4. Skribe User Manual -- References and Hyperlinks
Skribe supports traditional references (that is, references to some part of documents) and hyperlinks (that is visual marks enriching texts that enable interactive browsing). Hyperlinks may point to
  • Inner parts of a document, such as a section or a figure.
  • Other documents, such as Web documents.
  • Other Skribe documents.
  • Specific part of other Skribe documents, such as a chapter of another Skribe document.

In order to use hyperlinks, Skribe documents must:

  • Refer to marks. This is the role of the ref Skribe function.
  • Set marks. This is the role of the mark function. However, most Skribe functions that introduce text structures (e.g., chapters, sections, figures, ...) automatically introduce marks as well. So, it is useless to explicitly introduce a mark at the beginning of these constructions in order to refer to them with an hyperlink.

4.1 Mark

The mark function sets a mark in the produced document that can be referenced to with the ref function. Unless a text option is specified, no visible text in associated with the mark in the generated document.

(mark [:ident] [:class "mark"] [:text] mark)
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
textA text associated with the markup.
markA string that will be used in a ref function call to point to that mark.

The Skribe functions chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection Skribe automatically set a mark whose value is the title of the section. The Skribe function figure automatically sets a mark whose value is the legend of the figure.

4.2 Reference

Skribe proposes only one single function for all the references. This same ref function is used for introducing references to section, to bibliographic entries, to source code line number, etc.

(ref [:class] [:ident] [:text] [:chapter] [:section] [:subsection] [:subsubsection] [:bib] [:bib-table (default-bib-table)] [:url] [:figure] [:mark] [:handle] [:line] [:skribe] [:page])
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
texthtml latex The text that is the visual part the links for engines that support hyperlinks.
urlhtml latex xml An URL, that is, a location of another file, such as an HTML file.
markhtml latex A string that is the name of a mark. That mark has been introduced by a mark markup.
handlehtml latex A Skribe node handle.
identhtml latex xml A reference to a node who has been specified an value.
figurehtml latex The name of a figure.
chapterhtml latex The name of a chapter.
sectionhtml latex The name of a section.
subsectionhtml latex The name of a subsection.
subsubsectionhtml latex The name of a subsubsection.
pagelatex A boolean enabling/disabling page reference.
bibhtml latex xml A name or a list of names of bibliographic entry.
bib-tableThe bibliography where searching the entry.
linehtml latex xml A reference to a progprogram line number.
skribehtml latex xml The name of a Skribe Url IndexSkribe Url Index file that contains the reference. The reference can be a chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection or even a mark located in the Skribe document described by the file sui.
See also
[This hyperlink points to the ,(ref :figure "The great Penguin" :text "figure")
of the chapter ,(ref :chapter "Standard Markups") (or also, the
,(ref :ident "Standard Markups" :text "chapter") about markups). 
In the second example of reference, no ,(code ":text") option is specified: 
,(ref :figure "The great Penguin"). One may use the ,(param ":ident")
field when specified such as: ,(ref :ident "fig1") or ,(ref :figure "fig1").

That other one points to a well known 
,(ref :url "http://slashdot.org/" :text "url"). The same without 
,(code ":text"): ,(ref :url "http://slashdot.org/").

With more complex tricks that are explained in Section 
,(ref :section "Resolve"), it is also possible use, for the text of the
reference, a container number such as chapter:
,(resolve (lambda (n e env)
             (let ((s (find1-down (lambda (x)
                                     (and (is-markup? x 'chapter)
                                          (string=? (markup-option x :title)
                                                    "Standard Markups")))
                                  (ast-document n))))
                (ref :handle (handle s) :text (markup-option s :number))))).]
Ex. 20: Some references


This hyperlink points to the figure of the chapter Standard Markups3 (or also, the chapter about markups). In the second example of reference, no :text option is specified: 1. One may use the :ident field when specified such as: fig1 or .
That other one points to a well known url. The same without :text: http://slashdot.org/.
With more complex tricks that are explained in Section [?section Resolve: user/src/links1.skb:678], it is also possible use, for the text of the reference, a container number such as chapter: 3.

4.3 Electronic mails

The mailto function is mainly useful for electronic output formats that are able to run a mailing agent. The function mailto introduces mail annotation in a Skribe document.

(mailto :text [:ident] [:class "mailto"] email)
identhtml latex xml The node identifier.
classhtml latex xml The node class.
texthtml latex The text that is the visual part the links.
emailThe electronic address.
[It is possible to send a mail by
,(mailto "foo@nowhere.com" :text "clicking") that link. That same
reference without ,(code ":text") options: ,(mailto "foo@nowhere.com").
Ex. 21: Mail address reference


It is possible to send a mail by clicking that link. That same reference without :text options: foo@nowhere.com.

4.4 Skribe Url Index

A Skribe Url Index (henceforth Sui) describes the marks that are available in a Skribe document. It is to be used to make Skribe marks available to other Skribe documents. The syntax of a Sui file is:

<sui>     --> (skribe-url-index <title>
                :file <file-name>
                (marks <sui-ref>*)
                (chapters <sui-ref>*)
                (section <sui-ref>*)
                (subsection <sui-ref>*)
                (subsubsection <sui-ref>*))
<sui-ref> --> (<string> :file <file-name> :mark <string>)

Sui files can be automatically produced by the Skribe compiler. For instance, in order to produce the Sui file of this user manual, one should write:

$ skribe user.skb -o user.sui

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Last update Tue Jun 29 09:37:13 2010.