In file tetrahedrisation/TetraEdge3D.h:

namespace yav class TetraEdge3D

Edge class of a 3D Tetrahedrisation


Public Classes

enum IntersectionStatus
enum for labeling each edge when computing its intersection with a plane
template class TriangleEdgeIterator
iterator on adjacent tetrahedra of an edge
const TetraEdge3D* edge
the edge around which
TetraTriangle3D* currentTriangle
the current triangle
TetraTetrahedron3D* currentTetrahedron
the current triangle
bool updated
whether the iterator has been modified
void next ()
find next triangle and tetrahedron
void previous ()
find previous triangle and tetrahedron
TriangleEdgeIterator (const TetraEdge3D *e)
constructor builds a triangle iterator around an edge
~TriangleEdgeIterator ()
delete triangle iterator
bool isAtEnd () const
test we have done a complete turn around the vertex
T* operator) (void)
returns current triangle
T* operator++ (void)
set iterator on next triangle and returns it
T* operator++ (int)
returns current triangle then set iterator on next one
T* operator-- (void)
set iterator on previous triangle and returns it
T* operator-- (int)
returns current triangle then set iterator on previous one
TetraTetrahedron3D* getTetrahedron () const
returns the tetrahedron adjacent to the edge

Public Methods

inline bool isReal () const
test if the edge is real (ie is vertex[0] is real)
Tetra3D* getTetrahedrisation () const
returns the mesh containing the edge
void setVertex (int i, TetraVertex3D* v)
set the value of vertex[i]
inline TetraVertex3D* getVertex (const unsigned int i) const
returns the vertex number i (i=0 or 1 )
inline TetraTriangle3D* getTriangle () const
returns an adjacent triangle
inline unsigned int getRef () const
returns the edge unique reference
void setRef (unsigned int r)
set the edge unique reference
inline int vertexIndex (TetraVertex3D* v)
vertex index
virtual bool remove ()
remove the edge and surrounding tetrahedra
TetraTriangle3D* getAdjacentVirtualTriangle ()
getAdjacentVirtualVertex (if any)
TetraVertex3D* getAdjacentVirtualVertex ()
getAdjacentVirtualVertex (if any)
void refineEdge ()
refine the neighboring of the edge
void split ()


TetraEdge3D (Tetra3D *mesh, TetraVertex3D *v0, TetraVertex3D *v1)
3D edge constructor
virtual ~TetraEdge3D ()
delete edge

Protected Fields

Tetra3D* tetrahedrisation
the mesh containing the vertex
TetraTriangle3D* triangle
one triangle adjacent to that edge
bool isDivided
unsigned short label
label that is used to computed plane intersection
unsigned int ref
unique reference of the edge

Protected Methods

virtual void setProperties ()
set edge properties
void setTriangle (TetraTriangle3D *t)
set the adjacent triangle

Private Fields

TetraVertex3D* vertex [2]
the two vertices of the edge
TetraEdge3DIterator edgeListIndex
an iterator pointing to this edge in edgeList


Edge class of a 3D Tetrahedrisation
enum IntersectionStatus
enum for labeling each edge when computing its intersection with a plane

Tetra3D* tetrahedrisation
the mesh containing the vertex

TetraVertex3D* vertex[2]
the two vertices of the edge

TetraEdge3DIterator edgeListIndex
an iterator pointing to this edge in edgeList

TetraTriangle3D* triangle
one triangle adjacent to that edge

bool isDivided

unsigned short label
label that is used to computed plane intersection

unsigned int ref
unique reference of the edge

virtual void setProperties()
set edge properties

void setTriangle(TetraTriangle3D *t)
set the adjacent triangle


TetraEdge3D(Tetra3D *mesh, TetraVertex3D *v0, TetraVertex3D *v1)
3D edge constructor
mesh - tetrahedrisation containing the edge
v0 - , v1 the vertices


virtual ~TetraEdge3D()
delete edge

inline bool isReal() const
test if the edge is real (ie is vertex[0] is real)

Tetra3D* getTetrahedrisation() const
returns the mesh containing the edge

void setVertex(int i, TetraVertex3D* v)
set the value of vertex[i]

inline TetraVertex3D* getVertex(const unsigned int i) const
returns the vertex number i (i=0 or 1 )

inline TetraTriangle3D* getTriangle() const
returns an adjacent triangle

inline unsigned int getRef() const
returns the edge unique reference

void setRef(unsigned int r)
set the edge unique reference

inline int vertexIndex(TetraVertex3D* v)
vertex index

virtual bool remove()
remove the edge and surrounding tetrahedra
a boolean indicating if the edge has been removed or not

TetraTriangle3D* getAdjacentVirtualTriangle()
getAdjacentVirtualVertex (if any)

TetraVertex3D* getAdjacentVirtualVertex()
getAdjacentVirtualVertex (if any)

void refineEdge()
refine the neighboring of the edge

void split()

template class TriangleEdgeIterator
iterator on adjacent tetrahedra of an edge

const TetraEdge3D* edge
the edge around which

TetraTriangle3D* currentTriangle
the current triangle

TetraTetrahedron3D* currentTetrahedron
the current triangle

bool updated
whether the iterator has been modified

void next()
find next triangle and tetrahedron

void previous()
find previous triangle and tetrahedron


TriangleEdgeIterator(const TetraEdge3D *e)
constructor builds a triangle iterator around an edge
e - the edge to iterate around


delete triangle iterator

bool isAtEnd() const
test we have done a complete turn around the vertex

T* operator)(void)
returns current triangle

T* operator++(void)
set iterator on next triangle and returns it

T* operator++(int)
returns current triangle then set iterator on next one

T* operator--(void)
set iterator on previous triangle and returns it

T* operator--(int)
returns current triangle then set iterator on previous one

TetraTetrahedron3D* getTetrahedron() const
returns the tetrahedron adjacent to the edge

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling