IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference   on Intelligent Robots and Systems
IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference
on Intelligent RObots and Systems
                   September, 22-26, 2008, Nice, France
Submission guidelines

Accepted authors must submit their final version by July 7, 2008 (this is a firm deadline, after this date we will not accept anymore final versions, even those for which a reupload has been required) according to the following procedure:

  • submit the PDF file through PaperPlaza. You may also submit your list of changes and answers to the reviewers by sending an email to the Conference Secretariat with as subject: Comments on submission xx where xx is the paper ID
  • register at the registration site.
  • provide the signed copyright form (this form is obtained when submitting the final version through PaperPlaza)

Important notes

  • your submission will be considered for inclusion in the program only if all 3 steps have been completed.
  • there will be a check of the final version: if the eventual comments of the reviewers have not been taken into account, then your paper may still be rejected. As soon as your paper is uploaded it is checked and if the paper pass this check you will receive a first acceptance email. Note however that the paper will be included in the Proceedings only if one author has registered. As soon as the paper has been checked and one author has registered you will receive the second and final acceptance email (note that receiving the second acceptance email implies that your paper has been checked and that your payment has been confirmed). Note that there is 2 to 4 days delay before we can confirm a payment. Hence authors of checked papers may receive the first acceptance email (acceptance provided registration) although they have registered but they will receive the second and final acceptance within a few days.

    We strongly advise you to submit your final version as soon as possible: if you submit at the last moment and your paper still needs to be revised, then the paper will be rejected (currently we have requested that about 10% of the final version papers be re-uploaded). PaperPlaza will acknowledge the deposit of the final version but if you have not received a confirmation email within 7 days after the submission date please contact the Conference Secretariat.

Paper format Six pages in the standard IEEE format (see the templates below) are allowed for each paper, including figures. A maximum of two additional pages are permitted at an extra charge of 150 € per page. This amount will be payable when registering (see the registration section).

Importante note: the uploaded pdf file must have only embedded and embedded subset fonts (see the IEEE PDF policies). Documents that does not comply with these requirements will not be included in the proceedings. You may check if this the case:

  • by using the pdf test of PaperPlaza
  • by using IEEE PDF eXpress (which may also help you to produce a correct pdf file). Go to eXpress web site), click on the link "New Users - Click Here" and fill in your information. You will need the Conference ID which is: iros08x
  • for Unix users by using the pdffonts command

You may produce a compliant pdf file in the following ways:

  • for LaTeX users compile your document using the instructions given below
  • for Word users: consult the IEEE RAS FAQ

The following templates must be used (see here for the layout of the document and useful tips):

  • for LaTeX: LaTeX style file: ieeeconf.cls (download), LaTeX sample document: sample_new.tex (download)
      The best way to produce a conformant pdf file is to use these command lines:

    1. latex sample
    2. dvips -Ppdf -R0 -tletter sample
    3. ps2pdf -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dMAxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true -dEmbedAllFonts=true -sPAPERSIZE=letter
  • for Words: MS Word template (download), Sample Documents: sample_letter.doc (download)
  • Digest: it's a single Powerpoint slide that will printed in a booklet which will be distributed to all conference attendees. The attendees use often this booklet to determine which session they will attend. Hence it's important that you provide a clear information on your paper in the digest file. It is compulsory to use the digest template iros08_DigestTemplate.ppt (download) for designing your digest. Submissions failing to respect the digest instructions will be rejected.

Reminders: The author which submit a paper is responsible for getting the agreement of his/her co-authors. The Conference Organization will assume that such an agreement has been obtained.

Authors are also responsible to submit papers in the required format. All papers that are accepted will be published as submitted by the Author. The Conference is NOT responsible for editing or correcting errors in the paper or digest.

Note: If your paper is accepted, at least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for IROS 2008 when the final manuscript is uploaded to PaperPlaza. At the time time of uploading the final manuscript, a single regular conference registration can be used to upload at most 2 papers while a single student registration can be used to upload only 1 paper.

For any question about the submission process, please contact the secretariat of the program committee.

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