Report: STARS MONTHLY MEETING – 08/07/2013

Galois/Coriolis – 14h00 – AGENDA

31 People attended


Joel Presentation by himself

From Nice University – Master degree in Electronics – Internship for 2 month with Annie & Daniel

François asked a demo before his leaving


New Comers:

Vit Libal – July + August (Honeywell) Secondment within Centaur Project  - In Brussel this day for Honeywell meeting


Welcome back to


ð  Some clarifications from François about the current situation

ð  Talk from Hervé about Vanaheim, his work and his progress with Giuseppe, Phu and all


Next New Comers:

Agustin CAVERZASI - 19/08/2013– Internship 6 month - assessment of people detection using RGB-Depth sensors

Stefanus CANDRA – 26/08 - Internship 4 month – Machine Learning & Computer Vision


Next Leaving

Srinidhi 12/07/2013

ð Malik will replace him on ADT’s Work

Sahil 12/07/2013

ð  They need to communicate all about what they done before leaving

Imad 31/08/2013 – But Leaving In holidays from the 31/07 – UNSA ROUEN

Kartick 31/08/2013 – With Suresh SUNDARAM still as Phd

Vaibhav 31/08/2013


People who has left

Piotr Microsoft Internship for 3 month

Phd manuscript expected in order to defend before the end of 2013


Past meeting

17-19/06 – Lulea - Dem@care Meeting – Carlos

FB couldn’t attended due to bad weather

Clarification from FB about pilotes + Talk from Carlos

19/06 – Nice - - Talk from Sonia

22-26/06 – Rennes - JS-JREP – Guillaume + Carlos (PAL) + Monique

Monique Attended and talked about it – 2 days Inria Scientific days + 1 day teams leeader meeting

Better way than 2 years ago

+ Claude PUECH executive Director from CIRIC (Chili) was there.

+ Good atmosphere

+ Good talk from David DANEY (PAL project)

+ 1 negative point: a little complicated for agent to make a demo

Talk from Guillaume as well – Attended 2st days – Interesting to be aware about the various themes covered by INRIA

23-27/06 – Seoul – IAGG – François was with some geriatric Doctors and Patrick MALLEA (Director of

Centre National de Référence Santé à domicile et Autonomie) for the innovation part.

01-03/07 – Birmingham – TASE 2013 – Annie + Daniel – Annie presented the paper & maybe in September she will make a demo…

01-05/07 – Montpellier – ECOOP 2013 – Sabine + Jean Paul – European Conf – No paper

01/07 – Paris – Collaboration/Thèse Lyazid SABRI UPEC

02/07 - SophiaIlab – LCS – Talk from FB about Link Care Service and Etienne Corvee, their goal, project and all

02+05/07 – INRIA - Florence ESKENAZI (Autism) + TV of Monaco – Autism Specialist and works with Dr Philippe ROBERT but for the moment she doesn’t know to what extend the collaboration between her works and STARS

02/07 – Monique was interviewed for “portrait of Ladies Scientist” – Junior & Senior mixed

It’s good to enoucareg young people inworld science.

04/07 – Visit from Anja from Toyota in order to develop a project with detection & recognition- Toyota Europe depends from Toyota japan. She’s looking for a Phd Student and maybe Michal appears to be the candidate.

07-10/07 –Rennes - Bootcamp & Workshop PAL - Baptiste


Next meeting

08/07 – Interactive 4D – Industrial partner as part of Julien Badie Thesis

09/07 - Paris – Collaboration/Thèse Francis MARTINEZ UPMC - François

10-12/07 – Rennes – PAL – François

15-19/07 – ST Petersbourg - ICVS 2013 – François + Monique + Phu

27-31/08 – Cracovie – AVSS 2013 – François + Rim + Phu + Carlos

28/08 – Paris - EIT ICT LABS – Baptiste

02/09 – Antitza

03/09 – INRIA Sophia - Presentation from Michel BARLAUD

04/09 –  Team STARS - TV MONAA interview & Demo

09-13/09 – Bristol – BMVC 2013 – Yuliya Tarabalka (AYIN team, INRIA) will attend with Guillaume



International Conference


D.Gaffé, A. Ressouche Algebraic Framework for Synchronous Language Semantics in 2013 Symposium on Theoritical Aspects of Software Engineering, TASE 2013, Birmingham, UK on July 1-3,1013


D.P. Chau, M. Thonnat and F. Bremond. Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Multi-Object Tracking. In the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia on July 16-18, 2013.


R. Romdhane, C. Crispim-Junior, F. Bremond and M. Thonnat. Activity Recognition and Uncertain Knowledge in Video Scenes. In the 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance 2013, AVSS 2013, Krakow, Poland on August 27-30, 2013.


D.P. Chau, J. Badie, F. Bremond and M. Thonnat. Online Tracking Parameter Adaptation based on Evaluation. In the 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance 2013, AVSS 2013, Krakow, Poland on August 27-30, 2013.


Yuliya Tarabalka (AYIN team, INRIA), Guillaume Charpiat, Ludovic Brucker (NASA), Bjoern Menze (ETH Zürich / MIT / Asclepios team) - "Enforcing Monotonous Shape Growth or Shrinkage in Video Segmentation" - BMVC, Bristol, sept. 2013


Monique informed about:

30th of September 2:00 pm

Euler Violet

Rim will defend her PhD

Title: Activity Recognition and Uncertain Knowledge in vidéo scenes applied to Health Care Monitoring



Moving from BS12 to BS09 in order to install BS12 for Diana experiences

François asked for improving the website, describe research, pics and all




11/09/2013 – 14h – Building: Galois – Room: Coriolis


And to re-start well with nice people after holidays, We’ll plan to take a new picture from the team after the meeting ;)



Jane will be in holidays from the:

09/07 to 12/07

& 15/08 to 08/09/2013 B-)