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void fft (Inrimage *inr, bool twoD = false) throw(Inrimage::InvalidSize)

Applied on a scalar image, computes the direct Discrete Fourrier Transform (DFT) and return a 2 components vectorial image whose first component is real coefficients and second components is imaginary coefficients of DFT


Applied on a scalar image, computes the direct Discrete Fourrier Transform (DFT) and return a 2 components vectorial image whose first component is real coefficients and second components is imaginary coefficients of DFT. Applied on a 2 components vectorial image, this function computes the inverse DFT and returns a scalar coefficient assuming that the result is real.
InvalidSize in DFT-1, image size is not a power of 2
twoD - 2D (slice by slice) DFT computation if true, 3D DFT otherwise

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling