In file contour/Constraints3D.h:

class SpacingContour3DConstraint : public Constraint

a class corresponding to a position constraint where the distance between 2 vertices is constrained to belong to an interval [minimumDistance,maximumDistance]


Public Methods

virtual void apply ()
the apply fonction that adds or removes vertices depending on minimumDistance and maximumDistance
double getMinimumSpacing () const
returns the minimum spacing between two vertices
double getMaximumSpacing () const
returns the maximum spacing between two vertices
void setMinimumSpacing (const double min)
sets the minimum spacing between two vertices
void setMaximumSpacing (const double max)
sets the maximum spacing between two vertices


Exception classes
class MissingContour : public Exception
thrown when a SpacingConstraint is created specifying without any contour
SpacingContour3DConstraint (const unsigned int freq, const double min, const double max, ActiveContour3D *c) throw(MissingContour)
create a spacing constraint
virtual ~SpacingContour3DConstraint (void)
empty destructor

Private Fields

double minimumSpacing
the minimum Spacing between two vertices : may be set to zero
double maximumSpacing
the maximum Spacing between two vertices
ActiveContour3D* contour
the ActiveContour3D where the constraint is applied


a class corresponding to a position constraint where the distance between 2 vertices is constrained to belong to an interval [minimumDistance,maximumDistance]
Exception classes

class MissingContour: public Exception
thrown when a SpacingConstraint is created specifying without any contour

double minimumSpacing
the minimum Spacing between two vertices : may be set to zero

double maximumSpacing
the maximum Spacing between two vertices

ActiveContour3D* contour
the ActiveContour3D where the constraint is applied

virtual void apply()
the apply fonction that adds or removes vertices depending on minimumDistance and maximumDistance

double getMinimumSpacing() const
returns the minimum spacing between two vertices

double getMaximumSpacing() const
returns the maximum spacing between two vertices

void setMinimumSpacing(const double min)
sets the minimum spacing between two vertices

void setMaximumSpacing(const double max)
sets the maximum spacing between two vertices


SpacingContour3DConstraint(const unsigned int freq, const double min, const double max, ActiveContour3D *c) throw(MissingContour)
create a spacing constraint
MissingContour thrown when c is NULL
freq - the frequency at which the constraint is applied
min - the minimum spacing value defined as a percentage of the median edge length
max - the maximum spacing value defined as a percentage of the median edge length
c - the ontour on which the constraint applies


virtual ~SpacingContour3DConstraint(void)
empty destructor

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling