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Inrimage* resample4x4CSpline ( Inrimage *inr, Matrix4x4 &mat, Inrimage::WORD_TYPE wt, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, unsigned int zdim, RESAMPLE_FILTER_DERIVATIVE derivative[3])

Resampling function with 4x4 matrix


Resampling function with 4x4 matrix. We resample an image with a 4x4 Matrix of double using a cubic spline interpolation. It returns a new resampled image
a new image which is the input image resampled with mat
inr - image to be resampled
mat - 4x4 matrix
wt - type of the new resampled inrimage
xdim - x dimension of the new resampled inrimage
ydim - y dimension of the new resampled inrimage
zdim - z dimension of the new resampled inrimage
derivative - order of derivation computed in each direction

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling