Publications of Paul Blanc-Durand

Articles in journal, book chapters

  1. Paul Blanc-Durand, Simon Jégou, Salim Kanoun, Alina Berriolo-Riedinger, Caroline M Bodet-Milin, Françoise Kraeber-Bodéré, Thomas Carlier, Steven Le Gouill, René-Olivier Casasnovas, Michel Meignan, and Emmanuel Itti. Fully automatic segmentation of diffuse large B cell lymphoma lesions on 3D FDG-PET/CT for total metabolic tumour volume prediction using a convolutional neural network. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, pp 1362-1370, 2021. Keyword(s): Convolutional neural network, Deep learning, Lymphoma, Positron emission tomography, Segmentation, Total metabolic tumour volume, U-net. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Paul Blanc-Durand, Jean-Baptiste. Schiratti, Kathryn Schutte, Paul Jehanno, Paul Herent, Frédéric Pigneur, Olivier Lucidarme, Y. Benaceur, Alexandre Sadate, Alain Luciani, Olivier Ernst, A. Rouchaud, Maud Creze, Alex Dallongeville, Nathan Banaste, Mehdi Cadi, Imad Bousaid, Nathalie Lassau, and Simon Jégou. Abdominal musculature segmentation and surface prediction from CT using deep learning for sarcopenia assessment. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging, 101(12):789-794, December 2020. Keyword(s): Convolutional neural networks (CNN), Deep learning, Muscular body bass, Sarcopenia, Tomography, X-ray computed. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Sun Mar 9 12:30:03 2025
Author: epione-publi.

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