5. Bigloo
A practical Scheme compiler (4.3g)
User manual for version 4.3g
December 2019 -- DSSSL support
Bigloo supports extensions for the Dsssl expression language [Dsssl96]:

  • Keywords. Bigloo supports full Dsssl keywords.
  • Named constants. Bigloo implements the three Dsssl named constants: #!optional, #!rest and #!key.
  • Dsssl formal argument lists.
In addition, Bigloo extends DSSSL formal parameters. It supports #!rest argument following !key arguments. In that case, the #!rest formal parameter is bound to the list of non-keyword values.

5.1 DSSSL formal argument lists

Dsssl formal argument lists are defined by the following grammar:

<formal-argument-list> ==> <required-formal-argument>*
  [(#!optional <optional-formal-argument>*)]
  [(#!rest <rest-formal-argument>)]
  [(#!key <key-formal-argument>*) (#!rest <rest-formal-argument>?)]
<required-formal-argument> ==> <ieee-ident>
<optional-formal-argument> ==> <ieee-ident>
     | (<ieee-ident> <initializer>)
<rest-formal-argument> ==> <ieee-ident>
<key-formal-argument> ==> <ieee-ident>
     | (<ieee-ident> <initializer>)
<initializer> ==> <expr>
When a procedure is applied to a list of actual arguments, the formal and actual arguments are processed from left to right as follows:

  • Variables in required-formal-arguments are bound to successive actual arguments starting with the first actual argument. It shall be an error if there are fewer actual arguments than required-formal-arguments.

  • Next, variables in optional-formal-arguments are bound to any remaining actual arguments. If there are fewer remaining actual arguments than optional-formal-arguments, then variables are bound to the result of the evaluation of initializer, if one was specified, and otherwise to #f. The initializer is evaluated in an environment in which all previous optional formal arguments have been bound.

  • If there is a rest-formal-argument, then it is bound to a list of all remaining actual arguments. The remaining actual arguments are also eligible to be bound to keyword-formal-arguments. If there is no rest-formal-argument and there are no keyword-formal-arguments, the it shall be an error if there are any remaining actual arguments.

  • If #!key was specified in the formal-argument-list, there shall be an even number of remaining actual arguments. These are interpreted as a series of pairs, where the first member of each pair is a keyword specifying the argument name, and the second is the corresponding value. It shall be an error if the first member of a pair is not a keyword. It shall be an error if the argument name is not the same as a variable in a keyword-formal-argument, unless there is a rest-formal-argument. If the same argument name occurs more than once in the list of actual arguments, then the first value is used. If there is no actual argument for a particular keyword-formal-argument, then the variable is bound to the result of evaluating initializer if one was specified, and otherwise #f. The initializer is evaluated in an environment in which all previous formal key arguments have been bound.

  • If #!rest was specified in the formal-argument-list after a #!key formal parameter, it is bound to the list of optional non-keyword arguments.

It shall be an error for an <ieee-ident> to appear more than once in a formal-argument-list.


((lambda (x y #!rest z) z)
 3 4 5 6)                    => (5 6)
((lambda (x y #!optional z #!rest r #!key i (j 1)) 
    (list x y z i: i j: j))
 3 4 5 i: 6 i: 7)            => (3 4 5 i: 6 j: 1)
((lambda (x y #!optional z #!key i (j 1) #!rest r) 
    (list x y z i: i j: j r))
 3 4 5 i: 6 i: 7 8 9)        => (3 4 5 i: 6 j: 1 (8 9))

5.2 Modules and DSSSL formal argument lists

Functions using Dsssl formal argument lists can be exported or imported in the same way as all regular Bigloo functions. When exporting such a Dsssl function the exact prototype of the function must be duplicated in the export clause. That is, for instance, the exportation prototype for the function:

(define (foo x y #!optional z #!key i (j 1)) ...)

(export (foo x y #!optional z #!key i (j 1)))

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Last update Mon Dec 9 13:24:30 2019.