Publications of S. Saurabh

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. O. Amini, D. Peleg, S. Pérennes, I. Sau, and S. Saurabh. On the approximability of some degree-constrained subgraph problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160(12):1661 - 1679, 2012. [WWW ] [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. N. Cohen, F. V. Fomin, G. Gutin, E. Jung Kim, S. Saurabh, and A. Yeo. Algorithm for finding k-vertex out-trees and its application to k-internal out-branching problem. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 76(7):650 - 662, 2010. [WWW ] [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles
  1. N. Cohen, F. V. Fomin, G. Gutin, E. J. Kim, S. Saurabh, and A. Yeo. Algorithm for Finding -Vertex Out-trees and Its Application to -Internal Out-branching Problem. In 15th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON), volume 5609 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 37-46, 2009. [WWW ] [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. O. Amini, D. Peleg, S. Pérennes, I. Sau, and S. Saurabh. Degree-Constrained Subgraph Problems : Hardness and Approximation Results. In 6th International Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (ALGO-WAOA 2008), volume 5426 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Karlsruhe, Germany, pages 29-42, September 2008. [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. O. Amini, I. Sau, and S. Saurabh. Parameterized Complexity of the Smallest Degree-Constrained Subgraph Problem. In The International Workshop on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IWPEC 2008), volume 5008 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Victoria, Canada, pages 13-29, May 2008. [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports
  1. O. Amini, D. Peleg, S. Pérennes, I. Sau, and S. Saurabh. Degree-Constrained Subgraph Problems: Hardness and Approximation Results. Research Report RR-6690, INRIA, October 2008. [WWW ] [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. O. Amini, I. Sau, and S. Saurabh. Parameterized Complexity of the Smallest Degree-Constrained Subgraph Problem. Research Report 6237, INRIA, June 2007. [WWW ] [PDF ] [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]


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