Scientific Data Management

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Jan. 1, 2011 Creation of Zenith

Patrick Valduriez (

Saravá Team Meetings


Eduardo Ogasawara spent january at LIRMM, working on an algebra for scientific workflows.Marta Mattoso visited LIRMM in october and gave a talk on scientifc workflows. Esther Pacitti and Patrick Valduriez visited UFRJ in April and December. They gave several conferences on distributed data management


Marta Mattoso visited LIRMM in february and october. She gave a conference on provenance in scientific workflows. ALvaro Coutinho gave a colloquium at LIRMM on HPC in october. Alexandre Lima visited LIRMM in november and gave a talk on workflow provenance. Esther Pacitti and Patrick Valduriez visited UFRJ in July and December. They gave several conferences, the last one on cloud data management.


Marta Mattoso visited LIRMM in august and november. She also presented the project at the COLIBRI conference. Esther Pacitti and Patrick Valduriez visited UFRJ in April and December. They gave several conferences on P2P data management.

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