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Re: Difference between INRIA and WIDE idea

From: Yongguang Zhang <ygz@isl.hrl.hac.com>
>1.The tunnel among the feeds
> I agree that we should provide a mechanism for feeds to communicate with
> each other.  Instead of a mesh of tunnels, I suggest an "all-feeds" 
> multicast (AFM) group.  Since we assume that UDL feeds cannot receive
> (see I-D), the feeds must depend on AFM to send/receive multicast/broadcast
> on the UDL subnet.  Each feed should join an Internet multicast group
> pre-assigned for AFM.  (If UDL feeds can indeed receive, AFM will be
> a local multicast in the UDL.)

UDL feeds cannot receive on the UDL subnet.
How do feeds receive the AMF group packet from UDL subnet ?

To do this, I propose to set up the tunnels among the feeds.

Izu @ WIDE project