Valérie Pascual
Laurent Hascoët
(INRIA, BP93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis, France)
Proceedings of the AD2008 Conference, Bonn, Germany, august 2008 (10 pages)
We present the first version of the tool TAPENADE
that can differentiate C programs.
The architecture of TAPENADE was designed from the
start to be language independent. We describe how
this choice made adaption to C easier.
In principle, it needed only a new front-end and back-end for C.
However we encountered several problems, in particular
related to declarations style, include files,
parameter-passing mechanism, and extensive use of pointers.
We describe how we addressed these problems, and how
the resulting improvements also benefits to
differentiation of Fortran programs.
TAPENADE, C, Automatic Differentiation, Software Tools, Program Transformation
Full text (pdf)
author = {Pascual, V. and Hasco\"et, L.},
title = {{TAPENADE} for {C}},
booktitle = {Advances in Automatic Differentiation},
series = "Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering",
note = "Selected papers from AD2008 Bonn, August 2008",
publisher = "Springer",
pages = "199-210",
year = 2008