In file graphics2D/SliceScale.h:

namespace yav class SliceScale : public TclScale

TCL scale for inrimage slices


Public Methods

SliceScale (TclModule *module, const TclString& scaleName, Scalable *sc=0, const std::type_info& id = typeid(SliceScale))
build a slice scale object from an existing TCL scale
SliceScale (TclModule *module, const TclString& scaleName, const TclString& label, const TclString color, Scalable *sc=0, const std::type_info& id = typeid(SliceScale))
build a slice scale object from an existing TCL scale
SliceScale (TclModule *module, const TclString& scaleName, const TclString& label, const TclString color, std::list<Scalable *>& list, const std::type_info& id = typeid(SliceScale))
builds a slice scale object from an existing TCL scale manage given list of inrimage views
virtual ~SliceScale ()
virtual void dying (const Scalable *)
dying camera callback
virtual void reset (Scalable *sc, const TclString& lab = EMPTY_STRING)
reset bounds and label
virtual void operator+= (Scalable *sc) throw(DPList<Scalable>::NullPointer, DPList<Scalable>::AlreadyInList)
manage new scalable
virtual void operator-= (Scalable *sc) throw(DPList<Scalable>::NotFound)
get rid of one scalable management
static SliceScale* getObject (unsigned int n)
returns object by ref or 0 if it is not found
static SliceScale* getObject (int argc, char **argv, int i = 1)
returns object by name (argv[i]) or 0 with an error message in module interpretor if it is not found
static int create (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
TCL new operator callback
virtual const std::type_info& getType (void) const
returns scale type

Private Methods

void init (void)
constructors common code

Inherited from TclScale:

Public Methods

void setLabel(const TclString& lab)
void configureToMax(void)
void setBounds(double min, double max)
virtual void command(double val)
virtual void set(double val)
virtual void to(double val)
virtual double get(void) const
virtual void checkValue(void)
virtual void on(void)
virtual unsigned int getRef(void) const
static TclScale* getHead(void)
virtual TclScale* following(void) const
int destroyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int widgetCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int getCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int setCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int commandCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int activateCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int fromCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int toCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int maxStepsCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int resolutionCmd(int argc, char **argv)
static int scalablesCmd(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
int objectsCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int addCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int removeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
int dieCmd(int argc, char **argv)



TclScale(const std::type_info& type, const TclString& scaleName, TclModule *module, TclString menu="graphics2D::scalePopupMenu")
builds a scale object from an existing TCL scale
TclScale(const std::type_info &type, const TclString& scaleName, TclModule *module, std::list<Scalable *>& list, TclString menu="graphics2D::scalePopupMenu")
builds a scale object from an existing TCL scale manage given list of scalables
TclScale(const std::type_info &type, const TclString& scaleName, TclModule *module, Scalable *elt, TclString menu="graphics2D::scalePopupMenu")
builds a scale object from an existing TCL scale manage a given scalable


virtual ~TclScale()
destroys associated TCL scale

Protected Fields

double max
double min
double value
unsigned int maxSteps
bool firstupdate

Protected Methods

virtual void activation(void)
virtual void update(double val) const

Private Fields

bool dieWhenEmpty
short int activationDir

Inherited from ScaleCamera:

Public Methods

const DPList <Scalable> & getObjects(void) const


TCL scale for inrimage slices
SliceScale(TclModule *module, const TclString& scaleName, Scalable *sc=0, const std::type_info& id = typeid(SliceScale))
build a slice scale object from an existing TCL scale
module - module this SliceScale is created in
scaleName - existing TCL scale name
sc - a pointer on a scalable attached to that scale @aparam id the identifier of the scale

SliceScale(TclModule *module, const TclString& scaleName, const TclString& label, const TclString color, Scalable *sc=0, const std::type_info& id = typeid(SliceScale))
build a slice scale object from an existing TCL scale
module - module this SliceScale is created in
scaleName - existing TCL scale name
label - the scale label describing the geometry of the slice (X,Y,Z Or Alpha)
color - a string storing the background scale color
sc - a pointer on a scalable attached to that scale @aparam id the identifier of the scale

SliceScale(TclModule *module, const TclString& scaleName, const TclString& label, const TclString color, std::list<Scalable *>& list, const std::type_info& id = typeid(SliceScale))
builds a slice scale object from an existing TCL scale manage given list of inrimage views
module - this SliceScale is created in
label - the scale label describing the geometry of the slice (X,Y,Z Or Alpha)
color - a string storing the background scale color
list - a list of scalable attached to the slice scale @aparam id the identifier of the scale

virtual ~SliceScale()

virtual void dying(const Scalable *)
dying camera callback

virtual void reset(Scalable *sc, const TclString& lab = EMPTY_STRING)
reset bounds and label
sc - scalable giving new scale bounds
lab - new scale label

virtual void operator+=(Scalable *sc) throw(DPList<Scalable>::NullPointer, DPList<Scalable>::AlreadyInList)
manage new scalable
sc - new scalable

virtual void operator-=(Scalable *sc) throw(DPList<Scalable>::NotFound)
get rid of one scalable management
sc - scalable to release

static SliceScale* getObject(unsigned int n)
returns object by ref or 0 if it is not found

static SliceScale* getObject(int argc, char **argv, int i = 1)
returns object by name (argv[i]) or 0 with an error message in module interpretor if it is not found

static int create(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
TCL new operator callback

virtual const std::type_info& getType(void) const
returns scale type

void init(void)
constructors common code

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling