In file contour/Constraints2D.h:

class BalloonContour2DConstraint : public Constraint

a class corresponding to a force constraint where a spring force is added on a vertex attached to a fixed point


Public Classes

class MissingContour : public Exception
Exception thrown when the constraint is created without any active contour
MissingContour (const std::string& from)
constructor from a string

Public Fields

static const double defaultForceRatio
the default ratio used to define the balloon force

Public Methods

double getForceRatio () const
returns the force ratio
void setForceRatio (const double _forceRatio)
sets the force ratio of the ballon force
virtual void apply ()
fonction apply called at every iteration


BalloonContour2DConstraint (ActiveContour2D *c, double _forceRatio=defaultForceRatio) throw(MissingContour)
create a balloon constraint
virtual ~BalloonContour2DConstraint (void)
empty destructor

Private Fields

double forceRatio
the extent of the balloon force expressed as a percentage of the overall radius of the line
ActiveContour2D* contour
the contour on which is applied the constraint


a class corresponding to a force constraint where a spring force is added on a vertex attached to a fixed point
class MissingContour: public Exception
Exception thrown when the constraint is created without any active contour


MissingContour(const std::string& from)
constructor from a string
from - a string indicating where the exception where thrown

static const double defaultForceRatio
the default ratio used to define the balloon force

double forceRatio
the extent of the balloon force expressed as a percentage of the overall radius of the line

ActiveContour2D* contour
the contour on which is applied the constraint


BalloonContour2DConstraint(ActiveContour2D *c, double _forceRatio=defaultForceRatio) throw(MissingContour)
create a balloon constraint
MissingContour thrown when c is NULL
c - the contour on which the constraint applies
_forceRatio - the distance along the normal direction used to compute the external force


virtual ~BalloonContour2DConstraint(void)
empty destructor

double getForceRatio() const
returns the force ratio

void setForceRatio(const double _forceRatio)
sets the force ratio of the ballon force

virtual void apply()
fonction apply called at every iteration

This class has no child classes.

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling