Report: STARS MONTHLY MEETING – 11/09/2013

Galois/Coriolis – 14h00


22 People attended



Agustin CAVERZASI – 19/08-18/02/2014 - 6 month – Internship

Stefan CANDRA – 26/08-20/12 – 4 month – Internship

Daniel Gaffe – 01/09 – Working for 1 year with Annie on scenarios detection needed by the SUP plateform

Minh Khue – 09/09 - For 6 month as part of his Phd between Industry, inria & Nice Hospital

Topic Thesis: Man-machine interaction for older adults with dementia

Piotr – October: back after 3 month Microsoft internship


People who has left

Srinidhi 12/07/2013 – Position in company in UK

Sahil 12/07/2013 - USA

Joel WANZA – 16/08 – Keeping on Master – Will present his work the 24/10/20103

Imad 31/08/2013 – Left In holidays from the 31/07 – Phd to Rouen

Kartick 31/08/2013 – Back to his Phd to Singapour

Vaibhav 31/08/2013 – Still trying to get result in order to write a paper


Next Leaving

20/09 – Marco – 7 month left to finish his thesis + Collaborated with Slawomir + planning to write a paper for November and 1 accepted for ICCV

30/09 – Sonia thanks because she accepted to stay in order to finalize Vanaheim project

+ Rim + Narjes she will present her work the 25/09/2013 + Cherif he will present his work 27/09/2013

Beginning of october Vit Libal From Honey well for Centaur Project



Cherif has defended this morning (11/09 – 09Am - Polytech) his Master 2

Adaptive composition and formal verification of software in ibiquitous computing. Application to ambient health care systems.



30/09/2013 – 13h30 Euler Violet

Rim will defend her PhD

Title: Activity Recognition and Uncertain Knowledge in video scenes applied to Health Care Monitoring

Jury: Monique THONNAT, Catherine GARBAY, Najoua Essoukri BEN AMARA, Philippe ROBERT, Mounir MOKHTARI, François BREMOND



Malik is now working on PAL Project

Michal From 01/08/2013 Toyota Project as Pre-Phd


Past meeting

08/07 – Interactive 4D – Industrial partner as part of Julien Badie Thesis – Developing serious games

09/07 - Paris – Collaboration/Thèse Francis MARTINEZ UPMC - François

10-12/07 – Rennes – PAL – François – Robotitian who try to help old people

15-19/07 – ST Petersbourg - ICVS 2013 – François + Monique + Phu

17+23/07 – Noisy Le Grand – Vanaheim – François + Sonia

27-31/08 – Krakow – AVSS 2013 – François + Rim + Phu + Carlos + Serhan

28/08 – Paris - EIT ICT LABS – Baptiste

02/09 – Talk from Antitza

03/09 – INRIA Sophia - Presentation from Michel BARLAUD

04/09 – Team STARS - TV MONAA interview & Demo

10/09 – Jerôme YASSENAGE - Docteur

09-13/09 – Bristol – BMVC 2013 – Yuliya Tarabalka (AYIN team, INRIA) with Guillaume

Vasanth back from Praha (centaur Project) – A little talk from him


Next meeting

12-13/09 – Nice – SEGAMED 2013 – Minh Khue will attend – French conf about serious games

13/09 – Inria Sophia – Toyota – Some of the team will do demo

18-20/09 – Goteborg - Review Meeting Support - Vasanth

16-20/09 – Greece - Dem@care Summer School/DemAAL

23/09 – Jaroslaw BAK for 5 Days (Erasmus) – Exchange program and he has just defended his phd – He did it

25-27/09 – Paris – VANAHEIM Final Review

30/09 – INRIA Sophia – 13h30 - PHD Rim Defense

01/10 – Eval PAL

02-04/10 – Dem@care - Istanbul

09+10/10 – Sphere (English People)

09/10 – FFTT - Baptiste

11/10 – LenvalHospital for Children – A day for Autism organized by Florence Eskenazi

14-17/10 – CRCV at University of Central Florida – Invited by Mubarak Shah



International Conference

D.P. Chau, M. Thonnat and F. Bremond. Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Multi-Object Tracking. In the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia on July 16-18, 2013.


In the 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance 2013, AVSS 2013, Krakow, Poland on August 27-30, 2013

è R. Romdhane, C. Crispim-Junior, F. Bremond and M. Thonnat.  Activity Recognition and Uncertain Knowledge in Video Scenes.

è C. Crispim-Junior, V. Bathrinarayanan, B. Fosty, A. Konig, R. Romdhane, M. Thonnat, F.Bremond Evaluation of a Monitoring System for Event Recognition of Older People

è D.P. Chau, J. Badie, F. Bremond and M. Thonnat.  Online Tracking Parameter Adaptation based on Evaluation.


Yuliya Tarabalka (AYIN team, INRIA), Guillaume Charpiat, Ludovic Brucker (NASA), Bjoern Menze (ETH Zürich / MIT / Asclepios team) - "Enforcing Monotonous Shape Growth or Shrinkage in Video Segmentation" - BMVC, Bristol, sept. 2013


Carlos Fernando Crispim-Junior, Baptiste Fosty, Qiao Ma, Rim Romdhane, Francois Bremond and Monique Thonnat "Combining Multiple Sensors for Event Recognition of Older People" has been accepted in ACM MM MIIRH 2013 (21-25/10/2013 – Barcelone).



About mission on IZIGFD, when you fill “the subject” of your mission, please it’s really important to be very precise (Why you are going, what you are going  to do and all)




NOW: Team September pics and this time let’s go near Kahn Building (outside)



18/10/2013 – 14h – Building: Galois – Room: Coriolis