In file contour/SliceContour3D.h:

class SliceContour3D : public Data3D

3D interface associated with a 2D slice active contour 3D


Public Methods

void setOffset (const Vec3 &p)
set the offset position of the slice contours in 3D
Vec3 getOffset () const
returns the offset position of all contour vertices
virtual void redraw (Camera3D *cam)
redraw the slice active contour in 3D
double computeClosestDistance (DataTypes::MouseClick &mc) const
returns the distance between a mouse position and a given contour
void contourChanged ()
reset display List
void updateCenter (Vec3& center, unsigned int& n)
updates the center position of the 3D contour
double updateRadius (const Vec3& center)
Given a 3D point, returns the smallest sphere radius enclosing the 3D contour @aparam center give the sphere center
SliceActiveContour2D* getSliceContour () const
returns the slice active contour 2D associated with the 3D slice contour
void buildContourDisplayList ()
creates the Open GL display list of the 3D contours
Contour::SelectionMode getSelectionMode () const
Returns the selection mode
void setSelectionMode (const Contour::SelectionMode mode)
Sets the selection mode
void selectVertex (const Vec2 &pixel, Camera3D *cam)
select the contour vertex closest from a given position and set the selectedVertex variable
void selectLine (const Vec2 &pixel, Camera3D *cam)
select the contour line closest from a given position and set the selectedLine variable
virtual void selectObject (const Vec2 pixel, Camera3D *cam)
a function that allows to perform a task on a 3D active contour from a mouse click


Exception classes
class Empty2DSliceContour : public Exception
Exception when creating a SliceContour3D without any SliceActiveContour2D objects
class InterfaceAlreadyExists : public Exception
Exception when creating a SliceContour3D from a SliceActiveContour2D object that has already a 3D interface
SliceContour3D (Scene3D *scene3D, SliceActiveContour2D *contour) throw(Empty2DSliceContour, InterfaceAlreadyExists)
Reads the slice active contour from a file
virtual ~SliceContour3D ()

Protected Fields

SliceActiveContour2D* sliceContour
the associated slice active contour
Vec3 offset
the offset position of all vertex positions
GLuint contourDisplayList
display list for drawing contours
float wireframeColor [3]
wireframe color
GLfloat wireframeWidth
wireframe line width


3D interface associated with a 2D slice active contour 3D
Exception classes

class Empty2DSliceContour: public Exception
Exception when creating a SliceContour3D without any SliceActiveContour2D objects

class InterfaceAlreadyExists: public Exception
Exception when creating a SliceContour3D from a SliceActiveContour2D object that has already a 3D interface

SliceActiveContour2D* sliceContour
the associated slice active contour

Vec3 offset
the offset position of all vertex positions

GLuint contourDisplayList
display list for drawing contours

float wireframeColor[3]
wireframe color

GLfloat wireframeWidth
wireframe line width


SliceContour3D(Scene3D *scene3D, SliceActiveContour2D *contour) throw(Empty2DSliceContour, InterfaceAlreadyExists)
Reads the slice active contour from a file
Empty2DSliceContour when contour==0
scene3D - : the Scene3D where the contour should be placed
contour - : the associated 2D slice active contour


virtual ~SliceContour3D()

void setOffset(const Vec3 &p)
set the offset position of the slice contours in 3D

Vec3 getOffset() const
returns the offset position of all contour vertices

virtual void redraw(Camera3D *cam)
redraw the slice active contour in 3D

double computeClosestDistance(DataTypes::MouseClick &mc) const
returns the distance between a mouse position and a given contour
mc - the structure containing the mouse position

void contourChanged()
reset display List

void updateCenter(Vec3& center, unsigned int& n)
updates the center position of the 3D contour
center - a vector that is set to the contour center : must be initialized as (0.0,0.0,0.0)
n - a integer that is set to the total number of contour vertices : it does not need to be initialized

double updateRadius(const Vec3& center)
Given a 3D point, returns the smallest sphere radius enclosing the 3D contour @aparam center give the sphere center

SliceActiveContour2D* getSliceContour() const
returns the slice active contour 2D associated with the 3D slice contour

void buildContourDisplayList()
creates the Open GL display list of the 3D contours

Contour::SelectionMode getSelectionMode() const
Returns the selection mode

void setSelectionMode(const Contour::SelectionMode mode)
Sets the selection mode

void selectVertex(const Vec2 &pixel, Camera3D *cam)
select the contour vertex closest from a given position and set the selectedVertex variable
pixel - a pixel position given in camera coordinates (must be transformed with cam->mapToWorld())
cam - a 3D camera

void selectLine(const Vec2 &pixel, Camera3D *cam)
select the contour line closest from a given position and set the selectedLine variable
pixel - a pixel position given in camera coordinates (must be transformed with cam->mapToWorld())
cam - a 3D camera

virtual void selectObject(const Vec2 pixel, Camera3D *cam)
a function that allows to perform a task on a 3D active contour from a mouse click
pixel - a pixel position given in camera coordinates (must be transformed with cam->mapToWorld())
cam - the camera *from which the object is selected

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling