In file graphics2D/SliceCamera.h:

class SliceRangeData2D : public RangeData2D

2D range data that exists in a Scene2D


Public Methods

SliceRangeData2D (Scene2D *scene)
virtual ~SliceRangeData2D ()
virtual bool getClosestPoint (const Vec2 &position, const Vec2 &normalDirection, const double rangeSearchDistance, Vec2 &closestPoint, SliceCamera::SLICE_ORIENTATION geometry=SliceCamera::SLICE_Z, double sliceNumber=0, const RangeInformation *clientData=0) const
routine that computes the closest point on a dataset with the additional information related to the slice number and slice geometry

Inherited from RangeData2D:


2D range data that exists in a Scene2D. Those objects provide a member function that computes the closest data point from any point
SliceRangeData2D(Scene2D *scene)

virtual ~SliceRangeData2D()

virtual bool getClosestPoint(const Vec2 &position, const Vec2 &normalDirection, const double rangeSearchDistance, Vec2 &closestPoint, SliceCamera::SLICE_ORIENTATION geometry=SliceCamera::SLICE_Z, double sliceNumber=0, const RangeInformation *clientData=0) const
routine that computes the closest point on a dataset with the additional information related to the slice number and slice geometry. The dataset is therefor 3D
a boolean equal to true if a closest Point were found and false otherwise
position - the position of the point from which the closest point should be computed
normalDirection - the normal direction of the point from which the closest point should be computed
rangeSearchDistance - the maximum distance (= cut-off distance) along the normal direction at which we should search for the closest point
closestPoint - the closestPoint of the dataset from a given position and normal direction. This output value is only set if a closest point were found. Otherwise it is undetermined
geometry - slice geometry used to define the slice where the computation is performed
sliceNumber - slice number used to define the slice where the computation is performed
clientData - a data structure that can be used to constrain the search of the closest point. This pointer may be 0

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling