In file SM2/SM2Contour3D.h:

class SM2Contour3D : public ActiveContour3D, public ListElement<SM2Contour3D>

a 3D contour of a simplex mesh : each contour vertex and edge are vertices and edges of a simplex mesh


Public Classes

class CannotCreateContour : public Exception
An exception class that is thrown when it impossible to build a contour on a 2-simplex mesh for topological reasons
CannotCreateContour (const std::string &from)
Build the exception class from a string

Public Fields

typedef Contour::VertexIterator <SM2VertexContour3D> VertexIterator
SM2Contour3D vertices iterator type

Public Methods

SM2* getSM2 () const
returns the 2-simplex mesh associated with this contour
VertexIterator firstVertex (void) const
returns an iterator initialized on the first vertex of this contour
std::pair <SM2Face *,SM2Face *> cutAlongContour ()
cut a simplex mesh along this contour a return one of the created faces
TclSM2Contour3D* getInterface (void) const
returns simplex mesh interface


virtual ~SM2Contour3D ()

Protected Fields

SM2* mesh
the 2-simplex mesh associated with this contour

Private Methods

virtual void translate (const Vec3& t)
translate the contour
virtual void scale (const double scale)
scale the active contour
virtual void rotate (const Rotation3D &rotation)
rotate the active contour


SM2Contour3D (SM2 *_mesh)
builds a contour (without any vertices ) given a 2-simplex mesh
SM2Contour3D (SM2 *_mesh, std::list < SM2Vertex *> &contourVertexList, ContourLine::Topology top) throw(ContourLine3D::EmptyLine)
builds a contour given a list of vertices on a 2-simplex mesh corresponding to one single connected component


a 3D contour of a simplex mesh : each contour vertex and edge are vertices and edges of a simplex mesh
class CannotCreateContour: public Exception
An exception class that is thrown when it impossible to build a contour on a 2-simplex mesh for topological reasons


CannotCreateContour(const std::string &from)
Build the exception class from a string
from - the string explaining why the contour cannot be created

SM2* mesh
the 2-simplex mesh associated with this contour

SM2* getSM2() const
returns the 2-simplex mesh associated with this contour


virtual ~SM2Contour3D()


SM2Contour3D(SM2 *_mesh)
builds a contour (without any vertices ) given a 2-simplex mesh
_mesh - the 2-simplex mesh where the contour is embedded

SM2Contour3D(SM2 *_mesh, std::list < SM2Vertex *> &contourVertexList, ContourLine::Topology top) throw(ContourLine3D::EmptyLine)
builds a contour given a list of vertices on a 2-simplex mesh corresponding to one single connected component
ContourLine3D ::EmptyLine thrown when the list "contourVertexList" does not properly describe a contour *
_mesh - the 2-simplex mesh where the contour is embedded
contourVertexList - a list of vertices such that following and previous items for each vertex on the list are neighbors of that vertex. If the contour is closest then the first and last list vertices must be neighbors.
top - the topology of the contour

virtual void translate(const Vec3& t)
translate the contour

virtual void scale(const double scale)
scale the active contour

virtual void rotate(const Rotation3D &rotation)
rotate the active contour

typedef Contour::VertexIterator <SM2VertexContour3D> VertexIterator
SM2Contour3D vertices iterator type

VertexIterator firstVertex(void) const
returns an iterator initialized on the first vertex of this contour

std::pair <SM2Face *,SM2Face *> cutAlongContour()
cut a simplex mesh along this contour a return one of the created faces

TclSM2Contour3D* getInterface(void) const
returns simplex mesh interface

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling