Library ssete5
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat.
Require Export sset13 sset15 ssete4.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Module Exercise5.
Require Export sset13 sset15 ssete4.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Module Exercise5.
Exercise 5.1:
Lemma Exercise5_1 p n q :
inc n Bnat -> p <=c n -> q <c p ->
binom n p = card_sumb (interval_cc Bnat_order q (n -c p +c q)) (fun k =>
binom (n-c (succ k)) (p -c (succ q)) *c binom k q).
move => nB lepn ltpq.
move: (BS_le_int lepn nB) => pB.
move: (BS_le_int (proj1 ltpq) pB) => qB.
set E := (Bint n).
set bigset := subsets_with_p_elements p E.
have ce: cardinal E = n by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
pose EV X := select (fun x => cardinal (X \cap (Bint x)) = q) X.
have PA: cardinal bigset = binom n p.
by rewrite (subsets_with_p_elements_pr nB pB ce).
have PB: forall X, inc X bigset ->
exists ! x, inc x X /\ cardinal (X \cap (Bint x)) = q.
move => X /Zo_P [] /setP_P XE cx.
pose f x := cardinal (X \cap Bint x).
have f0: f \0c = \0c.
have aux:(X \cap emptyset) = emptyset.
by apply /set0_P => t /setI2_P [_] /in_set0.
by rewrite /f Bint_co00 aux cardinal_set0.
have fn: f n = p by rewrite /f -/E; move /setI2id_Pl: XE => ->.
have pa: forall x, inc x Bnat ->
Bint x +s1 x = Bint (succ x).
move => x xn; exact (proj1 (Bint_pr4 xn)).
have pb: forall x, inc x Bnat -> X \cap Bint (succ x) =
(X \cap Bint x) \cup (X \cap singleton x).
by move => x xb; rewrite - set_IU2r - (pa _ xb).
have fnok: forall x, inc x Bnat -> ~(inc x X) -> f x = f (succ x).
move => x xB xX; rewrite /f - (pa _ xB); congr (cardinal _).
set_extens t; move => /setI2_P [sa sb]; apply /setI2_P; split;fprops.
by case /setU1_P: sb => // xt; case: xX; rewrite - xt.
have fok: forall x, inc x Bnat -> (inc x X) -> succ (f x) = f (succ x).
move => x xB xX; rewrite /f (pb _ xB).
have ->: (X \cap singleton x) = singleton x.
apply: set1_pr; fprops.
by move => z /setI2_P [_] /set1_P.
by rewrite card_succ_pr //; move /setI2_P => [_] /(BintP xB) [].
have cax: forall x, cardinalp (f x) by rewrite /f; fprops.
have fm: forall x y, inc x Bnat -> inc y Bnat -> f x <=c f (x +c y).
move => x y xb yb; move: y yb x xb; apply: cardinal_c_induction.
move => x xb; aw; fprops.
move => m mB hrec x xb; move: (hrec _ xb) => pc; apply: (card_leT pc).
rewrite (csum_via_succ _ mB); case: (inc_or_not (x +c m) X) => h.
rewrite - (fok _ (BS_sum xb mB) h); apply:card_le_succ0; fprops.
rewrite - (fnok _ (BS_sum xb mB) h); fprops.
have fxb: forall x, inc (f x) Bnat.
move => x; rewrite /f.
have h: sub (X \cap Bint x) X by apply: subsetI2l.
move: (sub_smaller h); rewrite cx => ha.
by move:(BS_le_int ha pB).
have fm1: forall x y, inc x Bnat -> inc y Bnat -> x <c y -> inc x X ->
f x <c f y.
move => x y xb yb xy xx; move: (fok _ xb xx) => pc.
apply /(card_le_succ_ltP _ (fxb x)).
have ha: succ x <=c y by apply / (card_le_succ_ltP _ xb).
rewrite - (cdiff_pr ha) pc; apply: fm; fprops.
have XB: sub X Bnat by move => t tx; exact: (Bint_S1 (XE _ tx)).
apply /unique_existence;split; last first.
move => x y [xx xv][yx yv] ;move: (XB _ xx) (XB _ yx) => xb yb.
case: (card_le_to_ell (CS_Bnat xb)(CS_Bnat yb)) => // ha.
by move: (fm1 _ _ xb yb ha xx) => [_]; rewrite /f xv yv.
by move: (fm1 _ _ yb xb ha yx) => [_]; rewrite /f xv yv.
pose pr x := inc x Bnat /\ q <c f x.
have pc: (forall x, pr x -> inc x Bnat) by move => x [].
have pd: exists x, pr x by exists n; split => //; rewrite fn.
move: (least_int_prop pc pd); case.
rewrite /pr f0;move => [_ pe]; case: (card_lt0 pe).
move => [x [xn [pe pf pg]]].
exists x; case: (inc_or_not x X) => xx; last first.
by case: pg; split => //;rewrite (fnok _ xn xx).
move: pf; rewrite - (fok _ xn xx); move /(card_lt_succ_leP (fxb x)) => ph.
split => //; ex_middle eq1; case: pg;split => //; split => //; fprops.
have PC: forall X, inc X bigset ->
( cardinal (X \cap (Bint (EV X))) = q /\ inc (EV X) X).
move => X xb; move:(PB _ xb) => [z [[za zb] zc]]; apply: select_pr.
by move => a b p1 p2 p3 p4; rewrite - (zc _ (conj p1 p2)) (zc _ (conj p3 p4)).
have PD: forall X, inc X bigset ->
inc (EV X) (interval_cc Bnat_order q (n -c p +c q)).
move => X px;move: (PC _ px) => [pc pd].
move: px => /Zo_P [] /setP_P pa pb.
have sc: inc ((n -c p) +c q) Bnat by fprops.
move: (Bint_S1 (pa _ pd)) => xB.
set int := (Bint (EV X)).
move: (sub_smaller (@subsetI2r X int)); rewrite pc (card_Bint xB) => pe.
apply /(Bint_ccP1 qB sc); split => //.
have pf: sub (X \cap int) (X \cap E).
by move => T /setI2_P [tx ti]; apply /setI2_P;split => //; apply: pa.
have pg: cardinal (X \cap E) = p by move /setI2id_Pl: pa => ->.
have ph: finite_set (X\cap E) by red; rewrite pg; apply /BnatP.
move: (pa _ pd) => /(BintP nB) [ltxn _].
have pf': sub int E by apply (Bint_M1) => //.
have pg': cardinal E = n by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
have ph': finite_set E by red; rewrite pg'; apply /BnatP.
move: (cardinal_setC4 pf' ph'); rewrite pg' (card_Bint xB).
move: (cardinal_setC4 pf ph); rewrite pg pc.
have <-: X \cap (E -s int) = X \cap E -s (X \cap int).
set_extens t.
move =>/setI2_P [tx] /setC_P [t1 t2];apply /setC_P; split => //.
apply /setI2_P => //.
by move /setI2_P => [].
move /setC_P => [] /setI2_P [t1 t2] t3; apply /setI2_P; split => //.
by apply /setC_P;split => // ti; case: t3; apply /setI2_P.
move => sa sb;move: (sub_smaller (@subsetI2r X (E -s int))).
rewrite sa sb.
move: (cdiff_pr (proj1 ltpq)); set pq := (p -c q) => sd.
have pqB: inc pq Bnat by rewrite /pq; fprops.
have ->: (n -c p) +c q = n -c pq.
move: (cdiff_pr lepn); set np := (n -c p); rewrite - sd.
rewrite csumC csumA; move => <-; symmetry; apply:cdiff_pr1; fprops.
move: (cdiff_pr ltxn); set nx := n -c (EV X); move => <- => h.
move: (cdiff_pr h); set y := (nx -c pq) => <-.
have yB:inc y Bnat by apply : (BS_diff); apply : (BS_diff).
rewrite (csumC pq) (csumA) (cdiff_pr1 (BS_sum xB yB) pqB).
by exact: (csum_M0le y (CS_Bnat xB)).
transitivity (card_sumb (interval_cc Bnat_order q (n -c p +c q)) (fun k =>
cardinal ( Zo bigset (fun X => EV X = k)))).
rewrite -PA; apply:card_partition_induced; apply:PD.
rewrite /card_sumb; apply: f_equal.
apply: Lg_exten => k /Bint_ccP [_ [_ _ lin]].
have ly1: (n -c p +c q) <c n.
move: (cdiff_pr lepn); set np := (n -c p) => <-.
rewrite csumC; exact (csum_Mlteq (BS_diff _ nB) pB ltpq).
have ltkn: k <c n by co_tac.
move: (BS_le_int (proj1 ltkn) nB) => kB.
move: (BS_succ kB) => sk.
move/ (card_le_succ_ltP _ kB): (ltkn) => leskn.
move /(card_le_succ_ltP _ qB): (ltpq) => lesqp.
move: (cdiff_pr lesqp); set q':= (p -c succ q) => eq1.
set I2 := E -s (Bintc k).
have i2p:I2 = E -s Bint (succ k) by rewrite - (Bint_co_cc kB).
have ci2: cardinal I2 = (n -c succ k).
have pf': sub (Bint (succ k)) E by apply (Bint_M1).
have pg': cardinal E = n by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
have ph': finite_set E by red; rewrite pg'; apply /BnatP.
by move: (cardinal_setC4 pf' ph'); rewrite pg' i2p (card_Bint sk).
have q'B: inc q' Bnat by rewrite /q'; fprops.
have nskB: inc (n -c succ k) Bnat by fprops.
move: (subsets_with_p_elements_pr kB qB (card_Bint kB)).
move: (subsets_with_p_elements_pr nskB q'B ci2).
set Y:= subsets_with_p_elements _ _.
set Z := subsets_with_p_elements _ _ => -> ->.
have ->: cardinal Y *c cardinal Z = cardinal (Y \times Z).
rewrite - cprod2_pr1;apply cprod2_pr2; apply: double_cardinal.
symmetry;apply /card_eqP.
pose f z := (P z \cup Q z) +s1 k.
exists (Lf f (Y \times Z) (Zo bigset (fun X => EV X = k))).
have ci2b: inc (cardinal I2) Bnat by rewrite ci2; fprops.
have la:lf_axiom f (Y \times Z) (Zo bigset (fun X => EV X = k)).
move => u /setX_P [pu ] /Zo_P [] /setP_P pa pb /Zo_P [] /setP_P pc pd.
have pe: sub ((P u \cup Q u) +s1 k) E.
move => t; case /setU1_P.
case /setU2_P => ta; first by move /setC_P: (pa _ ta) => [].
move: (pc _ ta) => /(BintP kB) tk; apply /(BintP nB); co_tac.
by move => ->; apply /(BintP nB).
have pf: cardinal ((P u \cup Q u) +s1 k) = p.
have nku: ~ inc k (P u \cup Q u).
move /setU2_P; case => h.
move: (pa _ h); rewrite i2p; move=> /setC_P [_]; case.
apply/(BintsP kB); fprops.
by move: (pc _ h) => /(BintP kB) [_].
rewrite (card_succ_pr nku).
have di: disjoint (P u) (Q u).
apply disjoint_pr => t ta tb.
move: (pa _ ta); rewrite i2p; move=> /setC_P [_]; case.
by move: (pc _ tb) =>/ (BintP kB) [le1 _]; apply /(BintsP kB).
rewrite (csum2_pr5 di) - csum2_pr2b - csum2_pr2a pb pd.
rewrite - (csum_via_succ _ qB) cdiff_rpr //.
have pg: inc (f u) bigset by apply /Zo_P; split => //; apply /setP_P.
apply /Zo_P; split; first by exact.
have ph:inc k (f u) /\ cardinal (f u \cap Bint k) = q.
split; first by apply /setU1_P; right.
suff: ((P u \cup Q u) +s1 k) \cap Bint k = Q u.
by rewrite /f => ->.
set_extens t; last by move => ts; apply /setI2_P; split;fprops.
move /setI2_P => [sa] /(BintP kB) [tk1 tk2]; case /setU1_P: sa =>//.
case /setU2_P => // tp; move: (pa _ tp).
by rewrite i2p => /setC_P [te] /(BintsP kB).
set s := EV (f u).
have pi:inc s (f u) /\ cardinal (f u \cap Bint s) = q.
by move: (PC _ pg)=> [sa sb].
move/unique_existence: (PB _ pg) => [_ h]; exact (h _ _ pi ph).
have fi: forall u v,
inc u (Y \times Z) -> inc v (Y \times Z) -> f u = f v -> u = v.
have aux: forall u, inc u (Y \times Z) ->
u = J (f u \cap I2) (f u \cap (Bint k)).
move => u /setX_P [pu ] /Zo_P [] /setP_P pa _ /Zo_P [] /setP_P pb _.
rewrite - {1} pu /f; congr (J _ _).
set_extens t.
move => ts; apply /setI2_P; split;fprops.
move /setI2_P => [sa]; rewrite i2p => /setC_P [te] /(BintsP kB).
move => tk;case /setU1_P: sa.
by case /setU2_P => // tq; move /(BintP kB): (pb _ tq) => [tk1 _].
move => tk1; case: tk; rewrite tk1; fprops.
set_extens t.
move => ts; apply /setI2_P; split;fprops.
move /setI2_P => [sa] /(BintP kB) [tk1 tk2]; case /setU1_P: sa =>//.
case /setU2_P => // tp; move: (pa _ tp).
by rewrite i2p => /setC_P [te] /(BintsP kB).
move => u v pu pv sv.
by rewrite (aux _ pu) (aux _ pv) sv.
split; aw; apply: lf_bijective => //.
move => y /Zo_P [pa pb].
move: (PC _ pa); rewrite pb; move => [pc pd].
set A:=(y \cap Bint k); set B:= (y -s A) -s1 k.
have ay: sub A y by apply subsetI2l.
have Az: inc A Z by apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /setP_P; apply: subsetI2r.
move: pa => /Zo_P []/setP_P y1 y2.
have b2: sub B I2.
rewrite i2p;move => t /setC1_P [] /setC_P [ta tb] tc; apply /setC_P.
split;fprops; move /(BintsP kB) => tk; case: tb; apply /setI2_P.
split => //;by apply /(BintP kB); split.
have pa: inc k (y -s A).
by apply /setC_P;split => //; move /setI2_P => [_] /(BintP kB) [].
move: (cardinal_setC2 ay);rewrite y2 - csum2_pr2a pc - csum2_pr2b.
rewrite(card_succ_pr2 pa) -/B - eq1.
move: (BS_le_int(sub_smaller b2) ci2b) => cbb.
rewrite (csum_via_succ _ cbb) - (csum_via_succ1 _ qB) => h.
move: (csum_simplifiable_left (BS_succ qB) q'B cbb h) => h1.
have By: inc B Y by apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /setP_P.
exists (J B A); first by apply:setXp_i.
rewrite /f; aw; set_extens t; last first.
case /setU1_P; last by move => -> ;apply: pd.
by case /setU2_P; [ move => /setC1_P [] /setC_P [] | move /setI2_P=> []].
move => ty; apply /setU1_P;case: (equal_or_not t k) => tk //; first by right.
left; apply /setU2_P; case: (inc_or_not t A) => ta; first by right.
by left; apply /setC1_P;split => //; apply /setC_P.
Exercise 5.2
Lemma Exercise5_2 E
(fs_even := Zo (powerset E) (fun z => even_int (cardinal z)))
(fs_odd := Zo (powerset E) (fun z => odd_int (cardinal z))):
finite_set E -> nonempty E -> fs_even \Eq fs_odd.
move => fse nne.
set n := cardinal E.
pose ce := complement E.
have cs1: forall X, sub (ce X) E by move => X; apply: sub_setC.
have ce2: forall X, sub X E -> cardinal X +c cardinal (ce X) = n.
by move => x xe; rewrite csum2_pr2b csum2_pr2a - cardinal_setC2.
have fsx: forall X, sub X E -> inc (cardinal X) Bnat.
move => x xe; apply /BnatP; apply: (sub_finite_set xe fse).
have cs3: forall X, inc (cardinal (ce X)) Bnat by move => X; apply: fsx.
have cs4: forall X, sub X E -> ce (ce X) = X.
by move => X; apply:setC_K.
have nB: inc n Bnat by move: fse => /BnatP.
case: (equal_or_not (card_rem n \2c) \0c) => nev; last first.
have oddn: odd_int n by split => //; move => [ta tb].
exists (Lf ce fs_even fs_odd);split; aw; apply: lf_bijective.
move => c /Zo_P [] /setP_P cee evc; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
by apply /setP_P.
split; [by apply: cs3 | move => cxe].
move: (even_odd_sum (cardinal c) (cardinal (ce c))) => [_ _ eee].
by move: (eee evc cxe); rewrite (ce2 _ cee); move =>[].
move => u v /Zo_P [] /setP_P uE _ /Zo_P [] /setP_P vE _ eq.
by move: (f_equal ce eq); rewrite (cs4 _ uE) (cs4 _ vE).
move => y => /Zo_P [] /setP_P ye yo.
move: (cs1 y) => xe; rewrite - (cs4 _ ye); exists (ce y)=> //.
apply: Zo_i; [by apply /setP_P | ex_middle ceo1].
have ceo: odd_int (cardinal (ce y)) by [].
move: (even_odd_sum (cardinal y) (cardinal (ce y))) => [eee _].
by move: (eee yo ceo); rewrite (ce2 _ ye);move =>[].
have ece: even_int n by split.
have ce_e: forall X, sub X E -> even_int (cardinal X) ->
even_int (cardinal (ce X)).
move=> X XE ecx; ex_middle ceo1.
have ceo: odd_int (cardinal (ce X)) by [].
move: (even_odd_sum (cardinal X) (cardinal (ce X))) => [_ ee _].
by move: (ee ecx ceo);rewrite (ce2 _ XE); move => [].
have ce_o: forall X, sub X E -> odd_int (cardinal X) ->
odd_int (cardinal (ce X)).
move=> X XE ecx; split => // => coe.
move: (even_odd_sum (cardinal (ce X)) (cardinal X)) => [_ ee _].
by move: (ee coe ecx); rewrite csumC (ce2 _ XE); move => [].
move: (rep_i nne); set t:= rep E=> repe.
pose ut x := Yo (inc t x) (x -s1 t) (x +s1 t).
have uut: forall x, sub x E -> (ut (ut x)) = x.
move => x xE; rewrite /ut; case: (inc_or_not t x) => tx; Ytac0.
have nst: ~(inc t (x -s1 t)) by move /setC1_P => [].
by Ytac0; rewrite setC1_K.
have nst: inc t (x +s1 t) by apply /setU1_P; right.
by Ytac0; apply /setU1_K.
have u1: forall x, sub x E -> sub (ut x) E.
move => x xe s; rewrite /ut; Ytac st.
by move => /setC_P [sx _]; apply: xe.
by case /setU1_P; [ apply: xe | move => -> ].
exists (Lf (fun z => ut (ce z)) fs_even fs_odd);split; aw; apply: lf_bijective.
move => s => /Zo_P [] /setP_P ta tb; apply /Zo_P; split.
apply /setP_P; fprops.
move: (ce_e _ ta tb) => ec; move:(fsx _ (u1 _ (cs1 s))).
rewrite /ut; Ytac xt => cb.
by move: (proj1 (even_odd_pred cb)); rewrite - (card_succ_pr2 xt); apply.
by move: ((proj1 (even_odd_succ _) ec)); rewrite card_succ_pr.
move => u v /Zo_P [] /setP_P ue _ /Zo_P [] /setP_P ve _ eq1.
move: (f_equal ut eq1); rewrite (uut _ (cs1 _)) (uut _ (cs1 _)).
by rewrite - {2} (cs4 _ ue) - {2} (cs4 _ ve) => ->.
move => y => /Zo_P [] /setP_P ta tb; move: (u1 _ ta) => ue.
exists (ce (ut y)) => //; last by rewrite (cs4 _ ue) (uut _ ta).
apply: Zo_i; [by apply /setP_P | apply: (ce_e _ ue) ].
move: (fsx _ ue); rewrite /ut; Ytac xt => cb.
by move: (proj2 (even_odd_pred cb)); rewrite - (card_succ_pr2 xt); apply.
by move: ((proj2 (even_odd_succ _) tb)); rewrite card_succ_pr.
(fs_even := Zo (powerset E) (fun z => even_int (cardinal z)))
(fs_odd := Zo (powerset E) (fun z => odd_int (cardinal z))):
finite_set E -> nonempty E -> fs_even \Eq fs_odd.
move => fse nne.
set n := cardinal E.
pose ce := complement E.
have cs1: forall X, sub (ce X) E by move => X; apply: sub_setC.
have ce2: forall X, sub X E -> cardinal X +c cardinal (ce X) = n.
by move => x xe; rewrite csum2_pr2b csum2_pr2a - cardinal_setC2.
have fsx: forall X, sub X E -> inc (cardinal X) Bnat.
move => x xe; apply /BnatP; apply: (sub_finite_set xe fse).
have cs3: forall X, inc (cardinal (ce X)) Bnat by move => X; apply: fsx.
have cs4: forall X, sub X E -> ce (ce X) = X.
by move => X; apply:setC_K.
have nB: inc n Bnat by move: fse => /BnatP.
case: (equal_or_not (card_rem n \2c) \0c) => nev; last first.
have oddn: odd_int n by split => //; move => [ta tb].
exists (Lf ce fs_even fs_odd);split; aw; apply: lf_bijective.
move => c /Zo_P [] /setP_P cee evc; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
by apply /setP_P.
split; [by apply: cs3 | move => cxe].
move: (even_odd_sum (cardinal c) (cardinal (ce c))) => [_ _ eee].
by move: (eee evc cxe); rewrite (ce2 _ cee); move =>[].
move => u v /Zo_P [] /setP_P uE _ /Zo_P [] /setP_P vE _ eq.
by move: (f_equal ce eq); rewrite (cs4 _ uE) (cs4 _ vE).
move => y => /Zo_P [] /setP_P ye yo.
move: (cs1 y) => xe; rewrite - (cs4 _ ye); exists (ce y)=> //.
apply: Zo_i; [by apply /setP_P | ex_middle ceo1].
have ceo: odd_int (cardinal (ce y)) by [].
move: (even_odd_sum (cardinal y) (cardinal (ce y))) => [eee _].
by move: (eee yo ceo); rewrite (ce2 _ ye);move =>[].
have ece: even_int n by split.
have ce_e: forall X, sub X E -> even_int (cardinal X) ->
even_int (cardinal (ce X)).
move=> X XE ecx; ex_middle ceo1.
have ceo: odd_int (cardinal (ce X)) by [].
move: (even_odd_sum (cardinal X) (cardinal (ce X))) => [_ ee _].
by move: (ee ecx ceo);rewrite (ce2 _ XE); move => [].
have ce_o: forall X, sub X E -> odd_int (cardinal X) ->
odd_int (cardinal (ce X)).
move=> X XE ecx; split => // => coe.
move: (even_odd_sum (cardinal (ce X)) (cardinal X)) => [_ ee _].
by move: (ee coe ecx); rewrite csumC (ce2 _ XE); move => [].
move: (rep_i nne); set t:= rep E=> repe.
pose ut x := Yo (inc t x) (x -s1 t) (x +s1 t).
have uut: forall x, sub x E -> (ut (ut x)) = x.
move => x xE; rewrite /ut; case: (inc_or_not t x) => tx; Ytac0.
have nst: ~(inc t (x -s1 t)) by move /setC1_P => [].
by Ytac0; rewrite setC1_K.
have nst: inc t (x +s1 t) by apply /setU1_P; right.
by Ytac0; apply /setU1_K.
have u1: forall x, sub x E -> sub (ut x) E.
move => x xe s; rewrite /ut; Ytac st.
by move => /setC_P [sx _]; apply: xe.
by case /setU1_P; [ apply: xe | move => -> ].
exists (Lf (fun z => ut (ce z)) fs_even fs_odd);split; aw; apply: lf_bijective.
move => s => /Zo_P [] /setP_P ta tb; apply /Zo_P; split.
apply /setP_P; fprops.
move: (ce_e _ ta tb) => ec; move:(fsx _ (u1 _ (cs1 s))).
rewrite /ut; Ytac xt => cb.
by move: (proj1 (even_odd_pred cb)); rewrite - (card_succ_pr2 xt); apply.
by move: ((proj1 (even_odd_succ _) ec)); rewrite card_succ_pr.
move => u v /Zo_P [] /setP_P ue _ /Zo_P [] /setP_P ve _ eq1.
move: (f_equal ut eq1); rewrite (uut _ (cs1 _)) (uut _ (cs1 _)).
by rewrite - {2} (cs4 _ ue) - {2} (cs4 _ ve) => ->.
move => y => /Zo_P [] /setP_P ta tb; move: (u1 _ ta) => ue.
exists (ce (ut y)) => //; last by rewrite (cs4 _ ue) (uut _ ta).
apply: Zo_i; [by apply /setP_P | apply: (ce_e _ ue) ].
move: (fsx _ ue); rewrite /ut; Ytac xt => cb.
by move: (proj2 (even_odd_pred cb)); rewrite - (card_succ_pr2 xt); apply.
by move: ((proj2 (even_odd_succ _) tb)); rewrite card_succ_pr.
Exercise 5.3
Lemma Exercise5_3a n p: inc n Bnat -> inc p Bnat ->
card_sumb (Bintc p)
(fun k => (binom n k) *c (binom (n -c k) (p -c k)))
= \2c ^c p *c binom n p.
move => nB pB.
set E := Bint n.
set F :=subsets_with_p_elements p E.
have ce: cardinal E = n by apply:(card_Bint nB).
set rhs := \2c ^c p *c binom n p.
set EE := (powerset E \times powerset E).
set G1 := Zo EE (fun z => inc (P z) F /\ sub (Q z) (P z)).
have res1: cardinal G1 = rhs.
pose phi := Lf P G1 F.
have sp: G1 = source phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have tp: F = target phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
rewrite /rhs (subsets_with_p_elements_pr nB pB ce) -/F tp sp cprodC.
have lfa: lf_axiom P G1 F by move => t /Zo_P [_ []].
have fphi: function phi by apply: lf_function.
apply:(shepherd_principle fphi).
move => x; rewrite - tp => xf.
set K := inv_image_by_fun _ _.
pose f := Lf (fun z => J x z) (powerset x) K.
move /Zo_P: (xf) => [] /setP_P xE cx.
have bf: bijection f.
apply lf_bijective.
move => y /setP_P yx.
have aux: inc (J x y) G1.
apply /Zo_P; aw;split => //; apply: setXp_i; apply /setP_P => //.
apply: (sub_trans yx xE).
apply :(iim_fun_set1_i fphi); rewrite /phi;aw.
move => u v _ _ h; exact (pr2_def h).
move => y /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi) []; rewrite - sp => yG.
move /Zo_P: (yG) => [pa [pb pc]]; rewrite /phi; aw => ->; exists (Q y).
by apply /setP_P.
by rewrite (setX_pair pa).
have : cardinal (source f) = cardinal (target f) by apply /card_eqP;exists f.
rewrite /f;aw; rewrite card_setP - cx => <-.
apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
set G2 := Zo EE (fun z => [/\ cardinal (P z) <=c p,
cardinal (Q z) = p -c cardinal (P z) & sub (Q z) (E -s (P z))]).
have fse: finite_set E by red; rewrite /E(card_Bint nB); apply /BnatP.
have res2: cardinal G2 = rhs.
rewrite - res1; symmetry; apply /card_eqP.
exists (Lf (fun z => J (Q z) ((P z) -s (Q z))) G1 G2);split; aw.
apply: lf_bijective.
move => z /Zo_P [] /setX_P [pz Pz Qz] [pa pb]; apply /Zo_P; aw.
move /Zo_P: pa => [_ pc].
move /setP_P:Pz => pze; move: (sub_finite_set pze fse) => fsp.
split; last split.
by apply: setXp_i => //; apply /setP_P => t /setC_P [pa _]; apply: pze.
by move: (sub_smaller pb); rewrite pc.
by rewrite (cardinal_setC4 pb fsp) pc.
by move /setP_P:Qz => qze t /setC_P [ta tb]; apply /setC_P;split;fprops.
move => u v /Zo_P [pa [_ pb]] /Zo_P [pc [_ pd]] eq1.
move: (pr1_def eq1) (pr2_def eq1) => eq2 eq3.
rewrite - (setX_pair pa) - (setX_pair pc) - (setU2_Cr pb) - (setU2_Cr pd).
by rewrite eq3 eq2.
move => y /Zo_P [] /setX_P [pa Py Qy] [pb pc pd].
have a0 : ((P y \cup Q y) -s P y) = Q y.
set_extens t.
move => /setC_P [] /setU2_P; case => //.
move => tq; apply /setC_P;split;fprops => py.
by move: (pd _ tq) => /setC_P; case.
have aux: J (P y) ((P y \cup Q y) -s P y) = y by rewrite - {5} pa a0.
move: (Py) Qy => /setP_P Py' /setP_P Qy.
have a2: sub (P y) (P y \cup Q y) by move => t tp; fprops.
have a3:inc (P y \cup Q y) (powerset E).
by apply /setP_P => // t /setU2_P;case; fprops.
exists (J (P y \cup Q y) (P y)); aw; last by rewrite a0 pa.
apply /Zo_P; aw;split; first by apply: setXp_i.
split => //;apply :Zo_i => //.
rewrite (cardinal_setC2 a2) - csum2_pr2b a0 pc - csum2_pr2a.
by apply: cdiff_pr.
pose Xk k := Zo EE (fun z => [/\ cardinal (P z) = k,
cardinal (Q z) = p -c cardinal (P z) & sub (Q z) (E -s P z)]).
set X := Lg (Bintc p) Xk.
have X1: fgraph X by rewrite /X; fprops.
have X2: mutually_disjoint X.
red;rewrite /X; bw => i j ip jp; bw;mdi_tac nij => u ua ub; case: nij.
by move: ua ub => /Zo_hi [<- _ _] /Zo_hi [<- _ _].
have X3: (unionb X) = G2.
rewrite /X;set_extens t.
move /setUb_P; bw; move => [y yp]; bw; move /Zo_P => [p1 [p2 p3 p4]].
by apply /Zo_i => //; rewrite p3 p2; split => //;apply /(BintcP pB).
move /Zo_P=> [p1 [p2 p3 p4]]; apply /setUb_P; bw.
by move /(BintcP pB): p2 => h; ex_tac; bw; apply /Zo_P.
move: (csum_pr4 X2); rewrite X3 res2 => ->.
rewrite /X; bw; rewrite /card_sumb; apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten.
move => k kp. move: (kp) => /(BintcP pB) kp1; bw.
set F1 := subsets_with_p_elements k E.
pose phi := Lf P (Xk k) F1.
have sp: (Xk k) = source phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have tp: F1 = target phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have kB: inc k Bnat by apply (BS_le_int kp1 pB).
rewrite (subsets_with_p_elements_pr nB kB ce) -/F1 tp sp.
have lfa: lf_axiom P (Xk k) F1.
by move => t /Zo_P [] /setX_P [pa pb pc] [pd _ _]; apply: Zo_i.
have fphi: function phi by apply: lf_function.
symmetry;apply:(shepherd_principle fphi).
move => x; rewrite - tp => xf.
set K := inv_image_by_fun _ _.
move: (xf) => /Zo_P [] /setP_P xe cx.
have nkB: inc (n -c k) Bnat by fprops.
have pkB: inc (p -c k) Bnat by fprops.
have cdx:cardinal (E -s x) = n -c k by rewrite (cardinal_setC4 xe fse) cx ce.
rewrite (subsets_with_p_elements_pr nkB pkB cdx).
apply /card_eqP.
set K0 := (subsets_with_p_elements (p -c k) (E -s x)).
exists (Lf Q K (subsets_with_p_elements (p -c k) (E -s x))); split;aw.
have k0p: forall y, inc y K <-> [/\ inc y EE, P y = x & inc (Q y) K0].
move =>t; apply: (iff_trans (iim_fun_set1_P x fphi t)).
rewrite - sp /phi; split.
move => [tk]; aw=> pt.
move: tk => /Zo_P [te [p1 p2 p3]];split => //; apply/Zo_P.
by rewrite -p1;split => //; apply /setP_P; rewrite pt.
move => [p1 p2 p3]; suff: inc t (Xk k) by move =>h;aw.
by move/ Zo_P: p3 => [] /setP_P sa sb; apply/ Zo_P; rewrite p2 cx.
apply: lf_bijective.
by move => t /k0p [_ _].
move => u v /k0p [u1 pu _]/k0p [v1 pv _] sv.
by rewrite - (setX_pair u1) - (setX_pair v1) pu pv sv.
move => y yk0; exists (J x y); aw; apply /k0p; aw;split => //.
apply: setXp_i => //; apply /setP_P => //.
by move /Zo_P: yk0 => [] /setP_P h _ t ty; move /setC_P: (h _ ty) => [].
exercise 5.4 is in the main text
exercise 5.5
Definition even_card_sub I := Zo (powerset I) (fun z => even_int (cardinal z)).
Definition even_card0_sub I := even_card_sub I -s1 emptyset.
Definition odd_card_sub I := Zo (powerset I) (fun z => odd_int (cardinal z)).
Lemma odd_nonempty x: odd_int (cardinal x) -> nonempty x.
move => h; apply /nonemptyP => h1.
by move: h; rewrite h1 cardinal_set0; move => [_]; move: even_zero.
Section Exercise5_5.
Variables (E r: Set) (f: Set -> Set).
Hypothesis lr:lattice r.
Hypothesis dl: distributive_lattice1 r.
Hypothesis sr: E = substrate r.
Hypothesis card_f: forall x, inc x E -> cardinalp (f x).
Hypothesis hyp_f: forall x y, inc x E -> inc y E ->
(f x) +c (f y) = (f (sup r x y)) +c f (inf r x y).
Definition Exercise5_5_conc I :=
f (supremum r I) +c
card_sumb (even_card0_sub I) (fun z => f (infimum r z))
= card_sumb (odd_card_sub I) (fun z => f (infimum r z)).
Definition Exercise5_5_conc_aux I g :=
f (supremum r (fun_image I g)) +c
card_sumb (even_card0_sub I) (fun z => f (infimum r (fun_image z g)))
= card_sumb (odd_card_sub I) (fun z => f (infimum r (fun_image z g))).
Lemma Exercise5_5_a1 n g (I:=Bintc n):
inc n Bnat -> (forall i, inc i I -> inc (g i) E) ->
Exercise5_5_conc_aux I g.
move => nB;rewrite /I; clear I; move: n nB g.
move: (proj1 lr) => or.
apply: cardinal_c_induction.
rewrite Bint_cc00 /Exercise5_5_conc_aux; move =>g H.
rewrite /card_sumb; set f1 := Lg _ _; set f2 := Lg _ _.
have pA: domain f1 = emptyset.
rewrite /f1; bw; apply /set0_P => s /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P p1 p2.
move /set1_P => se; move: p2.
have ->: s = (singleton \0c).
apply: set1_pr1; first by apply /nonemptyP.
by move => z zs; apply /set1_P; apply: p1.
by rewrite cardinal_set1; move: odd_one => [].
have pB: inc (singleton \0c) (odd_card_sub (singleton \0c)).
apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply /setP_P; fprops.
rewrite cardinal_set1; apply: odd_one.
have pC: domain f2 = singleton (singleton \0c).
rewrite /f2; bw; apply: set1_pr => //.
move => z /Zo_P [] /setP_P pa pb.
apply: set1_pr1; last by move => s sz; apply /set1_P; apply: pa.
by apply: odd_nonempty.
move: (funI_set1 g \0c) => pD.
have pE: inc (g \0c) (substrate r) by rewrite - sr; apply: H; fprops.
rewrite pD (supremum_singleton or pE).
have pF: (Vg f2 (singleton \0c)) = (f (g \0c)).
by rewrite /f2; bw; rewrite pD (infimum_singleton or pE).
have pG: cardinalp ( (Vg f2 (singleton \0c))).
rewrite pF; apply:card_f; apply: H; fprops.
rewrite (csum_trivial pA) (csum_trivial1 pC pG) pF; aw.
by rewrite -pF.
move => n nB Hrec g gse.
move: (BS_succ nB) => snB.
set I1 := (Bintc (succ n)).
set I := (Bintc n); set z := succ n.
have [pa pb]: I +s1 z = I1 /\ ~ inc z I.
rewrite /I /I1 (Bint_co_cc nB) (Bint_co_cc snB); apply: (Bint_pr4 snB).
rewrite / Exercise5_5_conc_aux - {1} pa funI_setU1.
have gxsr: forall i, inc i I1 -> inc (g i) (substrate r) by ue.
have gzr: inc (g z) (substrate r) by apply: gxsr; apply/ BintcP; fprops.
have sii': sub I I1 by rewrite -pa => t ti; fprops.
have fsI1: finite_set I1 by apply /BnatP; rewrite card_Bintc; fprops.
have fsI: finite_set I by apply /BnatP; rewrite card_Bintc.
pose g' x := inf r (g x) (g z).
have g'xsr: forall x, inc x I1 -> inc (g' x) (substrate r).
move: (lattice_props lr) => [p1 [p2 _]].
by move => x xI; apply: (p2 _ _ (gxsr _ xI) gzr).
have sr1: forall s, sub s I1 -> sub (fun_image s g) (substrate r).
by move => s si t /funI_P [u us ->];apply: gxsr; apply: si.
have sr1': forall s, sub s I1 -> sub (fun_image s g') (substrate r).
by move => s si t /funI_P [u us ->]; apply: g'xsr; apply: si.
have fs1: forall s, sub s I1 -> finite_set (fun_image s g).
move => s si; apply: finite_fun_image; apply: (sub_finite_set si fsI1).
have fs1': forall s, sub s I1 -> finite_set (fun_image s g').
move => s si; apply: finite_fun_image; apply: (sub_finite_set si fsI1).
have rec1:
(inf r (supremum r (fun_image I g)) (g z)) = supremum r (fun_image I g').
move: (proj1 (Exercise1_16a lr)) => h.
move: (proj33 (Exercise1_16b lr)) => h1.
move: (h1 (h dl)) => dl2; clear h h1.
have dl2': forall a b, inc a E -> inc b E ->
inf r (sup r a b) (g z) = sup r (inf r a (g z)) (inf r b (g z)).
by rewrite sr;move => a b ae be; rewrite inf_C dl2 // inf_C (inf_C r b).
suff: forall m, inc m Bnat -> m <=c n ->
inf r (supremum r (fun_image (Bintc m) g)) (g z) =
supremum r (fun_image (Bintc m) g').
move => aux; apply: (aux n nB); fprops.
apply: cardinal_c_induction.
move => h; rewrite Bint_cc00 (funI_set1 g \0c) (funI_set1 g' \0c).
have oi: inc \0c I1 by apply:sii';apply /(BintcP nB).
have aa: inc (g \0c) (substrate r) by apply: gxsr.
by rewrite supremum_singleton //supremum_singleton //; apply: g'xsr.
move => m mB Hrec1 smn; move: (BS_succ mB) => smB.
move: (proj1 (Bint_pr4 smB)).
have sim: inc (succ m) I1 by apply: sii';apply /(BintcP nB).
move: (card_le_succ mB) => lemsm; move: (card_leT lemsm smn) => le3.
rewrite - (Bint_co_cc mB) - (Bint_co_cc smB); move => <-.
have smI: sub (Bintc m) I1.
move => t /(BintcP mB)=> tb; apply: sii'; apply /(BintcP nB).
by apply: (card_leT tb le3).
move: (sr1 _ smI) (sr1' _ smI)(fs1 _ smI) (fs1' _ smI) => sa sa' sc sc'.
have sb: nonempty (fun_image (Bintc m) g).
exists (g m); apply /funI_P; exists m => //; apply /BintcP; fprops.
have sb': nonempty (fun_image (Bintc m) g').
exists (g' m); apply /funI_P; exists m=> //; apply /BintcP; fprops.
have sd: inc (g (succ m)) (substrate r) by apply: gxsr.
have sd': inc (g' (succ m)) (substrate r) by apply: g'xsr.
have se: inc (supremum r (fun_image (Bintc m) g)) (substrate r).
by apply: (inc_supremum_substrate or sa); apply: lattice_finite_sup2.
rewrite 2!funI_setU1 sup_setU1 // sup_setU1 // - (Hrec1 le3).
by rewrite inf_C dl2 // inf_C (inf_C _ (g z)) -/(g' (succ m)).
have inf_gp: forall s, sub s I -> nonempty s ->
infimum r (fun_image (s +s1 z) g) = (infimum r (fun_image s g')).
move => s sa sb.
have fs: finite_set s by apply: (sub_finite_set sa fsI).
pose b s := infimum r (fun_image (s +s1 z) g) = infimum r (fun_image s g').
pose a s := sub s I.
have p1: forall u, a (singleton u) -> b (singleton u).
move => u h; rewrite /b funI_setU1 2! funI_set1.
have ui: inc u I1 by apply: sii';apply:h; fprops.
rewrite (infimum_singleton or (g'xsr _ ui)) setU2_11 //.
apply:(finite_set_induction2 p1 _ fs) => //.
move => u v h neu; rewrite /a /b => ra.
have vi1: inc v I1 by apply: sii'; apply: ra; fprops.
have gvr: inc (g v) (substrate r) by apply (gxsr _ vi1).
have gvr': inc (g' v) (substrate r) by apply (g'xsr _ vi1).
have ->: ((u +s1 v) +s1 z) = (((u +s1 z) +s1 v) +s1 z).
rewrite - 3!setU2_A (setU2_C _ (singleton z)).
by rewrite (setU2_A (singleton z)) setU2_id.
have au: a u by move => t tu;apply: ra; fprops.
have ne1: nonempty (fun_image ((u +s1 z) +s1 v) g).
exists (g v); apply: funI_i; fprops.
have ne2: nonempty (fun_image (u +s1 z) g).
exists (g z); apply: funI_i; fprops.
have ne3: nonempty (fun_image u g').
move:neu => [t tu]; exists (g' t); apply: funI_i; fprops.
have aux1: sub ((u +s1 z) +s1 v) I1.
move => t; case /setU1_P; last by move => ->.
case /setU1_P; first by move => tu;apply: sii'; apply: au.
move => ->; apply /(BintcP snB); fprops.
have aux2: sub (u +s1 z) I1 by move => t ts; apply: aux1; apply/setU1_P; left.
have aux3: sub u I1 by move => t ts; apply: sii'; apply: au.
have aux4:inc (infimum r (fun_image (u +s1 z) g)) (substrate r).
apply: (inc_infimum_substrate or (sr1 _ aux2)).
apply: (lattice_finite_inf2 lr (fs1 _ aux2) (sr1 _ aux2) ne2).
rewrite funI_setU1 (inf_setU1 lr (sr1 _ aux1) ne1 (fs1 _ aux1) gzr).
rewrite funI_setU1 (inf_setU1 lr (sr1 _ aux2) ne2 (fs1 _ aux2) gvr).
move: (lattice_props lr) => [_ [ _ [_ [_ [_ [idr _]]]]]].
rewrite - (idr _ _ _ aux4 gvr gzr) -/(g' v) (h au neu).
by rewrite funI_setU1 (inf_setU1 lr (sr1' _ aux3) ne3 (fs1' _ aux3) gvr').
have gIr: sub (fun_image I g) (substrate r) by apply: sr1.
have gIhs: has_supremum r (fun_image I g).
apply: lattice_finite_sup2 => //; first by apply: finite_fun_image.
exists (g n); apply : funI_i; apply/ BintcP; fprops.
move : (inc_supremum_substrate or gIr gIhs); rewrite - sr => sIE.
have pc: forall i, inc i I -> inc (g i) E.
by rewrite sr => i iI; apply:gxsr; apply: sii'.
have pd: forall i, inc i I -> inc (g' i) E.
by rewrite sr => i iI; apply:g'xsr; apply: sii'.
move: (Hrec _ pc) (Hrec _ pd);rewrite / Exercise5_5_conc_aux.
set seG := card_sumb _ _;set soG := card_sumb _ _.
set seG' := card_sumb _ _;set soG' := card_sumb _ _.
set seI := card_sumb _ _; set soI := card_sumb _ _.
set X := f _; set X':= f _; set X'' := f _.
move => r1 r2.
move: (gzr); rewrite - sr => gzE.
move: (hyp_f sIE gzE); rewrite rec1 - (supremum_setU1 lr gIr gIhs gzr).
move => auxx.
set ff := (fun t => t +s1 z).
clear gIr gIhs sIE pc pd gzE.
have ->: seI = seG +c soG'.
set A := even_card0_sub I;
set B := fun_image (odd_card_sub I) ff.
have dAB: disjoint A B.
apply: disjoint_pr => u /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P ra rb rc /funI_P.
move => [t _ h]; case: pb; apply: ra; rewrite h /ff; fprops.
have uAB: (even_card0_sub I1) = A \cup B.
rewrite /B/ff;set_extens t.
move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P ra rb te; apply /setU2_P.
case: (inc_or_not z t) => zt.
right; apply /funI_P; exists (t -s1 z);last by rewrite (setC1_K zt).
apply /Zo_P; split.
apply /setP_P => s /setC1_P [st sz];move: (ra _ st); rewrite -pa.
by case /setU1_P.
move: (card_succ_pr2 zt) => e1.
split; first by apply:BS_nsucc; fprops;rewrite -e1; exact (proj1 rb).
move => ec; move: (proj1 (even_odd_succ _) ec).
rewrite- (card_succ_pr2 zt); by case.
left; apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /setP_P.
move => s st;move: (ra _ st); rewrite -pa;case /setU1_P => //.
by move => sz; case: zt; rewrite - sz.
case /setU2_P.
move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P ra rb rc; apply/Zo_P;split => //.
apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /setP_P; rewrite -pa => s st.
by apply /setU1_P; left; apply: ra.
move /funI_P => [s ] /Zo_P [] /setP_P sa sb ->; apply/ Zo_P.
split; last by apply /set1_P;apply /nonemptyP; exists z; fprops.
apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply /setP_P; rewrite -pa; apply:setU2_S2.
have zs: ~ inc z s by move => h; case: pb; apply: sa.
rewrite (card_succ_pr zs); apply: (proj2 (even_odd_succ _) sb).
move: (csumA_setU2 (fun z => f (infimum r (fun_image z g))) dAB).
suff: card_sumb B (fun s => f (infimum r (fun_image s g))) = soG'.
by move => ->; rewrite - uAB.
rewrite /card_sumb.
set f1 := Lf ff (odd_card_sub I) B.
have pc: lf_axiom ff (odd_card_sub I) B.
by move => s sa; apply: funI_i.
have fb: bijection f1.
apply: lf_bijective => //.
move => u v /Zo_P [] /setP_P ui _ /Zo_P [] /setP_P vi _ sv.
have nzu: ~ (inc z u) by move => b; apply: pb; apply: ui.
have nzv: ~ (inc z v) by move => b; apply: pb; apply: vi.
by rewrite - (setU1_K nzu) -/(ff _) sv (setU1_K nzv).
by move => y /funI_P.
have ff1: function f1 by fct_tac.
set XX := Lg B _.
have fgxx: fgraph XX by rewrite /XX; fprops.
have tf1: target f1 = domain XX by rewrite /f1 /XX; aw; bw.
rewrite (csum_Cn tf1 fb) /soG' /f1/card_sumb/composef; aw.
apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => s sa.
move /Zo_P: (sa) => [] /setP_P sb sc.
have rb: inc (s +s1 z) B by apply: pc.
rewrite -/(Vf _ _); aw; rewrite /XX; bw; rewrite inf_gp //.
by apply:odd_nonempty.
have ->: soI = soG +c seG' +c (f (g z)).
rewrite /soI /soG /seG' -/I.
set A := odd_card_sub I;
set B := fun_image (even_card_sub I) ff.
have dAB: disjoint A B.
apply: disjoint_pr => u /Zo_P [] /setP_P ra rb /funI_P.
move => [t _ h]; case: pb; apply: ra; rewrite h /ff; fprops.
have uAB: (odd_card_sub I1) = A \cup B.
set_extens t.
move => /Zo_P []/setP_P ra rb; apply /setU2_P.
case: (inc_or_not z t) => zt.
right;apply /funI_P; exists (t -s1 z); last by rewrite /ff (setC1_K zt).
apply /Zo_P; split.
apply /setP_P => s /setC1_P [st sz];move: (ra _ st); rewrite -pa.
by case /setU1_P.
move: (card_succ_pr2 zt) => e1; ex_middle bad.
have oi: odd_int (cardinal (t -s1 z)).
split => //; apply:BS_nsucc; fprops;rewrite -e1; exact (proj1 rb).
by move: (proj2 (even_odd_succ _) oi); rewrite - e1 => h; case: rb.
left; apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /setP_P.
move => s st;move: (ra _ st); rewrite -pa;case /setU1_P => //.
by move => sz; case: zt; rewrite - sz.
case /setU2_P.
move => /Zo_P [] /setP_P ra rb; apply/Zo_P;split => //; apply /setP_P.
apply: (sub_trans ra sii').
move /funI_P => [s] /Zo_P [] /setP_P sa sb ->; apply/ Zo_P.
split;first by apply /setP_P; rewrite -pa; apply:setU2_S2.
have zs: ~ inc z s by move => h; case: pb; apply: sa.
rewrite (card_succ_pr zs); apply: (proj1 (even_odd_succ _) sb).
move: (csumA_setU2 (fun z => f (infimum r (fun_image z g))) dAB).
rewrite uAB => ->; rewrite - csumA; congr (_ +c _).
rewrite /B.
have ->: even_card_sub I = even_card0_sub I +s1 emptyset.
set_extens t.
move => h; apply /setU1_P;case: (emptyset_dichot t) => sd; first by right.
by left; apply /Zo_P; split => //; move /set1_P; apply /nonemptyP.
case /setU1_P; [ by move /Zo_P => [] | move => ->; apply /Zo_P].
split; first by apply: setP_0i.
by rewrite cardinal_set0; apply: even_zero.
have di2: disjoint (fun_image (even_card0_sub I) ff)
(singleton (singleton z)).
apply: disjoint_pr => u /funI_P [v] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [sa sb].
move /set1_P => vne eq1 /set1_P uz; move: sb.
have ->: v = singleton z.
apply : set1_pr1; first by apply /nonemptyP.
move => t tv; apply /set1_P; rewrite -uz eq1 /ff; fprops.
rewrite cardinal_set1; exact (proj2 odd_one).
rewrite /ff funI_setU1 set0_U2 (csumA_setU2 _ di2).
rewrite {2} /card_sumb; set f2 := Lg _ _.
have sid: domain f2 = (singleton (singleton z)) by rewrite /f2; bw.
have eq1: Vg f2 (singleton z) = f (g z).
rewrite /f2; bw;[ rewrite funI_set1 infimum_singleton // | fprops].
have cf1: cardinalp (Vg f2 (singleton z)) by rewrite eq1; apply: card_f; ue.
rewrite (csum_trivial1 sid cf1) eq1 csumC (csumC _ (f (g z))); apply:f_equal.
set B1:= fun_image _ _.
set f1 := Lf ff (even_card0_sub I) B1.
have pc: lf_axiom ff (even_card0_sub I) B1.
by move => s sa; apply: funI_i.
have fb: bijection f1.
apply: lf_bijective => //.
move => u v /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P ui _ _.
move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P vi _ _ sv.
have nzu: ~ (inc z u) by move => b; apply: pb; apply: ui.
have nzv: ~ (inc z v) by move => b; apply: pb; apply: vi.
by rewrite - (setU1_K nzu) -/(ff _) sv (setU1_K nzv).
by move => y /funI_P.
have ff1: function f1 by fct_tac.
rewrite /card_sumb; set XX := Lg B1 _.
have fgxx: fgraph XX by rewrite /XX; fprops.
have tf1: target f1 = domain XX by rewrite /f1 /XX; aw; bw.
rewrite (csum_Cn tf1 fb) /soG' /f1/card_sumb/composef; aw.
apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => s sa.
have rb: inc (s +s1 z) B1 by apply: pc.
move /Zo_P: (sa) => [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P sb sc /set1_P sd.
rewrite -/(Vf _ _); aw; rewrite /XX; bw; rewrite inf_gp //.
by apply/nonemptyP.
rewrite -r2 -r1 (csumA seG) (csumC seG) 2!csumA.
rewrite -auxx -/X.
by rewrite - (csumA X) (csumC (f (g z))) csumA - csumA (csumC (f (g z))) csumA.
Lemma Exercise5_5_a2 I: sub I E -> nonempty I -> finite_set I ->
Exercise5_5_conc I.
move => IE neI fsi.
set m := cardinal I.
have mB: inc m Bnat by rewrite /m; apply /BnatP.
have mz: m <> \0c.
move => mz; move: neI;rewrite (cardinal_nonemptyset mz).
by case /nonemptyP.
move: (card_Bintcp mB mz); move /card_eqP.
move: (cpred_pr mB mz) => [pa pb].
move => [G [bG sG tG]].
have fg: function G by fct_tac.
set K := Bintc (cpred m).
pose g x := Vf G x.
have aux: forall x, inc x K -> inc (g x) E.
rewrite /K - sG; move => x xk; apply: IE; rewrite - tG /g; Wtac.
move: (Exercise5_5_a1 pa aux).
rewrite /Exercise5_5_conc_aux /Exercise5_5_conc.
have ->:(fun_image (Bintc (cpred m)) g) = I.
rewrite - sG - tG;set_extens t.
move /funI_P; rewrite /g; move => [z za ->]; Wtac.
move => tg; move: (bij_surj bG tg) => [x xs <-].
apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
rewrite /card_sumb; set s1 := card_sum _; set s2 := card_sum _.
set s3 := card_sum _; set s4 := card_sum _.
have ga: forall t, sub t (source G) -> sub (fun_image t g) I.
move => t tg s /funI_P [z zt ->]; rewrite -tG /g; Wtac.
have gb: forall t, sub t (source G) ->
cardinal t = cardinal (fun_image t g).
move => t tg; apply /card_eqP.
exists (Lf g t (fun_image t g)); split;aw; apply /lf_bijective.
move=> s sa; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move => u v ut vt sg; move: (tg _ ut) (tg _ vt) => ug vg.
apply: (bij_inj bG ug vg sg).
by move => y /funI_P.
have gc: forall u v, sub u (source G) -> sub v (source G) ->
fun_image u g = fun_image v g -> u = v.
move => u v us vs sf; set_extens t => tu.
have : inc (g t) (fun_image v g) by rewrite - sf; apply: funI_i.
move /funI_P => [z za zb].
by rewrite (bij_inj bG (us _ tu)(vs _ za) zb).
have : inc (g t) (fun_image u g) by rewrite sf; apply: funI_i.
move /funI_P => [z za zb].
by rewrite (bij_inj bG (vs _ tu) (us _ za) zb).
have gd: forall u, sub u I -> exists2 t, sub t (source G)& (fun_image t g) =u.
move => u uI; exists (Zo (source G) (fun z => inc (g z) u)).
by apply: Zo_S.
set_extens t; first by move => /funI_P [z ] /Zo_P [] _ h ->.
rewrite -tG in uI; move => tu; move: (bij_surj bG (uI _ tu)) => [x p1 p2].
apply /funI_P; rewrite -p2 /g; exists x => //; apply: Zo_i => //; ue.
have ->: s1 = s3.
rewrite /s1 /s3 - sG.
set A1 := even_card0_sub _; set A2 := even_card0_sub _.
set X := Lg A2 _.
set h := Lf (fun z => (fun_image z g)) A1 A2.
have pc: fgraph X by rewrite /X; fprops.
have pd: target h = domain X by rewrite /h /X; bw; aw.
have ta: lf_axiom (fun_image^~ g) A1 A2.
move => t /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P t1 t2 /set1_P te.
apply /Zo_P; split.
apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply /setP_P; fprops.
by rewrite - (gb _ t1).
apply /set1_P => e; case: (emptyset_dichot t) => //; move => [s st].
by empty_tac1 (g s); apply: funI_i.
have pe: bijection h.
apply: lf_bijective => //.
move => u v /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P h1 _ _.
by move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P h2 _ _; apply: gc.
move => y /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P p1 p2 p3.
move: (gd _ p1) => [t t1 t2]; exists t => //.
apply /Zo_P; split.
apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply/setP_P.
by rewrite (gb _ t1) t2.
move /set1_P => h1; case: p3; apply /set1_P; rewrite -t2.
by rewrite h1; apply /set0_P => s /funI_P [z] /in_set0.
have pf: function h by fct_tac.
rewrite (csum_Cn pd pe) /composef {1} /h; aw; apply: f_equal.
apply: Lg_exten => t tb; rewrite -/(Vf h t) /h; aw; rewrite /X; bw.
by apply: ta.
have -> //: s2 = s4.
rewrite /s2 /s4 - sG.
set A1 := odd_card_sub _; set A2 := odd_card_sub _.
set X := Lg A2 _.
set h := Lf (fun z => (fun_image z g)) A1 A2.
have pc: fgraph X by rewrite /X; fprops.
have pd: target h = domain X by rewrite /h /X; bw; aw.
have ta: lf_axiom (fun_image^~ g) A1 A2.
move => t /Zo_P [] /setP_P p1 p2; apply /Zo_P;rewrite - (gb _ p1);split=> //.
apply /setP_P; fprops.
have pe: bijection h.
apply lf_bijective => //.
by move => u v /Zo_P [] /setP_P us _ /Zo_P [] /setP_P vs _; apply: gc.
move => y /Zo_P [] /setP_P p1 p2; move: (gd _ p1) => [t t1 t2].
exists t => //; apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply /setP_P.
by rewrite (gb _ t1) t2.
have pf: function h by fct_tac.
rewrite (csum_Cn pd pe) /composef {1} /h; aw; apply: f_equal.
apply: Lg_exten => t tb; rewrite -/(Vf h t) /h; aw; rewrite /X; bw.
by apply: ta.
End Exercise5_5.
Lemma setP_lattice_d1 A (r := subp_order A): distributive_lattice1 r.
rewrite /distributive_lattice1 (proj2 (subp_osr A)) => x y z xA yA zA.
rewrite (proj1 (setP_lattice_pr xA yA)) (proj1 (setP_lattice_pr xA zA)).
rewrite (proj2 (setP_lattice_pr yA zA)).
move: (xA)(yA)(zA) => /setP_P xA' /setP_P yA' /setP_P zA'.
have yzA: inc (y \cap z) (powerset A).
by apply /setP_P => t /setI2_P [ty _]; apply: yA'.
have xyA: inc (x \cup y) (powerset A).
apply /setP_P => t /setU2_P; case => h; [by apply: xA' | by apply: yA'].
have xzA: inc (x \cup z) (powerset A).
apply /setP_P => t /setU2_P; case => h; [by apply: xA' | by apply: zA'].
rewrite (proj1 (setP_lattice_pr xA yzA)) (proj2 (setP_lattice_pr xyA xzA)).
by rewrite set_UI2r.
Lemma Exercise5_5_b1 x y:
cardinal x +c cardinal y = cardinal (x \cup y) +c cardinal (x \cap y).
have di: disjoint (x -s y) (x \cap y).
by apply: disjoint_pr => u /setC_P [_ pa] /setI2_P [].
move: (csum2_pr5(set_I2Cr x y)); rewrite setU2Cr2 setU2_C => ->.
rewrite csum2_pr2b csum2_pr2b - csumA - (csum2_pr5 di).
by rewrite - setCC_r setC_v setC_0 csumC.
Lemma Exercise5_5_b3 I (f: Set -> Set) : finite_set I ->
cardinal (unionf I f) +c
card_sumb (even_card0_sub I) (fun z => cardinal (intersectionf z f))
= card_sumb (odd_card_sub I) (fun z => cardinal (intersectionf z f)).
case: (emptyset_dichot I).
move => ->; rewrite setUf_0 cardinal_set0.
have ->: (even_card0_sub emptyset) = emptyset.
by apply /set0_P => t /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P /sub_set0 h _ /set1_P.
have ->: (odd_card_sub emptyset) = emptyset.
apply /set0_P => t /Zo_P [] /setP_P/sub_set0 => te oi.
by move: (odd_nonempty oi); move /nonemptyP; case.
rewrite /card_sumb csum_trivial; aw; fprops; bw.
move => neI fse.
set m := cardinal I.
have mB: inc m Bnat by apply/BnatP.
have mz: m <> \0c.
by move => h; move: (cardinal_nonemptyset h); apply /nonemptyP.
move: (card_Bintcp mB mz); move /card_eqP.
move: (cpred_pr mB mz); set n := cpred m; move=> [pa pb] [G [bG sG tG]].
have fg: function G by fct_tac.
pose g i := f (Vf G i).
set A := unionf I f; set E := powerset A;set r:= subp_order A.
have esr: E = substrate r by symmetry; apply: (proj2 (subp_osr A)).
have lr: lattice r by apply: setP_lattice.
move: (@setP_lattice_d1 A) => dl1.
have cf: forall x, inc x E -> cardinalp (cardinal x) by move => x xA; fprops.
have fp: forall x y, inc x E -> inc y E ->
cardinal x +c cardinal y = cardinal (sup r x y) +c cardinal (inf r x y).
move => x y xe ye; move: (setP_lattice_pr xe ye) => [-> ->].
apply: Exercise5_5_b1.
have pc: (forall i, inc i (Bintc n) -> inc (g i) E).
rewrite - sG => i iG; move: (Vf_target fg iG); rewrite tG => h.
rewrite /g; apply /setP_P => s sa; apply /setUf_P; ex_tac.
move: (Exercise5_5_a1 lr dl1 esr cf fp pa pc).
rewrite /Exercise5_5_conc_aux.
set J := (Bintc n).
have pd: sub (fun_image J g) (powerset A).
by move => t /funI_P [z za zb]; move: (pc _ za); rewrite zb.
move: (setU_sup pd) => h; rewrite - (supremum_pr2 (proj1 lr) h).
have pe: forall x, sub x J -> (fun_image x g) = fun_image (image_by_fun G x) f.
rewrite /J - sG; move => x xJ.
set_extens t => /funI_P [z za ->]; apply /funI_P.
exists (Vf G z) => //; apply/ (Vf_image_P fg xJ); ex_tac.
move /(Vf_image_P fg xJ): za => [u ux ->]; ex_tac.
have ->: (fun_image J g) = fun_image I f.
by rewrite -tG - (surjective_pr0 (proj2 bG)) /image_of_fun sG; apply: pe.
have ->: union (fun_image I f) = A.
set_extens t.
move /setU_P => [z tz] /funI_P [u ui uv]; apply /setUf_P; ex_tac; ue.
by move/setUf_P => [y yi tf]; apply /setU_P; exists (f y) => //; apply:funI_i.
have pf: forall x, inc x (powerset J) -> nonempty x ->
(infimum r (fun_image x g)) = intersectionf (image_by_fun G x) f.
move => x /setP_P qa qb.
have ta: nonempty (fun_image x g) by apply: funI_setne.
have tb: sub (fun_image x g) (powerset A).
by move => t /funI_P [z zx ->]; apply: pc; apply: qa.
move: (ta); rewrite {1} (pe _ qa) => ta1.
have tc: nonempty (image_by_fun G x).
apply /nonemptyP => ba; move: ta1; rewrite ba funI_set0.
by case/nonemptyP.
move: (setI_inf tb); Ytac0 => h1; rewrite - (infimum_pr2 (proj1 lr) h1).
rewrite (pe _ qa); set_extens t.
move /(setI_P ta1) => hi;apply: (setIf_i tc) => j ja.
by apply: hi; apply: funI_i.
move /(setIf_P _ tc) => hi;apply: (setI_i ta1) => j /funI_P [z za ->].
by apply: hi.
have pg: forall s, sub s J -> sub (image_by_fun G s) I.
by rewrite -tG; move => s sj; apply: fun_image_Starget1.
have ph: forall s, sub s J -> cardinal (image_by_fun G s) = cardinal s.
move => s sj; symmetry;apply /card_eqP.
apply equipotent_restriction1;[ ue | exact (proj1 bG)].
have pi: forall u v, sub u J -> sub v J ->
image_by_fun G u = image_by_fun G v -> u = v.
rewrite /J - sG; move => u v uJ vJ si; set_extens t => tu.
have : inc (Vf G t) (image_by_fun G v).
rewrite - si; apply /(Vf_image_P fg uJ); ex_tac.
move /(Vf_image_P fg vJ) => [w wv] sv.
by rewrite (bij_inj bG (uJ _ tu) (vJ _ wv) sv).
have : inc (Vf G t) (image_by_fun G u).
rewrite si; apply /(Vf_image_P fg vJ); ex_tac.
move /(Vf_image_P fg uJ) => [w wv] sv.
by rewrite (bij_inj bG (vJ _ tu)(uJ _ wv) sv).
have pj: forall y, inc y (powerset I) -> exists x,
[/\ inc x (powerset J), image_by_fun G x = y & cardinal x = cardinal y].
move => y /setP_P; rewrite - tG => yG; rewrite /J - sG.
set x := Zo (source G) (fun z => inc (Vf G z) y).
have xj: sub x (source G) by apply: Zo_S.
have xj': sub x J by rewrite /J - sG.
exists x; rewrite - (ph _ xj').
have -> : image_by_fun G x = y.
set_extens t.
by move /(Vf_image_P fg xj) => [u] /Zo_P [_] hh ->.
move => ty; apply /(Vf_image_P fg xj); move: (bij_surj bG (yG _ ty)).
move => [a ag eq]; exists a => //; apply /Zo_P; rewrite eq;split => //.
by split => //; apply /setP_P.
clear h.
rewrite /card_sumb; set x1 := card_sum _; set x2 := card_sum _.
set x3 := card_sum _; set x4 := card_sum _.
have [-> -> //]: x1 = x3 /\ x2 = x4; split.
rewrite /x1 /x3.
set A1 := even_card0_sub _; set A2 := even_card0_sub _.
set X := Lg A2 _.
set h := Lf (image_by_fun G) A1 A2.
have qc: fgraph X by rewrite /X; fprops.
have qd: target h = domain X by rewrite /X /h; bw; aw.
have qb: lf_axiom (image_by_fun G) A1 A2.
move => s /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P sj a1 /set1_P a2.
move: (pg _ sj) (ph _ sj) => s1 s2.
apply /Zo_P; split.
by apply /Zo_P;rewrite s2;split => //; apply/setP_P.
move /set1_P => s3; case: (emptyset_dichot s) => // [] [t ts].
empty_tac1 (Vf G t); apply /Vf_image_P => //; [ ue | ex_tac].
have qe: bijection h.
apply: lf_bijective => //.
move => u v /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P uJ _ _.
by move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P vJ _ _; apply: pi.
move => t /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [t1 t2] /set1_P t3.
move: (pj _ t1) => [x [x5 x6 x7]].
exists x => //; apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply /Zo_P; rewrite x7.
by move /set1_P => xe; move: x6; rewrite xe fun_image_set0; apply: nesym.
have qf: function h by fct_tac.
rewrite (csum_Cn qd qe) /composef /h; aw; apply: f_equal.
apply: Lg_exten => s sa; move: (qb _ sa) => qg.
move /Zo_P: (sa) => [] /Zo_P [sb sc] /set1_P sd.
by rewrite -/(Vf _ _) /X; aw; bw; rewrite pf //; apply /nonemptyP.
rewrite /x2 /x4.
set A1 := odd_card_sub _; set A2 := odd_card_sub _.
set X := Lg A2 _.
set h := Lf (image_by_fun G) A1 A2.
have qc: fgraph X by rewrite /X; fprops.
have qd: target h = domain X by rewrite /X /h; bw; aw.
have qb: lf_axiom (image_by_fun G) A1 A2.
move => s /Zo_P [] /setP_P sj a1; move: (pg _ sj) (ph _ sj) => s1 s2.
by apply /Zo_P; rewrite s2;split => //; apply/setP_P.
have qe: bijection h.
apply /lf_bijective => //.
by move => u v /Zo_P [] /setP_P uJ _ /Zo_P [] /setP_P vJ _; apply: pi.
move => y /Zo_P [t1 t2]; move: (pj _ t1) => [x [x5 x6 x7]].
exists x => //; apply /Zo_P; rewrite x7;split => //.
have qf: function h by fct_tac.
rewrite (csum_Cn qd qe) /composef /h; aw; apply: f_equal.
apply: Lg_exten => s sa; move: (qb _ sa) => qg.
move /Zo_P: (sa) => [sc sd]; move: (odd_nonempty sd) => nes.
by rewrite -/(Vf _ _) /X; aw; bw; rewrite pf.
Lemma Exercise5_5_b2 I: finite_set I ->
cardinal (union I) +c
card_sumb (even_card0_sub I) (fun z => cardinal (intersection z))
= card_sumb (odd_card_sub I) (fun z => cardinal (intersection z)).
move => h.
move: (Exercise5_5_b3 id h).
rewrite - setU_prop /card_sumb; set s1 := Lg _ _; set s2 := Lg _ _.
set s3 := Lg _ _; set s4 := Lg _ _.
have ->: s1 = s3 by apply: Lg_exten => t; rewrite setI_prop.
have -> //: s2 = s4 by apply: Lg_exten => t; rewrite setI_prop.
Lemma Exercise5_6 n h (I := (Bintc h))
(f := fun i => (binom h i) *c (binom (n +c h -c i) h)):
inc n Bnat -> inc h Bnat ->
card_sumb (Zo I even_int) f = \1c +c card_sumb (Zo I odd_int) f.
move => nB hB; rename f into f'.
set A := (Zo I even_int).
have za: inc \0c A by apply Zo_i; [apply/BintcP; fprops | apply: even_zero].
have nzc: ~ inc \0c (A -s1 \0c) by move /setC1_P => [].
have fc0: cardinalp (f' \0c) by rewrite /f'; fprops.
have nhB: inc (n +c h) Bnat by fprops.
rewrite - (setC1_K za) (csumA_setU1 _ nzc) {2} /f' (binom0 hB) (cdiff_n_0 nhB).
set J := (Bint h).
pose Ak k := graphs_sum_le J k.
pose Bk i := Zo (Ak n) (fun z => Vg z i <> \0c).
have cJ: cardinal J = h by rewrite card_Bint.
have fsj: finite_set J by apply /BnatP; rewrite cJ.
have r1: forall z (k:= cardinal z), sub z J -> nonempty z ->
cardinal (intersectionf z Bk) = binom ((n +c h) -c k) h.
move => z k zj nez.
have ->: (intersectionf z Bk) =
Zo (Ak n) (fun f => forall i, inc i z -> Vg f i <> \0c).
set_extens v.
move /(setIf_P _ nez) => p1.
move: (p1 _ (rep_i nez)) => /Zo_P [p2 p3]; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
by move => i iz; move: (p1 _ iz) => /Zo_P [_].
move =>/Zo_P [p1 p2]; apply/(setIf_P _ nez) => j jz; apply /Zo_P;fprops.
move: (sub_smaller zj); rewrite cJ - /k => kn.
move: (BS_le_int kn hB) => kB.
set Z := Zo _ _.
pose ga f:= Lg J (fun i => Yo (inc i z) (cpred (Vg f i)) (Vg f i)).
pose gb f:= Lg J (fun i => Yo (inc i z) (succ (Vg f i)) (Vg f i)).
have pb : forall f, fgraph f -> allf f cardinalp -> domain f = J ->
(forall i, inc i J -> inc (Vg f i) Bnat) ->
(forall i, inc i z -> Vg f i <> \0c) ->
card_sum (ga f) +c k = card_sum f.
move => f p1 p2 p0 p3 p4.
pose f2 := (graph (char_fun z J)).
have q2: forall i, inc i J -> Vg (ga f) i +c Vg f2 i = Vg f i.
move => i iJ; rewrite /ga /f2 -/(Vf _ i); bw; Ytac zi.
rewrite (char_fun_V_a zj zi).
move: (cpred_pr (p3 _ iJ) (p4 _ zi)) => [h1 h2].
by rewrite -(Bsucc_rw h1) - h2.
have aux: inc i (J -s z) by apply /setC_P.
by rewrite char_fun_V_b //; aw; apply: p2; rewrite p0.
set f3 := (Lg J (Vg f2)).
have s1: fgraph f3 by rewrite /f3; by fprops.
have s2: sub z (domain f3) by rewrite /f3; bw.
have s3: forall i, inc i ((domain f3) -s z) -> Vg f3 i = \0c.
rewrite /f3/f2; bw => i ij; bw; last by move /setC_P: ij => [].
by rewrite -/(Vf _ _) (char_fun_V_b zj ij).
have s4: Lg z (Vg f3) = cst_graph z \1c.
apply : Lg_exten => i iz; move: (zj _ iz) => iJ; rewrite /f3; bw.
exact (char_fun_V_a zj iz).
move: (csum_zero_unit s2 s3); rewrite /card_sumb s4 csum_of_ones -/k => s5.
move: (sum_of_sums (Vg (ga f)) (Vg f2) J); rewrite /card_sumb.
have r1 : domain (ga f) = J by rewrite /ga; bw.
have r3 : fgraph (ga f) by rewrite /ga; fprops.
rewrite -{1} r1 (Lg_recovers r3) s5 => ->; apply: f_equal.
apply: fgraph_exten; fprops; bw; first by symmetry.
move => i ij /=; bw; exact (q2 _ ij).
have pa: forall f, inc f Z ->
[/\ k <=c n, inc (ga f) (Ak (n -c k)) & gb (ga f) = f].
move => f /Zo_P [p0 p5].
move /(setof_suml_auxP _ nB): (p0) => [p1 p2 p3 p4].
have q1: forall i, inc i J -> inc (Vg f i) Bnat.
move /funI_P: p0 => [f1] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [q0 q1 q2] q3 ->.
rewrite - q1 => i isf; move: (Vf_target q0 isf); rewrite q2 => q4.
exact (Bint_S q4).
move: (pb _ p3 p4 p1 q1 p5) => q3.
have r1 : domain (ga f) = J by rewrite /ga; bw.
have q4: k <=c card_sum f.
by rewrite - q3; rewrite csumC;apply:csum_M0le; fprops.
have q5: k <=c n by apply: (card_leT q4 p2).
move: (BS_diff k nB) =>q6.
have q7: card_sum (ga f) <=c n -c k.
have q4': card_sum (ga f) <=c card_sum f.
by rewrite - q3; apply:csum_M0le; fprops.
move: (BS_le_int (card_leT q4' p2) nB) => h1.
move: p2; rewrite -q3 - {1} (cdiff_pr q5) csumC => s1.
exact (csum_le_simplifiable kB h1 q6 s1).
have r3 : fgraph (ga f) by rewrite /ga; fprops.
have r4 : allf (ga f) cardinalp.
red; rewrite /ga; bw => i ij; bw; move: (q1 _ ij) => ha; Ytac iz; fprops.
move: (cpred_pr ha (p5 _ iz)) => [h1 h2]; fprops.
have q8: inc (ga f) (Ak (n -c k)).
apply (setof_suml_auxP _ q6); split => //; split => //.
split => //; rewrite /gb;apply: fgraph_exten; [ fprops | done | by bw | bw].
move => i iJ /=; bw; rewrite /ga; Ytac iz; bw; Ytac0; last by exact.
by rewrite - (proj2 (cpred_pr (q1 _ iJ) (p5 _ iz))).
case: (card_le_to_el (CS_Bnat kB) (CS_Bnat nB)) => aux; last first.
have ->: Z = emptyset.
apply /set0_P => t tz; move: (proj31 (pa _ tz)) => h1; co_tac.
rewrite cardinal_set0 - (cdiff_pr kn); set i := h -c k.
move: (BS_diff k hB) => iB.
rewrite (csumC k) csumA (cdiff_pr1 (BS_sum nB iB) kB) (csumC i).
by rewrite binom_bad //; fprops; apply: csum_Mlteq.
have ->: (n +c h) -c k = (n -c k) +c h.
rewrite -{1} (cdiff_pr aux) csumC (csumC k) (csumC _ h) csumA cdiff_pr1 //.
move: (proj2 (set_of_functions_sum_pr (BS_diff k nB) hB)).
rewrite (binom_symmetric2 (BS_diff k nB) hB) -/(Ak _) => <-.
apply /card_eqP; exists (Lf ga Z (Ak (n -c k))); split;aw.
move: (BS_diff k nB) =>q6.
apply: lf_bijective.
by move => f fa; move: (pa _ fa)=> [_ ok _].
move => u v uz vz sw; move: (pa _ uz) (pa _ vz) => [_ _ e1][_ _ e2].
by rewrite - e1 -e2 sw.
move =>y yf.
move /(setof_suml_auxP _ q6): (yf) => [p1 p2 p3 p4].
have q1: forall i : Set, inc i J -> inc (Vg y i) Bnat.
move /funI_P: yf => [f1] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [q0 q1 q2] q3 ->.
rewrite - q1 => i isf; move: (Vf_target q0 isf); rewrite q2 => q4.
exact (Bint_S q4).
have q5:forall i, inc i z -> Vg (gb y)i <> \0c.
move => i iz; move: (zj _ iz) => iJ;rewrite /gb; bw; Ytac0.
apply: succ_nz.
have q4: ga (gb y) = y.
move: yf; rewrite /Ak; move /(setof_suml_auxP J q6)=> [s1 s2 s3 s4].
rewrite /ga; apply: fgraph_exten; fprops; bw => //.
move => i iJ /=; bw; rewrite /gb; bw; Ytac zi; Ytac0; last by exact.
by apply: cpred_pr2; apply: q1.
have q2: fgraph (gb y) by rewrite /gb; fprops.
have dgb: (domain (gb y)) = J by rewrite /gb; bw.
have q7: forall i, inc i J -> inc (Vg (gb y) i) Bnat.
move => i ij; move: (q1 _ ij) => ha;rewrite /gb; bw; Ytac zi; fprops.
have q3: (allf (gb y) cardinalp).
move => i; rewrite dgb => ij; rewrite /gb; bw; Ytac zi; fprops.
exists (gb y) => //.
apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /(setof_suml_auxP _ nB) => //;split => //.
move: (pb _ q2 q3 dgb q7 q5); rewrite q4; move => <-.
rewrite - (cdiff_pr aux) csumC; apply: csum_Mlele => //; fprops.
move: (Exercise5_5_b3 Bk fsj).
set s1 := card_sumb _ _;set s2 := card_sumb _ _.
set s3 := card_sumb _ _; set s4 := card_sumb _ _.
set fct0:= cst_graph J \0c.
have fct0_ok: inc fct0 (Ak n).
apply /setof_suml_auxP => //; rewrite /fct0; bw;split => //.
rewrite csum_of_same; aw; rewrite cprodC cprod0r; fprops.
hnf; bw; move => t tj; bw; fprops.
have ue: (unionf J Bk) = Ak n -s1 fct0.
set_extens t.
move => /setUf_P [z tz] /Zo_P [ta tb].
apply /setC1_P; split => //; dneg eq2; rewrite eq2 /fct0; bw.
move => /setC1_P [t1 t2]; apply /setUf_P.
move /(setof_suml_auxP _ nB): (t1) => [t4 _ t5 t6].
suff: (exists2 i, inc i J & Vg t i <> \0c).
move => [i ij t3]; ex_tac; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
ex_middle bad; case: t2; rewrite /fct0.
apply: fgraph_exten => //; bw; fprops.
rewrite t4; move => s st /=; bw; ex_middle ok; case: bad; ex_tac.
suff [ -> ->]: s1 = s3 /\ s2 = s4.
have cb1: cardinalp (binom (n +c h) h) by apply: CS_Bnat; apply:BS_binom.
move: (card_succ_pr2 fct0_ok); rewrite -ue card_succ_pr4; last by fprops.
rewrite csumC (cprod1l cb1) (binom_symmetric2 nB hB).
rewrite (proj2 (set_of_functions_sum_pr nB hB)) => -> <-.
by rewrite csumC - csumA.
have ->: s1 = card_sumb (even_card0_sub J)
(fun z => binom ((n +c h) -c (cardinal z)) h).
rewrite /s1/card_sumb; apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => t.
move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P ta tb /set1_P tc; apply: r1 => //.
by apply /nonemptyP.
set X := (even_card0_sub J); set F := (A -s1 \0c).
have pa: (forall x : Set, inc x X -> inc (cardinal x) F).
move => x /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /setP_P wJ pa /set1_P pb; apply /Zo_P; split.
apply /Zo_P;split => //;apply /(BintcP hB).
rewrite - cJ; apply:(sub_smaller wJ).
move /set1_P=> ha; case: pb; exact: (cardinal_nonemptyset ha).
rewrite (card_partition_induced1 _ pa).
rewrite /s3 /card_sumb; apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => i iF.
rewrite /f'; set Y:= Zo _ _.
transitivity (card_sum (cst_graph Y (binom ((n +c h) -c i) h))).
rewrite /cst_graph; apply: f_equal; apply: fgraph_exten; fprops; bw.
by move => j jY /=;bw; move /Zo_P: jY => [_ ->].
rewrite csum_of_same cprodC; apply: cprod2_pr2 => //.
move /Zo_P: iF => [] /Zo_P [i1 i2] /set1_P i3; move: (Bint_S i1) => i4.
have ->: Y = subsets_with_p_elements i J.
set_extens t.
by move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [t1 t2] t3 t4; apply /Zo_P.
move => /Zo_P [t1 t2]; apply/Zo_P;split => //; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
by apply /Zo_P;split => //; rewrite t2.
by move => /set1_P => te; case: i3; rewrite - t2 te cardinal_set0.
rewrite - (subsets_with_p_elements_pr hB i4 cJ).
by rewrite card_card //; apply: CS_Bnat; apply: BS_binom.
have ->: s2 = card_sumb (odd_card_sub J)
(fun z => binom ((n +c h) -c (cardinal z)) h).
rewrite /s2/card_sumb; apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => t.
move => /Zo_P [] /setP_P ta tb; apply: r1 => //.
by apply: odd_nonempty.
set X := (odd_card_sub J); set F := (Zo I odd_int).
have pa: (forall x : Set, inc x X -> inc (cardinal x) F).
move => x /Zo_P [] /setP_P pa pb; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
apply /(BintcP hB); rewrite - cJ; apply:(sub_smaller pa).
rewrite (card_partition_induced1 _ pa).
rewrite /s4 /card_sumb; apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => i iF.
rewrite /f'; set Y:= Zo _ _.
transitivity (card_sum (cst_graph Y (binom ((n +c h) -c i) h))).
rewrite /cst_graph; apply: f_equal; apply: fgraph_exten; fprops; bw.
by move => j jY /=;bw; move /Zo_P: jY => [_ ->].
rewrite csum_of_same cprodC; apply: cprod2_pr2 => //.
move /Zo_P: iF => [i1 i2]; move: (Bint_S i1) => i3.
have ->: Y = subsets_with_p_elements i J.
set_extens t.
move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [t1 t2] t3; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
move => /Zo_P [t1 t2]; apply/Zo_P;split => //.
by apply /Zo_P;split => //; rewrite t2.
rewrite - (subsets_with_p_elements_pr hB i3 cJ).
by rewrite card_card //; apply: CS_Bnat; apply: BS_binom.
Definition surjections E F :=
Zo (functions E F)(surjection).
Definition nbsurj n p :=
cardinal(surjections (Bint n) (Bint p)).
Lemma nbsurj_pr E F:
finite_set E -> finite_set F ->
cardinal (surjections E F) = nbsurj (cardinal E) (cardinal F).
move => pa pb.
set n := (cardinal E); set m := (cardinal F).
have nB: inc n Bnat by apply /BnatP.
have mB: inc m Bnat by apply /BnatP.
move: (card_Bint nB)(card_Bint mB).
move/card_eqP => [g [fg sg tg]].
move/card_eqP => [h [fh sh th]].
set s:= (surjections E F).
set t := surjections _ _.
move: (inverse_bij_fb fh) => bih.
set j := (fun f => (inverse_fun h) \co f \co g).
have pc: forall f, inc f s ->
(inverse_fun h \coP f)/\ (inverse_fun h \co f) \coP g.
move => f /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] sjf.
have s1: inverse_fun h \coP f by split => //; aw; try fct_tac; ue.
split => //; split => //; aw; try ue; try fct_tac.
exists (Lf (fun f => (inverse_fun h) \co f \co g) s t).
split;aw;apply: lf_bijective.
move => f fp; move: (pc _ fp)=> [s1 s2]; apply/ Zo_P;split => //.
apply /fun_set_P;red;aw;split => //; fct_tac.
move/ Zo_hi: fp => sjf.
move: (compose_fs sjf (proj2 bih) s1) => s3; apply:compose_fs => //.
exact (proj2 fg).
move => u v us vs; move: (pc _ us) (pc _ vs)=> [s1 s2][s3 s4] s5.
move: (compf_regl fg s2 s4 s5) => s6.
by move: (compf_regr bih s1 s3 s6).
move => y /Zo_P []/fun_set_P [fy sy ty] sjy.
set f := (h \co (y \co inverse_fun g)).
move: (inverse_bij_fb fg) => big.
have s1: (y \coP inverse_fun g) by split => //;aw; try fct_tac; ue.
have s2: h \coP (y \co inverse_fun g) by split => //; aw; try ue; try fct_tac.
have fs: inc f s.
apply/ Zo_P; split.
by rewrite /f;apply /fun_set_P;split => //; aw;try fct_tac.
move: (compose_fs (proj2 big) sjy s1) => s3; apply:compose_fs => //.
exact (proj2 fh).
exists f => //; rewrite /f (compfA (composable_inv_f fh) s2).
have pd: (source h) = target (y \co inverse_fun g) by aw; ue.
rewrite (bij_left_inverse fh) pd (compf_id_l (proj32 s2)).
rewrite - (compfA s1 (composable_inv_f fg)) (bij_left_inverse fg) sg - sy.
by symmetry;apply (compf_id_r).
Lemma nbsurj_rec n p: inc n Bnat -> inc p Bnat ->
nbsurj (succ n)(succ p) =
(succ p) *c ( nbsurj n p +c nbsurj n (succ p)).
move => nB pB; rewrite {1} /nbsurj csumC.
move: (BS_succ pB) => spB.
set I := (Bint (succ n)); set J:= (Bint (succ p)).
set I' := Bint n.
set E := (surjections I J).
pose phi := Lf (fun f => Vf f n) E J.
have sphi: E = source phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have pa: succ p = cardinal (target phi).
by rewrite /phi; aw; rewrite (card_Bint spB).
rewrite {1} pa sphi; clear pa.
have lfa: lf_axiom (Vf ^~n) E J.
move => f /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [pa pb pc] _.
by Wtac; rewrite pb; apply:Bint_si.
have fphi: function phi by apply: lf_function.
apply:(shepherd_principle fphi).
rewrite {1} /phi; aw; move => x xJ.
set F := inv_image_by_fun phi (singleton x).
have fp: forall f, inc f F <-> inc f (surjections I J) /\ x = Vf f n.
move => f; split.
move /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi) => []; rewrite - sphi => fe;rewrite{1}/phi.
by aw; move => pa.
move => [pa pb]; apply /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi).
split => //;[ ue | rewrite /phi;aw].
pose sfx f := exists2 y, inc y I' & Vf f y = x.
have ii': sub I' I by apply: Bint_M.
set A1 := Zo F sfx.
have <-: cardinal A1 = nbsurj n (succ p).
apply /card_eqP.
exists (Lf (restriction^~ I' ) A1 (surjections I' J)); split;aw.
apply /lf_bijective.
move => f /Zo_P [] /fp [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] sjf fn sff.
have si: sub I' (source f) by rewrite sf.
move: (restriction_prop ff si); rewrite tf => fp'.
apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply /fun_set_P.
move: fp' => [sa sb sc]; split; first by exact.
rewrite sc sb - tf=> y ytf; move: (proj2 sjf _ ytf) => [a asf va].
move: asf; rewrite sf; move /(BintsP nB) => lean.
case: (equal_or_not a n) => lan.
move: sff => [b ba bb]; rewrite - va lan - fn - bb; ex_tac.
rewrite restriction_V //.
have aI: inc a I' by apply /(BintP nB).
by exists a => //; rewrite restriction_V.
move => f g /Zo_P [] /fp [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] sjf fn sff.
move => /Zo_P [] /fp [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fg sg tg] sjg gn sfg sr.
apply: function_exten => //; (try ue); move => i isf /=.
move: isf; rewrite sf; move /(BintsP nB) => lein.
case: (equal_or_not i n) => lin; first by rewrite lin - fn gn.
have iI: inc i I' by apply /(BintP nB); split.
have si: sub I' (source f) by rewrite sf.
have sj: sub I' (source g) by rewrite sg - sf.
move: (f_equal (Vf^~ i) sr); rewrite restriction_V // restriction_V //.
move => y /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fy sy ty] sjy.
move: (Bint_pr4 nB); rewrite -/I -/I' - sy; move => [ci pa].
move:(extension_fs x fy pa sjy) => sjf.
have pb: sub I' (source (extension y n x)).
by rewrite /extension sy; aw; fprops.
move:(proj1 sjf) => fjf.
have si: source (extension y n x) = I by rewrite /extension; aw.
have ti: target (extension y n x) = J.
rewrite /extension ty; aw; rewrite setU1_eq //.
have fx: Vf (extension y n x) n = x by rewrite extension_Vf_out.
have re : (restriction (extension y n x) I') = y.
move: (restriction_prop fjf pb) => [pc pd pe].
apply : function_exten => //; rewrite ? pd ?pe ? ti//.
move => i ii /=;rewrite restriction_V //.
by rewrite extension_Vf_in // sy.
have aux: sfx (extension y n x).
rewrite -ty in xJ; move: (proj2 sjy _ xJ) => [s sa sb].
exists s; [ ue | rewrite extension_Vf_in //].
exists (extension y n x);last by ue.
by apply:Zo_i=> //;apply /fp; split => //; apply:Zo_i=> //; apply /fun_set_P.
have sa1: sub A1 F by apply: Zo_S.
rewrite (cardinal_setC2 sa1) csum2_pr2a - csum2_pr2b; congr (_ +c _).
have pa: n = cardinal I' by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
have fs1: finite_set I' by red; rewrite -pa;apply /BnatP.
have pb: p = cardinal (J -s1 x).
move: (card_succ_pr2 xJ); rewrite (card_Bint spB) => h.
apply: succ_injective1 => //; fprops.
have fs2: finite_set (J -s1 x) by red; rewrite -pb;apply /BnatP.
rewrite pa pb - (nbsurj_pr fs1 fs2).
apply /card_eqP.
have pc: forall f, inc f (F -s A1) -> restriction2_axioms f I' (J -s1 x).
move => f /setC_P [fF fp1].
move: (fF) => /fp [] /Zo_P[] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] sjf fn.
have aux: sub I' (source f) by ue.
red; rewrite sf tf; split => //; try apply: sub_setC.
move => i /(Vf_image_P ff aux) [u ui ->]; apply /setC1_P; split.
rewrite -tf; Wtac.
by dneg fa1; apply /Zo_P;split => //; exists u.
exists (Lf (fun z => restriction2 z I' (J -s1 x))
(F -s A1) (surjections I' (J -s1 x))); split;aw.
apply /lf_bijective.
move => f fa /=; move: (pc _ fa) => a1.
move: (restriction2_prop a1) => a2.
move: fa => /Zo_P [] /fp [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] sjf fn sff.
apply /Zo_P;split; first by apply /fun_set_P.
move: a2 => [a3 a4 a5]; split; first by exact.
rewrite a4 a5 - {1} tf=> y /setC1_P [ytf xx].
move: (proj2 sjf _ ytf) => [a asf va].
move: asf; rewrite sf; move /(BintsP nB) => lean.
case: (equal_or_not a n) => lan; first by case: xx; rewrite fn - va lan.
have aI: inc a I' by apply /(BintP nB); split.
by exists a => //; rewrite restriction2_V.
move => f g fa fb sr.
move: (pc _ fa) (pc _ fb) => a1 a2.
move: fa => /setC_P [] /fp [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] _ fv _.
move: fb => /setC_P [] /fp [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fg sg tg] _ gv _.
apply: function_exten => //; (try ue); move => i isf /=.
move: isf; rewrite sf; move /(BintsP nB) => lein.
case: (equal_or_not i n) => lin; first by rewrite lin - fv gv.
have iI: inc i I' by apply /(BintP nB); split.
move: (f_equal (Vf^~ i) sr); rewrite restriction2_V // restriction2_V //.
move => y /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fy sy ty] sjy.
move: (Bint_pr4 nB); rewrite -/I -/I' - sy; move => [ci pd].
move:(extension_fs x fy pd sjy) => sjf.
have pe: sub I' (source (extension y n x)).
by rewrite /extension sy; aw; fprops.
move:(proj1 sjf) => fjf.
have si: source (extension y n x) = I by rewrite /extension; aw.
have ti: target (extension y n x) = J.
by rewrite /extension ty; aw; apply:setC1_K.
have fx: Vf (extension y n x) n = x by rewrite extension_Vf_out.
move: (extension_restr x fy pd); rewrite ty => pf.
exists (extension y n x) => //; apply/setC_P; split.
by apply /fp; split => //; apply /Zo_P; split => //; apply /fun_set_P.
move /Zo_P => [sa [z]]; rewrite - sy => sb;rewrite extension_Vf_in // => pg.
by move: (Vf_target fy sb); rewrite pg ty => /setC1_P [].
Definition partitionsx E p :=
Zo (powerset (powerset E)) (fun z => partition_s z E /\ cardinal z = p).
Definition nbpart n p :=
cardinal(partitionsx (Bint n) p).
Lemma nbpart_pr1 E F g p
(f := fun_image ^~ (image_by_fun g)):
bijection g -> source g = E -> target g = F ->
bijection (Lf f (partitionsx E p)(partitionsx F p)).
rewrite /f; clear f; move: E F g.
have aux: forall E F g (f := fun_image ^~ (image_by_fun g))
(f' := fun_image ^~ (image_by_fun (inverse_fun g))),
bijection g -> source g = E -> target g = F ->
forall x, inc x (partitionsx E p) -> f' (f x) = x.
move => E F g f f' bg sg tg x.
move => /Zo_P [pa [pb pc]]; rewrite /f/f'.
have aux: forall t, inc t x -> sub t (source g).
by move => t tx; rewrite sg; apply /setP_P; move /setP_P: pa; apply.
set_extens t.
move /funI_P => [z] /funI_P [w wx ->].
by rewrite - (inverse_direct_image_inj (proj1 bg) (aux _ wx)); move ->.
move => tx; apply /funI_P.
rewrite (inverse_direct_image_inj (proj1 bg) (aux _ tx));
exists (image_by_fun g t) => //; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
have aux2: forall E F g (f := fun_image ^~ (image_by_fun g)),
bijection g -> source g = E -> target g = F ->
lf_axiom f (partitionsx E p)(partitionsx F p).
move => E F g f big sg tg; move: (proj1 (proj1 big)) => fg.
rewrite /f;move => pr /Zo_P [p1 [p2 p3]].
move: p2 => [[p4 p6] p5].
set K:= (fun_image pr (image_by_fun g)).
have ax: forall z, inc z pr -> sub z (source g).
move => z zpr; move: p1 => /setP_P sa; move: (sa _ zpr) => /setP_P; ue.
have pr1: inc K (powerset (powerset F)).
apply /setP_P => t; move /funI_P => [z zpr ->]; apply /setP_P => s.
move: (ax _ zpr) => a1.
move /(Vf_image_P fg a1) => [u uz ->]; rewrite -tg; Wtac.
have pr2: union K = F.
rewrite -tg;set_extens s.
move /setU_P=> [a sa] /funI_P [z zpr e1];move: (ax _ zpr) => a1.
move: sa; rewrite e1; move /(Vf_image_P fg a1) => [u uz ->]; Wtac.
move => si; move: (bij_surj big si); rewrite sg -p4; move => [x].
move/setU_P => [z xz] zpr <-; apply /setU_P;exists (image_by_fun g z).
by apply (Vf_image_P fg (ax _ zpr)); ex_tac.
apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
have pr3: alls K nonempty.
move => t /funI_P [z zpr ->]; move: (p5 _ zpr) => [a az].
exists (Vf g a); apply /(Vf_image_P fg (ax _ zpr)); ex_tac.
have pr4: partition_s K F.
split => //; split => //; move => a b ak bk; mdi_tac nab.
move: ak bk nab => /funI_P [a1 a1p ->] /funI_P [b1 b1p ->].
move:(ax _ a1p)(ax _ b1p) => s1 s2.
case: (p6 _ _ a1p b1p); [ by move => -> | move => diab _ ].
move => u /(Vf_image_P fg s1) [a2 a2p ->].
move /(Vf_image_P fg s2)=> [b2 b2p b2v].
move: (bij_inj big (s1 _ a2p) (s2 _ b2p)b2v) => sb.
empty_tac1 a2; ue.
apply /Zo_P;split => //; split => //.
rewrite -p3; symmetry; apply /card_eqP.
exists (Lf (fun z => (image_by_fun g z)) pr K); split;aw.
have ifi: forall s1 s2, sub s1 (source g) -> sub s2 (source g) ->
image_by_fun g s1 = image_by_fun g s2 -> s1 = s2.
move => s1 s2 aa bb cc.
rewrite (inverse_direct_image_inj (proj1 big) aa).
by rewrite (inverse_direct_image_inj (proj1 big) bb) cc.
apply: lf_bijective.
move => z zp; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move => u v ui vi si; exact: (ifi _ _ (ax _ ui) (ax _ vi) si).
move => y yK.
have aux2: sub y (target g) by rewrite tg - pr2; apply: setU_s1.
move: (direct_inv_im_surjective (proj2 big) aux2).
set s := (image_by_fun (inverse_fun g) y) => hh; exists s => //.
move: (inverse_bij_fb big) => [[fib _] _].
have syis: sub y (source (inverse_fun g)) by aw.
have ssg: sub s (source g).
have ->: (source g) = target (inverse_fun g) by aw.
move => t /(Vf_image_P fib syis) [u uy ->]; Wtac.
move: yK => /funI_P [w wp]; rewrite -hh => h1.
by rewrite (ifi _ _ ssg (ax _ wp) h1).
move => E F g pa pb pc.
set f := (fun_image^~ (image_by_fun g)).
pose g' := inverse_fun g.
move: (inverse_bij_fb pa) => pa'.
have pb': source g' = F by rewrite /g'; aw.
have pc': target g' = E by rewrite /g'; aw.
move: (aux2 _ _ _ pa pb pc) => h.
move: (aux2 _ _ _ pa' pb' pc').
set f' := fun_image^~ (image_by_fun g') => h'.
have ff': forall x, inc x (partitionsx E p) -> f' (f x) = x.
by move => x; apply: aux.
apply: lf_bijective => //.
by move => u v uK vK sf; rewrite - (ff' _ uK) - (ff' _ vK) sf.
move => y yp.
move: (h' _ yp) => u1; move: (ff' _ u1) => u2.
exists (f' y) => //.
have ->: f = fun_image^~ (image_by_fun (inverse_fun g')).
rewrite /g' ifun_involutive //; fct_tac.
by symmetry; apply: aux => //; rewrite /g'; aw; rewrite pc.
Lemma nbpart_pr E p:
finite_set E -> cardinal (partitionsx E p) = nbpart (cardinal E) p.
move => fse; set n := (cardinal E).
have nB: inc n Bnat by apply /BnatP.
have : n = cardinal (Bint n) by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
move/card_eqP => [g [big sg tg]].
move: (nbpart_pr1 p big sg tg); set f := Lf _ _ _ => bf.
apply /card_eqP; exists f; rewrite /f; split; aw.
Lemma nbsurj_part n p: inc n Bnat -> inc p Bnat ->
nbsurj n p = (factorial p) *c (nbpart n p).
move => nB pB.
rewrite /nbsurj /nbpart.
set I := (Bint n); set J:= (Bint p).
have cj: p = cardinal J by rewrite (card_Bint pB).
set E := (surjections I J).
set K := (partitionsx I p).
pose f g := fun_image J (fun z => inv_image_by_fun g (singleton z)).
have lfa: lf_axiom f E K.
move => g /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fg sg tg] sjg.
have p1: inc (f g) (powerset (powerset I)).
apply /setP_P => z /funI_P [w wJ ->]; apply /setP_P => t.
by move /(iim_fun_set1_P w fg) => []; rewrite sg.
have p2: cardinal (f g) = p.
symmetry; rewrite cj; apply /card_eqP.
exists (Lf (fun z => inv_image_by_fun g (singleton z)) J (f g)).
split;aw; apply lf_bijective.
move => z zj; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move => u v uj vj si.
rewrite -tg in uj; move: (proj2 sjg _ uj) => [x xsg h].
symmetry in h;move: (iim_fun_set1_i fg xsg h); rewrite si => xi.
by rewrite (iim_fun_set1_hi fg xi) - h.
by move => y /funI_P.
have p3: union (f g) = I.
set_extens t.
move =>/setU_P [z tz h]; move /setP_P: p1 => h1.
by move: (h1 _ h) => /setP_P; apply.
move => ti; apply /setU_P; exists (inv_image_by_fun g (singleton (Vf g t))).
rewrite - sg in ti.
by exact: (iim_fun_set1_i fg ti (refl_equal (Vf g t))).
apply /funI_P; exists (Vf g t) => //; rewrite -tg; Wtac.
have p4: alls (f g) nonempty.
move => z /funI_P [t]; rewrite - tg => ttg ->.
move: (proj2 sjg _ ttg) => [x xsg h].
symmetry in h; move: (iim_fun_set1_i fg xsg h) => h1; ex_tac.
apply /Zo_P;split => //; split => //; split => //; split => //.
move => a b a1 b1; mdi_tac nab => u ua ub; case: nab; move: ua ub.
move /funI_P: a1 => [z zj ->]; move /funI_P: b1 => [w wj ->].
by move => h1 h2;rewrite (iim_fun_set1_hi fg h1) - (iim_fun_set1_hi fg h2).
pose phi := Lf f E K.
have sphi: E = source phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have ->: K = target phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have fphi: function phi by apply: lf_function.
rewrite sphi cprodC; apply: (shepherd_principle fphi).
rewrite {1} /phi; aw; move => x xK.
set F := inv_image_by_fun phi (singleton x).
have fp: forall g, inc g F <-> inc g (surjections I J) /\ f g = x.
move => g; split.
move /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi) => []; rewrite - sphi => fe;rewrite{1}/phi.
aw; move => pa;split => //.
move => [pa pb]; apply /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi).
by split => //;[ ue | rewrite /phi;aw].
move: (xK) => /Zo_P [xpp [px]]; rewrite cj.
move /card_eqP => [fa [bfa sfa tfa]].
pose fb t := select (fun s => inc t s) x.
have prb: forall t, inc t I -> inc t (fb t) /\ inc (fb t) x.
move => t ti; apply: (select_pr); move: px => [[pa pc] pb].
move: ti; rewrite - pa => /setU_P [z za zb]; ex_tac.
move => a b sa sb sc sd; case: (pc _ _ sa sc) => // h; empty_tac1 t.
pose fc := Lf (fun t => (Vf fa (fb t))) I J.
have sfc: source fc = I by rewrite /fc; aw.
have tfc: target fc = J by rewrite /fc; aw.
have fc0: lf_axiom (fun t => (Vf fa (fb t))) I J.
move=> t ti; move: (prb _ ti) => [_]; rewrite - sfa - tfa => h; Wtac;fct_tac.
have fc1: function fc by apply: lf_function.
have fc2': surjection fc.
split => // y; rewrite /fc; aw; rewrite - tfa => yJ.
move: (bij_surj bfa yJ); rewrite sfa; move => [z zx <-].
move: px => [[p1 p3 p2]]; move: (p2 _ zx) => [t tz].
have ti: inc t I by rewrite - p1; union_tac.
rewrite tfa;ex_tac; aw.
move: (prb _ ti) => [sa sb]; case: (p3 _ _ zx sb); first by move => ->.
move => h; empty_tac1 t.
have fc2: inc fc (surjections I J).
apply /Zo_P; split => //; by apply /fun_set_P.
have fc3: forall w, inc w x -> inv_image_by_fun fc (singleton (Vf fa w)) = w.
move => w wx; move: px => [[p1 p3] p2]; set_extens s.
move /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fc1); rewrite sfc /fc; move => [ta]; aw.
move => vfa; move: (prb _ ta) => [tb tc].
by rewrite - sfa in wx tc; rewrite (bij_inj bfa wx tc vfa).
move => sw; apply /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fc1).
have si: inc s I by rewrite - p1; union_tac.
rewrite sfc /fc;aw;split => //; move: (prb _ si) => [tb tc].
case: (p3 _ _ wx tc); [by move => <- | by move =>h; empty_tac1 s].
have fc4: inc fc F.
move: (proj1 (proj1 bfa)) => ffa.
apply /fp; split => //; rewrite /f;set_extens t.
move /funI_P => [z zJ ->]; rewrite -tfa in zJ.
move: (bij_surj bfa zJ); rewrite sfa; move => [w wx <-].
by rewrite (fc3 _ wx).
move => tx; apply /funI_P; exists (Vf fa t); first by Wtac.
by rewrite (fc3 _ tx).
have fsj: finite_set J by red; rewrite - cj; apply /BnatP.
rewrite - (number_of_permutations fsj).
symmetry; clear fsj; apply /card_eqP.
exists (Lf (fun z => z \co fc) (permutations J) F); split; aw.
move /Zo_P: (fc2) => [sa sb]; move: (exists_right_inv_from_surj sb) => [s sc].
apply /lf_bijective.
move => g /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fg sg tg] big.
have gfc: g \coP fc by split => //; rewrite sg tfc.
have fgfc: function (g \co fc) by fct_tac.
have tgfc: target (g \co fc) = J by aw.
have sgfc: source (g \co fc) = I by aw.
have ssgfc: surjection(g \co fc) by apply/compose_fs =>//;exact (proj2 big).
have pa:inc (g \co fc) (surjections I J).
apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply/fun_set_P;aw.
by apply /compose_fs => //; exact (proj2 big).
have aux2: forall w, inc w I ->
(inv_image_by_fun (g \co fc) (singleton (Vf (g \co fc) w)))=
(inv_image_by_fun fc (singleton (Vf fc w))).
move => w wi; set_extens t.
move /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fgfc); rewrite sgfc; move => [tI].
rewrite - sfc in wi tI;aw.
move: (Vf_target fc1 wi) (Vf_target fc1 tI); rewrite tfc - sg.
move => i1 i2 i3; rewrite (bij_inj big i1 i2 i3).
by apply: (iim_fun_set1_i fc1 tI).
rewrite - sfc in wi; move /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fc1) => [ta tb]; aw.
apply:(iim_fun_set1_i fgfc); aw; ue.
move /fp: fc4 => [_] xv1.
apply /fp;split => //; set_extens t.
move /funI_P => [z zJ ->].
rewrite -tgfc in zJ; move: (proj2 ssgfc _ zJ); rewrite sgfc.
move => [a ai <-]; rewrite (aux2 _ ai) - xv1.
apply /funI_P;exists (Vf fc a) => //; Wtac.
rewrite -xv1; move /funI_P => [z zj etc].
apply /funI_P; rewrite -tfc in zj; move: (proj2 fc2' _ zj) etc.
move => [a]; rewrite sfc => s1 <-; rewrite - (aux2 _ s1) => ->.
exists (Vf (g \co fc) a) => //; rewrite - tgfc; Wtac.
move => u v up vp sv; move: sc => [sc sd].
move: up vp sa => /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fu su tu] _ /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P.
move => [fv srv tv] _ /fun_set_P [fs sss ts].
have c1: u \coP fc by split => //; ue.
have c2: v \coP fc by split => //; ue.
move: (f_equal (fun z => z \co s) sv).
by rewrite - !compfA // sd ts - {1} su (compf_id_r fu) - srv (compf_id_r fv).
move => y yf.
move /fp: yf => [] /Zo_P []/fun_set_P [fy sy ty] sjy fyv.
move /Zo_P: fc2 => [_ sj1].
have sysj: source y = source fc by ue.
have aux: forall x0 y0 : Set,
inc x0 (source fc) ->
inc y0 (source fc) -> Vf fc x0 = Vf fc y0 -> Vf y x0 = Vf y y0.
rewrite sfc; move => a b aI bI; rewrite /fc; aw => sv.
move: (prb _ aI)(prb _ bI) => [s1 s2] [s3 s4].
rewrite - sfa in s2 s4; move: (bij_inj bfa s2 s4 sv) => sf.
move: s2; rewrite sfa - fyv; move /funI_P => [z zj] => ta.
move: s1; rewrite ta => s1; rewrite - (iim_fun_set1_hi fy s1).
by move: s3; rewrite - sf ta => s2; rewrite (iim_fun_set1_hi fy s2).
set h:= y \co s.
have pr1: fc \coP s by move:sc => [s1 s2].
have pr2: y \coP s by red;move: pr1 => [s1 s2 <-].
move:(sc) => [[_ s2 s3] s4].
have fh: function h by rewrite /h; fct_tac => //; rewrite sy - s3 sfc.
move: (f_equal source s4); aw; rewrite tfc => srs.
have hf: inc h (functions J J).
by apply /fun_set_P; red; rewrite {2 3} /h; aw.
have sjh: surjection h.
split => // y1; rewrite /h; aw => y1y; move: (proj2 sjy _ y1y).
rewrite sy srs; move => [a ai <-].
set b := Vf fc a; have bj: inc b J by rewrite - tfc /b; Wtac.
have bs: inc b (source s) by ue.
have bs3: inc (Vf s b) I by rewrite - sfc s3; Wtac.
ex_tac; aw; apply: aux; rewrite ? sfc //.
move: (f_equal (Vf^~ b) s4); aw; rewrite identity_V //; ue.
have bh: bijection h.
move /fun_set_P: hf => [_ sh th].
apply: bijective_if_same_finite_c_surj; rewrite ? sh ? th=> //.
by red; rewrite - cj; apply /BnatP.
rewrite -(left_composable_value fy sj1 sysj aux sc (refl_equal h)).
by exists h=> //;apply /Zo_P.
Lemma nbsurj_inv n p: inc n Bnat -> inc p Bnat ->
p ^c n = card_sumb (Bintc p)
(fun k => (binom p k) *c (nbsurj n k)).
move => nB pB.
set I := (Bint n); set J:= (Bint p).
have ci: n = cardinal I by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
have cj: p = cardinal J by rewrite (card_Bint pB).
set K := (Bintc p).
have ->: p ^c n = cardinal (functions I J).
rewrite ci cj; apply:cpow_pr; fprops.
have pa: forall x, inc x (functions I J) -> sub (image_of_fun x) J.
by move => x /fun_set_P [p1 p2 <-]; apply:fun_image_Starget.
have pb: forall x, inc x (functions I J) ->
inc (cardinal (image_of_fun x)) K.
move => x h; move: (sub_smaller (pa _ h)).
by rewrite - cj; move /(BintcP pB).
rewrite (card_partition_induced pb); rewrite /card_sumb; apply:f_equal.
apply: Lg_exten => k; move/(BintcP pB) => kp.
move: (BS_le_int kp pB) => kB.
rewrite (subsets_with_p_elements_pr pB kB (sym_eq cj)).
set E1 := Zo _ _; set K1 := subsets_with_p_elements _ _.
have pc: forall c, inc c E1 -> inc (image_of_fun c) K1.
by move => c /Zo_P [pc pd]; apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /setP_P; apply: pa.
pose phi := Lf image_of_fun E1 K1.
have sphi: E1 = source phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have tphi: K1 = target phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have fphi: function phi by apply: lf_function.
rewrite sphi tphi; apply: (shepherd_principle fphi).
move => tf; rewrite - tphi; move /Zo_P => [] /setP_P tfj ctf.
set K2:= Zo (functions I J) (fun f => image_of_fun f = tf).
have ->: inv_image_by_fun phi (singleton tf) = K2.
set_extens t.
move /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi) => []; rewrite - sphi /phi => t1; aw.
move /Zo_P: t1 => [t1 t2] t3; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
move => /Zo_P [t1 t2]; apply /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi); rewrite - sphi.
have te1: inc t E1 by apply /Zo_P; rewrite t2.
by rewrite /phi; aw.
rewrite ci - ctf.
have f1: finite_set I by red; rewrite - ci; apply /BnatP.
have f2: finite_set tf by red; rewrite ctf; apply /BnatP.
rewrite -(nbsurj_pr f1 f2); clear f1 f2.
apply /card_eqP.
exists (Lf restriction_to_image K2 (surjections I tf)); split;aw.
apply: lf_bijective.
move => c /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [qa qb qc] qd; apply /Zo_P.
move: (restriction_to_image_fs qa) => qe;split => //; apply /fun_set_P.
move: (proj1 qe) => f; split => //; rewrite /restriction_to_image.
by rewrite /restriction2; aw.
by rewrite /restriction2; aw.
move => u v /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [qa qb qc] qd.
move => /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ra rb rc] rd sr.
apply: function_exten => //; rewrite ? rb ? rc // => x xI.
move: (f_equal (Vf ^~x) sr).
move: (restriction_to_image_axioms qa) => h; rewrite restriction2_V //.
move: (restriction_to_image_axioms ra) => h'; rewrite restriction2_V //.
by rewrite rb - qb.
move => y /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [qa qb qc] qd.
set f := Lf (Vf y) I J.
have fa: forall z, inc z I -> inc (Vf y z) J.
rewrite -qb; move => z zi; apply: tfj; rewrite -qc; Wtac.
have fb: function f by apply: lf_function.
have sfi: source f = I by rewrite /f;aw.
have fc: image_of_fun f = tf.
set_extens t.
move /(Vf_image_P1 fb); rewrite sfi; move => [u u1 ->]; rewrite /f; aw.
rewrite -qc => tt; move: (proj2 qd _ tt); rewrite qb; move => [u u1 u2].
by apply /(Vf_image_P1 fb); rewrite sfi;ex_tac; rewrite /f;aw.
have fd:inc f K2 by apply/ Zo_P; split => //;apply /fun_set_P;rewrite /f;red;aw.
move: (proj1 (restriction_to_image_fs fb)) => ra.
move: (restriction_to_image_axioms fb) => rb.
have sr:source (restriction_to_image f) = source y by rewrite corresp_s sfi.
ex_tac; apply: function_exten => //.
by rewrite corresp_t fc.
rewrite qb;move => t ts /=; rewrite restriction2_V // -? sfi // /f; aw.
Definition Bell_number n := cardinal (partitions (Bint n)).
Lemma Bell_pr E :
finite_set E ->
cardinal (partitions E) =
card_sumb (Bintc (cardinal E))
(fun p => cardinal (partitionsx E p)).
set X:= (partitions E).
set n := cardinal E; move /BnatP => nB.
set F := (Bintc n).
suff h: (forall x, inc x X -> inc (cardinal x) F).
rewrite (card_partition_induced h) /card_sumb; apply f_equal; apply: Lg_exten.
move => p pF /=; apply: f_equal; set_extens t.
move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P=> [[pa pb] pc]; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
by move => /Zo_P [pa [pb pc]]; apply /Zo_P => //;split => //; apply /Zo_P.
move => x /Zo_P [] pa [[pb pd] pc]; apply /(BintcP nB).
have injf: injection (Lf rep x E).
apply: lf_injective.
by move => t tx; move: (rep_i (pc _ tx)) => h; rewrite - pb; union_tac.
move => u v ux vx; case: (pd _ _ ux vx) => // bad sr.
empty_tac1 (rep u).
exact: (rep_i (pc _ ux)).
rewrite sr;exact: (rep_i (pc _ vx)).
move: (incr_fun_morph injf); aw.
Lemma Bell_pr1 n: inc n Bnat ->
Bell_number n = card_sumb (Bintc n) (fun p => nbpart n p).
move => nB.
have ce: cardinal (Bint n) = n by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
have fse: finite_set (Bint n) by red; rewrite ce; apply /BnatP.
by rewrite /Bell_number (Bell_pr fse) /nbpart ce.
Lemma Bell_pr2 E: finite_set E ->
cardinal (partitions E) = Bell_number (cardinal E).
move => fse.
have nB: inc (cardinal E) Bnat by move: fse; move /BnatP.
rewrite (Bell_pr fse) (Bell_pr1 nB); rewrite /card_sumb; apply: f_equal.
apply: Lg_exten => p pn; rewrite nbpart_pr //.
Lemma Bell_rec n : inc n Bnat ->
Bell_number (succ n) =
card_sumb (Bintc n) (fun k => (binom n k) *c (Bell_number k)).
move => nB.
set E := Bint (succ n); set X := (partitions E).
set E' := (Bint n).
have nE: inc n E by apply: Bint_si.
have ce: cardinal E = succ n by rewrite (card_Bint (BS_succ nB)).
have ce1: cardinal E' = n by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
have see': sub E' E by apply:Bint_M.
pose fb p := select (fun s => inc n s) p.
have prb: forall p, inc p X -> inc n (fb p) /\ inc (fb p) p.
move => t /Zo_P [_] [[pa pc] pb]; apply: (select_pr).
move: nE; rewrite -pa; move /setU_P => [y sa sb]; ex_tac.
move => x y xp nx yp ny; case: (pc _ _ xp yp) => // bad; empty_tac1 n.
have fcq: forall p, inc p X -> cardinal (fb p -s1 n) <=c n.
move => p pX; move: (prb _ pX) => [pa pb].
apply /(card_le_succ_succP); fprops.
rewrite - (card_succ_pr2 pa) - ce; move /Zo_P: pX => [] /setP_P h _.
move: (h _ pb) => /setP_P => h1; apply: (sub_smaller h1).
pose fc p := n -c cardinal (fb p -s1 n).
have fcp: forall p, inc p X-> inc (fc p) (Bintc n).
by move => p pX; apply /(BintcP nB); apply: cdiff_le_symmetry; apply: fcq.
rewrite /Bell_number (card_partition_induced fcp) /card_sumb.
apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => k /(BintcP nB) kn.
move: (BS_le_int kn nB) => kB.
rewrite (binom_symmetric nB kB kn).
rewrite (subsets_with_p_elements_pr nB (BS_diff k nB) ce1).
set E1 := Zo _ _; set K1 := subsets_with_p_elements _ _.
pose phi := Lf (fun z => (fb z -s1 n)) E1 K1.
have pc: forall c, inc c E1 -> inc (fb c -s1 n) K1.
move => x /Zo_P [pa pb]; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
apply /setP_P.
move => t /setC1_P [pc pd]; apply /(BintP nB); split => //.
move:(prb _ pa) => [_]; move: pa => /Zo_P [] /setP_P => sa _ sb.
by move: (sa _ sb) => /setP_P => sc; apply /(BintsP nB); apply: sc.
by rewrite -pb /fc double_diff //; apply: fcq.
have sphi: E1 = source phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have tphi: K1 = target phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have fphi: function phi by apply: lf_function.
rewrite sphi tphi; apply: (shepherd_principle fphi).
rewrite - tphi => S /Zo_P [] /setP_P sa sb.
have ->: (inv_image_by_fun phi (singleton S)) =
Zo X (fun z => fb z -s1 n = S).
set_extens t.
move /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi); rewrite - sphi; move => [s1].
by rewrite /phi; aw => s2; apply /Zo_P;split => //; move /Zo_P: s1 => [].
move => /Zo_P [s1 s2]; apply /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi).
have te1: inc t E1.
by apply /Zo_P;split => //; rewrite /fc s2 sb double_diff.
by rewrite - sphi /phi;split => //;aw.
have sc: E -s (S +s1 n) = E' -s S.
set_extens t.
move => /setC_P [te] /setU1_P h; apply /setC_P.
case: (equal_or_not t n) => tn; first by case: h; right.
split; last by move => h1; case: h; left.
by apply /(BintP nB); split => //; apply /(BintsP nB).
move => /setC_P [t1 t2]; apply /setC_P; split; first by apply: see'.
by apply /setU1_P; case => // tn; move /(BintP nB) : t1 => [].
have sd: k = n -c cardinal S by rewrite sb double_diff.
pose E'':= (E -s (S +s1 n)).
have se: cardinal E'' = k.
have fse': finite_set E' by apply /BnatP; rewrite (card_Bint nB).
by rewrite /E'' sc (cardinal_setC4 sa fse') ce1 sd.
rewrite -/(Bell_number k) - se - Bell_pr2; last by apply/BnatP; rewrite se.
symmetry; apply/ card_eqP.
set A:= partitions E''; set B := Zo _ _.
pose f p := p +s1 (S +s1 n).
have pa: forall p, inc p A -> inc (f p) (powerset (powerset E)).
move => p /Zo_P [p1 [[p2 p4] p3]]; apply /setP_P => t /setU1_P; case.
move => tp; apply /setP_P => s st.
move/setP_P: p1 => h1; move: (h1 _ tp) => h2; move/setP_P: h2 => h3.
by move: (h3 _ st) => /setC_P [].
move => ->; apply /setP_P => s /setU1_P; case; fprops.
move => ->; apply :(Bint_si nB).
have pb: forall p, inc p A -> inc (f p) X.
move => p pA; move: (pa _ pA) => pn; apply /Zo_P; split => //.
move /Zo_P: pA => [_] [[p1 p3] p2]; split; last first.
move => t /setU1_P; case; [apply: p2 | move => ->; exists n; fprops].
split; first set_extens t.
move => /setU_P [z tz zf]; move/setP_P: pn => h; move: (h _ zf).
by move /setP_P; apply.
move => te; case: (inc_or_not t (S +s1 n)) => h.
by union_tac; apply /setU1_P; right.
move: (setC_i te h); rewrite -/E'' -p1 => /setU_P [z za zb].
by union_tac; apply /setU1_P; left.
move => a b /setU1_P; case => pb /setU1_P; case => pd.
by apply: p3.
right; rewrite pd; move: (setU_s1 pb); rewrite p1 => h.
by apply: disjoint_pr => s sx; move: (h _ sx) => /setC_P [].
right; rewrite pb; move: (setU_s1 pd); rewrite p1 => h.
by apply: disjoint_pr => s sx sy; move: (h _ sy) => /setC_P [].
by rewrite pb pd; left.
have pd: forall p, inc p A -> fb (f p) = (S +s1 n).
move => p pA; move: (pb _ pA) => h; move: (prb _ h) => [s1 s2].
case /setU1_P: s2 => // h1.
move /Zo_P: pA => [] /setP_P ha _; move: (ha _ h1) => /setP_P => hb.
by move: (hb _ s1) => /setC_P [_] /setU1_P; case; right.
exists (Lf f A B); split; aw;apply: lf_bijective.
move => p pA; apply /Zo_P;split; first by apply: pb.
rewrite (pd _ pA); apply: setU1_K => ns; move: (sa _ ns).
by move /(BintP nB) => [].
move => u v uA vA sf.
have aux: forall s, inc s A -> ~ inc (S +s1 n) s.
move => s /Zo_P [] /setP_P h _ h1; move: (h _ h1) => /setP_P h2.
have h3: inc n (S +s1 n) by fprops.
by move: (h2 _ h3) => /setC_P [].
by rewrite - (setU1_K (aux _ uA)) - (setU1_K (aux _ vA)) - /(f u) sf.
move => y /Zo_P [p1 p2]; move: (prb _ p1) => [p3 p4].
have aux: S +s1 n = fb y by rewrite - p2;apply: setC1_K.
exists (y -s1 (fb y)); last by symmetry;rewrite /f aux;apply: setC1_K.
have q1: inc (y -s1 fb y) (powerset (powerset E'')).
apply /setP_P => t /setC1_P [] ta tb; apply /setP_P => s st; apply /setC_P.
move /Zo_P: p1 => [] /setP_P ha [[q1 q3] q2]; split.
by move: (ha _ ta) => /setP_P; apply.
move => h; case: (q3 _ _ p4 ta); rewrite /disjoint => h1; first by case: tb.
by empty_tac1 s; apply /setI2_P; split => //; rewrite - aux.
move /Zo_P: p1 => [_] [[q3 q5] q4].
apply /Zo_P;split => //; split; first split.
move /setP_P: q1 => q2; set_extens t.
by move /setU_P => [z za zb]; move: (q2 _ zb) => /setP_P; apply.
move /setC_P => [t1 t2]; move: t1; rewrite -q3 => /setU_P [z z1 z2].
by union_tac; apply /setC1_P;split => //; move => h; case: t2; rewrite aux -h.
by move => a b /setC1_P [s1 _] /setC1_P [s2 _]; apply: q5.
by move => s /setC1_P [sy _]; apply:q4.
Definition derangements E :=
Zo (permutations E) (fun z => forall x, inc x E -> Vf z x <> x).
Definition nbder n :=
cardinal(derangements (Bint n)).
Lemma nbder_pr E: finite_set E ->
cardinal (derangements E) = nbder (cardinal E).
have aux: forall I J g f,
bijection g -> source g = J -> target g = I ->
inc f (derangements J) ->
inc (g \co (f \co inverse_fun g)) (derangements I).
move => I J g f big sg tg.
move: (inverse_bij_fb big); set g1 := inverse_fun g => igb.
move: (proj1 (proj1 big))(proj1(proj1 igb)) => fg fig.
move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [pa pb pc] pd pe.
have qa: (f \coP g1) by rewrite /g1;red; aw;split => //; ue.
have qb: bijection (f \co g1) by apply: compose_fb.
have qc: (g \coP (f \co g1)) by split => //;aw; try fct_tac; ue.
have qd: bijection (g \co (f \co g1)) by apply: compose_fb.
have sg1: source g1 = I by rewrite /g1; aw.
have qe: inc (g \co (f \co g1)) (permutations I).
apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /fun_set_P; split => //; aw;fct_tac.
apply/ Zo_P; split => // => x xi => eq.
move: (f_equal (Vf g1) eq).
rewrite - sg1 in xi; aw; rewrite -/g1; set y:= Vf g1 x.
have ye: inc y J by rewrite- sg - ifun_t /y /g1; Wtac; aw.
have ysg: inc (Vf f y) (source g) by rewrite sg - pc; Wtac.
rewrite (inverse_V2 big ysg); exact (pe _ ye).
move => fse; set n := cardinal E; set I :=Bint n.
have nB: inc n Bnat by apply /BnatP.
have : n = cardinal I by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
move/card_eqP => [g [big sg tg]]; apply /card_eqP.
pose c f := g \co (f \co (inverse_fun g)).
move: (inverse_bij_fb big); set g1 := inverse_fun g => igb.
move: (proj1 (proj1 big))(proj1(proj1 igb)) => fg fig.
exists (Lf c (derangements E) (derangements I)); split;aw.
apply: lf_bijective.
move => f.
by apply: aux.
move => u v /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [pa pb pc] _ _.
move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [qa qb qc] _ _ sv.
have ra: (u \coP g1) by rewrite /g1;red; aw;split => //; ue.
have rb: function (u \co g1) by fct_tac.
have rc: (g \coP (u \co g1)) by split => //;aw; ue.
have ra': (v \coP g1) by rewrite /g1;red; aw;split => //; ue.
have rb': function (v \co g1) by fct_tac.
have rc': (g \coP (v \co g1)) by split => //;aw; ue.
move: (fct_co_simpl_left rc rc' big sv) => sv1.
exact: (fct_co_simpl_right ra ra' igb sv1).
move => y yv; set x := (g1 \co (y \co (inverse_fun g1))).
have sg1: source g1 = I by rewrite /g1; aw.
have tg1: target g1 = E by rewrite /g1; aw.
move: (aux _ _ _ _ igb sg1 tg1 yv); rewrite (ifun_involutive fg) => h; ex_tac.
move: yv => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fy sy ty] _ _.
rewrite /c -/g1.
have pa: (y \coP g) by split => //; ue.
have pb: function (y \co g) by fct_tac.
have pc: g1 \coP (y \co g) by split; aw; ue.
have pd: (y \co g) \coP g1 by split; aw; ue.
have pe: g1 \coP ((y \co g) \co g1) by red;aw;split => //; try fct_tac; ue.
move: (composable_f_inv big) => pf.
rewrite - compfA // compfA // bij_right_inverse //.
rewrite - compfA // bij_right_inverse // tg - {2} sy compf_id_r //.
rewrite - ty compf_id_l //.
Lemma nbder_0: nbder \0c = \1c.
rewrite /nbder /derangements.
set E := (Bint \0c); set X:= Zo _ _.
set f := empty_function.
have EE: E = emptyset by exact Bint_co00.
move: empty_function_function => pa.
move: (pa) => [p1 p2 p3].
have bf: bijection f.
split; split => //.
by move => x y; rewrite p2 => /in_set0.
by move => y; rewrite p3 => /in_set0.
have fp:inc f (permutations emptyset).
by apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /fun_set_P.
have fX: inc f X.
by rewrite /X EE; apply /Zo_P; split => // x /in_set0.
have ->: X = singleton f.
apply: set1_pr => // z /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [sa sb sc] _ _.
apply: function_exten => //.
by rewrite sb EE.
by rewrite sc EE.
by move => t; rewrite sb EE => /in_set0.
by rewrite cardinal_set1.
Lemma nbder_1: nbder \1c = \0c.
rewrite /nbder;set E := derangements _.
suff: E = emptyset by move => ->; apply: cardinal_set0.
apply /set0_P => t /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] _ pf.
move:Bint_co01 => [pa pb].
move: (pf _ pa) => f0.
by rewrite - sf in pa; move: (Vf_target ff pa); rewrite tf pb => /set1_P.
Lemma Exercise5_8a n: inc n Bnat ->
factorial n = card_sumb (Bintc n) (fun k =>
binom n k *c nbder k).
move => nB.
set I := (Bint n).
have caI : cardinal I = n by rewrite (card_Bint nB).
have fsi: finite_set I by red; rewrite caI; apply /BnatP.
move: (number_of_permutations fsi); rewrite - caI => <-.
pose g f := Zo I (fun x => Vf f x <> x).
pose Xk k := Zo (permutations I) (fun z => cardinal (g z) = k).
set X := Lg (Bintc n) Xk.
have X1: fgraph X by rewrite /X; fprops.
have X2: mutually_disjoint X.
red;rewrite /X; bw => i j ip jp; bw;mdi_tac nij => u ua ub; case: nij.
by move: ua ub => /Zo_P [_ <- ] /Zo_P [_ <-].
have X3: (unionb X) = (permutations I).
rewrite /X;set_extens t.
move /setUb_P; bw; move => [y yp]; bw; move /Zo_P => [p1 p2] //.
have sa: inc (cardinal (g t)) (Bintc n).
have h: sub (g t) I by apply: Zo_S.
apply /BintcP => //; rewrite - caI; apply: (sub_smaller h).
move => ti; apply /setUb_P; bw;exists (cardinal (g t)) => //.
rewrite /Xk; bw;apply /Zo_P;split => //.
move: (csum_pr4 X2); rewrite X3 => ->.
rewrite {1} /X /card_sumb caI; bw; apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten.
move => k kn; rewrite /X; bw; move/(BintcP nB): kn => kn;clear X X1 X2 X3.
move: (BS_le_int kn nB) => kB.
rewrite(subsets_with_p_elements_pr nB kB caI).
set K := (subsets_with_p_elements k I).
pose phi := Lf g (Xk k) K.
have sphi: (Xk k) = source phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have ->: K = target phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have ta: lf_axiom g (Xk k) K.
by move => f /Zo_P [p1 p2]; apply/Zo_P;split => //; apply/setP_P; apply: Zo_S.
have fphi: function phi by apply: lf_function.
rewrite sphi; apply: (shepherd_principle fphi).
rewrite {1} /phi; aw; move => x xK.
set W := (inv_image_by_fun phi (singleton x)).
have kp: forall f, inc f W <-> inc f (Xk k) /\ g f = x.
move => f; split.
by move/(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi); rewrite - sphi /phi; move => [h];aw => h1. move => [pa pb]; apply/(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi).
have fsp: inc f (source phi) by rewrite - sphi.
by rewrite /phi;aw.
move: (xK) => /Zo_P [] /setP_P sxi cx.
pose r f := Lf (Vf f) x x.
have pa: forall f, inc f W ->
[/\ lf_axiom (Vf f) x x,
(forall t, inc t x -> Vf (r f) t = Vf f t),
(forall t, inc t (I -s x) -> Vf f t = t) &
inc (r f) (derangements x)].
move => f /kp [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] bf fp gf.
have lfa: lf_axiom (Vf f) x x.
move => s st; move: (st); rewrite - gf => /Zo_P [si siv].
have ax: inc (Vf f s) I by rewrite - tf; Wtac.
apply /Zo_P;split => // => sv; rewrite - sf in si ax.
by move:(bij_inj bf ax si sv).
have sv: forall t, inc t x -> Vf (r f) t = Vf f t.
move => t tx; rewrite /r; aw.
have sv1:(forall t, inc t x -> Vf (r f) t <> t).
by move => t tx; rewrite (sv _ tx); move: tx; rewrite - gf => /Zo_P [].
have sv2: (forall t : Set, inc t (I -s x) -> Vf f t = t).
by move => t /setC_P [ti tx]; ex_middle fx;case: tx;rewrite - gf; apply /Zo_P.
rewrite /r;split => //; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
apply /Zo_P;split => //.
by apply /fun_set_P;split;aw => //; apply:lf_function.
apply: lf_bijective => //.
by move => u v ux vx; apply: (bij_inj bf); rewrite sf; apply: sxi.
move => y yx.
move: (sxi _ yx); rewrite -tf => ytf.
move: (bij_surj bf ytf); rewrite sf; move => [z za zb]; exists z => //.
by ex_middle zx; rewrite - (sv2 _ (setC_i za zx)) zb.
have ->: nbder k = cardinal (derangements x).
have fsx: finite_set x by red; rewrite cx; apply /BnatP.
by rewrite (nbder_pr fsx) cx.
apply /card_eqP; exists (Lf r W (derangements x)); split;aw.
by move => t ts; move: (pa _ ts) => [_ _ _].
move => u v uw vw sr.
move: (pa _ uw) (pa _ vw) => [_ p1 p2 _] [_ q1 q2 _].
move: uw => /kp [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [f1 f2 f3] _ _ _.
move: vw => /kp [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [f1' f2' f3'] _ _ _.
apply: function_exten => //; try ue.
move => t ts; case: (inc_or_not t x) => tx.
by rewrite - (p1 _ tx) - (q1 _ tx) sr.
by rewrite f2 in ts; move : (setC_i ts tx) => h; rewrite (p2 _ h) (q2 _ h).
move => y yd.
move: yd => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [y1 y2 y3] y4 y5.
set f := Lf (fun z => (Yo (inc z x) (Vf y z) z)) I I.
have sa: forall z, inc z I -> inc ((Yo (inc z x) (Vf y z) z)) I.
move => z zi; Ytac zx => //;apply: sxi; rewrite - y3; Wtac.
have ff: function f by apply: lf_function.
have gfx: g f = x.
set_extens t.
by move /Zo_P => [t1 t2]; ex_middle ntx; case: t2; rewrite /f; aw; Ytac0.
move => tx; move: (sxi _ tx) => ti.
by apply /Zo_P;split => //;rewrite /f; aw; Ytac0; apply: y5.
have bf: bijection f.
apply: lf_bijective.
move => s; apply: sa.
move => u v ui vi; case: (inc_or_not u x) => ux; Ytac0.
case: (inc_or_not v x) => vx; Ytac0.
by apply (bij_inj y4); rewrite y2.
rewrite -y2 in ux; move: (Vf_target y1 ux); rewrite y3.
by move => s1 s2; case: vx; rewrite - s2.
case: (inc_or_not v x) => vx; Ytac0 => //.
rewrite -y2 in vx; move: (Vf_target y1 vx); rewrite y3.
by move => s1 s2; case: ux; rewrite s2.
move => z zi; case: (inc_or_not z x).
rewrite - {1} y3 => zy; move: (bij_surj y4 zy) => [t ]; rewrite y2.
by move => tx <-; move: (sxi _ tx) => ti; ex_tac; Ytac0.
by move => zx; ex_tac; Ytac0.
have fp: inc f (permutations I).
apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /fun_set_P; rewrite /f; red;aw;split => //.
have rfy: r f = y.
symmetry;rewrite /r/f.
have aux:
lf_axiom (Vf (Lf (fun z0 : Set => Yo (inc z0 x) (Vf y z0) z0) I I)) x x.
move => t tx;move: (sxi _ tx) => ti; aw;Ytac0; rewrite - y3; Wtac.
apply: function_exten; aw; first by apply lf_function => //.
by rewrite y2;move => s sx /=; move: (sxi _ sx) => si; aw; Ytac0.
by exists f => //; apply /kp;split => //; apply /Zo_P;split => //; rewrite gfx.
Lemma nbder_pr2 n: inc n Bnat ->
nbder (succ (succ n)) = (succ n) *c (nbder n +c nbder (succ n)).
move => nB.
move: (BS_succ nB) => snB.
move: (Bint_pr4 snB).
set I :=Bint (succ n); set I' := Bint (succ (succ n)).
move => [pa pb].
have pc: inc (succ n) I' by apply:Bint_si.
have ci: cardinal I= succ n by apply:(card_Bint snB).
set G1 := (derangements I').
pose phi := Lf (Vf ^~(succ n)) G1 I.
have sp: G1 = source phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have tp: I = target phi by rewrite /phi; aw.
have lfa: lf_axiom (Vf^~(succ n)) G1 I.
move => f /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ta tb tc] td te.
move: (te _ pc) => bad; move: pc; rewrite -tb => pc.
by move: (Vf_target ta pc); rewrite tc -pa; case /setU1_P.
have fphi: function phi by apply: lf_function.
have ci': cardinal I'= succ (succ n) by apply:(card_Bint (BS_succ snB)).
have <-: cardinal (source phi) = nbder (succ (succ n)).
rewrite - sp - ci'; apply:nbder_pr; red; rewrite ci'; apply /BnatP; fprops.
rewrite - {1} ci tp;apply:(shepherd_principle fphi).
rewrite {1} /phi; aw; move => x xK.
set G2 := Zo G1 (fun f => Vf f (succ n) = x).
have ->: inv_image_by_fun phi (singleton x) = G2.
set_extens t.
move/(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi); rewrite - sp;move => [ts].
rewrite /phi /G2; aw => ->; apply /Zo_P;split => //.
by move => /Zo_P [tg1 <-]; apply /(iim_fun_set1_P _ fphi); rewrite /phi; aw.
set G3 := Zo G2 (fun f => Vf f x = (succ n)).
have sg3: sub G3 G2 by apply: Zo_S.
have h0: succ n <> x by move => h1; case: pb; rewrite h1.
have fi: finite_set I' by red; rewrite ci'; apply /BnatP; fprops.
have xi': inc x I' by rewrite - pa; fprops.
rewrite (cardinal_setC2 sg3) - csum2_pr2a - csum2_pr2b;congr (_ +c _).
set K := I -s1 x.
have cK: n = cardinal K.
by apply: succ_injective1; fprops; rewrite - ci (card_succ_pr2 xK).
have fsk: finite_set K by red; rewrite - cK; apply /BnatP.
rewrite cK - (nbder_pr fsk); apply /card_eqP.
exists (Lf (fun f => (restriction2 f K K)) G3 (derangements K)).
have ski': sub K I' by rewrite -pa;move => t /setC_P [ti _]; fprops.
have pd: forall f, inc f G3 -> restriction2_axioms f K K.
move => f /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P
[qa qb qc] qd qe qf qg.
have ksf: sub K (source f) by ue.
red; rewrite qb qc ;split => // t /(Vf_image_P qa ksf) [u uk ->].
move: (ksf _ uk) => usf; move: (Vf_target qa usf); rewrite qc -pa.
have xsf: inc x (source f) by rewrite qb -pa; fprops.
have nsf: inc (succ n) (source f) by rewrite qb -pa; fprops.
move /setC1_P: uk => [ui ux]; case /setU1_P => h.
apply /setC1_P;split => // => h1; rewrite -h1 in qf.
by move: (bij_inj qd nsf usf qf) => us; case: pb; rewrite us.
by rewrite -h in qg; move: (bij_inj qd xsf usf qg) => xu; case: ux.
apply: lf_bijective.
move => f fg3; move: (pd _ fg3) => pe.
set g := (restriction2 f K K).
move: (restriction2_prop pe) => p0.
have gs: inc g (functions K K) by apply /fun_set_P.
move: p0 => [p1 p2 p3].
move: fg3 => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P
[qa qb qc] qd qe qf qg.
move: (restriction2_fi (proj1 qd) pe) => ir.
apply /Zo_P; split; first (apply/Zo_P => //; split => //).
apply:bijective_if_same_finite_c_inj; rewrite ? p2 ? p3 //.
move => t tK; rewrite (restriction2_V pe tK); apply: qe; fprops.
move => u v ug3 vg3; move: (pd _ ug3) (pd _ vg3) => pe pe' sr.
move: ug3 => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P
[qa qb qc] qd qe qf qg.
move: vg3 => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P
[qa' qb' qc'] qd' qe' qf' qg'.
apply: function_exten; rewrite ? qb' ? qc' //.
rewrite qb -pa => t; case /setU1_P ; last by move => ->; rewrite qf.
move => ti; case: (equal_or_not t x); first by move => ->; rewrite qg.
move => tx; move /setC1_P: (conj ti tx) => tK.
by rewrite - (restriction2_V pe tK) - (restriction2_V pe' tK) sr.
move => y ydK.
move: ydK => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fy sy ty] biy nfy.
pose f z := Yo (z = succ n) x (Yo (z = x) (succ n) (Vf y z)).
have f1: f (succ n) = x by rewrite /f; Ytac0; Ytac0.
have f2: f x = (succ n) by rewrite /f; Ytac0; Ytac0.
have f3: forall t, inc t K -> f t = Vf y t.
move => t /setC1_P [ti tk]; rewrite /f; Ytac0; Ytac h => //; case: pb; ue.
have f4: forall t, inc t K -> inc (f t) K.
move => t tk; rewrite (f3 _ tk); rewrite - ty; Wtac.
have f5: lf_axiom f I' I'.
move => t; rewrite -pa; case: (equal_or_not t x).
by move ->; rewrite f2; fprops.
move => tx; case/setU1_P => ta; last by rewrite ta f1; fprops.
by rewrite pa; apply: ski'; apply: f4;apply /setC1_P.
have f6: function (Lf f I' I') by apply:lf_function.
have f7: restriction2_axioms (Lf f I' I') K K.
have h: sub K (source (Lf f I' I')) by aw.
red; aw;split => // t; move /(Vf_image_P f6 h) => [u uK].
by aw; fprops => ->; apply: f4.
move: (restriction2_prop f7) => [p1 p2 p3].
have f8: (restriction2 (Lf f I' I') K K) = y.
apply: function_exten; rewrite ? p2 ? p3 //.
move => t tk /=; rewrite (restriction2_V f7); aw; fprops.
have f9: forall t, inc t I' -> f t <> t.
move => t; rewrite -pa; case: (equal_or_not t x).
move => -> _; rewrite f2 //.
move => tx; case /setU1_P; last by move => ->; rewrite f1; fprops.
move => ti; move /setC1_P: (conj ti tx) => tK.
by rewrite (f3 _ tK);apply: nfy.
have f10: inc (Lf f I' I') (permutations I').
apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply /fun_set_P; red;aw;split => //.
apply:bijective_if_same_finite_c_surj; aw; apply /lf_surjective => //.
move => z; rewrite - pa; case /setU1_P; last first.
move => ->; exists x;fprops.
case: (equal_or_not z x)=> zx zi.
by rewrite zx; exists (succ n); fprops.
move /setC1_P: (conj zi zx); rewrite -/K - ty => yt.
move: (bij_surj biy yt) => [w]; rewrite sy => wK <-.
by rewrite - (f3 _ wK); exists w=> //; rewrite pa; apply: ski'.
exists (Lf f I' I')=> //; apply /Zo_P; aw => //; split => //.
apply /Zo_P; aw;split => //.
by apply /Zo_P;split => // => t ti; aw; apply: f9.
set G4 := Zo G2 (fun f => Vf f x <> succ n).
have ->: (G2 -s G3) = G4.
set_extens t.
by move /setC_P => [tg2] /Zo_P p3; apply /Zo_P;split => // h; case: p3.
by move => /Zo_P [p1 p2]; apply /setC_P;split => // ; move => /Zo_P [q1 q2].
pose g f := fun z => Yo (z = Vf (inverse_fun f) (succ n)) x (Vf f z).
pose g1 f := Lf (g f) I I.
have pd: forall f (y:= Vf (inverse_fun f) (succ n)), inc f G4 ->
[/\ Vf f y = succ n, inc y I, (g f y) = x,
(forall t, t <> y -> (g f t) = Vf f t) &
(forall z, inc z I -> inc (g f z) I)].
move => f y /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [].
move /fun_set_P => [ff sg tf] bf nfp fn fx.
move:(inverse_bij_fb bf) => ifb.
have stf: inc (succ n) (target f) by rewrite tf -pa; fprops.
have ysf: inc y (source f).
by move: (Vf_target (proj1 (proj1 ifb))); aw; apply.
have f1: Vf f y = succ n by rewrite /y inverse_V //.
have yI: inc y I.
rewrite sg in ysf; move: (nfp _ ysf) => yy.
by move: ysf; rewrite -pa; case /setU1_P => // ysn; case: yy; rewrite f1.
have f2: x <> y by dneg w; ue.
have f3: (g f y) = x by rewrite /g /y; Ytac0.
have f4: forall t, t <> y -> (g f t) = Vf f t.
by move => t; rewrite /y /g => ty; Ytac0.
have f5: (forall z, inc z I -> inc (g f z) I).
move => z zI; case: (equal_or_not z y); first by move => ->; rewrite f3.
move => zy; rewrite (f4 _ zy).
have zsi: inc z (source f) by rewrite sg -pa; fprops.
move: (Vf_target ff zsi); rewrite tf - pa; case /setU1_P => //.
by move => h; rewrite -h in f1; case: zy; rewrite (bij_inj bf ysf zsi f1).
have fsi: finite_set I by red; rewrite ci; apply /BnatP.
move: (nbder_pr fsi); rewrite ci => <-.
apply /card_eqP; exists (Lf g1 G4 (derangements I)).
split; aw; apply: lf_bijective.
move => f fg4; move: (pd _ fg4).
set y := (Vf (inverse_fun f) (succ n)); move=> [f1 yI f3 f4 f5].
move: fg4 => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [].
move /fun_set_P => [ff sg tf] bf nfp fn fx.
have f2: x <> y by dneg w; ue.
have f6: function (g1 f) by apply /lf_function.
have f7: bijection (g1 f).
rewrite /g1.
apply:bijective_if_same_finite_c_surj; aw; apply /lf_surjective => //.
move => t tI; have ti': inc t (target f) by rewrite tf -pa; fprops.
move: (bij_surj bf ti'); rewrite sg; move => [u ui uv].
rewrite -pa in ui;case /setU1_P: ui; last first.
move => h; exists y => //; rewrite f3 - uv h fn => //.
by move => ui; ex_tac; rewrite f4 // => uy; case: pb; rewrite -f1 - uy uv.
have f8: inc (g1 f) (permutations I).
by apply /Zo_P;split => //; rewrite /g1;apply /fun_set_P;red;aw.
apply /Zo_P; split => // t ti; case: (equal_or_not t y).
by move => ty; rewrite /g1; aw; rewrite ty f3.
move => ty; rewrite /g1; aw; rewrite (f4 _ ty).
apply: nfp; rewrite -pa; fprops.
move => u v ug4 vg4 sg1.
move: (ug4) => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [].
move /fun_set_P => [ff sg tf] bf nfp fn fx.
move: (vg4) => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [].
move /fun_set_P => [ff' sg' tf'] bf' nfp' fn' fx'.
apply: function_exten; rewrite ? sg ?sg' ? tf' //.
move => t; rewrite - pa; case /setU1_P; last by move => ->; rewrite fn fn'.
move => tI.
move: (pd _ ug4) (pd _ vg4).
set y := (Vf (inverse_fun u) (succ n)); move=> [f1 yI f3 f4 f5].
set y' := (Vf (inverse_fun v) (succ n)); move=> [f1' yI' f3' f4' f5'].
move: (f_equal (fun z => Vf z t) sg1); rewrite /g1; aw.
have tsn: t <> succ n by move => h; case: pb; rewrite -h.
have i1: Vf v (succ n) <> Vf v t.
have tsv: inc t (source v) by rewrite sg' - pa; fprops.
have nsv: inc (succ n) (source v) by rewrite sg' - pa; fprops.
by move => h; case: tsn; rewrite (bij_inj bf' nsv tsv h).
have i2: Vf u (succ n) <> Vf u t.
have tsv: inc t (source u) by rewrite sg - pa; fprops.
have nsv: inc (succ n) (source u) by rewrite sg - pa; fprops.
by move => h; case: tsn; rewrite (bij_inj bf nsv tsv h).
case: (equal_or_not t y) => ty.
rewrite {1 3} ty f3 f1.
case: (equal_or_not t y'); first by move => ->; rewrite f1'.
by move => ty'; rewrite (f4' _ ty') - fn'.
rewrite (f4 _ ty); case: (equal_or_not t y') => ty'; last by rewrite f4'.
rewrite ty' f3' f1' - fn - ty' => h; by case: i2.
move => y /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fy sy ty] biy dy.
set xx := Vf (inverse_fun y) x.
move:(inverse_bij_fb biy) => iyb.
have xty: inc x (target y) by ue.
have xxsf: inc xx (source y).
by move: (Vf_target (proj1 (proj1 iyb))); aw; rewrite ty; apply.
have xxns: xx <> succ n by move => h; case: pb; rewrite -h - sy.
have f1: Vf y xx = x by rewrite /xx inverse_V //.
pose f z := Yo (z = succ n) x (Yo (z = xx) (succ n) (Vf y z)).
have f2: f (succ n) = x by rewrite /f; Ytac0; Ytac0.
have f3: f xx = (succ n) by rewrite /f; Ytac0; Ytac0.
have f4: forall t, t <> succ n -> t <> xx -> f t = Vf y t.
by move => t t1 t2; rewrite /f; Ytac0; Ytac0.
have f5: f x <> succ n.
rewrite /f; Ytac0; Ytac xa; first by case: (dy _ xK); rewrite xa f1.
move => h; case: pb; rewrite -h - ty; Wtac.
have f6: forall t, inc t I' -> inc (f t) I'.
move => t; rewrite -pa => ti; case: (equal_or_not t (succ n)) => tn.
rewrite tn f2; fprops.
case: (equal_or_not t xx) => txx.
rewrite txx f3; fprops.
rewrite (f4 _ tn txx); apply /setU1_P; left.
rewrite -ty; Wtac; rewrite sy; case /setU1_P: ti => //.
have f7: function (Lf f I' I') by apply /lf_function.
have f8: bijection (Lf f I' I').
apply:bijective_if_same_finite_c_surj; aw; apply /lf_surjective => //.
move => t; rewrite -pa => /setU1_P; case; last first.
move => ->; exists xx=> //; rewrite - sy;fprops.
rewrite - ty => tty; move: (bij_surj biy tty) => [a asy av].
have asn: a <> succ n by move => h; case: pb; rewrite -h - sy.
case: (equal_or_not a xx); last first.
by move =>axx; rewrite ty - sy; exists a;fprops; rewrite -av f4.
by move => ax; exists (succ n); fprops;rewrite f2 - av ax f1.
have f9: inc (Lf f I' I') G1.
apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply /Zo_P;split => //;apply /fun_set_P;red;aw.
move => t ti;aw;
case: (equal_or_not t (succ n)) => tn; first by rewrite tn f2; fprops.
case: (equal_or_not t xx) => tx; first by rewrite tx f3; fprops.
by rewrite (f4 _ tn tx); apply: dy; move: ti; rewrite -pa; case /setU1_P.
have f10: inc (Lf f I' I') G4 by apply /Zo_P; aw;split => //; apply /Zo_P; aw.
have II: sub I I' by rewrite -pa => t ti; fprops.
have f11: Vf (inverse_fun (Lf f I' I')) (succ n) = xx.
have xxI': inc xx I' by apply: II; rewrite - sy.
have ->: succ n = Vf (Lf f I' I') xx by aw.
rewrite inverse_V2 //; aw.
have f12: lf_axiom (g (Lf f I' I')) I I.
move => t ti; move: (II _ ti) => ti'; rewrite /g; aw;rewrite f11.
Ytac aux; fprops; rewrite - ty; rewrite (f4 _ _ aux); try Wtac.
by move => tn; case: pb; rewrite -tn.
have f13: function (Lf (g (Lf f I' I')) I I) by apply: lf_function.
ex_tac; rewrite /g1; apply: function_exten; aw.
rewrite sy => t ti; move: (II _ ti) => ti';rewrite /g;aw.
rewrite f11; Ytac aa ; rewrite ? aa //; rewrite f4//.
by move => tn; case: pb; rewrite -tn.
Lemma nbder_pr3 f (g := fun n => (succ n) *c (f n)):
(f \0c = \1c) -> f \1c = \0c ->
(forall n, inc n Bnat ->
f (succ (succ n)) = (succ n) *c (f n +c f (succ n))) ->
(forall n, inc n Bnat -> (even_int n) -> f n <> \0c)
(forall n, inc n Bnat ->
f (succ n) = Yo (even_int n) (cpred (g n)) (succ (g n))).
move => pa pb pc.
move: succ_zero => s0.
move: BS1 => bs1.
have pd': forall n, inc n Bnat -> inc (f n) Bnat /\ inc (f (succ n)) Bnat.
apply: cardinal_c_induction; first by rewrite s0 pa pb;split;fprops.
move => n nB [hr1 hr2]; split => //; rewrite(pc _ nB); fprops.
have pd: (forall n, inc n Bnat -> inc (f n) Bnat).
move => n nb; exact (proj1 (pd' _ nb)).
have pe: (forall n : Set, inc n Bnat -> f (succ (succ n)) <> \0c).
apply: cardinal_c_induction; first by rewrite (pc _ BS0) s0 pa pb; aw; fprops.
move => n nB h; move: (BS_succ nB) => h1; rewrite (pc _ h1).
move: (cpred_pr (pd _ (BS_succ h1)) h) => [pg ->].
rewrite (csum_via_succ _ pg);apply: cprod2_nz; apply: succ_nz.
have pf: (forall n : Set, inc n Bnat -> even_int n -> f n <> \0c).
move => n nB en; case: (equal_or_not n \0c).
move => ->; rewrite pa; fprops.
move => nz; move: (cpred_pr nB nz) => []; set p := (cpred n) => q1 q2.
case: (equal_or_not p \0c) => pz.
by case: odd_one => [] _; rewrite - succ_zero - pz - q2.
move: (cpred_pr q1 pz) => [pp]; rewrite q2 => ->; fprops.
split; first by exact.
apply: cardinal_c_induction.
have c1: cardinalp \1c by fprops.
move: even_zero => h; Ytac0; rewrite /g pa s0 pb -(cpred_pr2 BS0) s0; aw.
move => n nB Hrec.
have snB: inc (succ n) Bnat by fprops.
rewrite (pc _ nB) cprod_sumDl.
set sn := succ n.
have sa: sn +c \1c = succ sn by rewrite Bsucc_rw.
have ->: Yo (even_int sn) (cpred (g sn)) (succ (g sn)) =
(Yo (even_int sn) (cpred (f sn)) (succ (f sn)))
+c (sn *c f sn).
rewrite /g - sa cprod_sumDr csumC (cprod1l (CS_Bnat (pd _ snB))).
Ytac ok; Ytac0; last by rewrite (csum_via_succ1 _ (pd _ snB)) //.
case: (equal_or_not (f sn) \0c) => tz.
by rewrite tz cprod0r (bsum0r BS0) /cpred setU_0 (bsum0r BS0).
move: (cpred_pr (pd _ snB) tz) => [ta tb].
rewrite {1} tb csum_via_succ1 // cpred_pr1 //; fprops.
congr (_ +c (sn *c f sn)).
move: (even_odd_succ n) => [qa qb].
rewrite Hrec /g -/sn.
case: (p_or_not_p (even_int n)) => en.
move: (qa en) => [_] nesn; Ytac0; Ytac0.
have gnz : sn *c f n <> \0c.
apply: cprod2_nz; [apply: succ_nz | exact (pf _ nB en)].
by move: (cpred_pr (BS_prod snB (pd _ nB)) gnz)=> [_].
have on: odd_int n by split.
move: (qb on) => nesn; Ytac0; Ytac0; rewrite cpred_pr1; fprops.
Lemma nbder_pr4 n (g := fun n => (succ n) *c (nbder n)):
inc n Bnat -> nbder (succ n) = Yo (even_int n) (cpred (g n)) (succ (g n)).
apply:(proj2 (nbder_pr3 (f:= nbder) nbder_0 nbder_1 nbder_pr2)).
Exercise 5.10
Lemma even_compare n p:
inc p Bnat -> even_int n -> n <=c (\2c *c p) +c \1c -> n <=c (\2c *c p).
move => pa pb; rewrite (half_even pb); set m := (n %/c \2c).
move: pb => [pc pd]; move: (BS_quo pc BS2) => mB.
case: (card_le_to_el (CS_Bnat mB) (CS_Bnat pa)) => le1 le2.
exact (cprod_Mlele (card_leR CS2) le1).
move /(card_le_succ_ltP _ pa): le1 => le3.
have aux: inc (\2c *c p +c \1c) Bnat by fprops.
move: (cprod_Mlele (card_leR CS2) le3); rewrite (Bsucc_rw pa).
rewrite cprod_sumDl (two_times_n \1c) csumA - (Bsucc_rw aux).
move /(card_le_succ_ltP _ aux) => hhg; co_tac.
Lemma cardinal_set_of_increasing_functions5 p n:
inc p Bnat -> inc n Bnat ->
cardinal(functions_incr (Bint_cco \1c p)(Bint_cco \0c n)) =
binom (n +c p) p.
move => pB nB.
move: (Binto_wor \1c p) (Binto_wor \0c n)=> [a1 a2][a3 a4].
move: (worder_total a1) (worder_total a3).
set r := (Bint_cco \1c p); set r' := (Bint_cco \0c n) => pa pb.
move: (card_Bint1c pB);rewrite /Bint1c - a2.
rewrite -/r => r1.
have pc: finite_set (substrate r) by apply /BnatP; rewrite r1.
move: (card_Bintc nB);rewrite /Bintc - a4.
rewrite -/r' => r2.
have pd: finite_set (substrate r') by apply /BnatP; rewrite r2; fprops.
move: (cardinal_set_of_increasing_functions4 pa pb pc pd).
rewrite r1 r2 (csum_via_succ1 _ nB) (Bsucc_rw (BS_sum nB pB)).
by rewrite (cdiff_pr1 (BS_sum nB pB) BS1).
Lemma Exercise5_10 n k
(o1 := Bint_cco \1c k) (o2 := Bint_cco \1c n)
(even_odd_fct := fun f =>
(forall x, inc x (source f) -> even_int x -> even_int (Vf f x))
/\ (forall x, inc x (source f) -> odd_int x -> odd_int (Vf f x))):
inc n Bnat -> inc k Bnat ->
cardinal (Zo (functions_sincr o1 o2) even_odd_fct) =
binom ((n +c k) %/c \2c) k.
move => nB kB; set A := Zo _ _.
set I1:= Bint1c k; set I2:= Bint1c n.
move: (proj2(Binto_wor \1c n)); rewrite -/o2 -/(Bint1c n) -/I2 => sr2.
move: (proj2 (Binto_wor \1c k)); rewrite -/o1 -/(Bint1c k) -/I1 => sr1.
pose EF f z := Yo (z = \0c) \0c (Vf f z).
move: (BS_succ kB); set sk := succ k; move => skB.
have pa: forall f, inc f A -> forall i, i <> \0c -> i <c sk -> inc i (source f).
move => f /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] _ _ i inz ik.
rewrite sf sr1; apply /(Bint1cP kB); split => //.
by apply /(card_lt_succ_leP kB).
have pa': forall f, inc f A -> forall i,
inc i (source f) -> i <> \0c /\ i <c sk.
move => f /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] _ _ i.
rewrite sf sr1; move /(Bint1cP kB) => [p1 p2];split => //.
by apply /(card_lt_succ_leP kB).
have pb: forall f, inc f A -> (forall i, i <c sk -> inc (EF f i) Bnat).
move => f fa; move: (fa) => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] _ _.
move => i ik; rewrite /EF; Ytac iz; [fprops | move: (pa _ fa _ iz ik)=> isf].
move: (Vf_target ff isf); rewrite tf sr2; apply: (Bint_S).
have pc: forall f, inc f A -> (forall i j, i <c j -> j <c sk ->
(EF f i) <c (EF f j)).
move => f fa i j ij jsk.
have jnz: j <> \0c by move => jz; case: (card_lt0 (x := i)); ue.
move: (pa _ fa _ jnz jsk) => jsf.
move: (fa) => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [p1 [p2 p3 [p4 p5 p6] p7]] _.
move: (pb _ fa _ jsk);rewrite /EF; Ytac0 => p8; Ytac iz.
apply /strict_pos_P1 => //; move: (Vf_target p4 jsf).
by rewrite p6 sr2; move /(Bint1cP nB) => [].
move: ij => [lij nij].
move: (pa _ fa _ iz (card_le_ltT lij jsk)) jsf; rewrite p5 sr1 => qa qb.
have aux: glt o1 i j by split => //; apply /Binto_gleP.
by move: (p7 _ _ aux) => [] /Binto_gleP [_ _ aa] bb; split.
have pd: forall f, inc f A -> forall x, inc x (source f) -> x <=c Vf f x.
move => f fA.
move: (strict_increasing_prop1 skB (pb f fA) (pc f fA)) => h x xsf.
by move: (pa' _ fA _ xsf) => [p1 p2]; move: (h _ p2); rewrite /EF; Ytac0.
case: (card_le_to_el (CS_Bnat kB) (CS_Bnat nB)) => lekn; last first.
have -> : A = emptyset.
apply /set0_P => f fA.
move /Zo_P: (fA) => [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] _ _.
have ksf: inc k (source f).
rewrite sf sr1; apply /Bint1cP => //;split;fprops => kz.
by case: (card_lt0 (x := n)); rewrite - kz.
move: (Vf_target ff ksf); rewrite tf sr2; move/(Bint1cP nB) => [_ H].
move: (card_leT (pd _ fA _ ksf) H) => H'; co_tac.
rewrite cardinal_set0 binom_bad //; first by fprops.
move: (csum_Mlteq kB kB lekn) => lt1.
move: (card_division (BS_sum nB kB) BS2 card2_nz).
set q := ((n +c k) %/c \2c); set r := ((n +c k) %%c \2c).
move => [s1 s2 [s3 s4]].
apply: (cprod_lt_simplifiable BS2 s1 kB card2_nz).
rewrite (two_times_n k); apply: card_le_ltT lt1; rewrite s3.
exact (Bsum_M0le (BS_prod BS2 s1) s2).
move: (BS_diff k nB) => nkB.
move: (card_division nkB BS2 card2_nz).
set p := (n -c k) %/c \2c; set r := ((n -c k) %%c \2c).
move => [pB rB [p1 p2]].
have ->: (n +c k) %/c \2c = p +c k.
have aux:card_division_prop (n +c k) \2c (p +c k) r.
split; last by exact.
rewrite (csumC p) cprod_sumDl - csumA - p1 (two_times_n k) - csumA.
by rewrite (cdiff_pr lekn) csumC.
by rewrite (proj1 (cquorem_pr (BS_sum nB kB) BS2 (BS_sum pB kB) rB aux)).
pose EG f x := ((Vf f x) -c x) %/c \2c.
rewrite -(cardinal_set_of_increasing_functions5 kB pB).
set o3:= Bint_cco \0c p; rewrite -/o1.
set I3 := Bintc p.
have sr3: substrate o3 = I3 by apply: (proj2 (Binto_wor \0c p)).
set B := functions_incr o1 o3.
apply /card_eqP.
exists (Lf (fun f => (Lf (EG f) I1 I3)) A B); split; aw.
have pe: forall f, inc f A ->
[/\ (forall x, inc x (source f) -> Vf f x = x +c \2c *c (EG f x)),
lf_axiom (EG f) I1 I3 &
inc (Lf (EG f) I1 I3) B].
move => f fA.
move : (fA) => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] ff1 ff2.
have qa: (forall i : Set, i <c sk -> EF f i <c (n -c k) +c sk).
move =>i isk; rewrite /sk (csum_via_succ _ kB) csumC (cdiff_pr lekn).
apply /(card_lt_succ_leP nB); rewrite /EF; Ytac zi; fprops.
move: (pa _ fA _ zi isk) => isf.
by move: (Vf_target ff isf); rewrite tf sr2; move/(Bint1cP nB) => [].
have qb:(forall x, inc x (source f) -> (Vf f x) -c x <=c n -c k).
move: (strict_increasing_prop3 skB nkB (pb f fA) (pc f fA) qa) => h.
move => x xsf.
by move: (pa' _ fA _ xsf) => [p4 p5]; move: (h _ p5); rewrite /EF; Ytac0.
have qc: forall x, inc x (source f) -> inc (Vf f x -c x) Bnat.
move => x xsf; exact: (BS_le_int (qb _ xsf) nkB).
have qd: forall x, inc x (source f) ->x +c (Vf f x -c x) = Vf f x.
move => x xsf; exact(cdiff_pr (pd _ fA _ xsf)).
have qe: forall x, inc x (source f) -> even_int ((Vf f x) -c x).
move => x xsf; move:(qd _ xsf) => h; move:(qc _ xsf) => dB.
have xB: inc x Bnat by move: xsf; rewrite sf sr1; apply: Bint_S.
ex_middle od; have oi: odd_int (Vf f x -c x) by split.
case: (p_or_not_p (even_int x)) => evx.
move: (proj1 ff2 x xsf evx) => evf.
by move: (proj32 (even_odd_sum _ _) evx oi); rewrite h ; move => [].
have oix: odd_int x by split.
move: (proj2 ff2 x xsf oix) => [_ evf].
by move: (proj31 (even_odd_sum _ _) oix oi); rewrite h.
have qf: forall x, inc x (source f) -> Vf f x = x +c \2c *c (EG f x).
by move => x xsf; rewrite - (qd _ xsf) (half_even (qe _ xsf)).
have qg: forall x, inc x (source f) -> inc (EG f x) Bnat.
move => x xsf; apply: (BS_quo (qc _ xsf) BS2).
have qh: forall x, inc x I1 -> inc (EG f x) I3.
rewrite - sr1 - sf => x xsf; suff: Vf f x -c x <=c \2c *c p.
rewrite (half_even (qe _ xsf)) => h.
apply /(BintcP pB).
exact(cprod_le_simplifiable BS2 (qg _ xsf) pB card2_nz h).
have aux: cardinalp (\2c *c p) by fprops.
move: (qb _ xsf); rewrite p1; case: (card_lt2 p2) => ->; aw.
apply: (even_compare pB (qe _ xsf)).
have qi: increasing_fun (Lf (EG f) I1 I3) o1 o3.
red; aw; split => //.
by move: (Binto_wor \1c k) => [[]].
by move: (Binto_wor \0c p) => [[]].
by split;aw; try ue; apply: lf_function.
move => i j /Binto_gleP [iI jI ij];aw; apply/Binto_gleP; split => //.
by apply: qh.
by apply: qh.
have isf: inc i (source f) by rewrite sf sr1.
have jsf: inc j (source f) by rewrite sf sr1.
move: (pa' _ fA _ isf) (pa' _ fA _ jsf) => [s1 s2][s3 s4].
move: (strict_increasing_prop2 skB (pb f fA) (pc _ fA) ij s4).
rewrite /EF; Ytac0; Ytac0.
rewrite (half_even (qe _ isf)) (half_even (qe _ jsf)).
apply: (cprod_le_simplifiable BS2 (qg _ isf) (qg _ jsf) card2_nz).
split; [exact | exact | apply /Zo_P;split => //;apply/fun_set_P;red;aw].
move: qi => [_ _[fh _ _] _]; split => //.
apply: lf_bijective.
by move => f fA;move: (pe _ fA) => [_ _].
move => u v uA vA sv; move: (pe _ uA) (pe _ vA) => [a1 e1 _][a2 e2 _].
move /Zo_P: uA => [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [u1 u2 u3] _ _.
move /Zo_P: vA => [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [v1 v2 v3] _ _.
apply: function_exten => //; try ue.
move => i isu /=; rewrite (a1 _ isu).
rewrite u2 - v2 in isu; rewrite (a2 _ isu).
by rewrite v2 sr1 in isu; move: (f_equal (Vf^~ i) sv); aw => ->.
move => y /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fy sy tg] incy.
set f := Lf (fun i => i +c \2c *c (Vf y i)) I1 I2.
have qa: lf_axiom (fun i : Set => i +c \2c *c Vf y i) I1 I2.
move => i i1; move: (i1) => /(Bint1cP kB) [qa qb].
apply /(Bint1cP nB); split.
move: (cpred_pr (BS_le_int qb kB) qa) => [sa sb].
rewrite {1} sb (csum_via_succ1 _ sa); apply: succ_nz.
rewrite - (cdiff_pr lekn); apply: (csum_Mlele qb); rewrite p1.
apply: card_leT (Bsum_M0le (BS_prod BS2 pB) rB).
apply: (cprod_Mlele (card_leR CS2)); apply /(BintcP pB).
by rewrite -/I3- sr3 -tg; Wtac; rewrite sy sr1.
have ff: function f by apply: lf_function.
have eof: even_odd_fct f.
have aux: forall x, inc x I1 -> even_int (\2c *c Vf y x).
move => x x1; apply: even_double.
have aux: inc (Vf y x) I3 by rewrite - sr3 - tg; Wtac; rewrite sy sr1.
apply: (Bint_S aux).
red; rewrite /f; aw;split => x xsf; aw => ex.
exact: (proj33 (even_odd_sum _ _) ex (aux _ xsf)).
rewrite csumC; exact (proj32 (even_odd_sum _ _) (aux _ xsf) ex).
have fa: inc f A.
apply /Zo_P; split; last by exact.
apply /Zo_P; split; first by rewrite/f; apply /fun_set_P;red;aw;split => //.
rewrite /f; red;split;aw.
by move: (Binto_wor \1c k) => [[]].
by move: (Binto_wor \1c n) => [[]].
split;aw => //.
move: incy => [_ _ _ s6].
move => i j [] q1; move: (s6 _ _ q1) => /Binto_gleP [a1 a2 q7].
move /Binto_gleP: q1 => [q1 q2 q3] q4; aw.
have [q5 q6]: i +c \2c *c Vf y i <c j +c \2c *c Vf y j.
move: (BS_prod BS2 (Bint_S a1)) (BS_prod BS2 (Bint_S a2)) => a3 a4.
rewrite (csumC i) (csumC j); move: (cprod_Mlele (card_leR CS2) q7) => q8.
apply: (csum_Mlelt a4 (Bint_S q2) q8 (conj q3 q4)).
split; [apply /Binto_gleP;split => //; by apply: qa | done ].
exists f => //.
move: (pe _ fa) => [sa sb sc].
symmetry;apply: function_exten; aw; try ue; first by apply: lf_function.
move => i iI1 /=; aw; rewrite /EG /f /=; aw.
have aux: inc (Vf y i) I3 by rewrite - sr3 - tg; Wtac; rewrite sy sr1.
have iB: inc i Bnat by apply: (Bint_S iI1).
have fiB: inc (Vf y i) Bnat by apply: (Bint_S aux).
rewrite csumC (cdiff_pr1 (BS_prod BS2 fiB) iB).
apply: (cdivides_pr4 BS2 fiB card2_nz).
Lemma Exercise_6_1 E: infinite_set E <->
(forall f, function_prop f E E ->
exists S, [/\ sub S E, nonempty S, S <> E & sub (image_by_fun f S) S]).
move=> iE f [ff sf tf].
case: (emptyset_dichot E).
have fce: finite_c (cardinal emptyset).
rewrite cardinal_set0 -/BnatP; fprops.
by move=> nE;rewrite nE in iE; case: (infinite_dichot2 fce).
move=> [y yE].
have p1: (forall u, inc u E -> inc (Vf f u) E) by rewrite -{1} sf -tf; fprops.
move:(induction_defined_pr (fun n => Vf f n) y).
move: (integer_induction_stable yE p1).
set g:=induction_defined _ _; set (F:= target g).
move=> stg [sg sjg g0 gs].
have fg: function g by fct_tac.
have yF: inc y F by rewrite -g0;apply: Vf_target => //; ue.
have sFf:sub F (source f) by ue.
have fF: (sub (image_by_fun f F) F).
move=> t /(Vf_image_P ff sFf) [u uF ->].
move: ((proj2 sjg) _ uF); rewrite sg; move => [n ns <-].
by rewrite -gs//;apply:Vf_target;[ fct_tac |rewrite sg; apply: BS_succ].
set (G:=image_by_fun f F).
have sgg: sub (image_by_fun f G) G.
have aux:sub (image_by_fun f F) (source f) by apply: (@sub_trans F).
move=> t /(Vf_image_P ff aux) [u ui ->]; apply /(Vf_image_P ff sFf).
exists u;fprops.
exists G; split => //; first by apply: (@sub_trans F) =>//.
exists (Vf f y); apply /(Vf_image_P ff sFf); ex_tac.
move=> GE; move: yE; rewrite -GE;move=> /(Vf_image_P ff sFf)[u uF Wu].
move: ((proj2 sjg) _ uF) => [x0 x0g Wx].
rewrite sg in x0g; move: Wu; rewrite -Wx -gs //.
set (k:= succ x0).
move=> Wy.
have kB: (inc k Bnat) by apply: BS_succ.
have rec1: (forall i, inc i Bnat -> Vf g i = Vf g (i +c k)).
have ck: cardinalp k by fprops.
apply: cardinal_c_induction; aw; first by rewrite g0 Wy.
move => n nB; rewrite (gs _ nB) (csumC (succ n) _) csum_via_succ //.
move ->; rewrite csumC gs //; fprops.
have rec2: (forall i, inc i Bnat -> forall j, inc j Bnat ->
Vf g i = Vf g (i +c (j *c k))).
move => i iB; apply: cardinal_c_induction.
rewrite cprodC cprod0r csum0r //; fprops.
move=> n nB. rewrite (cprodC (succ n) _) cprod_via_sum // csumA.
rewrite cprodC -rec1 //; fprops.
have rec4: (forall z, inc z E -> exists2 m, cardinal_lt m k & z = Vf g m).
move=> z; rewrite -GE;move=> /(Vf_image_P ff sFf) [w w1 w2].
move: ((proj2 sjg) _ w1) => [x xsg w3].
rewrite sg in xsg;move: w2; rewrite -w3 -gs //; move => ->.
have sxB: (inc (succ x) Bnat) by fprops.
have knz: (k <> \0c) by apply: succ_nz.
move: (card_division_exists sxB kB knz) => [q [r [qB rB [pa pb]]]].
rewrite pa; exists r=> //; rewrite csumC cprodC -rec2 //.
have sisg: sub (Bint k) (source g).
rewrite sg; apply: Bint_S1.
have sEi: (sub E (image_by_fun g (Bint k))).
move=> t tE; move: (rec4 _ tE) => [m ml ->].
by apply /(Vf_image_P fg sisg); exists m => //; apply /BintP.
have fsi: (finite_set (Bint k)) by apply: finite_Bint.
move: (finite_image_by fg sisg fsi) => fs2.
move: (sub_finite_set sEi fs2) => fs3.
case: (infinite_dichot2 fs3 iE).
move=> h; case: (finite_dichot1 E) => //.
rewrite /finite_set; set (n:= cardinal E); move /BnatP => nB.
have:(equipotent (Bint n) E).
apply /card_eqP; rewrite card_Bint //.
move=> [y [bjy sy ty]].
case: (emptyset_dichot E) => neE.
have fpi: (function_prop (identity E) E E).
split => //;aw; apply: identity_f.
move: (h _ fpi) => [F [FE [t tF] _]];empty_tac1 t.
have nz: n <> \0c by apply: cardinal_nonemptyset1.
set (f:= fun i => card_rem (succ i) n).
set In := (Bint n).
have Ha: forall i, inc i Bnat -> inc (card_rem i n) In.
move=> i iB. apply /(BintP nB).
by move: (card_division iB nB nz) => [_ _ [_]].
have Hb:sub In Bnat by apply: Bint_S1.
have Hc:(forall i, inc i In -> inc (f i) In).
by move=> i iI; apply: Ha; apply: BS_succ; apply: Hb.
move: (inverse_bij_fb bjy).
move: (ifun_s y) (ifun_t y).
rewrite sy ty;set x := (inverse_fun y) => sx tx bx.
have fx: function x by fct_tac.
have fy: function y by fct_tac.
set (g:= fun u => Vf y (f (Vf x u))).
have ta: (lf_axiom g E E).
rewrite /g -{1} sx -ty; move=> t tsx /=; apply: Vf_target =>//.
rewrite sy;apply: Hc; rewrite /In -tx; fprops.
set (g1:= Lf g E E).
have fg1: (function g1) by apply: lf_function.
have fpg1: function_prop g1 E E by split => //; rewrite /g1; aw.
move: (h _ fpg1) => [F [FE [u uF] nFE Fsg]].
set (i:= Vf x u).
have iN: inc i In.
by rewrite /In -tx; apply: Vf_target => //; rewrite sx; apply: FE.
have iB: (inc i Bnat) by apply: Hb.
have WiF: inc (Vf y i) F.
rewrite /i; move: (FE _ uF); rewrite -ty => uty.
by rewrite (inverse_V bjy uty).
have Hd: (forall j, inc j Bnat -> inc (Vf y (card_rem (i +c j) n)) F).
apply: cardinal_c_induction.
rewrite bsum0r //.
have dp:(card_division_prop i n \0c i).
split; first by rewrite cprod0r bsum0l //.
by move: iN => /(BintP nB).
by move: (cquorem_pr iB nB BS0 iB dp) => [_ ] <-.
move => m mB.
have imB: inc (i +c m) Bnat by fprops.
set (v:= card_rem (i +c m) n) => WvF.
have vB: inc v Bnat by rewrite /v; fprops.
have : (inc (Vf g1 (Vf y v)) F).
have aux: sub F (source g1) by rewrite /g1;aw.
apply: Fsg; apply /(Vf_image_P fg1 aux); ex_tac.
rewrite /g1; aw; last (by apply: (FE _ WvF)); rewrite /g.
move: (Ha _ (BS_sum iB mB)); rewrite /In - sy -/v => vs.
rewrite (inverse_V2 bjy vs).
have <-: (card_rem (succ v) n = card_rem (i +c (succ m)) n) => //.
rewrite -/(eqmod _ _ n) csum_via_succ //; apply: eqmod_succ => //.
by rewrite /v /eqmod; symmetry; apply: eqmod_rem.
case: nFE; apply: extensionality => //.
rewrite -ty; move=> t tE.
move: (bjy) => [_ sjy].
move: ((proj2 sjy) _ tE) => [v vsy <-].
move: vsy; rewrite sy => /(BintP nB) vn.
move: iN => /(BintP nB) [lein _].
move: (f_equal (fun z => (z +c v)) (cdiff_pr lein)).
move: (vn) => [len _ ]; move: (BS_le_int len nB) => vB.
rewrite - csumA; set k:= _ +c v => aux.
have kb: inc k Bnat by rewrite /k; fprops.
have dp:(card_division_prop (i +c k) n \1c v) by split; aw; fprops.
move: (cquorem_pr (BS_sum iB kb) nB BS1 vB dp) => [_ ] ->.
by apply: Hd.
Fixpoint chain_val x :=
match x with chain_pair u v => singleton u
| chain_next u v => chain_val v +s1 u
Fixpoint sub_chain x y :=
match y with
chain_pair u v => x = y
| chain_next u v =>
x = y \/ sub_chain x v
Lemma sub_chainedP R p q: sub_chain p q -> chained_r R q ->
chained_r R p /\ chain_tail p = chain_tail q.
move => p1 p2; split.
move: p1 p2; elim q => a x /=; first by move => -> /=.
move => Hrec; case => aux; first by rewrite aux /= => [].
by move => [p1 p2]; apply: Hrec.
clear p2; move: p1; elim: q => a x /=; first by move => -> /=.
move => Hrec; case => aux; [ by rewrite aux | by apply: Hrec].
Lemma chained_prop1 g a c:
chained_r (fun a b => a = g b) c -> chain_tail c = a ->
sub_chain (chain_pair (g a) a) c.
elim:c => b x /=; first by move => -> ->.
by move => Hrec [p1 p2] p3; right; apply: Hrec.
Lemma chained_prop2 g p c:
chained_r (fun a b => a = g b) c -> sub_chain p c ->
p = c \/ sub_chain (chain_next (g (chain_head p)) p) c.
elim:c => a c /=; first by left.
move => Hrec [p1 p2]; case => p3; first by left.
case: (Hrec p2 p3); last by right; right.
by move => epc; right; left; rewrite epc -p1.
Lemma chain_valP x i: inc i (chain_val x) <->
(exists2 p, sub_chain p x & i = chain_head p).
elim:x => a x /=.
by move /set1_P ->; exists (chain_pair a x).
move => Hrec /setU1_P; case => aux.
by move: (Hrec aux) => [p p1 p2]; exists p => //; right.
by exists (chain_next a x) => //; left.
move => [p].
elim: x => a x /=; first by move => -> -> /=; fprops.
move => Hrec p1 p2; case: p1; first by rewrite p2; move => -> /=; fprops.
by move => p3; apply /setU1_P; left; apply: Hrec.
Lemma chain_val_finite x: finite_set (chain_val x).
elim: x => [pa pb /=| pa pb /= Hrec]; first by apply: set1_finite.
by apply: setU1_finite.
Lemma Exercise_6_1bis E f: infinite_set E -> function_prop f E E ->
exists S, [/\ sub S E, nonempty S, S <> E & sub (image_by_fun f S) S].
move => /infinite_setP pa [pb pc pd]; pose g x := Vf f x.
have qa: forall x, inc x E -> inc (g x) E.
move => x; rewrite - {1} pc - pd /g => xsf; Wtac.
case: (emptyset_dichot E).
move => ee; rewrite ee in pa.
have fce: finite_c (cardinal emptyset) by rewrite cardinal_set0; fprops.
case: (infinite_dichot1 fce pa).
move=> [y0 y0E]; pose y := g y0.
have yE: inc y E by apply: qa.
pose stable S := forall x, inc x S -> inc (g x) S.
pose chained := chained_r (fun a b => a = g b).
set S := Zo E (fun z => exists p, [/\ chained p, chain_tail p = y0 &
(chain_head p) = z]).
have q0: forall p, chained p -> chain_tail p = y0 -> inc (chain_head p) E.
elim => c p //= ; [ by move => -> -> | move => Hrec [] -> rb rc].
by apply:qa; apply: Hrec.
have q1: sub S E by apply: Zo_S.
have q2: nonempty S by exists y; apply/Zo_i => //; exists (chain_pair y y0).
have q3: stable S.
move => t /Zo_P [tE [c [c1 c2 c3]]]; apply/Zo_P; split => //.
by apply: qa.
by exists (chain_next (g t) c);split => //; rewrite - c3.
have q4:forall S, sub S E -> stable S -> sub (image_by_fun f S) S.
move => s se ss.
have aux: sub s (source f) by ue.
by move => t /(Vf_image_P pb aux) [u us ->]; apply: ss.
case: (equal_or_not S E) => nse; last by exists S;split;fprops.
have: inc y0 S by ue.
move /Zo_P => [_] [c0 [c1 c2 c3]].
set A:= chain_val c0.
have yA: inc y A.
by apply /chain_valP; exists (chain_pair y y0) => //;apply chained_prop1.
have sa: stable A.
move => s /chain_valP [p p1 ->]; case: (chained_prop2 c1 p1) => sq.
rewrite sq c3; exact yA.
by apply /chain_valP; exists (chain_next (g (chain_head p)) p).
have sas: sub A E.
move => t /chain_valP [p p1 p2].
move: (sub_chainedP p1 c1); rewrite c2 p2; move => [xx1 xx2].
by apply: q0.
have ae: A <> E.
move => bad.
have : finite_set A by apply: chain_val_finite.
by rewrite bad => fse; exact:(infinite_dichot1 fse pa).
exists A;split => //; [ by exists y | by apply: q4].
Exercise 6.2
Lemma exercice6_2 a b c d:
a <c c -> b <c d -> ((a +c b) <c (c +c d) /\ (a *c b) <c (c *c d)).
move=> ac bd.
wlog: a b c d ac bd / ( c <=c d).
move=> h.
have cc: cardinalp c by co_tac.
have cd: cardinalp d by co_tac.
case: (card_le_to_ee cc cd) => aux.
by apply: h.
by rewrite csumC (csumC c _) cprodC (cprodC c _); apply: h.
move=> cd.
have cnz: c <> \0c.
move=> cz; rewrite cz in ac; exact: (card_lt0 ac).
have cad: cardinalp d by co_tac.
case: (finite_dichot cad) => fcd.
move: ac => [ac _].
have dB: inc d Bnat by apply /BnatP.
have bB: inc b Bnat by Bnat_tac.
have cB: inc c Bnat by Bnat_tac.
have aB: inc a Bnat by Bnat_tac.
split; [ apply: csum_Mlelt => // | apply: cprod_Mlelt => //].
rewrite (cprodC c d) (csumC c d).
rewrite (product2_infinite cd fcd cnz) (sum2_infinite cd fcd).
have caa: cardinalp a by co_tac.
have cab: cardinalp b by co_tac.
have fcz: finite_c \0c by rewrite -/BnatP; fprops.
wlog : / (infinite_c b /\ cardinal_le a b); last first.
move=> [fcb leab].
split; first by rewrite csumC (sum2_infinite leab fcb).
rewrite cprodC; case: (equal_or_not a \0c) => az.
by rewrite az cprod0r; apply: finite_lt_infinite.
by rewrite (product2_infinite leab fcb az).
move=> wwlog; case: (finite_dichot caa) => fca.
case: (finite_dichot cab) => fcb.
move: fca fcb; rewrite -!/BnatP => aB bB.
split; apply: finite_lt_infinite => //;rewrite - /BnatP; fprops.
move: (finite_le_infinite fca fcb) => ab; apply: wwlog;split => //.
case: (card_le_to_ee caa cab) => ba.
case: (finite_dichot cab) => fcb.
move: (finite_lt_infinite fcb fca) => ltab; co_tac.
apply: wwlog;split => //.
have ltad: cardinal_lt a d by co_tac.
split; first by rewrite (sum2_infinite ba fca).
case: (equal_or_not b \0c) => bz.
by rewrite bz cprod0r; apply: finite_lt_infinite.
by rewrite (product2_infinite ba fca bz).
Exercise 6.3
Lemma Exercise6_3 E: infinite_set E ->
(powerset E) \Eq (Zo (powerset E) (fun z => z \Eq E)).
move=> isE; set Qo:= Zo _ _.
apply /card_eqP;apply: card_leA; last first.
have sQ: (sub Qo (powerset E)) by apply: Zo_S.
apply: (sub_smaller sQ).
set (n:= cardinal E).
have cnn: (n +c n = n).
have cnn: (cardinal_le n n) by rewrite /n; fprops.
move: isE => /infinite_setP isE.
apply: (sum2_infinite cnn isE).
have enE: equipotent n E by rewrite /n; fprops.
set (E1:= E *s1 C0).
set (E2:= E *s1 C1).
have eq1: (equipotent E1 n) by eqtrans E; eqsym; rewrite /E1; fprops.
have eq2: (equipotent E2 n) by eqtrans E; eqsym; rewrite /E2; fprops.
have d12: (disjoint E1 E2) by apply: disjointU2_pr; fprops.
move: (csum2_pr5 d12); rewrite - csum2_pr2a - csum2_pr2b.
move /card_eqP: (eq1) => ->; move /card_eqP: (eq2) => ->.
rewrite csum2_pr2a csum2_pr2b cnn; move /card_eqP.
move=> [g [bg sg tg]].
have fg: function g by fct_tac.
pose barX X:= ((X *s1 C0) \cup E2).
pose f X := image_by_fun g (barX X).
have barXp: forall X, sub X E -> sub (barX X) (source g).
move => X XE s; rewrite sg; case /setU2_P => //; last by fprops.
move/indexed_P=> [ps PX Qs]; apply /setU2_P;left; apply /indexed_P; aw.
by split => //; apply XE.
have sfE:(forall X, sub X E -> sub (f X) E).
move=> X XE t; move: (barXp _ XE) => bE; move /(Vf_image_P fg bE).
rewrite -tg;move=> [u ub ->]; apply: Vf_target => //;apply: bE => //.
have ei: (forall X, sub X E -> equipotent (f X) E).
move=> X XE; move: (sfE _ XE) => ssfE.
set (b:= image_by_fun g E2).
have s1: sub b (f X) by apply: dirim_S; apply: subsetU2r.
move : (sub_smaller ssfE) (sub_smaller s1) => le1 le2.
have sE2: (sub E2 (source g)) by rewrite sg;apply: subsetU2r.
move: (bg) => [bg1 _].
move: (equipotent_restriction1 sE2 bg1); rewrite -/b.
have: (cardinal E2 = cardinal E). apply /card_eqP; eqtrans n.
move => ha /card_eqP; rewrite ha => cc.
rewrite - cc in le2; apply /card_eqP; co_tac.
have ta: (lf_axiom f (powerset E) Qo).
move => X /setP_P XE; apply: Zo_i;fprops;apply /setP_P; apply: sfE =>//.
set (F:= Lf f (powerset E) Qo).
have ->: (powerset E = source F) by rewrite /F; aw.
have ->: (Qo = target F) by rewrite /F; aw.
apply: incr_fun_morph.
apply: lf_injective => // a b /setP_P aE /setP_P bE; move: aE bE.
suff: forall u v, sub u E -> sub v E -> f u = f v -> sub u v.
move=> h ae ve sf; apply: extensionality; apply: h => //.
move => u v uE vE sf t tu.
have p1: (inc (J t C0) (barX u)) by apply :setU2_1;apply :indexed_pi.
move: (barXp _ uE) => p2; move: (barXp _ vE) => p2a; move: (p2 _ p1) => p3.
have :(inc (Vf g (J t C0)) (f u)) by apply/(Vf_image_P fg p2); ex_tac.
rewrite sf => /(Vf_image_P fg p2a) [w wb wv]; move: (p2a _ wb)=> wsg.
move: bg => [[_ ig] _]; move: (ig _ _ p3 wsg wv) => wv2.
move: wb; rewrite - wv2 => /setU2_P; case; move /indexed_P => [_]; aw.
by move => _ bad; case: TP_ne.
Exercise 6.4
Lemma infinite_powerset E:
infinite_set E -> infinite_set (powerset E).
move=> iE; move: (cantor (CS_cardinal E)) => lt1.
case: (finite_dichot1 (powerset E)) => //.
rewrite /finite_set card_setP => ha; move: iE => /infinite_setP iE.
move: (finite_le_infinite ha iE).
have ->: (\2c ^c E = \2c ^c (cardinal E)) by apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
move=> aux; co_tac.
Lemma Exercise6_4 E: infinite_set E ->
(partitions E) \Eq (powerset E).
move=> ifE.
set (q:=partitions E).
set (f:= Lf (fun y=> partition_relset y E) q (powerset (coarse E))).
have injf: (injection f).
apply: lf_injective.
by move=> t tp;apply /setP_P; apply: sub_part_relsetX; move: tp =>/Zo_P [].
move=> u v => /Zo_P [] /setP_P uE puE /Zo_P [] /setP_P vE pvE sp.
by symmetry;apply: (part_relset_anti pvE puE).
move: (incr_fun_morph injf); rewrite /f; aw.
have -> :cardinal (powerset (coarse E)) = cardinal (powerset E).
rewrite ! card_setP /coarse; apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
apply /card_eqP; rewrite - cprod2_pr1.
transitivity ((cardinal E) *c (cardinal E)).
by apply: cprod2_pr2; rewrite double_cardinal.
by apply:square_of_infinite => //; apply /infinite_setP.
move=> le1.
case: (emptyset_dichot E) => neE.
move: ifE;rewrite neE; move /infinite_setP; rewrite cardinal_set0.
move=> bad; case: (infinite_dichot1 finite_zero bad).
move: neE => [y yE].
set (F:= E -s1 y).
pose g u := doubleton u (E -s u).
have yF: ~(inc y F) by move /setC1_P => [].
have ig: (forall u v , sub u F -> sub v F -> g u = g v -> u = v).
rewrite /g;move=> u v uF vF sg; case: (doubleton_inj sg); first by case.
move=> [uc vc].
case: (yF); apply: uF; rewrite uc; apply /setC_P.
by split => // yv; move: (vF _ yv).
have pa: (forall u, sub u F -> nonempty u -> inc (g u) q).
move=> u uF neu.
have uE: (sub u E) by apply: (@sub_trans F)=> //; apply: sub_setC.
rewrite /g;apply /partitionsP; split; last first.
move=> a; case /set2_P;move => -> //; exists y; apply /setC_P;split;fprops.
split; first by rewrite -/(_ \cup _) setU2_Cr.
have dc: forall u, disjoint u (E -s u).
by move => w; apply: disjoint_pr; move=> t tw; apply /setC_P; case.
move=> a b; case/set2_P => p1; case /set2_P=> p2;
rewrite ? p1 ?p2 /disjointVeq; fprops.
right;apply: disjoint_S; apply: dc.
set (T:= (powerset F) -s1 emptyset).
have ct: (cardinal_le (cardinal T) (cardinal q)).
apply /eq_subset_cardP1 /eq_subset_ex_injP; exists (Lf g T q); split;aw.
apply: lf_injective.
by move=> t /setC1_P [] /setP_P tF te;apply: pa => //;apply /nonemptyP.
by move=> u v /setC1_P [] /setP_P uf _ /setC1_P [] /setP_P vf _; apply: ig.
move: (cardinal_setC1_inf y ifE); rewrite -/F => cEF.
have ipF: (infinite_set (powerset F)).
apply: infinite_powerset; move: ifE => /infinite_setP; rewrite cEF.
by move /infinite_setP.
move: ct; rewrite - (cardinal_setC1_inf emptyset ipF).
have ->: (cardinal (powerset F) = cardinal (powerset E)).
rewrite ! card_setP; apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
by apply /card_eqP.
move=> le2; apply /card_eqP; co_tac.
Exercise 6.5
Lemma product2_infinite3 E F: nonempty E ->
(cardinal E) <=c (cardinal F) -> infinite_set F ->
(F \times E) \Eq F.
move=> [a aE] le1 infF.
have pa: (cardinal E <> \0c).
move=> aux; move: (cardinal_nonemptyset aux) => fE; empty_tac1 a.
move: infF => /infinite_setP infF.
move: (product2_infinite le1 infF pa) => hh.
apply /card_eqP.
by rewrite - cprod2_pr1 -hh;apply: cprod2_pr2;rewrite double_cardinal.
Lemma Exercise6_5a E F:
(cardinal (functions E F)) <=c (cardinal (sub_functions E F)).
apply: sub_smaller.
move=> t /fun_set_P [pa pb pc];apply /sfun_set_P;split => //;rewrite pb; fprops.
Lemma Exercise6_5b E F:
(cardinal (sub_functions E F)) <=c (cardinal (powerset (product E F))).
have injf:
injection (Lf graph (sub_functions E F) (powerset (product E F))).
apply: lf_injective.
by move=> t ta; apply /setP_P;apply: graph_of_function_sub.
move=> u v /sfun_set_P [y yp yq] /sfun_set_P [z zp zq] h.
apply: function_exten1 => //; ue.
move: (incr_fun_morph injf); aw.
Lemma Exercise6_5c E: infinite_set E ->
(cardinal (permutations E)) <=c (cardinal (powerset E)).
move=> isE.
set C:= (functions E E).
have pb: sub (Zo C bijection) C by apply: Zo_S.
apply: (card_leT (sub_smaller pb)).
apply: (card_leT (Exercise6_5a E E)).
case: (emptyset_dichot E) => neE.
have ->: (sub_functions E E = singleton (identity E)).
apply: set1_pr.
apply /sfun_set_P; aw;split;fprops.
move => z /sfun_set_P [sa sb sc]; apply /function_exten;aw; fprops.
apply: extensionality => //; rewrite neE;fprops.
by move => t te; move: (sb _ te); rewrite neE => /in_set0.
rewrite cardinal_set1; apply: card_ge1; fprops => bad.
move: (cardinal_nonemptyset bad) => bad1; empty_tac1 E; aw; apply /setP_Ti.
have cle2: cardinal_le (cardinal E) (cardinal E) by fprops.
move: (Exercise6_5b E E) (product2_infinite3 neE cle2 isE) => ca cb.
have -> : (cardinal (powerset E) = cardinal (powerset (product E E))) => //.
symmetry;rewrite !card_setP; apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
Lemma Exercise6_5d E: infinite_set E ->
(cardinal (derangements E)) <=c (cardinal (powerset E)).
move => h.
have : sub (derangements E) (permutations E) by apply: Zo_S.
move /sub_smaller => p1.
move: (Exercise6_5c h) => p2; co_tac.
Lemma Exercice6_5e E F h:
bijection h -> source h = E -> target h = F ->
(forall f, inc f (derangements F) ->
inc ((inverse_fun h) \co (f \co h)) (derangements E)).
move=> bh sh tg f /Zo_P [/Zo_P [/fun_set_P [ff sf tf] bf] nfx].
set g := _ \co _.
have co: f \coP h by split => //; [fct_tac | ue].
have b1: bijection (f \co h) by apply: compose_fb.
move: (inverse_bij_fb bh) => ihb.
have co1: (inverse_fun h) \coP (f \co h).
split => //; try fct_tac; aw; ue.
have bg: bijection g by apply: compose_fb.
apply: Zo_i.
apply: Zo_i => //; apply /fun_set_P;split => //;try fct_tac; rewrite /g; aw.
rewrite - sh /g;move => x xE; aw.
set y:= (Vf f (Vf h x)) => eq1.
have pe: inc (Vf h x) (source f) by rewrite sf -tg; Wtac; fct_tac.
have pd: inc y (target h) by rewrite /y tg -tf; Wtac.
rewrite sf in pe; move: (nfx _ pe); rewrite -/y.
by move: (inverse_V bh pd);rewrite eq1; move => ->; case.
Lemma Exercice6_5f E F: E \Eq F ->
(derangements E) \Eq (derangements F).
move => [h [pa pb pc]]; eqsym.
exists (Lf (fun f => ((inverse_fun h) \co (f \co h)))
(derangements F) (derangements E)).
move: (inverse_bij_fb pa) => bh'.
split;aw; apply: lf_bijective.
by apply: Exercice6_5e.
move => u v /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [p1 p2 p3] _ _.
move => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [p4 p5 p6] _ _ eq.
have q1: u \coP h by split => //; try fct_tac; ue.
have q2: v \coP h by split => //; try fct_tac; ue.
have q3: function (u \co h) by fct_tac.
have q4: function (v \co h) by fct_tac.
have q5: inverse_fun h \coP (u \co h) by split => //; aw;try fct_tac; ue.
have q6: inverse_fun h \coP (v \co h) by split => //; aw;try fct_tac; ue.
move: (compf_regr bh' q5 q6 eq) => eq1.
by move: (compf_regl pa q1 q2 eq1).
move => y yE.
exists (h \co (y \co (inverse_fun h))).
have eq1:inverse_fun (inverse_fun h) = h by apply: ifun_involutive; fct_tac.
rewrite -{1} eq1; apply: (Exercice6_5e bh' _ _ yE); aw.
move: yE => /Zo_P [] /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [pd pe pf] _ _.
have p1: (y \coP inverse_fun h) by split => //;aw;try fct_tac; ue.
have p2: function (y \co inverse_fun h) by fct_tac.
have p3: (h \coP (y \co inverse_fun h)) by split => //;aw;try fct_tac; ue.
set z := (h \co (y \co inverse_fun h)).
have p4: function z by rewrite /z; fct_tac.
have p5: inverse_fun h \coP z by rewrite /z;split => //; aw;try fct_tac.
have p6: z \coP h by rewrite /z;split => //; aw;try fct_tac.
rewrite (compfA p5 p6) (compfA (composable_inv_f pa) p3)(bij_left_inverse pa).
have ->: (source h) = target (y \co inverse_fun h) by aw; rewrite pb pf.
rewrite (compf_id_l p2) - (compfA p1 (composable_inv_f pa)).
by rewrite (bij_left_inverse pa) pb -pe (compf_id_r pd).
Lemma Exercice6_5g E: singletonp E \/ nonempty (derangements E).
have re: forall F, equipotent F E -> nonempty (derangements F) ->
nonempty (derangements E).
move => F /Exercice6_5f/card_eqP h /cardinal_nonemptyset1.
by rewrite h => h1;apply /nonemptyP => h2; case:h1; rewrite h2 cardinal_set0.
case: (finite_dichot (CS_cardinal E)) => ie; last first.
move /infinite_setP: (ie) => iE; right.
pose f z := J (P z) (variant C0 C1 C0 (Q z)).
pose f':= Lf f (E \times C2)(E \times C2).
have h: (E \times C2) \Eq E.
apply: product2_infinite3 => //; first by exists C0; fprops.
by apply: finite_le_infinite => //; apply: set2_finite.
apply: (re _ h); exists f'.
have pa: lf_axiom f (E \times C2) (E \times C2).
move => x /setX_P [pa pb pc]; rewrite /f; apply: setXp_i=> //.
rewrite /variant; Ytac s; fprops.
have pb: forall x, inc x (E \times C2) -> f (f x) = x.
move => x /setX_P [qa qb qc]; rewrite /f/variant; aw.
case: (equal_or_not (Q x) C0) => aux; Ytac0; Ytac0.
by rewrite - aux qa.
by case /set2_P: qc => // <-; rewrite qa.
have pc: bijection (Lf f (E \times C2) (E \times C2)).
apply: lf_bijective => //.
by move => u v u1 v1 eq; rewrite -(pb _ u1) -(pb _ v1) eq.
by move => y ys; move: (pa _ ys) => xs; ex_tac; rewrite pb.
rewrite /f';apply :Zo_i; first apply: Zo_i => //.
apply /fun_set_P; red; aw;split => //; fct_tac.
rewrite /f; move => x xi; aw => p; move: (f_equal Q p); aw.
rewrite /variant; Ytac s; [rewrite s |]; fprops.
set n:= cardinal E.
case: (equal_or_not n \1c) => no; first by left; apply: set_of_card_one.
case: (equal_or_not n \0c) => nz.
exists (identity E).
have ->: E = emptyset by apply: cardinal_nonemptyset; ue.
apply: Zo_i; last by move => x /in_set0.
apply: Zo_i; first by apply /fun_set_P; apply: identity_prop.
apply: identity_fb.
move: ie => /BnatP nB.
have pa: equipotent (Bint n) E.
by move: (card_Bint nB) => /card_eqP.
apply: (re _ pa); set F:= (Bint n).
move: (cpred_pr nB nz) => [pb pc].
pose f x := Yo (x = cpred n) \0c (succ x).
exists (Lf f F F).
have FB: sub F Bnat by apply: Bint_S1.
have ta: forall n, inc n F -> inc (f n) F.
move => m mF; move: (FB _ mF) => mB; apply /(BintP nB).
rewrite /f;Ytac mp; first by split; fprops.
move: mF => /(BintP nB) ltmn.
split; first by apply /card_le_succ_lt0P => //; co_tac.
rewrite pc; dneg ms; apply: succ_injective1; fprops.
have injf: surjection (Lf f F F).
apply: lf_surjective => // y yF.
case: (equal_or_not y \0c) => yz.
exists (cpred n); last by rewrite /f; Ytac0.
apply/(BintP nB); rewrite {1} pc; apply: card_lt_succ; fprops.
move: (cpred_pr (FB _ yF) yz) => [pyB ysc].
move: yF => /(BintP nB) [lyn nyn].
exists (cpred y); rewrite /f -?ysc.
by apply /(BintP nB); rewrite - card_le_succ_ltP // -ysc.
by rewrite Y_false//; dneg yn; rewrite ysc pc yn.
apply: Zo_i; first apply: Zo_i;first by apply /fun_set_P;split => //;aw;fct_tac.
apply: bijective_if_same_finite_c_surj; aw; fprops.
by red; move: pa; move/card_eqP; rewrite -/F => ->; apply /BnatP.
move => x xf; aw;rewrite /f; Ytac xx.
by move => aux; move: pc; rewrite -xx -aux succ_zero.
move : (FB _ xf)=> /BnatP /finite_cP; case => _; apply:nesym.
Lemma Exercice6_5h E: infinite_set E ->
equipotent (permutations E) (powerset E).
move=> isE.
set s:= (permutations E).
apply /card_eqP; apply: card_leA.
by apply: Exercise6_5c.
set aux:= ((powerset E) -s (fun_image E singleton)).
have ->: cardinal (powerset E) = cardinal aux.
rewrite /aux; set A := powerset E; set B:= fun_image _ _.
have sBA: sub B A.
by move=> t/funI_P [z zE ->]; apply /setP_P;apply: set1_sub.
apply /card_eqP;eqsym; move: (cardinal_setC sBA).
have -> : cardinal B = cardinal E.
symmetry; apply /card_eqP;exists (Lf singleton E B); split;aw.
apply: lf_bijective.
move => t tE; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move=> u v _ _ ss; have : inc u (singleton v) by rewrite - ss; fprops.
by move /set1_P.
by move=> y /funI_P.
set C:= A -s B.
have cE: cardinalp (cardinal E) by fprops.
have cC: cardinalp (cardinal C) by fprops.
move: isE => /infinite_setP isE.
case: (card_le_to_ee cC cE) => le1.
move: (cantor cE) => [_ bad].
rewrite (sum2_infinite le1 isE) /A card_setP => aux1; case: bad.
rewrite {1} aux1; apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
case: (finite_dichot cC) => fC.
move: (le_finite_finite fC le1) => fsE; case: (infinite_dichot1 fsE isE).
by rewrite csumC (sum2_infinite le1 fC) => /card_eqP.
apply: surjective_cardinal_le.
exists (Lf (fun z => (E -s (invariants z))) s aux).
split;aw; apply: lf_surjective.
move=> f /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] bf.
apply /setC_P;split => //; first by apply /setP_P => t /setC_P [].
move /funI_P=> [z zE sc].
move: (set1_1 z); rewrite - sc; move /setC_P => [_ ze]; case: ze.
apply: Zo_i; first (by ue).
rewrite - sf in zE.
case: (inc_or_not (Vf f z) (invariants f)).
move /Zo_P => [pa pb]; move: bf => [[_ injf] _]; apply: (injf _ _ pa zE pb).
move: (Vf_target ff zE); rewrite tf; move=> pa pb.
have : inc (Vf f z) (singleton z) by rewrite - sc; apply /setC_P;split => //.
by move /set1_P.
move=> F /setC_P [] /setP_P FE /funI_P ns.
case: (Exercice6_5g F).
move=> [u ysu]; case: ns; exists u => //; apply: FE; rewrite ysu; fprops.
move=> [f /Zo_P [/Zo_P [pa pb] pc]].
pose g x:= Yo (inc x F) (Vf f x) x.
move: pa pb => /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] [[_ fi] sjf].
have ta: lf_axiom g E E.
rewrite /g;move=> x xE; simpl; Ytac xf =>//.
apply: FE; rewrite -tf; apply: Vf_target => //; ue.
have bg: (bijection (Lf g E E)).
apply: lf_bijective => //.
move=> u v uE vE; rewrite /g; Ytac uf; Ytac vf.
by apply: fi; ue.
by move => eql; rewrite -eql in vf; case: vf; rewrite -tf; Wtac.
by move => eql; rewrite eql in uf; case: uf; rewrite -tf; Wtac.
by [].
move=> y yE; case: (inc_or_not y F) => yF.
rewrite -tf in yF; move: ((proj2 sjf) _ yF) => [x].
by rewrite sf => xF <-; move: (FE _ xF) => xE; ex_tac; rewrite /g; Ytac0.
by exists y => //; rewrite /g; Ytac0.
exists (Lf g E E).
by apply: Zo_i => //; apply /fun_set_P; split => //; aw; fct_tac.
symmetry;set_extens t.
by move => /setC_P [tE] /Zo_P; aw;rewrite /g; Ytac tF => //; case.
move => tF; apply /setC_P;split => //; first by apply: FE.
move /Zo_P; rewrite lf_source; move=> [tE]; rewrite /g; aw; Ytac0 => tfi.
by case: (pc _ tF).
Lemma Exercice6_5i E: infinite_set E ->
equipotent (derangements E) (powerset E).
move=> isE.
set s:= (permutations E).
apply /card_eqP; apply: card_leA.
by apply: Exercise6_5d.
set F := E \times C3.
have pa: F \Eq E.
apply: product2_infinite3 => //; first by exists C2; rewrite /C3; fprops.
apply finite_le_infinite => //; last by apply /infinite_setP.
apply: setU1_finite; apply: set2_finite.
move: (Exercice6_5f pa) => /card_eqP <-.
pose fa z := (Yo (z = C0) C1 (Yo (z = C1) C2 C0)).
pose fb z := (Yo (z = C0) C2 (Yo (z = C1) C0 C1)).
pose fc H z := (J (P z) (Yo (inc (P z) H) (fa (Q z)) (fb (Q z)))).
pose f H := Lf(fc H) F F.
suff injf: injection (Lf f (powerset E) (derangements F)).
move:(incr_fun_morph injf); aw.
have t1: inc C0 C3 by apply /setU1_P; left; fprops.
have t2: inc C1 C3 by apply /setU1_P; left; fprops.
have t3: inc C2 C3 by apply /setU1_P; right; fprops.
move:C2_neC01 TP_ne1 TP_ne => [tpne4 tpne7] tpne5 tpne6.
have tpne3: C1 <> C2 by apply : nesym.
have tpne8: C0 <> C2 by apply:nesym.
have pb: forall v, sub v E -> lf_axiom (fc v) F F.
move => v vE z /setX_P [za zb zc]; apply: setXp_i => //.
rewrite /fa/fb; Ytac p1; Ytac p2; fprops; Ytac p3; fprops.
have pc: forall t, inc t E -> inc (J t C0) F by move => t tE;apply /setXp_i.
apply: lf_injective.
move => u /setP_P uE; move: (pb _ uE) => ax1; rewrite /f.
have t3d: forall x, inc x C3 -> x <> C0 -> x <> C1 -> x = C2.
by move => x /setU1_P [] // /set2_P; case.
have bfu: bijection (f u).
have fc3: forall y, inc y F -> fc u (fc u (fc u y)) = y.
move => y /setX_P [p1 p2 p3]; rewrite - {2} p1.
rewrite /fc !pr1_pair !pr2_pair; apply: f_equal; Ytac pu; Ytac0; Ytac0;
rewrite /fa/fb; case: (equal_or_not (Q y) C0) => p4; Ytac0;
try (Ytac0; Ytac0; Ytac0; Ytac0 => //);
case: (equal_or_not (Q y) C1) => p5; Ytac0;
try (Ytac0; Ytac0; Ytac0; Ytac0 => //); symmetry; apply: t3d => //.
apply: lf_bijective => //.
by move => x y xF yF h; rewrite - (fc3 _ xF) - (fc3 _ yF) h.
move => y yF; exists (fc u (fc u y)).
by apply: (ax1); apply: ax1.
by symmetry;apply: fc3.
apply: Zo_i.
by apply: Zo_i => //;apply /fun_set_P; red;aw;split => //; fct_tac.
move => x xF; rewrite /fc/fa/fb; aw => eq1; move: (f_equal Q eq1); aw.
Ytac p1; Ytac p2; rewrite ? p2; fprops;Ytac p3; rewrite ? p3; fprops.
move => u v /setP_P uE /setP_P vE sf.
move: (pb _ uE)(pb _ vE) => ax1 ax2.
set_extens t => tu.
move: (pc _ (uE _ tu)) => pF.
move: (f_equal (fun z => (Q (Vf z(J t C0)))) sf); rewrite /f/fc;aw.
Ytac0; Ytac tv => //; rewrite /fa/fb; Ytac0; Ytac0; Ytac0; Ytac0 => //.
move: (pc _ (vE _ tu)) => pF.
move: (f_equal (fun z => (Q (Vf z (J t C0)))) sf); rewrite /f/fc;aw.
by Ytac0; Ytac tv => //; rewrite /fa/fb; Ytac0; Ytac0; Ytac0; Ytac0.
Exercise 6.6
Section Exercise6_6.
Variables E F: Set.
Hypothesis Einf: infinite_set E.
Hypothesis leFE: (cardinal F) <=c (cardinal E).
Hypothesis Finf: exists a b, [/\ inc a F, inc b F & a <> b].
Lemma Exercise6_6a:
exists G, [/\ sub G E, G \Eq E & (E -s G) \Eq F].
move: Einf => /infinite_setP => ise1.
move:(sum2_infinite leFE ise1); aw.
move: (disjointU2_pr4 E F); move /card_eqP => pc.
have -> : (cardinal E) +c (cardinal F) = cardinal (E +c F).
rewrite (@card_card (E +c F)); last by fprops.
apply: csum2_pr2;apply /card_eqP;try (eqsym; fprops).
rewrite pc; move=> /card_eqP [f [bf sf tf]].
set E1:= E *s1 C0; set F1:= F *s1 C1.
have c1: equipotent E E1 by rewrite /E1; fprops.
have c2: equipotent F F1 by rewrite /F1; fprops.
move: (bf) => [injf sjf].
have sc1: sub E1 (source f) by rewrite sf; apply: subsetU2l.
have sc2: sub F1 (source f) by rewrite sf; apply: subsetU2r.
have ff: function f by fct_tac.
have sc3: sub (image_by_fun f E1) (target f) by apply: fun_image_Starget1.
move: (bf) => [bf0 _].
exists (image_by_fun f E1); split => //; first by rewrite -tf.
eqsym; eqtrans E1; apply: (equipotent_restriction1 sc1 bf0).
move: (inj_image_C injf (refl_equal (source f)) sc1).
have ->: (source f) -s E1 = F1.
rewrite sf setCU2_l setC_v set0_U2; set_extens t;first by move => /setC_P [].
move => ta; apply /setC_P;split => // /indexed_P [_ _ qa].
move /indexed_P: ta => [_ _]; rewrite qa; fprops.
move: (surjective_pr0 sjf); rewrite /image_of_fun; move => ->; rewrite tf.
move => <-.
eqsym; eqtrans F1; apply: (equipotent_restriction1 sc2 bf0).
Lemma Exercise6_6b:
cardinal (functions E F) = cardinal (surjections E F).
move: Exercise6_6a => [G [sGE [f [bf sf tf]] [g [bg sg tg]]]].
symmetry;apply: card_leA; first by apply: sub_smaller; apply: Zo_S.
pose C h x := Yo (inc x G) (Vf h (Vf f x)) (Vf g x).
pose Cx h := Lf (C h) E F.
move: bf bg => [[ff _] sjf] [[fg _] sjg].
set s1 := (functions E F);set s3 := (surjections E F).
have pd: forall u, inc u s1 -> lf_axiom (C u) E F.
move=> u /fun_set_P [fu su tu].
move=> t te; rewrite /C; Ytac tG; [ rewrite -tu | rewrite -tg] ;Wtac.
rewrite su -tf; Wtac.
rewrite sg; apply /setC_P;split => //.
have pe: forall u, inc u s1 -> surjection (Cx u).
move=> u us1; move: (pd _ us1) => ta.
apply: lf_surjective => // y yF; rewrite -tg in yF.
move: ((proj2 sjg) _ yF) => [z zsg <-].
move: zsg; rewrite sg => /setC_P [ze nzg]; ex_tac.
by rewrite /C; Ytac0.
have pf: lf_axiom Cx s1 s3.
move=> u us1; move: (pe _ us1) => sC.
apply: Zo_i =>//; apply /fun_set_P; rewrite /Cx; red;aw; split => //; fct_tac.
have pa: s1 = source (Lf Cx s1 s3) by aw.
have pb: s3 = target (Lf Cx s1 s3) by aw.
rewrite pb {1} pa;apply: incr_fun_morph; apply: lf_injective => //.
move=> u v us1 vs1; move: (pd _ us1) (pd _ vs1) => ta1 ta2.
move: us1 vs1 => /fun_set_P [fu su tu] /fun_set_P [fv sv tv] sC.
apply: function_exten => //; try ue.
move=> x; rewrite su -tf => xtf.
move: ((proj2 sjf) _ xtf) => [y ysf <-].
rewrite sf in ysf; move: (sGE _ ysf) => yE.
move: (f_equal (Vf^~y) sC); rewrite /Cx; aw.
by rewrite /C; Ytac0 ; Ytac0.
Lemma Exercise6_6c (p:= powerset E) :
(functions E F) \Eq p /\ (sub_functions E F) \Eq p.
set s1:= (functions E F); set s2 := (sub_functions E F).
move: (Exercise6_5a E F); rewrite -/s1 -/s2 => prop1.
move: Finf => [a [b [aF bF ab]]].
have pb: cardinal_le (cardinal p) (cardinal s1).
pose f A x := Yo (inc x A) a b.
have ta: forall A, lf_axiom (f A) E F.
by move=> A t tE; rewrite /f; Ytac xE.
pose fA A := Lf (f A) E F.
have pb:forall u v : Set, inc u p -> inc v p -> fA u = fA v -> sub u v.
move=> u v; rewrite /p /fA => /setP_P uE /setP_P vE sf t tu.
move: (ta u) (ta v) => ta1 ta2; move: (uE _ tu) => tE.
move: (f_equal (Vf^~t) sf); rewrite /f; aw; Ytac0; Ytac yv => //.
have ij: injection (Lf fA p s1).
apply: lf_injective.
move=> A As3; rewrite /fA;apply /fun_set_P;red;aw;split => //.
apply: lf_function; apply: ta.
move=> u v us3 vs3 sf; apply: extensionality; apply: pb => //.
move: (incr_fun_morph ij); aw.
move: (Exercise6_5b E F). rewrite -/s2 -/p.
have ->: (cardinal (powerset (product E F)) = cardinal p).
rewrite /p ! card_setP;apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
by apply: product2_infinite3 => //; exists a.
move=> pa.
have pd : cardinal_le (cardinal p) (cardinal s2) by co_tac.
have pe: (cardinal s2) = (cardinal p) by co_tac.
split; apply /card_eqP;rewrite pe in prop1; co_tac.
End Exercise6_6.
Variables E F: Set.
Hypothesis Einf: infinite_set E.
Hypothesis leFE: (cardinal F) <=c (cardinal E).
Hypothesis Finf: exists a b, [/\ inc a F, inc b F & a <> b].
Lemma Exercise6_6a:
exists G, [/\ sub G E, G \Eq E & (E -s G) \Eq F].
move: Einf => /infinite_setP => ise1.
move:(sum2_infinite leFE ise1); aw.
move: (disjointU2_pr4 E F); move /card_eqP => pc.
have -> : (cardinal E) +c (cardinal F) = cardinal (E +c F).
rewrite (@card_card (E +c F)); last by fprops.
apply: csum2_pr2;apply /card_eqP;try (eqsym; fprops).
rewrite pc; move=> /card_eqP [f [bf sf tf]].
set E1:= E *s1 C0; set F1:= F *s1 C1.
have c1: equipotent E E1 by rewrite /E1; fprops.
have c2: equipotent F F1 by rewrite /F1; fprops.
move: (bf) => [injf sjf].
have sc1: sub E1 (source f) by rewrite sf; apply: subsetU2l.
have sc2: sub F1 (source f) by rewrite sf; apply: subsetU2r.
have ff: function f by fct_tac.
have sc3: sub (image_by_fun f E1) (target f) by apply: fun_image_Starget1.
move: (bf) => [bf0 _].
exists (image_by_fun f E1); split => //; first by rewrite -tf.
eqsym; eqtrans E1; apply: (equipotent_restriction1 sc1 bf0).
move: (inj_image_C injf (refl_equal (source f)) sc1).
have ->: (source f) -s E1 = F1.
rewrite sf setCU2_l setC_v set0_U2; set_extens t;first by move => /setC_P [].
move => ta; apply /setC_P;split => // /indexed_P [_ _ qa].
move /indexed_P: ta => [_ _]; rewrite qa; fprops.
move: (surjective_pr0 sjf); rewrite /image_of_fun; move => ->; rewrite tf.
move => <-.
eqsym; eqtrans F1; apply: (equipotent_restriction1 sc2 bf0).
Lemma Exercise6_6b:
cardinal (functions E F) = cardinal (surjections E F).
move: Exercise6_6a => [G [sGE [f [bf sf tf]] [g [bg sg tg]]]].
symmetry;apply: card_leA; first by apply: sub_smaller; apply: Zo_S.
pose C h x := Yo (inc x G) (Vf h (Vf f x)) (Vf g x).
pose Cx h := Lf (C h) E F.
move: bf bg => [[ff _] sjf] [[fg _] sjg].
set s1 := (functions E F);set s3 := (surjections E F).
have pd: forall u, inc u s1 -> lf_axiom (C u) E F.
move=> u /fun_set_P [fu su tu].
move=> t te; rewrite /C; Ytac tG; [ rewrite -tu | rewrite -tg] ;Wtac.
rewrite su -tf; Wtac.
rewrite sg; apply /setC_P;split => //.
have pe: forall u, inc u s1 -> surjection (Cx u).
move=> u us1; move: (pd _ us1) => ta.
apply: lf_surjective => // y yF; rewrite -tg in yF.
move: ((proj2 sjg) _ yF) => [z zsg <-].
move: zsg; rewrite sg => /setC_P [ze nzg]; ex_tac.
by rewrite /C; Ytac0.
have pf: lf_axiom Cx s1 s3.
move=> u us1; move: (pe _ us1) => sC.
apply: Zo_i =>//; apply /fun_set_P; rewrite /Cx; red;aw; split => //; fct_tac.
have pa: s1 = source (Lf Cx s1 s3) by aw.
have pb: s3 = target (Lf Cx s1 s3) by aw.
rewrite pb {1} pa;apply: incr_fun_morph; apply: lf_injective => //.
move=> u v us1 vs1; move: (pd _ us1) (pd _ vs1) => ta1 ta2.
move: us1 vs1 => /fun_set_P [fu su tu] /fun_set_P [fv sv tv] sC.
apply: function_exten => //; try ue.
move=> x; rewrite su -tf => xtf.
move: ((proj2 sjf) _ xtf) => [y ysf <-].
rewrite sf in ysf; move: (sGE _ ysf) => yE.
move: (f_equal (Vf^~y) sC); rewrite /Cx; aw.
by rewrite /C; Ytac0 ; Ytac0.
Lemma Exercise6_6c (p:= powerset E) :
(functions E F) \Eq p /\ (sub_functions E F) \Eq p.
set s1:= (functions E F); set s2 := (sub_functions E F).
move: (Exercise6_5a E F); rewrite -/s1 -/s2 => prop1.
move: Finf => [a [b [aF bF ab]]].
have pb: cardinal_le (cardinal p) (cardinal s1).
pose f A x := Yo (inc x A) a b.
have ta: forall A, lf_axiom (f A) E F.
by move=> A t tE; rewrite /f; Ytac xE.
pose fA A := Lf (f A) E F.
have pb:forall u v : Set, inc u p -> inc v p -> fA u = fA v -> sub u v.
move=> u v; rewrite /p /fA => /setP_P uE /setP_P vE sf t tu.
move: (ta u) (ta v) => ta1 ta2; move: (uE _ tu) => tE.
move: (f_equal (Vf^~t) sf); rewrite /f; aw; Ytac0; Ytac yv => //.
have ij: injection (Lf fA p s1).
apply: lf_injective.
move=> A As3; rewrite /fA;apply /fun_set_P;red;aw;split => //.
apply: lf_function; apply: ta.
move=> u v us3 vs3 sf; apply: extensionality; apply: pb => //.
move: (incr_fun_morph ij); aw.
move: (Exercise6_5b E F). rewrite -/s2 -/p.
have ->: (cardinal (powerset (product E F)) = cardinal p).
rewrite /p ! card_setP;apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
by apply: product2_infinite3 => //; exists a.
move=> pa.
have pd : cardinal_le (cardinal p) (cardinal s2) by co_tac.
have pe: (cardinal s2) = (cardinal p) by co_tac.
split; apply /card_eqP;rewrite pe in prop1; co_tac.
End Exercise6_6.
Exercise 6.7
Lemma Exercise6_7a E F (B := injections E F)
(C := Zo (powerset F)(fun x => equipotent x E)):
(cardinal C) <=c (cardinal B).
apply: surjective_cardinal_le.
exists (Lf (fun f => (range (graph f))) B C); split; aw.
have pa: lf_axiom (fun f => (range (graph f))) B C.
move=> f => /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] injf.
move: (equipotent_range injf); rewrite sf => aux.
apply: Zo_i; last by eqsym.
by apply /setP_P; rewrite -tf;fprops; apply: f_range_graph; fct_tac.
apply: lf_surjective => //.
move=> y => /Zo_P [] /setP_P yF ey.
have : (equipotent E y) by eqsym.
move=> [f [bf sf tf]].
have ta: lf_axiom (Vf f) E F.
move=> t; rewrite - sf => zE; apply: yF; rewrite -tf.
apply: Vf_target => //; fct_tac.
move: bf => [[ff injf] sjf].
have fi: injection (Lf (Vf f) E F).
apply: lf_injective =>// u v uE vE; by apply: injf; rewrite sf.
have ffi:function (Lf (Vf f) E F) by fct_tac.
exists (Lf (Vf f) E F).
apply: Zo_i =>//; apply /fun_set_P;split;aw.
symmetry;set_extens t.
move /(range_fP ffi); aw; move => [x xE];aw => ->; Wtac.
rewrite - tf;move => ty; apply /(range_fP ffi); aw.
move: ((proj2 sjf) _ ty); rewrite sf; move=> [x xE <-]; ex_tac; aw.
Lemma image_by_fun_injective f u v:
injection f -> sub u (source f) -> sub v (source f) ->
image_by_fun f u = image_by_fun f v -> u = v.
move=> [ff injf]; move: u v.
have aux: forall u v, sub u (source f) -> sub v (source f) ->
image_by_fun f u = image_by_fun f v -> sub u v.
move=> u v usf vsf aux t tu.
have : inc (Vf f t) (image_by_fun f u) by apply /(Vf_image_P ff usf); ex_tac.
rewrite aux;move /(Vf_image_P ff vsf)=> [w wv sf].
by rewrite (injf _ _ (usf _ tu) (vsf _ wv) sf).
move=> u v usf vsf auw; apply: extensionality; apply: aux =>//.
Lemma Exercise6_7b E F (A:= functions E F) (B := injections E F)
(C:= Zo (powerset F)(fun x => equipotent x E)):
infinite_set F -> cardinal_le (cardinal E) (cardinal F) ->
(cardinal A = cardinal B /\ cardinal A = cardinal C).
move => infF leEF.
case: (emptyset_dichot E) => ne.
have -> : C= singleton emptyset.
by apply/ Zo_P;split;[apply /setP_P | rewrite ne]; fprops.
move => z /Zo_P [_]; rewrite ne;move /card_eqP.
rewrite cardinal_set0; apply: cardinal_nonemptyset.
rewrite cardinal_set1.
move: (@fun_set_small_source F); rewrite -ne -/A => sA.
set f:= empty_function_tg F.
have injf: injection f.
move: (empty_function_tg_function F) => [xa xb xc].
by split => // x y; rewrite xb => /in_set0.
have fA: inc f A.
rewrite /A /f/empty_function_tg.
by apply /fun_set_P; red;aw;split => //; fct_tac.
have As: A = singleton f.
by set_extens t; [ move=> tA; apply /set1_P;apply: sA | move /set1_P=> -> ].
have Bs: B = singleton f.
set_extens t; aw; first by move => /Zo_P; rewrite -/A As; case.
by move /set1_P => ->; apply: Zo_i.
rewrite As Bs ! cardinal_set1; split => //.
have prop1:cardinal A = cardinal B.
symmetry;apply: card_leA.
have pa: sub B A by apply: Zo_S.
apply: (sub_smaller pa).
move: (product2_infinite3 ne leEF infF) => [g [bg sg tg]].
pose Cf f := Lf (fun x => Vf g (J (Vf f x) x)) E F.
suff pa: injection (Lf Cf A B) by move: (incr_fun_morph pa); aw.
have pa: forall u x, inc u A -> inc x E -> inc (J (Vf u x) x) (source g).
move=> u x; rewrite /A sg;move=> /fun_set_P [fu su tu] xE.
apply: setXp_i => //; rewrite -tu; Wtac.
have pb: forall u, inc u A -> lf_axiom (fun x=> Vf g (J (Vf u x) x)) E F.
move=> u uA x xE; rewrite -tg; apply:Vf_target;[fct_tac | by apply: pa].
move: bg => [[fg ig] sjg].
have pc:lf_axiom Cf A B.
move=> t tA.
have aux: injection (Cf t).
apply: lf_injective; first by apply: pb.
move=> u v uE vE h;exact(pr2_def (ig _ _ (pa _ _ tA uE)(pa _ _ tA vE) h)).
apply: Zo_i => //; rewrite /Cf;apply /fun_set_P;split => //; aw; fct_tac.
apply: lf_injective => //.
move=> u v uA vA; move: (pb _ uA) (pb _ vA) => ta1 ta2.
move: (uA) (vA); move=> /fun_set_P [fu su tu] /fun_set_P [fv sv tv] sf.
apply: function_exten => //; try ue; rewrite su => x xs.
move: (f_equal (Vf^~ x) sf); rewrite /Cf; aw => sw.
exact: (pr1_def (ig _ _ (pa _ _ uA xs) (pa _ _ vA xs) sw)).
split => //.
move: (product2_infinite3 ne leEF infF) => aux.
have : equipotent (product E F) F.
eqtrans (product F E); apply: equipotent_product_sym.
move=> [g [bg sg tg]].
pose k f := image_by_fun g (graph f).
have pa: forall f, inc f A -> sub (graph f) (source g).
move=> f /fun_set_P [ff sf tf].
by rewrite sg - sf -tf; move: ff => [[_ qa] _].
have ig: injection g by move: bg => [ok _].
have ta: lf_axiom k A C.
move=> f fA; move: (pa _ fA)=> ha; apply: Zo_i.
apply /setP_P;rewrite /k -tg; apply: fun_image_Starget1; fct_tac.
eqtrans (graph f).
eqsym; rewrite /k; apply: equipotent_restriction1 => //.
move: fA; move=> /fun_set_P [ff sf tf].
rewrite - sf; apply: equipotent_source_graph => //.
have i1: injection (Lf k A C).
apply: lf_injective => //.
move=> u v uA vA; move: (pa _ uA) (pa _ vA) => g1 g2; move: uA vA.
move=> /fun_set_P [fu su tu] /fun_set_P [fv sv tv] => aux2.
apply: function_exten1 => //; last by ue.
apply: (image_by_fun_injective ig) => //.
apply: card_leA.
move: (incr_fun_morph i1); aw.
rewrite prop1; apply: Exercise6_7a.
Exercise 6.8
Lemma Exercice6_8b E:
(cardinal (permutations E)) <=c
(cardinal (Zo (powerset (coarse E)) (fun r => worder_on r E))).
set s3 := permutations E; set s2 := Zo _ _.
pose C f r:= graph_on (fun x y => gle r (Vf f x) (Vf f y)) E.
have Cp1: forall f r, inc f s3 -> inc r s2 -> inc (C f r) s2.
move=> f r => /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] bf.
move /Zo_P => [] /setP_P rc [[or wor] sr]; apply: Zo_i.
apply /setP_P; apply: Zo_S.
have pa: forall a : Set, inc a E -> gle r (Vf f a) (Vf f a).
by rewrite - sf => a aE; order_tac; rewrite sr -tf;Wtac.
have sfr: substrate (C f r) = E.
rewrite /C graph_on_sr //;split => //.
have pb: order (C f r).
rewrite /C; apply: order_from_rel1 => //.
move=> x y z; simpl => le1 le2; order_tac.
rewrite - sf => x y xE yE le1 le2; move: bf => [[_ injf] _].
apply: injf =>//; order_tac.
rewrite /worder;split => //; split => //;move=> x xE nex.
set X := image_by_fun f x.
rewrite sfr in xE.
have XE: sub X (substrate r).
rewrite sr -tf;apply: fun_image_Starget1 => //.
have sxt: sub x (source f) by rewrite sf.
have neX: nonempty X.
move: nex => [a ax]; exists (Vf f a); apply /(Vf_image_P ff sxt);ex_tac.
move: (wor _ XE neX) => [y []]; aw; move => yX ylX.
move: yX => /(Vf_image_P ff sxt) [u ux wu].
have pc: sub x (substrate (C f r)) by ue.
exists u; red; aw;split => // a ax; apply /iorder_gleP => //; apply /Zo_P;aw.
split; first by apply: setXp_i;fprops.
have wx: inc (Vf f a) X by apply /(Vf_image_P ff sxt); ex_tac.
by move: (iorder_gle1 (ylX _ wx)); rewrite -wu.
have Cp2: forall f r, inc f s3 -> inc r s2 -> order_isomorphism f (C f r) r.
move=> f r fs3 rs2; move: (Cp1 _ _ fs3 rs2).
move:fs3 rs2 => /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [ff sf tf] bf.
move => /Zo_P [] /setP_P rc [[or wor] sr] /Zo_P [] rc1 [[or1 wor1] sr1].
split => //; first by split => //; ue.
move => x y xsf ysr; split;first by move /Zo_P => [_]; aw.
move => pa; apply /Zo_P;aw;split => //; apply: setXp_i => //; ue.
have cp3: forall f1 f2 r, inc f1 s3 -> inc f2 s3 -> inc r s2 ->
C f1 r = C f2 r -> f1 = f2.
move=> f1 f2 r f1s3 f2s3 rs2 sv; move: (Cp2 _ _ f1s3 rs2)(Cp2 _ _ f2s3 rs2).
rewrite - sv => p1 p2.
move: (order_isomorphism_w p1) (order_isomorphism_w p2) => p3 p4.
move: rs2 (Cp1 _ _ f1s3 rs2) => /Zo_P [q1 [q2 q3]] /Zo_P [q4 [q5 q6]].
have sr1: segmentp r (range (graph f1)).
move: p1 => [_ _ [ [_ sj1] _ tf1] _ ].
rewrite (surjective_pr3 sj1) tf1; apply: substrate_segment; fprops.
have sr2: segmentp r (range (graph f2)).
move: p2 => [_ _ [ [_ sj1] _ tf1] _ ].
rewrite (surjective_pr3 sj1) tf1; apply: substrate_segment; fprops.
exact (isomorphism_worder_unique q5 q2 sr1 sr2 p3 p4).
move: (Zermelo E) => [r [wor sr]].
have rs2: inc r s2.
apply: Zo_i => //; apply /setP_P;rewrite - sr.
apply: sub_graph_coarse_substrate; fprops.
have p3: injection (Lf (fun f => C f r) s3 s2).
apply: lf_injective => //.
by move=> f fe; simpl; apply: Cp1.
by move=> u v us3 vs3 su; apply: (cp3 _ _ _ us3 vs3 rs2).
move: (incr_fun_morph p3); aw.
Lemma Exercice6_8c E: infinite_set E ->
let s1 := Zo (powerset (coarse E)) (fun r => order_on r E) in
let s2 := Zo (powerset (coarse E))(fun r => worder_on r E) in
(s1 \Eq s2 /\ s2 \Eq (powerset E)).
move=> isE s1 s2.
have pa: sub s2 s1.
by move=> r /Zo_P [pa [[pb1 pb2] pc]]; apply /Zo_P.
move: (sub_smaller pa) => le1.
have pb: sub s1 (powerset (coarse E)) by apply: Zo_S.
move: (sub_smaller pb); rewrite /coarse.
have -> :(cardinal (powerset (product E E)) = cardinal (powerset E)).
rewrite ! card_setP;apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
move: isE => /infinite_setP isE.
move: (square_of_infinite isE)=> hh;apply /card_eqP.
by rewrite - cprod2_pr1 -hh;apply: cprod2_pr2;rewrite double_cardinal.
move=> le3.
move: (Exercice6_5h isE) (Exercice6_8b E).
move /card_eqP => ->; rewrite -/s2 => le4.
move: (card_leT le1 le3) => le5.
move: (card_leA le4 le5) => eq1.
split => //; apply /card_eqP;rewrite eq1 in le3; co_tac.
Exercise 6.9
Lemma Exercise6_9a n: inc n Bnat ->
(Bint_co n = induced_order Bnat_order (segment Bnat_order n)).
move =>nB; rewrite segment_Bnat_order //.
move : Bnat_order_wor => [[o2 _] sb].
move: (Bintco_wor n) => [o1 _].
rewrite -/(Bint n).
move: (@Bint_S1 n); rewrite - sb => si.
move: (iorder_osr o2 si)=> [o3 sr3].
rewrite -/(Bint n); apply: order_exten => //.
move=> x y; split.
move => h; move /(Bintco_gleP nB):(h) => [pa pb].
move: h => /Zo_P [] /setXp_P [xi yi] _.
move: (xi) (yi) => /Zo_P [xsr _] /Zo_P [ysr _].
apply /iorder_gleP => //; apply /Bnat_order_leP; split => //; ue.
move /iorder_gle5P => [pa pb] /Bnat_order_leP [pc pd pe].
by apply /(Bintco_gleP nB);split => //; apply /(BintP nB).
Lemma Exercise6_9 r: worder r ->
(forall x, inc x (substrate r) ->
(least r x \/
(exists y, greatest (induced_order r (segment r x)) y))) ->
r \Is Bnat_order
\/ (exists2 n, inc n Bnat & r \Is (Bint_co n)).
move => wor hyp.
move: Bnat_order_wor => [h1 s1].
case: (isomorphism_worder2 wor h1);first (by left); last first.
move=> [n]; rewrite s1;move => nB io1.
by right => //;ex_tac; rewrite (Exercise6_9a nB);apply: orderIS.
move=> [x xsr [f [o1 o2 [bf sf tg] etc]]].
have pa: sub (segment r x) (substrate r) by apply: sub_segment.
move: wor => [or _];move: sf; aw => sf.
rewrite s1 in tg.
case: (hyp _ xsr) => aux.
have zt: inc \0c (target f) by rewrite tg ; fprops.
move: (inverse_Vis bf zt); rewrite sf => ys.
move: (inc_segment ys) => ylt.
move: aux => [a1 a2]; move: (a2 _ (sub_segment ys)) => yle; order_tac.
move: aux => [y]; rewrite /greatest; aw; move => [ysr yfg].
rewrite - sf in ysr.
have wb:(inc (Vf f y) Bnat) by Wtac; fct_tac.
set z := succ (Vf f y).
have zb: inc z (target f) by rewrite tg /z; fprops.
move: (inverse_Vis bf zb); rewrite sf => ys.
move: (yfg _ ys); rewrite - sf in ys; rewrite (etc _ _ ys ysr).
rewrite (inverse_V bf zb) /z.
move /Bnat_order_leP => [qa qb qc].
move: (card_lt_succ qb) => bad; co_tac.
Exercise 6.10 points a b d and part of c are in the main text
we show here the remainder of c
Lemma aleph_pr9 x: ordinalp x ->
let y:= (omega_fct x) in
let src := (succ_o x) in
let trg := Zo (cardinals_le y) infinite_c in
(Lf (fun z => (omega_fct z)) src trg)
(graph_on ordinal_le src)(graph_on cardinal_le trg).
move=> ox y src trg.
have osrc: ordinalp src by apply: OS_succ.
move:(wordering_ordinal_le_pr (ordinal_set_ordinal osrc)) => [p2 p1].
move: p2 => [p2 _].
have cy: cardinalp y by apply: CS_aleph.
have cse:cardinal_set trg by move => t /Zo_P [_] [].
have [[p3 _] p4]:=(wordering_cardinal_le_pr cse).
have ta:lf_axiom (fun z => (omega_fct z)) src trg.
move=> z;rewrite /src/trg; move /(ord_leP ox) => pa; apply /Zo_P; split.
apply /cardinals_leP => //.
apply: (aleph_le_lec pa).
have oz: ordinalp z by ord_tac.
apply: (aleph_pr5c oz).
split => //; aw.
split;aw => //; apply: lf_bijective => //.
move => u v usr vsr.
move: (ordinal_hi osrc usr) (ordinal_hi osrc vsr) => oa ob.
by apply: aleph_eq.
move=> z /Zo_P [] /(cardinals_leP cy) zy iz.
move: (ord_index_pr1 iz)=> [ot tp].
exists (ord_index z) => //.
rewrite /src; apply/ord_leP => //.
by apply: aleph_lec_le => //; rewrite tp.
red;aw;move=> a b ais bis; aw.
split; move /Zo_P => [] /setXp_P [pa pb]; aw => h;
apply: Zo_i; try apply:setXp_i => //; try apply: ta => //; aw.
by apply: aleph_le_lec.
by apply: aleph_lec_le => //; ord_tac0.
let y:= (omega_fct x) in
let src := (succ_o x) in
let trg := Zo (cardinals_le y) infinite_c in
(Lf (fun z => (omega_fct z)) src trg)
(graph_on ordinal_le src)(graph_on cardinal_le trg).
move=> ox y src trg.
have osrc: ordinalp src by apply: OS_succ.
move:(wordering_ordinal_le_pr (ordinal_set_ordinal osrc)) => [p2 p1].
move: p2 => [p2 _].
have cy: cardinalp y by apply: CS_aleph.
have cse:cardinal_set trg by move => t /Zo_P [_] [].
have [[p3 _] p4]:=(wordering_cardinal_le_pr cse).
have ta:lf_axiom (fun z => (omega_fct z)) src trg.
move=> z;rewrite /src/trg; move /(ord_leP ox) => pa; apply /Zo_P; split.
apply /cardinals_leP => //.
apply: (aleph_le_lec pa).
have oz: ordinalp z by ord_tac.
apply: (aleph_pr5c oz).
split => //; aw.
split;aw => //; apply: lf_bijective => //.
move => u v usr vsr.
move: (ordinal_hi osrc usr) (ordinal_hi osrc vsr) => oa ob.
by apply: aleph_eq.
move=> z /Zo_P [] /(cardinals_leP cy) zy iz.
move: (ord_index_pr1 iz)=> [ot tp].
exists (ord_index z) => //.
rewrite /src; apply/ord_leP => //.
by apply: aleph_lec_le => //; rewrite tp.
red;aw;move=> a b ais bis; aw.
split; move /Zo_P => [] /setXp_P [pa pb]; aw => h;
apply: Zo_i; try apply:setXp_i => //; try apply: ta => //; aw.
by apply: aleph_le_lec.
by apply: aleph_lec_le => //; ord_tac0.
Exercise 6.11; see main text
Exercise 6.12; (a) is in the main text, (b) not yet done;
(c) is here
Definition Ex6_12_e (n: Set):= fun i => (Yo (i = n) \0o \1o).
Definition Ex6_12_c (f: fterm) n:=
fun i => (Yo (i = n) (Yo (n = \0c) \1o (f \1c))
(Yo (succ i = n) \1o (f (succ (succ i))))).
Definition Ex6_12_ax f n:=
(forall i, inc i (Bint1c n) -> \0o <o (f i) /\ (f i) <o omega0).
Definition Ex6_12_v f n:= CNFpv (Ex6_12_e n) (Ex6_12_c f n) n.
Lemma Exercise6_12a n: inc n Bnat -> n <> \0c ->
(inc \1c (Bint1c n) /\ inc n (Bint1c n)).
move => nB nz; split; apply/(Bint1cP nB); split; fprops.
apply /card_ge1P;apply: card_ne0_pos => //; fprops.
Lemma Exercise6_12b f n: Ex6_12_ax f n -> inc n Bnat ->
CNFp_ax (Ex6_12_e n) (Ex6_12_c f n) n.
move => pb nB; split.
+ move => i [_ inz]; rewrite /Ex6_12_e; Ytac0; apply: ord_lt_01.
+ have h: (\0o <o \1o /\ \1o <o omega0).
by split; [ apply: ord_lt_01 | apply: ord_lt_1omega].
move => i lein;rewrite/ Ex6_12_c; case: (equal_or_not i n) => nin; Ytac0.
case: (equal_or_not n \0c) => nz; Ytac0 => //.
exact: (pb _ (proj1 (Exercise6_12a nB nz))).
case: (equal_or_not (succ i) n) => nsi; Ytac0 => //.
have sin: succ i <=c n by apply/card_le_succ_lt0P; [co_tac | exact | split].
apply: pb; apply/(Bint1cP nB); split. apply: succ_nz.
by apply/(card_le_succ_lt0P (proj31 sin) nB).
+ rewrite /Ex6_12_e; Ytac0; fprops.
Lemma Exercise6_12c f g n:
inc n Bnat -> Ex6_12_ax f n -> Ex6_12_ax g n ->
Ex6_12_v f n = Ex6_12_v g n ->
forall i, inc i (Bint1c n) -> f i = g i.
move => nB pa pb eq.
move: (Exercise6_12b pa nB) (Exercise6_12b pb nB) => h1 h2.
move: (CNFp_unique h1 h2 nB nB eq) => [_ _ h3 _ h4].
move => i /(Bint1cP nB) [eq1 lein].
move: (cpred_pr (BS_le_int lein nB) eq1) => [sa sb].
case: (equal_or_not (cpred i) \0c) => piz.
rewrite sb piz succ_zero; case: (equal_or_not n \0c) => nz.
by rewrite nz in lein; case:eq1; apply:card_le0.
by move: h3; rewrite / Ex6_12_c; repeat Ytac0.
move: (cpred_pr sa piz) => [sa' sb'].
rewrite sb in lein.
move/(card_le_succ_ltP n sa): lein => ha.
move:(proj2 ha) => hb.
rewrite sb' in ha; move/(card_le_succ_ltP n sa'): (proj1 ha) => lt1.
move:(lt1) => [_ nt1].
by move: (h4 _ lt1); rewrite /Ex6_12_c - sb' - sb; repeat Ytac0.
Lemma Exercise6_12d n f: inc n Bnat -> Ex6_12_ax f n ->
Ex6_12_v f n = Yo (n = \0c) \1o
((f \1c) *o oprod_expansion
(fun i => (succ_o (omega0 *o (Yo (succ i = n) \1o (f (succ (succ i)))))))
move => nB pa.
move:(Exercise6_12b pa nB) => /CNFp_ax_ax1 ax1.
rewrite /Ex6_12_v /CNFpv {1}/Ex6_12_e {1}/Ex6_12_c.
case (equal_or_not n \0c) => nz; repeat Ytac0.
by rewrite nz /CNFpv1 oprod_expansion0 opowx0 !(oprod1l OS1).
move: (Exercise6_12a nB nz) => [/pa [[[_ of1 _] _] _] /pa [[[_ ofn _] _] _]].
rewrite opowx0 (oprod1l of1); apply: f_equal.
apply:(oprod_expansion_exten nB) => i [_ lin].
by rewrite /Ex6_12_e /Ex6_12_c /CNFp_value1 !(Y_false lin) (opowx1 OS_omega).
Lemma Exercise6_12e n:
\0o <o n -> n <o omega0 -> n *o (succ_o omega0) = (omega0 +o n).
move => np no; move: (proj31_1 no) => on.
have h := (oprod_int_omega no np).
by rewrite -(ord_succ_pr OS_omega)(osum_prodD OS_omega OS1 on) h (oprod1r on).
Lemma Exercise6_12f f n:
inc n Bnat -> Ex6_12_ax f n ->
Ex6_12_v f n = oprod_expansion (fun z => (omega0 +o f(succ z))) n.
move => nB ax; rewrite (Exercise6_12d nB ax) /CNFpv1.
case (equal_or_not n \0c) => nz; Ytac0.
by rewrite nz oprod_expansion0.
move: (cpred_pr nB nz); set m := cpred n; move => [mB sv].
move: ax; rewrite sv; clear sv; move: m mB; clear n nB nz.
have Ha:= OS_succ OS_omega.
apply: cardinal_c_induction.
move:(Exercise6_12a BS1 (card1_nz)) => [_]; rewrite - {2} succ_zero => H.
move=> ax; move: (ax _ H) => [sa sb].
have os:= (OS_sum2 OS_omega (proj31_1 sb)).
by rewrite succ_zero oprod_expansion1 succ_zero (Y_true (erefl \1c))
(oprod1r OS_omega) //(oprod_expansion1) succ_zero // (Exercise6_12e sa sb).
move => n nB Hrec ax.
have snB := BS_succ nB; have ssnB := BS_succ snB.
have ax2: Ex6_12_ax f (succ n).
move => i/(Bint1cP snB) [inz lein]; apply: ax; apply/(Bint1cP ssnB).
split => //; move: (card_le_succ snB) => h; co_tac.
have nsn:= (proj2(card_lt_succ snB)).
rewrite (oprod_expansion_succ _ snB) (oprod_expansion_succ _ snB).
rewrite - (Hrec ax2).
rewrite (oprod_expansion_succ _ nB) (oprod_expansion_succ _ nB).
repeat Ytac0.
set w1 := oprod_expansion _ _.
set w2 := oprod_expansion _ _.
have <- : w1 = w2.
apply: (oprod_expansion_exten nB) => i lein.
move: (card_lt_leT lein (card_le_succ nB)) => [_ nin].
Ytac h1; first by move: (succ_injective1 (proj31_1 lein) (CS_succ n) h1).
Ytac h2 => //.
by move:(succ_injective1 (proj31_1 lein) (proj32_1 lein) h2) (proj2 lein).
move: (Exercise6_12a ssnB (@succ_nz (succ n))) => [/ax [ua _] /ax [sa sb]].
rewrite (oprod1r OS_omega) - (Exercise6_12e sa sb).
move: (CNFp_pr1 ord_lt_01 sa sb).
rewrite /CNFp_value1/CNFp_value2 (opowx1 OS_omega) => ->.
have ow1: ordinalp w1.
apply:(OS_oprod_expansion nB) => i lin; apply: OS_succ.
apply:(OS_prod2 OS_omega); Ytac y; fprops.
move / (card_le_succ_succP (proj31_1 lin) (proj32_1 lin)): (proj1 lin)=> h.
move /(card_le_succ_succP (CS_succ i) (CS_succ n)): h => h1.
have ii: inc (succ (succ i)) (Bint1c (succ (succ n))).
apply/(Bint1cP ssnB); split => //; apply: succ_nz.
exact (proj32_1 (proj1 (ax _ ii))).
have of1: ordinalp (f \1c) by ord_tac.
move: (OS_prod2 ow1 Ha) (proj32_1 sa) => owa ofn.
rewrite (oprodA ow1 Ha ofn) (oprodA of1 (OS_prod2 owa ofn) Ha).
by rewrite (oprodA (OS_prod2 of1 owa) ofn Ha) (oprodA of1 owa ofn).
Lemma Exercise6_12g n:
inc n Bnat ->
factorial n =
cardinal (fun_image (permutations (Bint1c n))
(fun s => oprod_expansion (fun i => (omega0 +o Vf s (succ i))) n)).
move => nB.
move: (card_Bint1c nB); set F := (Bint1c n) => cf.
have fsf: finite_set F by red; rewrite cf; apply /BnatP.
set f := (fun s : Set => _).
rewrite - cf - (number_of_permutations fsf).
apply /card_eqP.
set E := permutations F; exists (Lf f E (fun_image E f)); split;aw.
have H: forall s, inc s E -> Ex6_12_ax (Vf s) n.
move => s /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fs ss ts] _ i ii.
have: inc (Vf s i) F by rewrite - ts; Wtac; rewrite ss.
move /(Bint1cP nB) => [sa sb].
move: (BS_le_int sb nB) => /olt_omegaP ao;split => //.
apply: ord_ne0_pos => //; ord_tac.
apply: lf_bijective.
+ move => t te; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
+ move => u v ue ve.
move: (H _ ue) (H _ ve) => ax1 ax2.
rewrite /f - (Exercise6_12f nB ax1) - (Exercise6_12f nB ax2) => eq.
move: (Exercise6_12c nB ax1 ax2 eq) => h.
move: ue ve => /Zo_S /fun_set_P [fs ss ts] /Zo_S /fun_set_P [fs' ss' ts'] .
apply: function_exten; [exact | exact | by rewrite ss' | by rewrite ts'|].
by move => i; rewrite ss; apply: h.
+ by move => t /funI_P.
Exercise 6.13. points a, c, d, e are in the main text.
Lemma ord_induction_p20 u w0 g b
(f:= ord_induction_defined w0 g):
OIax2 u w0 g ->
ordinalp b -> exists2 E, finite_set E &
forall y, (inc y E) <-> (exists x, [/\ u <=o x, ordinalp y & f x y = b]).
move=> axx ob; move: (axx) => [ax1 _ _ _].
have fv: f = ord_induction_defined w0 g by done.
pose p x y:= [/\ u <=o x, ordinalp y & f x y = b].
set E := Zo (succ_o b) (fun y => exists x, p x y).
exists E; last first.
move=> y; split; first by move /Zo_P => [].
move=> h; apply/Zo_P;split; last (by exact).
move: h=> [x [ux oy fb]]; apply /(ord_leP ob); rewrite - fb.
exact: (ord_induction_p9 fv ax1 ux oy).
pose the_x y := choose (fun x => p x y).
have the_xp: forall y, inc y E -> p (the_x y) y.
by move=> y yE; apply choose_pr; move: yE => /Zo_P [_].
pose the_lx y := least_ordinal (fun x => p x y) (the_x y).
have the_lxp: forall y, inc y E ->
[/\ ordinalp (the_lx y) , p (the_lx y) y &
(forall z, ordinalp z -> p z y -> (the_lx y) <=o z )].
move=> y yE; move: (the_xp _ yE) => pv.
move: (pv) => [[_ pw _] _ _].
exact:(least_ordinal4 (p:= p ^~y) pw pv).
have thex_dec: forall y1 y2, inc y1 E -> inc y2 E ->
y1 <o y2 -> (the_lx y2) <o (the_lx y1).
move=> y1 y2 /the_lxp [ox1 px1 minx1] /the_lxp [ox2 px2 minx2] y12.
case: (ord_le_to_el ox1 ox2) => le1 //.
move: px1 px2 => [pa pb pc] [pd pe pf].
move: (ord_induction_p16 fv axx pa le1 (ord_leR pb)).
move: (ord_induction_p8 fv ax1 pd y12); rewrite pc pf => lea lta ; ord_tac.
have ose: ordinal_set E by move=> x => /Zo_P [_ [y [_ p3 _]]].
move: (wordering_ordinal_le_pr ose).
set r:= graph_on ordinal_le E; move => [pd pc].
rewrite -pc; apply: well_ordered_opposite => //.
move: pd => [pd pe].
move: (opp_osr pd) => [or1]; rewrite pc => sr1.
split; fprops; rewrite /least sr1 => X XE neX.
rewrite iorder_sr; [ | fprops | ue].
set Y := fun_image X the_lx.
have neY: nonempty Y .
move: neX => [x xE]; exists (the_lx x); apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
have osy: ordinal_set Y.
move=> x /funI_P [y yx yv].
by move: (the_lxp _ (XE _ yx)); rewrite yv; move=> [p1 _ _].
move: (wordering_ordinal_le_pr osy) => [pd1 pc1].
rewrite - pc1 in neY; move: (worder_least pd1 neY) => [y []].
rewrite pc1 => /funI_P [x xX xv] => xv1.
exists x; split => //;move => t tX; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
apply /opp_gleP/graph_on_P1;split => //; try apply:XE => //.
have aux: inc (the_lx t) Y by apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move: (xv1 _ aux) => /graph_on_P1 [p1 p2 p3].
have ox: ordinalp x by move: (ose _ (XE _ xX)).
have ot: ordinalp t by move: (ose _ (XE _ tX)).
case: (ord_le_to_el ot ox) => le1 //.
move: (thex_dec _ _ (XE _ xX) (XE _ tX) le1); rewrite - xv => bad; ord_tac.
Exercise 6.14
Lemma rev_succ_pr x: ordinalp x ->
x <o omega0 \/ x = \1o +o x.
Proof. by case /(ord_le_to_el OS_omega); [ move/osum_1inf; right | left]. Qed.
Lemma ord_square_inj a: ordinalp a ->
a ^o \2o = (a *o \2o) ^o \2o -> a = \0o.
move => oa.
case: (ord_zero_dichot oa) => az; first by exact.
have s1: succ_o \1c = \2o by rewrite succ_o_one.
have oa2:= (OS_prod2 oa OS2).
have e1: forall u, ordinalp u -> u *o u = u ^o \2o.
by move=> u ou; rewrite - s1 (opow_succ ou OS1) (opowx1 ou).
rewrite - (e1 _ oa) - (e1 _ oa2) => eq.
have e2: a = \2o *o (a *o \2o).
move: eq; rewrite - (oprodA oa OS2 oa2) => h.
exact: (oprod2_simpl oa (OS_prod2 OS2 oa2) az h).
have ha:=(oprod_Mle1 oa ord_lt_02).
move:(oprod_M1le ord_lt_02 oa2) ; rewrite - e2 => hb.
move:(ord_leA ha hb) =>eq2.
by case: card_12; exact: (esym (oprod2_simpl1 OS2 az (esym eq2))).
Lemma critical_product_P2:
let CP := critical_ordinal \1o ord_prod2 in
let p1 := fun y => [/\ infinite_o y, ordinalp y &
(forall z, \1o <o z -> z <=o y ->
exists2 t, ordinalp t & y = z ^o t)] in
forall y, CP y <-> p1 y.
move=> CP p1 y.
move: (critical_productP y) => [pa ]; rewrite pa => pb; clear pa.
rewrite -/CP in pb; split.
rewrite pb; move=> [qa qb qc]; split => //.
by move=> z z1 z2; move: (qc _ z1 z2) => [t [t1 t2 t3]]; exists t.
move=> [ify oy hy].
have yinf: omega0 <=o y.
have yy: ~ inc y y by apply: ordinal_irreflexive.
have iy: infinite_set y by apply: infinite_set_pr2.
apply: (ordinal_finite4 oy iy).
have lt1y: \1o <o y by move:ord_lt_1omega => lt1; ord_tac.
split => // x x1 xy; move: (xy) => [lexy nexy].
have ox: ordinalp x by ord_tac.
case: (ord_zero_dichot ox)=> xp.
by move:ord_lt_01; rewrite - xp=> h; ord_tac.
case: (ord_one_dichot xp) => xl1; first by rewrite xl1 (oprod1l oy).
move: (hy _ xl1 lexy) => [t ot yt].
case: (rev_succ_pr ot); last first.
by rewrite {1} yt - {1} (opowx1 ox) - (opow_sum ox OS1 ot) => <-.
have xl2: \2o <=o x by apply ord2_lt_P.
move => tf; move: yt.
have yn1: y <> \1o by move => bad; move: lt1y => [_]; rewrite bad.
case: (ord_zero_dichot ot); first by move => ->; rewrite opowx0.
move=> tnz yt; apply: ord_leA; last by apply: oprod_M1le.
move: OS0 OS1 OS2 ord_lt_02=> os0 os1 os2 l02.
case: (equal_or_not t \2o) => tnt.
move: (opow_Mspec2 OS2 xl2).
rewrite - {2} tnt -yt => leby.
have xx: y = x *o x.
rewrite yt tnt - osum_11_2 opow_sum // opowx1 //.
have lexx2: x <=o (x *o \2o) by apply: oprod_Mle1 => //.
have b1: \1o <o (x *o \2o) by ord_tac.
move: (hy _ b1 leby) => [u ou yuv].
case: (ord2_trichotomy ou) => uz; first by move: yuv; rewrite uz opowx0 //.
move: yuv; rewrite uz (opowx1 (proj32 lexx2)) => eq1.
rewrite {1} eq1 oprodA // xx -{1} xx eq1 - oprodA //.
apply: oprod_Mlele => //; first by ord_tac.
case: (ord_le_to_el OS_omega ox) => oxo.
have l2o: \2o <o omega0 by apply:ord_lt_2omega.
move: (oprod2_lt_omega l2o l2o) => [le4o _].
move: (oprod2_lt_omega oxo oxo); rewrite - xx => bad; ord_tac.
move: (odiff_pr uz) =>[]; set v := u -o \2o => v1 v2.
move: yuv; rewrite v2 opow_sum //; last by fprops.
set w := ((x *o \2o) ^o \2o) => le1.
have od: ordinalp (x *o \2o) by fprops.
have : y = w.
apply: ord_leA.
rewrite /w yt tnt; apply: opow_Mleeq => //; ord_tac1.
rewrite le1; apply: oprod_Mle1; rewrite /w; fprops.
apply:(opow_pos) => //; apply: oprod2_pos => //.
rewrite /w yt tnt; move => /(ord_square_inj ox) => h.
by move: (proj2 xp); rewrite h; case.
rewrite {1} yt - {1} (opowx1 ox) - opow_sum //.
have tb: inc t Bnat by apply /olt_omegaP.
have tnz': t <> \0o by ord_tac1.
move: (cpred_pr tb tnz') => []; set u := (cpred t) => [uB tsu].
have uo: u <o omega0 by apply /olt_omegaP.
have ou: ordinalp u by ord_tac.
have us: t = succ_o u.
by rewrite tsu; apply: succ_of_finite; move: uB => /BnatP.
set z := x ^o u.
case: (equal_or_not u \0o) => unz.
case: nexy; rewrite yt tsu unz // succ_zero opowx1 //.
have z1: \1o <o z.
rewrite /z - (opowx0 x) - opow_Meqltr //.
by split => //; [apply ozero_least | apply:nesym ].
have oz: ordinalp z by ord_tac.
have z2: z <=o y.
rewrite /z yt; apply: opow_Meqle => //.
by rewrite us;move: (ord_succ_lt ou) => [ok _].
move: (hy _ z1 z2) => [v ov].
case: (ord2_trichotomy ov).
by move => ->; rewrite opowx0.
move => ->; rewrite opowx1 // /z us yt.
move=> se; move: (opow_regular xl2 ot ou se); rewrite us => bad.
by move: (ord_succ_lt ou) => [_]; rewrite bad.
move=> v2.
have le1: (u +o u <=o (u *o v)).
rewrite - (ord_double ou); apply: oprod_Meqle => //.
suff aux : ((\1o +o succ_o u) <=o (u +o u)).
move => yv; rewrite yv /z - opow_prod //.
apply: opow_Meqle => //; rewrite us; ord_tac.
have ->: \1o +o succ_o u = u +o \2o.
have oB: inc \1o Bnat by fprops.
have tB: inc \2o Bnat by fprops.
have su: inc (succ_o u) Bnat by ue.
have fcu: finite_c u by apply /BnatP.
rewrite osum2_2int // osum2_2int // - succ_of_finite // (Bsucc_rw uB).
by rewrite csumC - csumA card_two_pr.
apply: osum_Meqle => //.
case: (ord2_trichotomy ou);[ done | move => u1 | done ].
by case: tnt; rewrite us u1 succ_o_one.
Lemma critical_product_pr3 a b: \1o <o a -> \1o <o b ->
ord_indecomposable b ->
critical_ordinal \1o ord_prod2 (a ^o b).
move=> a1 b1 bi.
have ob: ordinalp b by ord_tac.
move: (indecomp_prop3 bi) => [c oc bv].
have cnz: c <> \0o.
by move=> cz; move: b1; rewrite bv cz opowx0; move => [].
move: (CNF_singleton oc ord_lt_1omega ord_le_2omega).
set ec:= (fun _ : Set => c); set cc:= (fun _ : Set => \1o).
move => [_ yv h].
move: (h ord_lt_01) => ay {h}.
have pc: \0o <o (ec \0c) by rewrite /ec; ord_tac1.
have x2: \2o <=o a by apply /ord2_lt_P.
have oa: ordinalp a by ord_tac.
move: OS_omega => oo.
apply/(proj2 (critical_productP (a ^o b))).
suff: exists m, [/\ ordinalp m, ord_indecomposable m& a ^o b = omega0 ^o m].
move=> [m [om im ->]].
move: (indecomp_prop3 im) => [n nc -> ].
by exists n.
have ap: \0o <o a by move: ord_lt_02 => h; ord_tac.
move:(the_CNF_p0 oa) => [/CNFB_ax_simp [mB ax] xv].
move: (the_CNF_p2 ap); set n:= cpred _; move => [nB nv].
rewrite nv in ax.
have ay': CNFb_axo ec cc (succ \0c) by rewrite succ_zero.
set le := (Vg (P (Q (the_CNF a))) n).
have o1: (ordinalp le).
move: ax => [[_ a4 _ _] _]; apply: a4; apply: (card_lt_succ nB).
have eq1: CNFbvo ec cc (succ \0c) = b.
by rewrite /CNFbvo succ_zero yv -bv oprod1r.
case (ord_zero_dichot o1) => hh; last first.
move: (CNF_pow_pr4 ax hh nB ay' pc BS0).
rewrite eq1 -/le - nv -/(CNFBv _) xv => eq2.
by exists (le *o b); split;[ fprops | apply/(indecomp_prodP b1 hh) | exact].
case (equal_or_not n \0c) => nz; last first.
move: (cpred_pr nB nz) ax => [sa sb] [[_ _ _ a3] _].
have sp: succ (cpred n) <c succ n by rewrite - sb; apply: (card_lt_succ nB).
by move: (a3 _ sa sp); rewrite - sb -/le hh; move => /ord_lt0.
have alo: a <o omega0.
move: (ax) => [[_ _ a4 _] _]; move:(a4 _ (card_lt_succ nB)).
set lc := (Vg (Q (Q (the_CNF a))) n) => lo.
move: (proj1 ax) xv; rewrite /CNFBv nv nz succ_zero /CNFbvo.
move => ax1; rewrite (CNFq_p3 ax1 card_lt_01) /cantor_mon - nz -/le -/lc.
by rewrite hh opowx0 (oprod1l (proj31_1 lo)) => <-.
move: (CNF_pow_pr5 x2 alo ay' pc BS0) => [z [sa sb sc]].
rewrite eq1 in sb sc;exists z; split; [ exact | | exact].
case: (ord_zero_dichot sa) => zz.
move: b1; rewrite sb zz oprod0r ; move /ord_ltP0 => [_ _ [[]]].
case: (ord_one_dichot zz) => z1; first by rewrite z1; apply: indecomp_one.
apply /(indecomp_prodP z1 ord_lt_0omega); ue.
Section Exercise6_15.
Variable (b: Set).
Hypothesis bg2: \2o <=o b.
Definition the_cnf_len x := (P (the_cnf b x)).
Definition the_cnf_expos x :=
CNF_exponents (Vg (P (Q (the_cnf b x)))) (the_cnf_len x).
Lemma the_cnf_e_p2 x (E := the_cnf_expos x):
ordinalp x -> (finite_set E /\ ordinal_set E).
move => ox.
move:(the_cnf_p0 bg2 ox) => [/(cnfb_ax_simp) [sa sb] sc].
exact: (CNF_exponents_of (proj1 sb) sa).
Lemma the_cnf_expos_zero: the_cnf_expos \0o = emptyset.
rewrite /the_cnf_expos /the_cnf_len (the_cnf_p1 bg2) /CNF_exponents Bint_co00.
by apply /set0_P => y;aw; move => /funI_P [z /in_set0].
Lemma the_cnf_e_p3 e c n:
inc n Bnat -> CNFb_ax b e c (succ n) ->
e n <=o (CNFbv b e c (succ n)).
move => nB ax; move: (CNFq_pg4 nB ax) => sa.
move:(ax) => [[_ sb _ _] _]; move: (sb _ (card_lt_succ nB)) => op.
move: (ord_leT (opow_Mspec2 op bg2) sa) => le2.
exact:(ord_leT (oprod_M1le (ord_lt_leT ord_lt_02 bg2) op) le2).
Lemma the_cnf_e_p4 x:
ordinalp x -> (forall y, inc y (the_cnf_expos x) -> y <=o x).
move => ox y.
case: (ord_zero_dichot ox) => xz.
by rewrite xz the_cnf_expos_zero => /in_set0.
move:(the_cnf_p0 bg2 ox) => [/(cnfb_ax_simp) [sa sb] sc].
move:(the_cnf_p2 bg2 xz) => []; set m := cpred _ => mB mv.
move: sb;rewrite /the_cnf_expos /the_cnf_len mv => sb.
move /(CNF_exponentsP _ (BS_succ mB)) => [i lim ->].
move: (the_cnf_e_p3 mB sb); rewrite - mv -/(cnfbv _ _) sc => ea.
move: (proj1 (card_lt_succ_leP mB i) lim) (card_lt_succ mB) => se sf.
exact:(ord_leT (CNF_exponents_M (BS_succ mB) (proj1 sb) se sf) ea).
Definition b_critical x := b ^o x = x.
Lemma the_cnf_e_p5 e c n (x := CNFbv b e c (succ n)):
inc n Bnat -> CNFb_ax b e c (succ n) ->
(e n = x -> b_critical x)
/\ (b_critical x -> (n = \0c /\ (e n = x))).
move=> nB ax.
move:(CNFq_p1 b e c nB); rewrite -/x.
have bp :=(ord_lt_leT ord_lt_02 bg2).
set en:= (e n);set A := cantor_mon _ _ _ _; set B := CNFbv _ _ _ _ => xv.
have oen: ordinalp (e n).
by move: (ax) => [[_ a2 _ _] _]; apply: (a2 _ (card_lt_succ nB)).
have cnp := ((proj2 ax) _ (card_lt_succ nB)).
move: (opow_Mspec2 oen bg2) => le1.
have op: ordinalp (b ^o en) by ord_tac.
move: (oprod_Mle1 op cnp); rewrite -/(cantor_mon b e c n) -/A => le2.
have oA:=(CNFq_p0 (proj1 ax) (card_lt_succ nB)).
have le3: en <=o b *o en by apply oprod_M1le.
have le4:= (ord_leT le3 le1).
have le5:= (ord_leT le4 le2).
have ax1:=(CNFb_p5 nB ax).
have oB:= (OS_CNFq nB (proj1 ax1)).
have le7:= (osum_Mle0 oA oB).
have pg: en = x -> B = \0o.
rewrite xv; move=> es; rewrite es in le5.
exact (osum_a_ab oA oB (ord_leA le5 le7)).
by move=> ex; apply: ord_leA; [rewrite -{1} ex xv (pg ex) (osum0r oA) | ue].
rewrite /b_critical => ci.
have le6: en <=o x by rewrite xv; ord_tac.
move: (CNFq_pg1 nB (proj1 ax)); rewrite -/x -/e - {1} ci => le8.
case: (equal_or_not en x) => nex; last first.
have xx: succ_o en <=o x by apply /ord_succ_ltP.
move: (opow_Meqle bp xx) => le9; ord_tac.
split => //; ex_middle n0.
move:(cpred_pr nB n0) => [mB mv].
move:(pg nex) ax1; rewrite /B mv => uu ax1.
by move: (proj2 (CNFq_pg5 mB ax1)); rewrite uu.
Lemma the_cnf_e_p6 x (y:=the_cnf_expos x): ordinalp x ->
((b_critical x -> y = singleton x) /\
(~ (b_critical x) -> forall a, inc a y -> a <o x)).
move => ox.
move:(the_cnf_p0 bg2 ox) => [/(cnfb_ax_simp) [nB ax] xv].
case: (ord_zero_dichot ox) => nz.
split; first by rewrite nz /b_critical opowx0 => h; case: card1_nz.
by rewrite /y nz the_cnf_expos_zero => _ t /in_set0.
move:(the_cnf_p2 bg2 nz) => []; set m := cpred _ => mB mv.
rewrite mv in ax.
move: (the_cnf_e_p5 mB ax). rewrite -mv -/(cnfbv _ _) xv; move=> [ph pi].
move=> cx; move: (pi cx) => [pj pk].
rewrite /y /the_cnf_expos / CNF_exponents /the_cnf_len mv pj succ_zero.
by rewrite (proj2 Bint_co01) funI_set1 - pj pk.
move=> ncx.
move: (the_cnf_e_p3 mB ax); rewrite - mv -/(cnfbv _ _) xv => le1.
have lt1: Vg (P (Q (the_cnf b x))) m <o x by split => //; dneg h; apply: ph.
rewrite /y /the_cnf_expos / CNF_exponents /the_cnf_len mv.
move=> a /funI_P [z /(BintP (BS_succ mB)) zi ->].
have zle: z <=c m by apply /(card_lt_succ_leP mB).
move:(CNF_exponents_M (BS_succ mB) (proj1 ax) zle (card_lt_succ mB)) =>h1.
Definition the_cnf_expos_rec x:=
induction_defined (fun z => union (fun_image z the_cnf_expos))
(the_cnf_expos x).
Definition the_cnf_expos_rec_nc x n :=
Zo (Vf (the_cnf_expos_rec x) n) (fun z => ~ (b_critical z)).
Lemma the_cnf_e_p7 x n (y := Vf (the_cnf_expos_rec x) n):
ordinalp x -> inc n Bnat -> (finite_set y /\ ordinal_set y).
move=> ox; rewrite /y; clear y; move : n.
move: (induction_defined_pr (fun z => union (fun_image z the_cnf_expos))
(the_cnf_expos x)).
rewrite -/(the_cnf_expos_rec x); move=> [sg sjg gz gnz].
apply: cardinal_c_induction.
rewrite gz.
exact (the_cnf_e_p2 ox).
move => n nB [pa pb]; rewrite (gnz _ nB); split.
rewrite - setUb_identity; apply: finite_union_finite.
hnf;rewrite /identity_g; bw =>i idf; bw.
move: idf => /funI_P [z zn ->].
by move: (the_cnf_e_p2 (pb _ zn)) => [ok _].
by rewrite /identity_g; bw; apply: finite_fun_image.
move=> t /setU_P [y ty] /funI_P [z zw yv].
move: (the_cnf_e_p2 (pb _ zw)) => [_ ok].
by rewrite - yv in ok; apply: ok.
Lemma the_cnf_e_p8 x n (f := (the_cnf_expos_rec x)):
ordinalp x -> inc n Bnat ->
the_cnf_expos_rec_nc x n = emptyset ->
( (forall a, inc a (Vf f n) -> b_critical a)
/\ (forall k, inc k Bnat -> n <=c k -> Vf f k = Vf f n)).
move=> ox nB me.
pose q m := the_cnf_expos_rec_nc x m = emptyset.
have pa: forall m, q m -> (forall a, inc a (Vf f m) -> b_critical a).
by rewrite /q => m h a aw; ex_middle anc; empty_tac1 a; apply: Zo_i.
move: (induction_defined_pr (fun z => union (fun_image z the_cnf_expos))
(the_cnf_expos x)); rewrite -/ (the_cnf_expos_rec x) -/f.
move=> [sg sjg gz gnz].
have pb: forall m, inc m Bnat -> q m -> (Vf f m = Vf f (succ m) /\ q (succ m)).
move=> m mB qm.
suff h: Vf f m = Vf f (succ m).
by split => //; move: qm; rewrite /q /the_cnf_expos_rec_nc h //.
rewrite (gnz _ mB); move: (pa _ qm) => ax.
move: (the_cnf_e_p7 ox mB) => [_ osf].
set_extens t.
move => ts; apply /setU_P.
move: (ax _ ts) (the_cnf_e_p6 (osf _ ts)) => cy [ h _].
move: (h cy) => px; exists (singleton t); first by fprops.
apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
move /setU_P => [y ty] /funI_P [z zw yv].
move: (ax _ zw) (the_cnf_e_p6 (osf _ zw)) => cy [ h _].
by move: ty; rewrite yv (h cy) => /set1_P ->.
split; first by apply: pa.
suff: forall k : Set, inc k Bnat -> n <=c k -> (q k /\ Vf f k = Vf f n).
by move=> aux k kB nk; move: (aux _ kB nk) => [ _ ].
apply: cardinal_c_induction.
move=> aux; move: me; rewrite (card_le0 aux); split => //.
move => k kB hrec nsk0.
case: (equal_or_not n (succ k)) => nsk; first by rewrite -nsk //.
move: (conj nsk0 nsk); move /(card_lt_succ_leP kB) => h1.
move: (hrec h1) => [pc pd]; move: (pb _ kB pc) => [pe pf]; split => //; ue.
Lemma the_cnf_e_p9 x: ordinalp x ->
exists2 n, inc n Bnat & the_cnf_expos_rec_nc x n = emptyset.
move=> ox; ex_middle aux.
have pa: forall n, inc n Bnat -> nonempty (the_cnf_expos_rec_nc x n).
move=> n nB; case: (emptyset_dichot (the_cnf_expos_rec_nc x n)) => //.
move => p; case: aux; ex_tac.
pose T := (the_cnf_expos_rec_nc x).
pose h n := \osup (T n).
have hp: forall n, inc n Bnat ->
[/\ (forall a, inc a (T n) -> a <=o h n),
inc (h n) (T n) &
forall a, inc a (T (succ n)) -> a <o (h n)].
move=> n nB; move: (the_cnf_e_p7 ox nB) => [fs os].
have sT: sub (T n) (Vf(the_cnf_expos_rec x) n) by apply: Zo_S.
have osT: ordinal_set (T n) by move=> t aT; apply (os _ (sT _ aT)).
have pX: (forall a : Set, inc a (T n) -> a <=o h n).
by move=> a aT; apply: ord_sup_ub.
have pY: inc (h n) (T n).
move:(wordering_ordinal_le_pr osT).
set r := (graph_on ordinal_le (T n)); move=> [wor sr].
move: (worder_total wor) => tor.
have srt: sub (T n) (substrate r) by rewrite sr; fprops.
move: (sub_finite_set sT fs) => fsT.
move: (finite_subset_torder_greatest tor fsT srt (pa _ nB)) => [g gr].
move: tor => [or _].
move: gr => []; rewrite iorder_sr // => p1 p2.
have <- //: g = h n.
apply: (ord_leA); first by apply: ord_sup_ub.
apply: ord_ub_sup => //; first by apply: osT.
move=> i iT; move: (iorder_gle1 (p2 _ iT)).
by move /graph_on_P1 => [_ _].
split => //.
move => a /Zo_P [qa qb].
move: (induction_defined_pr (fun z => union (fun_image z the_cnf_expos))
(the_cnf_expos x)); rewrite -/ (the_cnf_expos_rec x).
move=> [_ _ _ gnz].
move: qa; rewrite (gnz _ nB) => /setU_P [y ay] /funI_P [z zT yv].
rewrite yv in ay.
move: (the_cnf_e_p6 (os _ zT)) => [zp zq].
case: (p_or_not_p (b_critical z)) => zc.
by case: qb; move: ay; rewrite (zp zc) => /set1_P ->.
move: ((zq zc) _ ay) => z1.
by apply: (ord_lt_leT z1); apply:pX; apply: Zo_i.
have xx: forall n, inc n Bnat -> h (succ n) <o h n.
move=> n nB; move: (hp _ nB) => [_ _ p3]; apply: p3.
by move:(hp _ (BS_succ nB)) => [_ p2 _].
set R:= fun_image Bnat h.
have neR: nonempty R by exists (h \0c); apply /funI_P; exists \0c;fprops.
have osR: ordinal_set R.
by move =>t /funI_P [n nB ->]; move: (xx _ nB) => [[_]].
move: (ordinal_setI neR osR); set t := intersection R.
move=> /funI_P [n nB nv]; move: (xx _ nB).
have hsi: inc (h (succ n)) R by apply /funI_P;exists (succ n); fprops.
move: (setI_s1 hsi); rewrite -/t nv.
move => th /ord_ltP0 [oh _ ih].
by move: (ordinal_irreflexive oh (th _ ih)).
End Exercise6_15.
Exercise 6.16
Lemma Exercise6_16a r: total_order r -> exists2 X,
cofinal r X & (worder (induced_order r X)).
move => [or tor];move: (Exercise2_2b or) => [X [Xsr worX ub]].
exists X => //; split => // x xsr.
case: (inc_or_not x X) => xX; first by ex_tac; order_tac.
ex_middle h; case: xX; apply: ub.
split => // z zX; case: (tor _ _ xsr (Xsr _ zX)) => //.
move=> xz; case: h; ex_tac.
Lemma cofinality'_pr1 r: total_order r ->
(nonempty (cofinality' r) /\ ordinal_set (cofinality' r)).
move => tor; rewrite /cofinality'.
move: (Exercise6_16a tor) => [X ta tb].
exists (ordinal (induced_order r X)); apply /funI_P; exists X => //.
by apply: Zo_i => //; move: ta => [tc _]; apply /setP_P.
move=> x => /funI_P [z szf ->]; apply: OS_ordinal.
by move: szf => /Zo_hi [_].
Lemma intersection_sub1 A B C:
A = union2 B C -> (forall x, inc x C -> exists y, inc y B /\ sub y x)
-> intersection A = intersection B.
move=> -> h.
case: (emptyset_dichot B) => bne.
rewrite bne set0_U2.
have -> //: C = emptyset.
by apply /set0_P => t /h [y []]; rewrite bne => /in_set0.
have neA: nonempty (B \cup C).
by move: bne => [x xB]; exists x; apply /setU2_P; left.
set_extens t.
move /(setI_P neA) => aux; apply /(setI_P bne) => i iB; apply: aux; fprops.
move /(setI_P bne) => aux; apply /(setI_P neA) => i iB.
case/setU2_P: iB => iB; first by apply: aux.
by move: (h _ iB) => [y [yB]]; apply; apply: aux.
Lemma cofinal_trans r x y:
order r -> cofinal r x -> cofinal (induced_order r x) y ->
cofinal r y.
move=> or [xsr cx]; move /(cofinal_inducedP or y xsr).
move=> [yx xy]; split; first by apply: sub_trans xsr.
move=> t tx; move: (cx _ tx) => [z zx zy].
move: (xy _ zx) => [u uy zu]; ex_tac; order_tac.
Lemma cofinal_image r r' f x:
order_isomorphism f r r' -> cofinal r x ->
cofinal r' (image_by_fun f x).
move=> [o1 o2 [bf sf tf] isf] [xsr cx].
have ff: function f by fct_tac.
have xsf: sub x (source f) by ue.
move=> t /(Vf_image_P ff xsf) [u ux ->]; rewrite - tf; Wtac.
rewrite - tf; move => y yt; move: (bij_surj bf yt) => [z zf <-].
rewrite sf in zf; move: (cx _ zf) => [t tx ty].
exists (Vf f t); first by apply/(Vf_image_P ff xsf); ex_tac.
rewrite -isf //; [ ue | by apply: xsf].
Lemma worder_image r r' f A:
order_isomorphism f r r' -> sub A (substrate r) ->
let oa := (induced_order r A) in
let ob := (induced_order r' (image_by_fun f A)) in
worder oa -> (worder ob /\ ordinal oa = ordinal ob).
move=> isf Asr oa ob wo1.
move: (isf) => [o1 o2 [bf sf tf] isfo].
have ff: function f by fct_tac.
have sAs: sub A (source f) by ue.
have pa: sub (image_by_fun f A) (substrate r').
move => t /(Vf_image_P ff sAs) [u uA ->]; rewrite - tf; Wtac.
move: (iorder_osr o2 pa) => [oob sob].
move: (bf) => [injf _].
move: (restriction1_fb injf sAs) => br.
have sr1: (source (restriction1 f A)) = A by rewrite /restriction1 ; aw.
have aux: forall x, inc x A -> inc (Vf f x) (image_by_fun f A).
move => x xA; apply /(Vf_image_P ff sAs); ex_tac.
have abis: oa \Is ob.
exists (restriction1 f A); split;fprops; first split => //.
rewrite /oa sr1; aw.
rewrite /ob/restriction1; aw.
hnf;rewrite sr1; move=> x y xA yA.
move: (sAs _ xA) (sAs _ yA) => xs ys.
rewrite restriction1_V // restriction1_V //.
by split;move / iorder_gle5P => [qa qb qc]; apply /iorder_gle5P;split => //;
try (apply: aux =>//); apply/(isfo _ _ xs ys).
suff soob: worder ob by split => //; apply: ordinal_o_isu1.
split => //.
move: wo1 => [ _ ].
rewrite iorder_sr // iorder_sr // => wo1.
move => x xi nex; rewrite iorder_trans //.
set z:= image_by_fun (inverse_fun f) x.
move: (inverse_bij_fb bf) => ibf.
have fif: function (inverse_fun f) by fct_tac.
have sxt: sub x (target f) by apply: (sub_trans xi); apply: fun_image_Starget1.
have sxt1: sub x (source (inverse_fun f)) by aw.
have sxs: sub x (substrate r') by ue.
have nez: nonempty z.
move: nex => [w wx]; exists (Vf (inverse_fun f) w).
apply /(Vf_image_P fif sxt1); ex_tac.
have za: sub z A.
move=> t /(Vf_image_P fif sxt1) [u ux ->].
move: (xi _ ux) => /(Vf_image_P ff sAs); move=> [v vA ->].
by rewrite (inverse_V2 bf (sAs _ vA)).
move: (wo1 _ za nez); rewrite iorder_trans //; move => [y []].
have zr: sub z (substrate r) by rewrite - sf; apply: sub_trans sAs.
rewrite /least iorder_sr // iorder_sr //.
move /(Vf_image_P fif sxt1) => [z1 z2 ->] yl;exists z1; split => //.
move => a ax; apply /iorder_gleP => //.
set b := Vf (inverse_fun f) a.
have bz: inc b z by apply /(Vf_image_P fif sxt1); ex_tac.
have atf: inc a (target f) by apply sxt.
have z1tf: inc z1 (target f) by apply sxt.
have qa: inc (Vf (inverse_fun f) z1) (source f) by apply: inverse_Vis.
have qb: inc (Vf (inverse_fun f) a) (source f) by apply: inverse_Vis.
move: (yl _ bz) => le1; move: (iorder_gle1 le1).
rewrite /b isfo // (inverse_V bf z1tf) // (inverse_V bf atf) //.
Exercise 6.10
Lemma cofinality_pr6 a f (b:= omega_fct a):
ordinalp a ->
inc f (functions b b) ->
exists g, inc g (injections b b) /\
(forall x, inc x b -> Vf f x <=o Vf g x).
move => oa /fun_set_P [ff sf tf].
move: (aleph_limit oa); rewrite -/b => lb.
move: (lb) => [ob zb plb].
move: (ordinal_o_wor ob); set r := ordinal_o _ => wor.
have sr: substrate r = b by rewrite /r ordinal_o_sr.
pose unsrc f:= Yo (inc (source f) b) (source f) \0o.
have cp3: forall x, inc (unsrc x) b by move=> x; rewrite /unsrc; Ytac h => //.
pose coer1 v y := intersection (b -s (union2 v y)).
pose coex v := (Yo (inc v b) v \0o).
pose p g := let s := unsrc g in
coex (coer1 (Vf f s) (image_by_fun g s)).
have ts: (forall g, function g -> segmentp r (source g) ->
sub (target g) b -> inc (p g) b).
by move=> g gf srg sta; rewrite /p /coex; Ytac h.
move: (transfinite_defined_pr p wor); rewrite /transfinite_def sr.
move: (transfinite_definition_stable wor ts).
set g:= transfinite_defined r p; move=> tg1 [[fg _] sg tgp].
pose Tf := image_by_fun g.
have sfa: forall x, inc x b -> sub x (source g).
move=> x xb; rewrite sg; apply: (ordinal_transitive ob xb).
have cp4: forall x, inc x b->
[/\ (source (restriction_to_segment r x g)) = x,
function (restriction_to_segment r x g) &
Vf g x = (coer1 (Vf f x) (Tf x)) ].
move=> x xb.
rewrite (tgp _ xb) /p /unsrc.
have -> : (source (restriction_to_segment r x g)) = x.
rewrite /restriction_to_segment /restriction1; aw.
rewrite /r ordinal_segment //.
have s1: sub (segment r x) (source g) by rewrite sg - sr;apply: sub_segment.
move: (proj1 (restriction1_fs fg s1)) => qa.
split => //.
move: (ordinal_hi ob xb)=> ox.
rewrite Y_true //.
set wa := (image_by_fun _ _).
have -> :coex (coer1 (Vf f x) wa) = coer1 (Vf f x) wa.
rewrite /coex/coer1; set c:= _ -s _; apply: Y_true.
case: (emptyset_dichot c) => ce.
rewrite ce setI_0; exact.
have os: ordinal_set c by move => t /setC_P [tb _]; ord_tac0.
by move: (ordinal_setI ce os) => /setC_P [].
congr ((coer1 (Vf f x) _)).
have aux: forall w, inc w x -> inc w (segment r x).
move=> w wx; apply /segmentP.
move: (ordinal_transitive ox wx) => wx1.
move: ((ordinal_transitive ob xb) _ wx) => wc.
split; last by move=> ewx; rewrite ewx in wx; case: (ordinal_decent ox wx).
apply /sub_gleP;split => //.
move: (sfa _ xb) => qb.
have qc: sub x (source (restriction_to_segment r x g)).
rewrite /restriction_to_segment /restriction1; aw.
set H := restriction1_V fg s1.
set_extens t.
move /(Vf_image_P qa qc) => [w wx]; rewrite (H _ (aux _ wx)).
move => h;apply /(Vf_image_P fg qb); ex_tac.
move/(Vf_image_P fg qb) => [w wx j];apply /(Vf_image_P qa qc);ex_tac.
by rewrite (H _ (aux _ wx)).
have ta: lf_axiom (Vf g) b b.
move => t ta; apply: tg1; apply: Vf_target => //; ue.
have taa: forall x, inc x b -> lf_axiom (Vf g) x b.
move=> x xb t ita; move: (ordinal_transitive ob xb ita); apply ta.
set h:= Lf (fun z => Vf g z) b b.
have hp: forall x, inc x b -> Vf h x = Vf g x.
move => x xsf; rewrite /h lf_V //.
have off1: forall x, inc x b -> inc (Vf f x) b.
by move => x xb; rewrite - tf; apply: Vf_target => //; ue.
have off2: forall x, inc x b -> ordinalp (Vf f x).
by move => x xb; move: (off1 _ xb) => wb; ord_tac0.
have cp5: forall x, inc x b -> nonempty (b -s (union2 (Vf f x) (Tf x))).
move => x xb.
have cb: cardinalp b by apply: CS_aleph.
move: (off2 _ xb) => cw.
have: Vf f x <o b by move /(ord_ltP ob): (off1 _ xb).
move/ (ordinal_cardinal_le2P cb cw) => lec1.
have ox: ordinalp x by ord_tac0.
have: x <o b by move/(ord_ltP ob): xb.
move /(ordinal_cardinal_le2P cb ox) => lec2.
move: (cp4 _ xb) => [q1 q2 q3].
have s1: sub (segment r x) (source g) by rewrite sg - sr;apply: sub_segment.
have eq1: Tf x = image_of_fun (restriction_to_segment r x g).
have ss1: sub x (source (restriction_to_segment r x g)) by rewrite q1.
have ss2: sub x (source g) by rewrite sg; apply: (ordinal_transitive ob xb).
have sw: forall u, inc u x -> Vf (restriction_to_segment r x g)u = Vf g u.
move => u ux.
have iub: inc u b by rewrite sg in ss2; apply: ss2.
by rewrite (restriction1_V fg s1) //; apply /segmentP; apply/ordo_ltP.
set_extens t.
move /(Vf_image_P fg ss2) => [w wx ->] ; apply/(Vf_image_P1 q2).
exists w; [ by apply: ss1 | by symmetry;apply: sw].
move /(Vf_image_P1 q2); rewrite q1; move => [u ux ->]; rewrite (sw _ ux).
apply /(Vf_image_P fg ss2); ex_tac.
move: (image_smaller_cardinal q2); rewrite - eq1 q1 => le1.
move: (card_le_ltT le1 lec2) => le2.
apply: (infinite_union2 (aleph_pr5c oa) lec1 le2).
have cp6: forall x, inc x b ->
inc (Vf g x) (b -s (union2 (Vf f x) (Tf x))).
move => x xb; move: (cp5 _ xb)=> ne.
rewrite (proj33 (cp4 _ xb)) /coer1; set c:= _ -s _.
have os: ordinal_set c by move => t /setC_P [tb _]; ord_tac0.
exact (ordinal_setI ne os).
have ra: function_prop h b b
by rewrite /h; red; aw; split => //; apply: lf_function.
have rb: (forall x, inc x b -> Vf f x <=o Vf h x).
move => x xb; rewrite (hp _ xb).
move: (cp6 _ xb) => /setC_P [p1] /setU2_P p2.
have os1: ordinalp (Vf g x) by ord_tac0.
have ow: ordinalp (Vf f x) by apply: off2.
case: (ord_le_to_el ow os1) => //; move /ord_ltP0 => [_ _ pc].
by case: p2; left.
have rc: injection h.
apply: lf_injective => //.
move => u v ub vb sv.
have svg: sub v (source g) by rewrite sg => t tv; ord_tac0.
have sug: sub u (source g) by rewrite sg => t tv; ord_tac0.
case: (ord_le_to_ell (ordinal_hi ob ub)(ordinal_hi ob vb)) => // cuv.
move: (cp6 _ vb) => /setC_P [p1] /setU2_P;case; right.
apply /(Vf_image_P fg svg); exists u => //.
by move: cuv => /ord_ltP0 [_ ].
move: (cp6 _ ub) => /setC_P [p1] /setU2_P;case; right.
apply /(Vf_image_P fg sug); exists v => //.
by move: cuv => /ord_ltP0 [_ ].
exists h;split => //;apply: Zo_i => //; apply /fun_set_P; exact ra.
Lemma cofinality_pr7 X b f (E := omega_fct b):
ofg_Mle_leo X -> domain X = omega_fct b -> ordinalp b ->
limit_ordinal (\osup (range X)) ->
inc f (functions E (omega_fct (union (range X)))) ->
exists2 g, inc g (injections E E) &
(forall x, inc x (source f) -> Vf f x <=o omega_fct (Vg X (Vf g x))).
move=> [p1 p2 p2'] p4 p3.
have lb: limit_ordinal (domain X) by rewrite p4; apply: aleph_limit.
set a := (union (range X)) => la.
set E1 := functions E (omega_fct a).
set F2 := functions E E.
move => /fun_set_P [ff sf tf].
move: (p1)(lb) => fgX [p5 p5' p6].
move: (ofg_Mle_leo_os p1 p2) => p8.
have p9: forall t, inc t (omega_fct a) ->
exists u, inc u E /\ t <=o omega_fct (Vg X u).
move => t ta.
move: (la) => [oa _].
move: (OS_aleph oa) => pa0.
move: aleph_pr11 => [_ ap1]; move: (ap1 _ la) => ap2.
have ap3: (ordinal_set (fun_image a omega_fct)).
move => u /funI_P [v ve ->]; apply OS_aleph; ord_tac0.
have ap4: t <o \osup (fun_image a omega_fct).
by rewrite - ap2; apply /ord_ltP.
move: (ord_lt_sup ap3 ap4) => [z ] /funI_P [w wa ->].
move => le1.
have le2: w <o union (range X) by apply /ord_ltP.
move: (ord_lt_sup p8 le2) => [u q1 q2].
move:q1 => /(range_gP fgX) [v vd vv].
rewrite /E - p4; exists v; split => //; apply: (ord_leT (proj1 le1)).
rewrite - vv; apply: (aleph_le_leo (proj1 q2)).
pose bv t := choose (fun u => inc u E /\ t <=o omega_fct (Vg X u)).
have p10: forall t, inc t (omega_fct a) ->
(inc (bv t) (omega_fct b) /\ t <=o omega_fct (Vg X (bv t))).
move => t to;apply: (choose_pr (p9 _ to)).
pose bff := Lf (fun z => bv (Vf f z)) E E.
have p11: lf_axiom (fun z : Set => bv (Vf f z)) E E.
move => z ze.
have wt: inc (Vf f z)(omega_fct a) by rewrite -tf; Wtac.
by move: (p10 _ wt) => [].
have p12: inc bff F2.
apply /fun_set_P;rewrite /bff;red;aw;split => //.
apply: lf_function; apply: p11.
have p13: forall x, inc x (source f) -> Vf f x <=o omega_fct (Vg X (Vf bff x)).
move => x xsf.
rewrite sf in xsf; rewrite /bff; aw.
have wt: inc (Vf f x)(omega_fct a) by rewrite -tf; Wtac.
by move: (p10 _ wt) => [].
move: (cofinality_pr6 p3 p12)=> [g [ge H]]; exists g=> //.
move => x xsf; move: (p13 _ xsf) => le1.
apply (ord_leT le1); apply: aleph_le_leo.
rewrite sf in xsf.
move: (H _ xsf) => h1.
have q4: inc (Vf bff x) (domain X).
by move: p12 => /fun_set_P [s1 s2 s3]; rewrite p4 -/E - s3; Wtac.
have q5: inc (Vf g x) (domain X).
move: ge => /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [s1 s2 s3] _.
by rewrite p4 /E - s3; Wtac; rewrite s2.
exact: (p2' _ _ q4 q5 h1).
Lemma infinite_increasing_power3 X b:
ofg_Mle_leo X -> domain X = omega_fct b -> ordinalp b ->
limit_ordinal (\osup (range X)) ->
card_prod (Lg (domain X) (fun z => \aleph (Vg X z))) =
\aleph (\osup (range X)) ^c \aleph b.
move => si dx ob lb.
move: (si) => [fgf oob incx].
apply: card_leA.
have ->: omega_fct b = cardinal (domain X).
by rewrite dx card_card //; apply: CS_aleph.
by apply: infinite_increasing_power_bound1.
set a := (\osup (range X)).
set E := (functions (omega_fct b) (omega_fct (union (range X)))).
set F := (functions (omega_fct b) (omega_fct b)).
set F1 := (injections (omega_fct b) (omega_fct b)).
pose G g := Lg (omega_fct b) (fun z => succ_o (omega_fct (Vg X(Vf g z)))).
have pa: forall f, inc f E -> exists2 g,
inc g F1 & inc (graph f) (productb (G g)).
move => f fe; move: (cofinality_pr7 si dx ob lb fe) => [g ge h].
move: fe => /fun_set_P [ff sf tf].
have pa: fgraph (G g) by rewrite /G; fprops.
exists g => //; apply /setXb_P => //.
rewrite /G; bw; aw;split => //; first by fprops.
move => i isf; bw.
rewrite - sf in isf; move: (h _ isf) => le1.
rewrite -/(Vf f i); apply/ ord_leP => //; ord_tac.
have -> : omega_fct a ^c omega_fct b = cardinal E.
rewrite cpow_pr1 -/a; apply: cpow_pr; fprops.
set E1 := gfunctions (omega_fct b) (omega_fct a).
have ->: cardinal E = cardinal E1.
apply /card_eqP; apply:fun_set_equipotent.
have eu: sub E1 (unionb (Lg F1 (fun g => (productb (G g))))).
move=> f; rewrite /E1 => fe.
move: (gfun_set_hi fe) => [h [fh sh tf gh]].
have hd: inc h E by apply /fun_set_P;split => //.
move: (pa _ hd) => [g ge gv].
by apply /setUb_P; bw; exists g=> //; bw; rewrite -gh.
move: (sub_smaller eu).
set Y := Lg _ _.
have fgy: fgraph Y by rewrite /Y; fprops.
move: (csum_pr1 Y) => le1 le2; move: (card_leT le2 le1).
rewrite {1}/Y; bw ;move => le3; apply: (card_leT le3); clear le1 le2 le3.
set p := card_prod _.
have aux: p *c F1 <=c p.
have -> : p *c F1 = p *c (cardinal F1) by symmetry; apply: cprod2_pr2b.
have ne1: cardinal F1 <> \0c.
apply: cardinal_nonemptyset1.
exists (identity (omega_fct b)); apply: Zo_i.
apply /fun_set_P; apply:identity_prop.
by move: (identity_fb (omega_fct b)) => [].
have s1: sub F1 F by apply: Zo_S.
move: (sub_smaller s1); rewrite /F cpow_pr1.
move: (aleph_pr5c ob) => icb.
rewrite (card_card (proj1 icb)) (infinite_power1_b icb) => le2.
have le3: \2c ^c omega_fct b <=c p.
rewrite - cpow_pr2 /cst_graph /p - dx; apply: cprod_increasing; fprops; bw.
move => x xd; bw; apply: infinite_ge_two; apply: aleph_pr5c.
apply: (oob _ xd).
have le1: cardinal F1 <=c p by co_tac.
have icp: infinite_c p.
move: (cantor (proj1 icb)) => le4.
exact (ge_infinite_infinite icb (card_leT (proj1 le4) le3)).
rewrite (product2_infinite le1 icp ne1).
apply: card_leR; co_tac.
suff qa: forall g, inc g F1 -> cardinal (Vg Y g) <=c p.
have : card_sum (Lg F1 (fun a0 : Set => cardinal (Vg Y a0))) <=c
card_sum (cst_graph F1 p).
apply: csum_increasing.
rewrite /cst_graph; fprops.
rewrite /cst_graph; bw.
by rewrite /cst_graph; bw => x xf; bw; apply: qa.
by rewrite csum_of_same => xx; apply: (card_leT xx).
move => g gi; rewrite /Y; bw.
move: gi => /Zo_P [] /fun_set_P [fg sg tg] ig.
set f:= (Lg (omega_fct b) (fun z : Set => (omega_fct (Vg X (Vf g z))))).
have ->: cardinal (productb (G g)) = card_prod f.
apply /card_eqP; apply: equipotent_setXb.
rewrite /G/f; split;fprops; bw; move => x xd; bw; eqsym.
have wi: inc (Vf g x) (domain X).
rewrite dx -tg; apply: Vf_target => //; ue.
move: (aleph_pr5c (oob _ wi)) => [_].
rewrite /p.
set h := Lg _ _.
move: (fun_image_Starget fg) => sd1.
move: (sd1); rewrite tg - dx => sd.
have sd2: sub (image_of_fun g) (domain h) by rewrite /h; bw.
have ca: cardinal_fam h.
rewrite /h/cardinal_fam; red;bw => i idx; bw.
apply: CS_aleph; exact (oob _ idx).
have -> : card_prod f = card_prod (restr h (image_of_fun g)).
have fgh: fgraph h by rewrite /h; fprops.
rewrite /f /h.
move: (restriction_to_image_fb ig) => bg.
set Z:= restr _ _.
have fgz: fgraph Z by rewrite /Z/restr; apply: restr_fgraph.
have trt: target (restriction_to_image g) = domain Z.
rewrite /restriction_to_image /restriction2 /Z restr_d //; aw.
rewrite (cprod_Cn trt bg) /composef (f_domain_graph (proj1 (proj1 bg))).
rewrite {1} /restriction_to_image /restriction2; aw; rewrite sg.
apply: f_equal; apply: Lg_exten => x xd.
have xsd: inc x (source g) by ue.
have wi: inc (Vf g x) (image_of_fun g).
apply /(Vf_image_P1 fg); ex_tac.
have ra: restriction2_axioms g (source g) (image_of_fun g) by split.
rewrite -/(Vf (restriction_to_image g) x) /restriction_to_image /Z.
by rewrite restriction2_V //restr_ev //; bw; apply: sd.
rewrite /h; apply: (cprod_increasing1); red; bw.
move => x xd; bw; apply: aleph_nz; exact (oob _ xd).
Lemma exercise_6_19b a (ba := ord_index (cofinality (\aleph a)))
(x := \aleph a) (y := \aleph ba):
ordinalp a ->
(x <c x ^c y /\
(forall n c, cardinalp n -> ordinalp c -> x = n ^c (\aleph c) ->
c <o ba)).
move => oa.
move: (aleph_pr5c oa) => io.
move: (cofinality_pr3 (proj1 (proj1 io))).
move: (cofinality_infinite io).
rewrite (cofinality_card io) =>pa pd.
move: (cofinality_card io) => H.
move: (ord_index_pr1 pa) => [pb]; rewrite - /ba -/y -/x - H.
move => yc.
rewrite yc; apply: power_cofinality.
by apply: infinite_ge_two; apply: aleph_pr5c.
move => n c cn oc eq.
have qa: \2c <=c n.
apply: card_ge2 => //.
move=> n0; move: eq; rewrite n0 cpow0x; by apply: aleph_nz.
move => n1; move: eq; rewrite n1 cpow1x => x1.
move: (aleph_pr5c oa); rewrite -/x x1.
apply: infinite_dichot1; fprops.
have qb:infinite_c (\aleph c) by apply: aleph_pr5c.
move: (power_cofinality5 qa qb); rewrite -eq - H - yc => l2.
apply: aleph_ltc_lt => //.
Exercise 6 24
Section Exercise6_24.
Variables (E F a: Set).
Hypothesis FE: forall x, inc x F -> sub x E.
Hypothesis cF: cardinal F = a.
Hypothesis ceF: forall x, inc x F -> cardinal x = a.
Hypothesis iF: infinite_c a.
Lemma Exercise6_24a:
exists P, [/\ sub P E,cardinal (P) = a &
forall x, inc x F -> ~ (sub x P)].
move: (proj1 iF) => ca.
move: (sym_eq cF); rewrite - (card_card ca); move /card_eqP => [g [bg sg tg]].
have fg: function g by fct_tac.
have oa: ordinalp a by apply: OS_cardinal.
have g1: forall b, b <o a -> inc (Vf g b) F.
move => b /(ord_ltP oa); rewrite - sg - tg => h; Wtac.
have g2: forall x, inc x F -> exists2 b, b <o a & (Vf g b) = x.
rewrite -tg => x xt; move: (bij_surj bg xt) => [b b1 b2]; exists b => //.
apply /(ord_ltP oa); ue.
pose PP x b p := [/\ pairp p, (inc (P p) ((Vf g b) -s x)),
(inc (Q p) ((Vf g b) -s x)) & P p <> Q p].
have g3: forall x b, cardinal x <c a -> b <o a -> exists p, PP x b p.
move => x b cx ba; rewrite /PP;move: (g1 _ ba); set s:= (Vf g b) => sF.
have cs: cardinal s = a by apply: ceF.
have ifs: infinite_set s by apply /infinite_setP; rewrite cs.
rewrite - cs in cx.
move: (infinite_compl ifs cx); rewrite cs => h.
have: (\2c <=c cardinal (s -s x)) by apply: finite_le_infinite; fprops; ue.
move/card_le2P => [u [v [u1 u2 u3]]].
exists (J u v);split => //; aw; fprops.
fprops; aw.
pose g4 x b := choose (PP x b).
have g5: forall x b, cardinal x <c a -> b <o a -> PP x b (g4 x b).
move => x b p1 p2; move: (g3 _ _ p1 p2); apply: choose_pr.
pose mu X := (domain X \cup range X).
have mu1: forall X, cardinal X <c a -> cardinal (mu X) <c a.
move => X xs; apply: csum2_pr6_inf2 => //;
apply: card_le_ltT xs; apply: fun_image_smaller.
pose g6 fct := g4 (mu (target fct)) (source fct).
move: (ordinal_o_wor oa) => wor.
move: (transfinite_defined_pr g6 wor).
set f := transfinite_defined _ _.
rewrite /transfinite_def (ordinal_o_sr a); move=> [pa pb pc].
have g7: forall x, inc x a -> Vf f x = g4 (mu (image_by_fun f x)) x.
move => x xa; rewrite (pc _ xa) /restriction_to_segment
(ordinal_segment oa xa) /g6 /restriction1; aw.
have g8: forall x, inc x a -> cardinal x <c a.
move => x /(ord_ltP oa) h.
apply /(ordinal_cardinal_le2P ca) => //; ord_tac.
have g9: forall x, inc x a -> PP (mu (image_by_fun f x)) x (Vf f x).
move => x xa.
have: x <o a by apply /ord_ltP.
rewrite (g7 _ xa); apply: g5; apply: mu1; apply: (card_le_ltT _ (g8 _ xa)).
exact: (image_smaller_cardinal1 x (proj1 pa)).
pose f1 z:= P (Vf f z).
have g10: forall z, inc z a -> inc (f1 z) E.
move => z za; move: (g9 _ za) => [_ /setC_P [h _] _ _]; apply: FE h.
by apply: g1; apply /(ord_ltP oa).
have aT: forall s, inc s a -> sub s (source f).
by move => s sa; rewrite pb; apply: ordinal_transitive.
set r := fun_image a f1.
have r1: sub r E by move => t /funI_P [z za ->]; apply g10.
have r2: cardinal r = cardinal a.
symmetry; apply/card_eqP; exists (Lf f1 a r); aw.
split; aw;apply: lf_bijective.
move => t ta; apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
suff: forall u v, u <o v -> inc v a -> f1 u <> f1 v.
move => H u v ua va sf.
have ou: ordinalp u by ord_tac.
have ov: ordinalp v by ord_tac.
case: (ord_le_to_ell ou ov) => // l1.
by case: (H _ _ l1 va).
by case: (H _ _ l1 ua).
move => u v uv va sv; move: (g9 _ va) => [_ /setC_P [sa sb] _ _ ].
case: sb; rewrite -/(f1 v) - sv; apply /setU2_P; left; apply /funI_P.
have iuv: inc u v by apply /ord_ltP => //; ord_tac.
exists (Vf f u) => //; apply /(Vf_image_P (proj1 pa));fprops;last by ex_tac.
by move => y /funI_P.
exists r ;split => //.
move => x; rewrite - tg => xtg; move: (bij_surj bg xtg); rewrite sg.
move => [z za <-] bad.
move: (g9 _ za) => [_ _ /setC_P [f2g f2r]] f1f2.
move: (bad _ f2g) => /funI_P [s sa sb].
have oz: ordinalp z by ord_tac.
have os: ordinalp s by ord_tac.
case: (ord_le_to_ell oz os); move => zs; first by case: f1f2; rewrite sb zs.
move: (g9 _ sa) => [_]; rewrite -/(f1 s).
move => /setC_P [_ f1r'] _.
case: f1r'; rewrite - sb; apply /setU2_P; right; apply /funI_P.
have iuv: inc z s by apply /ord_ltP => //; ord_tac.
exists (Vf f z) => //; apply /(Vf_image_P (proj1 pa)); fprops; by ex_tac.
case: f2r; rewrite sb; apply /setU2_P; left; apply /funI_P.
have iuv: inc s z by apply /ord_ltP => //; ord_tac.
exists (Vf f s) => //; apply /(Vf_image_P (proj1 pa));fprops;last by ex_tac.
Lemma Exercise6_24b:
(forall G, sub G F -> cardinal G <c a ->
a <=c cardinal (E -s union G)) ->
exists P, [/\ sub P E, cardinal (P) = a &
forall x, inc x F -> (cardinal (P \cap x)) <c a].
move: (proj1 iF) => ca.
move: (sym_eq cF); rewrite - {1 4} (card_card ca).
move /card_eqP => [g [bg sg tg]].
have fg: function g by fct_tac.
have oa: ordinalp a by apply: OS_cardinal.
have g1: forall b, b <o a -> inc (Vf g b) F.
move => b /(ord_ltP oa); rewrite - sg - tg => h; Wtac.
have g2: forall x, inc x F -> exists2 b, b <o a & (Vf g b) = x.
rewrite -tg => x xt; move: (bij_surj bg xt) => [b b1 b2]; exists b => //.
apply /(ord_ltP oa); ue.
move => bighyp.
pose PP x b p := [/\ inc p E, ~ inc p x & ~ inc p (unionf b (Vf g))].
have g3: forall x b, cardinal x <c a -> b <o a -> exists p, PP x b p.
move => X z cx za; rewrite /PP.
set G := (fun_image z (Vf g)).
have sza : sub z a by move: za => [[_ _ H] _].
have sG: sub G F.
move => t /funI_P [s sa ->]; apply: g1.
apply /(ord_ltP oa); exact(sza s sa).
have oz: ordinalp z by ord_tac.
move /(ordinal_cardinal_le2P ca oz): za => lt1.
have cG: cardinal G <c a.
apply: card_le_ltT lt1; apply: (fun_image_smaller).
move: (bighyp _ sG cG) => le1.
move: (card_lt_leT cx le1) => le2.
have ifs: infinite_set (E -s union G).
by apply /infinite_setP;apply: (ge_infinite_infinite iF le1).
move: (infinite_compl ifs le2) => le3.
case: (emptyset_dichot ((E -s union G) -s X)) => ee.
move: ifs => /infinite_setP; rewrite -le3 ee cardinal_set0 => le4.
case: (infinite_dichot1 finite_0 le4).
move: ee => [x /setC_P [/setC_P [xe xg]] xX]; ex_tac => // xu; case: xg.
move /setUf_P: xu => [y ya yb]; apply /setU_P; exists (Vf g y)=> //.
apply /funI_P; ex_tac.
pose g4 x b := choose (PP x b).
have g5: forall x b, cardinal x <c a -> b <o a -> PP x b (g4 x b).
move => x b p1 p2; move: (g3 _ _ p1 p2); apply: choose_pr.
pose g6 fct := g4 (target fct) (source fct).
move: (ordinal_o_wor oa) => wor.
move: (transfinite_defined_pr g6 wor).
set f := transfinite_defined _ _.
rewrite /transfinite_def (ordinal_o_sr a); move=> [pa pb pc].
have g7: forall x, inc x a -> Vf f x = g4 (image_by_fun f x) x.
move => x xa; rewrite (pc _ xa) /restriction_to_segment
(ordinal_segment oa xa) /g6 /restriction1; aw.
have g8: forall x, inc x a -> cardinal x <c a.
move => x /(ord_ltP oa) h.
apply /(ordinal_cardinal_le2P ca) => //; ord_tac.
have g9: forall x, inc x a -> PP (image_by_fun f x) x (Vf f x).
move => x xa.
have: x <o a by apply /ord_ltP.
rewrite (g7 _ xa); apply: g5; apply: (card_le_ltT _ (g8 _ xa)).
exact: (image_smaller_cardinal1 x (proj1 pa)).
have aT: forall s, inc s a -> sub s (source f).
by move => s sa; rewrite pb; apply: ordinal_transitive.
exists (target f);split => //.
by move => t /(proj2 pa); rewrite pb; move => [x /g9 [xe _ _]] <-.
symmetry; apply /card_eqP; exists f; split; aw; split => //.
split; first by fct_tac.
suff: forall u v, u <o v -> inc v a -> (Vf f u) <> Vf f v.
rewrite pb => H x y xsf ysf sv.
have ox: ordinalp x by ord_tac.
have oy: ordinalp y by ord_tac.
case:(ord_le_to_ell ox oy) => // h.
by case: (H _ _ h ysf).
by case: (H _ _ h xsf).
move => u v uv va sv; move: (g9 _ va) => [_ h1 _].
have ov: ordinalp v by ord_tac.
move /(ord_ltP ov): uv => uv1.
case: h1; rewrite - sv; apply /(Vf_image_P (proj1 pa)); fprops; ex_tac.
move => x; rewrite -tg => xtg; move: (bij_surj bg xtg); rewrite sg.
move => [b ba <-]; set G := _ \cap _.
have: sub G (fun_image (succ_o b) (fun z => Vf f z)).
move => t /setI2_P [/(proj2 pa)]; rewrite pb; move => [z za <-] zb.
move:(g9 _ za) => [_ h1 h2].
have oz: ordinalp z by ord_tac.
have ob: ordinalp b by ord_tac.
apply /funI_P; exists z => //.
case:(ord_le_to_ell oz ob) => // h.
rewrite h; fprops.
by apply /setU1_P; left; apply /ord_ltP.
by case: h2; apply /setUf_P; exists b => //; apply /ord_ltP.
move /sub_smaller => h1; apply: (card_le_ltT h1).
apply: (@card_le_ltT _ (cardinal (succ_o b))).
by apply:fun_image_smaller.
move: (infinite_card_limit2 iF) => [_ _ h].
move: (h _ ba) => /(ord_ltP oa) lt1.
apply /(ordinal_cardinal_le2P ca) => //; ord_tac.
End Exercise6_24.
Definition zprod a := Zo (powerset (union a))
(fun y=> forall x, inc x a -> singletonp (y \cap x)).
Definition zprod2 a b:= zprod (doubleton a b).
Lemma zprod2_P a b y:
inc y (zprod2 a b) <->
[/\ sub y (a \cup b), singletonp (y \cap a) & singletonp (y \cap b)].
move => /Zo_P [] /setP_P pa pb;split => //; apply: pb; fprops.
move => [pa pb pc]; apply /Zo_P; split; first by apply /setP_P.
by move => x /set2_P; case => ->.
Definition zpr x a := union (x \cap a).
Lemma zprod2_pr1 a b x:
inc x (zprod2 a b) ->
((x \cap a = singleton (zpr x a)) /\
(x \cap b = singleton (zpr x b))).
rewrite /zpr.
by move /zprod2_P => [pa [t ->] [s ->]]; rewrite ! setU_1.
Lemma zprod2_pr0 a b x:
inc x (zprod2 a b) ->
[/\ inc (zpr x a) a, inc (zpr x b) b, inc (zpr x a) x & inc (zpr x b) x].
move=> xz; move: (zprod2_pr1 xz) => [pa pb].
have : (inc (zpr x a) (x \cap a)) by rewrite pa; fprops.
have : (inc (zpr x b) (x \cap b)) by rewrite pb; fprops.
by move /setI2_P => [sa sb] /setI2_P [sc sd].
Lemma zprod2_pr0aa a b x:
inc x (zprod2 a b) ->inc (zpr x a) a.
Proof. by move=> xz; case: (zprod2_pr0 xz). Qed.
Lemma zprod2_pr0ax a b x:
inc x (zprod2 a b) ->inc (zpr x a) x.
Proof. by move=> xz; move: (zprod2_pr0 xz) => []. Qed.
Lemma zprod2_pr0bb a b x:
inc x (zprod2 a b) -> inc (zpr x b) b.
Proof. by move=> xz; move: (zprod2_pr0 xz) => []. Qed.
Lemma zprod2_pr0bx a b x:
inc x (zprod2 a b) ->inc (zpr x b) x.
Proof. by move=> xz; move: (zprod2_pr0 xz) => []. Qed.
Lemma zprod2_pr1a a b x z:
inc x (zprod2 a b) ->
inc z a -> inc z x -> z = zpr x a.
move=> xz za zb; move: (zprod2_pr1 xz)=> [pa pb].
have :(inc z (x \cap a)) by apply /setI2_P.
by rewrite pa => /set1_P.
Lemma zprod2_pr1b a b x z:
inc x (zprod2 a b) ->
inc z b -> inc z x -> z = zpr x b.
move=> xz zb zx; move: (zprod2_pr1 xz)=> [pa pb].
have :(inc z (x \cap b)) by apply /setI2_P.
by rewrite pb => /set1_P.
Lemma zprod2_pr2 a b y:
inc y (zprod2 a b) -> y = doubleton (zpr y a) (zpr y b).
move=> yz; set_extens x; aw.
move: (yz) => /zprod2_P [pa pb pc].
move=> xy; move: (pa _ xy);case /setU2_P => h.
rewrite (zprod2_pr1a yz h xy); fprops.
rewrite (zprod2_pr1b yz h xy); fprops.
by move: (zprod2_pr0ax yz) (zprod2_pr0bx yz) => pa pb;case /set2_P=> ->.
Lemma intersection_singletonP a b c:
(a \cap (singleton b) = singleton c) <->
(inc c a /\ c = b).
move=> iis; move:(set1_1 c); rewrite -iis => /setI2_P.
move => [pa] /set1_P;split => //.
move=> [pa <-]; apply: set1_pr; first by fprops.
by move => t /setI2_P [_] /set1_P.
Lemma zprod_singleton M r: ~ inc r M ->
let N := zprod2 M (singleton r) in
( (forall u, inc u M -> inc (doubleton u r) N) /\
(forall x, inc x N -> exists2 u, inc u M & x = doubleton u r)).
move=> nrM N; split.
move=> u uM; apply /zprod2_P;split => //.
move=> t /set2_P; case => ->; apply /setU2_P; [left | right]; fprops.
exists u; apply: set1_pr; first by fprops.
by move=> t /setI2_P [] /set2_P; case => // ->.
exists r; apply /intersection_singletonP;fprops.
move=> x xN; move: (zprod2_pr0 xN) => [pa /set1_P <- _ _].
by ex_tac; exact: (zprod2_pr2 xN).
Definition zmap f a b := sub f (zprod2 a b) /\
(forall x, inc x (a \cup b)-> exists !z, inc z f /\ inc x z).
Definition ziequivalent a b := disjoint a b /\ exists f, zmap f a b.
Lemma zmap_example1 a b: a <> b ->
let A := singleton a in
let B := singleton b in
zmap (singleton (doubleton a b)) A B.
move=> nab A B; rewrite /A/B.
move: (setU2_11 a b); set (u := doubleton a b) => aux.
by move=> t /set1_P ->; apply /zprod2_P; rewrite aux /u;split => //;
[exists a | exists b]; apply:set1_pr; try (apply /setI2_P;split;fprops);
move => z /setI2_P [_] /set1_P.
rewrite aux; move=> x xu; exists u; split => //; first split; fprops.
by move => t [] /set1_P.
Lemma zmap_example2 a b c d: let A := doubleton a b in
let B := doubleton c d in
disjoint A B -> a <> b -> c <> d ->
zmap (doubleton (doubleton a c) (doubleton b d)) A B.
move=> A B dab nab ncd.
move: dab; rewrite /disjoint /A/B=> ie.
have nac: a <> c. move => ac; empty_tac1 a; rewrite ac; fprops.
have nad: a <> d by move => ac; empty_tac1 a;rewrite ac; fprops.
have nbc: b <> c by move => ac; empty_tac1 b;rewrite ac; fprops.
have nbd: b <> d by move => ac; empty_tac1 b;rewrite ac; fprops.
have Hx: forall x y z, y <> z ->
singletonp (intersection2 (doubleton x y) (doubleton x z)).
move=> x y z yz; exists x; apply: set1_pr; first by fprops.
move => t /setI2_P []/set2_P; case => // -> /set2_P; case => //.
move=> t t1; apply / zprod2_P; case /set2_P: t1 => ->; split => //;
try (move => w /set2_P; case => ->; fprops).
by apply: Hx; apply: nesym.
by rewrite (set2_C a c); apply: Hx.
by rewrite (set2_C a b); apply: Hx; apply:nesym.
by rewrite set2_C (set2_C c d); apply: Hx.
have ->: ((doubleton a b) \cup (doubleton c d)) =
(doubleton a c) \cup (doubleton b d).
set_extens t => /setU2_P; case => /set2_P; case => ->; fprops.
move => x xu; apply /unique_existence; split.
case /setU2_P: xu => h;
[ exists (doubleton a c) | exists (doubleton b d) ]; split;fprops.
move=> u v [] /set2_P pa qa [] /set2_P pb qb; move: qa qb.
have aux: inc x (doubleton a c) -> inc x (doubleton b d) -> False.
by case /set2_P => ->; case /set2_P => //; apply:nesym.
by case: pa => ->; case: pb =>-> // qc qd; case: aux.
Lemma zequiv_example1 a b: a <> b ->
ziequivalent (singleton a) (singleton b).
move=> ab; split; first by apply: disjoint_pr => u /set1_P -> /set1_P.
exists (singleton (doubleton a b)); apply: (zmap_example1 ab).
Lemma zequiv_example2 a b c d: let A := doubleton a b in
let B := doubleton c d in
disjoint A B -> a <> b -> c <> d ->
ziequivalent A B.
move=> A B dAB nab ncd; split => //.
exists (doubleton (doubleton a c) (doubleton b d)); by apply: zmap_example2.
Definition zbijective F a b :=
[/\ (forall x, inc x a -> inc (F x) b) ,
(forall x x', inc x a -> inc x' a -> F x = F x' -> x = x') &
(forall y, inc y b -> exists2 x, inc x a & F x = y)].
Lemma is_singleton_int a b c:
inc c a -> inc c b -> (forall u, inc u a-> inc u b -> u = c) ->
singletonp (a \cap b).
move=> ca cb h;exists c; apply: set1_pr; first by fprops.
by move => t /setI2_P [pa pb]; apply : h.
Lemma zmap_example3 F a b: disjoint a b -> zbijective F a b ->
ziequivalent a b.
move=> dab [pa pb pc]; split => //.
set (f := Zo (powerset (union2 a b)) (fun z => exists2 x, inc x a &
z = doubleton x (F x))).
red in dab.
exists f; split.
move=> t => /Zo_P [] /setP_P tu [x xa td]; apply /zprod2_P.
move: (pa _ xa)=> fb; split => //.
apply: (@is_singleton_int _ _ x) => //; first by rewrite td;fprops.
rewrite td => u;case/set2_P =>// qa qb; empty_tac1 u.
apply /setI2_P;split => //;ue.
apply: (@is_singleton_int _ _ (F x)) => //; first by rewrite td;fprops.
rewrite td => u; case /set2_P =>// qa qb; empty_tac1 u.
apply /setI2_P;split => //;ue.
move=> x; aw => xu; apply /unique_existence; split.
case /setU2_P: xu => xu.
exists (doubleton x (F x)); split; last by fprops.
apply: Zo_i; last by ex_tac.
apply /setP_P;move => t;case /set2_P=> ->; [ fprops | apply /setU2_P].
by right; apply: pa.
move: (pc _ xu)=> [z za Fz]; exists (doubleton z x);split;fprops.
apply: Zo_i; first by apply /setP_P;move=> t; case /set2_P=> ->; fprops.
ex_tac; ue.
move=> u v [uf xz] [yf xy].
move: uf yf => /Zo_P [] /setP_P uu [z za zu] /Zo_P [] /setP_P vy [w wa vw].
move: xz xy;rewrite zu vw; case /set2_P => xpa; case /set2_P=> xpb.
by rewrite -xpa -xpb.
by empty_tac1 x; apply /setI2_P;split => //; ue.
by empty_tac1 x; apply /setI2_P; split => //; ue; rewrite xpa; apply: pa.
by rewrite xpa in xpb; rewrite (pb _ _ za wa xpb).
Lemma zmap_symm f a b: zmap f a b -> zmap f b a.
Proof. rewrite /zmap setU2_C /zprod2 set2_C //. Qed.
Lemma zequiv_symm a b: ziequivalent a b -> ziequivalent b a.
move => []; rewrite /disjoint setI2_C; move=> h [f zf].
by move: (zmap_symm zf) => zf1; split => //; exists f.
Lemma zmap_pr1 f a b: zmap f a b -> union f = a \cup b.
move=> [pa pb]; set_extens t.
move /setU_P => [y ty yf]; move: (pa _ yf) => /zprod2_P.
by move=> [yu _ _]; apply: yu.
move => tu; move: (pb _ tu) => [z [[zf xz] _]]; union_tac.
Definition zmap_aux f x := select (fun z => inc x z) f.
Lemma zmap_aux_pr1 f a b x:
zmap f a b -> inc x (a \cup b) ->
(inc (zmap_aux f x) f /\ inc x (zmap_aux f x)).
move=> [pa pb] xu; move: (pb _ xu) => [u [[ta tb] pd]].
have h: singl_val2 (inc^~ f) (fun z => inc x z).
by move => t y sa sb sc sd; rewrite -(pd _ (conj sa sb)) -(pd _ (conj sc sd)).
rewrite /zmap_aux - (select_uniq h ta tb);split => //.
Lemma zmap_aux_pr2 f a b x y:
zmap f a b -> inc x (a \cup b) -> inc y f -> inc x y
-> y = (zmap_aux f x).
move => zm xu yf xy;move: (zmap_aux_pr1 zm xu) => [pa pb].
move: zm=> [_ pc]; move: (pc _ xu) => [z [zx unq]].
by rewrite - (unq _ (conj yf xy)) (unq _ (conj pa pb)).
Lemma zmap_aux_pr3a f a b x y:
zmap f a b -> inc x f -> inc y f -> zpr x a = zpr y a
-> x = y.
move=> zm xf yf szp; move: (zm) => [pa pb].
have zxu: (inc (zpr x a) (union2 a b)).
by apply: setU2_1; apply: (zprod2_pr0aa (pa _ xf)).
have zyu: (inc (zpr y a) (union2 a b)) by ue.
rewrite (zmap_aux_pr2 zm zxu xf (zprod2_pr0ax (pa _ xf))).
by rewrite (zmap_aux_pr2 zm zyu yf (zprod2_pr0ax (pa _ yf))) szp.
Lemma zmap_aux_pr3b f a b x y:
zmap f a b -> inc x f -> inc y f -> zpr x b = zpr y b
-> x = y.
Proof. move=> zm; apply: (zmap_aux_pr3a (zmap_symm zm)). Qed.
Definition zmap_val f a x:= zpr (zmap_aux f x) a.
Lemma zmap_val_pr1a f a b x: zmap f a b -> inc x (a \cup b) ->
inc (zmap_val f a x) a.
move=> zm xu;move: (zmap_aux_pr1 zm xu) => [pc pd].
move: (zm) => [pa pb]; apply: (zprod2_pr0aa (pa _ pc)).
Lemma zmap_val_pr1b f a b x: zmap f a b -> inc x (a \cup b) ->
inc (zmap_val f b x) b.
move => zmf xu; move: (zmap_aux_pr1 zmf xu) => [zf xz].
move: zmf => [pa pb];move: (pa _ zf); apply: zprod2_pr0bb.
Lemma zmap_val_pr2a f a b x: zmap f a b -> inc x a ->
(zmap_val f a x) = x.
move => cx xa.
have xu: (inc x (union2 a b)) by apply: setU2_1.
move : (zmap_aux_pr1 cx xu) => [zf xz]; move: cx => [pa pb].
symmetry; apply: (zprod2_pr1a (pa _ zf) xa xz).
Lemma zmap_val_pr2b f a b x: zmap f a b -> inc x b ->
(zmap_val f b x) = x.
move => cx xb.
have xu: (inc x (union2 a b)) by apply: setU2_2.
move : (zmap_aux_pr1 cx xu) => [zf xz]; move: cx => [pa pb].
symmetry; apply: (zprod2_pr1b (pa _ zf) xb xz).
Lemma zmap_val_pr3a f a b x: zmap f a b -> inc x a ->
(zmap_val f a (zmap_val f b x)) = x.
move=> zm xa.
have xu: inc x (union2 a b) by apply: setU2_1.
move: (zmap_aux_pr1 zm xu) => [zf xz].
move: (zm) => [pa pb]; move: (pa _ zf) => xx.
move: (zprod2_pr1 xx) => [pc pd].
set (t := zmap_val f b x); set y := zmap_aux f x.
have: inc t (y \cap b) by rewrite pd; fprops.
move /setI2_P => [ta1 ta2].
have tab: (inc t (a \cup b)) by apply: setU2_2.
suff: y = zmap_aux f t.
rewrite /zmap_val; move => <-;symmetry; apply: (zprod2_pr1a (pa _ zf) xa xz).
apply: (zmap_aux_pr2 zm tab zf ta1).
Lemma zmap_val_pr3b f a b x: zmap f a b -> inc x b ->
(zmap_val f b (zmap_val f a x)) = x.
move => zm; have: (zmap f b a) by apply: zmap_symm.
apply: zmap_val_pr3a.
Lemma zmap_bijective f a b: zmap f a b ->
zbijective (zmap_val f b) a b.
move=> zm; rewrite /zbijective; split => //.
move=> x xa; apply: (zmap_val_pr1b zm (setU2_1 b xa)).
move=> x x' xa x'a sv; move: (f_equal (zmap_val f a) sv).
rewrite zmap_val_pr3a // zmap_val_pr3a //.
move=> y yb; exists ( zmap_val f a y).
by apply: (zmap_val_pr1a zm); apply /setU2_2.
by apply: zmap_val_pr3b.
Lemma zmap_setP a b: exists s,
forall f, zmap f a b <-> inc f s.
exists (Zo (powerset (zprod2 a b)) (fun z => zmap z a b)).
move=> f; split; last by move => /Zo_P [].
by move => h; apply /Zo_P;split => //; apply /setP_P;move: h => [].
Lemma sub_disjoint a b a' b':
disjoint a b -> sub a' a -> sub b' b -> disjoint a' b'.
move=> di sa sb; apply: disjoint_pr => u ua ub.
red in di; empty_tac1 u; aw;split => //.
Lemma zmap_sub f a b a': zmap f a b -> sub a' a ->
exists f' b', [/\ sub f' f, sub b' b & zmap f' a' b'].
move=> zm saa.
move: (zm) => [pa pb].
set (f' := Zo f (fun z => inc (zpr z a) a')).
set (b':= Zo b (fun z => exists2 x, inc x f' & z = zpr x b)).
have sf: sub f' f by apply: Zo_S.
have sb: sub b' b by apply: Zo_S.
exists f'; exists b'; split => //.
have pc: (forall y, inc y f' -> y = doubleton (zpr y a) (zpr y b)).
by move=> y yf'; apply: zprod2_pr2; apply: pa; apply: sf.
move => x xf'.
have ha: inc x (zprod2 a b) by apply: pa; apply: sf.
have hb: (inc (zpr x a) a') by move: xf' => /Zo_P [].
have hc: (inc (zpr x b) b') by apply: Zo_i; [apply:(zprod2_pr0bb ha)| ex_tac].
move: (zprod2_pr1 ha) => [pd pe].
apply /zprod2_P;split => //.
rewrite (pc _ xf'); move=> t;case /set2_P => ->; fprops.
apply: (@is_singleton_int _ _ (zpr x a)) => //.
apply: (@setI2_1 _ a); rewrite pd; fprops.
move=> u ux ua'.
have : (inc u (x \cap a)) by fprops.
by rewrite pd => /set1_P.
apply: (@is_singleton_int _ _ (zpr x b)) => //.
apply: (@setI2_1 _ b); rewrite pe; fprops.
move=> u ux ua'.
have : (inc u (x \cap b)) by fprops.
by rewrite pe => /set1_P.
move=> x xu.
have xu': (inc x (a \cup b)) by move: xu; case /setU2_P => xs; fprops.
move: (zmap_aux_pr1 zm xu') => [pd pe]; exists (zmap_aux f x); split.
split => //. apply: Zo_i => //.
move: xu; case /setU2_P => xs.
by move: (zmap_val_pr2a zm (saa _ xs)); rewrite /zmap_val; move => ->.
move: xs => /Zo_P [xb [z zf' xv]].
move: zf' => /Zo_P [pf pg].
have <- //: (z = zmap_aux f x).
apply: (zmap_aux_pr2 zm xu' pf); rewrite xv; apply: (zprod2_pr0bx (pa _ pf)).
move=> u [uf' ux]; move: (pb _ xu') => [z [zv zu]].
by rewrite - (zu _ (conj pd pe)) (zu _ (conj (sf _ uf') ux)).
Lemma zequiv_sub a b a': ziequivalent a b -> sub a' a ->
exists b', (sub b' b /\ ziequivalent a' b').
move=> [pa [f zm]] a'a.
move: (zmap_sub zm a'a) => [f' [b' [pb pc pd]]]; exists b';split => //.
split; [ apply: (sub_disjoint pa a'a pc) | by exists f'].
Lemma zmap_transitive a b c: disjoint a c ->
ziequivalent a b -> ziequivalent b c -> ziequivalent a c.
move=> dac [dab [f zmf]] [dbc [g zmg]].
move: (zmap_bijective zmf) (zmap_bijective zmg) => [pa pb pc][pd pe pf].
set (f1 := zmap_val f b); set (f2 := zmap_val g c).
set (h := fun x => f2 (f1 x)).
suff : (zbijective h a c) by apply: (zmap_example3 dac).
split => //; first by move=> x xa; apply: pd; apply: pa.
move=> y yc; move: (pf _ yc) => [x xb xb1].
by move: (pc _ xb) => [u ua uv]; ex_tac; rewrite - xb1 -uv.
Lemma disjointness M: exists N,
sub N M /\ ~ inc N M.
set (N := Zo M (fun x => ~ (inc x x))).
have NM: (sub N M) by apply: Zo_S.
exists N; split => //; move=> nm.
have aux: (~ (inc N N))by move=> bad; move: (bad) => /Zo_P [].
by apply: (aux); apply: Zo_i.
Lemma disjointness1 M N: exists r,
let M1 := zprod2 M (singleton r) in
[/\ ~ (inc r M) , disjoint M M1 & disjoint N M1].
move: (disjointness (M \cup (union (M \cup N)))) => [K [pa pb]].
have : (~ (inc K (union (M \cup N)))) by dneg k; fprops.
have kM: (~ inc K M) by dneg km; fprops.
have d1: (disjoint (union2 M N) (zprod2 M (singleton K))).
apply: disjoint_pr => u uu us.
move: (zprod_singleton kM) => [pc pd]; move: (pd _ us) => [v vM ud].
case: pb; apply: setU2_2; apply /setU_P; exists u => //; rewrite ud; fprops.
by red in d1;move=> nku;exists K; simpl;split => //;
apply: disjoint_pr => u um aux; empty_tac1 xx; aw.
Lemma zmap_example4 M r:
let N := zprod2 M (singleton r) in
~ (inc r M) -> disjoint M N ->
ziequivalent M N.
move=> N h1 h2.
move: (zprod_singleton h1) => [pa pb].
suff : (zbijective (fun x => doubleton x r) M N) by apply: (zmap_example3 h2).
split => //.
move=> x x' xM xM' sf.
have : (inc x (doubleton x r)) by fprops.
rewrite sf;case /set2_P => // aux;case: h1; ue.
by move=> y yN; move: (pb _ yN) => [x xM xv]; exists x.
Lemma zequiv_example4 M N: exists M',
disjoint N M' /\ ziequivalent M M'.
move: (disjointness1 M N) => [r [a pa pb]].
by exists (zprod2 M (singleton r)); split => //; apply: zmap_example4.
Lemma zequiv_empty M: ziequivalent M emptyset -> M = emptyset.
move=> [_ [f zm]]; apply /set0_P => x xM.
have xu: (inc x (union2 M emptyset)) by move: zm => [pa pb]; fprops.
move: (zmap_val_pr1b zm xu); case; case.
Lemma zequiv_no_graph M: nonempty M ->
~ (exists S, forall M', ziequivalent M M' -> inc M' S).
move=> nM [S hs].
move: (zequiv_example4 M (union S)) => [M' [ds emm']].
move: (hs _ emm') => ms'.
case: (emptyset_dichot M') => me.
rewrite me in emm'; move: (zequiv_empty emm') => em.
by move: nM; rewrite em; case /nonemptyP.
move: me => [x xm]; empty_tac1 x; union_tac.
Definition zequiv M N := exists2 R, ziequivalent M R & ziequivalent N R.
Lemma zequiv_reflexive M: zequiv M M.
Proof. by move: (zequiv_example4 M M) =>[N [_ nv]]; exists N. Qed.
Lemma zequiv_symmetric M N:
zequiv M N -> zequiv N M.
Proof. by move=> [f [fa fb]]; exists f. Qed.
Lemma zequiv_transitive M N P:
zequiv M N -> zequiv N P -> zequiv M P.
move=> [f fa fb] [g ga gb].
move: (zequiv_example4 f (g \cup (P \cup (M \cup N)))) => [h [hd he]].
red in hd.
exists h => //.
have d1: (disjoint M h) by apply: disjoint_pr => u uM uh; empty_tac1 u; aw.
exact: (zmap_transitive d1 fa he).
have d2: (disjoint N h) by apply: disjoint_pr => u uM uh; empty_tac1 u; aw.
move: (zmap_transitive d2 fb he) => Nh.
have d3: (disjoint g h) by apply: disjoint_pr => u uM uh; empty_tac1 u; aw.
move: (zmap_transitive d3 (zequiv_symm ga) Nh) => gh.
have d4: (disjoint P h) by apply: disjoint_pr => u uM uh; empty_tac1 u; aw.
exact (zmap_transitive d4 gb gh).
End Exercise5.