In file contour/TclContour2D.h:

namespace yav class TclContour2D : public TclSceneObject

the Tcl interface associated with a 2D contour


Protected Methods

Contour2D* getClient (void) const
set getClient() to return a ActiveContour2D instead of a Contour2D
TclScene2D* getScene (void) const
returns the TclScene2D associated with the TclContour2D object
static int list (TclModule *m, int d, char **a)
raise ambiguity on list() function
int destroyCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-destroy TCL command
int saveCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-save TCL command
int sceneCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-scene TCL command
int translateCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-translate TCL command
int rotateCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-rotate TCL command
int motionModeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-motion TCL command
int scaleCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-scale TCL command
int saveOptionCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-saveOption TCL command
int loadOptionCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-loadOption TCL command
int getNbLinesCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-getNbLines TCL command
int getNbVerticesCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-getNbVertices TCL command
int getVertexCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-getVertex TCL command
int contourParameterCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-contourParameter TCL command
int addContourCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-addContour TCL command
int removeLineCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-removeLine TCL command
int saveAsMapleCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-saveAsMaple TCL command
int createLineCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-createLine TCL command
int selectionModeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-selectionMode TCL command
int selectLineCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-selectLine TCL command
int selectVertexCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-selectVertex TCL command
int vertexModeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-vertexMode TCL command
int vertexColorCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-vertexColor TCL command
int selectedVertexColorCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-selectedVertexColor TCL command
int vertexSizeCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-vertexSize TCL command
int lineColorCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-lineColor TCL command
int selectedLineColorCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-selectedLineColor TCL command
int vertexParameterCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-vertexParameter TCL command
int lineWidthCmd (int argc, char **argv)
-lineWidth TCL command
static int create (TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
create function
static void load (const TclString &filename, Scene2D *scn)
load function


TclContour2D (const std::type_info &i, Contour2D *c, TclScene2D *scene)
create an interface on an class that inherits from Contour2D
TclContour2D (TclString filename, TclScene2D *scene)
create an interface and a 2D contour given a contour filename
TclContour2D (const unsigned int nbLines, const unsigned int *nbVertices, Vec2 **array, const ContourLine::Topology *top, TclScene2D *scene)
create an interface on a 2D contour given an array of vertex arrays
virtual ~TclContour2D ()
destructor of a 2D contour interface


the Tcl interface associated with a 2D contour

TclContour2D(const std::type_info &i, Contour2D *c, TclScene2D *scene)
create an interface on an class that inherits from Contour2D
i - the ID of the inherited class from Contour2D
c - the 2D contour client of the interface
scene - the Tcl scene pointing in the scene where c belongs

TclContour2D(TclString filename, TclScene2D *scene)
create an interface and a 2D contour given a contour filename
filename - file name describing a contour2D
scene - the Tclscene pointing on the scene where the contour should be created

TclContour2D(const unsigned int nbLines, const unsigned int *nbVertices, Vec2 **array, const ContourLine::Topology *top, TclScene2D *scene)
create an interface on a 2D contour given an array of vertex arrays
nbLines - the number of lines in the contour
nbVertices - an array describing the number of vertices for each line
array - a 2D array describing the vertex position for each line : array[i][j] gives the position of the jth vertex of the ith line
top - a 2D array describing the topology (closed or open) for each line
scene - the Tclscene pointing on the scene where the contour should be created


virtual ~TclContour2D()
destructor of a 2D contour interface

Contour2D* getClient(void) const
set getClient() to return a ActiveContour2D instead of a Contour2D

TclScene2D* getScene(void) const
returns the TclScene2D associated with the TclContour2D object

static int list(TclModule *m, int d, char **a)
raise ambiguity on list() function

int destroyCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-destroy TCL command

int saveCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-save TCL command

int sceneCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-scene TCL command

int translateCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-translate TCL command

int rotateCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-rotate TCL command

int motionModeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-motion TCL command

int scaleCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-scale TCL command

int saveOptionCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-saveOption TCL command

int loadOptionCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-loadOption TCL command

int getNbLinesCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-getNbLines TCL command

int getNbVerticesCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-getNbVertices TCL command

int getVertexCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-getVertex TCL command

int contourParameterCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-contourParameter TCL command

int addContourCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-addContour TCL command

int removeLineCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-removeLine TCL command

int saveAsMapleCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-saveAsMaple TCL command

int createLineCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-createLine TCL command

int selectionModeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-selectionMode TCL command

int selectLineCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-selectLine TCL command

int selectVertexCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-selectVertex TCL command

int vertexModeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-vertexMode TCL command

int vertexColorCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-vertexColor TCL command

int selectedVertexColorCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-selectedVertexColor TCL command

int vertexSizeCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-vertexSize TCL command

int lineColorCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-lineColor TCL command

int selectedLineColorCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-selectedLineColor TCL command

int vertexParameterCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-vertexParameter TCL command

int lineWidthCmd(int argc, char **argv)
-lineWidth TCL command

static int create(TclModule *m, int argc, char **argv)
create function

static void load(const TclString &filename, Scene2D *scn)
load function
filename - 2D contour file name
scn - 2D scene to store the contour

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling