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Camera 2D

This is what you get when you create a new 2D camera.

Figure 13: Camera 2D menu

In the 2D camera interface, two menus are available: the File menu and the Display menu. A third menu, Objects, let you select the current active object among all the objects present in the 2D scene the camera is looking at.
The Start Computation button let you start the evolution of the scene which effect is to iterate all the Deformable Models of the Scene. If any is present, nothing happens.


Suppose you want to view a 2D contour, saved in a file. You will be able to load it from the 2D camera with the Create Object From File command. Then, after having selected this object in the Objects menu, a new menu associated with the new object appears under the precedent menu.

In the next example, we have loaded two 2D contours. The first one was a square which some vertices have been moved, and the second is the circle around. The Object menu of the 2D camera let choose which 2D contour is the active one. Then, the menu associated with the object let you work with the object you selected. Then, you can performed the disponible operations with the selected object.

Figure 14: Camera 2D object menu

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Jean-Didier Lemarechal 2002-02-14