In file inrimage/recursiveFilters.h:


recursive filter descriptor

The type of filter
FILTER_DERIVATIVE filter_derivative
What should we compute
double alpha
The spatial extent of the filter : this is linked to the spatial extent of filter by the relation alpha = SIGMA_TO_ALPHA/(2*sigma+1)
int margin
The number of pixels that is used to enlarge the image for filtering
double sd1
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sd2
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sd3
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sd4
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sp0
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sp1
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sp2
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sp3
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sn0
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sn1
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sn2
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sn3
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type
double sn4
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type


recursive filter descriptor
The type of filter

FILTER_DERIVATIVE filter_derivative
What should we compute

double alpha
The spatial extent of the filter : this is linked to the spatial extent of filter by the relation alpha = SIGMA_TO_ALPHA/(2*sigma+1)

int margin
The number of pixels that is used to enlarge the image for filtering. This is set by gradient3DRecursiveImage() and gradient2DRecursiveImage() to floor(sigma)

double sd1
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sd2
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sd3
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sd4
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sp0
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sp1
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sp2
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sp3
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sn0
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sn1
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sn2
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sn3
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

double sn4
Coefficient used in the recursive implementatation : set automatically when choosing the filter type

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling