In file tetrahedrisation/TetraZone3D.h:

class TetraZone3D : public ListElement<TetraZone3D>

Zone class of a 3D Tetrahedrisation


Public Methods

inline const TclString& getName (void) const
returns zone name
inline unsigned int getRef (void) const
returns zone reference number
inline Tetra3D* getTetrahedrisation () const
get the mesh containing the zone
void setName (const TclString& n)
set new zone name
void setRef (unsigned int r)
set the zone unique reference
void tetrahedronRemoved (TetraTetrahedron3D *tetra)
removes a tetrahedrom from the list
void newTetrahedron (TetraTetrahedron3D *tetra)
adds a tetrahedron to the tetrahedron list
void apply (void (TetraVertex3D::*ptr)(void))
apply vertex member function on each zone vertex
void apply (void (TetraVertex3D::*ptr)(const double), const double val)
apply vertex member function on each zone vertex
void expand ()
morphological operator that expands the zone to its neighbors
void shrink ()
morphological operator that shrinks the zone
bool remove (int force=0)
remove the zone by destroying its tetrahedra
std::list <TetraTetrahedron3D *> ::iterator getFirstTetrahedron ()
returns the first element of the list of tetrahedra
std::list <TetraTetrahedron3D *> ::iterator getLastTetrahedron ()
returns the last element of the list of tetrahedra


TetraZone3D (Tetra3D *mesh, const TclString& name)
virtual ~TetraZone3D ()
deletes zone

Protected Fields

TclString name
zone name
Tetra3D* tetrahedrisation
triangulation where the zone belongs to
unsigned int ref
zone unique reference
std::list <TetraTetrahedron3D *> tetrahedronList
tetrahedron list of the zone


Zone class of a 3D Tetrahedrisation
TclString name
zone name

Tetra3D* tetrahedrisation
triangulation where the zone belongs to

unsigned int ref
zone unique reference

std::list <TetraTetrahedron3D *> tetrahedronList
tetrahedron list of the zone


TetraZone3D(Tetra3D *mesh, const TclString& name)
mesh - zone tetrahedrisation
name - zone name


virtual ~TetraZone3D()
deletes zone

inline const TclString& getName(void) const
returns zone name

inline unsigned int getRef(void) const
returns zone reference number

inline Tetra3D* getTetrahedrisation() const
get the mesh containing the zone

void setName(const TclString& n)
set new zone name
n - new zone name

void setRef(unsigned int r)
set the zone unique reference

void tetrahedronRemoved(TetraTetrahedron3D *tetra)
removes a tetrahedrom from the list
tetra - tetrahedron to remove from the list

void newTetrahedron(TetraTetrahedron3D *tetra)
adds a tetrahedron to the tetrahedron list
tetra - tetrahedron to add in list

void apply(void (TetraVertex3D::*ptr)(void))
apply vertex member function on each zone vertex
ptr - vertex member function without any arguments

void apply(void (TetraVertex3D::*ptr)(const double), const double val)
apply vertex member function on each zone vertex
ptr - vertex member function with a double value argument
val - the argument passed to the member function

void expand()
morphological operator that expands the zone to its neighbors

void shrink()
morphological operator that shrinks the zone

bool remove(int force=0)
remove the zone by destroying its tetrahedra

std::list <TetraTetrahedron3D *> ::iterator getFirstTetrahedron()
returns the first element of the list of tetrahedra

std::list <TetraTetrahedron3D *> ::iterator getLastTetrahedron()
returns the last element of the list of tetrahedra

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling