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ACM Sigcomm 97 in Cannes

(Apologies for possible duplicate copies)

			   ACM SIGCOMM '97

The deadline for early registration is coming up soon ( August 14!!) for both, the
conference AND for the hotels (the deadline for the hotels has been extended from
August 1st to Aug 14).
So its time to hurry up!!

The annual ACM SIGCOMM 97 Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures 
and Protocols for Computer Communication will take place from September 14 to 18
in Cannes, France.

There are many good reasons why you should attend:

An outstanding technical program comprising
	- Tutorials: Sunday September 14 and Monday September 15 
	- Conference: Tuesday September 16 to Thursday (morning) September 18

A superb social program with:
	- Wine and cheese tasting: Monday September 15, 18:00 to 21:00
	- Pool session: Tuesday September 16, 19:00 to 22:00 around the Hotel 
		Majestic  pool

Workshops right after the conference:
	- Internet Simulations with the NS simulator: Thursday (afternoon) September 18
	- Reliable Multicast Meeting: Friday and Saturday September 19-20

Register now!! 
For more information and the registrations forms see:


Ernst Biersack
(SIGCOMM 97 publicity chair)