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Packet Video 99 Call for Papers
- To: osimcast@BBN.COM, sc6wg4@ntd.comsat.com, xtp-relay@cs.concordia.ca, reres@laas.fr, prs@masi.ibp.fr, comswtc@gmu.ed, multicomm@cc.bellcore.com, giga@tele.pitt.edu, tccc@ieee.org, itc%ieee.org.isadsoc@fokus.gmd.de, ctc-members@redbank.tinac.com, ieee_rtc_list@cs.tamu.edu, enternet@BBN.COM, gcomlist1@manjaro.ece.iit.edu, comsoc.bog@tab.ieee.org, sigmedia@bellcore.com, comsoc.tac@tab.ieee.org, comsoc-gicb@ieee.org, commsoft@cc.bellcore.com, BM-List1@cs.ucdavis.edu, modern-heuristics@uk.ac.mailbase.ucdavis.edu, cellular@dfv.rwth-aachen.edu, cost237-transport@comp.lancs.ac.uk, testnet@canarie.ca, itc@fokus.gmd.de, dbworld@cs.wisc.edu, end2end-interest@ISI.EDU, f-troup@codex.cis.upenn.edu, hipparch@sophia.inria.fr, rem-conf@es.net, mobile-ip@tadpole.com, ieeetcpc@ccvm.sunysb.edu, epr@infotest.com, golshani@asu.edu, ni@cps.msu.edu, park@cstp.umkc.edu, tcp-over-satellite@achtung.sp.trw.com, udlr@sophia.inria.fr, knom@nile.postech.ac.kr, han-announce@news.postech.ac.kr, han-net-announce@news.postech.ac.kr, info@nmf.org, comsoc-cii@ieee.org, ifip-nm@BBN.COM, nmf-objects@nmf.org, ietf@venera.isi.edu, fli@ee.pdx.edu, mpeg4ipr@research.kpn.com, mpeg4reqs@research.kpn.com, mux-sys@fzi.de
- Subject: Packet Video 99 Call for Papers
- From: Andrea Basso <basso@research.att.com>
- Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 15:45:19 -0400
- CC: rem-conf@es.net
- Organization: AT&T Labs - Research
- Reply-To: basso@research.att.com
Andrea Basso
Senior Technical Staff Member
AT&T Labs - Research
Room 3-219, 100 Schultz Drive, Red Bank, NJ 07701
tel:+1 732 345 3302 fax:+1 732 345 3033
E-mail: basso@research.att.com
WWW : http://www.research.att.com/info/basso
Packet Video '99
The 9th International Packet Video Workshop
26-27 April 1999
New York City, U.S.A
In Europe: http://www.inria.fr/rodeo/turletti/pv99/
Sponsored by: AT&T, Columbia University, EURASIP,
IEEE Signal Processing Society IMDSP & MMSP Technical Committees
The ninth International Packet Video Workshop (PV' 99) will be held at the Davis auditorium, of Columbia University in New York City. The workshop is devoted to presenting technological advancements and innovations in video transmission over packet networks, in particular, the Internet. Packet Video Workshops have been unique in providing a common ground for people from video coding and networking fields. Presentations on theory and practice, standards activities, and business and consumer applications are encouraged.
We cordially invite you to take part in this workshop by submitting your work and look forward to seeing you in New York City in April 1999 for what will be a most rewarding and exciting experience!
PV'99 is scheduled to take place in the week following Picture Coding Symposium 99 (PCS' 99) which is being held in Portland Oregon, on 21-23 April 1999. For information on PCS'99 please contact:
The technical program of Packet Video '99 will consist of invited talks, submitted paper presentations, poster sessions and a plenary session: "After Internet Telephony, Internet Television..."
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Video streaming over the Internet
* Network adaptive video coding and transport
* Packetized video for home LAN's
* Packetized video for wireless/mobile systems
* Layered coding for error resilience and heterogeneous networks
* Packet loss resilient coding and transport
* Terminal and server architectures for Internet TV
* Efficient transcoding for heterogeneous networks
* Congestion control
* Error concealment
* Statistical multiplexing for greater network and terminal utilization
* Traffic shaping for efficient network and terminal utilization
* Interstream synchronization for multiple video presentations
* Performance modeling and evaluation
* Rate control for VBR video
* International Standards: MPEG-4, MPEG-7, H.263+, RTP, RTSP, SIP, SDP
* Multicasting, MBONE applications
* Implementations and commercial applications
Best Paper Award: The author of the best paper will receive: A $250 cash prize graciously donated by NEC USA, C&C Research Laboratories.
Manuscripts submitted to PV'99 will be considered for publication in the special issue of EURASIP Journal Signal Processing: Image Communication, REAL-TIME VIDEO OVER THE INTERNET also.
Please submit an electronic manuscript written in HTML, not exceeding 7 Mbytes and 10 printed pages. We will produce a CD-ROM containing the accepted papers. Electronic components accompanying your submission are strongly encouraged.
Submit your work in ONE of the following forms:
1) a set of HTML files organized in a single directory OR
2) as a URL (you must have the rights to all the material there, and guarantee stability of the files until the conference).
to: pv99-submissions@research.att.com
Detailed instructions for authors and help with manuscript preparation with HTML can be found on the conference web page: http://www.research.att.com/~mrc/PacketVideo99.html
ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED no later than: December 15th, 1998,
FINAL PAPERS DUE: March 15, 1999
M. Reha Civanlar Andrea Basso
AT&T Labs - Research AT&T Labs - Research
100 Schultz Drive, 3-213 100 Schultz Drive, 3-219
Red Bank, NJ 07701 Red Bank, NJ 07701
civanlar@research.att.com basso@research.att.com
John Arnold, University of New South Wales, Australia
Andrea Basso, AT&T Labs - Research, USA
Stephen Casner, Precept Software, USA
Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia University, USA
Leonardo Chiariglione, CSELT, Italy
M. Reha Civanlar, AT&T Labs - Research, USA
Jon Crowcroft, University College of London, UK
Mohammed Ghanbari, University of Essex UK
Barry G. Haskell AT&T Labs - Research, USA
Steven McCanne, U. C. Berkeley, USA
Geoff Morrison, BT Labs, UK
Joerg Ott, University of Bremen, Germany
Sakae Okubo, Graphics Communication Labs, Japan
D. Raychaudhuri, NEC Research, USA
Amy Reibman, AT&T Labs - Research, USA
Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University, USA
Gary Sullivan, PictureTel, USA
Toshitaka Tsuda, Fujitsu, Japan
Thierry Turletti, INRIA, France
Stephan Wenger, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Hiroshi Yasuda, NTT, Japan