In file No file:

void ternarize ( Inrimage *inr, Inrimage::WORD_TYPE type, Voxel *lt, Voxel *ht, Voxel *bg, Voxel *lf, Voxel *hf ) throw( ErrTypeMismatch )

Applies a double thresholding on this image


Applies a double thresholding on this image. We call v a pixel of the input image and w its corresponding pixel in the output image. If a pixel value v < lt then w is set to background. If lt <= v < ht then w is set to lf and if v>= ht then w is set to hf
type - new inrimage type
lt - low threshold
ht - high threshold
bg - background value
lf - low foreground
hf - high foreground

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling