fixpoint phi6 x y n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, y, phi6 x y n] else [x,y,zero].
Fixpoint phi10 x y z n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, y, phi10 x y z n] else [x,T3succ y,z].
Fixpoint phi12b4 x y z n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, y, phi12b4 x y z n] else z.
Lemma limit6 x y:
limit_of (phi6 x y) [x,T3succ y, zero].
set f := phi6 x y.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=;apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx !T3lt0n succ_lt /= orbT.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt eqxx !orbT.
move => z.
move:{2} (size z).+1 (leqnn (size z).+1) => n; elim: n z=> //.
move => m Hrec z; rewrite ltnS.
case: z => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !andbF !orbF /=.
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nb).
case /orP.
move /and3P =>[ax lby cz].
have [k kp] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (ff _ _ (ltnSn k))).
have ck2 := (T3lt_trans ck1 (ff _ _ (ltnSn k.+1))).
exists k.+2; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ck1 ck2.
by case /orP:lby => -> //; rewrite orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P =>[ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have ha: (b < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have hb: (c < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ha hb !orbT.
rewrite - andb_orr orbC => /andP[xa xb].
case abc1: ([a,b,c]== one).
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xa.
rewrite (eqP abc1) (eq_sym one y); case: (T3ltgtP y one); rewrite ?orbT //.
rewrite (T3lt_ne' xa) (T3lt_anti xa) /= T3lt1 => /eqP ->.
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3lt0n T3eqE /= (eq_sym x).
by case: (zero ==x) => //; rewrite eqxx !orbT.
move: xb; rewrite -/(T3le _ _) succ_psi_lt2 ? abc1 // => xc.
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xa; case /orP: xc => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit10 x y z:
limit_of (phi10 x y z) [x,T3succ y, T3succ z].
set f := phi10 x y z.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=;apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !eqxx succ_lt.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt eqxx !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi.
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nb) (lt_succ_le_3 _ nc).
have ha:= (T3lt_psi_c x (T3succ y) z).
case abc1: ([a,b,c] == one).
case: (eqP abc1) => -> -> ->; exists 0.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3gt1 /= /one T3eqE /= (negbTE(succ_nz y)) andbF.
rewrite succ_psi_lt2 ? abc1 // succ_psi_lt2 ? abc1 //.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax lby cz].
exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax (eqP ax) (eqP lby) succ_lt.
case /orP: cz; first by move /eqP => ->; rewrite eqxx !orbT.
by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !eqxx => ->; rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax lby cz].
have [k kp] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (ff _ _ (ltnSn k))).
have ck2 := (T3lt_trans ck1 (ff _ _ (ltnSn k.+1))).
exists k.+2; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ck1 ck2.
by case /orP: lby => -> //;rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax lby cz].
exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax.
by rewrite (T3le_lt_trans cz ha) (T3lt_trans (succ_lt y) lby) !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have hc: (b < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have hb: (c < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax hc hb !orbT.
rewrite - andb_orr orbC => /andP[xa xb].
exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xa (T3lt_anti xa) (T3lt_ne' xa)/=.
case /orP: xb.
by move => sa; rewrite (T3le_lt_trans sa ha) !orbT.
by case /orP => -> //; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit12b4 x y z: (limit12_hyp x (T3succ y) z) ->
limit_of (phi12b4 x y z) [x,T3succ y,z].
move => H0.
set f := phi12b4 x y z.
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> f n < f m.
by apply: fincP => n /=;apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by apply: T3lt_psi_c.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H succ_lt eqxx !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm ny; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: ny; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi.
case /orP.
move => /and3P[ax yb cz].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax {3} (eqP yb) succ_lt.
suff: ([a, b, c] < z) by move => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move: H0 cz; case z => // a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /=.
move => /andP [/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]]; rewrite - (eqP yb) - (eqP ax).
by case /orP => /andP[pa pb] pc; rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi pa pb pc !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax yb cz].
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nb) in yb.
have [k kp] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have ck1 := (T3le_lt_trans kp (ff _ _ (ltnSn k))).
have ck2 := (T3lt_trans ck1 (ff _ _ (ltnSn k.+1))).
exists k.+2; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ck1 ck2.
by case /orP: yb => -> //;rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax bz cz].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax (T3lt_trans (succ_lt y) bz).
by case /orP: cz => ->; rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move => /and3P [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have ha: (b < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have hb: (c < f k) by apply /(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi ax ha hb !orbT.
rewrite - andb_orr orbC => /andP[xa xb].
exists 1.
rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi /lt_psi xa (T3lt_anti xa) (T3lt_ne' xa)/=.
case /orP: xb.
by case/orP => ->; rewrite !orbT.
rewrite succ_psi_lt2; first by case/orP => -> //;rewrite !orbT.
by apply/negP;move /eqP => h; move: xa; case: h => ->; rewrite T3ltn0.
Fixpoint phi7 x y f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x, f n, phi7 x y f n] else y.
Fixpoint phi9 x y f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [f n, phi9 x y f n, phi9 x y f n] else [x, zero,y].
Fixpoint phi11 x y z f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x,f n, phi11 x y z f n ] else [x, y,z].
Fixpoint phi12b3 y f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [f n, phi12b3 y f n , phi12b3 y f n] else y.
Fixpoint phi12b5 x z f n :=
if n is n.+1 then [x,f n, phi12b5 x z f n ] else z.
Lemma limit7 x y f: (limit_of f y) ->
(limit_of ( phi7 x y f) [x,y,zero]).
move => [sa sb sc].
set g := (phi7 x y f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by apply: T3lt_psi_b.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H eqxx sb /= !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi T3ltn0 T3len0 !andbF /=.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cz].
have [k2 kp2] := (sc _ nb lby).
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < f k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb: (c < g k.+1)
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS -addnS leq_addr.
by exists (k.+1); rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
rewrite orbF => /andP [ha hb].
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ha; case/orP: hb => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit9 x y f: (limit_of f x) ->
(limit_of (phi9 x y f) [x,zero, T3succ y]).
move => [sa sb sc].
set g := (phi9 x y f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by rewrite T3lt_psi/lt_psi eqxx succ_lt.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H /= -/phi9 sb !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi T3ltn0 T3len0 !andbF /=.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nc) in cy.
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (eqP ax) (sb 0) (eqP lby).
case /orP: cy; first by move /eqP ->; rewrite eqxx !orbT.
by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi => ->; rewrite !eqxx /= !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy]; rewrite T3lt0n in lby.
have ha: ([a, b, c] < [a, zero, y]).
apply:(T3le_lt_trans _ (T3lt_psi_c a zero y)).
by rewrite - succ_psi_lt2 ?cy // T3eqE (negbTE lby) !andbF.
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi -(eqP ax) ha (eqP ax) (sb 0) !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
have [k3 kp3] := (sc _ na ax).
set k := (k1 + k2+k3).+1.
have pa:(b < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS - addnS addnAC leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS - addnS - addnA leq_addr.
have pc:(a < f k).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp3) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi pa pb pc !orbT.
move /andP => [ha hb].
have hc: ([a, b, c] < [x, zero, y]).
apply:(T3le_lt_trans _ (T3lt_psi_c x zero y)).
rewrite - succ_psi_lt2 ?cy //; apply /negP => h.
by move: ha; case: (eqP h) => ->; rewrite T3ltn0.
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (T3lt_trans (sb 0) ha) hc !orbT.
Lemma limit11 x y z f: (limit_of f y) ->
(limit_of (phi11 x y z f) [x, y, T3succ z]).
move => [sa sb sc].
set g := (phi11 x y z f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by rewrite T3lt_psi/lt_psi !eqxx succ_lt.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H /= -/phi11 sb eqxx !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
rewrite (lt_succ_le_3 _ nc) in cy.
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (eqP ax) (eqP lby) (sb 0).
case /orP: cy; first by move /eqP ->; rewrite !eqxx !orbT.
by rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi => ->; rewrite !eqxx /= !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (sc _ nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < f k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS -addnS leq_addr.
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz]; rewrite succ_psi_lt2 ?T3eqE ?(T3lcp0_pr bz) ?andbF //.
by case/orP => h;exists 0; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax bz h !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax bz cz].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cz).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb bz).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case /orP; move => /andP [xa yb].
exists 0.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi xa; case/orP: yb => ->;rewrite !orbT.
exists 0; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi xa.
move: yb; rewrite succ_psi_lt2 ?T3eqE ?(T3lcp0_pr xa) ?andbF //.
by case /orP => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit12b3 x y f: (limit_of f x) -> (limit12_hyp x zero y) ->
(limit_of (phi12b3 y f) [x, zero, y]).
move => [sa sb sc] H0.
set g := (phi12b3 y f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by apply:T3lt_psi_c.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H /= -/phi11 sb !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi T3ltn0 !andbF !orFb.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (eqP ax) (eqP lby)(sb 0).
suff: ([x, zero, c] < y) by move => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move: H0 cy; case y => // a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /=.
move => /andP [/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]] h; rewrite T3lt_psi' => ->.
by case /orP:h => /andP[pa pb]; rewrite pa ? pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (eqP ax) (sb 0) - (eqP ax).
by case /orP: cy => ->; rewrite !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cy).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb lby).
have [k3 kp3] := (sc _ na ax).
set k := (k1 + k2+k3).+1.
have pa:(b < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS - addnS addnAC leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS - addnS - addnA leq_addr.
have pc:(a < f k).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp3) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi pa pb pc !orbT.
move /andP => [ax bx].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi (T3lt_trans (sb 0) ax).
by case /orP: bx => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Lemma limit12b5 x y z f: (limit_of f y) -> (limit12_hyp x y z) ->
(limit_of (phi12b5 x z f) [x,y,z]).
move => [sa sb sc] H0.
set g := (phi12b5 x z f).
have ff:forall n m : nat, (n < m)%N -> g n < g m.
by apply: fincP => n /=; apply: T3lt_psi_c.
split => //.
elim; first by apply:T3lt_psi_c.
by move => n /= H; rewrite /= T3lt_psi /lt_psi H eqxx /= -/phi11 sb !orbT.
move => t.
move:{2} (size t).+1 (leqnn (size t).+1) => n; elim: n t=> //.
move => m Hrec t; rewrite ltnS.
case: t => //; first by move => _ _ _; exists 0; rewrite T3le0n.
move => a b c n d lm nt; rewrite psi_lt1.
move: nt; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P [na nb nc _ _].
move /and5P: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => [la lb lc ld _].
rewrite T3lt_psi' /lt_psi.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax (eqP lby)(sb 0) cy.
suff: ([a, y, c] < z) by move => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move: H0 cy; case z => // a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /=.
move => /andP [/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]] h; rewrite T3lt_psi' => ->.
by case /orP:h => /andP[pa pb]; rewrite (eqP ax) pa ? pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cy).
have [k2 kp2] := (sc _ nb lby).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < f k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /sa; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k.+1).
by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite /k ltnS -addnS leq_addr.
by exists k.+1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case /orP.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax (T3lt_trans (sb 0) lby).
by case/orP: cy => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move /and3P => [ax lby cy].
have [k1 kp1] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lc lm) nc cy).
have [k2 kp2] := (Hrec _ (leq_trans lb lm) nb lby).
set k := (k1 + k2).+1.
have pa:(b < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp2) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addl.
have pb:(c < g k) by apply/(T3le_lt_trans kp1) /ff; rewrite ltnS leq_addr.
by exists k; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax pa pb !orbT.
case/orP;move /andP => [ax bx].
case (T3ltP z y) => yz; last first.
exists 1; rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax.
by case/orP: (T3le_trans bx yz) => ->; rewrite !orbT.
move: H0 yz; case z => // a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 /=.
move => /andP [/andP [/eqP -> /eqP ->]] pv pw; move: pv.
rewrite (T3lt_anti (T3lt_trans (T3lt_psi_b a1 b1 c1) pw)).
by rewrite (T3lt_anti pw) !andbF.
exists 1.
by rewrite T3le_consE T3lt_psi/lt_psi ax; case/orP: bx => ->; rewrite !orbT.
Definition phi_rec_psi f a b c :=
if (c==zero) then
if(b==zero) then
if(a==zero) then phi0
else if(T3is_succ a) then phi4 (T3pred a)
else phi5 (f a)
else if(T3is_succ b) then phi6 a (T3pred b)
else phi7 a b (f b)
else if(T3is_succ c) then
if(b==zero) then
if(a==zero) then phi3 [zero,zero, T3pred c]
else if (T3is_succ a) then phi8 (T3pred a) (T3pred c)
else phi9 a (T3pred c) (f a)
else if(T3is_succ b) then phi10 a (T3pred b) (T3pred c)
else phi11 a b (T3pred c) (f b)
else if (limit12_hyp a b c) then
if(b==zero) then
if(a==zero) then phi3 c
else if(T3is_succ a) then phi12b2 (T3pred a) c
else phi12b3 c (f a)
else if (T3is_succ b) then phi12b4 a (T3pred b) c
else phi12b5 a c (f b)
else phi12a a b (f c).
Definition phi_rec f (x: T3) :=
if x is cons a b c n d then
if (d==zero) then
if n is n.+1 then phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (phi_rec_psi f a b c)
else phi_rec_psi f a b c
else phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (f d)
else phi0.
Fixpoint phia k := if k is k.+1 then phi_rec (phia k) else (fun x =>phi0).
Definition phi x := phia (size x).+1 x.
Lemma phiE x : phi x = phi_rec phi x.
have aux: forall n x,
(size x < n)%N -> phia n x = (phi x).
clear x; move => n; elim: n {1 3 4} n (leqnn n); first by case.
move => k0 Hrec [] // k1; rewrite ltnS => k1k0.
case => // a b c n d; rewrite ltnS => e3.
move /and5P:(size_prop1 a b c n d) => [pa pb pc pd pe].
have la:= (leq_trans pa e3).
have lb:= (leq_trans pb e3).
have lc:= (leq_trans pc e3).
have ld:= (leq_trans pd e3).
have le: (size (cons a b c 0 d) <= k0)%N.
by move:(leq_trans e3 k1k0).
rewrite /phi /phia -/phia /phi_rec -/phi -/(phi_rec _ d).
case dz: (d==zero).
case n; first by rewrite /phi_rec_psi !Hrec //.
by move => m; congr (phi1 _ _);rewrite /phi_rec_psi !Hrec.
by congr phi1; rewrite !Hrec.
case x => // a b c n d.
move: (size_prop1 a b c n d).
move/and5P=> [pa pb pc pd pe].
rewrite /phi /phia -/phia /phi_rec -/phi -/(phi_rec _ d).
case dz: (d==zero).
case n; first by rewrite /phi_rec_psi !aux.
by move => m; congr (phi1 _ _);rewrite /phi_rec_psi !aux.
by congr phi1; rewrite aux.
Lemma phiE_1 a b c n:
phi (cons a b c n.+1 zero) = phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (phi [a, b, c]).
Proof. by rewrite phiE /=; congr phi1; rewrite phiE /phi_rec eqxx. Qed.
Lemma phiE_2 a b c n d: d != zero ->
phi (cons a b c n d) = phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (phi d).
Proof. by move => dz; rewrite phiE /phi_rec (negbTE dz). Qed.
Lemma phiE_3 a b c: phi ([a,b,c]) = phi_rec_psi phi a b c.
Proof. by rewrite phiE /phi_rec. Qed.
Lemma phiL x: T3nf x -> T3limit x -> limit_of (phi x) x.
set n := (size x).+1.
move: (leqnn n); rewrite {1}/n; move: n => n.
elim: n x => [ // | k Hr]; case => //.
move => a b c n d; rewrite ltnS => sa nx.
move: (size_prop1 a b c n d) => /and5P[la lb lc ld le].
move: (nx); rewrite nf_consE => /and3P [nabc nd ne] lx.
case dz: (d==zero); last first.
move: lx => /=; rewrite dz /=; case:(all_zero a b c) => // ly.
have py: limit_of (phi d) d by apply: Hr => //; apply: (leq_trans ld sa).
have pd: T3nf(cons a b c n zero) by rewrite nf_consE nabc.
rewrite phiE_2 ? dz // - (add_to_cons n ne); exact: (limit1 pd py).
suff: limit_of (phi [a, b, c]) [a, b, c].
rewrite (eqP dz); case n => // m ha.
have ny: T3nf (cons a b c m zero) by rewrite nf_consE nabc.
by move: (limit1 ny ha); rewrite phiE_1 /T3add T3ltnn addn0.
have la':= (leq_trans la sa).
have lb':= (leq_trans lb sa).
have lc':= (leq_trans lc sa).
move: lx; rewrite /T3limit dz /= => lx.
clear d la lb lc ld le sa nx nd dz ne.
rewrite phiE_3 /phi_rec_psi.
move: nabc; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf =>/and5P[na nb nc _ _].
move: (limit_pr1 c).
case cz: (c==zero).
move: (limit_pr1 b).
case bz: (b==zero).
rewrite (eqP bz) (eqP cz).
move: lx (limit_pr1 a); rewrite /all_zero bz cz.
case az: (a==zero) => //=.
case la: (T3is_succ a).
move => _ _ _ _; rewrite {2} (succ_pred na la); apply: limit4.
by rewrite addbF => _ lla _ _; apply: limit5; apply: Hr.
case lb: (T3is_succ b).
rewrite {3} (succ_pred nb lb) (eqP cz) => _ _; apply: limit6.
by rewrite addbF => /= llb _; rewrite (eqP cz); apply: limit7;apply: Hr.
case lc: (T3is_succ c).
move: (limit_pr1 b).
case bz: (b==zero).
move: (limit_pr1 a).
case az: (a==zero).
rewrite (eqP az) (eqP bz) {3} (succ_pred nc lc) => _ _ _; apply: limit3.
case la: (T3is_succ a).
move => _ _ _; rewrite {2}(succ_pred na la) {2}(succ_pred nc lc)(eqP bz).
apply: limit8.
rewrite /= addbF (eqP bz) {3}(succ_pred nc lc)=> lla _ _.
by apply: limit9; apply: Hr.
case lb: (T3is_succ b).
move => _ _. rewrite {2}(succ_pred nb lb) {2}(succ_pred nc lc).
apply: limit10.
rewrite /= addbF {3}(succ_pred nc lc) => lbb _; apply: limit11.
by apply: Hr.
rewrite /= addbF => lcc; move: (Hr _ lc' nc lcc) => hc.
case h12: (limit12_hyp a b c); last by apply: limit12a => //; rewrite h12.
move: (limit_pr1 b).
case bz: (b==zero).
move: (limit_pr1 a); move: h12.
case az: (a==zero).
by rewrite (eqP az) (eqP bz) => h12 _ _; apply:limit12b1.
case la: (T3is_succ a).
rewrite {1 4}(succ_pred na la) (eqP bz) => h12 _ _.
by apply: limit12b2.
rewrite /= addbF (eqP bz)=> h12 lla _.
by apply: limit12b3 => //; apply: Hr.
case lb: (T3is_succ b).
by move: h12;rewrite {1 4}(succ_pred nb lb) => h12 _; apply: limit12b4.
by rewrite /= addbF => llb; apply: limit12b5 => //; apply: Hr.
Lemma conc1 (x:= [zero,zero, epsilon0]): limit_of (phi3 epsilon0) x.
have ->: (phi3 epsilon0) = phi x.
by rewrite /x phiE_3 /= /phi_rec_psi -/phi_rec_psi eqxx /=.
by apply: phiL.
Definition T3ap x :=
if x is cons a b c n d then ((n==0) && (d==zero)) else false.
Lemma ap_pr0 a b c (x := [a,b,c]) u v:
u < x -> v < x -> u + v < x.
case: u v; [by move => u |move => a1 b1 c1 n1 d1].
case; [by move => H _ | move => a' b' c' n' d' l1 l2 /=].
have aux: forall n' d', cons a1 b1 c1 n' d' < x.
by move => n'' d'';move: l1;rewrite psi_lt1 psi_lt1.
by case: (T3ltgtP [a1, b1, c1] [a', b', c']).
Lemma ap_limit x: T3ap x -> (x == one) || (T3limit x).
case: x => // a b c n d /= /andP[/eqP -> /eqP ->]; rewrite all_zeroE /=.
by case: eqP.
Lemma ap_pr1 c:
(forall a b, a < c -> b < c -> a + b < c) ->
(c== zero) || T3ap c.
case: c => // a b c n d /=.
case: n d => [d H | n d H]; last first.
have l2: (cons a b c n d) < (cons a b c n.+1 d) by rewrite psi_lt2 ltnS leqnn.
move: (H _ _ l2 l2). rewrite /= psi_lt2 /= psi_lt2 /= T3ltnn if_same ltnS.
by rewrite -{3}(add0n n) ltn_add2r.
case dz: (d == zero) => //.
have pa: [a,b,c] < cons a b c 0 d by rewrite psi_lt2 /= T3lt0n dz.
by move: (H _ _ pa pa); rewrite /= psi_lt2 /= psi_lt2.
Lemma ap_pr2 c:
T3nf c -> c <> zero ->
(forall a b, T3nf a -> T3nf b -> a < c -> b < c -> a + b < c) ->
T3ap c.
case: c => // a b c n d nd _ Hr.
have {Hr} H: forall u, T3nf u -> u < cons a b c n d -> u + u < cons a b c n d.
by move => u ua ub; apply: Hr.
case: n d H nd => [d H | n d H].
rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf => /and5P[na nb nc nd ne].
have np: T3nf [a,b,c] by rewrite nf_psi na nb nc.
move: (H _ np).
rewrite T3lt_consE T3ltnn eqxx /= T3ltnn T3lt_consE T3ltnn eqxx /= T3lt0n.
by case: eqP => // _; apply.
have l2: (cons a b c n d) < (cons a b c n.+1 d) by rewrite psi_lt2 ltnS leqnn.
move=> pa; have pb: T3nf (cons a b c n d) by move: pa; rewrite /T3nf -/T3nf.
move: (H _ pb l2); rewrite /= T3ltnn psi_lt2 T3ltnn ltnS if_same.
by rewrite -{3}(add0n n) ltn_add2r /=.
Lemma ap_pr3 a b c y (x := [a,b,c]): y < x -> y + x = x.
by case: y => // a' b' c' n' d' /=; rewrite /x psi_lt1 => ->.
Lemma ap_pr4 x: (forall b, b < x -> b + x = x) -> (x == zero) || T3ap x.
case: x => // a b c /=; case => [d H|].
move: (H [ a, b, c]).
rewrite /= T3ltnn psi_lt2 /= T3lt0n; case:eqP => //=.
by move => _ /(_ erefl).
move => n d H /=.
move: (H (cons a b c n zero)).
rewrite /= T3lt_consE T3ltnn eqxx ltnS leqnn.
by move => /(_ erefl); case => /eqP; rewrite - {3} (addn0 n) eqn_add2l.
Lemma ap_pr2CE (c := cons zero zero T3bad 1 zero):
(forall a b, T3nf a -> T3nf b -> a < c -> b < c -> a + b < c).
move => a b na nb.
have aux: forall a' b' c' n' d',
cons a' b' c' n' d' < c =
if (a'==zero) && (b'==zero) then
if (c' < T3bad) then true else if (c'==T3bad) then n'==0 else false
else ([a', b', c'] < T3bad).
move => a' b' c' n' d'.
rewrite /c T3lt_consE T3ltn0 !if_same if_simpl ltnS leqn0 T3eqE !eqxx.
rewrite T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n !andbF /=.
case pa: (a'==zero) => /=; last by rewrite T3eqE pa /= orbF if_simpl.
case pb: (b'==zero); last by rewrite T3eqE pb andbF /= orbF if_simpl.
by case : (T3ltgtP c' T3bad).
move: na nb;case: a; first by rewrite T3add0n.
move => a' b' c' n' d' HA; case: b; first by rewrite T3addn0.
move => a'' b'' c'' n'' d'' _.
rewrite aux.
case pa: ((a' == zero) && (b' == zero)); last first.
move => H; rewrite aux.
case pa': ((a'' == zero) && (b'' == zero)) => H' /=;
by case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a'', b'', c'']) => sa; rewrite aux ?pa ?pa'.
move => pb; rewrite aux.
case pa': ((a'' == zero) && (b'' == zero)) => H' /=; last first.
case: (T3ltgtP [a', b', c'] [a'', b'', c'']) => pb'; rewrite aux ?pa ?pa' //.
move: pb; case: (T3ltgtP c' T3bad) => // ww.
by move: pa pa'; case: pb' => -> -> _ ->.
move/andP: pa => [/eqP -> /eqP ->].
move/andP: pa' => [/eqP -> /eqP ->].
rewrite !T3lt_psi /lt_psi eqxx T3ltnn /= !orbF.
case: (T3ltgtP c' c'') => h; rewrite aux => //=.
move:pb;case: (T3ltgtP c' T3bad) => // ww.
by move: HA; rewrite /T3nf ww /T3bad /T3nf -/T3nf T3ltnn !andbF.
Definition psi_succ x :=
if x is cons a b c _ _ then
if ((a==zero) && (b==zero)) then [zero,zero, T3succ c] else [zero,zero, x]
else zero.
Lemma psi_succ_pr1 a b c: [a,b,c] < psi_succ ([a,b,c]).
simpl; case ha: ((a== zero) && (b==zero)); last by apply: T3lt_psi_c.
move/andP:ha => [/eqP -> /eqP ->].
by rewrite lt_omega2 eqxx succ_lt.
Lemma succ_psi1 a b c (x:= [a, b, c]): ((a != zero) || (b != zero)) ->
(forall a' b' c', x < [a',b',c'] -> (psi_succ x) <= [a',b',c']).
move => sab.
rewrite {2}/x /psi_succ -(negbK ((a == zero) && (b == zero))) negb_and sab /=.
move => a' b' c' ee; move: (ee).
rewrite /T3le !T3lt_psi /lt_psi !T3ltn0 !T3lt0n andbF /= ee.
move: sab.
case az: (a'==zero) => //; rewrite ?orbT // (eq_sym zero a') az /=.
rewrite (eqP az) T3ltn0 T3lt0n T3eqE (eq_sym zero b').
case az': (a==zero) => //=; case bz': (b'==zero) => //=; rewrite (eqP bz') //.
rewrite T3ltn0 T3lt0n eqxx !orbF; case bz: (b==zero) => //=.
by rewrite orbC andbT.
by rewrite /= orbC eqxx andbT orbF.
Lemma succ_psi2 u (x := [zero,zero,u]) :
(forall a' b' c', T3nf c' -> x < [a',b',c'] -> (psi_succ x) <= [a',b',c']).
move => a' b' c' nc'.
rewrite /T3le lt_omega2 /x /psi_succ eqxx /=; rewrite lt_omega2.
case pa: ((a' == zero) && (b' == zero)).
rewrite lt_succ_le_4 //; case/orP; last by move => ->; rewrite orbT.
by move => /eqP ->; move/andP: pa => [/eqP -> /eqP ->]; rewrite eqxx.
by move => h;rewrite succ_psi_lt // ? orbT //; rewrite T3eqE andbA pa.
Lemma succ_prCE (u:= one) (v := T3bad): (u < v) && (v < T3succ u).
Proof. done. Qed.
Lemma succ_psiCE (z := [zero,zero, T3bad]):
(omega < z) && (z < (psi_succ omega)) && ~~(T3nf z).
Proof. done. Qed.
Definition sup_of (f: T3-> T3) x z :=
[/\ T3nf z,
(forall y, T3nf y -> y < x -> f y <= z) &
(forall z', T3nf z' -> z' < z -> exists y,
[&& T3nf y, y < x & z' < f y])].
Definition normal f:=
[/\ forall x, T3nf x -> T3nf (f x),
(forall x y, T3nf x -> T3nf y -> x < y -> f x < f y)&
(forall x, T3nf x -> T3limit x -> sup_of f x (f x)) ].
Lemma sup_unique f x z z': sup_of f x z -> sup_of f x z' -> z = z'.
move => [pa pb pc] [pa' pb' pc']; case (T3ltgtP z z') => // sa.
move: (pc' z pa sa) => [y /and3P [ya yb yc]].
by move: (pb _ ya yb); rewrite (T3leNgt) yc.
move: (pc _ pa' sa) => [y /and3P [ya yb yc]].
by move: (pb' _ ya yb); rewrite (T3leNgt) yc.
Lemma sup_Oalpha_zero: sup_of id zero zero.
by split; [ | move => y _; rewrite T3ltn0 | move => z; rewrite T3ltn0 ].
Lemma sup_Oalpha_limit x: T3nf x -> T3limit x -> sup_of id x x.
move => nx lx ;split; [done | by move => y _ /T3ltW | ].
move => z nz H.
by exists (T3succ z); rewrite (limit_pr lx H) succ_lt nf_succ.
Lemma sup_Oalpha_succ x: T3nf x -> sup_of id (T3succ x) x.
move => nx;split.
- done.
- by move => y nf; rewrite lt_succ_le_3.
- by move => z nz zx; exists x; rewrite succ_lt nx zx.
Lemma normal_id: normal id.
Proof. split => //; apply: sup_Oalpha_limit. Qed.
Lemma normal_limit f x: normal f -> T3nf x -> T3limit x -> T3limit (f x).
move => [pa pb pc] nx lx.
move: (pc _ nx lx) => [sa sb sc].
move: (limit_pr1 (f x)); case fz: (f x == zero).
have zx: zero < x by move: lx; case x.
have nz: T3nf zero by [].
by move: (pb zero x nz nx zx); rewrite (eqP fz) T3ltn0.
case: (T3limit (f x)) => //= sf.
have sd:T3pred (f x) < f x by rewrite {2} (succ_pred (pa _ nx) sf) succ_lt.
move: (sc _ (nf_pred sa) sd) => [y /and3P[ny yx yc]].
move: yc; rewrite (lt_succ_le_4 _ (pa _ ny)).
by rewrite -(succ_pred (pa _ nx) sf) T3leNgt (pb _ _ ny nx yx).
Lemma normal_compose f g:
normal f -> normal g -> normal (f \o g).
move => [pa pb pc][pa' pb' pc']; split.
- by move => x nx; apply: pa; apply: pa'.
- by move => x y nx ny h; apply: pb; [ apply: pa' | apply: pa' | apply: pb'].
- move => x nx lx.
move: (pa' _ nx) => ny.
have lg: T3limit (g x) by apply:normal_limit.
move:(pc _ ny lg) => [qa qb qc]; split => //.
move => y nu yx /=; apply:T3ltW;apply: pb; auto.
move: (pc' _ nx lx) => [qa' qb' qc'].
move => z' nz' h /=; move: (qc _ nz' h) => [y /and3P[ya yb yc]].
move: (qc' _ ya yb) => [z /and3P[za zb zc]]; exists z.
by rewrite za zb /=; apply: (T3lt_trans yc); apply: pb => //; apply: pa'.
Lemma add_normal a: T3nf a -> normal (T3add a).
move => na;split.
by move => x nx; apply: nf_add.
by move => x y nx ny; rewrite T3lt_add2l.
move => x nx lx; split.
by apply: nf_add.
by move => y _ /T3ltW; rewrite T3le_add2l.
move => z nz zp; case (T3ltP z a) => az.
by exists zero; move: lx;rewrite T3addn0 az T3lt0n; case x.
move: (sub_pr1 nz az) => sa.
move:zp; rewrite {1} sa T3lt_add2l => sb.
exists (T3succ (z - a)).
by rewrite (nf_succ (nf_sub nz na)) (limit_pr lx sb) {1} sa T3lt_add2l succ_lt.
End Ackermann.