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Slice Camera 2D

A Slice Camera 2D is a Camera2D dedicated to display sliceable objects.
Therefore, it has the same caracteristics of a 2D Camera and only the new features will be presented.

Sliceable objects are usually 3D objects defined as a superimposition of 2D objects. Typically, 3D images are sliceable objects (superimposition of 2D images).

The visualization of such objects is possible thanks to a scale which let you navigate in the volume, each step corresponding to a slice.

This is what you get when you create a new 2D Slice Camera.

Figure 15: Slice Camera 2D object and its Slice menu

There is a new Slice menu.

Function Description
View Image let you visualize an image you already loaded
Zoom zoom the view of the camera
Slice let you choose the geometry of the slice when displaying an image
record camera... make a movie
reset visible region reset the visible region
set visible region... let you choose a region you want to visualize more precisely
activate let the navigation scale move by itself (usefull when making a movie)
destroy destroy the Slice Camera

An Inrimage is a typically sliceable objects. If it is a 2D image, the number of slice is 1, whereas if it is a 3D image, the number of slices may be over. To resume, any 3D sliceable object may be viewed in a slicecam 2D.

Beside is an example in which we visualize an image
of the brain. This image is composed of 48 slices (256x256).
There is a cursor to travel among the slices.
Here, we are viewing the 26th slice.
Moreover, two sliders enable to change intensity
range of the image.
Slice Camera 2D object and its Slice menu

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Jean-Didier Lemarechal 2002-02-14