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First CFP for WOSBIS'98 (Mobicom'98 workshop)

Enclosed please find the first CFP for the Third Workshop on
Satellite-Based Information Society (WOSBIS'98). Please accept my
appology if you receive duplicates.



Bo Ryu                          E-mail:ryu@hrl.com
HRL, LLC. (formerly Hughes Research Labs)
3011 Malibu Can. Rd.            Tel: +1 (310) 317-5487, Fax: +1 (310) 317-5695
Malibu, CA 90265                URL: http://www.wins.hrl.com/people/ryu

        3rd Int'l Workshop on Satellite-based Information Services (WOSBIS'98)

			      October 30, 1998 
                               Dallas , Texas
                      In conjunction with ACM MobiCom'98 

           Sponsored by ACM Sigmobile and technical co-sponsored by IEEE 


We are witnessing that satellites are becoming an integral part of our daily
lives in this information-rich and global society.  This is evidenced by the
systems  currently in operation (e.g., DirecTV(TM), DirecPC, GPS, and Iridium)
as well as those to offer broadband, interactive, and multimedia Internet
services around the next millennium (SpaceWay, Teledesic, Astrolink, Celestri,

In conjunction with MOBICOM'98, this workshop provides a forum for exploratory
research contributions on lifting the technological barriers to achieve 
innovative satellite applications and services, and seamless integration with
terrestrial networks. The services are characterized by direct or global
broadcast capabilities of LEO/MEO/GEO satellites, high and possibly asymmetric
bandwidth, and unconventional network routing/switching. Applications of such
services include Internet access, telemedicine, public information services,
distance learning, entertainment, digital battlefield, emergency and disaster
response, and many more.    


Papers are solicited in all research and applied areas related to
satellite-based information services (including, but not limited to):  

   * Innovative applications using satellite services
   * System architectures for hybrid satellite systems (LEO and GEO or MEO and
   * Distributed computing using satellite communications
   * Protocol and service interoperability with terrestrial networks 
   * Software techniques for reducing latency in satellite applications
   * ATM over satellites 
   * Quality of Service interoperability with terrestrial networks
   * Medium Access Control protocols for LEO/MEO/GEO or hybrid networks.
   * Routing protocols in satellite networks
   * TCP/IP for satellite communications
   * Internet applications, WWW access and cache through satellites
   * Direct broadcast and multicast applications
   * Reliability and scalability in satellite applications
   * Software for satellite switch control
   * Mobile computing and location tracking in satellite applications
   * Inter-satellite communication and network management
   * Middleware for satellite-based information services development

The setting of the workshop will be informal, and will encourage discussion
and interaction.  We solicit the submission of research papers, position
papers, experience papers, and panel proposals.


We invite papers for presentation and discussion at the workshop.  Send a
postscript copy of the paper by email to: ryu@hrl.com.  The page
limit on all submissions is 5-10 pages, double spaced, 10 pt minimum
(approximately 1500-2500 words). If electronic submission is not possible,
send three (3) hard copies to:

        Bo Ryu
	HRL Laboratories,
	3011 Malibu Canyon Road 
        Malibu, CA 90265


An informal proceedings will be published and distributed at the workshop.
The format will be similar to standard ACM proceedings: double column,
single spaced and the page limit on each paper is 12.

Papers with outstanding merit will be considered for publication in a special
issue of ACM MONET.


   * Papers Due: July 1st, 1998
   * Acceptance Notification: Sep. 1st, 1998
   * Camera ready: Sep. 30, 1998
   * Workshop: Oct. 30, 1998



Son K. Dao, HRL Labs., USA
Randy Katz, UC Berkeley, USA


Horst Clausen, U. of Salzburg, Austria
Bo Ryu, HRL Labs., USA


Yongguang Zhang, HRL Labs.


Mark Allman, NASA LeRC, USA
Rafael Alonso, David Sarnoff Research Center, USA 
Imrich Chlamtac, U. Texas at Dallas, USA 
Walid Dabbous, INRIA, France 
Anthony Ephremides, U. of Maryland, USA 
Barry G. Evans, U. of Surrey, UK 
Mike Fitch, British Telecom, UK 
Raj Jain, Ohio State U., USA 
Hans Kruse, Ohis U., USA 
David Lee, Bell Labs, USA
Mischa Schwartz, Columbia U., USA
Csaba Szabo, Technical U. of Budapest, Hungary 
Bharghavan Vaduvur, UIUC, USA.
Nitin Vaidya, Texas A&M U., USA
Thomas VonDeak, NASA LeRC, USA 
Ouri Wolfson, U. of Illinois at Chicago, USA