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udlr status

Dear udlrers

as agreed upon in the last IETF meeting in LA, we did not ask
for a slot to be scheduled this time for udlr.
The work within the group currently concerns the preparation
of the informational rfc describing the solution for the multiple
feed case. this document was sent on the mailing list, and is
being discussed currently. As soon as this document will be finalized, 
it will be presented to AD for IESG review.

After this will be done, we will have a meeting to discuss the
comments and the following items in the group, review the charter
and decide what to do with the group. This is most liekly
to be in Orlando next December.


Walid Dabbous
INRIA U.R. de Sophia Antipolis      | Email : dabbous@sophia.inria.fr  
2004, Route des Lucioles BP 93      | Phone : +33 4 92 38 77 18
06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX France | Fax   : +33 4 92 38 79 78