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void getConnectedComponentThreshold (Inrimage *inr, Voxel *lt, Voxel *ht, Voxel *bg, Voxel *fg, CONNECTIVITY_TYPE con, CONNEXE_PARAMETER *par)

Perfoms connected component computation on a binary image


Perfoms connected component computation on a binary image. The image is first thresholds based on the low threshold lt and high threshold ht. If par->output==COMPONENT_LABEL then returns a WT_UNSIGNED_SHORT image with the labels of the connected components. if the input image is already of type WT_UNSIGNED_SHORT then returns the labeled input image. if par->output==BINARY_OUTPUT then saves the selected connected component in the input buffer and returns the input image
lt - low threshold
ht - high threshold
bg - background value
fg - foreground value
con - type of connectivity
par - parameter of the connected component analysis

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling