In file No file:

Inrimage* resampleDefCSpline ( Inrimage *inr, Inrimage *defx, Inrimage *defy, Inrimage *defz, Matrix4x4 &mat, Inrimage::WORD_TYPE wt, RESAMPLE_FILTER_DERIVATIVE derivative[3] )

Resampling function with 4x4 matrix and deformations


Resampling function with 4x4 matrix and deformations. We first apply the 4x4 matrix and then the field of deformations. It is equivalent to resample it with the 4x4 matrix and the resample the new image with the deformation field and an identity matrix. The interpolation is of cubic spline type.Inversing the matrix and the field may be necessary depending on what you do. It returns a new resampled image.
a new image which the input image resampled with mat
inr - image to be resampled
defx - x image of 3D field deformation ( floating image )
defy - y image of 3D field deformation ( floating image )
defz - z image of 3D field deformation ( floating image )
mat - 4x4 matrix used first
wt - type of the new resampled inrimage
xdim - x dimension of the new resampled inrimage
ydim - y dimension of the new resampled inrimage
zdim - z dimension of the new resampled inrimage
derivative - order of derivation computed in each direction

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling